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CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide

CHDK is an alternative firmware for some Canon cameras. It provides access to lots of cool features
that are found only on high end SLR cameras, plus some features that are not found anywhere.

Why the Canon A480? Because refurbished cameras are available for $75 from Adorama with a one
year warranty and only one version of firmware has been seen on them to date. This means that there
is a very good chance the firmware in the A480 you receive will be compatible with CHDK.

This short guide shows how to quickly access some useful features. It is not intended to be exhaustive
or replace the CHDK wiki or forums.

CHDK can be set to automatically load when the camera is turned on, however I don’t use that feature
because I want to use an 8Gb SD memory card. Cards of 8Gb create complications when autoloading
CHDK, but I want the extra space for long time lapse photography.

Download and extract the A480 “full” CHDK zip file from the CHDK website. Extract the files to the top
level of your SD card and put the card into your camera.

Loading CHDK

1. Turn the camera on by pressing the Play button

2. Press the Menu button
3. Scroll down to “Firm Update” and select it, then select “OK” to confirm. After a delay the CHDK
logo and version number will appear.
4. Half press the shutter button to switch to record mode

The rest of this guide assumes your camera is in record mode, unless stated otherwise.

Turn on Histogram

1. Press Mode and “<Alt>” appears at the bottom of the screen. This allows access to the CHDK
2. Press Menu. Note that the menu may occasionally disappear while you are using it. It’s still there,
just press the navigation buttons and it will reappear.
3. Choose Histogram Parameters 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 2 de 17

4. Press the right button to change Show Live Histogram from “Don’t” to “Always”
5. Press Menu to exit the menu
6. Press Mode and “<Alt>” disappears from the bottom of the screen.

A live histogram will now be displayed on the screen.

To turn off the histogram:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then Menu

2. Choose Histogram Parameters then change Show Live Histogram from “Always” to “Don’t”
3. Press Menu to exit the menu and Mode to exit the Alt mode

Display Depth of Field

CHDK can display depth of field information. To turn it on:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then Menu

2. Choose OSD Parameters then DOF Calculator
3. Change Show DOF Calculator from “Don’t” to “Separat”
4. Press Menu to exit the menu then Mode to exit Alt mode

Choose a subject and half press the shutter button. On the screen you will see a set of values in

• S = distance to subject
• R1 = distance towards camera before subject is out of focus
• R2 = distance away from camera before subject is out of focus
• DOF = depth of field (R2 – R1)
• HYP = hyperfocal distance 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 3 de 17

To turn off:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then Menu

2. Choose OSD Parameters then DOF Calculator
3. Change Show DOF Calculator from “Separat” to “Don’t”
4. Press Menu to exit the menu then Mode to exit Alt mode

Manual Focus

The Canon A480 doesn’t have manual focus, but CHDK does. To enable:

1. In record mode press Mode to get into Alt mode

2. Press ISO (i.e. up). The at the top left in red something like “SD: 2369 FACTOR: 1″ will appear.
2369 is the subject distance in millimeters
3. Press the flash button (i.e. right) to change the factor to 10. Press it again to change it to 100
4. Press the zoom buttons to change the subject distance. It will change 100 mm at a time.
5. Press the Macro/Infinity button (i.e. left) to change the factor back to 10.
6. Press the zoom buttons to change the subject distance 10 mm at a time
7. Press Mode to exit Alt mode. At the top left in red the current SD value should be shown
8. Half press the shutter button and the auto focus mechanism will focus on the subject. CHDK will
then immediately change the focus to the previously set value.

To turn off:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode

2. Press ISO (i.e. up). The red text showing the SD and factor values will disappear.

Continuous Bracketing

CHDK can configure the camera to change one or more of the shutter speed, ISO and subject distance
every time a shot is taken in continuous mode. Here is an example using the subject distance:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then press Menu

2. Choose Extra Photo Operations followed by Bracketing in Continuous Mode
3. Set Subj. Dist. Bracket Valu to “20″
4. Set the Value Factor (mm) to “1″
5. Set the Bracketing type to +/-
6. Press Menu and then Mode to exit the Alt mode
7. Press Func/Set and enable continuous mode. At this point in red at the top left will be “BRACKET:
+/- SD:20″
8. Half press the shutter button to focus then hold down the shutter button to take a series of

Every time a picture is taken CHDK will “oscillate” the subject distance in front and behind the auto
focus point in steps of 20 mm. For example if the auto focus subject distance was 100 mm then the
sequence will be:

• 100 mm, 120 mm, 80 mm, 140 mm, 60mm, 160 mm, 40 mm, etc.

If the Bracketing type is changed to “+” then the camera will keep increasing the subject distance for
each shot and it will keep reducing the subject distance for “-”.

To turn off:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then Menu

2. Choose Extra Photo Operations followed by Bracketing in Continuous Mode
3. Set the Value Factor (mm) to “Off”
4. Press Menu and then Mode to exit the Alt mode 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 4 de 17

Extreme Shutter Speeds

It is possible to set the Canon A480 to a shutter speed of 1/100,000. Yes, you read that right. To

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then Menu

2. Choose Extra Photo Operations
3. Change Override Shutter Speed to “1/100k” and change the Value Factor to “1″
4. Press Menu and then Mode to exit Alt mode. At red in the top left it should display “TV: 1/100k”

Now take a picture of something bright, like a macro of a lightbulb.

It is also possible to take very long exposures. Setting the Override Shutter Speed to “2048″ will use
2048 seconds, which is 34 minutes!

To turn off:

1. Press Mode to get into Alt mode the Menu

2. Choose Extra Photo Operations
3. Change the Value Factor to “Off”
4. Press Menu then Mode to exit Alt mode

Changing Camera Modes

When not using CHDK pressing the Mode button switches between Auto, P, Scene and Movie modes.
However when using CHDK the Mode button switches between Canon menus and CHDK menus. How
can the original functionality be obtained?

When CHDK is loaded press and hold the Mode button down to switch between the camera modes.

Time Lapse Scripts

The CHDK forum has a lot of different scripts. I found the one which looked the best to me and
tweaked it for the Canon A480. Copy the script at the bottom of this post and save as “LAPSED3.LUA”
in the folder CHDK\SCRIPTS on the SD card.

For high definition movies it helps to switch the camera to widescreen pictures first, as the pictures will
have the correct aspect ratio. The widescreen images taken by the Canon A480 have better than 1080P

To run the script:

1. Put the camera into record mode

2. Press Menu and change Review to “Off”
3. Press Mode to get into Alt mode then Menu
4. Choose Scripting Parameters then Load Script From File…
5. Choose “LAPSED32.LUA”
6. Change Secs/frame to “2″
7. Change Sequence minutes to “10″
8. Change Focus to “1″
9. Make sure Display off frame is always “0″. Failure to do this will stop the time lapse script from
10. Press Menu. At the bottom of the screen it should show the name of the script “Time-lapse DIII
11. Fully press the shutter button to start the script. At this point the camera should start taking one
picture every two seconds, which is pretty much as fast as it will go when using scripts
12. Press the shutter button again to stop the script
13. Press Mode to exit the Alt mode 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 5 de 17

The following script was taken from the CHDK wiki and modified by me to work on the A480. I also
added notes to the CHDK wiki page describing the propcase change needed. This version differs from
the wiki version in that it uses the camera’s auto focus lock button combination, which I found works a
bit better than calling set_aflock. I didn’t modify the version in the wiki because I am not sure which
cameras have that feature.

001 ­­[[
002 Author: Fraser McCrossan
003 Tested on G9, should work on most cameras.
004 Modified by andy atat britishideas dotdot com for the A480 ­ uses camera's
autofocus lock and Digic III propcases
005 An accurate intervalometer script, with pre­focus and screen power off
007 Features:
008 ­ input is frame interval plus total desired run­time (or "endless")
009 ­ displays frame count, frame total and remaining time after each frame
010 (in endless mode, displays frame count and elapsed time)
011 ­ honours the "Display" button during frame delays (so you can
012 get it running then turn off the display to save power)
013 ­ can turn off the display a given number of frames after starting
014 (might take a couple of frames longer to cycle to correct mode)
015 ­ can pre­focus before starting then go to manual focus mode
016 ­ use SET button to exit
018 See bottom of script for main loop.
019 ]]
021 ­­[[
022 @title Time­lapse DIII V2
023 @param s Secs/frame
024 @default s 5
025 @param h Sequence hours
026 @default h 0
027 @param m Sequence minutes
028 @default m 5
029 @param e Endless? 0=No 1=Yes
030 @default e 0
031 @param f Focus: 0=Every 1=Start
032 @default f 0
033 @param d Display off frame 0=never
034 @default d 0
035 ­­]]
037 ­­ convert parameters into readable variable names
038 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 6 de 17
secs_frame, hours, minutes, endless, focus_at_start, display_off_frame =
s, h, m, (e > 0), (f > 0), d
040 props = require "propcase"
042 ­­ derive actual running parameters from the more human­friendly input
043 ­­ parameters
044 function calculate_parameters (seconds_per_frame, hours, minutes,
045 local ticks_per_frame = 1000 * secs_frame ­­ ticks per frame
046 local total_frames = (hours * 3600 + minutes * 60) / secs_frame ­­ total
047 local end_ticks = start_ticks + total_frames * ticks_per_frame ­­ ticks
at end of sequence
048 return ticks_per_frame, total_frames, end_ticks
049 end
051 function print_status (frame, total_frames, ticks_per_frame, end_ticks,
052 local free = get_jpg_count()
053 if endless then
054 local h, m, s = ticks_to_hms(frame * ticks_per_frame)
055 print("#" .. frame .. ", " .. h .. "h " .. m .. "m " .. s .. "s")
056 else
057 local h, m, s = ticks_to_hms(end_ticks ­ get_tick_count())
058 print(frame .. "/" .. total_frames .. ", " .. h .. "h" .. m .. "m" ..
s .. "s/" .. free .. " left")
059 end
060 end
062 function ticks_to_hms (ticks)
063 local secs = (ticks + 500) / 1000 ­­ round to nearest seconds
064 local s = secs % 60
065 secs = secs / 60
066 local m = secs % 60
067 local h = secs / 60
068 return h, m, s
069 end
071 ­­ sleep, but using wait_click(); return true if a key was pressed, else
072 function next_frame_sleep (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame)
073 ­­ this calculates the number of ticks between now and the time of
074 ­­ the next frame
075 local sleep_time = (start_ticks + frame * ticks_per_frame) ­
076 if sleep_time < 1 then
077 sleep_time = 1
078 end
079 wait_click(sleep_time)
080 return not is_key("no_key")
081 end
083 ­­ delay for the appropriate amount of time, but respond to
084 ­­ the display key (allows turning off display to save power)
085 ­­ return true if we should exit, else false
086 function frame_delay (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame)
087 ­­ this returns true while a key has been pressed, and false if
088 ­­ none
089 while next_frame_sleep (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) do
090 ­­ honour the display button
091 if is_key("display") then
092 click("display")
093 end
094 ­­ if set key is pressed, indicate that we should stop
095 if is_key("set") then
096 return true
097 end
098 end
099 return false
100 end 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 7 de 17
102 ­­ if the display mode is not the passed mode, click display and return
103 ­­ otherwise return false
104 function seek_display_mode(mode)
105 if get_prop(props.DISPLAY_MODE) == mode then
106 return false
107 else
108 click "display"
109 return true
110 end
111 end
113 ­­ switch to autofocus mode, pre­focus, then go to manual focus mode
114 function pre_focus()
115 local focused = false
116 local try = 1
117 ­­ set focus mode to infinity
118 ­­ set_prop(6, 3)
119 while not focused and try <= 5 do
120 print("Pre­focus attempt " .. try)
121 press("shoot_half")
122 sleep(2000)
123 if get_prop(18) > 0 then
124 focused = true
125 ­­ lock autofocus
126 press("left")
127 ­­set_aflock(1)
128 end
129 release("shoot_half")
130 sleep(500)
131 try = try + 1
132 end
133 return focused
134 end
136 if focus_at_start then
137 if not pre_focus() then
138 print "Unable to reach pre­focus"
139 end
140 end
142 start_ticks = get_tick_count()
144 ticks_per_frame, total_frames, end_ticks = calculate_parameters
(secs_frame, hours, minutes, start_ticks)
146 frame = 1
147 original_display_mode = get_prop(props.DISPLAY_MODE)
148 target_display_mode = 2 ­­ off
150 print "Press shutter button to exit"
152 while endless or frame <= total_frames do
153 print_status(frame, total_frames, ticks_per_frame, end_ticks, endless)
154 if display_off_frame > 0 and frame >= display_off_frame then
155 seek_display_mode(target_display_mode)
156 end
157 shoot()
158 if frame_delay(frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) then
159 print "User quit"
160 break
161 end
162 frame = frame + 1
163 end
165 ­­ restore display mode
166 if display_off_frame > 0 then
167 while seek_display_mode(original_display_mode) do
168 sleep(1000)
169 end 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 8 de 17
170 end
172 ­­ restore focus mode
173 set_aflock(0)

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a480, canon, chdk, time lapse

This entry was posted by Andy on June 3, 2010 at 10:35 pm, and is filed under Photography.
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#1 written by John
about 3 years ago

Sorry to say, but on my A480, pressing ISO (up) does not get me the SD 2369 Factor 1
screen… ?

#2 written by Andy
about 3 years ago

You have to be in shooting mode AND alt mode. I just tried it and it works for me. If
you can’t get it to work then I recommend you post on the CHDK forum.

#3 written by John
about 3 years ago

As I am new to this, the line numbers I should strip out of the script before loading it?

#4 written by Andy
about 3 years ago

Yes. If you scroll to the top of the script and put the pointer over it, some icons should
appear. Click on the one that copies the script to the clipboard. You can then paste it
into Nodepad and save to your memory card.

#5 written by John
about 3 years ago

When I save as an LUA file, my A480 sees it as a TXT file… ?

#6 written by John
about 3 years ago

There is a red square top left saying CHDK Unk Stat 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 9 de 17

#7 written by John
about 3 years ago

Sorry not CHDK, but UBASIC Unk stat

#8 written by Jonathan P
about 3 years ago

Thank you so much for posting this guide!

I’m trying to take multiple shots (of a book, flipping page between each shot), and am
considering using an a480. I’ll be using CHDK for ‘remote’ shooting via USB. I’ve been
concerned about lack of Manual Focus. So, a question: will manual focus settings as
you’ve described remain constant across multiple shots? Or will the camera
automatically revert to autofocus after the first shot?

#9 written by Andy
about 3 years ago

You have to enable hidden file extensions in Windows then rename the file to remove
the txt extension that Notepad secretly added. CHDK is assuming the script is uBasic
and not Lua because of the extension problem.

#10 written by John

about 3 years ago

Works like a dream – the 2 second setting on my camera translates to about 7 seconds
per shot, what with write-time to the SD card… perhaps a faste card? Thanks again, will
try the wi-fi SD card and see if that simultaneously will write to my server so that I can
review all photos remotely…

#11 written by Andy

about 3 years ago

Nope, you have a problem somewhere. I get an average of 2 – 2.7 seconds per shot
with a regular 8Gb Sandisk card. Made sure you disable picture reviewing in the regular
Canon menu.

If it is still slow try disabling raw mode in CHDK and also try disabling noise subtraction
in CHDK. If the scene is dark then noise subtraction can significantly slow things down.
Even though it’s on the Raw menu it also affects jpegs.

#12 written by John

about 3 years ago

Got the time per shot (set at 2 seconds as per tutorial) – down to 3 seconds – by
turning OFF RAW+JPEG, and using smallest JPEG size of 640×480 (fine resolution). Any
further trimming is due to write-delay, I’m sure! 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 10 de 17

#13 written by Andy

about 3 years ago

The widescreen option is smaller than 10MP and allows you to create high definition
time lapse movies.

#14 written by John

about 3 years ago

My A480 “seems to shoot in RAW” but only my Picasa viewer can open it – CS3 doesn’t
like, neither does another dedicated RAW editor called Picture Style Editor…

#15 written by John

about 3 years ago

It may be a small bug in my CHDK but when I try to select DNG Format a dialog box
shows up saying “Cannot load CHDK/badpixel.bin Please run
CHDK/SCRIPTS/TEST/badpixel.lua” …

#16 written by Andy

about 3 years ago

Doesn’t sound like a bug to me. Sounds like instructions.

#17 written by John

about 3 years ago

Its confusing – RAW dialog lets you set .CR2 as raw suffix, then later asks if you
want .DNG set as raw suffix – I am assuming that setting .DNG overwrites the
previous .CR2 command? If so, mine is not allowing the change…

#18 written by John

about 3 years ago

OK, solved that last by running badpixel.bin. Now all I need is a RAW editor that can
open A480 CHDK .DNG files… any offers? @:)

#19 written by John

about 3 years ago

PS7 I haven’t yet been able to open the DNG files, but CS3 it works fine!

#20 written by Ram Pathak

about 3 years ago 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 11 de 17

Sir ,on running the script i am getting the error “40: module propcase not found no
field package .preload['propcase'] ” using A480. please help,Thanks

#21 written by Pawel

about 3 years ago

Nice page, really helped me to get into CHDK. I have also bought A480 for its small
size, CHDK and relatively low cost. I have used your scripts for Timelapse and KAP in
timer and full remote control. It works, some tuning of fardware and scripts are still
necessary as well as learning of CHDH.
Now I’am waiting for wind..

#22 written by Peter

about 3 years ago


The A480 sounds the perfect camera for my project. I want to setup a time-lapse
camera for my new house build – only trouble is it is taking 8 months and i have no
external power – and i don’t think the A480 batteries would last that long! I’m visiting
the site every 2 weeks so could change batteries then and am wanting to take around 5
photos a day. Any ideas on how i can setup an external power supply for the A480? I
was thinking of using a car battery and wiring to the battery compartment – with the
appropriate voltage/current conversion.

#23 written by Dr.Balaji

about 3 years ago

Dear Mr. Andy

thank you very much for sharing the very useful information on timelapse photography.
I use A480 canon. I tried Time lapse as per your instructions, its perfect. But, the output
file format is .thm. I don’t know how to open .thm file!!!

please help me….

Dr.V.Balaji, India

#24 written by Andy

about 3 years ago

Never heard of a .thm file. Sorry.

#25 written by Dr.Balaji

about 3 years ago

Dear Mr. Andy, 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 12 de 17

After following your valuble instructions, the camera works perfect.

I just found that I have video file and .thm file (in the same name). But, I need to take
time lapse photographs (jpeg),

How to adjust the camera to get the time lapse photos (jpeg) instead of video

thanking you

#26 written by Dr.Balaji

about 3 years ago

Finally I got it

#27 written by Peter

about 3 years ago

I think i’ve worked out how to do my remote camera. I notice there is a DC input on the
camera, if I can get a car charger that fits the camera then i can use this to power the
camera off a standard car/motorbike 12v battery (with the right connections). Just need
to find a compatible car charger for the A480.

#28 written by Peter

about 3 years ago

This is working really great – well done on some good tips…….although watch out if you
are copying files from a Mac rather than a PC, as the Mac adds some hidden stuff to the
SD card you need to get rid of – see

If you are not seeing the ‘Firm Update’ menu and you are using a Mac then this is the

#29 written by Peter

about 3 years ago

I’m trying to take photos over a number of days – any ideas on how i can not take
photos overnight? I was wondering if i could use the clock and restrict it to take photos
only between, say, 9am and 4pm ?

Also need to disable the flash – but i guess i can do this before i run the script, which
would be the easiest option.

#30 written by Peter

about 3 years ago

Have now managed to power the camera from a car ‘cigarette charger’. Found the spec
of the DC-In socket and bought a regulated car charger with the right DC fitting and it
works great with the 12V battery! 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 13 de 17

#31 written by Jay

about 3 years ago

This guide is great. The time lapse script works like a charm on my A480 thanks Andy
for sharing it with us.

@ Peter what type of regulated car charger did you use? How much is the rated output
current and voltage of the regulator? Thanks…

#32 written by Peter

about 3 years ago

Jay – I bought a universal charger witch adjustable voltage on Amazon – it has 2Amp
output and variable voltage – i set the voltage to 3v, based on the spec for the ACK800
official canon power supply. They just don’t do a car charger one.

The difficult bit was the connector, it needs a 0.75 x 2.5 DC jack, which was much
smaller than the ones supplied with the universal charger – so i had to buy an
additional ‘tip’ for the charger.

#33 written by Peter

about 3 years ago

My house build cam is all setup now – many thanks for the script Andy. I’ve even
modified slightly to only take pictures in the daytime as I’m running my time lapse over
a number of days. After a bit of research I added the following function to test the light
before taking a picture and then wait until it is light enough….

function wait_for_light()
print(“Waiting for light…”)
until t>0

Just added a call to this function as the first line after your ‘while’ loop, ie,

while endless or frame <= total_frames do


Works a treat!

#34 written by Mike.noob

about 2 years ago

“Change Secs/frame to “2″”

Can you change this to another number other than 2 or do you have to edit the script
to change the interval? 10/10/2013
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#35 written by Mike.noob

about 2 years ago

I just purchased an a480. I’m looking at another memory card. Is there a particular
reason for using 8gb or can you go higher?

#36 written by David

about 2 years ago

i keep getting this error with this script –

UBASIC:1Unk stmt – ? it’s very small and difficult to read. i’m on a mac. Help please !

#37 written by Mike.noob

about 2 years ago

The shit works. I got it working without help from anyone and have never done this
before. There is plenty of forum info out there. Dave with the Mac…. make sure you use
something that will save the script to ANSI text.

#38 written by henry

about 2 years ago

I’m trying to use the script above as is and I can’t seem to turn off the display while in
time lapse mode.

I know the author said to set the ‘Display off frame’ to zero in order for the script to
work but then how does one turn off the LCD to achieve longer battery life?

the A480 doesn’t have a display button so I can’t turn off the display and then run the


#39 written by Andy

about 2 years ago

Plug the video out cable in, but leave it unconnected to anything else.

#40 written by David

about 2 years ago

i used acid and SDMinst – works like a charm.

i now have two a480s rolling on a home remodel.
I’m in Minnesota, and the cameras will be outside, so i’m curious if the cold will gum
things up.

#41 written by Bob

about 2 years ago 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 15 de 17

Thanks for posting this. My new A480 is my third CHDK equipped Canon. For some
reason I had a lot of trouble getting it running on my 480 but thanks to your complete
guide it works like a charm.

#42 written by Strype

about 2 years ago

@Peter and others looking for external power:

Check ebay, I found many external power supplies available specifically for the A480 at
around $10. MacGyver not needed.
as far as being outside in the cold:
I place mine in a modified plexi-glass box with a chem pack hand warmer that lasts
about 12 hrs for cold overnights.

#43 written by Peggy

about 2 years ago

Hello, I finally chdk installed on my Canon A480, which is also new to me. 3 Qs:

1) I can’t get the camera to give me shots with 10M resolution. Each shot is only
about .5M

3) In the Adobe Bridge Advanced Dialog, I see files with .RAW extension. Adobe
Photoshop CS3 won’t open them. In chdk I changed the file extension to .CR2; when I
upload the files to the Mac, they still display as .RAW and Adobe Photoshop CS3 still
won’t open them. Any ideas? Thanks so much.

#44 written by Peggy

about 2 years ago

1) Never mind on the 1st one; I just discovered that the tiny brochure with my used
camera was only a “Quick Start” & not a manual. No wonder I couldn’t figure anything

#45 written by Peggy

about 2 years ago

Never mind on 3) either for now; I just found a CHDK user guide in Wikipedia. Thanks.

#46 written by Aaron A. Aaronson

about 2 years ago

Thank you! Everything works just fine after half an hour of setting up all of this stuff!

#47 written by John

about 2 years ago 10/10/2013
CHDK and Canon A480 Quick Start Guide Página 16 de 17

.thm file is a THuMbnail file! CHDK works very well – recently, there have been
burglaries in my area – I have just purchased some cheap power-supplies, and will have
3 x A480 cameras shooting at 10 second intervals – which I can render into a movie
using VirtualDub – economic security cameras with great detail and resolution. I also
intend to make a Eurostar movie – London to Brussels – and post it to YouTube

#48 written by Mike

about 2 years ago

Hi Guys,
I’m using a A480 with chdk, i’m also using a power supply bough on ebay however
when ever i try and enter camera mode to start the time laps script the camera tells me
to “charge the batteries” but only when the power supply is connected i’ve tried fully
charged batteries and no batteries same result.

Any one know why this is?


#49 written by Spanish

about 2 years ago

Thanks! It works like a charm.

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