Tugas Pengendalian Proses Contohsoal&Penyelesaian

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Nama : Nadya Dwi Larasati

Nim : 140140076

Kelas : A-3

1. Metode Zigler-Nichols
Gunakan aturan Zigler-Nichols untuk menentukan fungsi alih pengendali
PID agar diperoleh respon step dengan overshoot sekitar 25%.

Plant mengandung integrator metode kedua Z-N

Menetapkan Ti = ∞ dan Td = 0, CLTF sistem:

Susunan Koef. Kestabilan Routh:

S3 1 5
S 6 KP
S1 6
S0 6KP
Osilasi akan terjadi jika Kp = 30. Jadi penguatan kritis Kcr = 30
Persamaan karakteristik:
S3 + 6S2 + 5S + 30 = 0
Jika S = jώ,
(jώ)3 + 6(jώ)2 + 5 jώ + 30 = 0
6(5-ώ2) + jώ(5-ώ2) = 0
Frekuensi Osilasi : ώ2 = 5 ώ = √5 rad/s
2𝜋 2𝜋
Perioda osilasi: Pcr = = = 2,8099 det
ώ √5
KP = 0,6 Kcr = 0,6 x 30 = 18
𝜏i = 0,5 Pcr = 0,5 x 2,8099 = 1,405
𝜏d = 0,125 Pcr = 0,125 x 2,8099 = 0,35124
Fungsi alih pengendali PID
2. Cohen Coon Tunnig Method

Let us take for example the process:

For a unit step change, the response will be:

The point of inflection is:

Then :
The figure compares the exact response with this approximate response.
Note that the comparison is not very good, but what we eally want is some
approximate curve to estimate what the controller settings ought to be.

The following will be the Cohen & Coon controller settings:

 P Controller:

 PI Controller:

 PID Controller
3. Contoh Soal ITAE Tuning Methods

Consider the following empirical model of a pilot-scale distillation column (Wood

and Berry, 1973)

Where the notation is defined in Fig. 18. 1b. Suppose thet a multiloop control
system consisting of two PI controllers is used. Compare the closed-loop set-point
changes that result if the XD-R/XR – S pairing is selected and
a. A set point changes is made in each loop with the other loop in manual
b. The set-point changes are made with both controllers in automatic.
Assume that the controller settings are based on ITAE tuning method for set-point
changes in chapter 12.

Table 18.1 shows the single-loop ITAE settings, and fig. 18.5 sshows simulation
results for set-point changes for each controlled variable. The ITAE settings
provide satisfactory set-point respons for either control loop when the other
controller is in manual (solid line). However, when both controllers are in
automatic, the control loop interactions produce very oscillatory responses
especially in Xn (dashed line). McAvoy (1981) has discussed various approaches.
See Exercise 18.1 for a similar MIMO control problem where the loops also
exhibit oscillations.

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