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Sevthia Nugraha

Electrical Department

Good Morning

The Honorable judges, the honorable lecturers, and all my friends who i love.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

First of all, let’s us praise to Allah SWT for the blessing and guidance for us so we can
gather in this place today. My name is Sevthia Nugraha. Thank you for giving me a chance and
i’m pleased to be here. I want to deliver my speech about ‘Youth Generation with Creativity and
New Innovative.” Before i start, the future is holding by Youth Generation. Besides that, creativity
and innovative are important because if we have both characters we will have the ideas for
developing the knowledge and create a nation’s hope.

Creativity is developing knowledge and innovative is used to solve the problems which is
we have from an idea and both characters are closes to Bright Future. Why creativity and
innovative are needed? If we’re talking about Youth Generation, we must create positive thought
with positive activity in order not to be easy to be influence with negative vibes, said Suhardi
Alius-Head of BNPT.

Young Generation is the strength for future. So if we want to destroy a nation, the first
thing to do is destroy the Youth Generation. That’s how this generation have a big role in the
world. And the strong of youth who can use the time for right things and leave the bad things.

*The role of Youth Generation are giving the evolution and solution for some kind of
problem which is happen. In reformation era, youth always took a part for the changes of nation’s
condition for the goverment control and social. Youth generation is a hope. Unfortunately at
present, the most anxiousness is behaviour for the future. In case narcotic, freedom associate,
criminal etc. But in positive perspective is the role on nation progress. For instance, being a winner
in some nation competition. To be a winner or just participated, it has been a role in nation

Sometimes there are people who have a problem with creativity and innovative. Actually
it’s not difficult to get that characters. Here, they are five ways to get them. First, give your self a
jolt. Sometimes you just need to make a small change in your life to become more creative.
Second, embrace your weirdness because it can give you an incredible idea. Third, analize your
idea. Fourth, goof off. And the last one but not least is change the word impossible to be possible.

I’m going to close my speech with a quote from Rollo May. “ If you don’t express your
own original ideas, if you don’t listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself.”
Sevthia Nugraha
Electrical Department

This is the end of my speech. That’s enough from me. Thank you for your attention. I’m
sorry if there’s any words unpleasing you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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