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Basic Profile of

Special Program in Journalism


Lucsuhin National High School


Lucsuhin National High School is a firm believer in the holistic development of a learner.
Well-rounded students who excel not only in academics, but in other aspects of learning as well,
are likely to achieve success in the future. This belief on the over-all learning development of the
modern learners of today is exhibited in the school’s offering of the Special Program in Sports
(SPS), Science, Technology and Engineering Program (STEP) and Special Program in Journalism
(SPJ.) These three programs has their own areas of specialization that aims to provide its learners
with advanced learning experiences in science and technology, sports and campus journalism.

LNHS is one the select schools in the entire Batangas province that practices the Campus
Journalism program. The program is in support of the R.A 7079, or the Campus Journalism Act
of 1991, which mandates DepEd to conduct and implement programs in various aspects of


Experience has always been the best teacher. The actual hands-on application of a theory
is a more effective method of instilling learning on learners. Banking on this concept, the Special
Program for Journalism of Lucsuhin National High School aims to provide its students with the
golden opportunity to experience what it is like to be a Radio broadcaster, or what it is like to
work in a television network, or the feel of being inside the bustling industry of newspaper
publication, if only for a day. This would be made possible through an educational tour that would
serve as the actual internship practice for the Grade 10 students of the program.

The Special Program in Journalism curriculum targets to have SPJ students engage in an
actual On the Job training on the last year of their Junior High School. Unfortunately, since this
year’s Grade 10 students are the pioneer batch of the program, the school do not have the
facilities and resources yet that would allow the students to practice their internship program
within the vicinity of the school. An option to the problem would have been to allow the students
to practice their Internship on the nearest radio station and printing press from Calatagan.
However, the closest facilities from the municipality which would really allow the students to get
a hands-on experience on the field is situated in Batangas city, which would mean that the
students must travel 92 kilometers on a given day to conduct their OJT. Another glaring issue
would be the conflict between the schedule of the actual OJT period and the other academic
subjects of the students. The Internship subject of students is 12:00 pm-1:00 pm daily, giving
the students only an hour to have their OJT without compromising instruction in other learning
areas. This would mean that the students would need to conduct their internship on weekends,
a time where they are supposed to rest and catch up with other activities outside the school.
Given that the students are all underage, this would seem unreasonable.

The proposed tour aims to include in its itinerary ABS-CBN, Manila Bulletin and a radio
station, all of which would enable SPJ students to see the broadcast and journalism industry at
work. The experience which would be attained by the students should the tour be approved may
be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for some of them, a learning experience which they may not
have again. The tour would serve as the next best alternative to conducting the OJT, because
the students can see first-hand how the industry works. The trip could also be an impactful
activity for the Grade 10 students, as they are at an age where they are coming into their own
and making decisions for themselves. The experience which could be gained by the conduct of
the tour can help the students decide for themselves whether or not they should pursue a track
or course related to Journalism.

The Program would seek to help its students with the financial side of the trip by securing
sponsorships from the both public and private institutions in Calatagan. This is to make sure that
the students would not be too burdened with the cost of the trip. The local government as well
as private corporations in the municipality has always been very supportive of endeavors in
education, and this trip would be very beneficial in terms of the learning and experience that the
young learners of Calatagan may get.


Students of special program of journalism are trained from their grade 7 on the basics of
journalism. Among the skills and practices that they are exposed to at the beginning of their
studies as journalism students are broadcasting, and different journalistic writings such as news
writing and the likes. During their later years, they are also tasked with video documentations on
their investigative Journalism and Advanced English (internship) subjects. A tour at ABS-CBN, one
of the premiere broadcasting companies in the country is a great way to motivate the students
to pursue this track. The participating students would get a “feel” on how it is like to be in a
broadcasting studio, providing them a learning experience that they would not otherwise acquire
inside the classroom. It would enable them to see firsthand the facilities used in broadcasting,
news casting and others which would help concretize the theories they have learned in school.
They would also be able to see the possible careers waiting for them in the field.


One of the common skills trained in students of the special program for journalism is the

art of broadcasting. Lucsuhin National High School has competed in both radio and TV

broadcasting tilts, and usually draw contestants from its SPJ student pool. A chance to see an

actual radio broadcast would be a very educational experience for the students who usually just

rely on books and teacher’s feedback regarding what they do during their broadcasting activities.

Witnessing first-hand how the practitioners do an actual radio broadcast would be an experience

like no other for students and teachers of the program.

Manila Bulletin/Philippine Daily Inquirer

Being one of the premiere and most-respected newspapers in the Philippines, a tour of
Manila Bulletin/Philippine Daily Inquirer would serve as another great motivation/learning
experience for the students undertaking the Special Program in Journalism. The students would
be exposed to the actual print media industry, solidifying their understanding of what the rigorous
process of producing a newspaper on the daily is really like.

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