Partnership and Agency Digests For Atty Cochingyan

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty.

TAN SEN GUAN & CO. VS. PHILIPPINE TRUST (2) Exhibit D (the certificate of sale to Roman
CO. Catholic Archbishop) shows that all properties to
Phil Trust as Trustee were included in the sale.
Facts: Plaintiff Tan Sen Guan & Co. secured a The only thing reserved from the sale was the
judgment for a sum of P21,426 against the Mindoro standing crops, and it is reasonable to presume
Sugar Co. of which the Philippine Trust is the trustee. that they had also been sold between the date of
The plaintiff entered into an agreement with the the sale and the institution of this action. Where
defendant Philippine Trust Co. wherein the former the real estate, the personal property including
assigned, transferred, and sold to the latter the full animals, and all the bills receivable are sold, it
amount of said judgment against Mindoro Sugar Co. would be a forced construction of the contract of
together with all its rights thereto and the latter agreement to hold that the assets of the Mindoro
offered satisfactory consideration thereto. The Sugar Company had not been sold.
agreement further stipulated that upon signing of the
agreement, Phil Trust shall pay Tan Sen the sum of
P5000; should the Mindoro Sugar be sold or its
ownership be transferred, an additional P10,000 PHIL. AIR LINES, INC. VS. HEALD LUMBER CO.
pesos will be paid to Tan Sen upon perfection of the
sale; in case any other creditor of Mindoro Sugar Facts: Lepanto Consolidated Mines chartered a
obtains in the payment of his credit a greater helicopter belonging to plaintiff Phil. Air Lines to
proportion than the price paid to Tan Sen, the Phil make a flight from its base at Nichols Field Airport to
Trust shall pay to the latter whatever sum may be the former’s camp at Manyakan Mountain Province.
necessary to be proportioned the claim of the The helicopter, with Capt. Gabriel Hernandez and Lt.
creditor. However, if the Mindoro Sugar is sold to any Rex Imperial on board, failed to reach the destination
person who does not pay anything to the creditors or as it collided with defendant’s tramway steel cables
pay them equal or less than 70 percent of their resulting in its destruction and death of the officers.
claim, or should the creditors obtain from other Plaintiff insured the helicopters and the officers who
sources the payment of their claim equal to or less piloted the same for P80,000 and P20,000
than 70 percent, the Phil Trust will only pay to Tan respectively and as a result of the crash, the
Senthe additional sum of P10,000 upon the sale or insurance companies paid to the plaintiff the total
transfer of the Mindoro Sugar as above stated. The indemnity of P120,000. Plaintiff sustained additional
properties of Mindoro Sugar were later on sold at damages totaling P103,347.82 which were not
public auction to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of recovered by insurance. The plaintiff instituted this
Manila and base on the agreement plaintiff Tan Sen action against defendant Heald Lumber Company to
brought suit against defendant Phil Trust for the sum recover the sum paid by the insurance company to
of P10,000. the plaintiff and the additional damages which was
not recovered from the insurance.
Defendant’s argument: Only a portion of the
Mindoro Sugar’s properties were sold. Defendant’s argument: Plaintiff has no cause of
action against defendant for if anyone should due
CFI: Absolved the defendant on two grounds: (a) in defendant for its recovery, it will only be the
the contract, it was only bound as a trustee and not insurance companies.
as an individual; (b) that it has not been proved that
all the properties of the Mindoro Sugar had been Plaintiff’s argument: It asserts that the claim of
sold. the said amount of P120,000 is on behalf and for the
benefit of the insurers and shall be held by plaintiff in
Issues: trust for the insurers. It is appellant’s theory that,
inasmuch as the loss it has sustained exceeds the
(1) W/N the defendant is not personally amount of the insurance paid to it by the insurers,
responsible for the claim of the plaintiff the right to recover the entire loss from the
based on the deed of assignment because wrongdoer remains with the insured and so the
of having executed the same in its capacity action must be brought in its own name as real party
as trustee of the properties of the Mindoro in interest. To the extent of the amount received by it
Sugar. as indemnity from the insurers, plaintiff would then
(2) W/N all the properties of the Mindoro Sugar be acting as a trustee for them. To support this
were sold at public auction to the Roman contention, appellant cites American authorities.
Catholic Archbishop of Manila.
RTC’s Ruling: The court ordered the plaintiff to
amend its complaint to delete the first allegation that
Held: SC reversed CFI’s ruling. insurance companies have paid a portion of the
plaintiff’s damages, since the Court believes that the
(1) The Phil Trust Company in its individual capacity real parties in interest are the insurance companies
is responsible for the contract as there was no concerned or bring in the insurance companies as
express stipulation that the trust estate and not parties plaintiff. And having manifested plaintiff’s
the trustee should be held liable on the contract decision not to amend the complaint, such move of
in question. Not only is there no express plaintiff amounts to a deletion of the portion objected
stipulation that the trustee should not be held to and so the complaint should be deemed limited to
responsible but the ‘Wherefore’ clause of the the additional damages.
contract states the judgment was expressly
assigned in favor of Phil Trust Company and not Issue:
Phil Trust Company, the trustee. It therefore
follows that appellant had a right to proceed (1) W/N the plaintiff is not the real party in
directly against the Phil Trust on its contract and interest respecting the claim for P120,000.
has no claim against either Mindoro Sugar or the
trust estate.
Partnership & Agency | 2B 2008-2009
PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
Held: SC affirmed the appealed judgment. widow, Paulina Cristobal, and the children of Epifanio
Gomez instituted an action for the recovery of the
(1) In this jurisdiction, we have our own legal three parcels of land from Marcelino Gomez.
provision which in substance differs from the
American law. Art. 2207 of the NCC provides Defendant’s argument: Defendant answered with
that if a property is insured and the owner a general denial and claimed to be the owner in his
receives the indemnity from the insurer the own right of all the property which is the subject of
same is deemed subrogated to the rights of the action. He further claimed that the trust
the insured against the wrongdoer and if the agreement was kept secret from Epifanio Gomez, and
amount paid by the insurer does not fully that, having no knowledge of it, he could not have
cover the loss, then the aggrieved party is the accepted it before the stipulation was revoked. And
one entitled to recover the deficiency. Under that he has the benefit of prescription in his favor,
this legal provision, the real party in interest having been in possession of more than 10 years
with regard to the portion of the indemnity under the deed which he acquired the sole right from
paid is the insurer and not the insured. his sister.
(2) Before a person can sue for the benefit of
another under a trusteeship, he must be ‘a RTC’s ruling: ruled in favor of plaintiffs and found
trustee of an express trust.’ The right does not that the property in question belongs to the plaintiffs,
exist in cases of implied trust, that is, a trust as co-owners, and ordered the defendant to
which may be inferred merely from the acts of surrender the property to them and execute an
the parties or from other circumstances. Also, appropriate deed of transfer as well as to pay the
to adopt a contrary rule to what is authorized cost of the proceeding.
by the American statues would be splitting a
cause of action or promoting multiplicity of Issue: (1) W/N the dissolution of partnership
suits which should be avoided. Under our between Marcelino and Telesfora destroyed the
rules, both the insurer and the insured may beneficial right of Epifanio Gomez in the property.
join as plaintiffs to press their claims against
the wrongdoer when the same arise out of the (2) W/N the partnership agreement of Marcelino
same transaction or event. This is authorized and Telesfora was a donation in favor of
by section 6, rule 3, of the Rules of Court. Epifanio or an express trust.
(3) W/N Marcelino Gomez acquired the property
through prescription.
Held: SC declared ownership in favor of plaintiffs.
(1) The fact that one of the two individuals who
Facts: Epifanio Gomez owned a property which was have constituted themselves trustees for
sold in a pacto de retro sale to Luis Yangco the purpose above indicated conveys his
redeemable in 5 years, although the period passed interest in the property to his cotrustee does
without redemption, the vendee conceded the not relieve the latter from the obligation to
vendor the privilege of repurchase. Gomez apply to a comply with the trust.
kinsman, Bibiano Bañas, for assistance on a (2) A trust constituted between two contracting
condition that he will let him have the money if his parties for the benefit of a third person is
brother Marcelino Gomez and his sister Telesfora not subject to the rules governing donations
Gomez would make themselves responsible for the of real property. The beneficiary of the trust
loan. The siblings agreed and Bañas advance the may demand performance of the obligation
sum of P7000 which was used to repurchase the without having formally accepted the
property in the names of Marcelino and Telesfora.. A benefit of the trust in a public document,
‘private partnership in participation’ was created upon mere acquiescence in the formation of
between Marcelino and Telesfora and therein agreed the trusts and acceptance under the second
that the capital of the partnership should consist of par. of article 1257 of the CC. Much energy
P7000 of which Marcelino was to supply the amount has been expanded by the attorneys for the
of P1500 and Telesora the sume of P5500. It was appellant in attempting to demonstrate
further agreed that the all the property to be that, if Epifanio at any time had any right in
redeemed shall be named to the two, that Marcelino the property by virtue of the partnership
should be its manager, that all the income, rent, agreement between Marcelino and Telesfora
produce of the property shall be applied exclusively such right could be derived as a donation
to the amortization of the capital employed by the and that, inasmuch as the donation was
two parties with its corresponding interest and other never accepted by Epifanio in a public
incidental expenses and as soon as the capital document, his supposed interest therein is
employed, with its interest and other incidental unenforceable. The partnership should not
expenses, shall have been covered, said properties be viewed in light of an intended donation,
shall be returned to Epifanio Gomez or his legitimate but as an express trust.
children. A year after Epifanio’s death, Telesfora (3) As against the beneficiary, prescription is
wanted to free herself from the responsibility which not effective in favor of a person who is
she had assumed to Bañas and conveyed to acting as a trustee of a continuing and
Marcelino her interest and share in the three subsisting trust. Therefore, Marcelino cannot
properties previously redeemed from Yangco and acquire ownership over the property
both declared dissolved the partnership they created. through prescription.
With Marcelino as the sole debtor, Bañas required
him to execute a contract of sale of the three parcels
with pacto de retro for the purpose of securing the SALAO VS. SALAO
indebtedness. Marcelino later on paid the sum in full
satisfaction of the entire claim and received from Facts: After the death of Valentina Ignacio, her estate
Bañas a reconveyance of the three parcels. The was administered by her daughter Ambrosia. It was
Partnership & Agency | 2B 2008-2009
PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
partitioned extrajudically and the deed was signed by never was any intention on the part of Juan,
her four legal heirs namely her 3 children (Alejandra, Ambrosia and Valentin to create any trust.
Juan, and Ambrosia) and Valentin Salao, in There was no constructive trust because the
representation of his deceased father, Patricio. The registration of the 2 fishponds in the names
Calunuran fishpond is the property in contention in of Juan and Ambrosia was not vitiated by
this case. Prior to the death of Valentina Ignacio, her fraud or mistake. This is not a case where to
children Juan and Ambrosia secured a torrens title in satisfy the demands of justice it is
their names a 47 ha. fishpond located at Sitio necessary to consider the Calunuran
Calunuran, Lubao, Pampanga. A decree was also fishpond as being held in trust by the heirs
issued in the names of Juan and Ambrosia for the of Juan Salao Sr. for the heirs of Valentin
Pinanganacan fishpond which adjoins the Calunuran Salao. And even assuming that there was an
fishpond. A year before Ambrosia’s death, she implied trust, plaintiffs’ action is clearly
donated her one-half share in the two fishponds in barred by prescription when it filed an
question to her nephew, Juan Salo Jr. He was already action in 1952 or after the lapse of more
the owner of the other half of the fishponds having than 40 years from the date of registration.
inherited it from his father, Juan Salao Sr. After
Ambrosia died, the heirs of Valentin Salao, Benita
Salao and the children of Victorina Salao, filed a CARANTES VS. CA
complaint against Juan Salao Jr. for the
reconveyance to them of the Canluran fishpond as Facts: A proceeding for expropriation was
Valentin Salao’s supposed one – third share in the commenced by the government for the construction
145 ha. of fishpond registered in the names of Juan of the Loakan Airport and a portion of Lot 44, which
Salao Sr. and Ambrosia Salao. was originally owned by Mateo Carantes, was needed
for the landing field. The lot was subdivided into Lots
Defendant’s argument: Valentin Salao did not Nos. 44-a (the portion which the government sought
have any interest in the two fishponds and that the to expropriate), 44-b, 44-c, 44-d and 44-e.
sole owners thereof were his father and his aunt Negotiations were also under way for the purchase
Ambrosia, as shown in the Torrens titles and that he by the government of lots 44-b and 44-c. When
was the donee of Ambrosia’s one-half share. Mateo Carantes died, his son Maximino Carantes was
appointed administrator of the estate and filed a
Plaintiff’s argument: Their action is to enforce a project of partition of the remaining portion of Lot 44
trust which defendant Juan Salao Jr. allegedly wherein he listed as the heirs of Mateo Carantes who
violated. The existence of trust was not definitely were entitled to inherit the estate, himself and his
alleged in the plaintiff’s complaint but in their brothers and sisters. An ‘Assignment of Right to
appellant’s brief. Inheritance’ was executed by the children of Mateo
and the heirs of Apung Carantes in favor of Maximino
RTC’s Ruling: There was no community of property Carantes for a consideration of P1. Maximino sold to
among Juan, Ambrosia and Valentin when the the government lots nos. 44-b and 44-c and divided
Calunuran and the Pinanganacan lands were the proceeds of the sale among himself and the
acquired; that co – ownership over the real properties other heirs of Mateo. The assignment of right to
of Valentina Ignacio existed among her heirs after inheritance was registered by Maximino and the TCT
her death in 1914; that the co – ownership was in the names of the heirs was cancelled and a new
administered by Ambrosia and that it subsisted up to one was issued in the name of Maximino Carantes as
1918 when her estate was partitioned among her the sole owner of the remaining portions of lot 44. A
three children and her grandson, Valentin Salao. It complaint was instituted by the three children of
rationalized that Valentin’s omission during his Mateo and the heirs of Apung Carantes against
lifetime to assail the Torrens titles of Juan and Maximino praying that the deed of assignment be
Ambrosia signified that he was not a co-owner of the declared null and void and that the remaining
fishponds. It did not give credence to the testimonies portions of lot 44 be ordered partitioned into six
of plaintiffs’ witnesses because their memories could equal shares and Maximino be accordingly ordered to
not be trusted and because no strong evidence execute the necessary deed of conveyance in favor
supported the declarations. Moreover, the parties of the other heirs.
involved in the alleged trust were already dead.
Plaintiffs’ argument: They executed the deed of
Judgment appealed to CA but the amounts involved assignment only because they were made to believe
exceeded two hundred thousand pesos, the CA by Maximino that the said instrument embodied the
elevated the case to the SC. understanding among parties that it merely
authorized the defendant Maximino to convey
Issue: portions of lot 44 to the government in their behalf to
minimize expenses and facilitate the transaction and
(1) W/N plaintiffs’ massive oral evidence it was only when they secured a copy of the deed
sufficient to prove an implied trust, resulting that they came to know that the same purported to
or constructive, regarding the two assign in favor of Maximino their rights to inheritance
fishponds. from Mateo Carantes.
Held: SC affirmed lower court’s decision.
Defendant’s argument: Filed a motion to dismiss.
(1) Plaintiff’s pleading and evidence cannot be The plaintiffs’ cause of action is barred by the statute
relied upon to prove an implied trust. The of limitations because the deed of assignment was
trial court’s firm conclusion that there was recorded in the Registry of Property and that
no community of property during the ownership over the property became vested in him
lifetime of Valentina Ignacio or before 1914 by acquisitive prescription ten years from its
is substantiated by defendant’s registration in his name of Feb. 21, 1947.
documentary evidence. There was no
resulting trust in this case because there
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
RTC’s ruling: Ruled in favor of defendant Maximino September 4, 1958, the same in barred by
Carantes stating that since an action based on fraud extinctive prescription.
prescribes in four years from the discovery of the
fraud, and in this case the fraud allegedly
perpetrated by defendant must deemed to have
been discovered on march 16, 1940 when the deed MUNICIPALITY OF VICTORIAS VS. CA
of assignment was registered, the plaintiff’s right of
action had already prescribed when they filed the Facts: Norma Leuenberger, respondent, inherited a
action in 1958. And even assuming co-ownership parcel of land from her grandmother, Simeona Vda.
existed, the same was completely repudiated by the de Ditching in 1941. In 1963, she discovered that a
said defendant by performance pf several acts such part of the parcel of land was being used by
as the execution of deed of sale in favor of the petitioner Municipality of Victorias as a cemetery. By
government in 1939, hence ownership had vested in reason of the discovery, respondent wrote a letter to
the defendant by acquisitive prescription. the Mayor of Victorias demanding payment of past
rentals over the land used a cemetery and
CA reversed. requesting delivery of the illegally occupied land by
the petitioner. The Mayor replied that the
Issue: municipality bought the land but however refused to
show the papers concerning the sale. Apparently, the
(1) W/N the deed of assignment is void ab initio municipality failed to register the Deed of Sale of the
on the ground of fraud and the action to lot in dispute.
annul it has prescribed.
(2) W/N a constructive trust exist making an Respondent filed a complaint in the Court of
action for reconveyance based on First Instance of Negros Occidental for recovery of
constructive trust imprescriptable. possession of the parcel of land occupied by the
municipal cemetery. In its answer, petitioner
Municipality alleged ownership of the lot having
Held: SC dismissed the complaint and set aside CA’s bought it from Simeona Vda. de Ditching sometime in
decision. 1934. The lower court decided in favor of the
petitioner municipality.
(1) When the consent to a contract was
fraudulently obtained, the contract is On appeal, petitioner presented an entry in
voidable. Fraud or deceit does not render a the notarial register form the Bureau of Records
contract void ab initio, and can only be a Management in Manila of a notary public of a sale
ground for rendering the contract voidable purporting to be that of the disputed parcel of land.
or annullable pursuant to article 1390 of the Included within it are the parties to the sale, Vda. de
NCC by a proper action in court. The present Ditching, as the vendor and the Municipal Mayor of
action being one to annul a contract on the Victorias in 1934, as vendee. The Court of Appeals
ground of fraud, its prescriptive period is 4 however claimed that this evidence is not a sufficient
years from the time of discovery of fraud. Deed of Sale. It therefore reversed the ruling of the
The weight og authorities is the effect that CFI and ordered the petitioner to deliver the
the registration of an instrument in the possession of the land in question to respondents.
Office of the Register of Deeds constitutes a
constructive notice to the whole world, and, Issue: W/N the notary public of sale is sufficient to
therefore, discovery of fraud is deemed to substantiate the municipality’s claim that it acquired
have taken place at the time of the the disputed land by means of a Deed of Sale. Yes.
registration. In this case, the deed of
assignment was registered on March 16, Held: The fact that the notary public of sale showed
1940. The 4 years period within which the the nature of the instrument, the subject of the sale,
private respondents could have filed the the parties of the contract, the consideration and the
present action consequently commenced on date of sale, the Court held that it was a sufficient
march 16, 1940, and since they filed it only evidence of the Deed of Sale.
in September 4, 1958, it follows that the
same is barred by the statute of limitations. Thus, when Norma inherited the land from
(2) No express trust was created in favor of the her grandmother, a portion of it has already been
private respondents. If trust there was, it sold by the latter to the Municipality of Victorias in
could only be a constructive trust, which is 1934. Her registration of the parcel of land did not
imposed by law. In constructive trusts there therefore transfer ownership but merely confirmed it.
is neither promise nor fiduciary relation; the As the civil code provides, where the land is decreed
so called trustee does not recognize any in the name of a person through fraud or mistake,
trust and has no intent to hold the property such person is by operation of law considered a
for the beneficiary. An action for trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the
reconveyance based on implied or persons from whom the property comes.
constructive trust is prescriptable and Consequently, she only held the land in dispute in
prescribes in 10 years. In this case, the ten – trust for the petitioner hence private respondent is in
year prescriptive period began on march 16, equity bound to reconvey the subject land to the
1940, when the petitioner registered the cestui que trust, the Municipality of Victorias.
deed of assignment and secured the
cancellation of the certificate of title in the
joint names of the heirs of Mateo Carantes
and, in lieu thereof, the issuance of a new
title exclusively in his name. Since the MARIANO VS. DE VEGA
present action was commenced only on

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
Facts: Spouses Urbano and Panganiban owned as Held: Where the grantee takes the property under
conjugal property 29 unregistered parcels of land an agreement to convey to another on certain
during their lifetime. When Urbano died, his conditions, a trust results for the benefit of such
compulsory heirs were the children of Gaudencia, his other or his heirs. It is also the rule that there is an
child with Panganiban, who are petitioners in this implied trust when a person purchases land with his
case, and two other legitimate children, his children own money and takes conveyance thereof in the
with his second wife, who are the private name of another. In such a case, the property is held
respondents in this case. on a resulting trust in favor of the one furnishing the
consideration for the transfer. This kind of trust is
Petitioners filed a civil case in the CFI for from equity and arises by implication or operation of
partition and delivery of possession of certain shares law.
in the conjugal assets. They contended that private
respondents have excluded them from taking In the present case, it is apparent that
possession of the whole conjugal property and that Emilio furnished the consideration intending to obtain
the latter appropriated to themselves the products a beneficial interest in the property in question.
coming from the parcels of land. The court ruled in Having supplied the money, it is presumed that he
favor of the private respondents claiming that the intended to purchase the lot for his own benefit.
action of the petitioners has already prescribed for Moreover, by entering into an agreement with Emilio
the reason that an implied or constructive trust that “the necessary documents of transfer will be
prescribes in ten years. made later,” Lucas acknowledged the he merely held
the property in trust for his brother with the
Issue: W/N there is an implied or constructive trust understanding that it will eventually be conveyed to
granted by the petitioners in favor of the the plaintiff’s predecessor in interest. Lastly, by
respondents. No. acknowledging the presence of trust, the plaintiff’s
action cannot be said to have been barred by lapse
Held: The Court ruled that the present case does not of time. The case is therefore remanded for further
fall under the rules of implied trust. Considering the proceedings.
fact that the parties in this case inherited the land
from the same ancestor, Urbano, both parties are
clearly co-owners of the disputed properties. This
case is therefore governed by the rules on co- LAUREANO VS. STEVENSON
ownership. Under the civil code, prescription does
not run against a co-owner or a co-heir so long as he Facts: In 1912, Felix Laureano sold to Eugenio
expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-ownership. Kilayco a piece of property situated in the City of
Iloilo, and such land was then registered in the
In view of their lack of a clear repudiation of latter’s name. Adjoining such property was another
the co-ownership, private respondents cannot property belonging to Laureano.
acquire the share of the petitioners by prescription.
When the cadastral survey was initiated in Iloilo in
1914, Kilayco made proper representations to
confirm the title to his property. Thereafter, title was
HEIRS OF CANDELARIA VS. ROMERO issued to him, but later, for some unknown reason,
the certificate was ordered cancelled and a new one
Facts: Parties to this case are the heirs of Emilio was issued. Then, presumably by mistake, the title
Candelaria as plaintiff and Luisa Romero, and the was made to include not only Kilayco’s property but
heirs of Lucas as defendants. property belonging to his neighbor, Laureano. The
final decree to his effect was issued in 1916.
Emilio and Lucas Candelaria bought a lot on
an installment basis. Lucas paid the first two Creditors of Kilayco, becoming aware of the
installments but because of sickness which caused existence of the title to the property, instituted
him to be bedridden, he sold his share to his brother actions and obtained writs of execution in May 1922.
Emilio who continued to pay the purchase price until The sale of the property was set for October 1922. All
the obligation to pay had been fully satisfied. The the while, Laureano had done nothing to protect his
TCT was however issued under the name of Lucas. interests in the property. However, he claims to have
Nevertheless, Lucas acknowledges that he merely been absent in Spain at the time of the hearing in the
held the title in trust for his brother with the cadastral case and to have known nothing of it.
understanding that “the necessary documents of
transfer will be made later” and this fact was known On June 1922, Laureano filed a case against Kilayco
not only to him but also to the defendants. However to obtain a judgment, declaring him to be the owner
upon his death, his heirs refused to reconvey the lot of the parcels of land mistakenly included in the
to plaintiff despite repeated demands. latter’s title, and ordering the cancellation of the
certificate of title theretofore issued in the name of
Plaintiff brought an action in the CFI for a Kilayco.
complaint for reconveyance of real property. The
lower court however dismissed the case on the Issue: When property is acquired through mistake,
ground that an express trust, and not an implied can the real owner recover such property by virtue of
trust, was created and that the action had already implied trust?
Trial Court: Since the creditors were not parties to
Issue: What kind of trust was created? Express or the action, the cancellation of the annotations on the
implied trust? Implied trust. certificate of title in favor of the creditors of Kilayco
cannot be sustained.

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
Held: It is proper to issue the injunction sought by court allowed petitioners to intervene as
the petitioners to stop the sale of the property at indispensable parties, vacating its previous judgment
public auction, to annul the levies made on the and granting a new trial.
property, to obtain the cancellation in the registry of
property of the annotations made, and to secure a Trial Court: There is no proof to show that
new title for the petitioner without these petitioners are co-owners of the property in question
encumbrances. because the land has long been covered by an OCT
since 1932 in the name of their predecessor in
It is important to note that: interest, Fausto Soy.

1. Kilayco never laid a claim to the property; CA: Resolved in favor of respondents, declaring that
2. The two lots covered by the certificate were the sale to intervenor-petitioners did not terminate
mistakenly registered in the name of the trust relationship between the appellants and the
Kilayco; and appellees. The sale in favor of petitioners shall be
3. The court did not have jurisdiction to enforced against the ¼ share of respondents as heirs
confirm the title of the two lots for the of Fausto.
reason that no petition for title was filed, no
trial was held, no evidence was presented, Issue: Was the disputed land held in trust by Fausto
and no judgment was rendered regarding Soy for his sisters, Emilia, Cornelia and Anastacia
these two lots in the land registration (mothers of herein respondents)?
Ruling: CA decision reversed, order for partition
Kilayco was, in effect, merely holding the title of the dismissed.
property in trust of Laureano. The creditors of
Kilayco could acquire no higher or better right than Fausto, being predecessor-in-interest, had appeared
Kilayco had in the property, which, in this case, was to be the registered owner of the lot for more than 30
nothing. Hence, Laureano can rightfully recover the years and his dominical rights can no longer be
two parcels of land included in the title of Kilayco challenged. Any insinuation as to the existence of an
through mistake. implied or constructive trust should not be allowed.

Even assuming there was an implied trust,

respondents attempt at reconveyance is barred by
GONZALES v. IAC prescription, which in this case is 10 years, the
period reckoned from the issuance of the adverse
title to the property which operates as a constructive
Facts: The land in dispute is registered in the name notice.
of Fausto Soy. In 1941, Fausto sold 253 sq. m. to
Francisco Landingin. In 1954, pursuant to a Deed of The assertion of adverse title, which was an explicit
Donation executed by Fausto, Antonio Soy (son of indication of repudiation of the trust for the purpose
Fausto) and Gregoria Miranda (wife) sold 240 sq. m. of the statute of limitations, took place when the OCT
to Juanito Gonzales and Coronacion Ganaden. In was issued in the name of Fausto Soy in 1932, to the
January 1960, Fausto sold another 240 sq. m. to exclusion of his 3 sisters.
Gonzales and Ganaden and two days later, a TCT was
issued in favor of Gonzales, indicating his share as Even if there were no repudiation, the rule is that an
co-owner of 480 sq. m. and Fausto Soy, 240 sq. m. In action to enforce an implied trust may be
1965, Fausto sold another 140 sq. m. to the Gonzales circumscribed not only by prescription but also by
and Ganaden. laches—in which case, repudiation is not required.

April 1965, Respondents Rosita Lopez, Gavino Respondents had literally slept on their rights
Cayabyab, Agueda and Felipa Ubando, Pedro Soriano, presuming they had any and can no longer dispute
Teosidia Lopez and Federico Ballesteros (nieces and the conclusive and incontrovertible character of
nephews of Fausto) filed the instant complaint for Fausto’s title as they are deemed to have acquiesced
partition against Fausto Soy. On the same day they therein.
filed a notice of lis pendens and had it annotated on
the OCT. Fausto answered and contested plaintiffs
claims, asserting exclusive title in his name. Fausto
countered that the questioned land was never ADAZA V. CA
registered in the names of his parents Eugenio and
Ambrosia, and that he had been the registered owner Facts: In 1953, Victor Adaza Sr. executed a Deed of
of the premises since 1932. Donation, covering the disputed land in this case,
located in Sinonok, Zamboanga del Norte in favor of
On the basis of evidence adduced ex-parte, the Trial Respondent Violeta. The land being disposable public
Court held that respondents and Fausto were co- land had been held and cultivated by Victor, Sr. With
owners of the lot and ordered the partition thereof. the help of her brother, Horacio, Violeta filed a
Parties were enjoined to partition amongst homestead application over the land and a free
themselves and were to submit the same to the patent was issued in 1956. An OCT was issued in
lower court for confirmation. Upon execution, the 1960. In 1962, Violeta and husband, Lino obtained a
sheriff was unable to effect apportionment due to a loan from PNB by executing a mortgage on the land,
3rd party claim of Juanito and Coronacion Gonzales, while Homero Adaza, brother of Violeta remained
stating that they were registered owners of 480 sq. administrator of the same.
m. of the disputed land. The sheriff noted the various
improvements petitioners had introduced In 1971, Horacio invited his brothers and sisters for a
(apartment, residential house and piggery). Trial family gathering where he asked Violeta to sign a
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Deed of Waiver with respect to the property in Facts: This case involves an action for reconveyance
Sinonok. The Deed stated that the land was owned in or for the declaration of an implied trust on Lot No.
common by Violeta and Horacio even though the 974 and for damages.
OCT was in her name only. The Deed also provided
for the waiver, transfer and conveyance of Violeta to The disputed land was the subject of 2 Patent
Horacio of ½ of the property and its improvements. Applications: (1) Free patent filed by Defendant on
Violeta and Horacio signed the Deed with Homero as Aug 1 1958, issued Jul 1961, OCT issued Feb 1962
a witness. and (2) Homestead Patent filed by Plaintiff on Jul 7
1959, approved Jan 1964.
A few months later, Violeta and husband Lino filed a
complaint for annulment of the Deed of waiver and Plaintiff Armamento alleges that he is the possessor-
for damages against Horacio and wife Felisa. The actual occupant of and Homestead applicant over the
complaint alleged that (1) she was absolute owner of disputed lot. Upon following up his application, he
the land by virtue of an unconditional donation was shocked to discover that Defendant Guerrero,
executed by her father in her favor; (2) she was through fraud and misrepresentation obtained a Free
registered owner; (3) she signed the Deed of waiver Patent over the same land, by falsely stating that he
because of fraud, misrepresentation and undue had continuously possessed the lot since July 1945 or
influence; and (4) because of such malicious acts, prior thereto, when in truth defendant was never in
she is entitled to damages from Horacio. possession.

Trial Court: Declared Deed of Waiver as valid and In his Answer, Guerrero denies that he was not in
binding upon Violeta, that Horacio was co-owner of possession claiming that he had been in occupation
½ of the land, and odering Violeta to pay Horacion of said lot and even authorized a certain Macario
the proceeds of his share. Caangay to administer the same while he was
termporarily away for missionary work in Cagayan de
CA: Reversed Trial court decision, declaring that Oro.
though the deed was signed voluntarily, such Deed
was without consideration or cause because the land Trial Court: Dismissed the case on the following
had been unconditionally donated to Violeta alone. grounds: (a) Plaintiff has no personality to file the
action for reconveyance—the proper party being the
Issue: Who owns the disputed parcel of land? Republic of the Philippines; (b) Plaintiff has no cause
Ruling: Petition granted. of action in the absence of privity of contract
between parties; (c) defendant’s title has become
Deed of donation had a crossed-out provision: That indefeasible and cannot be cancelled; and (d) even
the donee shall share ½ of the entire property with if based on fraud, the action has prescribed.
one of her brothers and sisters after the death of the
donor. Issues: Is plaintiff’s action for reconveyance
justified? Was there a trust created?
The record is bereft of any indication of any evil
intent or malice on the part of Homero, Victor, Jr. and Ruling: After the lapse of one year, a decree of
Teresita (siblings of Violeta) that would suggest registration is no longer open to review or attack,
deliberate collusion against Violeta. Their father had although its issuance is attended with fraud.
executed the Deed of Donation with the However, an action for reconveyance is still available
understanding that the same would be divided for the aggrieved party if the property has not yet
between Horacio and Violeta and that Violeta had passed to an innocent purchaser for value. This is
signed the Deed of Waiver freely and voluntarily. exactly what plaintiff has done.

Victor Adaza, Sr. left 4 parcels of land divided among Plaintiff has not been able to prove fraud and
the 6 children through the practice of having the misrepresentation because of the trial court
lands acquired by him titled to the name of one of his dismissal. While plaintiff is not the “owner” of the
children. land, so that, strictly speaking, he has no personality
to file this application, he pleads for equity and
The property involved in the instant case is owned in invokes the doctrine of implied trust under Art. 1456
common by Violeta and brother, Horacio even though of the Civil Code: If property is acquired through
the OCT was only in her name. She held half of the mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force
land in trust for petitioner Horacio—implied trust of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for
based on Article 1449 of the Civil Code: the benefit of the person from whom the property
There is also an implied trust when a donation is
made to person but It appears that although the The doctrine of implied trust may be made to
legal estate is transmitted to the donee, he operate in plaintiff’s favor, assuming that he can
nevertheless is either to have no beneficial interest prove his allegation that defendant had acquired
of only a part thereof. legal title by fraud.

The doctrine of laces is not to be applied A constructive trust is a trust raised by construction
mechanically as between near relatives. of law or arising by operation of law. If a person
obtains legal title to property by fraud or
concealment, courts of equity will impress upon the
title a so-called constructive trust in favor of the
defrauded part.
Action for reconveyance has not prescribed—the
prescriptive period being 10 years. (Title obtained
1962, Suit commenced 1967)
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Case is remanded to CFI Cotobato. SC: The plaintiffs have not proven any express trusts
neither have they specified the kind of implied trust
contemplated in their action. Either way, such action
may be barred by laches.
In the cadastral proceedings, Jose and wife claimed
Facts: Spouses Martin Ramos and Candida were the 8 lots of the plaintiffs. After the death of Jose, the
survived by three legitimate children: Jose, Agustin said lots were adjudicated to his widow and daughter.
and Granada. Martin was also survived by 7 natural In 1932 Gregoria leased the said lots to Yulo, who in
children. A special proceeding was instituted for the 1934 transferred his lease rights over Hacienda
settlement of the estate of said spouses. Rafael, Calazato to Bonin and Olmedo, husband of plaintiff
brother of Martin was appointed administrator. A Atanacia. Bonin and Olmedo in 1935 sold their lease
project of partition was submitted and the conjugal rights over Hacienda Calaza to Consing.
hereditary estate was appraised at P74,984.93. It
consisted of 18 parcels of land, some head cattle and Those transactions prove that the heirs of Jose had
advances to the legitimate children. It was agreed in repudiated any trust which was supposedly
the project of partition that Jose and Agustin would constituted over Hacienda Calaza in favor of the
pay the cash adjudications to their natural siblings. plaintiffs.
Only the sum of P 37, 492.46 of the P74k
represented the estate of Martin. 1/3 thereof was the The period of extinctive prescription is 10 years.
free portion out of which the shares of the natural Atanacia, Modesto and Manuel, could have brought
children were to be taken: each would get P1,785.35. the action to annul the partition. Maria and Emiliano
The project of partition as well as the intervention of were both born in 1896. They reached the age of 21
Timoteo as guardian of the five minor heirs was in 1917 and could have brought the action from that
approved by the court. Later on, Judge Nepomuceno year.
asked the administrator to submit a report showing
that the shares have been delivered to the heirs as The instant action was filed only in 1957. As to
required which the siblings acknowledged in a Atanacia, Modesto and Manuel, the action was filed
manifestation. The Himalayan cadastre (8 lots) 43 years after it accrued and, as to Maria and
involved in this case were registed in equal shares in Emiliano, the action was filed 40 years after it
the names of Jose’s widow, Gregoria and her accrued. The delay was inexcusable. The instant
daughter Granada. action is unquestionably barred by prescription and
res judicata.
The Plaintiff’s (natural children) contend that while
they were growing up, they had been well supported It was anomalous that the manifestation should
by Jose and Agustin as they had been receiving their recite that they received their shares from their
shares from the produce of the Haciendas in varied administrator, when in the project of partition it was
amounts over the years. Even after the death of Jose, indicated that said shares shall be received in cash
Gregoria had continued giving them money but had from brothers Jose and Agustin. Thus due to this
stopped in 1951 by reason that lessee Lacson was irregularities as well as those of the intestate
not able to pay the lease rental. No accounting had proceedings, the plaintiffs contend that the partition
ever been made to them by Jose nor Gregoria. Upon was not binding on them (except for Timoteo who
the survey of the land, they did not intervene, as Jose considered himself bound by the partition). They ask
and Agustin promised that said lands shall be that the case be remanded to the lower court for the
registered in the names of the heirs. They did not determination and adjudication of their rightful
know that the intestate proceedings were instituted shares.
for the distribution of the estate of their father.
Neither did they have any knowledge that a guardian However, due to the fact that the plaintiffs slept on
was assigned to represent their minor siblings, their rights, the courts can no longer afford them
considering that Modesto and Miguel who were relief
claimed to be such were no longer minors at the time
of the partition. They never received their share in
the estate of their father. Plaintiffs later on
discovered that the property had a Torrens title in the VARSITY HILLS, INC v NAVARRO
name of Gregoria and her daughter when Modesto’s
children had inquired from the Register of Deeds. Facts: The present action began from a previous civil
Petitioners now bring the present suit for the case wherein a petition was filed by herein
reconveyance of the subject parcels of land in their respondents Mejia as heirs of Quintin Mejia and by
favor. Elpidio Tiburcio as assignee of a portion of the estate
left by the latter as plaintiff against petitioners
Petitioners claim that in effect, Gregoria and Tuason et. al. The complaint alleged that Quintin
daughter are holding their shares in trust which was Mejia had obtained a Spanish title to the land and
denied by defendants. Defendants alledge res that he and his successors in interest had occupied
judicata and prescription. the land without interruption until they were forcibly
rejected therefrom and their houses demolished in
LOWER COURT: Dismissed the complaint on the 1934 through a writ of execution. In 1914, the
basis of res judicata as their shares were already defendants Tuason had obtained a decree of
settled in the intestate proceedings. No deed of trust registration covering 35,403 hectares and that they
was alledged and proven. had fraudulently and insidiously included plaintiff’s
land in the area covered by the Certificate of Transfer
Plaintiff’s appealed saying that they were grievously by inserting fake and false technical descriptions. UP
prejudiced by the partition and thus res judicata et al. as subsequent acquirers whose titles are
should not bar their action.

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derived from the original fraudulent certificates Their children are herein respondents de Guzman
should likewise be annulled. heirs. Marcelo died some time in Septermber 1945
and respondents executed a deed of extra-judicial
Herein Petitioners contend that the decision in a civil settlement of his estate. They fraudulently stipulated
case wherein the Respondents were declared as therein that they were the only surviving heirs of
without title to the land and ejected by a writ of Marcelo although knowing that petitioners were also
execution was affirmed by the Supreme Court. The his forced heirs. They were able to cause the transfer
Petitioners contend in the present case that the the certificates of 7 parcels of land each in their
causes of action averred by the Respondents were names. The petitioners discovered the fraud only the
barred by the LRA and the statute of limitations over year before the institution of the case. Petitioners
51 years having elapsed since the decree of seek to annul the extra-judicial settlement as well as
registration was issued, barred by laches as 32 years have their shares in the said properties reconveyed
have elapsed since the ejectment and that the court to them.
had no jurisdiction to review and revise the decree of
registration. They also maintain as affirmative Contentions: Defendants argue that Placida de
defenses that they had in possession for over 30 Guzman was not entitled to share in the estate of
years of the land thus acquiring title by acquisitive Marcelo as she was an illegitimate child and that the
prescription and that claims for ownership were action of the Petitioners is barred by the statute of
extinguished by the decree and that they are limitations.
purchasers for value and in good faith of the lands
standing in their names. A motion to dismiss was Rulings:
filed yet was denied by the lower court. The
Petitioners resorted to the SC for a special TRIAL COURT: The trial court dismissed the case
proceeding for writs of certiorari and prohibition thus after finding that Placida was a legitimate child of
the trial court was enjoined from proceeding with the Marcelo and that the properties described herein
trial until further orders. belonged to the conjugal partnership of Marcelo and
Camila. It also ruled that Petitioners action had
Mejia and Tiburcio claim that appeal in due time was already prescribed.
the proper remedy.
CA: affirmed ruling of the trial court
Issue: Can the present action prosper based on
claims of implied/constructive trust? Contentions: Petitioners assert that since they are
co-heirs of Marcelo, the action for partition is not
SC: The court below gravely abused its discretion in subject to the statue of limitations; that if affected,
denying petitioners motion to dismiss based on their the period of 4 years did not begin to run until
affirmative defenses. The action by Tiburcio and discovery of the fraud. They claim that the fraud
Mejias was already barred by res judicata and done by respondents took place in 1956 or 1957 and
extinctive prescription. A previous case was decided that it had not prescribed when the present action
wherein Quintin Mejia had been found without title was commenced.
and thus ejected. The action in the court below was
definitely barred as while the present respondents SC: The rule holds true only when the defendants do
were not parties to the cause which Quintin Mejia not hold the property in question under an adverse
was such a party, the final judgment against him title. The statute of limitations operates from the
concludes and bars his predecessors and privies as time the adverse title is asserted by the possessor of
well. Since the respondents failed to file a petition for the property.
review of the decree within one year after the entry
thereof despite claims that there was fraud in the The defendants excluded the petitioners from the
inclusion of their land in the title, they are barred by estate of Marcelo when they executed the deed of
the LRA. However if the fraud had been committed extra-judicial settlement claiming that they are the
after the issuance of the decree, they should have sole heirs thus setting up an adverse title to the
pleaded when Quintin was made a defendant in Civil estate.
Case 4420. Nevertheless, their cause of action is
barred by res judicata. With or without judgment An action for reconveyance of real property based
against Quintin, their action had been upon a constructive or implied trust, resulting from
extinguished by the lapse of 30 years from the fraud may be barred by the statute of limitations and
time he was ejected from the land in question. the action may only be filed within 4 years from the
An action to recover is also foreclosed by the discovery of the fraud. In the case at bar, the
statute of limitations. Actions on implied trusts discovery was made on June 25, 1948 when the deed
are extinguished by laches or prescription of was filed with the Register of Deeds and new
10 years. Respondents have presented no cause of certificates of title were issued in the names of the
action. The lower court by denying the motion to respondents exclusively. Plaintiff’s complaint was not
dismiss constituted GADLEJ since they prolonged a filed until November 4, 1958 or more than 10 years
litigation that was unmeritorious on its face. after.

Ignacio Gerona as well as Maria Concepcion attained

the age of majortity in 1948 thus had 4 years from
GERONA v DE GUZMAN date of discovery within which to file an action.

Facts: Petitioner Gerona heirs are the legitimate Francisco and Delfin attained the age of majority in
children of Domingo Gerona and Placida de Guzman. 1952 and 1954, thus had 2 years after removal of
Placida was a legitimate daughter of Marcelo de “legal incapacity” within which to commence their
Guzman and his first wife Teodora de la Cruz. After action.
the death of Teodora, Marcelo married Camila Ramos.

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The possession of the property has been with Blas
and his successors since the sale thus, their action
CALADIAO v VDA DE BLAS cannot be deemed extinguished by prescription as
under the old civil procedure, an action by the
FACTS: Prudencio Limpin sold, ceded, and transferred vendee of real property in possession thereof to
to Simeon Blas an unregistered fishpond for the obtain the conveyance of it is not subject to
P4440 with the right to repurchase the property prescription.
within one year from Sept. 30, 1932 and with the
express stipulation that the sale would automatically
become absolute and irrevocable if no repurchase
was made within the agreed period. Maxima Santos, DIAZ, ET.AL. VS. GORRICHO AND AGUADO
(Blas’ wife) took over upon the death of Blas and
paid taxes until 1955. The fishpond together with the Facts: Spouses Francisco Diaz and Maria Sevilla
other properties was adjudicated to her by the court owned two parcels of lots (Lots Nos. 1941 and 3073)
in an estate proceeding. Despite such, Limpin in Cabanatuan. Sometime later, Francisco died, and
obtained a judicial registration of the fishpond in the properties were left in the hands of her wife and
favor of his conjugal partnership with Caladiao and three children.
secured a new title in their names. A TCT was issued
in the name of Caladiao when Limpin died. Unaware Sometime in 1935, the appellee Carmen Gorricho
of such, Santos Vda de Blas applied for the filed an action against Maria Sevilla and in
registration of the fishpond which was adjudicated to connection therewith, a writ of attachment was
her as it was proven that Limpin sold the property to issued upon the shares of the latter in the two
Blas and had failed to repurchase the same. While parcels of land. Since Maria Sevilla failed to redeem it
this registration case was pending, Caladiao filed a within one year, a final deed of sale in favor of
complaint for the return of the fishpond and the Carmen Gorricho was issued. In the said deed,
annulment of the sale a retro executed by Limpin. however, the sheriff conveyed to Gorricho the whole
This was however, dismissed. The court ordered an of the two parcels instead of only the half-interest of
issuance of decree in favor of Vda de Blas but Maria Sevilla therein. Pursuant to the said deed,
subsequently dismissed the proceedings in finding Carmen Gorricho obtained the titles of the two
that the said fishpond was registered previously in parcels of land in her name in the year 1937, and has
favor of Limpin. Rosalina Santos substituted Maxima been possessing the said lands as owner ever since.
upon death.
In 1952, the children of Maria Sevilla (who died a
CFI: in favor of Santos, ordered reconveyance and year before) filed an action against the respondents
was awarded P3000. to compel the latter to execute in their favor a deed
of reconveyance over an undivided one-half interest
CA: affirmed. of the lots in question, which the respondents were
allegedly holding in trust for them. The respondents
Defendants claim that the action for reconveyance raised the defense that the petitioners’ action has
had prescribed as it was filed more than 20 years long prescribed.
since Limpin had acquired a CTC in their name over
the fishpond. Issue: Do implied trust prescribe or may they be
defeated by laches?
SC: The existence of a decree of registration in favor
of one party is no bar to an action to compel Ruling of the CFI of Nueva Ecija: While a
reconveyance of the property to the true owner, constructive trust in plaintiff’s favor arose when
which is an action in personam, even if such action Gorricho took advantage of the error of the provincial
be instituted after the year fixed by Section 38 of the yepquestion and obtained title in herself, the action
LRA as a limit to the review of the registration of the plaintiff was, however, barred by laches and
decree, provided it is shown that the registration is prescription.
wrongful and the property sought to be reconveyed
has not passed to an innocent third party holder for Petitioners: The disputed property was acquired by
value. Gorricho through an error of the provincial sheriff;
that having been acquired through error, it was
Limpin obtained the decree of registration subject to an implied trust, as provided by Article
fraudulently and in utter bad faith thus he and his 1456 of the New Civil Code; and therefore, since the
heirs may be compelled to reconvey it to the true trust is continuing and subsisting, the appellants may
owner. The registration of the property did not annul compel reconveyance of the property despite the
the conveyance in favor of Blas and after the lapse of time, specially because prescription does not
registration, the Limpins held the property in trust for run against titles registered under Article 496.
the true owners.
Held: The petitioners are in error in believing that
The application for registration was in bad faith, with like express trusts, such constructive trusts may not
the result that the certificate of title issued to Limpin be barred by lapse of time. The American law on
in 1934 was in law issued to and held by him in trusts has always maintained a distinction between
behalf and in trust for the benefit of Blas. Under the express trusts created by intention of parties, and
old code of civil procedure, prescription does not the implied/constructive trusts that are exclusively
apply to “continuing and subsisting trusts”; so that created by law, the later not being trusts in their
actions against a trustee to recover trust property technical sense. The express trusts disable the
held by him are imprescriptible. Actions for the trustee from acquiring for his own benefit the
reconveyance of property wrongfully registered are property committed to his management or
of this category. custody, at least while he does not openly
repudiate the trust, and makes such

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
repudiation known to the beneficiary or cestui independent of that of its members, did not come
que trust. into existence, and some of the characteristics of
partnerships are lacking in the case at bar.
Also, in express trusts, the delay of the beneficiary
is directly attributable to the trustee who Held: The petitioners are liable to pay the tax on
undertakes to hold the property for the former, corporations provided for in Sec. 24 of the
or who is linked to the beneficiary by Commonwealth Act No. 466, otherwise known as the
confidential or fiduciary relations. The trustee’s National Internal Revenue Code. According to Sec.
possession is, therefore, not adverse to the 84 of the same statute, “the term ‘corporation’
beneficiary, until and unless the latter is made aware includes partnerships, no matter how created or
that the trust has been repudiated. organized, joint-stock companies, joint accounts,
associations or insurance companies, but does not
But in constructive trusts, there is neither promise include duly registered general co-partnerships.”
nor fiduciary relation. The so-called trustee does
not recognize any trust and has no intent to Also, Article 1767 of the Civil Code provides:
hold for the beneficiary; therefore, the latter is “By the contract of partnership, two or more persons
not justified in delaying action to recover his bind themselves to contribute money, property, or
property. It is his fault if he delays; hence, he industry to a common fund, with the intention of
may be estopped by his own laches. dividing the profits among themselves.” Pursuant to
this article, the essential elements of a
Thus, the judgment of dismissal (of the CFI) should partnership are two, namely: (1) an agreement to
be upheld, because the petitioners’ cause of action contribute money, property or industry to a common
to attack the deed and cancel the transfer fund; and (2) intent to divide the profits among the
certificates of title issued to the respondents accrued contracting parties. The first element is undoubtedly
from the year of issuance and recording, 1937, and present in the case at bar, for, admittedly, the
the petitioners have allowed 15 years to elapse petitioners have agreed to, and did, contribute
before taking remedial action in 1952. Under the old money and property to a common fund. Also, it can
Code of Civil Procedure, in force at the time, the be said that their purpose was to engage in real
longest period of extinctive prescription was only 10 estate transactions for monetary gain and then
years. divide the same among themselves because: (1)
they created the common fund purposely; (2) they
invested the same, not merely in one transaction, but
in a series of transactions; (3) the parcels of land that
they bought were not devoted to residential
purposes, or to other personal uses of the petitioners
but were leased separately to several persons; (4)
the properties have been under the management of
Facts: The petitioners borrowed from their father one person, namely Simeon Evangelista, making the
PhP59,140.00 which amount together with their affairs relative to the said properties appear to have
personal monies was used by them for the purpose been handled as if the same belonged to a
of buying and selling real properties. From 1943 to corporation or business enterprise operated for
1944, they bought 24 parcels of land (including the profit; and (5) the petitioners have not testified or
improvements thereon) on four different occasions. introduced any evidence, either on their purpose in
In 1945, they appointed their brother Simeon to creating the set up already adverted to, or on the
manage their properties with full power to lease; to causes for its continued existence.
collect and receive rents; to issue receipts therefore;
in default of such payment, to bring suits against the
Hence, the petitioners herein constitute a
defaulting tenant; and to endorse and deposit all
partnership, and in so far as the National Internal
notes and checks for them. In 1948, their net rental
Revenue Code is concerned, they are subject to the
income amounted to PhP12,615.35.
income tax for corporations.
On September 1954, the respondent Collector of
I. As regards to the residence tax for
Internal Revenue demanded the payment of (1)
corporations provided Sec. 2 of
income tax on corporations, (2) real estate dealer’s
Commonwealth Act No. 4651, the terms
fixed tax, and (3) corporation residence tax for the
“corporation” and “partnership” are used in
years 1945-1949, computed according to the
both statutes with substantially the same
assessments made on their properties.
meaning. Consequently, petitioners are
subject, also, to the residence tax for
Because of this, the petitioners filed a case against corporations.
the respondents in the Court of Tax Appeals, praying
that the decision of the respondent contained in its II. Lastly, the records show that the petitioners
letter of demand be reversed and that they be have habitually engaged in leasing the
absolved from the payment of the taxes in question. properties for a period of 12 years, and that
the yearly gross rentals of the said
Issue: Whether the petitioners are subject to the properties from 1945 to 1948 ranged from
tax on corporations, real estate dealer’s fixed tax,
and corporation residence tax. 1
Entities liable to residence tax—Every corporation, no
Court of Tax Appeals: The petitioners are liable. matter how created or organized, whether domestic or
(No explanation for such in the case) resident foreign, engaged in or doing business in the
Philippines shall pay an annual residence tax of five pesos
Petitioners: They are mere co-owners, not co- and an annual additional tax, which in no case, shall
partners, for, in consequence of the acts performed
exceed one thousand pesos, in accordance with the
by them, a legal entity, with a personality
following schedule: * * *
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
PhP9,599.00 to PhP 17,453.00. Thus, they the contract of lease between the owners and the
are subject to the tax provided in Section plaintiff against the sublease of the property.
193 (q) of our National Internal Revenue
Code, for “real estate dealers,” inasmuch as, Trial Court: Dismissal. It is not true that a
pursuant to Section 194 (s) thereof: partnership was created between them because
defendant has not actually contributed the sum
“Real estate dealers include any person engaged mentioned in the Articles of Partnership or any other
in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, amount. The agreement is a lease because plaintiff
leasing, or renting property of his own account as didn’t share either in the profits or in the losses of
principal and holding himself out as full ro part-time the business as required by Art 1769 (CC) and
dealer in real estate or as an owner of rental property because plaintiff was granted a “guaranteed
or properties rented or offered to rent for an participation” in the profits belies the supposed
aggregate amount of three thousand pesos or more a existence of a partnership.
year. * * *”
Issue: Was the agreement a contract a lease or a

YULO V. YANG CHIAO SENG Ruling: Dismissal. The agreement was a sublease not
a partnership. The following are the requisites of
Facts: Yang Chiao Seng proposed to form a partnership: (1) two or more persons who bind
partnership with Rosario Yulo to run and operate a themselves to contribute money, property or
theatre on the premises occupied by Cine Oro, Plaza industry to a common fund; (2) the intention on
Sta. Cruz, Manila, the principal conditions of the offer the part of the partners to divide the profits among
being (1) Yang guarantees Yulo a monthly themselves (Article 1761, CC)
participation of P3,000 (2) partnership shall be for a
period of 2 years and 6 months with the condition Plaintiff did not furnish the supposed P20,000 capital
that if the land is expropriated, rendered nor did she furnish any help or intervention in the
impracticable for business, owner constructs a management of the theatre. Neither has she
permanent building, then Yulo’s right to lease and demanded from defendant any accounting of the
partnership even if period agreed upon has not yet expenses and earnings of the business. She was
expired; (3) Yulo is authorized to personally conduct absolutely silent with respect to any of the acts that
business in the lobby of the building; and (4) after a partner should have done; all she did was to
Dec 31, 1947, all improvements placed by receive her share of P3,000 a month which cannot be
partnership shall belong to Yulo but if partnership is interpreted in any manner than a payment for the
terminated before lapse of 1 and ½ years, Yang shall use of premises which she had leased from the
have right to remove improvements. Parties owners.
established, “Yang and Co. Ltd.”, to exist from July 1,
1945 – Dec 31, 1947.

In June 1946, they executed a supplementary ESTANISLAO, JR. VS. COURT OF APPEALS
agreement extending the partnership for 3 years
beginning Jan 1, 1948 to Dec 31, 1950. Facts: The petitioner and private respondents are
brothers and sisters who are co-owners of certain lots
The land on which the theater was constructed was at the in Quezon City which were then being leased
leased by Yulo from owners, Emilia Carrion and Maria to SHELL. They agreed to open and operate a gas
Carrion Santa Marina for an indefinite period but that station thereat to be known as Estanislao Shell
after 1 year, such lease may be cancelled by either Service Station with an initial investment of
party upon 90-day notice. In Apr 1949, the owners PhP15,000.00 to be taken from the advance rentals
notified Yulo of their desire to cancel the lease due to them from SHELL for the occupancy of the
contract come July. Yulo and husband brought a civil said lots owned in common by them. A joint affidavit
action to declare the lease for a indefinite period. was executed by them on April 11, 1966. The
Owners brought their own civil action for ejectment respondents agreed to help their brother, petitioner
upon Yulo and Yang. therein, by allowing him to operate and manage the
gasoline service station of the family. In order not to
CFI: Two cases were heard jointly; Complaint of Yulo run counter to the company’s policy of appointing
and Yang dismissed declaring contract of lease only one dealer, it was agreed that petitioner would
terminated. apply for the dealership. Respondent Remedios
helped in co-managing the business with petitioner
CA: Affirmed the judgment. from May 1966 up to February 1967.

In 1950, Yulo demanded from Yang her share in the On May 1966, the parties entered into an Additional
profits of the business. Yang answered saying he had Cash Pledge Agreement with SHELL wherein it was
to suspend payment because of pending ejectment reiterated that the P15,000.00 advance rental shall
suit. be deposited with SHELL to cover advances of fuel to
petitioner as dealer with a proviso that said
Yulo filed present action in 1954, alleging the agreement “cancels and supersedes the Joint
existence of a partnership between them and that Affidavit.”
Yang has refused to pay her shares.
For sometime, the petitioner submitted financial
Defendant’s Position: The real agreement between statement regarding the operation of the business to
plaintiff and defendant was one of lease and not of the private respondents, but thereafter petitioner
partnership; that the partnership was adopted as a failed to render subsequent accounting. Hence , the
subterfuge to get around the prohibition contained in private respondents filed a complaint against the

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
petitioner praying among others that the latter be the running of the business. Indeed, the parties
ordered: hereto formed a partnership when they bound
themselves to contribute money in a common fund
(1) To execute a public document embodying all with the intention of dividing the profits among
the provisions of the partnership agreement themselves.
they entered into;
(2) To render a formal accounting of the
business operation veering the period from
May 6, 1966 up to December 21, 1968, and
from January 1, 1969 up to the time the
order is issued and that the same be subject IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR
(3) To pay the plaintiffs their lawful shares and NAME ‘OZAETA, ROMULO, ETC.
participation in the net profits of the
business; and
Facts: Two petitions were filed, one by the surviving
(4) To pay the plaintiffs attorney’s fees and
partners of Atty. Herminio Ozaeta and the other by
costs of the suit.
the surviving partners of Atty. Alexander Sycip
praying that they be allowed to continue using the
Issue: Can a partnership exist between members of names of partners who had passed away in their firm
the same family arising from their joint ownership of names. Both petitions were consolidated.
certain properties?
Petitioners Arguments:
Trial Court: The complaint (of the respondents) was
dismissed. But upon a motion for reconsideration of
 Under the law, a partnership is not prohibited
the decision, another decision was rendered in favor
from continuing its business under a firm name
of the respondents.
which includes the name of a deceased
partner. In fact, art. 1840 of the civil code
CA: Affirmed in toto
explicitly sanctions the practice.
 In regulating other professions, such as
Petitioner: The CA erred in interpreting the legal
accountancy and engineering, the legislature
import of the Joint Affidavit vis-à-vis the Additional
has authorized the adoption of firm names
Cash Pledge Agreement. Because of the stipulation
without any restriction as to the use, in such
cancelling and superseding the Joint Affidavit,
firm name, of the name of the deceased
whatever partnership agreement there was in said
partner, the legislative authorization given to
previous agreement had thereby been abrogated.
those engaged in the practice of accountancy –
Also, the CA erred in declaring that a partnership was
a profession requiring the same degree of trust
established by and among the petitioner and the
and confidence in respect of clients as that
private respondents as regards the ownership and /or
implicit in the relationship of attorney and
operation of the gasoline service station business.
client – to acquire and use a trade name,
strongly indicates that there us no fundamental
Held: There is no merit in the petitioner’s contention policy that is offended by the continued use by
that because of the stipulation cancelling and a firm of professionals of a firm name which
superseding the previous joint affidavit, whatever included the name of a deceased partner, at
partnership agreement there was in said previous least where such firm name has acquired the
agreement had thereby been abrogated. Said characteristics of a ‘trade name’
cancelling provision was necessary for the Joint
 The Canon of Professional Ethics are not
Affidavit speaks of P15,000.00 advance rental
transgressed by the continued use of the name
starting May 25, 1966 while the latter agreement
of a deceased partner in the firm name of a law
also refers to advance rentals of the same amount
partnership as declared by Canon 33 adopted
starting May 24, 1966. There is therefore a
by American Bar Association declaring that
duplication of reference to the P15,000.00 hence the
‘The continued use of the name of a deceased
need to provide in the subsequent document that it
or former partner when permissible by local
“cancels and supercedes” the previous none.
custom, is not unethical, but care should be
Indeed, it is true that the latter document is silent as
taken that no imposition or deception is
to the statement in the Join Affidavit that the value
practiced through this use.’
represents the “capital investment” of the parties in
 There is no possibility of imposition or
the business and it speaks of the petitioner as the
deception because the deaths of their
sole dealer, but this is as it should be for in the latter
respective deceased partners were well –
document, SHELL was a signatory and it would be
publicized in all newspapers of general
against their policy if in the agreement it should be
circulation for several days.
stated that the business is a partnership with private
respondents and not a sole proprietorship of the  No local custom prohibits the continued use of
petitioner. a deceased partner’s name in a professional
firm name; and
Furthermore, there are other evidences in the record  The continued use of a deceased partner’s
which show that there was in fact such partnership name in the firm name of law partnerships has
agreement between parties. The petitioner been consistently allowed by U.S. Courts and is
submitted to the private respondents periodic an accepted practice in legal profession of
accounting of the business and gave a written most countries in the world.
authority to the private respondent Remedios
Estanislao to examine and audit the books of their
“common business” (aming negosyo). The Issue: Whether or not a firm name engaged in the
respondent Remedios, on the other hand, assisted in legal profession should continue using the name of
partners who had passed away.
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
SC ruling: No. Facts: Menzi Co. was organized in 1921 for the
purpose of importing and selling general
 The use in partnership names of the names of merchandise, including fertilizers and fertilizer
deceased partners will run counter to Article ingredients. Sometime in November of that year, the
1825 of the CC which provides that names in a plaintiff, who had had some experience in mixing and
firm name of a partnership must either be those selling fertilizer, went to see Toehl, the manager of
of living partners and, in the case of non – the sundries department of Menzi & Co. (through
partners, should be living persons who can be which the fertilizer business was carried out) and told
subjected to liability. In fact, art. 1825 prohibits a him that he had a written contract with the Philippine
third person from including his name in the firm Sugar Centrals Agency for 1,250 tons of mixed
name under pain of assuming the liability of a fertilizers, and that he could obtain other contracts,
partner. The heirs of a deceased partner in a law including one from Calamba Sugar Estates for 450
firm cannot be held liable as the old members to tons, but that he did not have the money to buy the
the creditors of a firm particularly where they ingredients to fill the order and carry on the business.
are non-lawyers. With regard to art. 1840, it He offered to assign to Menzi & Co. his contract with
treats more of a commercial partnership with a Phil Sugar Centrals Agency and to supervise the
good will to protect rather than a professional mixing of the fertilizer and to obtain other orders for
partnership, with no saleable good will but 50 % of the net profit that Menzi & Co., Inc., might
whose reputation depends on the personal derive therefrom. J. M. Menzi (gen. manager of Menzi
qualifications of its individual members. Thus, it & Co.) accepted the offer. The agreement between
has been held that a saleable goodwill can exist the parties was verbal and was confirmed by the
only in a commercial partnership and cannot letter of Menzi to the plaintiff on January 10, 1922.
arise in a professional partnership consisting of
lawyers. Menzi & Co. continued to carry on its fertilizer
 A partnership for the practice of law cannot be business under this arrangement with the plaintiff. It
likened to partnerships formed by other ordered ingredients from the US and other countries,
professionals or for business. For one thing, the and the interest on the drafts for the purchase of
law on accountancy specifically allows the use of these materials was charged to the business as a
a trade name in connection with the practice of part of the cost of the materials. The mixed
accountancy. ‘A partnership for the practice of fertilizers were sold by Menzi & Co. between January
law is not a legal entity. It is a mere relationship 19 and April 1, 1922 under its “Corona” brand.
or association for a particular purpose.’ It is not a
partnership formed for the purpose of carrying in Pursuant to the verbal agreement, the defendant
a trade or business or of holding property. Thus, corporation on April 27, 1922 entered into a written
it has been stated that the used of an assumed contract with the plaintiff, marked Exhibit A, which is
or trade name in law practice is improper. the basis of the present action. Still, the fertilizer
 The right to practice law is not a natural or business as carried on in the same manner as it was
constitutional right but is in the nature of a prior to the written contract, but the net profit that
privilege or franchise. It is limited to persons of the plaintiff herein shall get would only be 35%. The
good moral character with special qualifications intervention of the plaintiff was limited to supervising
duly ascertained and certified. The right does the mixing of the fertilizers in the bodegas of Menzi.
not only presuppose in its possessor integrity, The trademarks used in the sale of the fertilizer were
legal standing and attainment but also the registered in the Bureau of Commerce & Industry in
exercise of a special privilege, highly personal the name of Menzi & Co., Inc. and the fees were paid
and partaking of the nature of a public trust. by that company.
 The continued use of a deceased or former
partner’s name in the firm names of law Prior to the expiration of the contract (April 27,
partnerships not sanctioned by local custom due 1927), the manager of Menzi notified the plaintiff
to the possibility of deception upon the public that the contract for his services would not be
where the name of a deceased partner continues renewed. Subsequently, when the contract expired,
to be used. The possibility of deception upon the Menzi proceeded to liquidate the fertilizer business in
public, real or consequential, where the name of question. The plaintiff refused to agree to this. It
a deceased partner continues to be used cannot argued, among others, that the written contract
be ruled out. A person in search of legal counsel entered into by the parties is a contract of general
might be guided by the familiar ring of a regular commercial partnership, wherein Menzi was
distinguished name appearing in a firm title. In the capitalist and the plaintiff the industrial partner.
addition, there’s no local custom within our
jurisdiction that sanctions the practice of Issue: Is the relationship between the petitioner and
continued use of a deceased partner’s name. Menzi that of partners?
Courts take no judicial notice of custom. A local
custom as a source of right cannot be Held: The relationship established between the
considered by a court of justice unless such parties was not that of partners, but that of employer
custom is properly established by competent and employee, whereby the plaintiff was to receive
evidence like any other fact. Merely because 35% of the net profits of the fertilizer business of
something is done as a matter of practice does Menzi in compensation for his services for
not mean that Courts can rely on the same for supervising the mixing of the fertilizers. Neither the
purposes of adjudication as a juridical custom. provisions of the contract nor the conduct of the
Juridical custom must be differentiated from parties prior or subsequent to its execution justified
social custom. The former can supplement the finding that it was a contract of co-partnership.
statutory law or be applied in the absence of The written contract was, in fact, a continuation of
such statute. Not so with the latter. the verbal agreement between the parties, whereby
the plaintiff worked for the defendant corporation for
one-half of the net profits derived by the corporation
BASTIDA VS. MENZI CO. form certain fertilizer contracts.
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
According to Art. 116 of the Code of Commerce, partition. This is because from the moment of
articles of association by which two or more persons such partition, the heirs are entitled already to
obligate themselves to place in a common fund any their respective definite shares of estate and
property, industry, or any of these things, in order to the incomes thereof, for each of them to
obtain profit, shall be commercial, no matter what it manage and dispose of as exclusively his own
class may be, provided it has been established in without the intervention of the other heirs and
accordance with the provisions of the Code. accordingly he becomes liable individually for
However in this case, there was no common fund. all taxes in connection therewith. If after such
The business belonged to Menzi & Co. The plaintiff partition, he allows his share to be held in
was working for Menzi, and instead of receiving a common with his co – heirs under a single
fixed salary, he was to receive 35% of the net profits management to be used with the intent of
as compensation for his services. The phrase in the making profit thereby in proportion to his
written contract “en sociedad con”, which is used as share, there can be no doubt that even if no
a basis of the plaintiff to prove partnership in this document or instrument were executed for the
case, merely means “en reunion con” or in purpose, for tax purposes at least, an
association with. unregistered partnership is formed.
 The income derived from inherited properties
It is also important to note that although Menzi may be considered as individual income of the
agreed to furnish the necessary financial aid for the respective heirs only so long as the inheritance
fertilizer business, it did not obligate itself to or estate is not distributed or, at least,
contribute any fixed sum as capital or to defray at its partitioned, but the moment their respective
own expense the cost of securing the necessary know shares are used as part of the common
credit. assets of the heirs to be used in making profits,
it is but proper that the income of such shares
should be considered as part of the taxable
income of an unregistered partnership.
OÑA VS. COMMSSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE  For purposes of the tax on corporations, the
National Internal Revenue Code, includes
partnerships with the exception only of duly
Facts: Lorenzo Oña and his five children are the
registered general co-partnerships within the
surviving heirs of Julia Buñales. Lorenzo, the
purview of the term ‘corporation.’
surviving spouse was appointed administrator of
Julia’s estate. He submitted the project of partition
which was approved by the court and since 3 of the 5
children were still minors, he was appointed by the LYONS VS. ROSENSTOCK
court as guardian of said minors. Despite the
approval of the project of partition, no attempt was Facts: During his lifetime, Henry Elser got engaged
made to divide the properties therein listed and in the real estate business. Petitioner Lyons, on the
remained under the management of Lorenzo who other hand, joined Elser in some of his ventures and
used said properties in business by leasing or selling they equally divided profits gained from these. In
them and investing the income derived therefrom 1919, Lyons needed to go back to the United States
and proceeds form the sales thereof in real for a year and a half and by reason of which he
properties and securities. Respondent CIR decided executed a general power of attorney in favor of
that petitioners formed an ‘unregistered partnership’ Elser, empowering the latter to manage and dispose
and therefore subject to corporate tax pursuant to the properties owned by them.
Sec. 24 of the Tax Code. Accordingly he assessed
against the petitioners the amounts of P8,092.00 and In 1920, Elser was drawn to a piece of land,
P13.899.00 as corporate income taxes for 1955 and the San Juan Estate, and he perceived an opportunity
1956 respectively. Petitioners protested against the to develop it into a suburban community. The Estate
assessment and asked for reconsideration which was was offered by its owners for P570,000 with an initial
denied. payment of P150,000. In May 1920, Elser wrote a
letter to Lyons inducing the latter to join him in this
Petitioners’ Argument: Petitioners are considered venture and to likewise supply the means necessary
as co – owners of the properties inherited by them for the fulfillment of this project. In the meantime,
from the deceased Julia Buñales and the profits Elser raised P120,000 from his own funds and loaned
derived from transactions involving the same, they P50,000 from Uy Siolong to pay for the initial
cannot be considered as an unregistered partnership payment. However in order to obtain the loan he had
and cannot be subject to corporate tax. to give a personal note signed by himself, by his
other associates and by the Fidelity and Surety
Issue: W/N petitioners are deemed to have formed Company. Then again, in order to obtain the
an unregistered partnership subject to tax under signature of the Fidelity and Surety Company Elser
sections 24 and 84(b) of the National Internal had to execute a mortgage on one of the properties
Revenue code. owned by him and Lyons on Carriedo Street.

Ruling: YES Lyons replied to the letter of Elser only in

July 1920 and he expressed in it his unwillingness to
 For tax purposes, the co – ownership of join the latter in this venture. Because of this Elser
inherited properties is automatically converted relieved the Carriedo property of the encumbrance
into unregistered partnership the moment the which he had placed upon it and requested the
said common properties and/or incomes Fidelity and Surety Company to allow him to
derived therefrom are use as a common fund substitute another property for it. However the
with the intent to produce profits for the heirs release of the old mortgage and the recording of the
in proportion to their respective shares in the new were never registered because in September
inheritance as determined in a project 1920, when Lyons returned to Manila, he allowed the
mortgage to remain on the Carriedo property. But in
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
January 1921, Elser was able to pay the note Held: a) The essential points upon which the minds
executed by him to Uy Siolong which enabled the of the parties must meet in a contract of partnership
release of the Carriedo Property. are 1) mutual contribution and 2) joint interest in the
Issue: W/N Lyons, as half owner of the Carriedo
property, involuntarily became the owner or a co- The fact that the defendant received money
partner of an undivided interest in the San Juan furnished by the plaintiff for the purpose of using it to
Estate, which was acquired partly by the money purchase the cascoes establishes the first element of
obtained through an encumbrance placed on the the partnership, mutual contribution to a common
Carriedo property. No. stock. For the second element, the fact that the
formation of partnership had been a subject of
Held: Under our law, a trust does not necessarily negotiation between them, even before the purchase
attach with respect to property acquired by a person of the first casco, and that both parties intended to
who uses money belonging to another. In the case at purchase the cascoes in common satisfies the
bar, there was clearly no general relation of requirement that there should be an intention on the
partnership between Lyons and Elser and the most part of both parties to share the profits. With these, a
that can be said is that they had been co-participants complete and perfect contract of partnership was
in various transactions involving real estate. It is entered into by the parties.
clear the Elser, in buying the San Juan Estate, was
not acting for any partnership composed for himself It must be noted however that this
and Lyons, especially that the latter expressly partnership was subject to a suspensive condition
communicated his desire not to participate in this which is the execution of a written agreement
venture. Lastly, it should be noted that no money regarding the distribution of profits, character of
belonging to Lyons or any partnership composed by partnership, etc. But since the defendant actually
Lyons and Elser was in fact used by the latter in the purchased the cascoes, it would seem that the
purchase of the San Juan Estate. partnership already existed. And as furthermore
provided by the Civil Code, a written agreement was
not necessary in order to give efficacy to the verbal
agreement of the partnership because the
FERNANDEZ VS. DE LA ROSA contributions of the partners to the partnership were
not in the form of immovables.
Facts: On the part of plaintiff Fernandez, he claims
that he entered into a verbal agreement with b) During trial, the court was able to prove that
defendant De la Rosa to form a partnership for the plaintiff actually furnished some amount for the
purchase of cascoes with the undertaking that the repair of the cascoes and that it was presumed that a
defendant will buy the cascoes and that each partner profit has been obtained by the defendant prior to
will furnish such amount as he could, while the profits the return of the money. With these, the return of the
will be divided proportionately. Plaintiff furnished P1,125 fell short of the amount which the plaintiff has
P300 for casco No. 1515 and P825 for casco No. actually contributed to the partnership. For these
2089, both of which were placed under the name of reasons, the acceptance by the plaintiff of the
the defendant only. In April 1900, the parties amount returned by the defendant did not have the
undertook to draw up articles of their partnership for effect of terminating the legal existence of the
the purpose of embodying it in an authentic partnership by converting it into a societas leonina.
document. The agreement however did not
materialize because defendant proposed articles The court also proved that there was no
which were materially different from their verbal intention on the part of the plaintiff, in accepting the
agreement, and he was also unwilling to include money, to relinquish his rights as a partner. On the
casco No. 2089 in the partnership. Because the contrary he notified defendant that he waived none
cascoes were under the management of the of his rights in the partnership. Also the lack of
defendant, the plaintiff demanded an accounting recognition on the part of the defendant of the
over it to which the defendant refused claiming that plaintiff’s right in the partnership property and in the
no partnership existed between them. profits does not give the former the right to force a
dissolution upon the later upon the terms which the
De la Rosa, on the other hand, admits that plaintiff is unwilling to accept. A partnership
he desired to form a partnership with the plaintiff but therefore existed between the two and cascoes No.
denies that any agreement was ever consummated. 1515 and 2089 are partnership properties.
Moreover, he denied receiving any money furnished
by plaintiff for casco No. 1515, but claims that he
merely borrowed the P300 on his individual account
from the bakery business in which plaintiff was a co- WOODHOUSE VS. HALILI
partner. And as for the P825 furnished by the
plaintiff, the defendant claims that it was actually for Facts: Defendant Halili informed Woodhouse,
casco No. 1515 and not for casco No. 2089. He also plaintiff, of his desire to invest half a million dollars in
added that the repairs made on the two cascoes the bottling and distribution of Mission Soft Drinks.
were exclusively borne by him, and that he returned Woodhouse then relayed this message to Mission Dry
a sum of P1,125 to plaintiff with an express Corporation of Los Angeles, USA. Mission Dry
reservation on his part of all his rights as a partner. Corporation then gave plaintiff a thirty day option on
exclusive bottling and distribution rights in the
Issue: a) W/N a partnership existed between the Philippines (Exhibit J).
parties. Yes.
b) W/N the partnership was terminated when the Thereafter, plaintiff and defendant entered
defendant returned the P1,125 to plaintiff. No. into a written agreement with the ff. pertinent
provisions: 1) they shall organize a partnership for
the bottling and distributing of Mission soft drinks,
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
with plaintiff, Woodhouse, as industrial partner or against his will to carry out the partnership. The law
manager, and defendant, Halili, as capitalist; recognizes the individual’s freedom or liberty to do
2)defendant was to decide matters of general policy an act he has promised to do or not to do it as he
regarding the business, while plaintiff was to attend pleases.
the operation and development of the bottling plant;
3) plaintiff was to secure Mission soft drinks franchise
for and in behalf of the proposed partnership; and 4)
plaintiff was to receive 30 percent of the net profits
of the business. This contract was signed and the ROJAS VS. MAGLANA
parties to this case then went to the United States to
finalize the franchising agreement. Mission Dry FACTS: Maglana and Rojas executed their Articles of
Corporation then granted the defendant the Co-partnership called “Eastcoast Development
exclusive right, license, and authority to produce, Enterpises” which had an indefinite term of existence
bottle, distribute and sell Mission beverages in the and was registered with the SEC and had a Timber
Philippines. License. One of the EDE’s purposes was to apply or
secure timber and/or private forest lands and to
When both parties went back to the operate, develop and promote such forests rights
Philippines, the bottling plant began its operation. At and concessions. M shall manage the business affairs
first, plaintiff was given advances, on account of the while R shall be the logging superintendent. All
profits, and allowances which however ceased after profits and losses shall be divided share and share
two months. Moreover, when plaintiff demanded that alike between them.
the partnership papers be executed, defendant
refused to do so and instead suggested that they just Later on, the two availed the services of Pahamotang
enter into a settlement. As no settlement was as industrial partner and executed another articles of
reached, the plaintiff filed a complaint in the CFI. co-partnership with the latter. The purpose of this
second partnership was to hold and secure renewal
In the CFI, plaintiff asks for execution of the of timber license and the term of which was fixed to
contract of partnership, accounting of the profits and 30 years.
a share thereof of 30 percent. Defendant on his
defense claims that plaintiff misrepresented himself Still later on, the three executed a conditional sale of
that he was about to become the owner of an interest in the partnership wherein M and R shall
exclusive bottling franchise when in fact franchise purchase the interest, share and participation in the
was exclusively given to defendant, and that the partnership of P. It was also agreed that after
plaintiff failed to contribute to the exclusive franchise payment of such including amount of loan secured by
of the partnership. CFI ordered defendant to render P in favor of the partnership, the two shall become
an accounting of the profits of the business and to owners of all equipment contributed by P. After this,
pay plaintiff 15 percent thereof. But it held that the the two continued the partnership without any
execution of the contract could not be enforced and written agreement or reconstitution of their articles
the defense of fraud was not proved. Unsatisfied with of partnership.
this ruling, both parties appealed to the SC.
Subsequently, R entered into a management
Issue: a) W/N plaintiff falsely represented that he had contract with CMS Estate Inc. M wrote him re: his
an exclusive franchise to bottle Mission beverages. contribution to the capital investments as well as his
Yes. b) W/N this false representation amounts to duties as logging superintendent. R replied that he
fraud and may annul the agreement to form a will not be able to comply with both. M then told R
partnership that the latter’s share will just be 20% of the net
profits. Such was the sharing from 1957 to 1959
Held: a) As found by the SC, Exhibit J was used by without complaint or dispute. R took funds from the
plaintiff as an instrument with which to bargain with partnership more than his contribution. M notified R
the defendant and to close a deal with him, because that he dissolved the partnership. R filed an action
if plaintiff claimed that all he had was an option to against M for the recovery of properties and
exclusively bottle and distribute Mission soft drinks in accounting of the partnership and damages.
the Philippines, he would have probably lost the deal
itself. This is further supported by the fact that when CFI: the partnership of M and R is after P retired is
defendant learned that plaintiff did not have an one of de facto and at will; the sharing of profits and
exclusive franchise, he reduced plaintiff’s losses is on the basis of actual contributions; there is
participation in the profit to 15 percent, to which the no evidence these properties were acquired by the
plaintiff agreed. partnership funds thus it should not belong to it;
neither is entitled to damages; the letter of M in
b) Article 1270 of the Spanish Civil Code effect dissolved the partnership; sale of forest
distinguished two kinds of fraud, causal fraud, which concession is valid and binding and should be
may be a ground for the annulment of a contract, considered as M’s contribution; R must pay or turn
and the incidental fraud, which only renders the over to the partnership the profits he received from
party who employs it liable for damages. CMS and pay his personal account to the partnership;
M must be paid 85k which he should’ve received but
As founded by the SC the misrepresentation was not paid to him and must be considered as his
of plaintiff does not amount to causal fraud because contribution.
it was not the principal inducement that led the
plaintiff to enter into the partnership agreement. As ISSUE: what is the nature of the partnership and
it was already noted, both parties expressly agreed legal relationship of M-R after P retired from the
that they shall form a partnership. second partnership? May M unilaterally dissolve the
Lastly, the SC upheld the ruling of the trial
court that the defendant may not be compelled
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
SC: There was no intention to dissolve the first It may be dissolved at will by any of the partners but
partnership upon the constitution of the second as if it was done in bad faith, such partner shall be liable
everything else was the same except for the fact that for damages. Upon dissolution, the partnership
they took in an industrial partner: they pursued the continues and its legal personality is retained until
same purposes, the capital contributions call for the the complete winding up of its business culminating
same amounts, all subsequent renewals of Timber in its termination. The liquidation of assets is
License were secured in favor of the first partnership, governed by the CC but an agreement between
all businesses were carried out under the registered parties is binding upon them.
It was not done out of bad faith as it was spurred by
M and R agreed to purchase the interest, share and an interpersonal conflict among the partners.
participation of P and after, they became owners of
the equipment contributed by P. Both considered
themselves as partners as per their letters. It is not a
partnership de facto or at will as it was existing and ANGELES VS SEC of JUSTICE
duly registered. The letter of M dissolving the
partnership is in effect a notice of withdrawal and Facts: Angeles spouses filed a criminal complaint of
may be done by expressly withdrawing even before estafa against Mercado as they claim that M
expiration of the period with or without justifiable convinced them to enter into a contract of antichresis
cause. As to the liquidation of the partnership it shall covering 8 parcels of land. Said contract was to last
be divided “share and share alike” after an for 5 years with PHP210k as consideration. It was
accounting has been made. agreed that M was to administer the lands and
complete the paperwork. After 3 years, the A spouses
R is not entitled to any profits as he failed to give the asked for an accounting. M explained that the land
amount he had undertaken to contribute thus, had earned PHP46k + in 1993, trees bore no fruit in 1994
become a debtor of the partnership. and had not given and accounting in 1995. Only after
this demand had they discovered that M had put the
M cannot be liable for damages as R abandoned the contract of antichresis over the land under his and
partnership thru his acts and also took funds in an his spouse’s names.
amount more than his contribution.
M insists that there exists an industrial partnership
between him and his spouse as industrial partners
and the A spouses as financiers. This had existed
ORTEGA VS CA since 1991 before the contract of antichresis over the
land. M used his earnings as part of the business
FACTS: The law firm of R,L,S and C was duly capital which he entered into, under his name, in
registered in the Mercantile Registry and behalf of the A spouses. M attached bank receipts
reconstituted with the SEC. There were several showing deposits in behalf of E. Angeles and
amendments to its articles of partnership. contracts under his name for the A spouses. O.
Respondent-Appellees senior and junior partners Angeles stated that there was a written industrial
associated themselves together. Ortega informed partnership agreement wherein capital would come
them through a letter that he is retiring from the firm from A spouses while profit would be divided evenly
of Bito, Misa and Lozada regarding the liquidation of between M and the A spouses.
his participation in it. He later on filed with the SICD a
petition for dissolution and liquidation of partnership. PROVINCIAL PROSECUTION: dismissed estafa
Hearing Officer: said withdrawal of O did not
dissolve the law partnership and both parties to the On appeal to the SOJ, the A spouses insist that the
case are enjoined to abide by the provisions of the document evidencing the contract of antichresis was
Agreement re: the liquidation of the shares of any executed in the name of the M spouses instead of the
retiring or withdrawing partner. A spouses. This document alone proves M’s
misappropriation of their PHP210k.
SEC: reversed the decision ruling that the withdrawal
had in fact dissolved the partnership of BML as a SOJ: Dismissed appeal. A spouses failed to show
partnership at will, the law firm can be dissolved by sufficient proof that M deliberately deceived them in
any partner at anytime by his withdrawal regardless the antichresis transaction. The document alone in
of good faith or bad faith. Remanded the case to the the name of the M spouses failed to convince the SOJ
HO to determine rights and obligations of parties. that there was deceit of false representation on the
part of M to induce the A spouses to part with their
CA: affirmed in toto the SEC decision and that there money. [A partnership truly existed and it is clear
is no need for the appointment of a receiver as no from the fact that they contributed money to a
sufficient proof had been shown to indicate that the common fund and divided the profits among
partnership assets were in any such danger of being themselves. M was able to make deposits for the
lost, removed or materially impaired. account of A spouses, these represented their share
in the profits of their business venture. During the
ISSUES: whether it was a partnership at will; barangay conciliation A spouses acknowledged their
whether M’s withdrawal dissolved the partnership; joint business ventures with M.] There is no estafa
whether such withdrawal was made in bad faith. when money is delivered by a partner to his co-
partner on the representation that such shall be
SC: It was a partnership at will as it had not fixed a applied to the business of their partnership.
specified period for its undertaking.
ISSUES: whether a partnership existed even without
documentary proof; whether there was a

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
misappropriation by M of the proceeds; whether a consideration. Respondent is liable for failure to
filing information of estafa should be ordered. implement the project.

SC: The A spouses contributed money to the ISSUE: Should the partnership be declared void?
partnership and not to the land. Mere failure to
register the contract of partnership with SEC does SC: Petition Denied. CA Affirmed.
not invalidate it as long as it has the essential
requisites of a contract. Registration is mere notice to The Agreement indubitably shows the existence of a
third parties. A spouses admit to facts that prove partnership pursuant to Art. 1767. Petitioners would
existence of a partnership: a contract showing an contribute land, respondents would provide the
industrial partnership, contribution of money and industry and expenses and the income would be
industry to a common fund, and division of profits divided.
between A spouses and M.
Contracts bind the parties to the stipulations and
M satisfactorily explained that the documents were in necessary consequences. Courts are not authorized
his name as the A spouses do not want to be the extricate parties from the consequences of their
revealed as financiers. A spouses were not able to acts should the stipulations turn out to be financially
prove that there was deceit or false representation disadvantageous.
on his part for them to part with their money.
Art 1773 was intended primarily to protect 3rd
Accounting of proceeds not proper subject in this persons who may be defrauded when contracting
case. SOJ did not abuse his discretion in dismissing with the partnership. The case at bar does not
the appeal of the A spouses. involve 3rd parties who may be prejudiced.

Petitioners invoke the allegedly void contract to claim

for 60% of the value of the property thus they can’t
TORRES VS. COURT OF APPEALS deny the contract in one breath and in another
recognize it. The courts may consider the JVA as an
Facts: Petitioners Antonia Torres and Emeteria ordinary contract from which the parties’ rights and
Baring entered into a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) obligations may be inferred and enforced.
with respondent Manuel Torres for the development
of a parcel of land into a subdivision. The executed a JVA is not void under Art 1422. The consideration for
Deed of Sale in favor of respondent, who had it the sale was the expectation of profits from the
registered in his name. Respondent mortgaged the project—60% of which would go to petitioners.
property to Equitable and obtained a P40,000 loan to
be used for the subdivision dev’t. Petitioners and
Respondent agreed to share the proceeds form the
sale of the subdivided lots. The project did not push
through and the land was foreclosed. Petioners filed
a criminal case of estafa against respondent and his
wife, alleging that the project failed because of
respondent’s lack of funds or means and skills and
Facts: Petitioner Jacob Lim, owner-operator of
because respondent used the loan to fund his
Southern Airlines (SAL) entered in to a contract with
company, Universal Umbrella Co. Respondent alleged
Japan Domestic Airlines (JDA) for the sale and
that that he used the loan to effect a survey over the
purchase of 2 aircrafts and 1 set of spare parts for
lots, secure city council approval, construct curbs,
$109k to be paid in installments. Pioneer Insurance
roads and gutters and enter in to a contract with an
as surety executed and issued its surety bond in
engineering firm to build houses all at an expense of
favor of JDA on behalf of its principal Lim for the
P85,000. Respondents were acquitted from the
balance. Border Machinery and Heavy Equip. Co.
criminal case and petitioners filed the present civil
(BorMaHeCo), Francisco and Modesto Cervantes and
case. The trial court dismissed the case, but the
Maglana gave some funds used in the purchase or
same, on appeal, was remanded for further
aircrafts and spare parts as contribution to new
corporation proposed by Lim to expand his airline
business. They executed 2 indemnity agreements
CA: Petitioners and Respondents had formed a
stipulating that the indemnitors principally agree and
partnership for the subdivision dev’t. They must bear
bind themselves solidarily to indemnify, hold and
the loss suffered by the partnership in the same
save Pioneer from damages, losses, costs, taxes,
proportion as their share in the profits stipulated in
penalties, etc. which Pioneer may incur from
the contract (Art. 1797). In the absence of stipulation
becoming surety. Lim, (acting under SAL), executed
the share of each partner in profits and losses shall
in favor of pioneer a deed of chattel mortgage as
be in proportion to what he may have contributed
security, stipulating that Lim was to transfer and
BUT the industrial partner shall not be liable for
convey to the surety the 2 aircrafts. Lim defaulted on
losses. As for profits, the industrial partner shall
installment payments and JDA asked Pioneer to pay,
receive such share as may be just and equitable. If
which Pioneer did in the amount of P298k. Pioneer
besides his services he contributed capital, he shall
filed for extrajudicial foreclosure of chattel mortgage
also receive a share in the profits proportionate to his
(to which Cervanteses and Maglana filed a 3rd party
claim alleging co-ownership over aircrafts) and
judicial foreclosure with writ of prelim attachment
Petitioners: JVA and partnership is void under against Lim, Cervanteses, Bormaheco and Maglana.
Art 1773, because the parties didn’t make, sign or Trial Court held that Lim was liable and dismissed
attach to the public instrument and inventory of the Pioneer’s claim against all other defendants.
real property. JVA is void under Art 1422 because
it is the direct result of an earlier illegal contract
which was for the sale of the land without valid
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CA: Pioneer reinsured its risk of liability under the ISSUE: Whether by their acts, Lim Chua and Yao
surety bond in favor of JDA and collected proceeds of could be deemed to have entered into a partnership
such reinsurance. Pioneer is no longer real party in
interest to institute action as it does not stand to be SC: Petition denied. CA affirmed.
There existed a partnership between Chua, Yao and
ISSUES: IS Pioneer a real party in interest? Lim pursuant to Art 1767 based on factual findings of
the lower courts which established that they had
Was there a de facto partnership created among decided to engage in a fishing business for which
Cervantes, Maglana and Lim as a result of their they bought boats worth P3.35M financed by a loan
failure to incorporate? from Jesus Lim, Lim’s brother. In the Compromise
Agreement, they were to pay the loan with the
SC: Petitioner is not the real party in interest and has proceeds of the sales of the boats and losses or
no cause of action against respondents. Pioneer, excess were to be divided equally. The boats,
having foreclosed the chattel mortgage on the planes purchase and repair financed by borrowed money fell
and spare parts no longer has any further action under “common fund”. Contribution to such fund
against defendants as indemnitors to recover any need not be cash or fixed assets—it could be an
unpaid balance of the price. intangible like credit or industry. The
partnership extended not only to purchase of the
Persons who attempt but fail to form a corporation boat but also to the nets and floats.
and who carry on business under the corporate name
occupy the position of partners inter se. HOWEVER, The Compomise Agreement was not the sole basis of
such relation does not necessarily exist, for the partnership. It was but an embodiment of the
ordinarily, persons cannot be made to assume the relationship extant among the parties prior to
relation of partners as between themselves when execution. Petitioner was a partner and not merely a
their purpose is that no partnership shall exist. In the lessor as he entered into a business agreement with
instant case, it is clear that Lim never intended to Chua and Yao in which debts were undertaken to
form a corporation with respondents despite his finance the acquisition and upgrading of vessels to
representations to them, giving credence to the be used in their fishing business. The boat, F/B
cross-claims of respondents saying that they were Lourdes, though registered in Lim’s name was an
induced and lured to make contributions to a asset of the of the partnership.
proposed corporation which was never formed
because petitioner reneged on their agreement. Petitioner benefited from the use of the nets found
inside the boat. Those acting on behalf of a
No de facto partnership was created among the corporation and those benefited by it, knowing it to
parties which would entitle the petitioner to a be without valid existence are held liable as general
reimbursement of the supposed losses of the partners. Technically, Lim did not act on behalf of a
proposed corporation. Petitioner was acting on his corporation. However, having reaped the benefits of
own and not in behalf of his other would be the contract entered into by persons whom he
incorporators in transacting the sale of aircrafts and previously had an existing relationship, he is
spare parts. deemed part of the association and covered by the
scope of the doctrine of corporation by estoppel.

A 3rd party who knowing an association to be

uinincorporated, nonetheless treated it as a
corporation and received benefits from it, may be
LIM TONG LIM VS. PHILIPPINE FISHING GEAR barred from denying its corporate existence in a suit
INDUSTRIES INC brought against the corporation.

FACTS: On behalf of “Ocean Quest Fishing Corp”

Antonio Chua and Peter Yao entered into a contract
with Phil. Fishing Gear (PFGI) for the purchase of CAMPOS RUEDA & CO. VS. PACIFIC
fishing nets. They claimed they were engaged in a COMMERCIAL CO. ET. AL.
business venture with petitioner Lim who was not a
signatory to the agreement. Chua and Yao failed to Facts: This case involves the application by the
pay for the nets and floats. PFGI filed a collection suit petitioner for a judicial decree adjudging itself
against Chua, Yao and Lim as general partners insolvent. The limited partnership of Campos Rueda
alleging that Ocean Quest was nonexistent. Chua & Co. was, and is, indebted to Pacific Commercial
filed a Manifestation admitting liability and Co., the Asiatic Petroleum Co. and the International
requesting reasonable time to pay. Yao filed an Banking Corporation in various sums amounting to
answer waiving his right to cross-ex and present not less than Php1000.00, payable in the Philippines,
evidence. Lim filed an answer with counterclaim and which were not paid more than thirty days prior to
crossclaim. Trial Court ordered sale of nets at auction the date of their filing of the application for
which were bought by PFGI. Trial Court ruled that a involuntary insolvency. The lower court denied the
partnership existed between Lim, Chua and Yao petition because it was not proven, nor alleged, that
based on testimonies, Compromise Agreement, the members of the aforesaid firm were insolvent at
declaration of ownership of fishing boats. the time of the application was filed; and that as said
partners are personally and solidarily liable for the
CA: Lim was a partner of Chua and Yao in a fishing consequences of the transaction of partnership, it
business and may be liable for the fishing nets and cannot be adjudged insolvent so long as the partners
floats purchased for partnership’s use. are not alleged and proven to be insolvent. From this
judgment, the petitioners appeal to the Supreme

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
Issue: Whether or not a limited partnership, such as sale with the RTC. She alleged that the signature of
the petitioner, which has failed to pay its obligations her husband on the deed of sale was a forgery
with three creditors for more than thirty days, may because he was already to be dead when the deed
be held to have committed an act of insolvency, and was supposed to have been executed. It appears
thereby be adjudged insolvent against its will. however that the she filed a criminal complaint for
falsification against the petitioner.
Held: In the Philippines, a limited partnership duly
organized in accordance with law has a personality RTC: DENIED. The plaintiff never questioned
distinct from that of its members. If it commits an receiving from A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co. the sum of
act of bankruptcy, such as that of failing for more P200,000.00 representing her loan from the
than 30 days to pay debts amounting to defendant. Common sense dictates that an
PhP1000.000 or more, it may be adjudged insolvent established lending and realty firm like Aguila would
on the petition of three of its creditors although its not part with Php200,000.00 to the spouses, who are
members may not be insolvent. Under our virtual strangers to it, without simultaneous
Insolvency Law, one of the acts of bankruptcy upon accomplishment and signing of all the required
which an adjudication of involuntary insolvency is documents, more particularly the Deed of Absolute
predicated is the failure of a partnership to pay its Salem to protect its interest.
obligations with three creditors for a period of more
than 30 days. CA: REVERSED. The transaction between the parties
is indubitably an equitable mortgage. Considering
On the contrary, some courts of the United States that the private respondent (vendor) was paid the
have held that a partnership may not be adjudged price which is unusually inadequate (240 sq. m.
insolvent in an involuntary insolvency proceeding subdivision lot for only Php200,000.00 in the year
unless all of its members are insolvent, while others 1991), has retained possession of the property and
have maintained a contrary view. Nevertheless, it has continued paying real taxes over the subject
must be borne in mind that under American common property.
law, partnerships have no juridical personality
independent from that of its members. Petitioner:

Therefore, it having been proven that the partnership 1. He is not the real party in interest but A.C.
Campos Rueda & Co. failed for more than 30 days to Aguila & Sons, Co.;
pay its obligations to the herein respondents, the 2. The judgment in the ejectment case is a bar
partnership have the right to a judicial decree to the filing of the complaint for declaration
declaring the involuntary insolvency of said of nullity of a deed of sale in this case; and
partnership. 3. The contract between the parties is a pacto
de retro sale and not an equitable

AGUILA, JR. VS. CA Held: The petition is meritorious. A real party in

interest is one who would be benefited or injured by
Facts: The petitioner herein is the manager of A.C. the judgment, or who is entitled to the avails of the
Aguila & Sons, Co., a partnership engaged in lending suit. Moreover, under Article 1768 of the New Civil
activities, while the private respondent and her late Code, a partnership “has a juridical personality
husband were the registered owners of a house and separate and distinct from that of each of the
lot, covered by a transfer certificate of title. partners.” The partners cannot be held liable for the
Sometime in 1991, the private respondent and A.C. obligations of the partnership unless it is shown that
Aguila & Sons, Co., represented by the petitioner, the legal fiction of a different juridical personality is
entered into a Memorandum of Agreement. In this being used for fraudulent, unfair, or illegal purposes.
agreement, a deed of absolute sale shall be executed
by the private respondent in favor of A.C. Aguila & In this case, the private respondent ahs not shown
Sons, Co., giving the former an option to repurchase that A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., as a separate juridical
and obliging the same to deliver peacefully the entity, is being used for fraudulent, unfair or illegal
possession of the property to A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., purposes. Moreover, the title to the subject property
within 15 days after the expiration of the said 90 is in the name of A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co. and the
days grace period. MOA was executed between the private respondent,
with the consent of her husband, and A.C. Aguila &
When the private respondent failed to redeem the Sons, Co., represented by the petitioner. Hence, it is
property within the grace period, the petitioner the partnership, not its officers or agents, which
caused the cancellation of the transfer certificate of should be impleaded in any litigation involving
title under the private respondent’s name and the property registered in its name.
issuance of a new certificate of title in the name of
A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co. Subsequently, the private We cannot understand why both the RTC and the CA
respondent was asked to vacate the premises, sidestepped this issue when it was squarely raised
however she refused. Because of this refusal, A.C. before them by the petitioner. The court’s conclusion
Aguila & Sons, Co. filed an ejectment case against is that the petitioner is not the real party in interest
her. against whom this action should be prosecuted. It is
unnecessary to discuss the other issues raised by
The MTC ruled in favor of A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., on him in his appeal.
the ground that the private respondent did not
redeem the subject property before the expiration of
the 90-day period provided in the MOA. She filed an
appeal before the RTC, but failed again. Then, she
filed a petition for declaration of nullity of a deed of

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
United States vs. Clarin Ramirez. Jesus Jose decided to withdrew from the
partnership and his capital contribution of P250,000
was refunded to him in cash by agreement of the
partners. Without prior knowledge of respondents,
Facts: Pedro Larin had an agreement to form a petitioners closed down the restaurant due to
partnership and the divide the profits equally to increased rental and deposited the restaurant’s
Pedro Tarug, Eusebia Clarin, and Carlos De Guzman. furniture and equipments to respondents’ house for
Larin delivered to Tarug P172, as his contribution to storage. The respondent spouses wrote the
the partnership, to buy and sell mangoes. Tarug, petitioners that they no longer want to continue their
Clarin, and De Guzman were able to obtain P203 partnership or in reopening the restaurant and that
from the business of buying and selling mangoes but they were accepting the latter’s offer to return their
the three did not comply with the terms of the capital contribution. Several demand letters were
contract of delivering to Larin his half of the profits sent but the same were left unheeded. The spouses
neither did they render him any account of the Ramirez’ filed a complaint for a collection of sum of
capital. Larin charged them with the crime of estafa money from petitioners.
but the provincial fiscal filed an information only
against Eusebio Clarin in which the trial court
sentenced the defendant to six months arresto
mayor and return Pedro Larin P172 and P30.50 which RTC’s Ruling: Ruled that parties had voluntarily
is his share of the profits. The defendant appealed. entered into a partnership which could be dissolved
at any time. Petitioners clearly intended to dissolve it
when they stopped operating the restaurant and held
them liable to pay respondent his capital contribution
Issue: W/N a partner in a partnership may be of P250,000, attorney’s fee and cost of suit.
charged with estafa. – NO.

CA Ruling: Although respondents had no right to

Held: The failure on the part of the industrial demand the return of their capital contribution, the
partners to return to the capitalist partner the capital partnership was nonetheless dissolved when
brought into the partnership by the latter is not an petitioners lost interest in continuing the restaurant
act constituting the crime of estafa as defined in the business with them. Because petitioners never gave
RPC. a proper accounting of the partnership accounts for
liquidation purposes, and because no sufficient
When Larin put the P172 into the evidence was presented to show financial losses, the
partnership which her formed with Tarug et. al., he CA computed their liabilities, petitioners were made
invested his capital in the risks or benefits of the liable to respondents in the amount of P253,114.00.
business of the purchase and sale of mangoes, and,
even though he had reserved the capital and
conveyed only the usufruct of his money, it would
not devolve upon one of his three partners to return Issue: W/N petitioners are liable to respondents for
the his capital to him, but upon the partnership of the latter’s share in the partnership and W/N the CA’s
which he himself formed part, or if it were to be done computation as to the respondents’ share is correct.
by one of the three specifically, it would be Tarug,
who according to the evidence was the person who
received the money directly from Larin.
Held: We hold that respondents have no right to
The P172 having been received by the demand from petitioners the return of their equity
partnership, the business commenced and profits share. Except as managers of the partnership,
accrued, the action that lies with the partner who petitioners did not personally hold its equity or
furnishes the capital for the recovery of his money is assets. ‘The partnership has a juridical personality
not a criminal action for estafa, but a civil one arising separate and distinct from that of each of the
from the partnership contract for a liquidation of the partners.’ Since the capital was contributed to the
partnership and a levy on its assets if there should partnership, not the petitioners, it is the partnership
be any. that must refund the equity of the retiring partners.

And since it is the partnership, as a separate

and distinct entity, that must refund the shares of the
partners, the amount to be refunded is necessarily
limited to its total resources. In other words, it can
Villareal vs. Ramirez only pay out what it has which consists of all its
assets. However, before the partners can be paid
their shares, the creditors of the partnership must
first be compensated. After all the creditors have
been paid, whatever is left of the partnership assets
Facts: Petitioners Luzviminda Villareal, Carmelito becomes available for the payment of the partners’
Jose and Jesus Jose formed a partnership for the shares.
operation of a restaurant and catering business
under the name Aquarius Food House and Catering
CA’s computation of the amount to be
Services. Villareal was appointed general manager
refunded to respondents as their share was
while Carmelito Jose was the operations manager.
erroneous as the exact amount of refund equivalent
Respondent Donaldo Ramirez joined as partner later
to respondents’ share in the partnership cannot be
on, his capital contribution of P250,000 was paid by
determined until all the partnership assets will have
his parents, respondents Cesar and Carmelita
been liquidated, sold and converted to cash, and all
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
partnership creditors, if any, paid. No liquidation of held that a third person has no duty to inquire the
assets is made. authority of a person held out in public to be a
partner by a partnership. A contrary interpretation to
the contrary will cause hindrance in transactions.

EVANGELISTA & CO. VS. ABAD SANTOS (Note Art. 1818 [par.1]: Every partner is an agent
of the partnership for the purpose of its business,
Facts: A co - partnership was formed under the and the act of every partner, including the execution
name of ‘Evangelista & Co.’ Its articles of co- in the partnership name of any instrument, for
partnership was later on amended to include Estrella apparently carrying on in the usual way the business
Abad Santos (a judge in a City Court in Manila) as an of the partnership of which he is a member binds the
industrial partner. She subsequently filed a suit partnership, unless the partner so acting has in fact
against the partnership to pay her the share of the no authority to act for the partnership in the
profits owing to her. She alleged that the partnership particular matter, and the person with whom he is
is paying dividends to the partners except her. The dealing has knowledge of the fact that he has no
partners denied that Abad Santos was an industrial such authority.)
partner and that the articles of co – partnership do
not express the true agreement of the parties and
that Abad Santos was a mere profit sharer, not a

Issue: W/N Abad Santos is a partner. Facts: Tan Sin An and Antonio Goquiolay entered
into a general commercial partnership which was to
Held: Yes, Abad Santos is a partner. last for 10 years for the purpose of dealing in real
estate. The agreement lodged upon Tan Sin An the
The partners are estopped from denying the sole management of the partnership affairs and his
articles of partnership because they admitted its co – partner, Goquiolay, has no voice or participation
genuiness and due execution. Even if it were in the management of the affairs of the co –
erroneous, they failed to assail it for 8 years. Such partnership. They further agreed upon that in the
failure shows their assent to the said articles. event of the death of any of the partners at any time
before the expiration of the term, the co –
In addition, the partners alleged that being partnership shall not be dissolved but will have to be
a judge, she cannot be an industrial partner since continued and the deceased partner shall be
industrial partners are not allowed to engage in represented by his heirs or assigns in the said co –
another business or profession. The SC held that partnership. A general power of attorney (GPA) was
such allegation has no merit because Abad Santos executed by Goquiolay in favor of Tan Sin An which
complied with her obligation to the partnership. The included buy, sell, alienate and convey properties of
partners also failed to exercise their right of the partnership as well as obtain loans as he may
exclusion for 9 years. This shows that the argument deem advisable for the best interest of the co –
of engaging in another profession is a mere partnership. With the authority of the GPA, the
afterthought and that the partnership actually partnership through Tan Sin An purchased 3 parcels
allowed Abad Santos to exercise her profession. of land which was mortgaged to La Urbana Sociedad
and another 46 parcels of land which which were
(Please take note of Art. 1789 of Civil Code: An purchased by Tan Sin An in his individual capacity,
industrial partner cannot engage in business for and assumed mortgaged debt thereon. The
himself, unless the partnership expressly permits him downpayment for the 46 parcels of land was
to do so; and if he should do so, the capitalist advanced by Yutivo and Co. The two separate
partners may either exclude him from the firm or obligations were consolidated in an instrument
avail themselves of the benefits which he may have executed by the partnership and Tan Sin An, whereby
obtained in violation of this provision, with a right to the entire 49 lots were mortgaged in favor of the
damages in either case.) Banco Hipotecario de Filipinas (as successor to La
Urbana). When Tan Sin An died, his wife Kong Chia
Pin was appointed administratix of the intestate
estate of her deceased husband. Repeated demands
for payment were made by Banco Hipotecario on the
LITTON VS. HILL partnership and on Tan Sin An which was initially paid
by Yutivo and Co. and Sing Yee Cuan and Co. (at the
Facts: Litton sold to Ceron, a partner in a request of Yutivo and Co.) The mortgage was
partnership called ‘Hill & Ceron,’ lumber mining eventually cancelled. Now Yutivo and Sing Yee Cuan
claims for P1870 less half percent proliferage. Litton Company filed their claims in the intestate
received only P720 leaving a balance of P1150. He proceedings of Tan Sin An. Kong Chai Pin filed a
then sued the partnership. The partnership now petition with the probate court for authority to sell all
contends that it is not bound by Ceron’s acts because the 49 parcels of land to Washington Sycip and Betty
the other partners did not consent to such sale. It Lee for the purpose primarily of settling the aforesaid
was stated in the articles of co – partnership that a debts of her husband and the partnership. The court
contract can be signed by only one partner, provided ordered the execution of deed of sale in favor of
that other partners consented to it. Sycip and Lee in consideration of P37,000.00 and
assuming payment of the claims filed by Yutivo & Co.
Issue: W/N the partnership is bound by Ceron’s acts? and Sing Yee Co. Later, Sycip and Lee executed in
favor of the Insular Dev’t. Co. a deed of transfer
Held: Yes. It is true that Ceron needs consent of the covering said 49 parcels of land.
partners to bind the partnership. But such agreement
between partners does not affect third persons who, Upon learning the sale, the surviving
acting in good faith, had no knowledge of it. The SC partner Goquiolay filed a petition to set aside the
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
decision of the probate court and annul the sale of deposited until the stocks have been sold. This was
the parcels of land by Kong Chai Pin in favor of Sycip refuted by Alarilla and subsequently Idos was
and Lee and their subsequent conveyance in favor of convicted by the trial court of the offense charged.
Insular Devt. Co. in so far as the 3 lots owned by the The CA affirmed the decision of the trial court.
partnership is concerned. Kong Chai Pin averred the
validity of the sale as successor partner, in lieu of the
late Tan Sin An. The complaint was dismissed by the
lower court and appeal was directly taken to the SC Issue: W/N Idos violated BP 22? No
by Goquiolay.
Held: One of the elements of the offense penalized
Issue: 1. W/N Kong Chai Pin acquired the managerial under BP 22 is “the making, drawing and issuance of
rights of her late husband Tan Sin An – NO. any check to apply for any account or for value.” In
2. W/N there was a valid sale of property to Sycip and this case Idos showed enough evidence that the
Lee – YES. check was to be funded from receivables to be
3. W/N the consent of the other partner was collected and goods to be sold by the partnership.
necessary to perfect the sale of the partnership First, only one of the fours check were not encashed
properties to Sycip and Betty – NO. and second, even Alarilla himself admitted that there
was no consideration for the issuance of the check.
Held: 1. The right of exclusive management Hence the check in question was not issued for any
conferred upon Tan Sin An, being premised upon debt of or any account due and payable by the
trust and confidence, was a mere personal right that petitioner.
terminated upon Tan’s demise. The provision in the
articles of partnership stating that the deceased Moreover, Idos and Alarilla were still in the
partner shall be represented by his heirs could not “winding up” of the affairs of the partnership hen the
have referred to the managerial rights given to Tan check was issued as evidenced by the fact that they
Sin An but it more appropriately relates to the still had to sell the goods on hand and collect the
succession in the propriety interest of each partner receivables from debtors. As provided by the Civil
(heir becomes limited partner only). Code: winding-up is the process of settling business
affairs after dissolution, i.e. collecting of assets
2. However, consonant with the articles of co – previously demandable; termination is the point in
partnership providing for the continuation of the firm time after all the partnership affairs have been
notwithstanding the death of one of the partners, the wound up. Thus, since that partnership has not been
heir of the deceased, by never repudiating or terminated, the petitioner and private complainant
refusing to be bound under said provision, became remained as co-partners. The check was thus issued
individual partner with Goquiolay upon Tan’s demise. by the petitioner to complainant as would a partner
By allowing Kong Chai Pin to retain control of the to another and not as payment from a debtor to a
partnership properties from 1942 to 1949, Goquiolay creditor. Idos did not violate BP 22.
is estopped from denying her legal representation of
the partnership, with the power to bind it with proper
contracts. By authorizing the widow of the managing
partner to manage partnership property (which a
limited partner could not be authorized to do), the
other general partner recognized her as a general
partner, and is now in estoppel to deny her position
as a general partner, with authority to administer
and alienate partnership property. In 1984, Villareal, Carmelito Jose and Jesus
Jose formed a partnership with a capital of P750,000
for the operation of a restaurant and catering
3. Strangers dealing with a partnership have the
business. Respondent Ramirez joined as a partner in
right to assume, in the absence of restrictive clauses
the business with the capital contribution of
in the co – partnership agreement, that every general
P250,000. In 1987, Jesus Jose withdrew from the
partner has the power to bind the partnership and
partnership and within the same time, Villareal and
has the requisite authority from his co – partners.
Carmelito Jose, petitioners closed the business
without prior knowledge of respondents.

In March 1987, respondents wrote a letter to

IDOS VS. CA petitioners stating that they were no longer
interested in continuing the partnership and that
Facts: they were accepting the latter’s offer to return their
capital contribution. This was left unheeded by the
Irma Idos, petitioner, formed a short-lived petitioners, and by reason of which respondents filed
partnership with Eddie Alarilla, respondent, for a a complaint in the RTC.
leather tanning business. Upon the business’
liquidation, it had receivables and stocks worth RTC ruled that the parties had voluntarily
P1,800,000. For the share of Alarilla, Idos issued four entered into a partnership, which could be dissolved
post-dated checks of which only three out of four at any time, and this dissoution was showed by the
checks were encashed. This impelled Alarilla to file fact that petitioners stopped operating the
for a BP 22 case against Idos when the latter refused restaurant.
to pay the value of the check after the former has
demanded for it. On appeal, CA upheld RTC’s decision that
the partnership was dissolved and it added that
On her defense, Idos claimed that the check respondents had no right to demand the return of
served only as an “assurance” of Alarilla’s share in their capital contribution. However since petitioners
the partnership and that it was not supposed to be did not give the proper accounting for the liquidation

Partnership & Agency | 2B 2008-2009

PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
of the partnership, the CA took it upon itself to inclusion therein of the necessary members of the
compute their liabilities and the amount that is Association. Moreover, he should have also
proper to the respondent. The computation of which considered the fact that in the respondents’
was: pleadings, they did not bring the action for
themselves and in the name of the Association, or for
(capital of the partnership – outstanding the benefit of the other members, or for the persons
obligation) / remaining partners = who might be affected by the remedy applied for.

amount due to private respondent

Issue: W/N petitioners are liable to respondents for SINGSONG v ISABELLA SAWMILL
the latter’s share in the partnership? Nope.
Facts: Defendants Garibay, Margarita Saldajeno and
Held: Respondents have no right to demand from Tubungbanua entered into a contract of partnership
petitioner the return of their equity share. As found under the firm name ‘Isabela Sawmill’. Said
by the court petitioners did not personally hold its partnership owed unpaid balances to plaintiffs.
equity or assets. “The partnership has a juridical
personality separate and distinct from that of each of A civil case for the dissolution was filed by the
the partners.” Since the capital was contributed to spouses Saldajeno against Isabela Sawmill, Garibay
the partnership, not to petitioners, it is the and Tubungbanua. Later on said parties entered into
partnership that must refund the equity of the a memorandum agreement wherein Garibay and
retiring partners. However, before the partners can Tubungbanua have bound themselves to answer for
be paid their shares, the creditors of the partnership any and all obligations of the defunct partnership to
must first be compensated. Therefore, the exact its creditors and third persons. Defendants Garibay
amount of refund equivalent to respondents’ one- and Tubungbanua did not divide the assets and
third share in the partnership cannot be determined properties of the “Isabella Sawmill” between them,
until all the partnership assets will have been but they continued the business of said partnership
liquidated and all partnership creditors have been under the same firm name.
The remaining partners executed an “Assignment of
CA’s computation of the amount to be Rights with Chattel Mortgage” in favor of Saldajeno
refunded to respondents as their share was thus in order to secure the performance of their
erroneous. obligations. However, since they defaulted in their
payment a judgment was rendered in favor of
Saldejano which caused the foreclosure of the CM.
The Provincial Sheriff published notices that he would
CLAUDIO VS. ZANDUETA sell at a public auction certain properties (of the
partnership) mortgaged by Garibay and
Facts: Petitioners Claudio, Goyena and Flores Tubungbanua in favor of Saldejano and later on
organized the “Cotabato & Cagayan Mining executed a sale in the latter’s favor, selling for 38K
Association” (Association) together with the the assets of the partnership. Saldejano in turn sold
respondents Neuffer, Meyer, Skiles, Araneta and to Pan Oriental lumber company for 45K part of the
Cowper. The respondents in this case filed in CFI a said properties she had bought at the public auction.
civil case no. 51510 for the dissolution of the
Association. One of their prayers was for the court to The plaintiffs, in a civil action, sought to restrain the
appoint a receiver to take charge of the properties of Sheriff from proceeding with the sales and to have
the association after its dissolution. The court thrugh the chattel mortgage declared null and void in fraud
Judge Zandueta granted the prayer of the of creditors. Defendant M. Saldajeno claims that all
respondents in civil case 51510 and appointed J.C. the plaintiffs save for Oppan are creditors of Garibay
Cowper as a receiver even if the latter was not made and Tubungbanua and not of the defunct partnership
a party to the case. and that said creditors had knowledge and notice
that the former partnership had been dissolved.
Issue: Whether or not Judge Zandueta exceeded his
jurisdiction and abused his discretion when he The trial court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs thus, the
appointed the receiver in civil case 51510? No. herein defendants appealed. The court ruled that
there was no CM over the properties as such were
Held: In order that a receiver may be appointed in a owned by the partnership and that the plaintiffs have
case, an application under oath must be filed, a preferred right over it as against Saldejano. As
alleging all the facts necessary to convince the court such, the latter must pay the plaintiffs the respective
to grant the same, for the purpose of preserving the amounts for which the partnership is indebted to
property which is the subject of litigation and them. Garibay and Tubungbanua are also liable to
protecting thereby the rights of all the parties pay to the plaintiffs whatever amount that they may
interested therein. Moreover the consequences or not collect from Saldajeno. The defendants appealed
effects of such appointment should be considered in to the CA but the latter transferred the records of the
order to avoid causing irreparable injustice or injury. case to the SC.

In the complaint for the application of the SC: The remaining partners did not terminate the
appointment of the receiver, it was evident that the business of the partnership. It is expressly stipulated
plaintiff did not include the 279 members of the in the memorandum agreement that the remaining
Association nor did they show that they were acting partners had constituted themselves as the
on behalf of the interest of the Association. Therefore partnership entity, the “Isabella Sawmill”. There was
the judge exceeded his jurisdiction and abused his no liquidation of the assets of the partnership. The
discretion because he should have required the remaining partners continued doing business of the

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
partnership in the name of “Isabella Sawmill”. They arbiter found in favor of Yu and decreed his
used the properties of the partnership. The reinstatement and payment of unpaid salaries as well
properties mortgaged to M. Saldajeno by the as backwages. The NLRC reversed the decision,
remaining partners belonged to the partnership. It ruling that the new partnership had not retained Yu in
does not appear that the withdrawal of M. Saldajeno his original position and there was no law requiring
was published in the newspapers. The appellees and the new partnership to absorb the employees of the
the public in general had a right to expect that old partnership. The claim for unpaid wages must be
whatever credit they extended to the remaining asserted against the old partners but they have not
partners doing business in the name of “Isabela been served with summons.
sawmill” could be enforced against the properties of
said partnership. The judicial foreclosure executed in Issues: Whether the old partnership had been
favor of Saldajeno did not relieve her from liability to extinguished and replaced by a new partnership. If a
the creditors of the partnership. Technically speaking new partnership was created could Yu assert his
the partnership was dissolved by the withdrawal of rights under his employment contract as against it?
Saldajeno but not terminated and it continued doing
business through the two remaining partners. SC: The acquisition by the new partners of 82% of
the partnership interest was enough to constitute a
The plaintiffs were prejudiced in their rights by the new partnership. However, dissolution does not
execution of the chattel mortgage over the automatically result in the termination of the legal
properties of the partnership in favor of Saldajeno by personality of the old partnership. The legal
the remaining partners and they had a right to file personality of the expiring partnership persists for
the action to nullify the chattel mortgage in question. the limited purpose of winding up and closing of the
The spouses Saldejano have a right to be reimbursed affairs of the partnership. The new partnership
whatever amounts they shall pay the appellees by simply took over the business enterprise owned by
their Garibay and Tubungbanua as in the the preceding partnership and continued using the
memorandum agreement, they undertook to release old name without winding up the business affairs of
Saldejano from any obligation of the partnership to the latter, paying off its debts, liquidating and
third persons. distributing its assets and the re-assembling the
assets and opening a new business enterprise.
Therefore, not only the retiring partners but also the
new partnership itself which continued the business
YU VS. NLRC of the old, dissolved one are liable for the debts of
the preceding partnership. The creditors of the old
Facts: Yu was formerly the Assistant General partnership are also the creditors of the new. Yu is
Manager of a registered partnership, Jade Mountain. entitled to enforce his claim for unpaid salaries, as
The partnership was originally composed of Bendal well as other claims relating to his employment with
siblings as general partners and others who were the previous partnership, against the new one.
limited partners. The partnership business consisted
of exploiting marble deposit found on the land of the The non-retention of Yu did not constitute unlawful or
Cruz spouses by virtue of a memorandum unjust termination as the new partnership is entitled
agreement. Yu was hired by virtue of a Partnership to hire new managers. The new partnership had Co
Resolution as Assistant General Manager with a as its own new manager and the basis for Yu’s
monthly salary. He, however, only received half of his termination was redundancy.
monthly salary since he had accepted the promise of
the partners that the balance would be paid when Yu is entitled to his unpaid wages and separation pay.
the firm shall have secured additional operating
funds from abroad. Yu managed the operations and
finances of the business, had overall supervision of
the workers at the marble quarry and took charge of AMES V. DOWNING (N.Y. Surr. Cit.)
the preparation of papers relation to the exportation
of the firm’s products.
[TAKEN FROM CLV BLOG] Bautista quoted from
Without knowledge of Yu, the general partners the New York decision in Ames v. Downing, 1 Brad.
transferred their interests while some of the limited (N.Y. Surr. Cit.) 321,[4] to describe the origin and
partners sold and transferred their interests in the development of limited partnerships, thus --
partnership to respondents Co and Zapanta. The system of limited partnership, which was
Respondents continued to use the old firm name but introduced by statute into this state, and
moved the firm’s main office. A supplement to the subsequently very generally adopted in many other
memorandum agreement relating to the operation of states of the Union, was borrowed from the French
the marble quarry was entered into with the Cruz Code. (3 Kent. 36; Code de Commerce, 12, 23, 24.)
spouses. The actual operations of the business Under the name of la societe en commandite, it has
continued as before. All the employees continued existed in France from most authentic commercial
working in the business. Yu, however, was informed records, and in the early mercantile regulations of
by Co that he had bought the business from the Maseilles and Montpelier. In the vulgar latinity of the
original partners and that it was up to him to decide middle ages it was styled commanda, and in Italy
whether or not he was responsible for the obligations accomenda. In the states of Pisa and Florence, it is
of the old partnership including Yu’s salary. Yu was no recognized so far back as the year 1166; also in the
longer allowed to work for the business and his ordinance of Louise-le Hutin, of 1315; the statutes of
salary remained unpaid. Marseilles, 1253; of Geneva, of 1588. In the middle
ages it was one of the most frequent combinations of
trade, and was the basis of the active and widely
Yu filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and recovery
extended commerce of the opulent maritime cities of
of unpaid salary against the partnership, Co and
Italy. It contributed largely to the support of the great
other partners. Defendants contended that the new
and prosperous trade carried on along the shores of
partnership never hired Yu as an employee. The labor
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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
the Mediterranean, was known in Laguedoc, to Suter and his wife. The limited partnership had
Provence, and Lombardy, entered into most of the been filing its income tax returns (ITRs) as a
industrial occupations and pursuits of the age, and corporation w/o objection from the CIR. Later in an
even traveled under the protection of the arms of the assessment, the CIR consolidated the income of the
Crusaders to the city of Jerusalem. At a period when firm and the individual incomes of partner-spouses
capital was in the hands of nobles and clergy, who, resulting in a determination of a deficiency income
from pride of caste, or cannonical regulations, could tax against Suter. Suter protested and requested
not engage directly in trade, it afforded the means of cancellation and withdrawal but was denied by the
secretly embarking in commercial enterprises, and CIR. Suter appealed to the Court of Tax Appeals w/c
reaping the profits of such lucrative pursuits, without reversed CIR’s decision.
personal risk; and thus the vast wealth, which
otherwise could have lain dormant in the coffers of
the rich, became the foundation, by means of this
ingenious idea, of the great commerce which made
princes of the merchants, elevated to the trading (1) Should the corporate personality of the
class, and brought the Commons into position as an partnership be disregarded for income tax purposes
influential estate in the Commonwealth. Independent since partner-spouses form a single taxable unit?
of the interest naturally attaching to the history of a
mercantile contract, of such ancient origin, but so
(2)Was the partnership dissolved after the marriage
recently introduced where the general partnership,
of partner-spuses and subsequent sale of Carlson of
known to the common law has hitherto existed alone,
his participation in the partnership?
I have been led to refer to the facts just stated, for
the purpose of showing that the special partnership
is, in fact, no novelty, but an institution of Held: CTA decision affirmed. The limited partnership
considerable antiquity, well known, understood and was not a universal partnership but a particular one.
regulated. Ducange defines it to be: "Societas A universal partnership requires either that the
mercatorem qua uni sociorum tota negotiationis cura object of the association be all the present property
commendatur, certis conditionibus." It was always of the partners, as contributed by them to the
considered a proper partnership, societas, with common fund, or else “all that the partners may
certain reserves and restrictions; and in the acquire by their industry or work during the
ordinance of Louis XIV., of 1793, it is ranked as a existence of the partnership”. In the instant case, all
regular partnership. In the Code of Commerce it is of the contributions were fixed sums of money and
classed in the same manner. I may add, as an neither of them were industrial partners. Thus it was
important fact, for the explanation of the distinction not a partnership that spouses were forbidden to
to which I shall shortly advert, that the French Code enter under the 1889 Civil Code.
permits a special partnership, of which the capital
may be divided into shares, or stock, transmissible
The capital contributions of partner-spouses were
from hand to hand. In such a case, the death of the
separately owned and contributed by them before
special partner does not dissolve the firm, the
their marriage; and after they were joined in
creation of transmissible shares being a proof that
wedlock, such contributions remained their
the association is formed respectu negotii, and not
respective separate property under the Spanish Civil
respectu peronsarum; but even in such a partnership
Code. Thus, the individual interest of each did not
the death of the general partner effects a dissolution,
become common property of both after their
unless it is expressly stipulated otherwise. But, says
M. Troplong, in would be wrong to extend the rule
that a partnership, of which the capital is divided into
transmissible shares, is not dissolved by the death of In this case the limited partnership is not a mere
a stockholder, to a special partnership, the capital of business conduit of the partner-spouses; it was
which is not so divided. The statute of New York organized for legitimate business purposes, The
recognizes only the latter kind of partnership, the change in its membership brought about by the
names of the parties being required to be registered, marriage is not a ground for withdrawing the
and any change in the name working a dissolution, partnership from coverage under §24 of the tax code
and turning the firm into a general partnership. Such requiring it to pay income tax. What is taxable is the
a partnership has always been held to be dissolved income of both spouses in their individual capacities.
by the death of the special partner. *** The
partnership remains under the dominion of the
common law. It has created between the special and
general partner a tie, which is not subjected to the
caprice of unforseen changes; it has produced JO CHUNG CANG vs. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL Co.
mutual relations of confidence, which the general
partner cannot be forced to extend to strangers.
Facts: In an insolvency proceedings of petitioner-
establishment, “Sociedad Mercantil, Teck Seing &
Co., Ltd.”, creditors, Pacific Commercial and others
filed a motion with the Court to declare the individual
partners parties to the proceeding, for each to file an
inventory, and for each to be adjudicated as
insolvent debtors.
Facts: In 1947, A limited partnership, “William J.
Suter ‘Morcoin’ Co., Ltd.”, was formed with William
Issue: What is the nature of the mercantile
Suter as general partner, Julia Spirig and Gustav
establishment, Teck Seing & Co., Ltd.?
Carlson as limited partners, each contributing to the
partnership. In 1948, Suter married Spirig and
thereafter, Carlson sold his share in the partnership

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PARTNERSHIP Digests  Atty. Cochingyan
Held: The contract of partnership established a
general partnership.

By process of elimination, Teck Seing & Co., Ltd. Is

not a corporation nor an accidental partnership (joint
account association).

To establish a limited partnership, there must be, at

least, one general partner and the name of at least
one of the general partners must appear in the firm
name. This requirement has not been fulfilled. Those
who seek to avail themselves of the protection of
laws permitting the creation of limited partnerships
must the show a substantially full compliance with
such laws. It must be noted that all the requirements
of the Code have been met w/ the sole exception of
that relating to the composition of the firm name.

The legal intention deducible from the acts of the

parties controls in determining the existence of a
partnership. If they intend to do a thing w/c in law
constitutes a partnership, they are partners although
their very purpose was to avoid the creation of such
relation. Here the intention of the persons making up,
Teck Seing & Co., Ltd. Was to establish partnership
w/c they erroneously denominated as a limited

Partnership & Agency | 2B 2008-2009

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