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Unit 1 Introduction to Cooperative

Communications Systems

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 1

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 What are cooperative communications?

Adopted from, “ Cooperative Communication in Wireless Networks,’

by Nostratinia et al, IEEE Comm. Magazine, 2004

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 2

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Why cooperation communications in the first place?

 Make use of a wireless or mobile broadband air interface to
link low-power pico BSs, APs, and relays

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 3

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 How do people expect from cooperation?

 Recent developments on MIMO systems show that the
channel capacity can increase dramatically by using
multiple transmit and receive antenna pairs
 Y = HX + N, Y: r 1, X : t 1 and H : r t
 Mt2) HHH)}
I(X : Y) = E{log det ( Ir + (P /

where m = min {Mr, Mt} and

C ( SNR )
 Given perfect CSI: lim  min( r, t )
SNR  log( SNR )

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 4

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Adopted from I. Emre Telatar, “

Capacity of multiple antenna Gaussian
channels.”- Eur. Trans. Commun., vol. 44, pp. 2619–2692, Oct. 1999.

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 5

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 The capacity advantage of MIMO is an appealing solution

to further increase the available throughput (more
precisely, degrees of transmission freedom) in limited
wireless resources
 However, deployment of multiple transmit and receive
antennas in a limited space is difficult and costly
 This makes people to reconsider using relays to create a
virtual MIMO channels for wireless communications

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 6

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Capacity is a consideration. Then what are other

advantages of cooperation?
 Despite the achievable capacity of MIMO systems, a more
practical performance criterion is the probability of error
 This is particularly important when coding over a small
number of blocks where the Shannon capacity is zero
 Consider communications over Rayleigh fading channels
 For BPSK over a Rayleigh channel with variance E{2}=1
 Pe 1/ (4Eb/N0)
 For DPSK  Pe 1/ (2Eb/N0)
 For coherent FSK  Pe 1/ (2Eb/N0)
 For non-coherent FSK  Pe  1/ (Eb/N0)

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 7

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 8

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 How do people usually do to combat fading?

 Diversity techniques
 Frequency diversity  maximal ratio combining (MRC)

For BPSK with MRC

 Temporal diversity  interleaving

 Spatial diversity using multiple TX and/or RX antennas
 beamforming
 antenna selection
 Spatial plus temporal diversities using multiple TX and/or RX
antennas and multiple time slots
 space-time codes

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 9

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 10

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 How to use multiple antennas to increase diversity?

 Alamouti’
s scheme - IEEE JSAC, 1998
x1 x2* 
y1 y2 
h1 h2 
 * 
n1 n2 
x2 x1 
 A simple codeword over two consecutive channels
 Rearrange the received signals into
y1  h1 h2 
x1  
n1 
y *  * *

h1  * 
2  2h x2  
n2 

h1* h2 y1  x  h *
h2 
n1 
* *  (| h |2
| h |2
) 
* 
h1 y2  h1 
1 1

h2 
x2   h2 n2 

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 11

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

Adopted from, “
A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless
communications,’by S. M. Alamouti, JSAC, 1998

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 12

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Is there a formal definition for diversity?

 We look at this from the perspective of outage probability
 To achieve capacity, a coding is assumed to take place
across fading blocks, which entails large delays
 We consider a coding scheme which is done just across one
fading block
 Def 1: The outage probability for a transmission rate of R
and a given transmission strategy p(X)
Poutage(R, p(X)) = P{H: I(X,Y|H(k)=H) < R }
 When one uses a white Gaussian codebook

t2) HHH
Poutage(R) =P{log det ( Ir + (P/ ) < R}

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 13

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 At high SNR, the outage probability is the same as the

frame error probability (FER) in terms of the SNR
- L. Zheng and D. N. C. Tse, IEEE-IT, 2003

 Def 2: A coding scheme which has an average error

probability Pe (or an outage probability Pout) as a function
of SNR that behaves as
log( Pe )
lim d
SNR  log( SNR )

is said to have a diversity of order d

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 14

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 A systematic way to exploit space-time diversity

- Tarokh et al. IEEE-IT 1999
 Consider a codeword sequence x = [xT(0),…,xT(N)],
where x (k)=[x1(k),… xMt(k)]T.
Given the perfect CSI, the pair-wise error probability (PEP)
between x and e can be bounded from above by

where Km,n is the Ricean coefficient, Es=P/Mt, i are the

eigenvalues of A(x,e)=B(x,e)HB(x,e), and

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 15

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 For Rayleigh fading channels (Km,n =0), we have

 Let q denote the rank of A(x,e), then we have

 According to Def 2 for the diversity order, the diversity

order using space-time coding is qMr
 B(x,e) has to be full row rank for any codewords x and
e to achieve the maximum diversity Mt Mr

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 16

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Examples of space-time trellis codes

 4-PSK, Mt =2 at 2 b/s/Hz


Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 17

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 FER for two transmit antennas and one receive antenna

Diversity order = 2

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 18

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 FER for two transmit antennas and two receive antennas

Diversity order = 4

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 19

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Example of space-time trellis code 32-state

 8-PSK, Mt =2 at 3 b/s/Hz

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 20

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 FER for two transmit antennas and one receive antenna

Diversity order = 2

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 21

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 FER for two transmit antennas and two receive antennas

Diversity order = 4

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 22

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 A natural question that arises is, how many codewords

can we have that allows us to attain a certain diversity
 Def 3: A coding scheme which has a transmission rate of
R(SNR) as a function of SNR is said to have a
multiplexing gain r if
R ( SNR )
lim r
SNR  log( SNR )

 The constellation size is also allowed to become larger with


Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 23

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Theorem 1: For N > Mt + Mr -1, and K = min(Mt, Mr),

the optimal tradeoff curve d*(r) is given by the piecewise
linear function connecting points in (k, d*(k)), k = 0,…,K,
where d*(k) = (Mr –k) (Mt –k)

 If r = k is an integer,
this can be interpreted as
using (Mr –k) receive and
(Mt –k) transmit antennas
to provide diversity, while
using k antennas to provide
multiplexing gain

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 24

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 The development of cooperative communications

 Cover and El Gamal analyzed the capacity of the three-node
relay network in AWGN channels
 Did not consider the fading
 The relay node only helps
the main channel

 Laneman et al extend the above ideas to more general

cooperative communication scenarios
 Decode-and-Forward
 Amplify-and-Forward
 Selection relaying

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 25

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Sendonaris et al explore the

idea from a different
 Users can act both as
information sources and
 Devroye et al further extend the cooperative idea to a more
generic sense of cognitive radio consisting behaviors of
 Competition

 Cognition

 Cooperation

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 26

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 How do we do a simple two-user cooperation?

 By Sendonaris, Stefanov, Erkip, and Ashang
 Y0 = K10X1 + K20X2 + Z0
 Y1 = K21X2 + Z1
 Y2 = K12X1 + Z2

 Assume perfect
echo cancellation
 Channel phases of
K10 and K20
are given

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 27

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Consider transmission of B blocks, each of length n.

 Both B and n are assumed to be large to make
observations over different fading levels
 X1(j) = X10(j) + X12(j) + U1(j)

 X10(j) = P101/2 X10 [W10(j) + W12(j-1) + W21(j-1)]

 X12(j) = P121/2 X12 [W12(j) + W12(j-1) + W21(j-1)]
 U1(j) = PU11/2 exp(-j10)U [W12(j-1) + W21(j-1)]

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 28

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Theorem 2 : An achievable region for the cooperative

system is the closure of the convex hull of all rate pairs
(R1, R2) such that R1 = R10+ R12 and R2 = R20+ R21

 P1= P10+P12+PU1 , P2= P20+P21+PU2 and C (x) = log(1+x)

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 29

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Assume perfect recovery of W12 at (Terminal 2, T2)

 X1(j) = X10(j) + X12(j) + U1(j)
 X12(j) = P121/2 X12 [W12(j) + W12(j-1) + W21(j-1)]
 Starting from j=1, assume W12(0) and W21(0) are given
 X10(1) is treated as noise to X12(1)
 For perfect recovery of W12 at T2

 For multiple access channel, we have

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 30

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Perform backward decoding and assume

[W10(B), W12(B), W20(B), W21(B)] = [0,0,0,0]
 Assume prior knowledge for the channel phase 10 and
20 at the transmitter T1 and T2 , respectively
 The aiding signal is sent from T1 with |K10|U(B) and sent
from T2 with |K20|U(B)
 Since W10(B), W12(B), W20(B), W21(B) and U(B-1) given,
X= P121/2K10W12(B-1)+P211/2 K20W21(B-1)
+ (|K10|PU11/2 +|K20|PU21/2) U(B)
  For perfect recovery of W12(B-1) and W21(B-1)

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 31

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Moving into block B-1,

 X1 (B-1) = K10 [P101/2X10(B-1)+P121/2X12(B-1)]
+ |K10|PU11/2 U(B-1)
 X2 (B-1) = K20 [P201/2X10(B-1)+P211/2X21(B-1)]
+ |K20|PU21/2 U(B-1)
 X10(B-1) = P101/2 X10 [W10(B-1) + W12(B-2) + W21(B-2)]
 X12(B-1) = P121/2 X12 [W12(B-1) + W12(B-2) + W21(B-2)]
 U1(B-1) = PU11/2 exp(-j10)U [W12(B-2) + W21(B-2)]
 Since W12(B-1) and W21(B-1) are given
 To recover W10(B-1),W12(B-2), W20(B-1) and W21(B-2)

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 32

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Symmetric
 P1= 2.0
 P2= 2.0
 E{K1}= .63
 E{K2}= .63

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 33

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Asymmetric
 P1= 2.0
 P2= 2.0
 E{K1}= .95
 E{K2}= .30

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 34

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Outage probability Pout=P(Rmax< r )

 R1= R2= Rmax
 P1= 2.0
 P2= 2.0
 E{K1}= .63
 E{K2}= .63

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 35

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Outage probability Pout=P(Rmax< r )

 R1= R2= 0.18
 P1= 2.0
 P2= 2.0
 E{K1}= .63
 E{K2}= .63

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 36

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 A coding scheme for a cooperative system

 A node is not allowed to transmit and listen at the same time
 Time division multiple access between T1 and T2
 Each link has a constant fading level for N symbols
 Each terminal has a separate time slot consisting N uses of
the channel
T1 T2
No cooperation
N channel uses N channel uses

T2 : if success T1 : if success
T1 T1 : otherwise T2 T2 : otherwise
N /2 N /2 N /2 N /2

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 37

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Cooperative scheme If T2 successively decode the

message at phase I

Phase I Phase II T1

If T2 fails decoding the
D message at phase I



Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 38

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Coding scheme

Convolutional C1 C2 CN/2
code, rate 1/4 C1 C2 CN/2

Phase I Phase II
T2 D

D or

T1 D

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 39

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Simulation results for the symmetric scenario

 Rate ¼, (13,15,15,17) convolutional code
 FER(T1 T2)=0.01,
Diversity order = 2
 FER(T1 T2)=0. 5,
Diversity order = 1,
but 3dB coding gain

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 40

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Simulation results for the asymmetric scenario

 Rate ¼, (13,15,15,17) convolutional code
 SNR1=15dB
FER1 0.01
 FER(T1 T2)=0.5
 FER2 has a 3dB
coding gain in
comparison with the
non-cooperative case

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 41

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Deployment Concepts for the Relay Network

 Transmission rates for 4G system are two orders of 3G
 1 GHz for fixed stations
 100Mhz for mobile stations
 Spectrum for 4G system will be allocated above the 2GHz
 More vulnerable to non-line-of-sight transmission
 A brutal force solution to these two problems
 To increase the density of base stations unlikely
 Alternative solution  Relays
 Lower cost
 Relays do not have a wired connection to the backhaul
 The relay-to-user link could use a different spectrum than the
BS-to-user link
 Diver traffic from congested areas to cells with a lower load

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 42

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Multihop Relaying
 Simple decode-and-forward operation
 Use relays at street corners to combat shadowing
 To extend coverage range
 To use a higher link capacity

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 43

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Examples of fixed relaying

 APs and Relays operate at the same carrier frequency
 APs and Relays operate at different carrier frequencies

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 44

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Throughput vs.. the radio range improvement using relays

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 45

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Two-Stage Relaying
 A fixed mounted relay in between the AP and the second
relay connects the AP and the relay by store-and-forward
 The first relay only serves as a bridge

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 46

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Left: use a relay to combat shadowing

 Right: use a relay to extend the range of an AP

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 47

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 A cellular relay network (Wireless Media System, WMS)

 Make use of a wireless or mobile broadband air interface to
link low-power pico BSs, APs, and relays

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 48

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 Issues of cooperation?
 How to cooperate with people in different systems?
 Policy
 Security
 Pricing
 Battery power
 Kill application?

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 49

Unit 1: Introduction to Cooperative Communications Sau-Hsuan Wu

 References
 Diggavi et al, “Great expectations-The value of spatial
diversity in wireless networks,”Proceeding of IEEE 2004
 I. E. Teltar, “
Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels,”
Bell Lab report
 Erkip et al, “Cooperative Communication in Wireless
Systems”Advances in Network Information Theory 2004
 Laneman et al, “ Cooperative diversity in wireless networks:
Efficient protocols and outage behavior
 Pabst et al, “Relay-Based development concepts for
wireless and mobile broadband radio,”IEEE
Communication Magazine, 2004

Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU 50

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