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“Great fortunes are made through Fellowship, Knowledge and an Abundance of Opportunities.”

Volume 8 — Issue 10 Increase Your $ales
Increase Your Sales Response up to 50%
Response up to 50%
The Fine Art of Letter The Fine Art of Letter
Writing and Design .............1
Writing and Design
The Seven Steps to By Jeffrey Dobkin
Wealth in Paper
Make Money on Loans But is it really a letter? The letter in your mailing
package has a singular objective: To draw a
and Mortgages ....................3 response. So the letter is really a highly stylized ad
designed to look like a letter—don’t forget this. To make
people feel it’s really a letter, the closer you can come
How to Choose, Start, to making it look like a letter, the more credibility
and Succeed in Your you’ll have.
Own Part-Time Business Start with letterhead and use a friendly, warm saluta-
tion. I like “Dear Colleague,” and I usually place “and Friend” after
Common Sense Tips to Help some salutations: “Dear Neighbor and Friend” or “Dear Pharmacist and
You Get Off on a Good Foot Friend.” To get your letter read by the widest audience, it should look easy to
and Succeed Over the read, even if it isn’t.
Long Haul ...........................5 Start with a one- or two-line opening paragraph (hopefully this copy will
tie in to the teaser copy on your envelope). Indent all paragraphs four spaces,
continues on page 2
The Wealth Liberty
Institute's 5-Minute
How to Choose, Start, and Succeed
Earn a Six-Figure Income in Your Own Part-Time Business
in Merchandise By Dr. Kevin Nunley
Liquidation ..........................6
This is a great time to start your own business, even if you have never thought
of yourself as an entrepreneur. The economy is getting tighter, many compa-
nies are laying people off, and a paycheck doesn’t go as far as it used to.
Network For Profits Meanwhile, Internet and mail order sales are booming. We’re also seeing
Reach Out to Other record numbers of new home-based businesses starting and succeeding.
Members and Share Getting in on this trend now could be the smartest thing you do in the year
Your Great Fortune..............7 Here are some common sense tips to help you pick the right business, get
off on a good foot, and succeed over the long haul.
continues on page 5
October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

Increase Your $ales Response up to 50%

CHIEF COUNCIL continued from page 1

and no paragraph should be more than seven lines in length. Use short
sentences with five-cent words instead of 50-cent words, even though you
might have them in your vocabulary. Set copy flush left, rag right—never
justify. Always write to the level of your audience (although, personally, I
Michael Newman Nina V. Walters
use some of my shortest words when writing copy for letters to doctors). It’s
Chairman Executive Director okay to use bold sparingly—perhaps once per paragraph—and italics can
be used with slightly greater frequency since italicized type blends into the
letter better. Underline sparingly. All caps can be used once per page, twice
at most. Although I have 300 fonts in my computer, 99% of my letters are
in Courier, to make them look like—and be perceived as—personal letters.
To break up the letter visually (so it doesn’t
appear boring or monotonous) use a foreshortened
paragraph in the middle of the letter: Move both
Jeffrey Dobkin
Editor the margins in to create a paragraph just four inch-
Moving? Missed an issue? Please let us es wide. This paragraph can be set in a smaller font
know within 90 days of moving or if you size, italics (my personal favorite), or a different
have not received an issue. After this time
period, missed issues can be purchased for
typeface altogether. If your letter is running long,
US$10 each including shipping and han- use a compact face like Times Roman, Garamond,
dling. Write to: Highlander Club, 777 S. or Bookman Italic. Come to think about it, just
Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm
Beach, FL 33401-6163, USA. Or call
about anything is smaller than Courier. Times
between 9am to 5pm EST; (905) 760-9929 Roman has a character density of about three times
x300; Fax (905) 760-2809. that of Courier. Speaking of long, if your letter is
designed to be one page and the copy runs just a
Contact Us
If you have a question or comment about tad over, you can reduce that 12-point Courier to 10 or 11 points. I would-
the monthly memorandum, write to the n’t go much lower in point size, because the credibility of “this is a letter”
Editor in care of Highlander Club, 777 S. falls off pretty fast after that. If it’s still too long, expand your margins and
Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach,
FL 33401- 6163, USA, Fax (905) 760-2809. let the copy run out to the edges of the paper at the sides and the very bot-
Subscription rate for the Highlander Club tom of the paper.
newsletter is $80 per year. If you have a When printing your letter, ask the printer to reduce it 10%. This will
question about your subscription, or want
to renew your subscription, change your give you slightly over ½” margin top and bottom and almost half an inch
address, or order a Highlander Club Special on each side. Sign with a LEGIBLE signature. Don’t forget an electric P.S.,
Report, write to Member Services, 777 S. since the P.S. is a well-read part of any letter. I always save the P.S. for my
Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach,
FL 33401-6163, USA. Or call between 9am hottest spots: A guarantee, a re-cap of my offer in its best terms, and why
to 5pm EST; (905) 760-9929 x300; Fax the letter recipient should pick up the phone and call right away. I usually
(905) 760-2809. give the phone number again and finish with the word “Thanks.”
© 2003 by Highlander Club, 777 S.
Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach, Your letter may be any length, as long as it’s interesting. There’s no such
FL 33401-6163, USA. All rights reserved. thing as a letter that is too long, only one that is too dull. Biggest danger:
Images by Corel, Corel Stock Photo Reader fall off. Suggestion? Keep it crisp by editing severely. I have a rule—
Library, and PhotoDisc. The Club is not
promising or guaranteeing that you will the two-paragraph rule of readership survival—Your readership will fall off
become wealthy because of the informa- dramatically when there are two paragraphs back to back that are not inter-
tion in this newsletter or our special esting. While a three-page letter may be too long and get tossed, three one-
reports and programs. There is no guaran-
tee of future profits. Copying any of the page letters will get read. Consider sending more than one letter for any big
Club’s published information is strictly dollar amount sale or to build loyalty or credibility into a campaign. ■
prohibited. The ideas expressed herein are
the opinions of Highlander Club only. That
said, we believe you’ll discover vital money Jeffrey Dobkin is an original Highlander Board Member. Well
secrets and wealth angles not available any- liked because of his fun, funny, yet information-rich writing and
where else. speaking presentations, he has written two books on direct mar-
The Executive Staff, Research
Department and the Editors of Highlander keting, plus an awesome course on classified ads and direct mail,
Club are proud of the reputation we’ve The Intelligent Testing System, all based on the premise that all
built since our inception in 1991. Simply, you need is just one successful 25-word ad to get rich right from
we believe the advice presented to you in
our published resources and seminars is your kitchen table. His articles on marketing have appeared in
the best and most useful available to you, more than 100 magazines.
the global entrepreneur.

October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

The Seven Steps to Wealth in Paper

By John Stefanchik

Before I reveal the seven steps to wealth in paper, let’s

look at the basics of paper.
In simplest terms, “paper” is any mortgage or loan,
whether personally held or held by a bank, S&L, or other
financial institution.
It’s called “paper”
because it’s a written agree-
ment stating the terms under The Seven Steps to Wealth
which money has been in Paper is the route To make a transaction succeed, you not only
loaned and secured by prop- need to understand the steps, but also the way
erty. Paper can be bought I followed to success, they flow into each other.
and sold because it repre- without knowing exactly
sents value. We are interested Step 1: Marketing
only in personally held what the seven steps were Marketing is letting people know you buy paper.
paper secured by real estate; Everything starts with marketing. If you don’t let
that is, paper owned by indi- at the time. Over the years people know you exist, you will never make a
viduals. since I found my way to deal.
The value of the paper is To continue the example of what happens
the amount of money loaned success, I’ve identified when you shop for almost anything—why do you
plus the interest expected to think you want whatever that “anything” might
be paid over the life of the
these steps as the path that be? Because someone has marketed that product
loan. Its security is the value of all successful people follow. to you, that’s why! Even if it’s something as rou-
the thing against which the tine as new clothing or shoes, the store probably
money is loaned, whether it’s advertised, had a nice window display, had the
a car, boat, diamond ring, real estate, or other item of value. merchandise displayed attractively, and, if you needed to
assistance in selecting your choice, provided sales people
Now that you know the concept, let’s who were knowledgeable and helped you pick what was
move on to the seven steps… best for you. That’s marketing! Learn to think marketing
about everything in your life, not just paper—and
I’ve devoted a lot of my life to making success easy, or
suddenly, paper marketing will become a lot easier.
at least easier, for the vast majority of my students who
don’t have that rare whatever-it-is that makes success for
Step 2: Information Gathering
some people seem as easy as breathing.
Once you locate a mortgage, the mortgage worksheet is
The Seven Steps to Wealth in Paper is the route I fol-
the primary information-gathering tool for you and any
lowed to success, without knowing exactly what the seven
paper investor. This is the tool with which you gather
steps were at the time. Over the years since I found my
hard data about a mortgage from the potential seller.
way to success, I’ve identified these steps as the path that
The information-gathering stage is also where you
all successful people follow. Just so you know, I’m talking
learn about the needs of the individual paper holder so
about the seven steps to success specifically as they lead to
you can negotiate more effectively. It’s what you learn
success and wealth in paper.
when you do phone follow-ups to your mailings and talk
The seven steps as I describe here are not only specif-
to paper holders. (Phone follow-up is an essential part of
ic to acquiring paper but also apply to achieving a success-
information gathering.)
ful life. They are:
You perform information gathering every time you
1. Marketing
shop for anything—that’s how you get the information
2. Information gathering
that helps you decide.
3. Deal analysis
4. Negotiation
Step 3: Deal Analysis
5. Due Diligence
Deal analysis is working with the information you get on
6. Completing the transaction and making
the mortgage worksheet. You want to know whether this
the purchase
deal will work, under what terms, and what you can
7. Evaluating your profit (and repeating
quote. You get out your financial calculator and plug in
your success)
continues on page 4

October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

The Seven Steps to Wealth in Paper how much you can afford to spend,
continued from page 3 and how much you want to spend.
That salesperson, who is in the posi-
four of the five variables: n (number tion you’ll find yourself when pre-
of payments), i (interest rate), PV senting an offer, tries to know what
(Present Value) of the paper, PMT will make you say, “Yes.” That’s what
(Payment), and FV (Future Value). you want to make the paper holder
You have to have four of the five say.
variables or you can’t solve for the
missing number. After you solve for Step 5: Due Diligence
any one missing variable, you use When your offer is accepted, you
your calculator to produce a have to check out the information
quote—or determine that you can’t you’ve been working from—the
or don’t want to quote on this par- information upon which you based
ticular mortgage. your quote.
In the ongoing shopping exam- In practice, if Success Mortgage
ple, you gather information about Investments (SMI) or any wise
whether you can afford what you investor is buying the deal, they’ll do
want and make your choice of where the due diligence. They’re the peo-
you’ll spend (invest) your money. If you’re shopping for ple who are putting their money at risk, so they’d be high-
something like a house or car, where negotiation is possi- ly remiss if they didn’t do that basic fact checking. You can
ble, you gather your information, decide how much you also expect any title company to do their due diligence
can offer, submit your offer, then listen to the response, before issuing title insurance (never do a deal without title
negotiate, and either decide to buy or look somewhere insurance), but you and/or the investor should also do
else. your own due diligence.
Due diligence is nothing more—and certainly nothing
Step 4: Negotiating less—than checking out all the facts of the deal and mak-
When you have a quote that works, the next step is to ing sure that “facts” presented to you are really factual.
present it to the mortgage holder. Before you prepared Due diligence checks many things. For example:
your quote, however, you should have talked to the paper • Is the amount of the actual loan balance equal to what
holder about the time value of money and made sure that was stated?
he or she understands that the only way the deal can work • Has the payer been prompt in making payments and is
is if the quote is for less than the face value of the mort- he or she current?
gage or trust deed and why that’s to their advantage. • Do the credit check and appraisal match what you’ve
If you don’t make sure they understand the time value been told?
of money and how you will quote, they’re going to be • Are there other liens on the property that the seller
shocked at “how low!” your offer is. If you’ve prepared didn’t know about or didn’t tell you about?
them and made sure they’re not expecting the full face • Are there odd and unusual conditions attached to the
value, they’ll be ready to listen to you. mortgage that the sellers didn’t know they should tell
The catch you may encounter is that they might have you about?
heard you and seemed to understand, but didn’t really • And so on and on, through all the things that are
understand, perhaps believing that their mortgage would, important to making sure that the deal is a good, safe
of course, be worth more than all the rest. investment.
In your first explanation, and in your shorter review
before presenting the offer, during the information gath- Step 6: Completing the Transaction and Making the
ering process, the “soft” information about what the sell- Purchase
er needs and how and why those needs motivate him or This is bringing everything together so you can close the
her to sell become crucially important. deal. This flows out of due diligence into the closing.
The more you know about how the seller thinks and When you’ve closed, the transaction is complete, but not
what he or she (or they, if you’re dealing with a couple or before then.
partners) needs, the better you can present the informa- Investors like Success Mortgage Investments will take
tion and the offer. care of closing, but you need to do your part as they ask
The same thing is going on when you shop for a house you to and pay attention to every step so you’ll learn how
or car, or anything where price and terms are negotiable. to do it for yourself or for investors who expect you to take
You’re gathering information and making an offer. The care of more or all the due diligence requirements. The
salesperson has tried to gather as much information as he process is much like buying a home or car—you get every-
or she can about who you are, what you want and need,

October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

thing checked out, negotiate the price, and close the deal. learning. The day you stop learning is the day to
start worrying.
Step 7: Evaluate Your Profit (and Repeat the Process) And, third, after you complete your first deal, go
Evaluation doesn’t mean shouting, “Yay! Wow! I made right back out and do it again, and again, etc.
$10,000! Let’s celebrate and go out and have a cham- One success is just one success. Real success is repeat-
pagne dinner! Let’s hire a limo to take us there and bring ing your success and building upon it! That’s where real
us home!” Sure, if you made $10,000, or even a few thou- money and real financial security can be found. ■
sand, you have every reason and right to celebrate, and
you ought to reward yourself. A nice dinner out is an John Stefanchik, board member of The
appropriate treat—but you’re not yet finished dealing with Highlander Club and self-made millionaire,
the outcome of the deal. has been sharing his moneymaking methods
First, ask yourself how you want to take your profit, of working from your home and being your
since each way you can handle the money has different own boss for the past 15 years. In addition to
tax, life, career, and retirement implications. Check with being a successful investor, noted author, pub-
your tax professional, since everyone’s tax situation and lisher and national public speaker, he also has
needs are different. had a number of informative TV shows,
Second, ask yourself what you could have done teaching the average person how to achieve
better. You learn from every deal you do, even those personal financial success. John has taught his home-based busi-
that fall apart. This is a matter of looking at what you ness methods to over 100,000 people. His money- making meth-
did, thinking about what you learned, and identifying ods have been featured in dozens of major newspapers, radio
what you can do better or differently next time. shows, and live seminars throughout the United States and
That’s true of everything you do in life. You’re always Canada.

How to Choose, Start, and Succeed in Your Own The easiest and cheapest business to start is a service
Part-Time Business continued from page 1 you can provide to other businesses. You may need little
more than an e-mail address and a telephone number to
Choosing Your Business get the ball rolling.
One of the reasons a great many businesses fail is the If you worked in accounts receivable for several years,
owner jumped off into a field they didn’t know much help businesses outsource their bookkeeping chores. A
about. Your best bet is to choose a business you have woman in my town turned her 20 years of office experi-
worked in as an employee. Otherwise, plan to spend ence into a thriving home-based business by offering to
time researching the topic in libraries and in conversa- help small businesses straighten out their books. She
tions with people who are placed ads in the neighborhood news-
already in your chosen industry. paper and arranged to be interviewed
Keep expenses down to a for an article.
bare minimum in the beginning. Internet referral programs and mail
More than a few new start-ups order are two industries that are boom-
blow their cash on a big office, ing, easy to get into, and, while they
fine furnishings, and new com- may not make you rich, they are a good
puters. I started my business way to get started in your own business.
years ago from a spare bedroom. Many networking and reseller firms
A writer friend realized her have changed their strategy from “bug
apartment was too small to your friends” to “network on the Net.”
house her business and rented These can be great ways to get experi-
an unused room in a nearby ence selling established products in an
office. organization set up to encourage
Plan on running your busi- home-based business. Look for an
ness part-time for the first year opportunity that has been in business
while you keep a regular job. for at least three years.
This may seem like the slow way
to get your project going, but a regular paycheck will Market in Many Ways
ensure you have plenty of time to give your business its The key to your business success will likely be your ability
best shot at succeeding. Nothing torpedoes a new business to market your products and services. Without marketing,
like expecting it to profit huge amounts of cash within the nothing sells. It helps if you set up your business from the
first six months. beginning with marketing in mind.

October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

Your business should give you the opportunity to

The Wealth Liberty Institute's promote in several ways:
5-Minute Millionaire 1) Use a web component. The Internet lets you reach
thousands of targeted prospects at the cheapest
Make $7,650 in price in advertising history. Put up your own web
site. Fill it with good information and answers to the
Adrian Newman
Founder, WLI Just 10 Minutes kinds of questions your customers and prospects
ask. Build your own opt-in email list to stay in touch
What is this world coming to? with customers. Nothing works as well or as cheaply
The Terminator is the Governor of California, $20 green- to build your reputation.
backs are now peach-colored, and a wild Cub fan has to fear for Work to get your site listed on the major search
his life, just because he tried to catch a foul ball? At least some engines. The top two percent of businesses on
things remain normal, like the Wealth Liberty Institute's never- search engines account for about 90% of the Net’s
ending search for prime moneymaking opportunities. And I've moneymaking sites. Advertise your business in
got two fantastic ones ready to make you a hefty-sized income. ezines that reach your best prospects. Some newslet-
The first opportunity is actually based on a pretty scary ters let you reach tens of thousands of potential
notion that the medical industry (mainly hospitals and clinics) is customers for $30 to $40.
over-billing at an astonishing rate. In fact, Americans are getting 2) Your business should also take advantage of face-to-
bilked to the tune of $10 billion! That's right, $10 BILLION!
face marketing. When you talk to people in person,
So who can find these dreadful errors and come to the
it is harder for them to walk away without buying.
rescue to give consumers their money back?
YOU! One man, an excellent sales person who closes more
By becoming a medical claims adjuster, not only will you than 90% of all sales, simply strikes up a conversa-
help unsuspecting (a lot of people have no idea they are even tion with people. Near the end of the conversation
being overcharged!) people get their money back, but you will he will mention his offer. People almost always buy.
also generate an income that could grow into six figures! 3) For all that has been said about the Internet, the
Speaking of six-figure incomes, I've found another way that good old telephone is still the center of our business
you can get this kind of dough through large quantities of stuff world. When you spend time talking with someone
that is just sitting around the world. on the phone, you build a personal bond with them
That's right, I said STUFF! When I say that, I mean mer- that often leads to a sale.
chandise… lots of it… waiting to be sold and waiting to be Before you get on the phone with a prospect or cus-
bought. tomer, quickly jot down what you hope to accomplish
You see, when big-name companies manufacture merchan- with the call. Don’t let more than two or three minutes
dise (everything from brand-name fashions to electronics), the of conversation go by without making an effort to
surplus sits in a warehouse. Meanwhile, there is a retailer across
achieve your goal. This organized approach will help
the globe that is selling this stuff like hotcakes and needs more.
you stay away from long days on the phone without
This is where you come in. You find the surplus and then
you get it to the people that want it.
much to show for it.
It's called “merchandise liquidation,” and it's a multi-billion
dollar industry. And if you have a phone, you can pull in up to Be Determined
$7,650 in just ten minutes. It doesn’t matter what business you are in, there will be
Ten minutes = $7,650! days when you feel like you are spinning your wheels.
John Lerner is a 28-year-old genius who walks around with Realize that for every up trend there will eventually be
$30,000 worth of checks in his wallet. He made his fortune in a downtrend. When sales are slow or customers are dif-
merchandise liquidation, and he and I have perfected a pro- ficult, remind yourself that a turnaround for the best is
gram that will have you making some serious moolah. always just beyond the bend.
If you have already taken advantage of this opportunity or Much of business success has to do with simply
the massive riches that are to be made in the world of medical showing up for work every day. When people see you
claims adjusting through my Five Minute Millionaire email, or hear about you month after month, then year after
congratulations and I hope you are enjoying your new found year, your consistent presence builds customer confi-
wealth! dence. Confidence turns into loyalty. Repeat customers
If you have missed any of these, please visit the following and good word of mouth will insure you get repeat
web sites to find out more on how to make truckloads of money
sales for as long as you own your business. ■
from both of these lucrative opportunities:
Dr. Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice
Until then, enjoy the benefits of making money through and copywriting. See his 10,000 marketing
the Wealth Liberty Institute! ideas and popular promotion packages at Reach Kevin at
Adrian Newman, Wealth Liberty Institute or 801-328-9006.

October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

Business to Business Leasing Opportunity
If you are a vendor looking to increase your
sales, we can offer financing on your prod-
uct or service on any transaction over
$3,000 up to several million dollars. For all
Fellow Highlanders! Go into Business for
Here’s an exciting opportunity for you to go
into business for yourself, with absolutely
no risk whatsoever. Call 212-990-6280 for a

* * *

between 9 and 4 or leave a message at

1-800-266-7240 ext. 1014, dealer number

* * * * * *
your leasing business we will offer a portion recorded message. If you are interested, Club Members Needed for Fashionable
of our commission to help defray your mar- please e-mail fellow Highlander Wesner Investment!
keting expenses. There is no charge to sub- Louis-Jacques at Fellow Highlander Joyce Fashion is looking
mit a lease application, and we only get for capital to expand her children’s wear
paid for successfully funded transactions. If * * * * * * * * *
department globally. Investments would be
you refer us to a transaction, we offer refer- Be a Distributor of “The King of Herbs” used for equipment, material, and wages.
ral fees. Many of our sales force work part- Highlander Members Sam & Connie Corpuz Please contact Joyce at 2770 Somerset
time from home, identifying small business- would like to introduce ganoderma, or what Drive, #402, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311
es that require funding for equipment or the Chinese consider the “King of Herbs.”
software. Contact fellow Highlanders David This food supplement will scan, clean, bal- * * * * * * * * *
and Linda Spencer of Smart Leasing – ance, build, and regenerate your body. To Fellow Highlander Looking to Expand
Midwest at 330-650-2542 or e-mail become a distributor, log on to Business! Sponsor New Member Charles H. Gatter is seeking
* * * * * * * * * number is 128114102. Or call 907-677- a friendly lender to help expand his mail-
1491, fax 907-677-1518 or e-mail order gourmet food business, Gatter
The Most Amazing Scientific Marketing Group. For more information
Breakthrough in Health Maintenance contact Charles at PO Box 15805, Surfside,
Now you can make a fortune with this * * * * * * * * *
SC 29587 or phone 843-946-9531.
incredible unique product that one doctor Simply the Best!
is calling “The greatest discovery of our Highlander Suzette Droud is looking to * * * * * * * * *
time.” Six-figure income potential in 12 expand her business: Simply the Best Rare Opportunity!
months! Call fellow Highlander Brian Candles & Things. Last year’s holiday Fellow Highlander searching venture capital
Christensen at 1-801-525-1224 or write to sales were over $65,000. She is looking for to begin a new form of abalone aquaculture.
2571 West 5950 South, Roy, UT 84067 for a 90-day loan. For more information, con- This rare delicacy is selling for $100 a
the exciting details! tact Suzette at 402-420-1420 or 402-805- pound and the market will be saturated in
* * * * * * * * * 1822. the next 50 years. Executive plan and busi-
* * * * * * * * * ness summary available. E-mail Mr. Sheryl
Attention Business Owners! Kirchner at
Why doesn’t your advertising work? The Great Investment Opportunity!
secret is to use advertising that gets people’s Highlander Stanley Amacker is looking for * * * * * * * * *
attention, makes them curious, and gets investors in an exciting new business System 48 Plus – An Exciting Innovation!
them to call you! If you’d like to stop wast- opportunity venture. Please contact Stanley Not just an oil additive, but an extra tough,
ing money on useless, no-response advertis- at PO Box 7723, Trenton, NJ 08628 or heavy duty motor treatment that only
ing, call us at 1-866-783-8163 24 hours to e-mail for the requires one application for the life of your
listen to a free recorded message. We’ll send exciting details. This is a serious business car! Special Highlander Club rate of only
you a report that explains how to attract opportunity. $14.95 a can with a money back warranty!
customers or clients like a 10-ton magnet
* * * * * * * * * Send money orders to fellow club member
attracts a paper clip. You can also e-mail fel-
Myron Ayala, 4441 South Meridian #315,
low Highlander Sherry Coutee at
Own the Master Rights to $17,000 Puyallup, WA 98373 for more information.
Marketing Package… for only $47!
New Highlander member has obtained the * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
rights to $17,000 marketing package. This Free “Protect America” Anti-Terrorism
Highlander Member Wants to Help You five-CD-ROM set includes complete mar- Kit
Reduce Your Mortgage! keting materials, and you get the re-print Helping Americans prepare for the worst.
Barbie Williams is offering fellow rights to every package! Send $47 (plus $5 Tom Rich, Secretary of Homeland Security
Highlanders a free service that will help shipping) to Thomas K. Voye 12-32 127th said, “Terrorists force us to make a choice,
reduce the amount of mortgage interest you Street, College Point, NY 11356. we can be afraid or we can be ready.” For
pay and reduce the your mortgage by seven your free kit, call Highlander Floyd Surprise
to 15 years without refinancing. Plus, you * * * * * * * * * at 909-590-0933.
can also be a distributor of this service. And
Highlanders! Check out this Opportunity! * * * * * * * * *
the best part is that it is absolutely free! For
Highlander Club Member Donald Easter has
more information, contact Barbie at 661-
a business opportunity with New Life Home-Based Business Opportunity
723-1722 or e-mail her at
Publications. If you are looking for a suc- Home-based crafting positions are now
* * * * * * * * * cessful venture, call the office and talk to us available that will pay independent home-

October 2003 • Volume 8 - Issue 10

workers to craft their handmade products. Highlanders Need Your Help! Service You Can Depend On! Prices You
Full- or part-time, set your own hours, satis- Cornerstone Full Gospel Church is trying to Can Afford!
faction guaranteed! National Homeworkers raise $10,000 to move their structure to a Highlander Club member Sheldon E.
Directory is now available. Send $33.00 brand-new location. Fellow Highlanders are Martin could save you thousands of dollars
check or money order to Fellow Highlander being asked for donations. Please contact through his bookkeeping, business financial
at Colvenbach Management Co., Dept 5, Rev. Charles & Janice Grant at 219 Johnson statement, support, tax planning, and tax
PO Box 163, Mohrsville, PA 19541. Dr., Dillon, SC 29536. return preparation services business Martin
Financial Consulting. If you could benefit
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * from his services, or if you'd like to invest in
I Want to Give You Half My Real Estate or finance such a business, please call
Free Software!
Profits! Sheldon toll free at 1-877-746-3439.
Shows how a free service can reduce the
Cash Investor/Silent Partner wanted. Deal- term of mortgage, accelerate equity, and * * * * * * * * *
by-deal basis only. Small investment, nice audit loans for lender errors. Send $6.95
profits on single family properties. Your for shipping and handling to fellow Help an Aspiring Olympic Athlete!
short-term investment is secured and you Highlander Jerry Lohrengel, 14633 Knowles Highlander Victor Lewis (who is training in
get a quick return. Get monthly income too! Rd. SE, Tenino, WA 98589 the triple jump for the Athens Olympics)
Plus no liability, fees or gimmicks. Send a needs to help to set-up, promote, and
SASE to Highlander R. Lattin, PO Box 151, * * * * * * * * * advertise his very own Internet store. Please
Bedford Park, IL 60499. contact him at 2035 Old Peachtree Rd.,
Homeowners: You Can Save a Lot of
Laurenceville, GA 30040 or email
* * * * * * * * * Money! ■
Fellow Highlander Jack Sneed has free soft-
Highlander Looking to Start Mail Order ware he would love to send you. This could
Business save you $50,000 or more! For more infor-
Product sources and a computer have mation, please write to 5502 Landmark Dr.,
already been obtained. Additional funds Charlotte, NC 28270.
needed for startup and rollout. Please con- !
nders getti
tact Richard Ford, PO Box 1003, El Reno, * * * * * * * * * ighla
OK 73036-1003. Bonus for fellow n k Y o u H
’ v e been gotten
Future Real Estate Entrepreneur Tha e
se w t, we’ve ite a
Highlanders: Send a SASE and $5 and spon ac u
receive 400-year-old black eye pea pie
Michelle Kessler is new to The h a t a re nth! In f taking q ease
! W o l
Highlander Club and is seeking funds Wow e past m that it s m all. P tters ’
to take a real estate education course. er th ters , th e e le
ov let gh f th d
any throu ead all o y respon
* * * * * * * * * Upon completion, she will become an so m to get w e r o nl ee p
t an k
essential real estate entrepreneur. while tand tha ver, we c ient and
20% Return on Your Investment er s w e at
Lenders can be repaid within six und . Ho ase be p s!
New Highlander S. Chavous is interested in to us e m
securing short term loans with no
months or share in the profits of the first sent many. Pl our drea
payments or interest due for six months.
deal. For more information, contact to so g toward
She will invest in distressed real estate pur-
Michelle at 315-436-7960 or email strivi t,
e bes
chase and return investment plus 20%! If All th
interested please contact her during day- * * * * * * * * *
time hours at 626-428-0840 or e-mail
Studies in Scripture She is also inter-
First printed in 1886, this wonderful book
ested in mentorships of foreclosure experts.
has sold over 5,000,000 copies. For your lters
ina V. Wa
* * * * * * * * * very own copy, please send $5.00 to N
Highlander Ken Gallagher, 7 Susan Ave.,
South Hadley, MA, 01075.

Has Highlander Club helped you forge ahead in business? If so, we Now is your chance to inspire Highlander Club
members, and get help for yourself too. Have you reached success? Did The Highlander Club help you get there? No
matter how you reached your goals, we want to hear your story and share it with other Club members seeking inspiration.
We’ll ship you ou a free gift to show our appreciation. In addition, if you have a legitimate business opportunity you’d
like to share with Highlander Club Members, then let us know, and we’ll help you by publishing it in our Highlander Club
Network for Profits.

Send your material to: the Editor in care of Highlander Club, 777 S. Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach, FL 33401-
6163, USA, Fax (905) 760-2809. We reserve the right to grammatically edit the text.

Please note that Highlander Club maintains the “Network for Profits” to provide a forum for sharing ideas and opportunities.
Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we can make no guarantees. We will, of course, make
every effort to correct errors brought to our attention. The inclusion of businesses, opportunities, or offers should not be
considered an endorsement of articles, products, or materials. Nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed or products or
services offered, by the author or organization. Highlander Club expects that its members will act with honor, and, therefore, we trust
that the products, services, and business opportunities mentioned in their advertisements are legitimate. However, we do not have
the resources to investigate every product, service, or business opportunity that is advertised in the newsletter; therefore, we cannot
personally guarantee what they’re offering.

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