CME554 S2018 Homework01

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CME 554   Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis  Spring 2018 

Homework 1 
Due 5:00PM Wednesday, January 31, 2018  

1. Consider a smooth invertible 2nd order tensor A with property AT  A

 A 1  1 1 1
    Aik Alj  Ail Akj 
1 1
(a) show 
 A ijkl 2
tr  A 3 
 3  AT 
(b) show

2. Consider the following differential equation

d 2u  2 x  du
ln  x 2  1 2   2   u  0 for a xb (1)
dx  x  1  dx
with boundary condition
dx x  a (2)
u b  p
Give the corresponding weak form of this problem.

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