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We encourage the readers/ reviewees to use the comment box after the article for discussion.

Meanwhile, answers are already incorporated below the questions.

1. He is more concerned with MUNDANE matters like the movement of stock market. The capitalized
word means:

A. Simple

B. Financial

C. Worldly

D. Investments

2. The DEPRAVITY of the criminal’s behavior shocked us all. The capitalized word means:

A. Harshness

B. Gravity

C. Deprivations

D. Viciousness

3. INDULGENT parents spoil their children by giving in to their every demands and whims.

A. Loving

B. Beneficial

C. Generous

D. Yielding

4. Open:Secretive::Forthright: __________

A. Spiteful

B. Mask

C. Outspoken
D. Honest

5. Negligent; Requirement:: Remiss :__________

A. Task

B. Duty

C. Injury

D. Problem

6. It is _________ to try to destroy pest completely with pesticides, for as each new chemical pesticide is
introduced, the pests gradually become _________ to it.

A. useless, drawn

B. futile, resistant

C. worthwhile, immune

D. pointless, vulnerable

7. The famous Dr. C. Drew’s technique for preserving and storing blood plasma for emergency use
proved so _________ that it became the _______ for the present blood bank system by the Red Cross.

A. irrelevant, inspiration

B. effective, model

C. complex, blueprint

D. urgent, pattern

8. An A-rating represents the ULTIMATE honor a film will ever have. Which of the following is the
opposite of the capitalized word?

A. Greatest

B. Pinnacle

C. Least
D. Supreme

9. The VINDICTIVE politician spread rumors about his opponent. Which of the following is an antonym of
the capitalized word?

A. Revengeful

B. Forgiving

C. Spiteful

D. Malicious

10. Vegetarians have a variety of reasons for their beliefs. Some refuse to eat meat because they believe
that the killing of animals is unnecessary or barbaric. They feel that processes such as butchering are
degrading to the people who practice them and cruel to the animals slaughtered. Others believe that
meat is harmful to the human body and that a purely vegetable diet is more nutritious. Still others
choose vegetarianism because they believe that raising animals for meat is an inefficient use of land.
They say that farmland could be put to better use growing crops for human consumption. Which of the
following statements is best supported by the above passage?

A. Some vegetarians choose not to eat meat mainly for health reasons.

B. A purely vegetable diet is more nutritious than a diet that includes meat.

C. Vegetarians are opposed to any use of animals for the benefit of humans.

D. Vegetarians favor laws to reduce the consumption of meat.

11. The amount of your retirement benefits from Social Security depends, in part, on when you retire.
The earliest that you can begin to receive benefits is age 62. The longer you wait to begin receiving
benefits (up to age 70), the higher your benefits will be. If you were born between 1938 and 1960, you
cannot receive “full retirement” benefits until age 66. If you were born in 1960 or later, your full
retirement age will be 67. If you wait to receive benefits past your full retirement age, the amount you
receive will continue to increase until you reach age 70. There is no advantage to waiting past age 70 to
begin receiving benefits. You can continue to work while you receive retirement benefits. If you do, the
amount of your benefits will be reduced by one dollar for every two dollars you earn above a certain
limit, until you reach your full retirement age. Once you reach your full retirement age, this limit no
longer applies. The amount you earn will have no effect on your benefits. According to this passage,
which of the following statements is true?

A. You cannot receive retirement benefits from Social Security while you are still working.

B. If you were born in 1950, your full retirement age is 66.

C. If you continue to work past your full retirement age, your benefits will be reduced by one dollar for
every two dollars you earn.

D. There is no advantage to waiting past your full retirement age to begin receiving benefits.

12. The volunteers from the fire department ________ quickly and extinguished a fire on North Country

A. will respond

B. responded

C. will have responded

D. have responded

13. In Tuesday’s paper, the owner of the supermarket was recognized for helping a customer who
________ on the icy sidewalk.

A. falls

B. had fallen

C. would fall

D. has fallen

14. We arranged the flowers and placed ________ in the center of the table.

A. them

B. it

C. this

D. that
15. The person ________ made this delicious cheesecake has my vote.

A. that

B. who

C. which

D. whose

16. Being too _______ will undoubtedly make other men hate you.

A. vane

B. vein

C. vain

D. vanity

17. Because they did not accept his basic _______ they were ______ by his argument.

A. assumption, convinced

B. bias, impressed

C. supposition, justified

D. motivation, confused

18. The failed July 27, 2003 mutiny was believed by many as a plan by the Magdalo group as an attempt
to stage a takeover of government. It was viewed as a desperate attempt by the mutineers who were
supported by influential and politically motivated men who financed the mutiny, according to the
Feliciano Commission. The action was found to be unconstitutional as it violates both the Articles of War
and the Revised Penal Code. Such act can lead to either Court Martial or Civilian proceedings or even
both. The best title for the above article is:

A. Failed Mutiny

B. Illegal Soldiers Uprising

C. Coup d’etat

D. Articles of War and Punishment

19. Determine which may be the best order in which the sentences should be arranged to result in a
well- organized paragraph.

A. Now we shall do everything we can to enforce this law.

B. In the struggle against crime, government and people should join hands

C. Republic Act 7659, the death penalty law is government’s response in law against cruelty and

D. The law’s main objective is not retribution but reform and rehabilitation of offenders and would be

E. All countries in the world are presently siege by violent crime.





20. Determine which may be the best order in which the sentences should be arranged to result in a
well- organized paragraph.

A. Tagaytay is the destination for us who love nature.

B. It provides an ideal picnic ground for outdoor lovers.

C. Unfortunately, the place ends up abused by outdoor lovers who litter the place.

D. It is a place which can be easily reached by a two-hour drive from Makati City.




Answers: 1A 2D 3C 4A 5B 6C 7C 8C 9B 10A 11B 12B 13B 14A 15B 16C 17D 18B 19B 20B

DISCLAIMER: This website believes that education is a right, not a privilege. This portal does not claim
ownership to any materials posted. Likewise, questions are not influenced by PRC professional
regulatory board. The main purpose of the reviewer is to assist examinees who chose to review online.

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AnonymousJuly 25, 2017

Ang sagot po sa #8 ay letter D(Supreme). Ang ultimate at supreme ay parehas na absolute terms.


AnonymousJuly 26, 2017

E opposite naman po kasi yong tinatanong eh antonym hndi synonym kaya C

AnonymousJuly 30, 2017

Correction on the answers. Please, let us help each other in discussing the correct answers to avoid

1. C

4. B

6. B

7. B

10. C

11. The main idea should focus on the retirement age in a given year( which all the options are
unrelated based on my opinion)

13. B

17. A

18. A

AnonymousJuly 31, 2017


AnonymousSeptember 04, 2017

ano po ba talaga ang sagot?

Sandra May Ong Maclang (王 蘇 翠)December 30, 2017

Hi! I AGREE with you on numbers 4, 6, and 7. The answers there should really be letter B.

I have to disagree with you regarding the rest, though:

#1) A is really the nearest synonym for the word MUNDANE in the context used ("He is more concerned
with MUNDANE matters like the movement of stock market" can perhaps be paraphrased thus: He is
more concerned with EVERYDAY/humdrum/ordinary/day-to-day/run-of-the-mill/commonplace matters
like the movement of the stockmarket.) CBRC really should have chosen a better synonym to use as an
option, but it really isn't used here to mean "worldly". To use "mundane" in the latter context would be
to contrast something with the heavenly/spiritual realm, e.g. "According to the Shinto doctrine, spirits of
the dead can act upon the mundane world." Ayun lang po. ^_^

#10. The only option best supported by the passage is letter A. The problem with letter C is that it uses
the phrase "to ANY use of animals for the benefit of humans." The passage only talks about how
vegetarians are opposed to EATING animals. It says nothing about using them in OTHER WAYS to benefit
humans. They likely aren't opposed to carabaos used in plowing fields or dogs used to guide the blind.

#11. I really don't get your concern with this item, sorry...

#13. Uhm...the answer key says B. Tama tayo rito, p're. ^_^

#17. The most acceptable option is really letter D. "Because they did not accept his basic MOTIVATION,
they were CONFUSED by his argument." Translated, "Dahil hindi nila maintindihan ang kanyang
PINANGGAGALINGAN, NALITO sila sa kanyang argumento." ^_^ If A kasi, plugging those words into the
given sentence would result in a LOGICAL FALLACY. You just CANNOT be CONVINCED by an argument
BECAUSE you DID NOT ACCEPT its BASIC ASSUMPTION. Buti sana kung "assumption, UNconvinced" yung
option A. 'Yun sana, puwede. ^_^

#18. Haha! Mali rin ako jan. I answered A too. I really don't know if there's an objective rule in choosing
a title. Parang too subjective, right? Actually, NONE of the ABOVE talaga kung ako. BORING lahat! A title
should capture an audience's attention while at the same time summing up the article's gist. I'd
probably title it "Failed Government Takeover Attempt Puts MAGDALO Group in Serious Legal
Hotwater" or something to that effect :p Upon further reflection, however, I decided that CBRC has a
point—the article talks about the possible charges the Magdalo Group is facing for their actions. They
can either be charged with MUTINY, COUP D'ETAT, or transgressions under the ARTICLES of WAR. One
thing is for certain: It was an ILLEGAL UPRISING of SOLDIERS. ^_^

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