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“Some sort of periodical is an essential life-line in village such as ours”

Welcome to West Farleigh’s own

Distributed freely in March 2018 Edition no 497
Editors: Stephen Norman, Helen Swan and Jacky Taylor
Website: Email: Upcoming Events:
See back page

In this Lifeline
Pastoral newsletter……….. 2
Farleigh in bloom………… 3
View from the Garden…… 4
Farleigh Feathers…………. 5
Geoff, Candy and Oliver View from the Scoreboard..6
Martin are again opening Organisations ………………. 7
their farm, so that we can Events………………………. 8
enjoy seeing the new born
Don’t forget to look at our
lambs. You might even see
website for much more
one being born!
information about our village
There are two calves on the
farm now, as well as Oliver’s chickens.
Please contact the editors if you
would like an article in Lifeline or
Vigo young Farmers will be having an information stand. This may be of
on the Website – Email
interest to young people in the village.

There will be hotdogs, with locally produced sausages, and the amazing
Parish Council Cakes and Coffee stall.

There will be a Bumper Tombola, with lots of prizes. We are on the lookout Follow us on Facebook
for prizes. If you have anything you would like to donate, please give it to
a Parish Councillor before the 9th March, or take it to Smiths Hill Farm.

There is List of Parish Councillors on page 3.

Mick Merrit will also be selling wood turning items. All money raised will go
towards Village Improvements.
Do look at our website and
look at weekly activities.

You will amazed what goes


Deadline for April issue of LIFELINE: 22ND MARCH 2018

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As I am writing this it is snowing outside. Despite that the snowdrops are out, and
one or two other hardy plants, to remind us spring is on the way.

Spring – a time of new beginnings for nature but we can enjoy new beginnings
anytime whether it is the new Diocesan and Deanery Mission Plans, or a
personal event. It could be a marriage, or a family birth, or a new job - not
forgetting the New Year Resolution. (How many of the latter have survived

Some years ago, there was a book entitled ‘God of Surprises’ and some new beginnings can be a total
surprise. Others, like the new rota for the Benefice, will be carefully planned, discussed and agreed. Jesus
was full of surprises in His ministry in his actions, speech or the people He appointed.

Some years ago, I joined an organisation called Cursillo which is an international, ecumenical Christian
organisation. We are based in Canterbury but for a number of years we have been trying to introduce it to
Rochester. When Bishop James was appointed he readily agreed and nominated me to be its first Lay

That responsibility was a total surprise and is quite scary. After a number of years planning, discussing and
praying we are on the verge of success as we plan the first week-end in November.

Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning ‘short course’. It is a lay led partnership, which gives members a Rule of
Life. Small groups should meet regularly to pray together and support and encourage the members.
Occasionally we have a larger Diocesan gathering with the same purpose but including a Communion
Service. Having said that we believe being a Christian should be fun for as the Baptist Scholar CH
Spurgeon once wrote he ‘commends cheerfulness to all who would win souls; more souls will be led to
heaven by a man who wears heaven on his face.’

When Sheila Watson was Archdeacon of Canterbury she said of Cursillo ‘In the Diocese we need to
reimagine ministry to bring about that vision of lay and ordained working together, valuing each other,
rediscovering God’s call. Cursillo …. don’t just talk about it, you live out lay and ordained leading
together….and turn your backs on any gap between everyday life and Christian commitment.’

As we move towards a new pattern of worship in the Benefice we have a ‘new beginning’. We are
fortunate in our Ministry team that Peter values all of us, lay and ordained. The Ministry team and the
Churchwardens have worked hard and prayed hard to get a best fit on the new service rota. Not
everyone will like it but please ‘give it a go’. Our wonderful gracious Lord may just surprise you.

Pastoral newsletter
Services at All Saints
Sunday 4th March 8.00 am Holy Communion (Traditional)
Sunday 11th March 11.00 am Special Mothering Sunday Service
Sunday 18th March 9.30 am Morning Prayer (Traditional)
Sunday 25th March 9.30 am Palm Sunday Holy Communion (Modern)
Friday 30th March 10.00 am Good Friday Dramatic Reading
Easter Sunday 1st April 8.00 am Holy Communion

Our Ministry Team

Rev Peter Callway, Rector: 01622 747570 Call for Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals, not Fridays
Rev David Jones, Hon. Associate Rector 01622 741474. Not Fridays
Rev Eileen Doyle, Associate Rector 01622 204241. Not Mondays and Tuesdays
Becky Parnham, Children and Families Worker 07949 646885

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On Sunday 11th March, there will be a special Mothering Sunday Service in All
Saints, West Farleigh. The service will commence at 11.00am

Bring all the family, we all have or have had mothers! Posies for all Mums and
Grandmums. Children especially welcome,


The West Farleigh in Bloom initiative for 2018 has attracted a
great deal of interest with 13 people keen to get involved to
date – more are always welcome
(email We have entered the South
and South East in Bloom ‘Village’ category and are to expect a
visit from the judges in July this year.

The judges will be looking for horticultural impact (design, colour,

appropriate choice of plants) and horticultural practice
(cultivation, maintenance, sustainability, new planting) in
residential and community areas. These could be Church
grounds, car parks, rural businesses such as pubs and green spaces such as verges, parks and open

The competition also aims for Environmental responsibility so wildlife areas, natural habitat, local heritage,
litter, dog fouling and ensuring there is pride in the landscape. Finally, Community Participation, engaging
a wide range of people, awareness and understanding, engagement with young people and other
community groups and press coverage.


The next meeting is on 19th March, 7.30 in the Good Intent. All villager welcome and can speak at the
beginning of the meeting. Come along and meet you Parish Councillors. You will have seen them at the
Lambing Day no doubt.
If you have any thing you think the Parish Council would be interested in, come along to a meeting or
Email Amanda, parish Clerk or ring Bruce Scott 814476.

Your Councillors are Bruce Scott Chairman, Bryan Merritt Vice Chairman
Geoff Martin Jill Morgan Helen Swan Hugh Pritchard Martin Moy



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View from the Garden by Jon Fenlon

Spring is now fast approaching and an excellent time to get back into the
garden after the winter. Now we are in March it is a great time to plant your bare
root roses, make sure you plant them to the correct depth with a good mulching.
An organic slow release fertilizer can be used to aid root establishment, you can
look for a specialized rose fertilizer in the shops.

If you have any shrubs in the garden that need to be moved, now would be a good time to do so, just
make sure the ground is not frozen or waterlogged. You can also still split and divide herbaceous
perennials. This can make your plants actually perform better because you are removing any
competition for space as well as nutrients. A general fertiliser like fish, blood and bone can be used on
your shrubs or hedgerows to help improve their growth. Lightly fork the fertiliser in to the top of the soil.

With your hellebores don't forget to remove the

leaves to expose the flowers.

When the soil is no longer frozen or waterlogged you

can consider sowing hardy annuals directly in to the
flower beds. Another way of doing this is by buying
plug plants, order them now to be delivered in May
for direct planting in to the garden. Keep a close eye
out for slugs as they like fresh new growth. Its best to
put some control measures in place.

Staking rapidly growing plants is best done now while they are small. It will become more difficult and
messy if you leave it too late. There is a variety of ways and methods of staking from simply using sticks
from the garden, canes, metal structures and twine/ mesh systems. For smaller plants I personally try to
use hazel from the garden its natural, looks good and its free.

Rhubarb can be forced for an early crop simply by blocking out the light. You will get a crop of tender
sweeter growth earlier than the rest of the crop which will extend your cropping season.

For anybody wanting a nicer lawn this year now is the time to fix and repair the edges, use a sharp half
moon edger to get a good line. If moss is present in the lawn use a moss killer and rake/ scarify when
ready. Also remove any tap rooted weeds and spray off with a selective weed killer which will not affect
the lawn.

Don't forget to keep feeding the birds over march as they are starting to build their nests.

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Farleigh Feathers by Ray Morris

A Bird for All Seasons?

East Farleigh has links with Sir Thomas More’s family – More was Henry VIII’s
Chancellor and the subject of the film ‘A Man for All Seasons’ - and March is the
month when we can hear ‘Birds for All Seasons’, as well as single-season visitors,
around his daughter’s former home at Gallants Manor in Gallants Lane.

Our resident birds, like blackbirds and great tits, are all noisily advertising their readiness to breed. Females
are being invited to share the males’ territory and help raise his young. But it’s not all one-sided: like
humans, the female is looking beyond a flashy-sounding song. She is searching for signs of health (the
bright yellows of the male blackbird is an indication he has a good immune system) and a territory with
secure nest sites and plentiful food (how many safe nest holes and potential caterpillars are on offer for the
female great tit?). Scientists think, for example, that the colour of the male blue tit’s crown indicates the
quality of the territory he controls: blue tits’ vision extends into the ultra-violet range so females really can
spot the difference.

At the same time, on your walk through local orchards, you’ll hear noisy winter visitors like fieldfares (a larger
relative of blackbirds and thrushes) still ‘chak-chaking’ among the remaining apples. They are fattening-up
in preparation for their return flight to Scandinavia – running out of energy halfway across the North Sea will
put an end to their chances of raising a family. As they leave, our first summer songbirds begin to arrive.
Male chiffchaffs will start returning before the end of the month to quickly claim the best territories and
advertise the fact with their incessant “chiff-chaff, chiff-chaff” song. They also need to feed voraciously on
still-scarce insects to replace their reserves after the long flight from Africa. Like the blackbirds and great
tits, they too need to look their best to impress the females who arrive a week or two later.

An extended version can be seen at

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View from the Scoreboard by Terry Baines

Football: Just seven games between our three teams last month, largely due to adverse playing conditions.
Our 1st XI have played twice since last time out.Firstly we struggled to beat bottom of the table New
Romney 2-1 and unfortunately were soundly beaten 5-1 against high flying Rochester City.
Meanwhile our 2nd XI have had a mixed bagof results, a win,draw and a loss. Firstly we played a top of the
tableclash versus Seal. Agreat game,end to end stuff but unfortunately ending up losing 4-3. Next came a
fine 5-2 victory over Division II side Wilderpark in the cup. Finally we played Wilderpark again but this time
their reserves in the League. However, surprisingly, we could only manage a 1-1 draw.
Our Vetss XI have had two fixtures this month, firstly a fine 5-2 victory over Riverside and a hard fought 1-1
draw away to Farningham.
Cricket: Just a reinder that the cricket season is fast approaching us and the need for more players is really
important for our coming season.
PLEASE GET IN TOUCH if yoy woyld like to play. All standards are welcome and you must enjoy a beer!

Club News

Our lucky Ton-Up winners for February were:

Ian Prideax £30 Farleigh Forge Garage £20 Jill Morgan £10

yours in sport, Tel

Tel no (01622 815267


The Evergreens had fun making Hedgehogs from old paperback books. There was a buzz
of conversation and much laughter. Some looked neater than others. Some had nimbler
fingers than others.

On Tuesday 13th March we will be meeting at 2.30 in the WI Hall Forge Lane. Clare Oirschot, from Smarden
Big Cat Sanctuary, will be telling us about the cats they have and why they need protecting.
On Tuesday 27th March we will be going to the Walled Nursery in Hawkhurst for lunch.
If you would like to join us as either of these events, contact Terry 814561 or Helen 814445.
All retired local people are welcome.

Hi All

A very interesting and busy meeting this week. We had a very entertaining speaker,
Lord Cyril Baldwin speaking about "a day in the life of a Toast Master ". It was not only
enlightening but very humorous with his endless anecdotes on the situations he
experienced while being a Toast Master.

There are many events that are being arranged, we had an open morning at the Hall on Saturday 17th
February for anyone who would like to know more about us at the WI. I hope the people who visited will
come back, you can always just visit us at a meeting as a guest, at no charge. All welcome. We have a
visit to the FCC recycling centre at the end of February. There is a trip to the greyhound stadium in March,
and a tenpin bowling morning in April. We are holding a Murder Mystery NIght on the 24th March, tickets
£10 each including food, contact Ann 01622 814561. All welcome. The last item on the agenda was
whether the members would like to go ahead with a new Kitchen in the Hall, everyone was enthusiastic. At
the March meeting, we have Anna Aston talking about the Women of WW1. We open at 7pm on the 14th
March, why don't you come along and see us, we will make you very welcome. Anyone wishing to hire
the Hall please contact Karen on 01622 920258. Hope to see you soon.

Pam Lindon 726337

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Did you know that MacMillan Crossroads care volunteers support people affected by cancer and their
carers. They provide companionship, emotional support, light household and gardening help, social outings,
shopping and escorting to medical appointments.

This care is greatly appreciated and helping people to live the final period of their lives is very rewarding.

There is a need for volunteers in our area, so if you have a few hours to spare a week, they would love to
hear from you. 01622 817114 or


Have you visited the Sage and Thyme Café at Kenward House? If you have you will know how nice it is. If
not, you must pay a visit. Morning Coffee, Light lunches and afternoon tea, all served with yummy cake!

The café is in the amazing Georgian House. For small parties they will open the drawing room overlooking
the gardens The Evergreens have enjoyed lunch here and are going again shortly for afternoon tea. There
are craft items and gifts for sale in the entrance hall.

It is open from 10-4 and 11-3 on Saturdays.

The Kenward Trust does amazing work with those addicted to alcohol and/or drugs. It is on our doorstep.
Drive along Hunt Street and turn left to go to Yalding and it is on the right.


Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for the last litter campaign
before spring! On 4th March, we’re assembling as usual at 9:00 a.m.
on The Green by the Good Intent, to tackle a few of our highways
and byways.

Benefits include:

Latest hi-tech picker sticks, which have been thoroughly road-tested

by Mags Zak and Tim Knowles. XL size hi-viz vests for those of us no
longer in the first flush of youth a hot drink and bacon butties après-pick kindly provided by Pauline &
Peter Mack.

Please call Tel on 815267 or just turn up on the day. We look forward to seeing you!

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Are you looking after a baby or and under 5? Are you about on Friday lunchtime from1pm - 2.30 pm?
Come on down to All Saints Church and meet other mums and toddlers. Mums, Dads, Grans, Grandads,
carers – you will all be warmly welcomed. For more information contact Becky on 07949 646865


Date and time Event and venue


7.00 pm At Holy Trinity Coxheath, with Loose Congregational church.
Everyone welcome

Sunday 4th March FARMERS MARKET at the Old School East Farleigh
10-1 Local meat and products. Café serving hot food and teas and coffees.


11am There will be a service at All Saints West Farleigh to celebrate Mothering
Everyone is welcome. We all have or have had mothers. Come and celebrate
and show your appreciation.
Sunday 11th March LAMBING DAY at Smiths Hill Farm
10-4 The farm will be open to view the new lambs, thanks to Geoff, Candy and
Oliver Martin. The Parish Council will be serving tea, coffee and cakes.
Sunday 11th March Mothers Day at the Tickled Trout - £29 per head for 3. Book early to avoid
disappointment 01622 814717or visit

Saturday 17th March MESSY CHURCH

3-5 pm All the family, especially children will be most welcome at St Nicholas Church
Linton. There will be music, singing, games, food, drink and lots of fun.
Details from Becky 07949 646865
Saturday 17th March St Patricks Day at the Good Intent. 12.30 onwards for 6 Nations Rugby, 5-8 Irish
Stew. 8 til late Les Blackburn
7.30 pm The Parish Council will be meeting In the Good Intent. All villagers are
welcome and can speak at the beginning of the meeting if they wish.


7 for 7.30 pm The WI Drama group are putting on a Murder Mystery play, in the WI Hall Forge
Lane East Farleigh. All are welcome. Tickets are £10 to include refreshments.
Tickets from Ann 01622 814561. Come and guess who dunnit!


9.30 am There will be Palm Sunday Service in All Saints Church West Farleigh.
To date we do not have a Donkey to lead a procession!
Everyone will be made welcome.


10am A service with music and readings.


Monday 3rd April VINTAGE FAIR

10-3 There will be a sale of Vintage goods at the Old School Hall East Farleigh.
£2 admission £1 after noon.

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