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Submitted By

The Right Reverend Isaiah J. Mengele

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Southern Diocese
P O Box 97

8 MAY 2017
Name of project

Capacity Building for Newly Appointed General Secretaries of Dodoma Diocese, Lake Tanganyika
Diocese, Mara Region Diocese, Mwanga Diocese, North Central Diocese, Ruvuma Diocese, South
Central Diocese and Southern Diocese.
Amount Requested Own Contribution Total Budget
TZS 12,805,000.00 TZS 1,400,000.00 TZS 14,205,000.00
Name and address of applicant

The Right Reverend Isaiah J. Mengele

Bishop of Southern Diocese
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
P O Box 97
Njombe, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 26 2782032
Electronic Mail:
Project endorsement support

Deputy Secretary General

Planning and Development Department
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
Boma Road Street
P O Box 3033
Arusha, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 754 673 806
Electronic Mail:
Project authorisation

Board of Lutheran Mission Cooperation
Boma Road Street
P O Box 483
Arusha, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 27 250 7603
Electronic Mail:
Name and address of funding agency

Lutheran Mission Cooperation

Boma Road Street
P O Box 483
Arusha, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 27 250 7603
Electronic Mail:

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania is a faith based and purely not for profit establishment
organisation made up of twenty five (25) dioceses, which are the operators of the Gospel and agents of full
human promotion where social work for human development becomes unified with pastoral care. Eight (8)
dioceses of the Church namely Dodoma Diocese, Lake Tanganyika Diocese, Mara Region Diocese,
Mwanga Diocese, North Central Diocese, Ruvuma Diocese, South Central Diocese and Southern Diocese
through their constitutional meetings appointed new General Secretaries who have been recruited from
different backgrounds, capacities and experiences outside the Church settings hence they need a very
clear orientation to perform their duties effectively and efficiently. The effectiveness of their leadership in the
dioceses is greatly affected by their background, experiences and management skills. Through the
constitutions of their respective dioceses, the General Secretary among others, reserves the
responsibilities as the chief executive officer; chief accounting officer; keeps and protects the Constitution,
deeds and other documents; and custodian of the Seal.


2.1 Statement of the problem

In many situations, new leadership within the organisations is essential as it brings life and innovative ideas
and encourages great success. The newly appointed General Secretaries of the eight (8) dioceses are
excited at the prospect of achieving their coveted job titles and offices but at the same they confront
challenges in their new management roles. They were recruited from different backgrounds, capacities and
experiences outside of the Church settings; hence they lack thoroughly understanding of the organisational
culture, principles and practices, which automatically affect their performance. The General Secretaries lack
in-depth understanding of Church related administrative rule making, standards and conducts. They feel
overwhelming sense of pressure to succeed immediately in their new positions and expect their superiors
to correct them with existing problems such as low productivity and performing and under such pressure is
a challenge for them. They find it challenging to manage employees who were once their peers and sudden
change in their relationship sometimes causes confusion and discomfort. They feel pressured to
demonstrate better individual and team performance, and for this reason, being new makes them feel as if
they are under the spotlight and must perform accordingly. Stepping into a new team as senior officers and
trustees of the dioceses brings the challenge of learning and practicing the best way to fit into the new team
of senior officers and trustees in which the idea of this project was conceived.

2.2 Proposed solution

Bishops from eight (8) dioceses: Bishop Isaiah J. Mengele (Southern Diocese), Bishop Amon M. Kinyunyu
(Dodoma Diocese), Bishop Levis L. Sanga (South Central Diocese), Bishop Dr. Solomon Massangwa
(North Central Diocese), Bishop Michael Adam (Mara Region Diocese), Bishop Ambele A. Mwaipopo (Lake
Tanganyika Diocese), Bishop Amon J. Mwenda (Ruvuma Diocese) and Bishop Chediel E. Sendoro
(Mwanga Diocese) had a consultative discussion on how best to orient their newly appointed General
Secretaries to fit into their new roles and agreed to respond better to the challenges through a five (5) days
orientation for their newly General Secretaries so as to become better-equipped leaders. The key for
successful good Church organisation is ensuring institutionalised accountability mechanisms whereby
every official is accountable and works in good faith.

2.3 Rationale of the project

Good leadership in an organisation does not emerge naturally or spontaneously out of individuals but its
process and mechanisms. It is a product of well thought-out of individuals or process driven organisational
development initiatives. Employee orientation, which is sometimes referred to as employee on-boarding,
introduces new employees to the organisation and their new roles. Beyond providing information about the
organisation’s policies and procedures, the proposed orientation will make the newly appointed General
Secretaries feel comfortable and help them to learn about their roles and the organisation’s culture and
values. The workplaces that are busy forego a proper orientation of new employees including their newly
appointed executives in the hopes that new recruits will figure it out as they get to work. But in fact, by
taking the time to properly orient new hires, employers will increase employees’ chances of being
successful and in turn will ultimately increase employee retention which saves the organisation time and
money in recruitment in the long run. The orientation will enable the new General Secretaries to be
successful through equipping them with the organisation’s mission, culture, standards and principles so that
to make a clear link between their performance and organisational results.

2.4 Beneficiaries of the project

This project has been initiated by eight (8) dioceses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania namely
Dodoma Diocese, Lake Tanganyika Diocese, Mara Region Diocese, Mwanga Diocese, North Central
Diocese, Ruvuma Diocese, South Central Diocese and Southern Diocese through participatory needs
identification for improving organisations’ working efficiency. This project will target eight (8) newly
appointed General Secretaries: Daniel Sagaya (Dodoma Diocese), Advocate Fredrick Nyamoga (Lake
Tanganyika Diocese), Amillen S. Kweka (Mara Region Diocese), Barikiel E. Anania (Mwanga Diocese),
Rose S. Makara (North Central Diocese), Barthromeo N. Mbwilo (Ruvuma Diocese), Grayson Shilongoji
(Southern Diocese), whereas South Central Diocese will appoint soon.

2.5 Goal of the project

Capacity building for new General Secretaries from eight (8) dioceses namely Lake Tanganyika Diocese,
Mara Region Diocese, Mwanga Diocese, North Central Diocese, Ruvuma Diocese, South Central Diocese
and Southern Diocese.

2.6 Specific objective

To orient eight (8) newly appointed General Secretaries on their roles and responsibilities and
organisational culture and standards so as to improve their performance and organisational efficiency.

2.7 Project outputs

(1) 8 (6 men and 2 women) new General Secretaries attended orientation seminar on their roles and
responsibilities and organisational culture, principles and standards.
(2) 8 (6 men and 2 women) new General Secretaries effectively oriented on their roles and
responsibilities and organisational culture, principles and standards.
(3) 8 (6 men and 2 women) new General Secretaries well informed, capacitated and inspired about their
roles and responsibilities as senior officers of the dioceses.

2.8 Project outcomes

(1) General Secretaries are well informed, empowered, capacitated and inspired on compliance of
organisational standards and principles.
(2) General Secretaries adjusted to their jobs by establishing better relationships leading to increased
job satisfaction, improved performance and reduced unwanted turnover.
(3) Self-efficacy in job performance among General Secretaries improved as a result of increased
confidence in doing job and increased morale.
(4) Social integration among General Secretaries increased as they feel socially comfortable,
recognised and accepted by their juniors and superiors leading to organisational commitment.
(5) Knowledge of and fit within organisational culture among General Secretaries improved due to
increased understanding of organisation’s politics, goals and values.
(6) Reduced unnecessary conflicts and legal disputes between employees within and outside the

2.9 Project activities

This project will implement the following activities to achieve desired project results based on step-by-step

(1) Conduct consultative meeting with an ultimate aim to bring together key training facilitators to
develop orientation manual for newly appointed General Secretaries.
(2) Facilitate orientation of 8 (6 men and 2 women) newly appointed General Secretaries from eight (8)
dioceses: Dodoma Diocese, Lake Tanganyika Diocese, Mara Region Diocese, Mwanga Diocese,
North Central Diocese, Ruvuma Diocese, South Central Diocese and Southern Diocese.
(3) Prepare and produce project reports including both narrative and financial accountability reports to
be discussed in review meeting for recommendations and approval.
(4) Convene review meeting for recommendation and approval of project reports after implementation of
project activities.
(5) Submit approved project implementation reports including both narrative and financial accountability
reports to Lutheran Mission Cooperation.
(6) Undertake oversight of project implementation in collaboration with Lutheran Mission Cooperation
(Secretary) and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (Secretary General).

2.10 Project inputs

The project applicants (Dodoma Diocese, Lake Tanganyika Diocese, Mara Region Diocese, Mwanga
Diocese, North Central Diocese, Ruvuma Diocese, South Central Diocese and Southern Diocese) is
required to provide LCD projector and screen, flip charts and flip chart stand, felt pens/markers, masking
tapes, writing materials for participants, photocopying handouts for participants (the facilitators will provide
the master handouts to be copied), training venue, incur costs for facilitation costs, travel of both
participants and facilitators and perdiems of participants and facilitators.


The orientation seminar will cover a variety of topics that will help reinforce and enhance behaviours and
skill building around the leadership competencies while appropriately integrating key managerial knowledge
so that new General Secretaries better understand their roles and responsibilities as well as organisational
culture, standards and practices. Key issues to do with the office of the General Secretary in any given
diocese will be an emphasis and this will involves roles and responsibilities of the office according to the
structure of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania; Employment and Labour Relations Laws;
understanding the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania; conflict resolutions and management;
understanding contracts and the implications; and compliance of legal requirements.


The orientation seminar will be facilitated by four (4) resource persons namely Brighton L. Killewa,
Secretary General of the Evangelical Lutheran in Tanzania; Timias P. Mhomisoli, Former General Secretary
of Southern Diocese; Nayman Chavalla, General Secretary of Iringa Diocese; and Bishop Isaiah J.
Mengele from Southern Diocese. However, Peter Karlsson, Secretary of Lutheran Mission Cooperation will
make presentations on various policies related to Lutheran Mission Cooperation including Further Training
Fund, Organisation Development Fund Policy, Bachelor of Divinity Fund Policy, Retirement Scheme Fund
Policy and LMC Vehicle Fund Policy.


The orientation seminar will conducted in Arusha at the headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania from Monday 3rd of July 2017 to Friday 7th of July 2017. Facilitators will meet for consultative
meeting from 28th of June 2017 to 1st of July 2017.


The total costs for implementation of the project is TZS 14,205,000.00 including consultative meeting,
orientation session, report preparation and production and project management. The amount requested
from Lutheran Mission Cooperation is TZS 12,805,000.00 and own contribution from the dioceses to the
project is TZS 1,400,000.00. The project budget summary is shown at the end of this project concept
whereas detailed project budget has been attached in this project concept paper (Excel Format).

Work Plan with Summary Activities, Expected Results, Timeframe and Budget
Timeframe (Weeks)
Description of Activities Expected Results June 2017 July 2017 Budget
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Conduct consultative meeting Project implementation framework and orientation manual adopted X 3,093,000
2. Orient new General Secretaries General Secretaries empowered, inspired and become fit within organisational culture X 9,712,000
3. Prepare and produce project reports Project report effectively prepared and in place X 595,000
4. Convene management review meeting Project report approved X 110,000
5. Submit quarterly and completion project reports Report received and donor satisfaction X 65,000
6. Undertake oversight of project activities Successful project implementation X X X X X 630,000

Total expected costs for this project 14,205,000


Project Applicant

The Right Reverend Isaiah J. Mengele

Bishop of Southern Diocese ..................................
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
P O Box 97
Signature and Official Stamp
Njombe, Tanzania
Date of …………………………………..

Project Endorsement

Deputy Secretary General, Planning and Development Department

Attn: Mallumbo W. Mallumbo ..................................
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
P O Box 3033
Arusha, Tanzania Signature and Official Stamp
Date of …………………………………..

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