Astronomy Project

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Astronomy Project

By Zach Benson and Mateo Sandoval Blas

The Creation of Black Holes
Scientists believe the smallest black
holes were formed with the creation of
the universe. The Stellar Black Holes
are formed when the core of a sun
collapses from the inside to out and
creates a supernova, (Explosion of a
star, The largest explosions in space). A
SuperMassive Black hole is formed the
same time their galaxy they’re in.
I’m not talking about the 2000 movie
film, i’m talking about the biggest
explosions in space. Supernovas can
happen in two way. One when binary
stars a white dwarf steals material from
it companion and eventually explodes
into a supernova. The other way a
supernova can from is when a star run
out or nuclear fuel and the core cannot
withstand the weight of its own gravity
and soon collapse on itself.
Supermassive Black Holes in their Galaxy’s
In every Galaxy, there is a
supermassive black hole in their center.
That means, even in the Milky Way
Galaxy, there is a supermassive black
hole in the center. Not to worry, The
Supermassive Black hole CAN NOT
absorb the Galaxy it’s in. Although it can
damage it’s own Galaxy by absorbing
the dust and gas in space.
If you get in a situation that involve
trying to escape a black hole. Well you
should start praying, because there is
no escaping a black hole. Black holes
gravity force is so strong not even the
mighty light can escape.
Black Holes Collide
We have never seen two black holes collide with on another, But what will
happen if two black holes ever do collide.

Scientists on Earth ran computerized simulations of what will happen if it ever

did happen, and there are two possible outcomes, both depending on the way
they’re spinning, how fast are they going, and the angle of their collision.

The first outcome will be when the two black hole gets closer and closer to each
other, the smaller black hole will be slingshot away from the bigger black hole.

The second and more likely outcome will be that they will slowly move closer
and closer together, until their gravity can not escape each other, and eventually
become one.
Black Holes Collide Continued
When two black hole become one it is
called a binary black hole. When this
happens the black holes go under a
process called Ring-Down. That means
in distorted matter from the black holes
colliding will be dissipated and form the
binary black hole.

When the Binary Black hole is created it

will cause ripples through the time and
space fabric of the universe. The ripples
are call Gravitational waves.
Fun Song and Video About Black Holes
The Black Hole Song by Jam Campus Black Holes Explained – From Birth to
Death by Kurzgesagt-in a nutshell
Question 1: What is the cause of black holes,
and what makes them so dangerous?
According to the research, black holes
normally are formed when two sun’s
gravity gets caught, and they cannot
escape each other’s gravitational pull,
as a result, those two suns collide, and
the matter combusts, resulting in a
black hole, the gravitational pull
becomes much stronger, and since we
do not know what a black hole does to
anything that goes into it, we must
assume it is obliterated by it.
Question 2: How dangerous is it when two black holes
While we’ve never seen it actually happen,
we’ve run complex tests that can recreate
these such events. Two outcomes are that
if they are going fast enough, the black
holes will slingshot apart, or they will
come closer together slowly. According to
the tests this process would be extremely
violent, and destroy anything nearly close
to it.
Question 3: What can happen after a
supernova explosion?
After a supernova explosion two
major events can happen. If the
supernova cannot contain itself, it
will collapse on itself and create a
black hole. If the supernova does
not collapse on itself, then it will
explode, sending its solar gas
through space. If enough of this
gas comes together, overtime it will
become a new sun.
Question 4: What is the result of two supermassive black
holes colliding?
When two supermassive black holes
collide, the two will either slingshot
apart or slowly come together as a
distorted mess before coming
together in a perfectly circular black
hole. This process, called ring-down,
would be violent and would send
ripples through the space time
Question 5: Can anything escape the gravity of
a black hole?
No object or force in space can
escape a black holes gravity, light
will even by trapped by it. So if
anything gets caught in its gravity it
will be sucked right into it, being
destroyed or absorbed.
Question 6: Can we detect when black
holes collide?
Yes, currently powerful tools are being
constructed that can show us when
black holes collide sending
gravitational waves toward us.
Special Credit
xies, by Berardelli Phil
l, by Pappas Stephaine By Thoughty2

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