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Training of child protection Committee

In each of the 02 target communities, a child protection committee will be set up and ensure the
protection of children in the environment. To allow them to play out their roles and assume their
responsibilities, a 03 days training session will be organized for the elected members and will
focus on the general theme of child protection. Following this training, a child protection plan will
be developed and will include protective measures to be implemented within the communities.

Training of local authorities and other relevant stakeholders on child protection and on
child participation
The realization of the child rights concerns all actors, in particular the State. Thus, 20
representatives of the structures listed above will be trained on the protection and participation
of the child. Plan International Togo is in charge of facilitating this training.
This training will enable them to organize themselves in order to conduct in a concerted way
and optimize their resources for the actions in favor of the children in the municipality of

Setting up framework of consultation between local authorities, SOS Children's Villages

Togo, other relevant stakeholders and communities
At Atakpamé commune level, there is a lack of consultation between actors involved in the
protection of children. This explains the weak dialogue between the parties on the issues of the
promotion of the rights of the child. Thus, this project will set up a framework for consultation
between the local communities, local authorities, SOS Togo and other partner NGOs in order to
form strategic alliances and conduct visible joint actions and pool their resources for children.
This consultation framework will be held on a quarterly basis to discuss issues of children's
rights in the municipality.

Awareness-raising of children in collaboration with partner schools, their rights and duties
In order to get pupils to know their rights and duties, sensitization will be organized in schools
(especially primary schools) in the project area.

Women empowerment for social inclusion: Training of 400 women in human rights, women
rights, GBV, self-confidence, autonomy, self-management and leadership skills through a
participatory model of accompaniment with an ethnic approach, thus promoting their social
inclusion. Those trainings are done through creative workshops and activities using arts and
music. For example, we have a well proven strategy called “Canto Pazífico”, where the
participants are able to express their feelings and what they learned through singing. During
these activities we will discover some cases of GBV and abuses committed towards women.
This cases will be treated by professionals that will support them to follow the “Report Route”
and will be in charge to guarantee the do no harm principle.

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