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Causes and Effects of Smoking

Smoking is considered as one of the most dangerous habits of an individual, especially

for women and children eventually leading to several complications and causing grave health
problems. There are numerous harmful as well as dangerous effects related with smoking.
Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarette smoking has been related with several adverse
impacts on lungs and heart. For example, in pregnant women it can eventually result in grave
outcomes including; low birth weight babies, preterm delivery; premature rupture of membranes,
placental abnormalities, and increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It is pertinent to
mention that smoking causes vascular diseases that in turns affect flow of blood through the
placenta. Smokers, in fact, look older than they actually are because the blood vessels are
partially obstructed and calcified. The complications resulting from placental abruption are more
common in smokers.

As mentioned above, smoking cigarette includes carbon monoxide. Since carbon

monoxide is the replacement for oxygen in the blood during smoking, there are some fetuses that
could attempt to compensate for this particular deprivation by creating extra red blood cells for
the purpose of carrying extra oxygen. In some extraordinary cases, the blood gets thicker from
the proliferation of such cells and ultimately cuts off the supply of blood to critical organs with
fatal results.

Smoking causes a person's heart to run in overdrive and ultimately there is a shortage of
oxygen in heart. Heart then has to work more for maintaining supply to the entire human body.
The blood vessels are narrowed causing high blood pressure. Moreover, smoking impacts the
cardiovascular system of human beings which also becomes a cause of high blood pressure or
hypertension. The effect of high blood pressure is heart related diseases.

Cigarettes contain tobacco which, in turn, possesses nicotine and different other toxic
chemicals. These chemicals cause blood vessel to be narrower than normal. When blood passes
through these narrow vessels it creates extra pressure and results in hypertension having some
serious effects on human body including heart strokes and paralysis. Cigarettes causes
deterioration in quality of blood and increases cholesterol level, at times, also creates clots in the
heart. The effect of increased level of cholesterol and creation of clots in blood is also heart
attack as well as impacting other parts of body.

The combination of carbon monoxide and nicotine especially in cigarettes causes

increase heart rate and strained heart blood vessels. It cuts off supply of oxygen to other parts of
human body including hands and feet, and limbs. These causes have grave effects on entire
human body and increase chances of death. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people die every
year, around the world, due to smoking. Smoking is considered as a slow way of death. For
example, it causes emphysema that slowly but continuously effects lungs. The effect of
emphysema is repeated attacks of bronchitis, lung-diseases and heart failure.

Nicotine in blood causes shortage of oxygen in the human body which, in turn, exerts
pressure on heart. Moreover, it blocks the arteries and causes damage to the blood vessels. The
damage effects flow of blood and increase blood pressure. Chemicals present in tobacco causes
damage to the lining of blood vessels that effects fats level and increase the risk of atheroma
being a major cause of heart diseases.
Compare and Contrast essay High School vs. College

The transition from high school to college, while pleasurable and exciting, can also be
very challenging. It is a great milestone in ones life. A step that a student will either adjust to or
struggle with. With many differences there are certain similarities as well, by which, one wont
feel as if college is a whole new world. The more prepared a person is to face the similarities and
differences, the more successful they might be in the long run, because College and high school
are different.

High School and College are both educational grounds for a student to grow and enrich
their lives with knowledge. People who inculcate knowledge in students are none other than ones
instructors. Both places are full of experiences and filled with numerous memories. An
individual graduates from High School and again in College with a degree. The government runs
them. Both play an important role in making a person into a collected individual and a member
of a society.

High school students know that there are differences between high school and college,
but sometimes what they think is not how it is. High School can be considered as a continuation
of elementary and middle school where one learns trigonometry, physics, American history, etc.
By law, it is necessary and to a certain extent, one is forced to attend High School. There are
rules and regulations which one cannot break, because there will be punishments for ones
actions. There is a time schedule which one has to go by. Within the framework of system and
order, there is also a social structure, which one must maintain and live up to. This is beneficial
because a student at a young age learns the basic rules of work, and life, such as not to come to
school late, and not to procrastinate. However the main focus for most high school students is the
acceptance of peers and not their scholarly duties. This is the stage of life when a student must
come to terms with what they are and what they will become, and there is always someone who
wants to be better than the other students. As a result of these concerns, students go through an
assortment of drama, which sometimes swallows a student like a Black Hole from which they
cannot get out of. Throughout the year the majority of students wait for the school dances such as
Winter Formal Dance, Senior Dinner Dance and the most important of the year, Prom. A good
number of students endure High School just because of these dances, and most importantly
graduation where they leave everything behind and don't have to be troubled about High School

College on the other hand, is a choice if one wants to attend or not. A person has to pay
for the education in college. So, if a student doesn't live up the expectations of college they know
they wasted their hard earned money, or their parents'. Since students pay to get into college they
work and study harder than they did in high school. One comes on their own time schedule. The
many different choices one makes and the repercussions of those decisions will be theirs and
theirs alone, because now a student is an adult in college. Personal freedom is an incredibly
important thing people like to have. Everyone likes to be able to do what he or she desires,
whenever they want. It prepares a person to develop an understanding to get a job in a certain
career. Therefore they study those required courses and finish their education with a degree and
starts a career. As soon as a person graduates from High School, a sense of maturity comes in
them. They start realizing that everything in high school was materialistic, and college is
practical. College is exceptionally different than high school just by the personal freedoms, the
classroom and the social life. In college, no one would be concerned about the basic everyday
dilemmas that would surround him or her in High School. In college, one continues on their way
of discovering who they are, and by the time they graduate, they have discovered themselves and
are comfortable in their own skin. College prepares students to face real world, and how to
handle it. College separates the mature people from the immature ones.

Truly, I would never want to go back to high school. The cheap melodrama and pathetic
mandatory attendance truly does not suit me. I love college and all the freedom that it offers.
Now I am learning to be a better person and to think more critically. Whereas, in high school and
college are mostly diverse, in the end the major difference is that the students level of maturity.
In high school the student is obligated to attend. In college, the student must attend through
ambition and hard work. In college there are no dances to motivate one to come. There are no
troublesome dealings with foolhardy people. All there is in college is education. There are no
teachers here to pamper to your needs. We don’t even have teachers here, we have professors.
High school is only the first step, you need high school that’s a given.









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