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Project No.




Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206

Fresh, Potable and Sewage Water Systems

Aker Metals, Inc. Owner Approval: J. F. Wigle

333, E Wetmore Road, Suite 600
Tucson, Arizona 85705 Date: 15 July/08


A 6/23/08 JBS CGB Issued for Internal Review
B 7/02/08 CGB JBS AIH Issued for Approval
C 07/14/08 JBS RC RC Reissued for Approval

D 07/16/08 JBS RC RC Issued for Design

0 9/22/09 TG JBS HW/FL Issued for Design – Detail Engineering

DISTRIBUTION A B C D 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Client 7-3 7-11 9/22
Internal Review 6-24

Note: Signed originals on file

Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0


1 SCOPE................................................................................................................... 3

2 APPLICABLE NORMALIZATION AND PERMITS ............................................... 3

3 GENERAL.............................................................................................................. 4

4 CALCULATION BASIS ......................................................................................... 5


6 DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR SEWAGE WATER SYSTEMS ........................... 10

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0


This document establishes the parameters to be applied in the design of Potable,

Domestic and Sewer Water system for the Construction Camp, Operation Camp,
Canteen and the Infrastructure buildings for the Toromocho Project, for Minera Peru
Copper S.A.

In particular, it applies to the Potable and Domestic Water system regulation, supply
& distribution, and inside building facilities; and for the Sewage System interior
facilities, collector branches, sewage treatment plant, and final disposition of the
water treatment effluent.

Documents No 000-GD-P-006, Piping Design Criteria and No 000-GD-P-007, General

Specification Piping Materials are considered as part of this specification

For general site data, see Appendix A - Standard Technical and Site Dates - SI Units.


2.1 Applicable Normalization

The applicable normalization in its last version is the following one:

DS. No. 007-83 S.A. -Clasificación del uso de las agua

342-87-Indecopi-DG -Norma Técnica Nacional Proyecto 214.005. Extracción

de Muestras.

D.S. 261-69-AP -Estándares de calidad ambiental de la ley de Aguas

Norma OS.050 -Redes de Distribución de Agua para Consumo Humano.

Norma OS.010 -Captación y Conducción de Agua para Consumo


Norma OS. 040 -Estaciones de Bombeo de Agua para Consumo Humano

Norma OS.070 -Alcantarillado de aguas residuales – Diseño y cálculo de


No 011-96-EM/VMM -Máximos permisibles para efluentes líquidos mineros –


Norma IS.010 -Instalaciones Sanitarias para Edificaciones.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

Decreto Supremo No 2007 -PCM. Limites máximos permisibles para efluentes

líquidos y para emisiones atmosféricas de fuente
puntual en actividades minero metalúrgicas y regula
su cumplimiento

D.S. 28-60-SAPL -Reglamento de Desagües Industriales

API 650 -Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage.

2.2 Required Permit

Written permits from the Local Provincial & Municipalities in the Toromocho
Project are required prior to any work associated with the Potable (PW),
Domestic (DW) and Sewer (SS) water systems.

Any additional installation that is not connected to the system mentioned above
shall require its own written permit.


3.1 Fresh Water

For the Construction Camp, filtered fresh water will be chlorinated as required for
general use for the water closets, urinals, lavatories and showers.

Temporary construction facilities will use domestic water during construction then
connected to the potable water system thereafter as required by Operations.

3.2 Potable Water

Potable water will be used for all permanent facilities in the Concentrator area.
Temporary construction facilities that are to be used for operation shall be
connected to the potable water system.

3.3 Sewage System

Sewage is collected through a series of underground pipes and shall be treated

in a central sewage treatment plant (STP).

The Operation Plant, Construction Camp and Truck Shop will be provided each
with an STP. Remote bathroom facilities such as the Primary Crushing and Paste
Thickening Plant areas shall be provided with a septic tank where applicable.

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Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0


4.1 Population

The population to be considered for the domestic, potable water and sewage
systems is defined in the Technical Bases 400-BT-C-002 with Contract CC-016;
and for the Non Process Buildings, the Technical Bases 400-BT-C-003 and
Contract CC-017.

For other facilities such as the Administration Buildings, design is defined in the
Construction Contract CC-025; Truck Shop Building per Technical Bases 140-
BT-C-001 and Contract CC-018.

For others, refer to 000-GD-A-002, Criterio de Diseño de Arquitectura. This

document determines the quantity of bedrooms and number of inhabitants for
Project Toromocho. It also takes into account that this is a mining installation
that operates in shifts.

4.2 Endowment

The values of the service endowments are based from previous project of similar
facilities and are used to size the storage tanks for each facility.

The values to be use are shown below:

Table 1 – Endowment Flow Rate

Area Liters per person-day
Construction Camp 100
Operation Camp 200
Concentrator 100
Truck Shop, incl. Admin Bldg 100

 Supply endowment = see above.

 Total consumption endowment = Supply endowment

For the design of piping network, the probable maximum instantaneous flow shall
be used based on installed fixture units.

4.3 Average Flow

Local Peruvian Standards defines average flows as follows:

Potable Water Flow, Qmp = (Population x Endowment)/86,400 in L/s

Domestic Water Flow, Qmd = (Population x Endowment)/86,400 in L/s

Sewage Water Flow, Qms = Qm x Recovery Coefficient.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

For the Toromocho Project, a recovery coefficient equal to 1.0 will be used, that
is to say, all the potable water will pass through the sewage system network.


5.1 General Criteria

Fresh water is filtered, chlorinated as required and stored in a tank for non-
potable water usage. Water is drawn from this tank and treated in a packaged
water treatment plant to potable water quality, stored in a tank and distributed to
the pipe network.

Each area facility will have its own fresh or potable water storage tank.
Depending on the available terrain, water may be pumped or gravity flow from a
higher elevation to distribution lines.

The stored domestic or potable water shall be 1½ times the average daily
consumption to account for interrupted services from the supply feeding the
storage tank.

Bottled drinking water will be delivered to the Primary Crusher and the Paste
Thickening Plant.

Concentrator area will have a separate fresh and potable storage tanks. These
tanks will also supply the Hydromet plant.

5.2 Fresh and Potable Water Supply

The quality of the water for human consumption shall meet the requirement
stipulated in the State and/or Local Peruvian Standards whichever is most

Storage and supply rate shall be based on the number of personnel in each area.

The Potable water quantity shall be defined by the average flow stated in Section
4.3 of this document.

Access to the water storage area will be restricted to prevent any risk to
contamination through vandalism or other such intent. Fencing with locks is
required for all of the potable water supply tanks.

5.3 Tank Volume

Domestic water and potable water systems shall have separate storage tanks.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

Operation Facilities Tank Volume

Operation facilities are defined as those in the Truck Shop (incl. Admin Bldg) and
the Concentrator areas

For the calculation of the tank volume, the following shall be considered:

Regulation Volume =1/2 day of average consumption calculated according to

the approach indicated in Section 4.3.

Reserve Volume = Average consumption per day.

Total volume = Regulation + Reserve

For water usage, consider the number of personnel on rotation in each area and
the endowment listed in Table 1 above.

Construction Camp Tank Volume

The water volume will be calculated on a basis of one construction daily shift.

For storage volume, use the population indicated in the Technical Bases of the
Construction Camp, Document Nº 400-BT-C-002, based on each person using
100 liters per person in 1.5 hours in the morning. This volume will be used as the
Total Probable Maximum Flow to the Construction Campsite.

Tank Characteristic

The storage tanks shall be steel carbon, designed and built according to API 650,
with Epóxy-Amine internal coating approved for potable water service. External
painting shall be per Document No. 000-GC-S-012, Painting and Protective
Coating, System P2.

For Tank dimensions, include the volume below the pipe nozzle discharge invert
elevation and the volume above the overflow pipe.

The tank shall have a vent and drain with valve connections and level

5.4 Domestic and Potable Water Distribution Network

The materials of construction for piping shall be approved for potable water
service and shall be according to Peruvian Norma OS.050. High density
polyethylene (HDPE) approved for potable service may be used.

The network shall be provided with isolation valves to isolate parts of the system
for maintenance where necessary.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

The network shall be provided with valves for draining or purging to facilitate
cleaning prior to commissioning for service.

Network Design

For distribution external to the buildings, the design flows will be determined
according to the criteria stated in Section 5.5.

a) Water piping between the tank and the delivery point to the network

Piping system design shall be designed for the temporary construction

camp and the permanent operation camp to optimize the network system

b) Operations facility network.

Piping system shall be designed based on the personnel on rotation and

the number of fixture units installed at each facility.

Network Design Pressure

For Domestic or Potable Water Service, the pressures are:

-Maximum pressure in the net = 40 m w.c. (~390 kPag)

-Minimum pressure in the net, for Qmax= 15 m w.c. (~145 kPag)

Hydraulic Design

The network will be designed in accordance with requirements in Section 5.1.


First preference is for piping to be routed above ground on sleepers and covered
with dirt to prevent exposure to the elements or direct sunlight as long as it does
not interfere with normal access or traffic. Another option is direct burial and
coated-and-wrapped for carbon steel.

Strategically located valves in the distribution nets will be used for isolation, in the
event maintenance is needed in some portions of the network. Isolation valves
shall not be more than 2000 m apart along the length of the pipeline. Drain
connections shall be located at low points and adjacent to isolation valves.

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Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0


Interior Facilities Flows

The design flows for the sanitary devices installed in each building shall be with
the Local Peruvian Regulations. This information is provided in Architecture
drawings and corresponding specifications: Technical Basis 400-BT-P-002 for
the construction and operation camp; Technical Basis 400-BT-C-003 for the non
process buildings, and 140-BT-C-001 for the buildings corresponding to the
Trucks Shop.

Also, in the flows definition, the prospective Coefficient of Simultaneity will be

considered for each building and the maximum probable flow, Qmp, of installed
fixture units, obtained for the Regulation:

Qmp = 1.7391 X Qr0.6891, in L/min

Where Qr is the rated total flow rate of fixture units installed

The Coefficient of Simultaneity will be proposed in the facilities for the project and
the operation characteristics for shifts (work rotation) for the Project Toromocho.

Other Flows

For emergency eyewash (15 L/min) and combination eyewash and shower (76
L/min), consider one set each (91 L/min) for the Truck Shop Concentrator and
the Hydromet areas. This flow rate must be added to the maximum probable
flow, Qmp.

Fire water flow rate is specified in Fire Protection Design Criteria, 000-GD-P-106.

Minimum Interior Pressures

The minimum residual pressure (adjusted for elevation) at the farthest user shall
not be lower than 15 m c.w. (145 kPag).

The testing of the facilities shall be in accordance with the local Peruvian Norms
and Regulations.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0


6.1 General System Description

The sewage system shall be gravity flow with sufficient elevation between the
highest fixture units and the sewage treatment plant (STP) to accommodate the
design flow at the required slope.

There will be one independent STP for each of the facility area listed below:

Truck Shop/Administration Building

Construction Camp

Each STP maybe composed of multiple units that can be installed in stages from
during construction to operation periods.

Remote areas will be served by septic tanks where applicable.

6.2 Sewage Collection Network

The collection system shall be designed in accordance with the local Peruvian

The piping materials shall be approved by the local Peruvian Authority for use in
the sewage systems and may be PVC, HDPE or other acceptable material.

The network shall have drop boxes for inspection and/or cleaning and

Collectors Design Flow

The sewage water average flow for the collection network will be calculated in
accordance with Section 4.0.

To determine the maximum hourly flow (Qhm), multiply the average daily flow
(Qad) by the Harmon Coefficient.

Harmon Coefficient is defined as,

M  1 

Where: P = cumulative population served, (P>1000 people).

Qad = (P x D x R)/ 86 400, in L/s ~~ Average daily flow rate

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Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

Where, P = Population served

D = Consumption endowment, liters/person-day
R = Recovery coefficient, use 1
Average hourly maximum flow, Qhm = M x Qad, in L/s

For P<100 people use the data on Boston Civil Engineering Society (BSCE),
Annex A

For P from 100 to 1000 people, a value shall be interpolated between BCES
Annex A for 100 people and the maximum flow (Qhm =M * Qad) corresponding
to 1,000 people.

Collector Net Sizing

Cumulative Population of the Tract

The cumulative population and location of each building shall be taken into
account when routing the collector network.

Minimum Slope

The minimum design slopes are given in the local Peruvian Norm.

The pipes shall be routed with downward slope. The minimum slope in the first
100 m from the highest point shall be 2% and 1% on succeeding 100-m run if
there are no contributors from other collectors.

For other segments, size and slope will be determined for a self-draining sewer
line shown in Table 1.

Network Collectors Calculation

For the sizing of the collectors, use Manning formula:

Q x n =A x R2/3

Where n = 0.013 roughness coefficient served waters,

A = cross-sectional flow area of pipe, m2
R = hydraulic radius, m
= A / wetted perimeter
= ID/4 for full flow
S = Slope

The calculation will be based on full pipe depth of flow = pipe ID or H=D and
velocity = 0.6 m/s for both the Operations and Construction areas.

The minimum nominal diameter of the collectors shall be of 200 mm NPS.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

Self-Draining Sewage Criteria

The criteria stipulated in Annex A of the Boston Civil Engineering Society (BCES)
standard will be used.

Table 2 – Criteria for Self-Draining Lines

Extracted from BCES Annex A
Population Served Corresponding to Flow, L/s
(Toromocho) No. of People (Note 1)
Up to 10 people, 5 0.44
Between 11 to 20 10 0.76
Between 21 to 50 20 1.33
Between 51 to 200 50 2.40
Between 201 to 1000 Qad calculated in Collectors
Design Flow above for population

Note 1. This is the estimated flow on the collection header serving the number of
people shown

For the Toromocho population shown, use the flow (L/s) for the corresponding
number of people shown in the BCES Annex A and verify the depth of flow,
considering that this flow will occur at least once a day

Minimum flow, for h ≥ 0.3D

For full flow, depth of flow, h = D and minimum velocity =0.60 m/s

For population served between 201 and 1000 people, verify self-draining
capability assuming 60% of the interpolated flow for the number of people served
is flowing. See above for Harmon coefficient application.

For population served over 1000 people, verify self-draining capability assuming
that 60% of the maximum hourly flow (Qmh = Qad * M) as calculated above is

Net Collectors Installation

The collector pipes shall be installed in trenches and covered with compacted
materials in accordance with the Technical Specification 000-GC-V-001,
considering vehicular traffic over the buried piping.
Sewage inspection drop boxes shall be provided at change of direction and
collectors junction. All the building discharge connections shall have inspection
drop box at the street connection. Other drop boxes shall be provided at no
more than 90 m apart. For 200 mm NPS pipes, drop boxes shall be located at
no more than 120 m apart.

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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

The inspection sewage drop box shall be made of standard concrete

construction, in accordance with the Local Peruvian Norm.

Impermeability test of network shall be in accordance with local Peruvian


6.3 Treatment and Final Disposition

The sewage water will be treated in a packaged sewage treatment plant STP.

Each STP may consist of several parallel stand-alone component cells to

accommodate the need between the construction and operation phases.
Depending on the need during the Operation phase, some of these cells may be
removed or relocated to other areas.

The STP operating characteristics are detailed in the documents 400-BT-C-002

for the Construction Camp and 140-BT-C-001 for the Trucks Shop Area.

The STP design flow of treatment shall be in accordance with population served
and the consumption endowment, according to the criteria indicated in the
Section 4 of this specification.

Quality Sewage Water

The quality of the sewage water effluent shall correspond with the characteristics
of the hygienic services provided for Truck Shop, Concentrator and the
Construction Camp facilities for the Toromocho Project.

Some of the pollutants present in a typical composition of the sewage water

service are those that are indicated below. These values will be considered for
the design of the treatment.

Table 3 - Typical Concentrations of some Pollutant Present In the Domestic

Sewage Waters

Pollutant Concentrations
Unit Weak Medium Strong
Total Suspended Solid (ST) mg/L 350 720 1,200
Biological Oxygen Demand
mg/L 110 220 400
Grease mg/L 50 100 150
Fecal Coliforms Nº/100 mL 104 105 106

Treated Water Quality

The quality of the treated effluent will be according to the Local Peruvian Norm
and shall meet or exceed the requirement shown in Table 3 below. The
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Project R0532300
Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

undiluted treated water may be collected in pond or other means of storage for a
variety of usage at the discretion of the Engineer or owner

Table 4 - Concentration Limits of Some Pollutants Present in the Discharges of

the Treated Water for Use in Watering, Soil Compaction, Roads and Gardens

Pollutants Unit Permissible
Total Suspended Solid (ST) mg/L80 80
Biological Oxygen Demand (DBO5) mg/L35 35
Grease mg/L20 20
Fecal Coliforms Nº/100 mL103 103

Treated Sewage Mud

The treated mud may be transported by trucks for final disposition by the
Engineer or Minera Peru Copper. For transporting purposes, mud with 97%
humidity is preferable.


The waste of the sewage water treatment plants will be transported to an

authorized disposal area as defined for the project.

The amount of sludge produced will be determined when the STP vendor is

Treatment Units

The Sewage Water Treatment Plant shall be as described in the Technical

Specification 000-TS-P-266.

6.4 Interior Sewer System Facilities

All sewage system inside the buildings shall be designed and tested in
accordance with the Peruvian Norm for Regulation of Potable and Sewage

Interiors Sewage Water Flows

Sewage water flow from each facility shall be based on the Hydraulic Equivalent
Units (HEU) corresponding to each fixture units served and the occurrence of
high demand (coefficient of simultaneity) during shift changes.

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Design Criteria 000-GD-P-206
Potable and Sewage Water Systems
Rev. 0

Minimum pipe size from each internal facility to the external network shall be 100
mm NPS.


The interior collector shall be PVC pipe, sanitary union bell spigot with rubber
ring. The ventilations and main sewer lines that are exposed to sunlight shall be
covered with metallic shield.


Install only standard fixtures with built-in hydraulic seals. Floor drains shall also
be provided with hydraulic seal

The interior horizontal piping shall have minimum of 3% towards the exit without
a low point in between to avoid any deposit that may cause bad odor. All change
of directions and connections to main sewer lines shall be provided with sealed

The sewage drop boxes that are inside the facilities and within a distance of 5 m
shall have double sewage drop boxes with sealed cover to avoid exit of gases.

Ventilations will be in accordance with the Regulations mentioned herein.

6.5 Disposition of Sewage Water in Isolated Areas

Facilities that are isolated from the main collection areas shall be provided with
septic tank and leach fields.

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