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For the

March 2

Gun Bills Dispute: The House blocked, 228

Y O N N -184, a bid by Democrats to force floor debate
on two bills designed to strengthen
background checks on gun purchasers. This
occurred 13 days after a school shooting in
Parkland, Fla. A yes vote was in opposition to
calling the bills up for debate.
Online Trafficking: The House voted, 388
Y O Y Y -25, to stipulate that Section 230 of the
Communications Decency Act can be used to
prosecute websites that facilitate sex
trafficking. A yes vote was to pass HR 1865
over arguments that its broad wording would
endanger free speech on the Internet.
Megabank Reserves: The House voted, 245
Y O N N -169, to ease rules under which the largest U.
S. banks hold reserves against future losses.
A yes vote was to pass HR 4296, which
bases risk on present practices, not on past
mistakes such as those that helped crash the
economy in 2008.
Wells Fargo Exclusion: The House
N O Y Y defeated, 185-228, a Democratic bid to
prevent benefits under HR 4296 (above) from
going to any bank engaged in a pattern of
fraudulent acts against customers. A yes vote
was to penalize Wells Fargo over several
illegal practices it has acknowledged.
Russell Vought Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 50-49, Russell Vought as deputy
director of the Office of Management and
Budget. He had worked on GOP staffs in
Congress and held a top post with the
political arm of the Heritage Foundation. A
yes vote was to confirm Vought.
KEY VOTES AHEAD ©2017 Voterama in Congress
The Senate will vote on judicial nominations in the week of March 5.
The House schedule was to be announced.

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