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The First view of google scholar

Step 1
Enter what you want to Search on google search engine e.g. Human Resource
Step 2
Customize you search; for your case since 2005

1. There are 65,300 results how do I choose 5?

You choose what is relevant to your topic for example google by default sort by
relevance, relevance can be demonstrated by the amount/frequency of your words in
the search results.
In research it is best to use the most recent material not more than ten years to avoid
doing something that has already been done.

2. How much of an article should one read

The abstract, the results and mostly the conclusion as it can help you make a decision
on which literature to continue reading and which ones to cite.
Note that you cite literature that is talking to you topic. Under every paper in google
scholar there is the number of time the paper has been cited and some related articles.

3. Some articles is just Abstract I cant access the full document

You have to either be affiliated to some publishers to get the whole paper, for example
IEEE, research gate and others or you have to buy/pay for the membership. Or you have
to be enrolled to the University so that you have access to some of the publishers. For
example at UB as long as you can access their network you can get full papers, I use to
get them when we went for CISCO. NWU also you have to be a student to access the

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