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Describe about the various Operating Systems available for Pervasive Devices?

Stick to the following guidelines.

a) Mention seven different Operating Systems (Note: Different versions of same

OS does not mean different Operating Systems)
b) At-least 150 words for each OS.
c) Do add diagrams (Optional)
d) You are required to mention about OS features and OS architecture.
e) Any other OS information can also be added.

You are free to access any materials (research papers, textbooks, reference books,
internet, etc.)

Due Date: 10th February, 2018

Mode of Submission:
a) Use a word document (Handwritten will not be evaluated).
b) Convert the word file to a pdf file.
c) Limit the file size to 5 MB
d) Upload only the pdf file in WILP website.
e) Please do not email me the assignment (at the last minute), because marks are
given in the WILP website only when the assignment is uploaded. If the
assignment is not uploaded, I do not have a box to enter the marks.

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