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II. CRIMES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL particularly describing the place to be searched
LAWS OF THE STATE and the persons or things to be seized.


Section 1. Definition of arrest. — Arrest is the
Art. 124. Arbitrary detention. — Any public taking of a person into custody in order that he
officer or employee who, without legal grounds, may be bound to answer for the commission of
detains a person, shall suffer; an offense. (1)

1. The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum Section 2. Arrest; how made. — An arrest is
period to prision correccional in its minimum made by an actual restraint of a person to be
period, if the detention has not exceeded three arrested, or by his submission to the custody of
days; the person making the arrest.

2. The penalty of prision correccional in its No violence or unnecessary force shall be

medium and maximum periods, if the detention used in making an arrest. The person arrested
has continued more than three but not more shall not be subject to a greater restraint than
than fifteen days; is necessary for his detention. (2a)

3. The penalty of prision mayor, if the detention Section 5. Arrest without warrant; when lawful.
has continued for more than fifteen days but — A peace officer or a private person may,
not more than six months; and without a warrant, arrest a person:

4. That of reclusion temporal, if the detention (a) When, in his presence, the person to be
shall have exceeded six months. arrested has committed, is actually committing,
or is attempting to commit an offense;
The commission of a crime, or violent insanity
or any other ailment requiring the compulsory (b) When an offense has just been committed,
confinement of the patient in a hospital, shall and he has probable cause to believe based
be considered legal grounds for the detention on personal knowledge of facts or
of any person. circumstances that the person to be arrested
has committed it; and
(c) When the person to be arrested is a
SECTION 1. No person shall be deprived of prisoner who has escaped from a penal
life, liberty, or property without due process of establishment or place where he is serving
law, nor shall any person be denied the equal final judgment or is temporarily confined while
protection of the laws. his case is pending, or has escaped while
being transferred from one confinement to
SECTION 2. The right of the people to be another.
secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects against unreasonable searches and Republic Act No. 7438 April 27, 1992
seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search AN ACT DEFINING CERTAIN RIGHTS OF
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except PERSON ARRESTED, DETAINED OR
upon probable cause to be determined UNDER CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION AS
personally by the judge after examination WELL AS THE DUTIES OF THE
under oath or affirmation of the complainant ARRESTING, DETAINING AND
and the witnesses he may produce, and INVESTIGATING OFFICERS, AND

PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS investigation shall be in writing and signed by

THEREOF such person in the presence of his counsel or
in the latter's absence, upon a valid waiver,
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of and in the presence of any of the parents, elder
Representatives of the Philippines in Congress brothers and sisters, his spouse, the municipal
assembled:: mayor, the municipal judge, district school
supervisor, or priest or minister of the gospel
Section 1. Statement of Policy. – It is the as chosen by him; otherwise, such extrajudicial
policy of the Senate to value the dignity of confession shall be inadmissible as evidence in
every human being and guarantee full respect any proceeding.
for human rights.
(e) Any waiver by a person arrested or
Section 2. Rights of Persons Arrested, detained under the provisions of Article 125 of
Detained or Under Custodial Investigation; the Revised Penal Code, or under custodial
Duties of Public Officers.– investigation, shall be in writing and signed by
such person in the presence of his counsel;
(a) Any person arrested detained or under otherwise the waiver shall be null and void and
custodial investigation shall at all times be of no effect.
assisted by counsel.
(f) Any person arrested or detained or under
(b) Any public officer or employee, or anyone custodial investigation shall be allowed visits
acting under his order or his place, who by or conferences with any member of his
arrests, detains or investigates any person for immediate family, or any medical doctor or
the commission of an offense shall inform the priest or religious minister chosen by him or by
latter, in a language known to and understood any member of his immediate family or by his
by him, of his rights to remain silent and to counsel, or by any national non-governmental
have competent and independent counsel, organization duly accredited by the
preferably of his own choice, who shall at all Commission on Human Rights of by any
times be allowed to confer privately with the international non-governmental organization
person arrested, detained or under custodial duly accredited by the Office of the President.
investigation. If such person cannot afford the The person's "immediate family" shall include
services of his own counsel, he must be his or her spouse, fiancé or fiancée, parent or
provided with a competent and independent child, brother or sister, grandparent or
counsel by the investigating officer.lawphi1Ÿ grandchild, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece,
and guardian or ward.
(c) The custodial investigation report shall be
reduced to writing by the investigating officer, As used in this Act, "custodial investigation"
provided that before such report is signed, or shall include the practice of issuing an
thumbmarked if the person arrested or "invitation" to a person who is investigated in
detained does not know how to read and write, connection with an offense he is suspected to
it shall be read and adequately explained to have committed, without prejudice to the
him by his counsel or by the assisting counsel liability of the "inviting" officer for any violation
provided by the investigating officer in the of law.
language or dialect known to such arrested or
detained person, otherwise, such investigation Section 3. Assisting Counsel. – Assisting
report shall be null and void and of no effect counsel is any lawyer, except those directly
whatsoever. affected by the case, those charged with
conducting preliminary investigation or those
(d) Any extrajudicial confession made by a charged with the prosecution of crimes.
person arrested, detained or under custodial

The assisting counsel other than the upon orders of such investigating officer or in
government lawyers shall be entitled to the his place, who fails to provide a competent and
following fees; independent counsel to a person arrested,
detained or under custodial investigation for
(a) The amount of One hundred fifty pesos the commission of an offense if the latter
(P150.00) if the suspected person is cannot afford the services of his own counsel.
chargeable with light felonies;lawphi1©alf
(b) Any person who obstructs, prevents or
(b) The amount of Two hundred fifty pesos prohibits any lawyer, any member of the
(P250.00) if the suspected person is immediate family of a person arrested,
chargeable with less grave or grave felonies; detained or under custodial investigation, or
any medical doctor or priest or religious
(c) The amount of Three hundred fifty pesos minister chosen by him or by any member of
(P350.00) if the suspected person is his immediate family or by his counsel, from
chargeable with a capital offense. visiting and conferring privately with him, or
from examining and treating him, or from
The fee for the assisting counsel shall be paid ministering to his spiritual needs, at any hour of
by the city or municipality where the custodial the day or, in urgent cases, of the night shall
investigation is conducted, provided that if the suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less
municipality of city cannot pay such fee, the than four (4) years nor more than six (6) years,
province comprising such municipality or city and a fine of four thousand pesos
shall pay the fee: Provided, That the Municipal (P4,000.00).lawphi1©
or City Treasurer must certify that no funds are
available to pay the fees of assisting counsel The provisions of the above Section
before the province pays said fees. notwithstanding, any security officer with
custodial responsibility over any detainee or
In the absence of any lawyer, no custodial prisoner may undertake such reasonable
investigation shall be conducted and the measures as may be necessary to secure his
suspected person can only be detained by the safety and prevent his escape.
investigating officer in accordance with the
provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Section 5. Repealing Clause. – Republic Act
Code. No. No. 857, as amended, is hereby repealed.
Other laws, presidential decrees, executive
Section 4. Penalty Clause. – (a) Any arresting orders or rules and regulations, or parts thereof
public officer or employee, or any investigating inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
officer, who fails to inform any person arrested, repealed or modified accordingly.
detained or under custodial investigation of his
right to remain silent and to have competent Section 6. Effectivity. – This Act shall take
and independent counsel preferably of his own effect fifteen (15) days following its publication
choice, shall suffer a fine of Six thousand in the Official Gazette or in any daily
pesos (P6,000.00) or a penalty of newspapers of general circulation in the
imprisonment of not less than eight (8) years Philippines.
but not more than ten (10) years, or both. The
penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification Approved: April 27, 1992.lawphi1Ÿ
shall also be imposed upon the investigating
officer who has been previously convicted of a
similar offense.

The same penalties shall be imposed upon a

public officer or employee, or anyone acting G.R. No. L-37007 July 20, 1987

RAMON S. MILO, in his capacity as of his constitutional liberty, accused

Assistant Provincial Fiscal of Pangasinan, Barrio captain Juan Tuvera, Sr., Cpl.
and ARMANDO VALDEZ,petitioners, Tomas Mendoza and Pat. Rodolfo
vs. Mangsat, members of the police force of
ANGELITO C. SALANGA, in his capacity as Mangsat, Pangasinan conspiring,
Judge of the Court of First Instance of confederating and helping one another,
Pangasinan (Branch IV), and JUAN did, then and there, willfully, unlawfully
TUVERA, SR., respondents. and feloniously, lodge and lock said
Armando Valdez inside the municipal jail
GANCAYCO, J.: of Manaoag, Pangasinan for about
eleven (11) hours. (Emphasis supplied.)
This is a petition for review on certiorari of an
order of the Court of First Instance of CONTRARY TO ARTICLE 124 of the
Pangasinan, Third Judicial District, in Criminal R.P.C.
Case No. D-529 entitled "The People of the
Philippines versus Juan Tuvera, Sr., et al.," Dagupan City, October 12, 1972.
granting the motion to quash the information
filed by accused Juan Tuvera, Sr., herein (SGD.) VICENTE C. CALDONA
respondent. The issue is whether a barrio Assistant Provincial Fiscal
captain can be charged of arbitrary detention.
All the accused, including respondent Juan
The facts are as follows: Tuvera, Sr., were arraigned and pleaded not
On October 12, 1972, an information for
Arbitrary Detention was filed against Juan On April 4, 1973, Tuvera filed a motion to
Tuvera, Sr., Tomas Mendoza and Rodolfo quash the information on the ground that the
Mangsat, in the Court of First Instance of facts charged do not constitute an offense and
Pangasinan, which reads as follows: that the proofs adduced at the investigation are
not sufficient to support the filing of the
The undersigned Assistant Provincial information. Petitioner Assistant Provincial
Fiscal accuses Juan Tuvera, Sr., Tomas Fiscal Ramon S. Milo filed an opposition
Mendoza and Rodolfo Mangsat alias thereto.
Rudy, all of Manaoag, Pangasinan, of
the crime of ARBITRARY DETENTION, Finding that respondent Juan Tuvera, Sr. was
committed as follows: not a public officer who can be charged with
Arbitrary Detention, respondent Judge Angelito
That on or about the 21st day of April C. Salanga granted the motion to quash in an
1973, at around 10:00 o'clock in the order dated April 25, 1973.
evening, in barrio Baguinay, Manaoag,
Pangasinan, Philippines and within the Hence, this petition.
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court,
accused Juan Tuvera, Sr., a barrio Arbitrary Detention is committed by a public
captain, with the aid of some other officer who, without legal grounds, detains a
private persons, namely Juan Tuvera, person.1 The elements of this crime are the
Jr., Bertillo Bataoil and one Dianong, following:
maltreated one Armando Valdez by
hitting with butts of their guns and fists 1. That the offender is a public officer or
blows and immediately thereafter, employee.
without legal grounds, with deliberate
intent to deprive said Armando Valdez 2. That he detains a person.

3. That the detention is without legal asserts that the motion to quash was properly
grounds.2 sustained for the following reasons: (1) That he
did not have the authority to make arrest, nor
The ground relied upon by private respondent jail and detain petitioner Valdez as a mere
Tuvera for his motion to quash the information barrio captain;6 (2) That he is neither a peace
which was sustained by respondent Judge, is officer nor a policeman,7 (3) That he was not a
that the facts charged do not constitute an public official;8 (4) That he had nothing to do
offense,3 that is, that the facts alleged in the with the detention of petitioner Valdez;9 (5)
information do not constitute the elements of That he is not connected directly or indirectly in
Arbitrary Detention. the administration of the Manaoag Police
Force;10 (6) That barrio captains on April 21,
The Information charges Tuvera, a barrio 1972 were not yet considered as persons in
captain, to have conspired with Cpl. Mendoza authority and that it was only upon the
and Pat. Mangsat, who are members of the promulgation of Presidential Decree No. 299
police force of Manaoag, Pangasinan in that Barrio Captain and Heads of Barangays
detaining petitioner Valdez for about eleven were decreed among those who are persons in
(11) hours in the municipal jail without legal authority;11 and that the proper charge was
ground. No doubt the last two elements of the Illegal Detention and Not Arbitrary Detention.12
crime are present.
We disagree.
The only question is whether or not Tuvera,
Sr., a barrio captain is a public officer who can Long before Presidential Decree 299 was
be liable for the crime of Arbitrary Detention. signed into law, barrio lieutenants (who were
later named barrio captains and now barangay
The public officers liable for Arbitrary Detention captains) were recognized as persons in
must be vested with authority to detain or order authority. In various cases, this Court deemed
the detention of persons accused of a crime. them as persons in authority, and convicted
Such public officers are the policemen and them of Arbitrary Detention.
other agents of the law, the judges or mayors.4
In U.S. vs. Braganza,13 Martin Salibio, a barrio
Respondent Judge Salanga did not consider lieutenant, and Hilario Braganza, a municipal
private respondent Tuvera as such public councilor, arrested Father Feliciano Gomez
officer when the former made this finding in the while he was in his church. They made him
questioned order: pass through the door of the vestry and
afterwards took him to the municipal building.
Apparently, if Armando Valdez was ever There, they told him that he was under arrest.
jailed and detained more than six (6) The priest had not committed any crime. The
hours, Juan Tuvera, Sr., has nothing to two public officials were convicted of Arbitrary
do with the same because he is not in Detention.14
any way connected with the Police
Force of Manaoag, Pangasinan. In U.S. vs. Gellada,15 Geronimo Gellada, a
Granting that it was Tuvera, Sr., who barrio lieutenant, with the help of Filoteo
ordered Valdez arrested, it was not he Soliman, bound and tied his houseboy Sixto
who detained and jailed him because he Gentugas with a rope at around 6:00 p.m. and
has no such authority vested in him as a delivered him to the justice of the peace. Sixto
mere Barrio Captain of Barrio Baguinay, was detained during the whole night and until
Manaoag, Pangasinan. 5 9:00 a.m. of the next day when he was ordered
released by the justice of the peace because
In line with the above finding of respondent he had not committed any crime, Gellada was
Judge Salanga, private respondent Tuvera convicted of Arbitrary Detention.16

Under Republic Act No. 3590, otherwise known peace and order, both must be and are given
as The Revised Barrio Charter, the powers and the authority to detain or order detention.
duties of a barrio captain include the following: Noteworthy is the fact that even private
to look after the maintenance of public order in respondent Tuvera himself admitted that with
the barrio and to assist the municipal mayor the aid of his rural police, he as a barrio
and the municipal councilor in charge of the captain, could have led the arrest of petitioner
district in the performance of their duties in Valdez.24
such barrio;17 to look after the general welfare
of the barrio;18 to enforce all laws and From the foregoing, there is no doubt that a
ordinances which are operative within the barrio captain, like private respondent Tuvera,
barrio;19and to organize and lead an Sr., can be held liable for Arbitrary Detention.
emergency group whenever the same may be
necessary for the maintenance of peace and Next, private respondent Tuvera, Sr. contends
order within the barrio.20 that the motion to quash was validly granted as
the facts and evidence on record show that
In his treatise on Barrio Government Law and there was no crime of Arbitrary
Administration, Professor Jose M. Aruego has 25
Detention; that he only sought the aid and
this to say about the above-mentioned powers assistance of the Manaoag Police Force;26 and
and duties of a Barrio Captain, to wit: that he only accompanied petitioner Valdez to
town for the latter's personal safety.27
"Upon the barrio captain depends in the main
the maintenance of public order in the barrio. Suffice it to say that the above allegations can
For public disorder therein, inevitably people only be raised as a defense at the trial as they
blame him. traverse what is alleged in the Information. We
have repeatedly held that Courts, in resolving a
"In the event that there be a disturbing act to motion to quash, cannot consider facts
said public order or a threat to disturb public contrary to those alleged in the information or
order, what can the barrio captain do? which do not appear on the face of the
Understandably, he first resorts to peaceful information. This is because a motion to quash
measures. He may take preventive measures is a hypothetical admission of the facts alleged
like placing the offenders under surveillance in the information.28 Matters of defense cannot
and persuading them, where possible, to be proved during the hearing of such a motion,
behave well, but when necessary, he may except where the Rules expressly permit, such
subject them to the full force of law. as extinction of criminal liability, prescription,
and former jeopardy.29 In the case of U.S. vs.
"He is a peace officer in the barrio considered Perez,30 this Court held that a motion to quash
under the law as a person in authority. As on the ground that the facts charged do not
such, he may make arrest and detain persons constitute an offense cannot allege new facts
within legal limits.21 (Emphasis supplied.) not only different but diametrically opposed to
those alleged in the complaint. This rule admits
One need not be a police officer to be of only one exception and that is when such
chargeable with Arbitrary Detention. It is facts are admitted by the prosecution.31 lawphi1
accepted that other public officers like judges
and mayors, who act with abuse of their Lastly, private respondent claims that by the
functions, may be guilty of this crime.22 A lower court's granting of the motion to quash
perusal of the powers and function vested in jeopardy has already attached in his favor32 on
mayors would show that they are similar to the ground that here, the case was dismissed
those of a barrio captain23 except that in the or otherwise terminated without his express
case of the latter, his territorial jurisdiction is consent.
smaller. Having the same duty of maintaining

Respondent's contention holds no water. An PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-

order granting a motion to quash, unlike one of appellee,
denial, is a final order. It is not merely vs.
interlocutory and is therefore immediately RUBEN BURGOS y TITO, defendant-
appealable. The accused cannot claim double appellant.
jeopardy as the dismissal was secured not only
with his consent but at his instance.33

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the GUTIERREZ, JR., J.:

Petition for certiorari is GRANTED. The
questioned Order of April 25, 1973 in Criminal This is an appeal from the decision of the
Case No. D-529 is hereby set aside. Let this Regional Trial Court of Davao del Sur, 11 th
case be remanded to the appropriate trial court Judicial Region, Digos, Davao del Sur
for further proceedings. No pronouncement as convicting defendant- appellant Ruben Burgos
to costs. y Tito of The crime of Illegal Possession of
Firearms in Furtherance of Subversion. The
SO ORDERED. dispositive portion of the decision reads:

WHEREFORE, finding the guilt of

accused Ruben Burgos
sufficiently established beyond
reasonable doubt, of the offense
charges , pursuant to Presidential
Decree No. 9, in relation to
General Order No. 6, dated
September 22, 1972, and
General Order No. 7, dated
September 23, 1972, in relation
further to Presidential Decree No.
885, and considering that the
firearm subject of this case was
not used in the circumstances as
embraced in paragraph I thereof,
applying the provision of
indeterminate sentence law,
accused Ruben Burgos is hereby
sentenced to suffer an
imprisonment of twenty (20)
years of reclusion temporal
maximum, as minimum penalty,
to reclusion perpetua, as
maximum penalty, pursuant to
sub-paragraph B, of Presidential
Decree No. 9, as
aforementioned, with accessory
penalties, as provided for by law.

As a result of this judgment, the

G.R. No. L-68955 September 4, 1986 subject firearm involved in this
case (Homemade revolver,

caliber .38, Smith and Wesson, collection of contributions from

with Serial No. 8.69221) is the members.
hereby ordered confiscated in
favor of the government, to be CONTRARY TO LAW.
disposed of in accordance with
law. Likewise, the subversive The evidence for the prosecution is
documents, leaflets and/or summarized in the decision of the lower court
propaganda seized are ordered as follows:
disposed of in accordance with
law. xxx xxx xxx

The information charged the defendant- . . . Through the testimony of Pat.

appellant with the crime of illegal possession of Pepito Bioco, and Sgt. Romeo
firearm in furtherance of subversion in an Taroy, it appears that by virtue of
information which reads as follows: an intelligent information obtained
by the Constabulary and INP
That in the afternoon of May 13, units, stationed at Digos, Davao
1982 and thereabout at Tiguman, del Sur, on May 12, 1982, one
Digos, Davao del Sur, Cesar Masamlok personally and
Philippines, within the jurisdiction voluntarily surre0ndered to the
of this Court, the above- named authorities at about 9:00 o'clock
accused with intent to possess A.M. at Digos, Davao del Sur
and without the necessary Constabulary Headquarters,
license, permit or authority issued stating that he was forcibly
by the proper government recruited by accused Ruben
agencies, did then and there Burgos as member of the NPA,
wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously threatening him with the use of
keep, possess, carry and have in firearm against his life, if he
his possession, control and refused.
custody one (1) homemade
revolver, caliber .38, make Smith Along with his recruitment,
and Wesson, with Serial No. accused was asked to contribute
8.69221, which firearm was one (1) chopa of rice and one
issued to and used by the peso (P1.00) per month, as his
accused at Tiguman, Digos, contribution to the NPA TSN,
Davao del Sur, his area of page 5, Hearing-October 14,
operations by one Alias 1982).
Commander Pol for the New
People's Army (NPA), a Immediately, upon receipt of said
subversive organization information, a joint team of PC-
organized for the purpose of INP units, composed of fifteen
overthrowing the Government of (15) members, headed by
the Republic of the Philippines Captain Melchesideck Bargio,
through lawless and violent (PC), on the following day, May
means, of which the accused had 13, 1982, was dispatched at
knowledge, and which firearm Tiguman; Davao del Sur, to
was used by the accused in the arrest accused Ruben Burgos.
performance of his subversive The team left the headquarter at
tasks such as the recruitment of 1:30 P.M., and arrived at
New Members to the NPA and Tiguman, at more or less 2:00

o'clock PM where through the and another pamphlet Asdang

help of Pedro Burgos, brother of Pamantalaang Masa sa
accused, the team was able to Habagatang Mindanao, March
locate accused, who was plowing and April 1981 issue, consisting
his field. (TSN, pages 6-7, of ten (10) pages, marked as
Hearing-October 14, 1982). Exhibit "D" for the prosecution.

Right in the house of accused, Accused, when confronted with

the latter was caned by the team the firearm Exhibit "A", after its
and Pat. Bioco asked accused recovery, readily admitted the
about his firearm, as reported by same as issued to him by Nestor
Cesar Masamlok. At first accused Jimenez, otherwise known as a
denied possession of said firearm certain Alias Pedipol, allegedly
but later, upon question team leader of the sparrow unit of
profounded by Sgt. Alejandro New People's Army, responsible
Buncalan with the wife of the in the liquidation of target
accused, the latter pointed to a personalities, opposed to NPA
place below their house where a Ideological movement, an
gun was buried in the ground. example was the killing of the late
(TSN, page 8, Hearing-October Mayor Llanos and Barangay
14, 1982). Captain of Tienda Aplaya Digos,
Davao del Sur. (TSN, pages 1-
Pat. Bioco then verified the place 16, Hearing-October 14,1982).
pointed by accused's wife and
dug the grounds, after which he To prove accused's subversive
recovered the firearm, Caliber .38 activities, Cesar Masamlok, a
revolver, marked as Exhibit "A" former NPA convert was
for the prosecution. presented, who declared that on
March 7, 1972, in his former
After the recovery of the firearm, residence at Tiguman Digos,
accused likewise pointed to the Davao del Sur, accused Ruben
team, subversive documents Burgos, accompanied by his
which he allegedly kept in a stock companions Landrino Burgos,
pile of qqqcogon at a distance of Oscar Gomez and Antonio
three (3) meters apart from his Burgos, went to his house at
house. Then Sgt. Taroy about 5:00 o'clock P.M. and
accordingly verified beneath said called him downstair. Thereupon,
cogon grass and likewise accused told Masamlok, their
recovered documents consisting purpose was to ask rice and one
of notebook colored maroon with (1) peso from him, as his
spiral bound, Exhibit "B" for the contribution to their companions,
prosecution; a pamphlet the NPA of which he is now a
consisting of eight (8) leaves, member. (TSN, pages 70, 71, 72,
including the front and back Hearing-January 4, 1983).
covers entitled Ang Bayan,
Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista Accused and his companions told
ng Pilipinas, Pinapatnubayan ng Masamlok, he has to join their
Marxismo, Leninismo Kaisipang group otherwise, he and his
Mao qqqZedong dated December family will be killed. He was also
31, 1980, marked as Exhibit "C", warned not to reveal anything

with the government authorities. the prosecution. (TSN, pages 75,

Because of the threat to his life 76 and 77, Hearing-January 4,
and family, Cesar Masamlok 1983)
joined the group. Accused then
told him, he should attend a Other speakers in said meeting
seminar scheduled on April 19, were Pedipol, Jamper and Oscar
1982. Along with this invitation, Gomez, who likewise expounded
accused pulled gut from his their own opinions about the
waistline a .38 caliber revolver NPA. It was also announced in
which Masamlok really saw, said seminar that a certain Tonio
being only about two (2) meters Burgos, will be responsible for
away from accused, which make the collection of the contribution
him easily Identified said firearm, from the members. (TSN, pages
as that marked as Exhibit "A" for 78-79, Hearing- January 4, 1983)
the prosecution. (TSN, pages 72,
73, and 74, Hearing-January 4, On May 12, 1982, however,
1983). Cesar Masamlok surrendered to
Captain Bargio of the Provincial
On April 19, 1982, as previously Headquarters of the Philippine
invited, Masamlok, accompanied Constabulary, Digos, Davao del
by his father, Matuguil Masamlok, Sur.
Isabel Ilan and Ayok Ides went to
the house of accused and Assistant Provincial Fiscal Panfilo
attended the seminar, Those Lovitos was presented t prove
present in the seminar were: that on May 19, 1982, he
accused Ruben Burgos, Antonio administered the subscription of
Burgos, Oscar Gomez, Landrino th extra-judicial confession of
Burgos, alias Pedipol and one accused Ruben Burgos, marked
alias Jamper. as Exhibit "E " for the
prosecution, consisting of five (5)
The first speaker was accused pages.
Ruben Burgos, who said very
distinctly that he is an NPA Appearing voluntarily in said
together with his companions, to office, for the subscription of his
assure the unity of the civilian. confession, Fiscal Lovitos,
That he encouraged the group to realizing that accused was not
overthrow the government, represented by counsel,
emphasizing that those who requested the services of Atty.
attended the seminar were Anyog, whose office is adjacent
already members of the NPA, to the Fiscal's Office, to assist
and if they reveal to the accused in the subscription of his
authorities, they will be killed. extra-judicial statement.

Accused, while talking, showed to Atty. Anyog assisted accused in

the audience pamphlets and the reading of his confession
documents, then finally shouted, from English to Visayan
the NPA will be victorious. language, resulting to the
Masamlok likewise Identified the deletion of question No. 19 of the
pamphlets as those marked as document, by an inserted
Exh. exhibits "B", "C", and "D" for certification of Atty. Anyog and

signature of accused, indicating On the other hand, the defendant-appellant's

his having understood, the version of the case against him is stated in the
allegations of his extra-judicial decision as follows:
From his farm, the military
Fiscal Lovitos, before accused personnel, whom he said he
signed his statement, explained cannot recognize, brought him to
to him his constitutional rights to the PC Barracks at Digos, Davao
remain silent, right to counsel and del Sur, and arrived there at
right to answer any question about 3:00 o'clock, on the same
propounded or not. date. At about 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
in the evening, he was
With the aid of Atty. Anyog, investigated by soldiers, whom
accused signed his confession in he cannot Identify because they
the presence of Atty. Anyog and were wearing a civilian attire.
Fiscal Lovitos, without the (TSN, page 14 1, Hearing-June
presence of military authorities, 15, 1983)
who escorted the accused, but
were sent outside the cubicle of The investigation was conducted
Fiscal Lovitos while waiting for in the PC barracks, where he was
the accused. (TSN, pages 36-40, detained with respect to the
nearing November 15, 1982) subject firearm, which the
investigator, wished him to admit
Finally, in order to prove illegal but accused denied its
possession by accused of the ownership. Because of his refusal
subject firearm, Sgt. Epifanio accused was mauled, hitting him
Comabig in-charge of firearms on the left and right side of his
and explosives, NCO body which rendered him
Headquarter, Philippine unconscious. Accused in an
Constabulary, Digos, Davao del atmosphere of tersed solemnity,
Sur, was presented and testified, crying and with emotional
that among the lists of firearm attachment, described in detail
holders in Davao del Sur, nothing how he was tortured and the
was listed in the name of ordeals he was subjected.
accused Ruben Burgos, neither
was his name included among He said, after recovery of his
the lists of persons who applied consciousness, he was again
for the licensing of the firearm confronted with subject firearm,
under Presidential Decree No. Exhibit "A", for him to admit and
1745. when he repeatedly refused to
accept as his own firearm, he
After the above-testimony the was subjected to further prolong
prosecution formally closed its (sic) torture and physical agony.
case and offered its exhibits, Accused said, his eyes were
which were all admitted in covered with wet black cloth with
evidence, despite objection pungent effect on his eyes. He
interposed by counsel for was undressed, with only
accused, which was accordingly blindfold, pungent water poured
overruled. in his body and over his private
parts, making his entire body,

particularly his penis and testicle, to obtain his admission of the

terribly irritating with pungent subject firearm, by force and
pain. violence exerted over his person.

All along, he was investigated to To support denial of accused of

obtain his admission, The being involved in any subversive
process of beating, mauling, pain activities, and also to support his
and/or ordeal was repeatedly denial to the truth of his alleged
done in similar cycle, from May extra-judicial confession,
13 and 14, 1982. intercepted only particularly questions Nos. 35,
whenever he fell unconscious 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47,
and again repeated after along with qqqs answers to those
recovery of his senses, questions, involving Honorata
Arellano ahas Inday Arellano,
Finally on May 15, 1982, after said Honorata Arellano appeared
undergoing the same torture and and declared categorically, that
physical ordeal he was seriously the above-questions embraced in
warned, if he will still adamantly the numbers allegedly stated in
refuse to accept ownership of the the extrajudicial confession of
subject firearm, he will be accused, involving her to such
salvaged, and no longer able to NPA personalities, as Jamper,
bear any further the pain and Pol, Anthony, etc., were not true
agony, accused admitted because on the date referred on
ownership of subject firearm. April 28, 1982, none of the
persons mentioned came to her
After his admission, the mauling house for treatment, neither did
and torture stopped, but accused she meet the accused nor able to
was made to sign his affidavit talk with him. (TSN, pages 118-
marked as Exhibit "E" for the 121, Hearing-May 18, 1983)
prosecution, consisting of five (5)
pages, including the certification She, however, admitted being
of the administering officer, (TSN, familiar with one Oscar Gomez,
pages 141-148, Hearing-June 15, and that she was personally
1983) charged with subversion in the
Office of the Provincial
In addition to how he described Commander, Philippine
the torture inflicted on him, Constabulary, Digos, Davao del
accused, by way of explanation Sur, but said charge was
and commentary in details, and dismissed without reaching the
going one by one, the allegations Court. She likewise stated that
and/or contents of his alleged her son, Rogelio Arellano, was
extrajudicial statement, attributed likewise charged for subversion
his answers to those questions filed in the Municipal Trial Court
involuntarily made only because of Digos, Davao del Sur, but was
of fear, threat and intimidation of likewise dismissed for lack of
his person and family, as a result sufficient evidence to sustain his
of unbearable excruciating pain conviction. (TSN, pages 121-122,
he was subjected by an in relation to her cross-
investigator, who, unfortunately examination, Hearing-May 18,
he cannot Identify and was able 1983)

To support accused's denial of On cross-examination, she said,

the charge against him, Barangay even if Masamlok during the
Captain of Tiguman, Digos, recovery of the firearm, was
Davao del Sur, Salvador wearing a mask, she can still
qqqGalaraga was presented, who Identify him. (TSN, page 6,
declared, he was not personally Hearing-November 22, 1983)
aware of any subversive activities
of accused, being his neighbor After the above-testimony,
and member of his barrio. On the accused through counsel formally
contrary, he can personally attest rested his case in support of
to his good character and accused's through counsel
reputation, as a law abiding manifestation for the demurrer to
citizen of his barrio, being a evidence of the prosecution, or in
carpenter and farmer thereat. the alternative for violation merely
(TSl pages 128-129, Hearing- of simple illegal possession of
May 18, 1983) firearm, 'under the Revised
Administrative Code, as
He however, admitted in cross- amended by Republic Act No. 4,
examination, that there were a lot reflected in the manifestation of
of arrests made by the authorities counsel for accused. (TSN,
in his barrio involving subversive pages 113-114, Hearing-May 18,
activities but they were released 1983)
and were not formally charged in
Court because they publicly took Accused-appellant Ruben Burgos now raises
their oath of allegiance with the the following assignments of error, to wit:
government. (TSN, pages 133-
134, in relation to page 136, I THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN
Hearing-May 18, 1983) HOLDING THAT (SIC) THE
Finally, to support accused's APPELLANT WITHOUT VALID
denial of the subject firearm, his WARRANT TO BE LAWFUL.
wife, Urbana Burgos, was
presented and who testified that II THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN
the subject firearm was left in HOLDING THE SEARCH IN THE
their house by Cesar Masamlok HOUSE OF ACCUSED-
and one Pedipol on May 10, APPELLANT FOR FIREARM
1982. It was night time, when the WITHOUT VALID WARRANT TO
two left the gun, alleging that it BE LAWFUL.
was not in order, and that they
will leave it behind, temporarily III THE TRIAL COURT ERRED
for them to claim it later. They IN HOLDING ACCUSED-
were the ones who buried it. She APPELLANT GUILTY BEYOND
said, her husband, the accused, REASONABLE DOUBT FOR
was not in their house at that time VIOLATION OF P.D. No. 9 IN
and that she did not inform him RELATION TO GENERAL
about said firearm neither did she ORDERS NOS. 6 AND 7
report the matter to the
authorities, for fear of the life of Was the arrest of Ruben Burgos lawful? Were
her husband. (TSN, page 24, the search of his house and the subsequent
November 22, 1983) confiscation of a firearm and documents

allegedly found therein conducted in a lawful primarily one's home, but not
and valid manner? Does the evidence necessarily thereto confined. (Cf.
sustaining the crime charged meet the test of Hoffa v. United States, 385 US
proving guilt beyond reasonable doubt? 293 [19661) What is sought to be
guarded is a man's prerogative to
The records of the case disclose that when the choose who is allowed entry to
police authorities went to the house of Ruben his residence. In that haven of
Burgos for the purpose of arresting him upon refuge, his individuality can
information given by Cesar Masamlok that the assert itself not only in the choice
accused allegedly recruited him to join the New of who shall be welcome but
People's Army (NPA), they did not have any likewise in the kind of objects he
warrant of arrest or search warrant with them wants around him. There the
(TSN, p. 25, October 14, 1982; and TSN, p. 61, state, however powerful, does not
November 15, 1982). as such have access except
under the circumstances above
Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution noted, for in the traditional
provides: formulation, his house, however
humble, is his castle. Thus is
The right of the people to be outlawed any unwarranted
secure in their persons, houses, intrusion by government, which is
papers, and effects against called upon to refrain from any
unreasonable searches and invasion of his dwelling and to
seizures of whatever nature and respect the privacies of his life,
for any purpose shall not be (Cf. Schmerber v. California, 384
violated, and no search warrant US 757 [1966], Brennan, J. and
or warrant of arrest shall issue Boyd v. United States, 116 US
except upon probable cause to 616, 630 [1886]). In the same
be determined by the judge, or vein, Landynski in his
such other responsible officer as authoritative work (Search and
may be authorized by law, after Seizure and the Supreme Court
examination under oath or [1966], could fitly characterize
affirmation of the complainant this constitutional right as the
and the witnesses he may embodiment of a 'spiritual
produce, and particularly concept: the belief that to value
describing the place to be the privacy of home and person
searched, and the persons or and to afford its constitutional
things to be seized. protection against the long reach
of government is no legs than to
The constitutional provision is a safeguard value human dignity, and that his
against wanton and unreasonable invasion of privacy must not be disturbed
the privacy and liberty of a citizen as to his except in case of overriding
person, papers and effects. This Court social need, and then only under
explained in Villanueva vs. Querubin (48 SCRA stringent procedural safeguards.'
345) why this right is so important: (Ibid, p. 47).

It is deference to one's The trial court justified the arrest of the

personality that lies at the core of accused-appelant without any warrant as
this right, but it could be also falling under one of the instances when arrests
looked upon as a recognition of a may be validly made without a warrant. Rule
constitutionally protected area,

113, Section 6 * of the Rules of Court, provides presence or within his view. (Sayo v. Chief of
the exceptions as follows: Police, 80 Phil. 859).

a) When the person to be arrested has There is no such personal knowledge in this
committed, is actually committing, or is about case. Whatever knowledge was possessed by
to commit an offense in his presence; the arresting officers, it came in its entirety
from the information furnished by Cesar
b) When an offense has in fact been Masamlok. The location of the firearm was
committed, and he has reasonable ground to given by the appellant's wife.
believe that the person to be arrested has
committed it; At the time of the appellant's arrest, he was not
in actual possession of any firearm or
c) When the person to be arrested is a prisoner subversive document. Neither was he
who has escaped from a penal establishment committing any act which could be described
or place where he is serving final judgment or as subversive. He was, in fact, plowing his field
temporarily confined while his case is pending at the time of the arrest.
or has escaped while being transferred from
one confinement to another. The right of a person to be secure against any
unreasonable seizure of his body and any
The Court stated that even if there was no deprivation of his liberty is a most basic and
warrant for the arrest of Burgos, the fact that fundamental one. The statute or rule which
"the authorities received an urgent report of allows exceptions to the requirement of
accused's involvement in subversive activities warrants of arrest is strictly construed. Any
from a reliable source (report of Cesar exception must clearly fall within the situations
Masamlok) the circumstances of his arrest, when securing a warrant would be absurd or is
even without judicial warrant, is lawfully within manifestly unnecessary as provided by the
the ambit of Section 6-A of Rule 113 of the Rule. We cannot liberally construe the rule on
Rules of Court and applicable jurisprudence on arrests without warrant or extend its application
the matter." beyond the cases specifically provided by law.
To do so would infringe upon personal liberty
If the arrest is valid, the consequent search and set back a basic right so often violated and
and seizure of the firearm and the alleged so deserving of full protection.
subversive documents would become an
incident to a lawful arrest as provided by Rule The Solicitor General is of the persuasion that
126, Section 12, which states: the arrest may still be considered lawful under
Section 6(b) using the test of reasonableness.
A person charged with an offense He submits that. the information given by
may be searched for dangerous Cesar Masamlok was sufficient to induce a
weapons or anything which may reasonable ground that a crime has been
be used as proof of the committed and that the accused is probably
commission of the offense. guilty thereof.

The conclusions reached by the trial court are In arrests without a warrant under Section 6(b),
erroneous. however, it is not enough that there is
reasonable ground to believe that the person to
Under Section 6(a) of Rule 113, the officer be arrested has committed a crime. A crime
arresting a person who has just committed, is must in fact or actually have been committed
committing, or is about to commit an offense first. That a crime has actually been committed
must have personal knowledge of that fact. is an essential precondition. It is not enough to
The offense must also be committed in his suspect that a crime may have been

committed. The fact of the commission of the failed to object. To constitute a waiver, it must
offense must be undisputed. The test of appear first that the right exists; secondly, that
reasonable ground applies only to the identity the person involved had knowledge, actual or
of the perpetrator. constructive, of the existence of such a right;
and lastly, that said person had an actual
In this case, the accused was arrested on the intention to relinquish the right (Pasion Vda. de
sole basis of Masamlok's verbal report. Garcia v. Locsin, 65 Phil. 689). The fact that
Masamlok led the authorities to suspect that the accused failed to object to the entry into his
the accused had committed a crime. They house does not amount to a permission to
were still fishing for evidence of a crime not yet make a search therein (Magoncia v. Palacio,
ascertained. The subsequent recovery of the 80 Phil. 770). As pointed out by Justice Laurel
subject firearm on the basis of information from in the case of Pasion Vda. de Garcia V. Locsin
the lips of a frightened wife cannot make the (supra)
arrest lawful, If an arrest without warrant is
unlawful at the moment it is made, generally xxx xxx xxx
nothing that happened or is discovered
afterwards can make it lawful. The fruit of a . . . As the constitutional guaranty
poisoned tree is necessarily also tainted. is not dependent upon any
affirmative act of the citizen, the
More important, we find no compelling reason courts do not place the citizen in
for the haste with which the arresting officers the position of either contesting
sought to arrest the accused. We fail to see an officer's authority by force, or
why they failed to first go through the process waiving his constitutional rights;
of obtaining a warrant of arrest, if indeed they but instead they hold that a
had reasonable ground to believe that the peaceful submission to a search
accused had truly committed a crime. There is or seizure is not a consent or an
no showing that there was a real apprehension invitation thereto, but is merely a
that the accused was on the verge of flight or demonstration of regard for the
escape. Likewise, there is no showing that the supremacy of the law. (56 C.J.,
whereabouts of the accused were unknown, pp. 1180, 1181).

The basis for the action taken by the arresting We apply the rule that: "courts indulge every
officer was the verbal report made by reasonable presumption against waiver of
Masamlok who was not required to subscribe fundamental constitutional rights and that we
his allegations under oath. There was no do not presume acquiescence in the loss of
compulsion for him to state truthfully his fundamental rights." (Johnson v. Zerbst 304
charges under pain of criminal prosecution. U.S. 458).
(TSN, p. 24, October 14, 1982). Consequently,
the need to go through the process of securing That the accused-appellant was not apprised
a search warrant and a warrant of arrest of any of his constitutional rights at the time of
becomes even more clear. The arrest of the his arrest is evident from the records:
accused while he was plowing his field is
illegal. The arrest being unlawful, the search A CALAMBA:
and seizure which transpired afterwards could
not likewise be deemed legal as being mere Q When you went
incidents to a valid arrest. to the area to arrest
Ruben Burgos, you
Neither can it be presumed that there was a were not armed
waiver, or that consent was given by the with an arrest
accused to be searched simply because he warrant?

A None Sir. dug the firearm

which was wrapped
Q Neither were you with a cellophane.
armed with a
search warrant? Q In your interview
of Burgos you did
A No Sir. not remind him of
his rights under the
Q As a matter of constitution
fact, Burgos was considering that he
not present in his was purposely
house when you under arrest?
went there?
A I did not.
A But he was
twenty meters away Q As a matter of
from his house. fact, he denied that
he has ever a gun?
Q Ruben Burgos
was then plowing A Yes Sir.
his field?
Q As a matter of
A Yes Sir. fact, the gun was
not in his
Q When you called possession?
for Ruben Burgos
you interviewed A It was buried
him? down in his horse.

A Yes Sir. Q As a matter of

fact, Burgos did not
Q And that you told point to where it
him that Masamlok was buried?
implicated him?
A Yes Sir.
A No Sir.
(TSN, pp. 25-26,
Q What did you tell Hearing-October
him? 14, 1982)

A That we received Considering that the questioned firearm and

information that you the alleged subversive documents were
have a firearm, you obtained in violation of the accused's
surrender that constitutional rights against unreasonable
firearm, first he searches and seizures, it follows that they are
denied but when inadmissible as evidence.
Sgt. Buncalan
interviewed his wife, There is another aspect of this case.
his wife told him
that it is buried, I

In proving ownership of the questioned firearm during the custodial interrogation. The lower
and alleged subversive documents, the court correctly pointed out that the securing of
prosecution presented the two arresting counsel, Atty. Anyog, to help the accused
officers who testified that the accused readily when he subscribed under oath to his
admitted ownership of the gun after qqqs wife statement at the Fiscal's Office was too late. It
pointed to the place where it was buried. The could have no palliative effect. It cannot cure
officers stated that it was the accused himself the absence of counsel at the time of the
who voluntarily pointed to the place where the custodial investigation when the extrajudicial
alleged subversive documents were hidden. statement was being taken.

Assuming this to be true, it should be recalled With the extra-judicial confession, the firearm,
that the accused was never informed of his and the alleged subversive documents
constitutional rights at the time of his arrest. So inadmissible in evidence against the accused-
that when the accused allegedly admitted appellant, the only remaining proof to sustain
ownership of the gun and pointed to the the charge of Illegal Possession of Firearm in
location of the subversive documents after Furtherance of Subversion is the testimony of
questioning, the admissions were obtained in Cesar Masamlok.
violation of the constitutional right against self-
incrimination under Sec. 20 of Art. IV of the Bill We find the testimony of Masamlok inadequate
of Rights winch provides: to convict Burgos beyond reasonable doubt. It
is true that the trial court found Masamlok's
No person shall be compelled to testimony credible and convincing. However,
be a witness against himself. Any we are not necessarily bound by the credibility
person under investigation for the which the trial court attaches to a particular
commission of an offense shall witness. As stated in People vs.. Cabrera (100
have the right to remain silent SCRA 424):
and to counsel, and to be
informed of such right.. . . xxx xxx xxx

The Constitution itself mandates that any . . .Time and again we have
evidence obtained in violation of this right is stated that when it comes to
inadmissible in evidence. Consequently, the question of credibility the findings
testimonies of the arresting officers as to the of the trial court are entitled to
admissions made by the appellant cannot be great respect upon appeal for the
used against him. obvious reason th+at it was able
to observe the demeanor,
The trial court validly rejected the extra-judicial actuations and deportment of the
confession of the accused as inadmissible in witnesses during the trial. But we
evidence. The court stated that the appellant's have also said that this rule is not
having been exhaustively subjected to physical absolute for otherwise there
terror, violence, and third degree measures would be no reversals of
may not have been supported by reliable convictions upon appeal. We
evidence but the failure to present the must reject the findings of the trial
investigator who conducted the investigation court where the record discloses
gives rise to the "provocative presumption" that circumstances of weight and
indeed torture and physical violence may have substance which were not
been committed as stated. properly appreciated by the trial
The accused-appellant was not accorded his
constitutional right to be assisted by counsel

The situation under which Cesar Masamlok corroborated Cesar Masamlok's testimony that
testified is analogous to that found in People the accused used the gun in furtherance of
vs. Capadocia (17 SCRA 98 1): subversive activities or actually engaged in
subversive acts, the prosecution never
. . . The case against appellant is presented any other witness.
built on Ternura's testimony, and
the issue hinges on how much This Court is, therefore, constrained to rule that
credence can be accorded to the evidence presented by the prosecution is
him. The first consideration is that insufficient to prove the guilt of the accused
said testimony stands beyond reasonable doubt.
uncorroborated. Ternura was the
only witness who testified on the As held in the case of People vs. Baia (34
mimeographing incident. . . . SCRA 347):

xxx xxx xxx It is evident that once again,

reliance can be placed on People
. . .He was a confessed Huk v. Dramayo (42 SCRA 59), where
under detention at the time. He after stressing that accusation is
knew his fate depended upon not, according to the fundamental
how much he cooperated with the law, synonymous with guilt, it was
authorities, who were then made clear: 'Only if the judge
engaged in a vigorous anti- below and the appellate tribunal
dissident campaign. As in the could arrive at a conclusion that
case of Rodrigo de Jesus, whose the crime had been committed
testimony We discounted for the precisely by the person on trial
same reason, that of Ternura under such an exacting test
cannot be considered as should the sentence be one of
proceeding from a totally conviction. It is thus required that
unbiased source. . . . every circumstance favoring his
innocence be duly taken into
In the instant case, Masamlok's testimony was account. The proof against him
totally uncorroborated. Considering that must survive the test of reason;
Masamlok surrendered to the military certainly the strongest suspicion must not
his fate depended on how eagerly he be permitted to sway judgment.
cooperated with the authorities. Otherwise, he The conscience must be satisfied
would also be charged with subversion. The that on the defendant could be
trade-off appears to be his membership in the laid the responsibility for the
Civil Home Defense Force. (TSN, p. 83, offense charged; that not only did
January 4, 1983). Masamlok may be he perpetrate the act but that it
considered as an interested witness. It can not amounted to a crime. What is
be said that his testimony is free from the required then is moral certainty.'
opportunity and temptation to be exaggerated (Ibid, 64. Cf. People v. Alvarez,
and even fabricated for it was intended to 55 SCRA 81; People v. Joven, 64
secure his freedom. SCRA 126; People vs. Ramirez,
69 SCRA 144; People vs. Godov
Despite the fact that there were other persons 72 SCRA 69; People v. Lopez, 74
present during the alleged NPA seminar of SCRA 205; People v. Poblador,
April 19, 1982 i.e., Masamlok's father ,Matuguil 76 SCRA 634; People v.
Masamlok, Isabel Ilan and Ayok Ides (TSN, p. Quiazon, 78 SCRA 513; People
74, January 4, 1983) who could have v. Nazareno, 80 SCRA 484;

People vs. Gabilan 115 SCRA 1; Cost de oficio.

People v. Gabiana, 117 SCRA
260; and People vs. Ibanga 124 SO ORDERED.
SCRA 697).

We are aware of the serious problems faced by

the military in Davao del Sur where there
appears to be a well-organized plan to
overthrow the Government through armed
struggle and replace it with an alien system
based on a foreign ideology. The open
defiance against duly constituted authorities
has resulted in unfortunate levels of violence
and human suffering publicized all over the
country and abroad. Even as we reiterate the
need for all freedom loving citizens to assist
the military authorities in their legitimate efforts
to maintain peace and national security, we
must also remember the dictum in Morales vs.
Enrile (1 21 SCRA 538, 569) when this Court

While the government should

continue to repel the communists,
the subversives, the rebels, and
the lawless with an the means at
its command, it should always be
remembered that whatever action
is taken must always be within
the framework of our Constitution
and our laws.

Violations of human rights do not help in

overcoming a rebellion. A cavalier attitude
towards constitutional liberties and protections
will only fan the increase of subversive
activities instead of containing and suppressing

WHEREFORE, the judgment of conviction

rendered by the trial court is REVERSED and
SET ASIDE. The accused-appellant is hereby
ACQUITTED, on grounds of reasonable doubt,
of the crime with which he has been charged.
G.R. No. 81567 July 9, 1990
The subject firearm involved in this case
(homemade revolver, caliber .38, Smith and IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR
Wesson, with Serial No. 8.69221) and the HABEAS CORPUS OF ROBERTO UMIL,
alleged subversive documents are ordered ROLANDO DURAL and RENATO
disposed of in accordance with law. VILLANUEVA. MANOLITA O. UMIL, and


SESE, petitioners, RICARDO REYES, respondents.
FIDEL V. RAMOS, MAJ. GEN. RENATO DE G.R. No. 86332 July 9, 1990
G.R. Nos. 84581-82 July 9, 1990 NAZARENO, petitioner,
vs. Muntinglupa, Metro Manila, P/SGT.
AROJADO, respondents.
G.R. Nos. 84583-84 July 9, 1990
Efren H. Mercado for petitioners in G.R. No.
ANONUEVO and RAMON CASIPLE. Ricardo C. Valmonte for petitioners in G.R.
DOMINGO T. ANONUEVO and RAMON Nos. 84581-82.
CASIPLE, petitioners,
vs. Ramon S. Esguerra, Barbara Anne C. Migallos
HON. FIDEL V. RAMOS, GEN. RENATO S. and Agripino G. Morga for petitioners in G.R.
TORRES, S/SGT. ARNOLD DURIAN, and Efren H. Mercado for petitioner in G.R. No.
Commanding Officer, PC-INP Detention 83162.
Center, Camp Crame, Quezon
City, respondents. Banzuela, Flores, Miralles, Raneses, Sy,
Taquio & Association for petitioner in G.R. No.
G.R. No. 83162 July 9, 1990 85727.

IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION Josefina G. Campbell-Castillo for petitioners in

OCAYA, petitioner, The Solicitor General for the respondents.
MARIANO, respondents. The are eight (8) petitioners for habeas
corpus filed before the Court, which have been
G.R. No. 85727 July 9, 1990 consolidated because of the similarity of issues
raised, praying for the issuance of the writ
IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION FOR of habeas corpus, ordering the respective
HABEAS CORPUS OF: DEOGRACIAS respondents to produce the bodies of the
ESPIRITU, petitioner, persons named therein and to explain why they
vs. should not be set at liberty without further

In their respective Returns, the respondents escaped from a penal

uniformly assert that the privilege of the writ establishment or place where he
of habeas corpus is not available to the is serving final judgment or
petitioners as they have been legally temporarily confined while his
arrested and are detained by virtue of valid case is pending, or has escaped
informations filed in court against them. while being transferred from one
confinement to another.
The petitioners counter that their detention is
unlawful as their arrests were made without In cases falling under paragraphs
warrant and, that no preliminary (a) and (b) hereof, the person
investigation was first conducted, so that the arrested without a warrant shall
informations filed against them are null and be forthwith delivered to the
void. nearest police station or jail, and
he shall be proceeded against in
The Court has carefully reviewed the accordance with Rule 112,
contentions of the parties in their respective Section 7.
pleadings, and it finds that the persons
detained have not been illegally arrested nor An arrest without a warrant of arrest, under
arbitrarily deprived of their constitutional right Section 5 paragraphs (a) and (b) of Rule 113 of
to liberty, and that the circumstances attending the Rules of Court, as amended, is justified
these cases do not warrant their release when the person arrested is caught in flagranti
on habeas corpus. delicto, viz., in the act of committing an
offense; or when an offense has just been
The arrest of a person without a warrant of committed and the person making the arrest
arrest or previous complaint is recognized in has personal knowledge of the facts indicating
law. The occasions or instances when such an that the person arrested has committed it. The
arrest may be effected are clearly spelled out rationale behind lawful arrests, without warrant,
in Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules of Court, as was stated by this Court in the case of People
amended, which provides: vs. Kagui Malasugui 1 thus:

Sec. 5. Arrest without To hold that no criminal can, in

warrant; when lawful. — A peace any case, be arrested and
officer or a private person may, searched for the evidence and
without a warrant, arrest a tokens of his crime without a
person: warrant, would be to leave
society, to a large extent, at the
(a) When, in his presence, the mercy of the shrewdest, the most
person to be arrested has expert, and the most depraved of
committed, is actually committing, criminals, facilitating their escape
or is attempting to commit an in many instances.
The record of the instant cases would show
(b) When an offense has in fact that the persons in whose behalf these
just been committed, and he has petitions for habeas corpus have been filed,
personal knowledge of facts had freshly committed or were actually
indicating that the person to be committing an offense, when apprehended, so
arrested has committed it; and that their arrests without a warrant were clearly
justified, and that they are, further, detained by
(c) When the person to be virtue of valid informations filed against them in
arrested is a prisoner who has court.

A brief narration of the facts and events writ of habeas corpus on 9 February 1988 and
surrounding each of the eight (8) petitions is in the respondents filed a Return of the Writ on
order. 12 February 1988. Thereafter, the parties were
heard on 15 February 1988.
On 26 February 1988, however, Roberto
In G.R. No. 81567 (Umil vs. Ramos), the Umil and Renato Villanueva posted bail before
record shows that, on 1 February 1988, the the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City where
Regional Intelligence Operations Unit of the charges for violation of the Anti-Subversion Act
Capital Command (RIOU-CAPCOM) received had been filed against them, and they were
confidential information about a member of the accordingly released. The petition for habeas
NPA Sparrow Unit (liquidation squad) being corpus, insofar as Umil and Villanueva are
treated for a gunshot wound at the St. Agnes concerned, is now moot and academic and is
Hospital in Roosevelt Avenue, Quezon City. accordingly dismissed, since the writ of habeas
Upon verification, it was found that the corpus does not lie in favor of an accused in a
wounded person, who was listed in the hospital criminal case who has been released on bail. 2
records as Ronnie Javelon, is actually Rolando
Dural, a member of the NPA liquidation squad, As to Rolando Dural, it clearly appears that he
responsible for the killing of two (2) CAPCOM was not arrested while in the act of shooting
soldiers the day before, or on 31 January 1988, the two (2) CAPCOM soldiers aforementioned.
in Macanining Street, Bagong Barrio, Caloocan Nor was he arrested just after the commission
City. In view of this verification, Rolando Dural of the said offense for his arrest came a day
was transferred to the Regional Medical after the said shooting incident. Seemingly, his
Services of the CAPCOM, for security reasons. arrest without warrant is unjustified.
While confined thereat, or on 4 February 1988,
Rolando Dural was positively identified by However, Rolando Dural was arrested for
eyewitnesses as the gunman who went on top being a member of the New Peoples Army
of the hood of the CAPCOM mobile patrol car, (NPA), an outlawed subversive organization.
and fired at the two (2) CAPCOM soldiers Subversion being a continuing offense, the
seated inside the car identified as T/Sgt. Carlos arrest of Rolando Dural without warrant is
Pabon and CIC Renato Manligot. justified as it can be said that he was
committing an offense when arrested. The
As a consequence of this positive identification, crimes of rebellion, subversion, conspiracy or
Rolando Dural was referred to the Caloocan proposal to commit such crimes, and crimes or
City Fiscal who conducted an inquest and offenses committed in furtherance thereof or in
thereafter filed with the Regional Trial Court of connection therewith constitute direct assaults
Caloocan City an information charging Rolando against the State and are in the nature
Dural alias Ronnie Javelon with the crime of of continuing crimes. As stated by the Court in
"Double Murder with Assault Upon Agents of an earlier case:
Persons in Authority." The case was docketed
therein as Criminal Case No. C-30112 and no From the facts as above-
bail was recommended. On 15 February 1988, narrated, the claim of the
the information was amended to include, as petitioners that they were initially
defendant, Bernardo Itucal, Jr. who, at the filing arrested illegally is, therefore,
of the original information, was still unidentified. without basis in law and in fact.
The crimes of insurrection or
Meanwhile, on 6 February 1988, a petition rebellion, subversion, conspiracy
for habeas corpus was filed with this Court on or proposal to commit such
behalf of Roberto Umil, Rolando Dural, crimes, and other crimes and
and Renato Villanueva. The Court issued the offenses committed in the

furtherance, on the occasion rebels find justification in the

thereof, or incident thereto, or in exigencies of armed hostilities
connection therewith under which is of the essence of waging
Presidential Proclamation No. a rebellion or insurrection, most
2045, are all in the nature of assuredly so in case of invasion,
continuing offenses which set merely seizing their persons and
them apart from the common detaining them while any of these
offenses, aside from their contingencies continues cannot
essentially involving a massive be less justified. . . . 3
conspiracy of nationwide
magnitude. Clearly then, the The record, moreover, shows that the criminal
arrest of the herein detainees case filed against Rolando Dural and Bernardo
was well within the bounds of the Itucal, Jr. for "Double Murder, etc." was tried in
law and existing jurisprudence in the court below and at the conclusion thereof,
our jurisdiction. or on 17 August 1988, Rolando Dural and
Bernardo Itucal, Jr. were found guilty of the
2. The arrest of persons involved charge and sentenced accordingly. Rolando
in the rebellion whether as its Dural is now serving the sentence imposed
fighting armed elements, or for upon him by the trial court. Thus, the writ
committing non-violent acts but in of habeas corpus is no longer available to him.
furtherance of the rebellion, is For, as held in the early case
more an act of capturing them in of U.S. vs. Wilson:
the course of an armed conflict,
to quell the rebellion, than for the In this case, whatever may be
purpose of immediately said about the manner of his
prosecuting them in court for a arrest, the fact remains that the
statutory offense. The arrest, defendant was actually in court in
therefore, need not follow the the custody of the law on March
usual procedure in the 29, when a complaint sufficient in
prosecution of offenses which form and substance was read to
requires the determination by a him. To this he pleaded not guilty.
judge of the existence of The trial followed, in which, and
probable cause before the in the judgment of guilty
issuance of a judicial warrant of pronounced by the court, we find
arrest and the granting of bail if no error. Whether, if there were
the offense is bailable. Obviously, irregularities in bringing him
the absence of a judicial warrant personally before the court, he
is no legal impediment to could have been released on a
arresting or capturing persons writ of habeas corpus or now has
committing overt acts of violence a civil action for damages against
against government forces, or the person who arrested him we
any other milder acts but equally need not inquire. It is enough to
in pursuance of the rebellious say that such irregularities are
movement. The arrest or capture not sufficient to set aside a valid
is thus impelled by the exigencies judgment rendered upon a
of the situation that involves the sufficient complaint and after a
very survival of society and its trial free from error.
government and duly constituted
authorities. If killing and other II
acts of violence against the

In G.R. Nos. 84581-82 (Roque vs. De Villa), search, the following articles were found and
the arrest of Amelia Roque and Wilfredo taken under proper receipt:
Buenaobra, without warrant, is also justified.
When apprehended at the house of Renato a) One (1) Colt M16A1 long rifle with defaced
Constantino in Marikina Heights, Marikina, serial number;
Metro Manila, Wilfredo
Buenaobra admitted that he was an NPA b) One (1) Cal. .380 ACT/9mm Model PPK/8
courier and he had with him letters to Renato SN: 260577 & 2605778;
Constantino and other members of the rebel
group. Amelia Roque, upon the other hand, c) Two (2) fragmentation hand grenades;
was a member of the National United Front
Commission, in charge of finance, d) Fifty-six (56) live ammunition for Cal. 5.56
and admitted ownership of subversive mm;
documents found in the house of her sister in
Caloocan City. She was also in possession of e) Five (5) live ammunition for Cal. .380;
ammunition and a fragmentation grenade for
which she had no permit or authority to f) One (1) ICOM VHF FM Radio Transciever
possess. SN: 14903

The record of these two (2) cases shows that g) One (1) Regulated power supply 220V AC;
on 27 June 1988, one Rogelio Ramos y
Ibanes, a member of the NPA, who had h) One (1) Antennae (adjustable);
surrendered to the military authorities, told
military agents about the operations of the i) One (1) Speaker with cord ALEXAR;
Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and
the New Peoples Army (NPA) in Metro Manila. j) Voluminous Subversive documents.
He identified some of his former comrades as
"Ka Mong", a staff member of the When confronted, Renato Constatino could not
Communications and Transportation Bureau; produce any permit or authority to possess the
"Ka Nelia", a staff member in charge of finance; firearms, ammunition, radio and other
"Ka Miller", an NPA courier from Sorsogon and communications equipment. Hence, he was
Lopez, Quezon; "Ka Ted", and "Ka Totoy". He brought to the CIS Headquarters for
also pointed to a certain house occupied by investigation. When questioned, he refused to
Renato Constantino located in the Villaluz give a written statement, although
Compound, Molave St., Marikina Heights, he admitted that he was a staff member of the
Marikina, Metro Manila, which is used as a executive committee of the NUFC and a
safehouse of the National United Front ranking member of the International
Commission (NUFC) of the CPP-NPA. Department of the Communist Party of the
Philippines (CPP).
In view of these revelations, the Constantino
house was placed under military surveillance At about 8:00 o'clock in the evening of the
and on 12 August 1988, pursuant to a search same day (12 August 1988), Wilfredo
warrant issued by Judge Eutropio Migrino of Buenaobra arrived at the house of Renato
the Regional Trial Court of Pasig, a search of Constantino in the Villaluz Compound. When
the house was conducted at about 5:00 o'clock accosted, he readily admitted to the military
in the afternoon, by a combined team of the agents that he is a regular member of the
Criminal Investigation Service, National Capital CPP/NPA and that he went to the place to
District (CIS-NCD) and the Constabulary deliver letters to "Ka Mong", referring to Renato
Security Group (CSG). In the course of the Constatino, and other members of the rebel
group. On further questioning, he also admitted

that he is known as "Ka Miller" and that he was said other occupants of the house were
from Barangay San Pedro, Lopez, Quezon. released from custody.
Among the items taken from him were the
following: On 15 August 1988, Amelia Roque was
brought to the Caloocan City Fiscal for inquest
(1) Handwritten letter addressed after which an information charging her with
to "Ka Bing & Co. from A & Co." violation of PD 1866 was filed with the
dated August 11, 1988; Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City. The
case is docketed therein as Criminal Case No.
(2) Handwritten letter addressed C-1196. Another information for violation of the
to "ROD from VIC (Schell datre)" Anti-Subversion Act was filed against Amelia
dated August 11, 1988; Roque before the Metropolitan Trial Court of
Caloocan City, which is docketed therein as
(3) Handwritten letter addressed Criminal Case No. C-150458.
to "Suzie" from "Vic", dated
August 11, 1988. An information for violation of the Anti-
Subversion Act was filed against Wilfredo
Also found Buenaobra's possession was a Buenaobra before the Metropolitan Trial Court
piece of paper containing a written but jumbled of Marikina, Metro Manila. The case is
telephone number of Florida M. Roque, sister docketed therein as Criminal Case No. 23715.
of Amelia Roque alias "Ka Nelia", at 69 Bail was set at P4,000.00.
Geronimo St., Caloocan City. Acting on the
lead provided as to the whereabouts of Amelia On 24 August 1988, a petition for habeas
Roque, the military agents went to the given corpus was filed before this Court on behalf of
address the next day (13 August 1988). They Amelia Roque and Wilfredo Buenaobra. At the
arrived at the place at about 11:00 o'clock in hearing of the case, however, Wilfredo
the morning. After identifying themselves as Buenaobra manifested his desire to stay in the
military agents and after seeking permission to PC-INP Stockade at Camp Crame, Quezon
search the place, which was granted, the City. According, the petition for habeas
military agents conducted a search in the corpus filed on his behalf is now moot and
presence of the occupants of the house and academic. Only the petition of Amelia Roque
the barangay captain of the place, one Jesus remains for resolution.
D. Olba.
The contention of respondents that petitioners
The military agents found the place to be Roque and Buenaobra are officers and/or
another safehouse of the NUFC/CPP. They members of the National United Front
found ledgers, journals, vouchers, bank deposit Commission (NUFC) of the CPP was not
books, folders, computer diskettes, and controverted or traversed by said petitioners.
subversive documents as well as live The contention must be deemed admitted. 5 As
ammunition for a .38 SPL Winchester, 11 officers and/or members of the NUFC-CPP,
rounds of live ammunition for a cal. .45, 19 their arrest, without warrant, was justified for
rounds of live ammunition for an M16 Rifle, and the same reasons earlier stated vis-a-
a fragmentation grenade. As a result, Amelia vis Rolando Dural. The arrest without warrant
Roque and the other occupants of the house of Roque was additionally justified as she was,
were brought to the PC-CIS Headquarters at at the time of apprehension, in possession of
Camp Crame, Quezon City, for investigation. ammunitions without license to possess them.
Amelia Roque admitted to the investigators
that the voluminous documents belonged to III
her and that the other occupants of the house
had no knowledge of them. As a result, the

In G.R. Nos. 84583-84 (Anonuevo vs. Ramos), Pasig, Metro Manila, who conducted an
the arrest of Domingo Anonuevo and Ramon inquest, after which Domingo Anonuevo and
Casiple, without warrant, is also justified under Ramon Casiple were charged with violation of
the rules. Both are admittedly members of the Presidential Decree No. 1866 before the
standing committee of the NUFC and, when Regional Trial Court of Pasig, Metro Manila.
apprehended in the house of Renato The cases are docketed therein as Criminal
Constatino, they had a bag containing Cases Nos. 74386 ad 74387, respectively. No
subversive materials, and both carried firearms bail was recommended.
and ammunition for which they had no license
to possess or carry. On 24 August 1988, a petition for habeas
corpus was filed with this Court on behalf of
The record of these two (2) cases shows that Domingo Anonuevo and Ramon Casiple,
at about 7:30 o'clock in the evening of 13 alleging that the said Anonuevo and Casiple
August 1988, Domingo T. Anonuevo and were unlawfully arrested without a warrant and
Ramon Casiple arrived at the house of Renato that the informations filed against them are null
Constatino at Marikina Heights, Marikina, and void for having been filed without prior
which was still under surveillance by military hearing and preliminary investigation. On 30
agents. The military agents noticed bulging August 1988, the Court issued the writ
objects on their waist lines. When frisked, the of habeas corpus, and after the respondents
agents found them to be loaded guns. had filed a Return of the Writ, the parties were
Anonuevo and Casiple were asked to show heard.
their permit or license to possess or carry
firearms and ammunition, but they could not The petitioners' (Anonuevo and Casiple) claim
produce any. Hence, they were brought to PC that they were unlawfully arrested because
Headquarters for investigation. Found in their there was no previous warrant of arrest, is
possession were the following articles: without merit The record shows that Domingo
Anonuevo and Ramon Casiple were carrying
a) Voluminous subversive unlicensed firearms and ammunition in their
documents person when they were apprehended.

b) One (1) Cal. 7.65 MOD 83 2C There is also no merit in the contention that the
Pistol SN: 001412 with one (1) informations filed against them are null and
magazine for Cal. 7.65 containing void for want of a preliminary investigation. The
ten (10) live ammunition of same filing of an information, without a preliminary
caliber; investigation having been first conducted, is
sanctioned by the Rules. Sec. 7, Rule 112 of
c) One (1) Cal. 7.65 Pietro the Rules of Court, as amended, reads:
Barreta SN; A18868 last digit
tampered with one (1) magazine Sec. 7. When accused lawfully
containing five (5) live arrested without a warrant. —
ammunition of same caliber. When a person is lawfully
arrested without a warrant for an
At the PC Stockade, Domingo Anonuevo was offense cognizable by the
identified as "Ka Ted", and Ramon Casiple as Regional Trial Court the
"Ka Totoy" of the CPP, by their comrades who complaint or information may be
had previously surrendered to the military. filed by the offended party, peace
officer or fiscal without a
On 15 August 1988, the record of the preliminary investigation having
investigation and other documentary evidence been first conducted, on the basis
were forwarded to the Provincial Fiscal at of the affidavit of the offended

party or arresting officer or Code, as amended; that based

person. on the evidence presented, there
is reasonable ground to believe
However, before the filing of such that the crime has been
complaint or information, the committed, and that the accused
person arrested may ask for a is probably guilty thereof.
preliminary investigation by a
proper officer in accordance with Nor did petitioners ask for a preliminary
this Rule, but he must sign a investigation after the informations had been
waiver of the provisions of Article filed against them in court. Petitioners cannot
125 of the Revised Penal Code, now claim that they have been deprived of their
as amended, with the assistance constitutional right to due process.
of a lawyer and in case of non-
availability of a lawyer, a IV
responsible person of his choice.
Notwithstanding such waiver, he In G.R. No. 83162 (Ocaya vs. Aguirre), the
may apply for bail as provided in arrest without warrant, of Vicky Ocaya is
the corresponding rule and the justified under the Rules, since she had with
investigation must be terminated her unlicensed ammunition when she was
within fifteen (15) days from its arrested. The record of this case shows that on
inception. 12 May 1988, agents of the PC Intelligence
and Investigation of the Rizal PC-INP
If the case has been filed in court Command, armed with a search warrant issued
without a preliminary by Judge Eutropio Migrino of the Regional Trial
investigation having been first Court of Pasig, Metro Manila, conducted a
conducted, the accused may search of a house located at Block 19, Phase
within five (5) days from the time II, Marikina Green Heights, Marikina, Metro
he learns of the filing of the Manila, believed to be occupied by Benito
information, ask for a preliminary Tiamson, head of the CPP-NPA. In the course
investigation with the same right of the search, Vicky Ocaya arrived in a car
to adduced evidence in his favor driven by Danny Rivera. Subversive
in the manner prescribed in this documents and several rounds of ammunition
Rule. for a .45 cal. pistol were found in the car of
Vicky Ocaya. As a result, Vicky Ocaya and
The petitioners Domingo Anonuevo and Danny Rivera were brought to the PC
Ramon Casiple, however, refused to sign a Headquarters for investigation. When Vicky
waiver of the provisions of Article 125 of the Ocaya could not produce any permit or
Revised Penal Code, as amended. In the authorization to possess the ammunition, an
informations filed against them, the prosecutor information charging her with violation of PD
made identical certifications, as follows: 1866 was filed with the Regional Trial Court of
Pasig, Metro Manila. The case is docketed
This is to certify that the accused therein as Criminal Case No. 73447. Danny
has been charged in accordance Rivera, on the other hand, was released from
with Sec. 7, Rule 112 of the 1985 custody.
Rules on Criminal Procedure,
that no preliminary investigation On 17 May 1988, a petition for habeas
was conducted because the corpus was filed, with this Court on behalf of
accused has not made and Vicky Ocaya and Danny Rivera. It was alleged
signed a waiver of the provisions therein that Vicky Ocaya was illegally arrested
of Art. 125 of the Revised Penal

and detained, and denied the right to a . . . . To reiterate, the focal point
preliminary investigation. in the case of petitioners Roque,
Buenaobra, Anonuevo and
It would appear, however, that Vicky Ocaya Casiple, was the lawful search
was arrested in flagranti delicto so that her and seizure conducted by the
arrest without a warrant is justified. No military at the residence of
preliminary investigation was conducted Renato Constantino at Villaluz
because she was arrested without a warrant Compound, Molave St., Marikina
and she refused to waive the provisions of Heights, Marikina, Metro Manila.
Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, The raid at Constantino's
pursuant to Sec. 7, Rule 112 of the Rule of residence, was not a witch
Court, as amended. hunting or fishing expedition on
the part of the military. It was a
V result of an in-depth military
surveillance coupled with the
The petitioners Vicky Ocaya, Domingo leads provided by former
Anonuevo, Ramon Casiple, and Amelia Roque members of the underground
claim that the firearms, ammunition and subversive organizations. That
subversive documents alleged to have been raid produced positive results. to
found in their possession when they were date, nobody has disputed the
arrested, did not belong to them, but were fact that the residence of
"planted" by the military agents to justify their Constantino when raided yielded
illegal arrest. communication equipment,
firearms and ammunitions, as
The petitioners, however, have not introduced well as subversive documents.
any evidence to support their aforesaid claim.
On the other hand, no evil motive or ill-will on The military agents working on
the part of the arresting officers that would the information provided by
cause the said arresting officers in these cases Constantino that other members
to accuse the petitioners falsely, has been of his group were coming to his
shown. Besides, the arresting officers in these place, reasonably conducted a
cases do not appear to be seekers of glory and "stake-out" operation whereby
bounty hunters for, as counsel for the some members of the raiding
petitioners Anonuevo and Casiple say, "there is team were left behind the place.
absolutely nothing in the evidence submitted True enough, barely two hours
during the inquest that petitioners are on the after the raid and Constantino's
'AFP Order of Battle with a reward of arrest, petitioner Buenaobra
P150,000.00 each on their heads.'" 6 On the arrived at Constantino's
other hand, as pointed out by the Solicitor residence. He acted suspiciously
General, the arrest of the petitioners is not a and when frisked and searched
product of a witch hunt or a fishing expedition, by the military authorities, found
but the result of an in-depth surveillance of in his person were letters. They
NPA safehouses pointed to by no less than are no ordinary letters, as even a
former comrades of the petitioners in the rebel cursory reading would show. Not
movement. only that, Buenaobra admitted
that he is a NPA courier and was
The Solicitor General, in his Consolidated there to deliver the letters to
Memorandum, aptly observes: Constantino.

Subsequently, less than twenty petitioner's arrest, incriminatory

four hours after the arrest of evidence, i.e, firearms,
Constantino and Buenaobra, ammunitions and/or subversive
petitioners Anonuevo and Casiple documents were found in their
arrived at Constantino's place. possession.
Would it be unreasonable for the
military agents to believe that Petitioners, when arrested, were
petitioners Anonuevo and Casiple neither taking their snacks nor
are among those expected to visit innocently visiting a camp, but
Constantino's residence were arrested in such time, place
considering that Constatino's and circumstances, from which
information was true, in that one can reasonably conclude tat
Buenaobra did come to that they were up to a sinister plot,
place? Was it unreasonable involving utmost secrecy and
under the circumstances, on the comprehensive conspiracy.
part of the military agents, not to
frisk and search anyone who IV
should visit the residence of
Constantino, such as petitioners In. G.R. No. 85727 (Espiritu vs. Lim), the
Anonuevo and Casiple? Must this release on habeas corpus of the petitioner
Honorable Court yield to Deogracias Espiritu, who is detained by virtue
Anonuevo and Casiple's flimsy of an Information for Violation of Article 142 of
and bare assertion that they went the Revised Penal Code (Inciting to Sedition)
to visit Constantino, who was to filed with the Regional Trial Court of Manila, is
leave for Saudi Arabia on the day similarly not warranted.
they were arrested thereat?
The record of the case shows that the said
As to petitioner Roque, was it petitioner is the General Secretary of the
unreasonable for the military Pinagkaisahang Samahan ng Tsuper at
authorities to effect her arrest Operators Nationwide (PISTON), an
without warrant considering that it association of drivers and operators of public
was Buenaobra who provided the service vehicles in the Philippines, organized
leads on her identity? It cannot for their mutual aid and protection.
be denied that Buenaobra had
connection with Roque. Because Petitioner claims that at about 5:00 o'clock in
the former has the phone number the morning of 23 November 1988, while he
of the latter. Why the necessity of was sleeping in his home located at 363
jumbling Roque's telephone Valencia St., Sta. Mesa, Manila, he was
number as written on a piece of awakened by his sister Maria Paz Lalic who
paper taken from Buenaobra's told him that a group of persons wanted to hire
possession? Petitioners Roque his jeepney. When he went down to talk to
and Buenaobra have not offered them, he was immediately put under arrest.
any plausible reason so far. When he asked for the warrant of arrest, the
men, headed by Col. Ricardo Reyes, bodily
In all the above incidents, lifted him and placed him in their owner-type
respondents maintain that they jeepney. He demanded that his sister, Maria
acted reasonably, under the time, Paz Lalic, be allowed to accompany him, but
place and circumstances of the the men did not accede to his request and
events in question, especially hurriedly sped away.
considering that at the time of

He was brought to Police Station No. 8 of the Policemen waited for petitioner outside the
Western Police District at Blumentritt, Manila National Pres Club in order to investigate him,
where he was interrogated and detained. Then, but he gave the lawmen the slip. 9 He was next
at about 9:00 o'clock of the same morning, he seen at about 5:00 o'clock that afternoon at a
was brought before the respondent Lim and, gathering of drivers and symphatizers at the
there and then, the said respondent ordered corner of Magsaysay Blvd. and Valencia
his arrest and detention. He was thereafter Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila where he was heard
brought to the General Assignment Section, to say:
Investigation Division of the Western Police
District under Police Capt. Cresenciano A. Bukas tuloy ang welga natin,
Cabasal where he was detained, restrained sumagot na ang Cebu at Bicol na
and deprived of his liberty. 7 kasali sila, at hindi tayo titigil
hanggang hindi binibigay ng
The respondents claim however, that the gobyerno ni Cory ang gusto
detention of the petitioner is justified in view of nating pagbaba ng halaga ng
the Information filed against him before the spare parts, bilihin at and
Regional Trial Court of Manila, docketed pagpapalaya sa ating pinuno na
therein as Criminal Case No. 88-683-85, si Ka Roda hanggang sa
charging him with violation of Art. 142 of the magkagulo na. (emphasis
Revised Penal Code (Inciting to Sedition). supplied)

The respondents also claim that the petitioner The police finally caught up with the petitioner
was lawfully arrested without a judicial warrant on 23 November 1988. He was invited for
of arrest since petitioner when arrested had in questioning and brought to police headquarters
fact just committed an offense in that in the after which an Information for violation of Art.
afternoon of 22 November 1988, during a 142 of the Revised Penal Code was filed
press conference at the National Press Club. against him before the Regional Trial Court of
Manila. 11
Deogracias Espiritu through tri-
media was heard urging all Since the arrest of the petitioner without a
drivers and operators to go on warrant was in accordance with the provisions
nationwide strike on November of Rule 113, Sec. 5(b) of the Rules of Court
23, 1988, to force the and that the petitioner is detained by virtue of a
government to give into their valid information filed with the competent court,
demands to lower the prices of he may not be released on habeas corpus. He
spare parts, commodities, water may, however be released upon posting bail as
and the immediate release from recommended. However, we find the amount
detention of the president of the of the recommended bail (P60,000.00)
PISTON (Pinag-isang Samahan excessive and we reduce it to P10,000.00 only.
ng Tsuper Operators
Nationwide). Further, we heard VII
Deogracias Espiritu taking the
place of PISTON president In G.R. No. 86332 (Nazareno vs. Station
Medardo Roda and also Commander), we also find no merit in the
announced the formation of the submission of Narciso Nazarenothat he was
Alliance Drivers Association to go illegally arrested and is unlawfully detained.
on nationwide strike on The record of this case shows that at about
November 23, 1988. 8:30 o'clock in the morning of 14 December
1988, one Romulo Bunye II was killed by a
group of men near the corner of T. Molina and

Mendiola Streets in Alabang, Muntinglupa, The findings of the Presiding Judge of the
Metro Manila. One of the suspects in the killing Regional Trial Court of Biñan, Laguna are
was Ramil Regal who was arrested by the based upon the facts and the law.
police on 28 December 1988. Upon Consequently, we will not disturb the same.
questioning, Regal pointed to Narciso Evidently, the arrest of Nazareno was effected
Nazareno as on of his companions in the killing by the police without warrant pursuant to Sec.
of the said Romulo Bunye II. In view thereof, 5(b), Rule 113, Rules of Court after he was
the police officers, without warrant, picked up positively implicated by his co-accused Ramil
Narciso Nazareno and brought him to the Regala in the killing of Romulo Bunye
police headquarters for questioning. Obviously, II; and after investigation by the police
the evidence of petitioner's guilt is strong authorities. As held in People vs. Ancheta: 12
because on 3 January 1989, an information
charging Narciso Nazareno, Ramil Regala, and The obligation of an agent of
two (2) others, with the killing of Romulo Bunye authority to make an arrest by
II was filed with the Regional Trial Court of reason of a crime, does not
Makati, Metro Manila. The case is docketed presuppose as a necessary
therein as Criminal Case No. 731. requisite for the fulfillment
thereof, the indubitable existence
On 7 January 1989, Narciso Nazareno filed a of a crime. For the detention to
motion to post bail, but the motion was denied be perfectly legal, it is sufficient
by the trial court in an order dated 10 January that the agent or person in
1989, even as the motion to post bail, earlier authority making the arrest has
filed by his co-accused, Manuel Laureaga, was reasonably sufficient grounds to
granted by the same trial court. believe the existence of an act
having the characteristics of a
On 13 January 1989, a petition for habeas crime and that the same grounds
corpus was filed with this Court on behalf of exist to believe that the person
Narciso Nazareno and on 13 January 1989, sought to be detained
the Court issued the writ of habeas corpus, participated therein.
returnable to the Presiding Judge of the
Regional Trial Court of Biñan, Laguna, Branch VIII
24, ordering said court to hear the case on 30
January 1989 and thereafter resolve the It is to be noted that, in all the petitions here
petition. considered, criminal charges have been filed in
the proper courts against the petitioners. The
At the conclusion of the hearing, or on 1 rule is, that if a person alleged to be restrained
February 1989, the Presiding Judge of the of his liberty is in the custody of an officer
Regional Trial Court of Biñan, Laguna issued a under process issued by a court judge, and
resolution denying the petition for habeas that the court or judge had jurisdiction to issue
corpus, it appearing that the said Narciso the process or make the order, of if such
Nazareno is in the custody of the respondents person is charged before any court, the writ
by reason of an information filed against him of habeas corpus will not be allowed. Section
with the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro 4, Rule 102, Rules of Court, as amended is
Manila which had taken cognizance of said quite explicit in providing that:
case and had, in fact, denied the motion for
bail filed by said Narciso Nazareno Sec. 4. When writ is allowed or
(presumably because of the strength of the discharge authorized. — If it
evidence against him). appears that the person alleged
to be restrained of his liberty is in
the custody of an officer under

process issued by a court or express provision of the Rules of Court and the
judge or by virtue of a judgment exigencies served by the law. The fears
or order of a court of record, and expressed by the petitioners are not really
that the court or judge had unremediable. As the Court sees it, re-
jurisdiction to issue the process, examination or reappraisal, with a view to its
render the judgment, or make the abandonment, of the Ilagan case doctrine is
order, the writ shall not be not the answer. The answer and the better
allowed; or if the jurisdiction practice would be, not to limit the function of
appears after the writ is allowed, the habeas corpus to a mere inquiry as to
the person shall not be whether or not the court which issued the
discharged by reason of any process, judgment or order of commitment or
informality or defect in the before whom the detained person is charged,
process, judgment, or order. Nor had jurisdiction or not to issue the process,
shall anything in this rule be held judgment or order or to take cognizance of the
to authorize the discharge of a case, but rather, as the Court itself states
person charged with a convicted in Morales, Jr. vs. Enrile, 15 "in all
of an offense in the Philippines or petitions for habeas corpus the court must
of a person suffering inquire into every phase and aspect of
imprisonment under lawful petitioner's detention-from the moment
judgment. (emphasis supplied) petition was taken into custody up to the
moment the court passes upon the merits of
At this point, we refer to petitioner's plea for the the petition;" and "only after such a scrutiny
Court of re-examine and, thereafter, abandon can the court satisfy itself that the due process
its pronouncement in Ilagan vs. Enrile, 13 that a clause of our Constitution has in fact been
writ of habeas corpus is no longer available satisfied." This is exactly what the Court has
after an information is filed against the person done in the petitions at bar. This is what should
detained and a warrant of arrest or an order of henceforth be done in all future cases
commitment, is issued by the court where said of habeas corpus. In Short, all cases involving
information has been filed. 14 The petitioners deprivation of individual liberty should be
claim that the said ruling, which was handed promptly brought to the courts for their
down during the past dictatorial regime to immediate scrutiny and disposition.
enforce and strengthen said regime, has no
place under the present democratic WHEREFORE, the petitions are hereby
dispensation and collides with the basic, DISMISSED, except that in
fundamental, and constitutional rights of the G.R. No. 85727 (Espiritu vs. Lim), the bail bond
people. Petitioners point out that the said for petitioner's provisional liberty is hereby
doctrine makes possible the arrest and ordered reduced from P60,000.00 to
detention of innocent persons despite lack of P10,000.00. No costs.
evidence against them, and, most often, it is
only after a petition for habeas corpus is filed SO ORDERED.
before the court that the military authorities file
the criminal information in the courts of law to
be able to hide behind the protective mantle of
the said doctrine. This, petitioners assert,
stands as an obstacle to the freedom and
liberty of the people and permits lawless and
arbitrary State action.

We find, however, no compelling reason to G.R. No. 154130 October 1, 2003

abandon the said doctrine. It is based upon

BENITO ASTORGA, petitioner, team to the island of Daram, Western Samar to

vs. conduct intelligence gathering and forest
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent. protection operations in line with the
government’s campaign against illegal logging.
DECISION The team was composed of Forester II Moises
dela Cruz, Scaler Wenifredo Maniscan, Forest
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: Ranger Renato Militante, and Tree Marker
Crisanto Pelias, with Elpidio E. Simon, Chief of
This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Forest Protection and Law Enforcement
the Rules of Court, seeking the reversal of a Section, as team leader. The team was
Decision of the Sandiganbayan in Criminal escorted by SPO3 Andres B. Cinco, Jr. and
Case No. 24986, dated July 5, 2001,1 as well SPO1 Rufo Capoquian.3
as its Resolutions dated September 28, 2001
and July 10, 2002. The team stopped at Brgy. Bagacay, Daram,
Western Samar at 2:00 p.m., where they saw
On October 28, 1998, the Office of the two yacht-like boats being constructed. After
Ombudsman filed the following Information consulting with the local barangay officials, the
against Benito Astorga, Mayor of Daram, team learned that the boats belonged to a
Samar, as well as a number of his men for certain Michael Figueroa. However, since
Arbitrary Detention: Figueroa was not around at the time, the team
left Brgy. Bagacay.4
That on or about the 1st day of September,
1997, and for sometime subsequent thereto, at En route to Brgy. Manungca, Sta. Rita, Samar,
the Municipality of Daram, Province of Samar, the team spotted two more boats being
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this constructed in the vicinity of Brgy. Lucob-
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, a Lucob, Daram, Samar, between 4:30-5:00
public officer, being the Municipal Mayor of p.m., prompting them to stop and investigate.
Daram, Samar, in such capacity and Thus, Maniscan and Militante disembarked
committing the offense in relation to office, from the DENR’s service pump boat and
conniving, confederating and mutually helping proceeded to the site of the boat construction.
with unidentified persons, who are herein There, they met Mayor Astorga. After
referred to under fictitious names JOHN conversing with the mayor, Militante returned
DOES, who were armed with firearms of to their boat for the purpose of fetching Simon,
different calibers, with deliberate intent, did at the request of Mayor Astorga.5
then and there willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously detain Elpidio Simon, Moises dela When Simon, accompanied by dela Cruz,
Cruz, Wenifredo Maniscan, Renato Militante SPO3 Cinco, and SPO1 Capoquian,
and Crisanto Pelias, DENR Employees, at the approached Mayor Astorga to try and explain
Municipality of Daram, by not allowing them to the purpose of their mission, Simon was
leave the place, without any legal and valid suddenly slapped hard twice on the shoulder
grounds thereby restraining and depriving them by Mayor Astorga, who exclaimed, "Puwede ko
of their personal liberty for nine (9) hours, but kamo papaglanguyon pag-uli ha Tacloban.
without exceeding three (3) days. Ano, di ka maaram nga natupa ako? Natupa
baya ako. Diri kamo makauli yana kay puwede
CONTRARY TO LAW.2 kame e charge ha misencounter." (I can make
you swim back to Tacloban. Don’t you know
On September 1, 1997, Regional Special that I can box? I can box. Don’t you know that I
Operations Group (RSOG) of the Department can declare this a misencounter?)6 Mayor
of Environment and Natural Resources Astorga then ordered someone to fetch
(DENR) Office No. 8, Tacloban City sent a "reinforcements," and forty-five (45) minutes

later, or between 5:00-6:00 p.m., a banca were allowed to go down from the house, but
arrived bearing ten (10) men, some of them not to leave the barangay.15On the other hand,
dressed in fatigue uniforms. The men were SPO3 Cinco and the rest just sat in the house
armed with M-16 and M14 rifles, and they until 2:00 a.m. when the team was finally
promptly surrounded the team, guns pointed at allowed to leave.16 1awphi1.nét
the team members.7At this, Simon tried to
explain to Astorga the purpose of his team’s Complainants filed a criminal complaint for
mission.8 He then took out his handheld ICOM arbitrary detention against Mayor Astorga and
radio, saying that he was going to contact his his men, which led to the filing of the above-
people at the DENR in Catbalogan to inform quoted Information.
them of the team’s whereabouts. Suddenly,
Mayor Astorga forcibly grabbed Simon’s radio, Mayor Astorga was subsequently arraigned on
saying, "Maupay nga waray kamo radio bis diri July 3, 2000, wherein he pleaded not guilty to
somabut an iyo opisina kon hain kamo, bis diri the offenses charged.17 At the trial, the
kamo maka aro hin bulig." (It’s better if you prosecution presented the testimonies of SPO1
have no radio so that your office would not Capoquian and SPO3 Cinco, as well as their
know your whereabouts and so that you cannot Joint Affidavit.18 However, the presentation of
ask for help).9 Mayor Astorga again slapped Simon’s testimony was not completed, and
the right shoulder of Simon, adding, "Kong siga none of his fellow team members came
kamo ha Leyte ayaw pagdad-a dinhi ha Samar forward to testify. Instead, the members of the
kay diri kamo puwede ha akon." (If you are team sent by the DENR RSOG executed a
tough guys in Leyte, do not bring it to Samar Joint Affidavit of Desistance.19
because I will not tolerate it here.)10Simon then
asked Mayor Astorga to allow the team to go On July 5, 2001, the Sandiganbayan
home, at which Mayor Astorga retorted that promulgated its Decision, disposing of the case
they would not be allowed to go home and that as follows:
they would instead be brought to
Daram. Mayor Astorga then addressed the WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment
team, saying, "Kon magdakop man la kamo, is hereby rendered finding accused BENITO
unahon an mga dagko. Kon madakop niyo an ASTORGA Y BOCATCAT guilty of Arbitrary
mga dagko, an kan Figueroa dida ha Bagacay Detention, and in the absence of any mitigating
puwede ko liwat ipadakop an akon." (If you or aggravating circumstances, applying the
really want to confiscate anything, you start Indeterminate Sentence Law, he is hereby
with the big-time. If you confiscate the boats of sentenced to suffer imprisonment of four (4)
Figueroa at Brgy. Bagacay, I will surrender months of arresto mayor as minimum to one
mine.)12 Simon then tried to reiterate his (1) year and eight (8) months of prision
request for permission to leave, which just correctional as maximum.
succeeded in irking Mayor Astorga, who angrily
said, "Diri kamo maka uli yana kay dad on ko SO ORDERED.20
kamo ha Daram, para didto kita mag uro
istorya." (You cannot go home now because I The accused filed a Motion for Reconsideration
will bring you to Daram. We will have many dated July 11, 200121 which was denied by the
things to discuss there.)13 Sandiganabayan in a Resolution dated
September 28, 2001.22 A Second Motion for
The team was brought to a house where they Reconsideration dated October 24, 200123 was
were told that they would be served dinner. also filed, and this was similarly denied in a
The team had dinner with Mayor Astorga and Resolution dated July 10, 2002.24
several others at a long table, and the meal
lasted between 7:00-8:00 p.m.14 After dinner, Hence, the present petition, wherein the
Militante, Maniscan and SPO1 Capoquian petitioner assigns a sole error for review:

5.1. The trial court grievously erred in finding spurred by some legal purpose. On the
the accused guilty of Arbitrary Detention as contrary, he admitted that his acts were
defined and penalized under Article 124 of the motivated by his "instinct for self-preservation"
Revised Penal Code, based on mere and the feeling that he was being "singled
speculations, surmises and conjectures and, out."32 The detention was thus without legal
worse, notwithstanding the Affidavit of grounds, thereby satisfying the third element
Desistance executed by the five (5) enumerated above.
complaining witnesses wherein the latter
categorically declared petitioner’s innocence of What remains is the determination of whether
the crime charged.25 or not the team was actually detained.

Petitioner contends that the prosecution failed In the case of People v. Acosta,33 which
to establish the required quantum of evidence involved the illegal detention of a child, we
to prove the guilt of the accused,26 especially in found the accused-appellant therein guilty of
light of the fact that the private complainants kidnapping despite the lack of evidence to
executed a Joint Affidavit of show that any physical restraint was employed
Desistance. Petitioner asserts that nowhere in upon the victim. However, because the victim
the records of the case is there any competent was a boy of tender age and he was warned
evidence that could sufficiently establish the not to leave until his godmother, the accused-
fact that restraint was employed upon the appellant, had returned, he was practically a
persons of the team members.28 Furthermore, captive in the sense that he could not leave
he claims that the mere presence of armed because of his fear to violate such instruction.34
men at the scene does not qualify as
competent evidence to prove that fear was in In the case of People v. Cortez,35 we held that,
fact instilled in the minds of the team members, in establishing the intent to deprive the victim
to the extent that they would feel compelled to of his liberty, it is not necessary that the
stay in Brgy. Lucob-Lucob.29 offended party be kept within an enclosure to
restrict her freedom of locomotion. At the time
Arbitrary Detention is committed by any public of her rescue, the offended party in said case
officer or employee who, without legal grounds, was found outside talking to the owner of the
detains a person.30The elements of the crime house where she had been taken. She
are: explained that she did not attempt to leave the
premises for fear that the kidnappers would
1. That the offender is a public officer or make good their threats to kill her should she
employee. do so. We ruled therein that her fear was not
baseless as the kidnappers knew where she
2. That he detains a person. resided and they had earlier announced that
their intention in looking for her cousin was to
3. That the detention is without legal kill him on sight. Thus, we concluded that fear
grounds.31 has been known to render people immobile
and that appeals to the fears of an individual,
That petitioner, at the time he committed the such as by threats to kill or similar threats, are
acts assailed herein, was then Mayor of equivalent to the use of actual force or
Daram, Samar is not disputed. Hence, the first violence.36
element of Arbitrary Detention, that the
offender is a public officer or employee, is The prevailing jurisprudence on kidnapping
undeniably present. and illegal detention is that the curtailment of
the victim’s liberty need not involve any
Also, the records are bereft of any allegation physical restraint upon the victim’s person. If
on the part of petitioner that his acts were the acts and actuations of the accused can

produce such fear in the mind of the victim evidently not a clear repudiation of the material
sufficient to paralyze the latter, to the extent points alleged in the information and proven at
that the victim is compelled to limit his own the trial, but a mere expression of the lack of
actions and movements in accordance with the interest of private complainants to pursue the
wishes of the accused, then the victim is, for all case.1awphi1.nét This conclusion is supported
intents and purposes, detained against his will. by one of its latter paragraphs, which reads:

In the case at bar, the restraint resulting from 11. That this affidavit was executed by us if
fear is evident. Inspite of their pleas, the only to prove our sincerity and improving
witnesses and the complainants were not DENR relations with the local Chiefs Executive
allowed by petitioner to go home.37 This refusal and other official of Daram, Islands so that
was quickly followed by the call for and arrival DENR programs and project can be effectively
of almost a dozen "reinforcements," all armed implemented through the support of the local
with military-issue rifles, who proceeded to officials for the betterment of the residence
encircle the team, weapons pointed at the living conditions who are facing difficulties and
complainants and the witnesses.38 Given such are much dependent on government support.42
circumstances, we give credence to SPO1
Capoquian’s statement that it was not "safe" to Petitioner also assails the weight given by the
refuse Mayor Astorga’s orders.39 It was not just trial court to the evidence, pointing out that the
the presence of the armed men, but also the Sandiganbayan’s reliance on the testimony of
evident effect these gunmen had on the SPO1 Capoquian is misplaced, for the reason
actions of the team which proves that fear was that SPO1 Capoquian is not one of the private
indeed instilled in the minds of the team complainants in the case.43 He also makes
members, to the extent that they felt compelled much of the fact that prosecution witness
to stay in Brgy. Lucob-Lucob. The intent to SPO1 Capoquian was allegedly "not exactly
prevent the departure of the complainants and privy to, and knowledgeable of, what exactly
witnesses against their will is thus clear. transpired between herein accused and the
DENR team leader Mr. Elpidio E. Simon, from
Regarding the Joint Affidavit of Desistance their alleged ‘confrontation,’ until they left
executed by the private complainants, suffice it Barangay Lucob-Lucob in the early morning of
to say that the principles governing the use of 2 September 1997."44
such instruments in the adjudication of other
crimes can be applied here. Thus, in People v. It is a time-honored doctrine that the trial
Ballabare, it was held that an affidavit of court’s factual findings are conclusive and
desistance is merely an additional ground to binding upon appellate courts unless some
buttress the defenses of the accused, not the facts or circumstances of weight and
sole consideration that can result in acquittal. substance have been overlooked,
There must be other circumstances which, misapprehended or misinterpreted.45 Nothing in
when coupled with the retraction or desistance, the case at bar prompts us to deviate from this
create doubts as to the truth of the testimony doctrine. Indeed, the fact that SPO1
given by the witnesses at the trial and Capoquian is not one of the private
accepted by the judge. Here, there are no such complainants is completely irrelevant. Neither
circumstances.40 Indeed, the belated claims penal law nor the rules of evidence requires
made in the Joint Affidavit of Desistance, such damning testimony to be exclusively supplied
as the allegations that the incident was the by the private complainants in cases of
result of a misunderstanding and that the team Arbitrary Detention. Furthermore, Mayor
acceded to Mayor Astorga’s orders "out of Astorga’s claim that SPO1 Capoquian was "not
respect," are belied by petitioner’s own exactly privy" to what transpired between
admissions to the contrary.41 The Joint Affidavit Simon and himself is belied by the evidence.
of Desistance of the private complainants is SPO1 Capoquian testified that he

accompanied Simon when the latter went to entitled to a minimum term to be taken from the
talk to petitioner.46 He heard all of Mayor penalty next lower in degree, or arresto mayor
Astorga’s threatening remarks.47 He was with in its minimum and medium periods, which has
Simon when they were encircled by the men a range of one (1) month and one (1) day to
dressed in fatigues and wielding M-16 and M- four (4) months. Hence, the Sandiganbayan
14 rifles.48 In sum, SPO1 Capoquian witnessed was correct in imposing the indeterminate
all the circumstances which led to the Arbitrary penalty of four (4) months of arresto mayor, as
Detention of the team at the hands of Mayor minimum, to one (1) year and eight (8) months
Astorga. of prision correccional, as maximum.

Petitioner submits that it is unclear whether the Before closing, it may not be amiss to quote
team was in fact prevented from leaving Brgy. the words of Justice Perfecto in his concurring
Lucob-Lucob or whether they had simply opinion in Lino v. Fugoso, wherein he decried
decided to "while away the time" and take the impunity enjoyed by public officials in
advantage of the purported hospitality of the committing arbitrary or illegal detention, and
accused.49 On the contrary, SPO3 Cinco called for the intensification of efforts towards
clearly and categorically denied that they were bringing them to justice:
simply "whiling away the time" between their
dinner with Mayor Astorga and their departure The provisions of law punishing arbitrary or
early the following morning.50 SPO1 Capoquian illegal detention committed by government
gave similar testimony, saying that they did not officers form part of our statute books even
use the time between their dinner with Mayor before the advent of American sovereignty in
Astorga and their departure early the following our country. Those provisions were already in
morning to "enjoy the place" and that, given a effect during the Spanish regime; they
choice, they would have gone home.51 remained in effect under American rule;
continued in effect under the Commonwealth.
Petitioner argues that he was denied the "cold Even under the Japanese regime they were
neutrality of an impartial judge", because the not repealed. The same provisions continue in
ponente of the assailed decision acted both as the statute books of the free and sovereign
magistrate and advocate when he propounded Republic of the Philippines. This
"very extensive clarificatory questions" on the notwithstanding, and the complaints often
witnesses. Surely, the Sandiganbayan, as a heard of violations of said provisions, it is very
trial court, is not an idle arbiter during a trial. It seldom that prosecutions under them have
can propound clarificatory questions to been instituted due to the fact that the erring
witnesses in order to ferret out the truth. The individuals happened to belong to the same
impartiality of the court cannot be assailed on government to which the prosecuting officers
the ground that clarificatory questions were belong. It is high time that every one must do
asked during the trial.52 his duty, without fear or favor, and that
prosecuting officers should not answer with
Thus, we affirm the judgment of the cold shrugging of the shoulders the complaints
Sandiganbayan finding petitioner guilty beyond of the victims of arbitrary or illegal detention.
reasonable doubt of Arbitrary Detention. Article
124 (1) of the Revised Penal Code provides Only by an earnest enforcement of the
that, where the detention has not exceeded provisions of articles 124 and 125 of the
three days, the penalty shall be arresto mayor Revised Penal Code will it be possible to
in its maximum period to prision correccional in reduce to its minimum such wanton trampling
its minimum period, which has a range of four of personal freedom as depicted in this case.
(4) months and one (1) day to two (2) years The responsible officials should be prosecuted,
and four (4) months. Applying the without prejudice to the detainees’ right to the
Indeterminate Sentence Law, petitioner is indemnity to which they may be entitled for the

unjustified violation of their fundamental


WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the

petition is hereby DENIED. The Decision of the
Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. 24986,
dated July 5, 2001 finding petitioner BENITO
ASTORGA guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
the crime of Arbitrary Detention and sentencing
him to suffer the indeterminate penalty of four
(4) months of arresto mayor, as minimum, to
one (1) year and eight (8) months of prision
correccional, as maximum, is AFFIRMED in

Costs de oficio.


2. DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF DETAINED penalties provided in the next preceding article
PERSONS TO THE PROPER JUDICIAL shall be imposed upon the public officer or
AUTHORITIES employee who shall detain any person for
some legal ground and shall fail to deliver such
Art. 125. Delay in the delivery of detained person to the proper judicial authorities within
persons to the proper judicial authorities. the period of twelve (12) hours, for crimes or
— The penalties provided in the next preceding offenses punishable by light penalties, or their
article shall be imposed upon the public officer equivalent; eighteen (18) hours, for crimes or
or employee who shall detain any person for offenses punishable by correctional penalties,
some legal ground and shall fail to deliver such or their equivalent, and thirty-six (36) hours,
person to the proper judicial authorities within for crimes or offenses punishable by afflictive
the period of; twelve (12) hours, for crimes or or capital penalties, or their equivalent.
offenses punishable by light penalties, or their
equivalent; eighteen (18) hours, for crimes or In every case, the person detained shall be
offenses punishable by correctional penalties, informed of the caused of his detention and
or their equivalent and thirty-six (36) hours, for shall be allowed, upon his request, to
crimes, or offenses punishable by afflictive or communicate and confer at any time with his
capital penalties, or their equivalent. attorney or counsel."

In every case, the person detained shall be Sec. 2. All laws, orders, issuances, rules and
informed of the cause of his detention and shall regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with
be allowed upon his request, to communicate this Executive Order are hereby repealed or
and confer at any time with his attorney or modified accordingly.
counsel. (As amended by E.O. Nos. 59 and
272, Nov. 7, 1986 and July 25, 1987, Sec. 3. This Executive Order shall take effect
respectively). thirty (30) days following its publication in the
Official Gazette.
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 272 July 25, 1987
DONE in the City of Manila, this 25th day of
FURTHER AMENDING ARTICLE 125 OF July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred

WHEREAS, in the interest of public safety and RULE 112, SEC 7 RULES OF COURT
order, it is imperative that a reasonable and
sufficient period be given within which to Section 7. When accused lawfully arrested
conduct adequate and thorough investigation without warrant. — When a person is lawfully
of persons detained for some legal grounds. arrested without a warrant involving an offense
which requires a preliminary investigation, the
NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. complaint or information may be filed by a
AQUINO, President of the Philippines, do prosecutor without need of such investigation
hereby order: provided an inquest has been conducted in
accordance with existing rules. In the absence
Sec. 1. Article one hundred twenty-five of Act or unavailability of an inquest prosecutor, the
Numbered Three Thousand Eight Hundred complaint may be filed by the offended party or
Fifteen (Act No. 3815) otherwise known as the a peace office directly with the proper court on
Revised Penal Code, as amended, is hereby the basis of the affidavit of the offended party
further amended to read as follows: or arresting officer or person.

"Art. 125. Delay in the delivery of detained

persons to the proper judicial authorities. The

Republic Act No. 9372 March 6, 2007 arrested. The judge shall forthwith submit
his/her report within three calendar days from
AN ACT TO SECURE THE STATE AND the time the suspect was brought to his/her
PROTECT OUR PEOPLE FROM residence or office.
Immediately after taking custody of a person
SEC. 18. Period of Detention Without charged with or suspected of the crime of
Judicial Warrant of Arrest. - The provisions terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, the
of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code to the police or law enforcement personnel shall
contrary notwithstanding, any police or law notify in writing the judge of the court nearest
enforcement personnel, who, having been duly the place of apprehension or arrest: Provided
authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism ,That where the arrest is made during
Council has taken custody of a person charged Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or after office
with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or hours, the written notice shall be served at the
the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism residence of the judge nearest the place where
shall, without incurring any criminal liability for the accused was arrested.
delay in the delivery of detained persons to the
proper judicial authorities, deliver said charged The penalty of ten (10) years and one day to
or suspected person to the proper judicial twelve (12) years of imprisonment shall be
authority within a period of three days counted imposed upon the police or law enforcement
from the moment the said charged or personnel who fails to notify and judge as
suspected person has been apprehended or Provided in the preceding paragraph.
arrested, detained, and taken into custody by
the said police, or law enforcement personnel: SEC. 19. Period of Detention in the Event of
Provided, That the arrest of those suspected of an Actual or Imminent Terrorist Attack. - In
the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit the event of an actual or imminent terrorist
terrorism must result from the surveillance attack, suspects may not be detained for more
under Section 7 and examination of bank than three days without the written approval of
deposits under Section 27 of this Act. a municipal, city, provincial or regional official
of a Human Rights Commission or judge of the
The police or law enforcement personnel municipal, regional trial court, the
concerned shall, before detaining the person Sandiganbayan or a justice of the Court of
suspected of the crime of terrorism, present Appeals nearest the place of the arrest. If the
him or her before any judge at the latter's arrest is made during Saturdays, Sundays,
residence or office nearest the place where the holidays or after office hours, the arresting
arrest took place at any time of the day or police or law enforcement personnel shall bring
night. It shall be the duty of the judge, among the person thus arrested to the residence of
other things, to ascertain the identity of the any of the officials mentioned above that is
police or law enforcement personnel and the nearest the place where the accused was
person or persons they have arrested and arrested. The approval in writing of any of the
presented before him or her, to inquire of them said officials shall be secured by the police or
the reasons why they have arrested the person law enforcement personnel concerned within
and determine by questioning and personal five days after the date of the detention of the
observation whether or not the suspect has persons concerned: Provided, however, That
been subjected to any physical, moral or within three days after the detention the
psychological torture by whom and why. The suspects, whose connection with the terror
judge shall then submit a written report of what attack or threat is not established, shall be
he/she had observed when the subject was released immediately.
brought before him to the proper court that has
jurisdiction over the case of the person thus

G.R. No. L-2128 May 12, 1948 the provisions of article 125 of the Revised
Penal Code?
MOSTERO, petitioners, Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code provides
vs. that "the penalties provided in the next
THE CHIEF OF POLICE and THE OFFICER proceeding article shall be imposed upon the
IN CHARGE OF MUNICIPAL JAIL, BOTH OF public officer or employee who shall detain any
CITY OF MANILA,respondents. person for some legal ground and shall fail to
deliver such person to the proper judicial
Enrique Q. Jabile for petitioners. authorities within the period of six hours."
Acting City Fiscal A. P. Montesa, Assistant City
Fiscal Arsenio Nañawa and D. Guinto Lazaro Taking into consideration the history of the
for respondents. provisions of the above quoted article, the
precept of our Constitution guaranteeing
FERIA, J.: individual liberty, and the provisions of Rules of
Court regarding arrest and habeas corpus, we
Upon complaint of Bernardino Malinao, are of the opinion that the words "judicial
charging the petitioners with having committed authority", as used in said article, mean the
the crime of robbery, Benjamin Dumlao, a courts of justices or judges of said courts
policeman of the City of Manila, arrested the vested with judicial power to order the
petitioners on April 2, 1948, and presented a temporary detention or confinement of a
complaint against them with the fiscal's office person charged with having committed a public
of Manila. Until April 7, 1948, when the petition offense, that is, "the Supreme Court and such
for habeas corpus filed with this Court was inferior courts as may be established by law".
heard, the petitioners were still detained or (Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution.)
under arrest, and the city fiscal had not yet
released or filed against them an information Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code was
with the proper courts justice. substantially taken from article 202 of the old
Penal Code formerly in force of these Islands,
This case has not been decided before this which penalized a public officer other than a
time because there was not a sufficient number judicial officer who, without warrant, "shall
of Justices to form a quorum in Manila, And it arrest a person upon a charge of crime and
had to be transferred to the Supreme Court shall fail to deliver such person to the judicial
acting in division here in Baguio for deliberation authority within twenty four hours after his
and decision. We have not until now an official arrest." There was no doubt that a judicial
information as to the action taken by the office authority therein referred to was the judge of a
of the city fiscal on the complaint filed by the court of justice empowered by law, after a
Dumlao against the petitioners. But whatever proper investigation, to order the temporary
night have been the action taken by said office, commitment or detention of the person
if there was any, we have to decide this case in arrested; and not the city fiscals or any other
order to lay down a ruling on the question officers, who are not authorized by law to do
involved herein for the information and so. Because article 204, which complements
guidance in the future of the officers said section 202, of the same Code provided
concerned. that "the penalty of suspension in its minimum
and medium degrees shall be imposed upon
The principal question to be determined in the the following persons: 1. Any judicial officer
present case in order to decide whether or not who, within the period prescribed by the
the petitioners are being illegally restrained of provisions of the law of criminal procedure in
their liberty, is the following: Is the city fiscal of force, shall fail to release any prisoner under
manila a judicial authority within the meaning of arrest or to commit such prisoner formally by

written order containing a statement of the evidence presented against him, and, if he
grounds upon which the same is based." desires to testify or to present witnesses or
evidence in his favor, he may be allowed to do
Although the above quoted provision of article so. The testimony of the witnesses need not be
204 of the old Penal Code has not been reduced to writing but that of the defendant
incorporated in the Revised Penal Code the shall be taken in writing and subscribed by him.
import of said words judicial authority or officer
can not be construed as having been modified And it is further corroborated by the provisions
by the mere omission of said provision in the of section 1 and 4, Rule 102 of the Rules of
Revised Penal Code. Court. According to the provision of said
section, "a writ of habeas corpus shall extend
Besides, section 1 (3), Article III, of our any person to all cases of illegal confinement
Constitution provides that "the right of the or detention by which any person is illegally
people to be secure in their persons...against deprived of his liberty"; and "if it appears that
unreasonable seizure shall not be violated, and the person alleged to be restrained of his
no warrant [of arrest, detention or confinement] liberty is in the custody of an officer under
shall issue but upon probable cause, to be process issued by a court or judge, or by virtue
determined by the judge after the examination of a judgement or order of a court of record,
under oath or affirmation of the complaint and and that the court or judge had jurisdiction to
the witness he may produce." Under this issue the process, render judgment, or make
constitutional precept no person may be the order, the writ shall not be allowed. "Which
deprived of his liberty, except by warrant of a contrario sensu means that, otherwise, the
arrest or commitment issued upon probable writ shall be allowed and the person detained
cause by a judge after examination of the shall be released.
complainant and his witness. And the judicial
authority to whom the person arrested by a The judicial authority mentioned in section 125
public officers must be surrendered can not be of the Revised Penal Code can not be
any other but court or judge who alone is construed to include the fiscal of the City of
authorized to issue a warrant of commitment or Manila or any other city, because they cannot
provisional detention of the person arrested issue a warrant of arrest or of commitment or
pending the trial of the case against the latter. temporary confinement of a person
Without such warrant of commitment, the surrendered to legalize the detention of a
detention of the person arrested for than six person arrested without warrant. (Section 7,
hours would be illegal and in violation of our Rule 108; Hashim vs. Boncan, 40 Off. Gaz.
Constitution. 13th Supp., p.13; Lino vs. Fugoso, L-1159,
promulgated on January 30, 1947, 43 Off.
Our conclusion is confirmed by section 17, Gaz., 1214). The investigation which the city of
Rule 109 of the Rules of court, which, referring fiscal of Manila makes is not the preliminary
to the duty of an officer after arrest without investigation proper provided for in section 11,
warrant, provides that "a person making arrest Rule 108, above quoted, to which all person
for legal ground shall, without unnecessary charged with offenses cognizable by the Court
delay, and within the time prescribed in the of First Instance in provinces are entitled, but it
Revised Penal Code, take the person arrested is a mere investigation made by the city fiscal
to the proper court or judge for such action for for the purpose of filing the corresponding
they may deem proper to take;" and by section information against the defendant with the
11 of Rule 108, which reads that "after the proper municipal court or Court of First
arrest by the defendant and his delivery to the Instance of Manila if the result of the
Court, he shall be informed of the complaint or investigation so warrants, in order to obtain or
information filed against him. He shall also secure from the court a warrant of arrest of the
informed of the substance of the testimony and defendant. It is provided by a law as a

substitute, in a certain sense, of the preliminary justice of the peace court having no original
investigation proper to avoid or prevent a hasty jurisdiction, and then transfer the case to the
or malicious prosecution, since defendant proper Court of First Instance in accordance
charged with offenses triable by the courts in with the provisions of section 13, Rule 108.
the City of Manila are not entitled to a proper
preliminary investigation. In the City of Manila, where complaints are not
filed directly with the municipal court or the
The only executive officers authorized by law Court of First Instance, the officer or person
to make a proper preliminary investigation in making the arrest without warrant shall
case of temporary absence of both the justice surrender or take the person arrested to the
of the peace and the auxiliary justice of the city fiscal, and the latter shall make the
peace from the municipality, town or place, are investigation above mentioned and file, if
the municipal mayors who are empowered in proper, the corresponding information within
such case to issue a warrant of arrest of the the time prescribed by section 125 of the
caused. (Section 3, Rule 108, in connection Revised Penal Code, so that the court may
with section 6, Rule 108, and section 2 of Rule issue a warrant of commitment for the
109.) The preliminary investigation which a city temporary detention of the accused. And the
fiscal may conduct under section 2, Rule 108, city fiscal or his assistants shall make the
is the investigation referred to in the investigation forthwith, unless it is materially
proceeding paragraph. impossible for them to do so, because the
testimony of the person or officer making the
Under the law, a complaint charging a person arrest without warrant is in such cases ready
with the commission of an offense cognizable and available, and shall, immediately after the
by the courts of Manila is not filed with investigation, either release the person
municipal court or the Court of First Instance of arrested or file the corresponding information.
Manila, because as above stated, the latter do If the city fiscal has any doubt as to the
not make or conduct a preliminary investigation probability of the defendant having committed
proper. The complaint must be made or filed the offense charged, or is not ready to file the
with the city fiscal of Manila who, personally or information on the strength of the testimony or
through one of his assistants, makes the evidence presented, he should release and not
investigation, not for the purpose of ordering detain the person arrested for a longer period
the arrest of the accused, but of filing with the than that prescribed in the Penal Code, without
proper court the necessary information against prejudice to making or continuing the
the accused if the result of the investigation so investigation and filing afterwards the proper
warrants, and obtaining from the court a information against him with the court, in order
warrant of arrest or commitment of the to obtain or secure a warrant of his arrest. Of
accused. course, for the purpose of determining the
criminal liability of an officer detaining a person
When a person is arrested without warrant in for more than six hours prescribed by the
cases permitted bylaw, the officer or person Revised Penal Code, the means of
making the arrest should, as abovestated, communication as well as the hour of arrested
without unnecessary delay take or surrender and other circumstances, such as the time of
the person arrested, within the period of time surrender and the material possibility for the
prescribed in the Revised Penal Code, to the fiscal to make the investigation and file in time
court or judge having jurisdiction to try or make the necessary information, must be taken into
a preliminary investigation of the offense consideration.
(section 17, Rule 109); and the court or judge
shall try and decide the case if the court has To consider the city fiscal as the judicial
original jurisdiction over the offense charged, authority referred to in article 125 of the
or make the preliminary investigation if it is a Revised Penal Code, would be to authorize the

detention of a person arrested without warrant

for a period longer than that permitted by law
without any process issued by a court of
competent jurisdiction. The city fiscal, may not,
after due investigation, find sufficient ground
for filing an information or prosecuting the
person arrested and release him, after the
latter had been illegally detained for days or
weeks without any process issued by a court or

A peace officer has no power or authority to

arrest a person without a warrant upon
complaint of the offended party or any other
person, except in those cases expressly
authorized by law. What he or the complainant
may do in such case is to file a complaint with
the city fiscal of Manila, or directly with the
justice of the peace courts in municipalities and
other political subdivisions. If the City Fiscal
has no authority, and he has not, to order the
arrest even if he finds, after due investigation,
that there is a probability that a crime has been
committed and the accused is guilty thereof, a
fortiori a police officer has no authority to arrest
and detain a person charged with an offense
upon complaint of the offended party or other
persons even though, after investigation, he
becomes convinced that the accused is guilty
of the offense charged.

In view of all the foregoing, without making any

pronouncement as to the responsibility of the
officers who intervened in the detention of the
petitioners, for the policeman Dumlao may
have acted in good faith, in the absence of a
clear cut ruling on the matter in believing that
he had complied with the mandate of article
125 by delivering the petitioners within six
hours to the office of the city fiscal, and the
latter might have ignored the fact that the
petitioners were being actually detained when
the said policeman filed a complaint against
them with the city fiscal, we hold that the
petitioners are being illegally restrained of their
liberty, and their release is hereby ordered
unless they are now detained by virtue of a
process issued by a competent court of justice.


G.R. No. L-26723 December 22, 1966 actually was in court, over 75 hours have
vs. But, stock should be taken of the fact that
MARCELO F. OROZCO, JR., Acting City November 7 was a Sunday; November 8 was
Warden of Caloocan City, respondent. declared an official holiday; and November 9
(election day) was also an official holiday. In
Federico Magdangal for petitioner. these three no-office days, it was not an easy
Francisco A. Garcia for respondent. matter for a fiscal to look for his clerk and
stenographer, draft the information and search
SANCHEZ, J.: for the Judge to have him act thereon, and get
the clerk of court to open the courthouse,
On application for habeas corpus. The facts docket the case and have the order of
are: commitment prepared. And then, where to
locate and the certainty of locating those
At about 12:00 p.m. on November 7, 1965, officers and employees could very well
petitioner Arthur Medina y Yumul was arrested compound the fiscal's difficulties. These are
and thereafter incarcerated in the Caloocan considerations sufficient enough to deter us
City jail, allegedly as one of those responsible from declaring that Arthur Medina was
for the death of one Marcelo Sangalang y Diwa arbitrarily detained. For, he was brought to
which occurred on October 31, 1965 in said court on the very first office day following
city. At about 9:00 o'clock in the morning of the arrest.2
same day, November 7, 1965, the case against
Medina and two others for Sangalang's murder 2. Nor could discharge from custody, by now,
was referred to a fiscal, who forthwith be justified even on the assumption that
conducted a preliminary investigation in detention was originally arbitrary.
petitioner's presence. At about 3:40 p.m. on
November 10, 1965, an information for murder Petitioner at present is jailed because of the
was filed against petitioner Arthur Medina y court's order of commitment of November 10,
Yumul, and Antonio Olivar y Flores and 1965 upon a murder indictment. No bail was
Alexander Enriquez y Raginio in the Caloocan provided for him, because he is charged with a
branch of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, capital offense. Such detention remains
docketed as Criminal Case No. C-1197 of said unaffected by the alleged previous arbitrary
court. By court order, they were promptly detention. Because, detention under a valid
committed to jail. Arraigned, Medina and his information is one thing, arbitrary detention
co-accused stood trial — which has not yet anterior thereto another. They are separate
terminated. concepts. Simply because at the inception
detention was wrong is no reason for letting
1. First to be considered is the charge of petitioner go scot-free after the serious charge
arbitrary detention. Petitioner claims violation of murder has been clamped upon him and his
of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code. The detention ordered by the court. The first is
crime — for which petitioner is detained — is illegal; but the second is not.3 Thus, the petition
murder, a capital offense. The arresting for habeas corpus came too late.4
officer's duty under the law1 was either to
deliver him to the proper judicial authorities 3. As unavailing is petitioner's claim that no
within 18 hours, or thereafter release him. The preliminary investigation was conducted by the
fact however is that he was not released. From fiscal before the criminal charge against him
the time of petitioner's arrest at 12:00 o'clock was registered in court. Other than that
p.m. on November 7 to 3:40 p.m. on November averment in the petition herein, petitioner has
10 when the information against him for murder nothing whatsoever to show for it. Upon the

other hand, the assertion that such

investigation was made on the very day of
petitioner's arrest and in his presence, is
confirmed by the fact that on November 12,
1965 he moved the office of the city fiscal for
a reinvestigation of his case. And that
reinvestigation was held on December 1, 1965.
Thereafter, the case against him proceeded to
trial. Add to all of these the legal presumption
of regularity in the performance of official
duties,5 and the question of lack of preliminary
investigation is well nailed down.

4. Besides, the proper forum before which

absence of preliminary investigation should be
ventilated is the Court of First Instance, not this
Court. Reason is not wanting for this view.
Absence of preliminary investigation does not
go to the jurisdiction of the court but merely to
the regularity of the proceedings. It could even
be waived. Indeed, it is frequently
waived. These are matters to be inquired into
by the trial court, not an appellate court.

5. The cry of deprivation of a speedy trial

merits but scant consideration. The
arraignment of petitioner set for December 1,
1965 was postponed to December 20, 1965,
thence to February 28, 1966, to March 14,
1966, all on petition of counsel for the accused,
including petitioner. Then, on April 14, 1966,
petitioner's counsel moved to reset the date of
hearing on the merits. And again, the hearing
scheduled on July 26, 1966 was transferred to
September 6, 1966 on motion of defendant
Alexander Enriquez with the conformity of
petitioner's counsel. Finally, on motion of
petitioner's counsel, the hearing on September
6, 1966 was recalendared for December 6,
1966. In this factual environment, we do not
see denial to petitioner of the right to speedy
trial. Delay of his own making cannot be
oppressive to him.7

For the reasons given, the petition herein to set

petitioner Arthur Medina y Yumul at liberty is
hereby denied. Costs against petitioner.


G.R. No. 134503 July 2, 1999 unlawfully, conspiring,

confederating, helping with one
JASPER AGBAY, petitioner, another, while accused JASPER
vs. AGBAY manipulating to finger the
NATIVIDAD, JR. and SPO2 ELEAZAR M. companion block the sight of the
SOLOMON, respondent. Private Complainant, Mrs. JOAN
A. GICAYARA, while on board a
tricycle going their destinations.
Upon initial investigation of the
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: Bgy, Captain of Bgy. Catarman,
This petition for certiorari seeks to nullify the was released and accused
Resolution of the Deputy Ombudsman for the JASPER AGBAY is presently
Military dated 19 January 19981 which detain Liloan Police Station Jail.
recommended the dismissal of the criminal Medical Certificate issued from
complaint filed by petitioner against herein Don Vicente Sotto Memorial
private respondents for violation of Article 125 Medical Center, Cebu City is
of the Revised Penal Code for delay in the hereto attached.
delivery of detained persons, and the Order of
April 13, 19982 which denied his motion for On September 10, 1997, counsel for petitioner
reconsideration. wrote the Chief of Police of Liloan demanding
the immediate release of petitioner considering
The pertinent facts leading to the filing of the that the latter had "failed to deliver the detained
petition at bar are as follows: Jasper Agbay to the proper judicial authority
within thirty-six (36) hours from September 7,
On September 7, 1997, petitioner, together 1997."5 Private respondents did not act on this
with a certain Sherwin Jugalbot, was arrested letter and continued to detain petitioner.6
and detained at the Liloan Police Station,
Metro Cebu for an alleged violation of R.A. On September 12; 1997, the 7th Municipal
7610, the "Special Protection of Children Circuit Trial Court of Liloan, Metro Cebu issued
Against Child abuse, Exploitation and an order, denominated as "Detention During
Discrimination Act."3 The following day, or on the Pendency of the Case", committing
September 8, 1997, a Complaint for violation of petitioner to the jail warden of Cebu City.7 Five
R.A. 7610 was filed against petitioner and (5) days later, or on September 17, 1997,
Jugalbot before the 7th Municipal Circuit Trial petitioner was ordered released by the said
Court of Liloan, Metro Cebu by one Joan court after he had posted bond.8
Gicaraya for and in behalf of her daughter
Gayle4 . The complaint, insofar as pertinent, On September 26, 1997, petitioner filed a
reads as follows: complaint for delay in the delivery of detained
persons against herein private respondents
That on the 7th day of September SPO4 Nemesio Natividad, Jr., SPO2 Eleazar
1997 at Sitio Bonbon, Brgy. M. Salomon and other unidentified police
Catarman, Liloan, Metro Cebu, officers stationed at the Liloan Police
Philippines and within the Substation, before the Office of the Deputy
Preliminary Jurisdiction of this Ombudsman for the Visayas.9
Honorable Court, the above-
named accused, did then and Regarding the complaint for violation of R.A.
there, willfully, feloniously and 7610, it is alleged by petitioner that on

November 10, 1997, the 7th MCTC of Liloan, CIRCULAR BEING

Metro Cebu issued a resolution containing the UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND
following dispositive portion: ILLEGAL, HENCE, NULL AND
WHEREFORE, finding probable
cause for the crime in Violation of II.
Republic Act 7610, it is hereby
recommended that an THE PUBLIC RESPONDENT
the two aforenamed accused. DISCRETION IN NOT HOLDING
Forward the record of this case to COMPENCE TO DETERMINE
the Provincial Fiscal's Office for WHETHER OR NOT THE
appropriate action.10 MUNICIPAL CIRCUIT TRIAL
By virtue of Memorandum Circular No. 14, COMPOSTELA HAS IN FACT
Series of 1995, dated 10 October 1995 of the NO JURISDICTION TO TRY THE
Office of the Ombudsman,11 the case for delay CASE FILED AGAINST HEREIN
in delivery filed by petitioner against herein PETITIONER.
private respondents before the Deputy
Ombudsman for the Visayas was transferred to III.
the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military for its
proper disposition. Thus, it was this office THE PUBLIC RESPONDENT
which acted on the complaint, now GRAVELY ABUSED ITS
denominated as OMB-VIS-CRIM-97-0786, and DISCRETION IN NOT HOLDING
which issued the questioned Resolution dated THAT THE MCTC, WHILE
January 19, 1998 recommending its dismissal HAVING AUTHORITY TO
against herein private respondents. Petitioner CONDUCT A PRELIMINARY
moved for reconsideration of this Resolution INVESTIGATION, IS NOT THE
but this motion was denied in an Order dated "PROPER JUDICIAL
Hence, this petition for certiorari. REVISED PENAL CODE AND,
The grounds relied upon in the present COMPLAINT BEFORE IT FOR
petition12 are as follows: THE PURPOSE OF

LIABILITY OF PRIVATE for the Military has the authority to investigate

RESPONDENTS FOR DELAY IN civilian personnel of the government was
THE DELIVERY OF DETAINED resolved in the affirmative in the case of Acop
PERSONS. v. Office of the Ombudsman.16 In that case, the
petitioners, who were members of the
V. Philippine National Police questioned the
jurisdiction of the Deputy Ombudsman to
THE PUBLIC RESPONDENT investigate the alleged shootout of certain
GRAVELY ABUSED ITS suspected members of the "Kuratong Baleleng"
DISCRETION IN HOLDING robbery gang; this Court held that:
RESPONDENTS TO FILE THE The deliberations on the Deputy
NECESSARY COMPLAINT IN for the military establishment do
COURT WAS FULFILLED not yield conclusive evidence that
WHEN THEY FILED A FORMAL such deputy is prohibited from
COMPLAINT ON 8 SEPTEMBER performing other functions or
1997 WITH THE 7TH MCTC OF duties affecting non-military
LILOAN-COMPOSTELA. personnel. On the contrary, a
review of the relevant
On the first issue, petitioner argues that due to Constitutional provisions reveal
the civilian character of the Philippine National otherwise.
Police, the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman
for the Military, by virtue of the description of As previously established, the
the Office, has no competence or jurisdiction to Ombudsman "may exercise such
act on his complaint against private other powers or perform such
respondents who are members of the PNP. functions or duties" as Congress
Petitioner also questions the constitutionality of may prescribe through legisiation.
Memorandum Circular No. 14 insofar as it Therefore, nothing can prevent
purports to vest the Office of the Deputy Congress from giving the
Ombudsman for Military Affairs with jurisdiction Ombudsman supervision and
to investigate all cases against personnel of control over the Ombudsman's
the Philippine National Police.1âwphi1.nêt deputies, one being the deputy
for the military establishment. In
There is no dispute as to the civilian character this light, Section 11 of R.A. No.
of our police force. The 1987 Constitution, in 6770 provides:
Section 6, Article XVI, has mandated the
establishment of "one police force, which shall Sec. 11. Structural
be national in scope and civilian Organization. —
character (emphasis supplied)." Likewise, R.A. The authority and
697513 is categorical in describing the civilian responsibility for the
character of the police force.14The only exercise of the
question now is whether Memorandum Circular mandate of the
No. 14, in vesting the Office of the Deputy Office of the
Ombudsman for the Military with jurisdiction to Ombudsman and
investigate complaints against members of the for the discharge of
PNP, violates the latter's civilian character. its powers and
functions shall be
As opined by the Office of the Solicitor General vested in the
in its Comment dated 7 December 199815, the Ombudsman, who
issue as to whether the Deputy Ombudsman shall have

supervision and individual cases involving non-military

control of the said personnel referred by the Ombudsman to the
Office. Deputy for Military Affairs" and does not apply
when, as in this case, there is a wholesale or
While Section 31 thereof declares: indiscriminate referral of such cases to the
Deputy Ombudsman for Military Affairs in the
Sec. 31. form of an Office Memorandum Circular.
Designation of
Investigators and Petitioner's arguments do not convince as
Prosecutors. — The there is no basis for the distinction.
Ombudsman may
utilize the personnel There is no basis in the above-cited decision to
of his office and/or limit the referral of cases involving non-military
designate or personnel to the Deputy Ombudsman for
deputize any fiscal, Military Affairs to isolated or individual cases.
state prosecutor to The Office of the Ombudsman, in issuing
assist in the Memorandum Circular No. 15, is simply
investigation and exercising the power vested in the
prosecution of Ombudsman "to utilize the personnel of his
certain cases. office and/or designate or deputize any fiscal,
Those designated state prosecutor or the or lawyer in the
or deputized to government service to act as special
assist him herein investigator or prosecutor to assist in the
shall be under his investigation and prosecution of certain cases."
supervision and This Court, absent any grave abuse of
control. discretion, may not enterfere with the exercise
by the Ombudsman of his power of supervision
Accordingly, the Ombudsman and control over the said Office.
may refer cases involving non-
military personnel for Petitioner further argues that Memorandum
investigation by the Deputy for Circular No. 14 violates the clear intent and
Military Affairs. In these cases at policy of the Constitution and of R.A. 6975 to
bench, therefore, no irregularity maintain the civilian character of the police
attended the referral by the force and "would render nugatory and
Acting Ombudsman of the meaningless the distinction between cases
Kurutong Baleleng case to involving civilian and military personnel and the
respondent Casaclang who, in creation of separate divisions of the
turn, created a panel of Ombudsman."19
Said contentions are misplaced.
The cited case is determinative of the issue.
However, petitioner, in his Reply to Comment The Deputy Ombudsman for the Military,
dated February 1, 1999, argues that the ruling despite his designation as such, is by no
in the Acop case is not on all fours with the means a member of the military establishment.
case at bar18. Petitioner states that the doctrine The said Office was established "to extend the
laid down in the said case is simply that "the Office of the Ombudsman to the military
Ombudsman may refer cases involving non- establishment just as it champions the
military personnel for investigation by the common people against bureaucratic
Deputy for Military Affairs. This doctrine, indifference". The Office was intended to help
petitioner argues, "applies only to isolated or the "ordinary foot soldiers" to obtain redress for

their grievances against higher authorities and afflictive or capital penalties, or

the drafters of the Constitution were aware that their equivalent.
the creation of the Office, which is seemingly
independent of the President, to perform In every case, the person
functions which constitutionally should be detained shall be informed of the
performed by the President, might be in cause of his detention and shall
derogation of the powers of the President as be allowed, upon his request, to
Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces20. communicate and confer at any
time with his attorney or counsel.
It must be borne in mind that the Office of the
Ombudsman was envisioned by the framers of In the case at bar, petitioner was arrested and
the 1987 Constitution as the "eyes and ears of detained at the Liloan Police Station on 7
the people"21 and "a champion of the citizen.22" September 1997 for an alleged violation of
Sec. 12, Art. XI of the 1987 Constitution R.A. 7610, specifically section 5 (b) thereof 23.
describes the Ombudsman and his deputies as This crime carries a penalty of reclusion
"protectors of the people." Thus, first and temporalin its medium period to reclusion
foremost, the Ombudsman and his deputies, perpetua, an afflictive penalty. Under these
including the Deputy Ombudsman for the circumstances, a criminal complaint or
Military owe their allegiance to the people and information should be filed with the proper
ordinary citizens, it is clearly not a part of the judicial authorities within thirty six (36) hours of
military. We fail to see how the assumption of his arrest.
jurisdiction by the said office over the
investigation of cases involving the PNP would As borne by the records before us the mother
detract from or violate the civilian character of of private complainant, Joan Gicaraya, filed a
the police force when precisely the Office of complaint on 8 September 1997 against
the Ombudsman is a civilian office. petitioner for violation of R.A. 7610 before the
7th Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Liloan,
The other issues raised by petitioner concerns Metro Cebu.
the application of Art. 125 of the Revised Penal
Code which provides as follows: Petitioner contends that the act of private
complainant in filing the complaint before the
Art. 125. Delay in the delivery of MCTC was for purposes of preliminary
detained persons to the proper investigation as the MCTC has no jurisdiction
judicial authorities. — The to try the offense. This act of private
penalties provided in the next complainant petitioner argues, was
preceding article shall be unnecessary, a surplusage which did not
imposed upon the public officer interrupt the period prescribed by Art.
or employee who shall detain any 12524 considering that under the Rules it is the
person for some legal ground and Regional Trial Court which has jurisdiction to
shall fail to deliver such person try the case against him. As such, upon the
for the proper judicial authorities lapse of the thirty-six hours given to the
within the period of: twelve (12) arresting officers to effect his delivery to the
hours, for crimes or offenses proper Regional Trial Court, private
punishable by light penalties, or respondents were already guilty of violating
their equivalent; eighteen (18) Art. 125. Thus, petitioner argues, when the
hours, for crimes or offenses Judge-Designate of the 7th MCTC issued a
punishable by correctional Commitment Order on September 12, 1997, he
penalties, or their equivalent; and was acting contrary to law since by then there
thirty-six hours (36) hours, for was no basis for the continued detention of
crimes or offenses punishable by petitioner.25

In addressing the issue, the Office of the instant case, conducts a preliminary
Deputy Ombudsman for the Military in its 13 investigation, he is not acting as a judge but as
April 1998 Order, stated that the duty of filing a fiscal. In support, petitioner cites the cases
the corresponding complaint in court was of Sangguniang Bayan ng Batac, Ilocos Norte
"fulfille by respondent when the formal vs. Albano, 260 SCRA 561, and Castillo vs.
complaint was filed on September 8, 1997 with Villaluz, 171 SCRA 39, where it was held that
the 7th MCTC of Liloan-Compostela, barely 20 "when a preliminary investigation is conducted
hours after the arrest of herein complainant of by a judge, he performs a non-judicial function
September 7, 1997."26 The Solicitor General, as an exception to his usual duties." Thus,
for his part, argues that while a municipal court petitioner opines, the ruling in Sayo v. Chief of
judge may conduct preliminary investigations Police of Manila, 80 Phil. 862, that the city
as an exception to his normal judicial duties, he fiscal is not the proper judicial authority
still retains the authority to issue an order of referred to in Art. 125 is applicable.
release or commitment. As such, upon the
filing of the complaint with the MCTC, there Petitioner's reliance on the cited cases is
was already compliance with the very purpose misplaced. The cited cases of Sangguniang
and intent of Art. 12527. Bayan and Castillo dealt with the issue of
whether or not the findings of the Municipal
The core issue is whether the filing of the Court Judge in a preliminary investigation are
complaint with the Municipal Trial Court subject to review by provincial and city fiscals.
constitutes to a "proper judicial authority" as There was no pronoucement in these cases as
contemplated by Art. 125 of the Revised Penal to whether or not a municipal trial court, in the
Code. exercise of its power to conduct preliminary
investigations, is a proper judicial authority as
Art. 125 of the Revised Penal Code is intended contemplated by Art. 125.
to prevent any abuse resulting from confining a
person without informing him of his offense and Neither can petitioner rely on the doctrine
without permitting him to go on bail28. More enunciated in Sayo vs. Chief of Police, supra,
specifically, it punishes public officials or since the facts of this case are different. In
employees who shall detain any person for Sayo, the complainant was filed with the city
some legal ground and shall fail to deliver such fiscal of Manila who could not issue an order of
person to the proper judicial authorities within release or commitment while in the instant
the periods prescribed by law. The continued case, the complaint was filed with a judge who
detention of the accused becomes illegal upon had the power to issue such an order.
the expiration of the periods provided for by Furthermore, in the Resolution denying the
Art. 125 without such detainee having been Motion for Reconsideration of the Sayo case31,
delivered to the corresponding judicial this Court even made a pronouncement that
authorities29. the delivery of a detained person "is a legal
one and consists in making a charge or filing a
The words "judicial authority" as contemplated complaint against the prisoner with the proper
by Art. 125 mean "the courts of justices or justice of the peace or judge of Court of First
judges of said courts vested with judicial power Instance in provinces, and in filing by the city
to order the temporary detention or fiscal of an information with the corresponding
confinement of a person charged with having city courts after an investigation if the evidence
committed a public offense, that is, the against said person warrants."
Supreme Court and other such inferior courts
as may be established by law.30" The power to order the release or confinement
of an accused is determinative of the issue. In
Petitioner takes great pains in arguing that contrast with a city fiscal, it is undisputed that a
when a municipal trial court judge, as in the municipal court judge, even in the performance

of his function to conduct preliminary

investigations, retains the power to issue an
order of release or commitment32. Furthermore,
upon the filing of the complaint with the
Municipal Trial Court, the intent behind art. 125
is satisfied considering that by such act, the
detained person is informed of the crime
imputed against him and, upon his application
with the court, he may be released on bail33.
Petitioner himself acknowledged this power of
the MCTC to order his release when he applied
for and was granted his release upon posting
bail34. Thus, the very purpose underlying
Article 125 has been duly served with the filing
of the complaint with the MCTC. We agree with
the postion of the Ombudsman that such filing
of the complaint with the MCTC interrupted the
period prescribed in said Article.

Finally, we note that it was the mother of

private complainant who filed the complaint
against petitioner with the 7th MCTC of Liloan,
Metro Cebu. If tere was any error in this
procedure, private respondents should not be
held liable. In the same manner, petitioner's
argument that the controversial orders issued
by the MCTC are contrary' to law does not give
rise to criminal liability on the part of the
respondents. Respondent police officers may
have rendered themselves open to sanctions if
they had released petitioners without the order
of the court, knowing fully well that a
complainant was a already filed with it.

WHEREFORE, finding no grave abuse of

discretion in the issuance of the assailed
January 19, 1998 Resolution and the April 13,
1998 Order of the Office of the Deputy
Ombudsman for the Military, the Court resolves
to DISMISS the petition. No pronouncement as
to costs.


G.R. Nos. 153524-25 January 31, 2005 warrant by respondents police officers
for alleged illegal possession of firearms
RODOLFO SORIA and EDIMAR and ammunition;
BISTA, petitioners,
vs. 2. Petitioner Soria was arrested for
HON. ANIANO DESIERTO in his capacity as alleged illegal possession of .38 cal.
Head of the Office of the Ombudsman, revolver (a crime which carries with it
HON. ORLANDO C. CASIMIRO in his the penalty of prision correccional in its
capacity as Deputy Ombudsman for maximum period) and for violation of
Military, P/INS. JEFFREY T. GOROSPE, Article 261 par. (f) of the Omnibus
SPO2 ROLANDO G. REGACHO, SPO1 Election Code in relation to the
ALFREDO B. ALVIAR, JR., PO3 JAIME D. Commission on Election Resolution No.
LAZARO, PO2 FLORANTE B. CARDENAS, 3328 (which carries the penalty of
PO1 JOSEPH A. BENAZA, SPO1 FRANKLIN imprisonment of not less than one [1]
D. CABAYA and SPO4 PEDRO year but not more than six [6] years);
PAREL, respondents.
3. Petitioner Bista was arrested for
DECISION alleged illegal possession of sub-
machine pistol UZI, cal. 9mm and a .22
CHICO-NAZARIO, J.: cal. revolver with ammunition;

Yet again, we are tasked to substitute our 4. Immediately after their arrest,
judgment for that of the Office of the petitioners were detained at the Santa,
Ombudsman in its finding of lack of probable Ilocos Sur, Police Station. It was at the
cause made during preliminary investigation. Santa Police Station that petitioner Bista
And, yet again, we reaffirm the time-honored was identified by one of the police
practice of non-interference in the conduct of officers to have a standing warrant of
preliminary investigations by our prosecutory arrest for violation of Batas Pambansa
bodies absent a showing of grave abuse of Blg. 6 issued by the Municipal Trial
discretion on their part. Court (MTC) of Vigan, Ilocos Sur,
docketed as Criminal Case No. 12272;
Petitioners, thru a special civil action
for certiorari,1 contend precisely that the public 5. The next day, at about 4:30 p.m. of
respondents herein – officers of the Office of 14 May 2001 (Monday and election
the Ombudsman – gravely abused their day), petitioners were brought to the
discretion in dismissing the complaint for residence of Provincial Prosecutor
violation of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Jessica Viloria in San Juan, Ilocos Sur,
Code (Delay in the delivery of detained before whom a "Joint-Affidavit" against
persons) against private respondents herein, them was subscribed and sworn to by
members of the Philippine National Police the arresting officers. From there, the
stationed at the Municipality of Santa, Ilocos arresting officers brought the petitioners
Sur. to the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office in
Vigan, Ilocos Sur, and there at about
From the respective pleadings2 of the parties, 6:00 p.m. the "Joint-Affidavit" was filed
the following facts appear to be indubitable: and docketed;

1. On or about 8:30 in the evening of 6. At about 6:30 in the evening of the

13 May 2001 (a Sunday and the day same day, 14 May 2001, petitioner
before the 14 May 2001 Elections 3 ), Soria was released upon the order of
petitioners were arrested without a Prosecutor Viloria to undergo the

requisite preliminary investigation, while 11. After considering the parties’

petitioner Bista was brought back and respective submissions, the Office of the
continued to be detained at the Santa Ombudsman rendered the first assailed
Police Station. From the time of Joint Resolution dated 31 January 2002
petitioner Soria’s detention up to the dismissing the complaint for violation of
time of his release, twenty-two (22) Art. 125 of the Revised Penal Code for
hours had already elapsed; lack of merit; and

7. On 15 May 2001, at around 2:00 in 12. On 04 March 2002, petitioners then

the afternoon, petitioner Bista was filed their motion for reconsideration
brought before the MTC of Vigan, Ilocos which was denied for lack of merit in the
Sur, where the case for violation of second assailed Resolution dated 25
Batas Pambansa Blg. 6 was pending. March 2002.
Petitioner Bista posted bail and an
Order of Temporary Release was issued Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code states:
Art. 125. Delay in the delivery of detained
8. At this point in time, no order of persons to the proper judicial authorities. - The
release was issued in connection with penalties provided in the next preceding article
petitioner Bista’s arrest for alleged illegal shall be imposed upon the public officer or
possession of firearms. At 4:30 in the employee who shall detain any person for
afternoon of the same day (15 May some legal ground and shall fail to deliver such
2001), an information for Illegal person to the proper judicial authorities within
Possession of Firearms and the period of: twelve (12) hours, for crimes or
Ammunition, docketed as Criminal Case offenses punishable by light penalties, or their
No. 4413-S, was filed against petitioner equivalent; eighteen (18) hours, for crimes or
Bista with the 4th Municipal Circuit Trial offenses punishable by correctional penalties,
Court of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. At 5:00 in or their equivalent; and thirty-six (36) hours, for
the afternoon, informations for Illegal crimes or offenses punishable by afflictive or
Possession of Firearms and Ammunition capital penalties, or their equivalent.
and violation of Article 261 par. (f) of the
Omnibus Election Code in relation to In every case, the person detained shall be
COMELEC Resolution No. 3328, informed of the cause of his detention and shall
docketed as Criminal Cases No. 2269-N be allowed, upon his request, to communicate
and No. 2268-N, respectively, were filed and confer at any time with his attorney or
in the Regional Trial Court at Narvacan, counsel.
Ilocos Sur;
It is not under dispute that the alleged crimes
9. On 08 June 2001, petitioner Bista for which petitioner Soria was arrested without
was released upon filing of bail bonds in warrant are punishable by correctional
Criminal Cases No. 2268-N and No. penalties or their equivalent, thus, criminal
4413-S. He was detained for 26 days. complaints or information should be filed with
the proper judicial authorities within 18 hours of
10. On 15 August 2001, petitioners filed his arrest. Neither is it in dispute that the
with the Office of the Ombudsman for alleged crimes for which petitioner Bista was
Military Affairs a complaint-affidavit for arrested are punishable by afflictive or capital
violation of Art. 125 of the Revised penalties, or their equivalent, thus, he could
Penal Code against herein private only be detained for 36 hours without criminal
respondents. complaints or information having been filed
with the proper judicial authorities.

The sole bone of contention revolves around Grave abuse of discretion is such capricious
the proper application of the 12-18-36 periods. and whimsical exercise of judgment on the part
With respect specifically to the detention of of the public officer concerned which is
petitioner Soria which lasted for 22 hours, it is equivalent to an excess or lack of
alleged that public respondents gravely erred jurisdiction.1awphi1.nét The abuse of
in construing Article 1254 as excluding discretion must be so patent and gross as to
Sundays, holidays and election days in the amount to an evasion of a positive duty or a
computation of the periods prescribed within virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by
which public officers should deliver arrested law, or to act at all in contemplation of law as
persons to the proper judicial authorities as the where the power is exercised in an arbitrary
law never makes such exception. Statutory and despotic manner by reason of passion or
construction has it that if a statute is clear and hostility.13
unequivocal, it must be given its literal meaning
and applied without any attempts at No grave abuse of discretion, as defined, can
interpretation.5 Public respondents, on the be attributed to herein public respondents.
other hand, relied on the cases of Medina v. Their disposition of petitioners’ complaint for
Orozco, Jr.,6 and Sayo v. Chief of Police of violation of Article 125 of the Revised Penal
Manila7 and on commentaries8 of jurists to Code cannot be said to have been conjured
bolster their position that Sundays, holidays out of thin air as it was properly backed up by
and election days are excluded in the law and jurisprudence. Public respondents
computation of the periods provided in Article ratiocinated thus:
125,9 hence, the arresting officers delivered
petitioners well within the allowable time. As aptly pointed out by the respondents insofar
as the complaint of Rodolfo Soria is concerned,
In addition to the foregoing arguments and with based on applicable laws and jurisprudence,
respect specifically to petitioner Bista, an election day or a special holiday, should not
petitioners maintain that the filing of the be included in the computation of the period
information in court against petitioner Bista did prescribed by law for the filing of
not justify his continuous detention. The complaint/information in courts in cases of
information was filed at 4:30 p.m. of 15 May warrantless arrests, it being a "no-office day."
2001 but the orders for his release were issued (Medina vs. Orosco, 125 Phil. 313.) In the
by the Regional Trial Court and Municipal Trial instant case, while it appears that the
Court of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, only on 08 June complaints against Soria for Illegal Possession
2001. They argued that based on law and of Firearm and Violation of COMELEC
jurisprudence, if no charge is filed by the Resolution No. 3328 were filed with the
prosecutor within the period fixed by law, the Regional Trial Court and Municipal Trial Court
arresting officer must release the detainee lest of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, only on May 15,
he be charged with violation of Article 200[1] at 4:30 p.m., he had already been
125.10 Public respondents countered that the released the day before or on May 14, 2001 at
duty of the arresting officers ended upon the about 6:30 p.m. by the respondents, as
filing of the informations with the proper judicial directed by Prov. Prosecutor Jessica [Viloria].
authorities following the rulings in Agbay v. Hence, there could be no arbitrary detention or
Deputy Ombudsman for the violation of Article 125 of the Revised Penal
11 12
Military , and People v. Acosta. Code to speak of.14

From a study of the opposing views advanced Indeed, we did hold in Medina v. Orozco,
by the parties, it is evident that public Jr.,15 that —
respondents did not abuse their discretion in
dismissing for lack of probable cause the . . . The arresting officer’s duty under the law
complaint against private respondents. was either to deliver him to the proper judicial

authorities within 18 hours, or thereafter for the filing of the complaint against him from
release him. The fact however is that he was the time of his arrest was tolled by one day
not released. From the time of petitioner’s (election day). Moreover, he has a standing
arrest at 12:00 o’clock p.m. on November 7 to warrant of arrest for Violation of B.P. Blg. 6 and
3:40 p.m. on November 10 when the it was only on May 15, 2001, at about 2:00
information against him for murder actually was p.m. that he was able to post bail and secure
in court, over 75 hours have elapsed. an Order of Release. Obviously, however, he
could only be released if he has no other
But, stock should be taken of the fact that pending criminal case requiring his continuous
November 7 was a Sunday; November 8 was detention.
declared an official holiday; and November 9
(election day) was also an official holiday. In The criminal Informations against Bista for
these three no-office days, it was not an easy Violations of Article 125, RPC and COMELEC
matter for a fiscal to look for his clerk and Resolution No. 3328 were filed with the
stenographer, draft the information and search Regional Trial Court and Municipal Trial Court
for the Judge to have him act thereon, and get of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, on May 15, 2001
the clerk of court to open the courthouse, (Annexes "G" and "I", Complaint-Affidavit of
docket the case and have the order of Edimar Bista) but he was released from
commitment prepared. And then, where to detention only on June 8, 2001, on orders of
locate and the uncertainty of locating those the RTC and MTC of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur
officers and employees could very well (Annexes "J" and "K", Complaint-Affidavit).
compound the fiscal’s difficulties. These are Was there a delay in the delivery of detained
considerations sufficient enough to deter us person to the proper judicial authorities under
from declaring that Arthur Medina was the circumstances? The answer is in the
arbitrarily detained. For, he was brought to negative. The complaints against him was (sic)
court on the very first office day following seasonably filed in the court of justice within
arrest. the thirty-six (36)-hour period prescribed by law
as discussed above. The duty of the detaining
And, in Sayo v. Chief of Police of Manila16 -- officers is deemed complied with upon the filing
of the complaints. Further action, like issuance
. . . Of course, for the purpose of determining of a Release Order, then rests upon the judicial
the criminal liability of an officer detaining a authority (People v. Acosta [CA] 54 O.G.
person for more than six hours prescribed by 4739).17
the Revised Penal Code, the means of
communication as well as the hour of arrest The above disposition is in keeping with Agbay
and other circumstances, such as the time of v. Deputy Ombudsman for the
surrender and the material possibility for the Military, wherein we ordained that –

fiscal to make the investigation and file in time

the necessary information, must be taken into . . . Furthermore, upon the filing of the
consideration. complaint with the Municipal Trial Court, the
intent behind Art. 125 is satisfied considering
As to the issue concerning the duty of the that by such act, the detained person is
arresting officer after the information has informed of the crime imputed against him and,
already been filed in Court, public respondents upon his application with the court, he may be
acted well within their discretion in ruling thus: released on bail. Petitioner himself
acknowledged this power of the MCTC to order
In the same vein, the complaint of Edimar Bista his release when he applied for and was
against the respondents for Violation of Article granted his release upon posting bail. Thus,
125, will not prosper because the running of the very purpose underlying Article 125 has
the thirty-six (36)-hour period prescribed by law been duly served with the filing of the

complaint with the MCTC. We agree with the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
position of the Ombudsman that such filing of petition dated 27 May 2002 is hereby
the complaint with the MCTC interrupted the DISMISSED for lack of merit. The Joint
period prescribed in said Article. Resolution dated 31 January 2002 and the
Order dated 25 March 2002 of the Office of the
All things considered, there being no grave Ombudsman are hereby AFFIRMED. No costs.
abuse of discretion, we have no choice but to
defer to the Office of the Ombudsman’s SO ORDERED.
determination that the facts on hand do not
make out a case for violation of Article 125 of Art. 126. Delaying release. — The penalties
the Revised Penal Code.l^ provided for in Article 124 shall be imposed
upon any public officer or employee who
As we have underscored in numerous delays for the period of time specified therein
decisions -- the performance of any judicial or executive
order for the release of a prisoner or detention
We have consistently refrained from interfering prisoner, or unduly delays the service of the
with the investigatory and prosecutorial powers notice of such order to said prisoner or the
of the Ombudsman absent any compelling proceedings upon any petition for the liberation
reason. This policy is based on constitutional, of such person.
statutory and practical considerations. We are
mindful that the Constitution and RA 6770 Art. 127. Expulsion. — The penalty of prision
endowed the Office of the Ombudsman with a correccional shall be imposed upon any public
wide latitude of investigatory and prosecutorial officer or employee who, not being thereunto
powers, virtually free from legislative, executive authorized by law, shall expel any person from
or judicial intervention, in order to insulate it the Philippine Islands or shall compel such
from outside pressure and improper influence. person to change his residence.
Moreover, a preliminary investigation is in
effect a realistic judicial appraisal of the merits ART III, SEC 7 CONSTITUTION
of the case. Sufficient proof of the guilt of the
accused must be adduced so that when the SECTION 7. The right of the people to
case is tried, the trial court may not be bound, information on matters of public concern shall
as a matter of law, to order an be recognized. Access to official records, and
acquittal. Hence, if the Ombudsman, using to documents, and papers pertaining to official
professional judgment, finds the case acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to
dismissible, the Court shall respect such government research data used as basis for
findings, unless clothed with grave abuse policy development, shall be afforded the
of discretion. Otherwise, the functions of the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be
courts will be grievously hampered by provided by law.
innumerable petitions assailing the dismissal of
investigatory proceedings conducted by the
Office of the Ombudsman with regard to
complaints filed before it. In much the same
way, the courts will be swamped with cases if
they will have to review the exercise of
discretion on the part of fiscals or prosecuting
attorneys each time the latter decide to file an
information in court or dismiss a complaint by a
private complainant.19 (Emphasis supplied)

B. VIOLATION OF DOMICILE SECTION 3. (1) The privacy of communication

and correspondence shall be inviolable except
Art. 128. Violation of domicile. — The upon lawful order of the court, or when public
penalty of prision correccional in its minimum safety or order requires otherwise as
period shall be imposed upon any public officer prescribed by law.
or employee who, not being authorized by
judicial order, shall enter any dwelling against (2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or
the will of the owner thereof, search papers or the preceding section shall be inadmissible for
other effects found therein without the previous any purpose in any proceeding.
consent of such owner, or having
surreptitiously entered said dwelling, and being RULES OF COURT RULE 126 SEC 8
required to leave the premises, shall refuse to
do so. Section 8. Search of house, room, or
premise to be made in presence of two
If the offense be committed in the night-time, or witnesses. — No search of a house, room, or
if any papers or effects not constituting any other premise shall be made except in the
evidence of a crime be not returned presence of the lawful occupant thereof or any
immediately after the search made by the member of his family or in the absence of the
offender, the penalty shall be prision latter, two witnesses of sufficient age and
correccional in its medium and maximum discretion residing in the same locality. (7a)

Art. 129. Search warrants maliciously

obtained and abuse in the service of those
legally obtained. — In addition to the liability
attaching to the offender for the commission of
any other offense, the penalty of arresto mayor
in its maximum period to prision correccional in
its minimum period and a fine not exceeding
P1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any
public officer or employee who shall procure a
search warrant without just cause, or, having
legally procured the same, shall exceed his
authority or use unnecessary severity in
executing the same.

CONSTI ART III SECTION 2. The right of the

people to be secure in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects against unreasonable
searches and seizures of whatever nature and
for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no
search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue
except upon probable cause to be determined
personally by the judge after examination
under oath or affirmation of the complainant
and the witnesses he may produce, and
particularly describing the place to be searched
and the persons or things to be seized.

G.R. No. L-19550 June 19, 1967 documents and/or papers showing all
business transactions including
HARRY S. STONEHILL, ROBERT P. disbursements receipts, balance sheets
BROOKS, JOHN J. BROOKS and KARL and profit and loss statements and
BECK, petitioners, Bobbins (cigarette wrappers).
HON. JOSE W. DIOKNO, in his capacity as as "the subject of the offense; stolen or
SECRETARY OF JUSTICE; JOSE LUKBAN, embezzled and proceeds or fruits of the
in his capacity as Acting Director, National offense," or "used or intended to be used as
Bureau of Investigation; SPECIAL the means of committing the offense," which is
PROSECUTORS PEDRO D. CENZON, described in the applications adverted to above
EFREN I. PLANA and MANUEL VILLAREAL, as "violation of Central Bank Laws, Tariff and
JR. and ASST. FISCAL MANASES G. Customs Laws, Internal Revenue (Code) and
REYES; JUDGE AMADO ROAN, Municipal the Revised Penal Code."
Municipal Court of Manila; JUDGE Alleging that the aforementioned search
HERMOGENES CALUAG, Court of First warrants are null and void, as contravening the
Instance of Rizal-Quezon City Branch, and Constitution and the Rules of Court —
JUDGE DAMIAN JIMENEZ, Municipal Court because, inter alia: (1) they do not describe
of Quezon City, respondents. with particularity the documents, books and
things to be seized; (2) cash money, not
Paredes, Poblador, Cruz and Nazareno and mentioned in the warrants, were actually
Meer, Meer and Meer and Juan T. David for seized; (3) the warrants were issued to fish
petitioners. evidence against the aforementioned
Office of the Solicitor General Arturo A. Alafriz, petitioners in deportation cases filed against
Assistant Solicitor General Pacifico P. de them; (4) the searches and seizures were
Castro, Assistant Solicitor General Frine C. made in an illegal manner; and (5) the
Zaballero, Solicitor Camilo D. Quiason and documents, papers and cash money seized
Solicitor C. Padua for respondents. were not delivered to the courts that issued the
warrants, to be disposed of in accordance with
CONCEPCION, C.J.: law — on March 20, 1962, said petitioners filed
with the Supreme Court this original action
Upon application of the officers of the for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus and
government named on the margin1 — injunction, and prayed that, pending final
hereinafter referred to as Respondents- disposition of the present case, a writ of
Prosecutors — several judges2 — hereinafter preliminary injunction be issued restraining
referred to as Respondents-Judges — issued, Respondents-Prosecutors, their agents and /or
on different dates,3 a total of 42 search representatives from using the effects seized
warrants against petitioners herein4 and/or the as aforementioned or any copies thereof, in the
corporations of which they were deportation cases already adverted to, and
5 that, in due course, thereafter, decision be
officers, directed to the any peace officer, to
search the persons above-named and/or the rendered quashing the contested search
premises of their offices, warehouses and/or warrants and declaring the same null and void,
residences, and to seize and take possession and commanding the respondents, their agents
of the following personal property to wit: or representatives to return to petitioners
herein, in accordance with Section 3, Rule 67,
Books of accounts, financial records, of the Rules of Court, the documents, papers,
vouchers, correspondence, receipts, things and cash moneys seized or confiscated
ledgers, journals, portfolios, credit under the search warrants in question.
journals, typewriters, and other

In their answer, respondents-prosecutors the corporations adverted to above, since the

alleged, 6 (1) that the contested search right to object to the admission of said papers
warrants are valid and have been issued in in evidence belongs exclusively to the
accordance with law; (2) that the defects of corporations, to whom the seized effects
said warrants, if any, were cured by petitioners' belong, and may not be invoked by the
consent; and (3) that, in any event, the effects corporate officers in proceedings against them
seized are admissible in evidence against in their individual capacity. 11 Indeed, it has
herein petitioners, regardless of the alleged been held:
illegality of the aforementioned searches and
seizures. . . . that the Government's action in
gaining possession of papers belonging
On March 22, 1962, this Court issued the writ to the corporation did not relate to nor
of preliminary injunction prayed for in the did it affect the personal defendants. If
petition. However, by resolution dated June 29, these papers were unlawfully seized
1962, the writ was partially lifted or dissolved, and thereby the constitutional rights of
insofar as the papers, documents and things or any one were invaded, they were the
seized from the offices of the corporations rights of the corporation and not the
above mentioned are concerned; but, the rights of the other defendants. Next, it is
injunction was maintained as regards the clear that a question of the lawfulness of
papers, documents and things found and a seizure can be raised only by
seized in the residences of petitioners herein. 7 one whose rights have been invaded.
Certainly, such a seizure, if unlawful,
Thus, the documents, papers, and things could not affect the constitutional rights
seized under the alleged authority of the of defendants whose property had not
warrants in question may be split into two (2) been seized or the privacy of whose
major groups, namely: (a) those found and homes had not been disturbed; nor
seized in the offices of the aforementioned could they claim for themselves the
corporations, and (b) those found and seized in benefits of the Fourth Amendment,
the residences of petitioners herein. when its violation, if any, was with
reference to the rights
As regards the first group, we hold that of another. Remus vs. United
petitioners herein have no cause of action to States (C.C.A.)291 F. 501, 511. It
assail the legality of the contested warrants follows, therefore, that the question of
and of the seizures made in pursuance thereof, the admissibility of the evidence based
for the simple reason that said corporations on an alleged unlawful search and
have their respective personalities, separate seizure does not extend to the personal
and distinct from the personality of herein defendants but
petitioners, regardless of the amount of shares embraces only the corporation whose
of stock or of the interest of each of them in property was taken. . . . (A
said corporations, and whatever the offices Guckenheimer & Bros. Co. vs. United
they hold therein may be.8 Indeed, it is well States, [1925] 3 F. 2d. 786, 789,
settled that the legality of a seizure can be Emphasis supplied.)
contested only by the party whose rights have
been impaired thereby,9 and that the objection With respect to the documents, papers and
to an unlawful search and seizure is purely things seized in the residences of petitioners
personal and cannot be availed of by third herein, the aforementioned resolution of June
parties. 10 Consequently, petitioners herein 29, 1962, lifted the writ of preliminary injunction
may not validly object to the use in evidence previously issued by this Court, 12 thereby, in
against them of the documents, papers and effect, restraining herein Respondents-
things seized from the offices and premises of

Prosecutors from using them in evidence no specific offense had been alleged in said
against petitioners herein. applications. The averments thereof with
respect to the offense committed
In connection with said documents, papers and were abstract. As a consequence, it
things, two (2) important questions need be was impossible for the judges who issued the
settled, namely: (1) whether the search warrants to have found the existence of
warrants in question, and the searches and probable cause, for the same presupposes the
seizures made under the authority thereof, are introduction of competent proof that the party
valid or not, and (2) if the answer to the against whom it is sought has
preceding question is in the negative, whether performed particular acts, or
said documents, papers and things may be committed specific omissions, violating a given
used in evidence against petitioners provision of our criminal laws. As a matter of
herein.1äwphï1.ñët fact, the applications involved in this case do
not allege any specific acts performed by
Petitioners maintain that the aforementioned herein petitioners. It would be the legal heresy,
search warrants are in the nature of general of the highest order, to convict anybody of a
warrants and that accordingly, the seizures "violation of Central Bank Laws, Tariff and
effected upon the authority there of are null Customs Laws, Internal Revenue (Code) and
and void. In this connection, the Revised Penal Code," — as alleged in the
Constitution 13provides: aforementioned applications — without
reference to any determinate provision of said
The right of the people to be secure in laws or
their persons, houses, papers, and
effects against unreasonable searches To uphold the validity of the warrants in
and seizures shall not be violated, and question would be to wipe out completely one
no warrants shall issue but upon of the most fundamental rights guaranteed in
probable cause, to be determined by the our Constitution, for it would place the sanctity
judge after examination under oath or of the domicile and the privacy of
affirmation of the complainant and the communication and correspondence at the
witnesses he may produce, and mercy of the whims caprice or passion of
particularly describing the place to be peace officers. This is precisely the evil sought
searched, and the persons or things to to be remedied by the constitutional provision
be seized. above quoted — to outlaw the so-called
general warrants. It is not difficult to imagine
Two points must be stressed in connection with what would happen, in times of keen political
this constitutional mandate, namely: (1) that no strife, when the party in power feels that the
warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, to minority is likely to wrest it, even though by
be determined by the judge in the manner set legal means.
forth in said provision; and (2) that the warrant
shall particularly describe the things to be Such is the seriousness of the irregularities
seized. committed in connection with the disputed
search warrants, that this Court deemed it fit to
None of these requirements has been amend Section 3 of Rule 122 of the former
complied with in the contested warrants. Rules of Court 14 by providing in its
Indeed, the same were issued upon counterpart, under the Revised Rules of
applications stating that the natural and Court 15 that "a search warrant shall not issue
juridical person therein named had committed but upon probable cause in connection with
a "violation of Central Ban Laws, Tariff and one specific offense." Not satisfied with this
Customs Laws, Internal Revenue (Code) and qualification, the Court added thereto a
Revised Penal Code." In other words,

paragraph, directing that "no search warrant damages against the searching officer, against
shall issue for more than one specific offense." the party who procured the issuance of the
search warrant and against those assisting in
The grave violation of the Constitution made in the execution of an illegal search, their criminal
the application for the contested search punishment, resistance, without liability to an
warrants was compounded by the description unlawful seizure, and such other legal
therein made of the effects to be searched for remedies as may be provided by other laws.
and seized, to wit:
However, most common law jurisdictions have
Books of accounts, financial records, already given up this approach and eventually
vouchers, journals, correspondence, adopted the exclusionary rule, realizing that
receipts, ledgers, portfolios, credit this is the only practical means of enforcing the
journals, typewriters, and other constitutional injunction against unreasonable
documents and/or papers showing all searches and seizures. In the language of
business transactions including Judge Learned Hand:
disbursement receipts, balance sheets
and related profit and loss statements. As we understand it, the reason for the
exclusion of evidence competent as
Thus, the warrants authorized the search for such, which has been unlawfully
and seizure of records pertaining to all acquired, is that exclusion is the only
business transactions of petitioners herein, practical way of enforcing the
regardless of whether the transactions constitutional privilege. In earlier times
were legal or illegal. The warrants sanctioned the action of trespass against the
the seizure of all records of the petitioners and offending official may have been
the aforementioned corporations, whatever protection enough; but that is true no
their nature, thus openly contravening the longer. Only in case the prosecution
explicit command of our Bill of Rights — that which itself controls the seizing officials,
the things to be seized knows that it cannot profit by their wrong
be particularly described — as well as tending will that wrong be repressed.18
to defeat its major objective: the elimination
of general warrants. In fact, over thirty (30) years before, the
Federal Supreme Court had already declared:
Relying upon Moncado vs. People's Court (80
Phil. 1), Respondents-Prosecutors maintain If letters and private documents can
that, even if the searches and seizures under thus be seized and held and used in
consideration were unconstitutional, the evidence against a citizen accused of an
documents, papers and things thus seized are offense, the protection of the 4th
admissible in evidence against petitioners Amendment, declaring his rights to be
herein. Upon mature deliberation, however, we secure against such searches and
are unanimously of the opinion that the position seizures, is of no value, and, so far as
taken in the Moncado case must be those thus placed are concerned, might
abandoned. Said position was in line with the as well be stricken from the
American common law rule, that the criminal Constitution. The efforts of the courts
should not be allowed to go free merely and their officials to bring the guilty to
"because the constable has punishment, praiseworthy as they are,
16 are not to be aided by the sacrifice of
blundered," upon the theory that the
constitutional prohibition against unreasonable those great principles established by
searches and seizures is protected by means years of endeavor and suffering which
other than the exclusion of evidence unlawfully have resulted in their embodiment in the
obtained, 17 such as the common-law action for fundamental law of the land.19

This view was, not only reiterated, but, also, the evidence seized in violation of its
broadened in subsequent decisions on the provisions. Even Wolf "stoutly adhered"
same Federal Court. 20After reviewing previous to that proposition. The right to when
decisions thereon, said Court held, in Mapp vs. conceded operatively enforceable
Ohio (supra.): against the States, was not susceptible
of destruction by avulsion of the
. . . Today we once again examine the sanction upon which its protection and
Wolf's constitutional documentation of enjoyment had always been deemed
the right of privacy free from dependent under the Boyd, Weeks and
unreasonable state intrusion, and after Silverthorne Cases. Therefore, in
its dozen years on our books, are led by extending the substantive protections of
it to close the only courtroom door due process to all constitutionally
remaining open to evidence secured by unreasonable searches — state or
official lawlessness in flagrant abuse of federal — it was logically and
that basic right, reserved to all persons constitutionally necessarily that the
as a specific guarantee against that very exclusion doctrine — an essential part
same unlawful conduct. We hold that all of the right to privacy — be also insisted
evidence obtained by searches and upon as an essential ingredient of the
seizures in violation of the Constitution right newly recognized by the Wolf
is, by that same authority, inadmissible Case. In short, the admission of the new
in a State. constitutional Right by Wolf could not
tolerate denial of its most important
Since the Fourth Amendment's right of constitutional privilege, namely, the
privacy has been declared enforceable exclusion of the evidence which an
against the States through the Due accused had been forced to give by
Process Clause of the Fourteenth, it is reason of the unlawful seizure. To hold
enforceable against them by the same otherwise is to grant the right but in
sanction of exclusion as it used against reality to withhold its privilege and
the Federal Government. Were it enjoyment. Only last year the Court
otherwise, then just as without the itself recognized that the purpose of the
Weeks rule the assurance against exclusionary rule to "is to deter — to
unreasonable federal searches and compel respect for the constitutional
seizures would be "a form of words," guaranty in the only effectively available
valueless and underserving of mention way — by removing the incentive to
in a perpetual charter of inestimable disregard it" . . . .
human liberties, so too, without that rule
the freedom from state invasions of The ignoble shortcut to conviction left
privacy would be so ephemeral and so open to the State tends to destroy the
neatly severed from its conceptual entire system of constitutional restraints
nexus with the freedom from all brutish on which the liberties of the people rest.
means of coercing evidence as not to Having once recognized that the right to
permit this Court's high regard as a privacy embodied in the Fourth
freedom "implicit in the concept of Amendment is enforceable against the
ordered liberty." At the time that the States, and that the right to be secure
Court held in Wolf that the amendment against rude invasions of privacy by
was applicable to the States through the state officers is, therefore constitutional
Due Process Clause, the cases of this in origin, we can no longer permit that
Court as we have seen, had steadfastly right to remain an empty promise.
held that as to federal officers the Fourth Because it is enforceable in the same
Amendment included the exclusion of manner and to like effect as other basic

rights secured by its Due Process not lose sight of the fact that the psychological
Clause, we can no longer permit it to be and moral effect of the possibility 21 of securing
revocable at the whim of any police their conviction, is watered down by the
officer who, in the name of law pardoning power of the party for whose benefit
enforcement itself, chooses to suspend the illegality had been committed.
its enjoyment. Our decision, founded on
reason and truth, gives to the individual In their Motion for Reconsideration and
no more than that which the Constitution Amendment of the Resolution of this Court
guarantees him to the police officer no dated June 29, 1962, petitioners allege that
less than that to which honest law Rooms Nos. 81 and 91 of Carmen Apartments,
enforcement is entitled, and, to the House No. 2008, Dewey Boulevard, House No.
courts, that judicial integrity so 1436, Colorado Street, and Room No. 304 of
necessary in the true administration of the Army-Navy Club, should be included
justice. (emphasis ours.) among the premises considered in said
Resolution as residences of herein petitioners,
Indeed, the non-exclusionary rule is contrary, Harry S. Stonehill, Robert P. Brook, John J.
not only to the letter, but also, to the spirit of Brooks and Karl Beck, respectively, and that,
the constitutional injunction against furthermore, the records, papers and other
unreasonable searches and seizures. To be effects seized in the offices of the corporations
sure, if the applicant for a search warrant has above referred to include personal belongings
competent evidence to establish probable of said petitioners and other effects under their
cause of the commission of a given crime by exclusive possession and control, for the
the party against whom the warrant is exclusion of which they have a standing under
intended, then there is no reason why the the latest rulings of the federal courts of federal
applicant should not comply with the courts of the United States. 22
requirements of the fundamental law. Upon the
other hand, if he has no such competent We note, however, that petitioners' theory,
evidence, then it is not possible for the Judge regarding their alleged possession of and
to find that there is probable cause, and, control over the aforementioned records,
hence, no justification for the issuance of the papers and effects, and the alleged "personal"
warrant. The only possible explanation (not nature thereof, has Been Advanced, not in their
justification) for its issuance is the necessity petition or amended petition herein, but in the
of fishing evidence of the commission of a Motion for Reconsideration and Amendment of
crime. But, then, this fishing expedition is the Resolution of June 29, 1962. In other
indicative of the absence of evidence to words, said theory would appear to be
establish a probable cause. readjustment of that followed in said petitions,
to suit the approach intimated in the Resolution
Moreover, the theory that the criminal sought to be reconsidered and amended.
prosecution of those who secure an illegal Then, too, some of the affidavits or copies of
search warrant and/or make unreasonable alleged affidavits attached to said motion for
searches or seizures would suffice to protect reconsideration, or submitted in support
the constitutional guarantee under thereof, contain either inconsistent allegations,
consideration, overlooks the fact that violations or allegations inconsistent with the theory now
thereof are, in general, committed By agents of advanced by petitioners herein.
the party in power, for, certainly, those
belonging to the minority could not possibly Upon the other hand, we are not satisfied that
abuse a power they do not have. Regardless of the allegations of said petitions said motion for
the handicap under which the minority usually reconsideration, and the contents of the
— but, understandably — finds itself in aforementioned affidavits and other papers
prosecuting agents of the majority, one must submitted in support of said motion, have

sufficiently established the facts or conditions

contemplated in the cases relied upon by the
petitioners; to warrant application of the views
therein expressed, should we agree thereto. At
any rate, we do not deem it necessary to
express our opinion thereon, it being best to
leave the matter open for determination in
appropriate cases in the future.

We hold, therefore, that the doctrine adopted in

the Moncado case must be, as it is hereby,
abandoned; that the warrants for the search of
three (3) residences of herein petitioners, as
specified in the Resolution of June 29, 1962,
are null and void; that the searches and
seizures therein made are illegal; that the writ
of preliminary injunction heretofore issued, in
connection with the documents, papers and
other effects thus seized in said residences of
herein petitioners is hereby made permanent;
that the writs prayed for are granted, insofar as
the documents, papers and other effects so
seized in the aforementioned residences are
concerned; that the aforementioned motion for
Reconsideration and Amendment should be,
as it is hereby, denied; and that the petition
herein is dismissed and the writs prayed for
denied, as regards the documents, papers and
other effects seized in the twenty-nine (29)
places, offices and other premises enumerated
in the same Resolution, without special
pronouncement as to costs.

It is so ordered.

G.R. No. L-64261 December 26, 1984 Chief Legal Officer, Presidential Security
Command, the Judge Advocate General, AFP,
JOSE BURGOS, SR., JOSE BURGOS, JR., the City Fiscal of Quezon City, their
BAYANI SORIANO and J. BURGOS MEDIA representatives, assistants, subalterns,
SERVICES, INC., petitioners, subordinates, substitute or successors" be
vs. enjoined from using the articles thus seized as
THE CHIEF OF STAFF, ARMED FORCES OF evidence against petitioner Jose Burgos, Jr.
THE PHILIPPINES, THE CHIEF, PHILIPPINE and the other accused in Criminal Case No. Q-
CONSTABULARY, THE CHIEF LEGAL 022782 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
OFFICER, PRESIDENTIAL SECURITY City, entitled People v. Jose Burgos, Jr. et al. 1
GENERAL, ET AL., respondents. In our Resolution dated June 21, 1983,
respondents were required to answer the
Lorenzo M. Tañada, Wigberto E. Tañada, petition. The plea for preliminary mandatory
Martiniano Vivo, Augusto Sanchez, Joker P. and prohibitory injunction was set for hearing
Arroyo, Jejomar Binay and Rene Saguisag for on June 28, 1983, later reset to July 7, 1983,
petitioners. on motion of the Solicitor General in behalf of
The Solicitor General for respondents.
At the hearing on July 7, 1983, the Solicitor
General, while opposing petitioners' prayer for
a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction,
ESCOLIN, J.: manifested that respondents "will not use the
aforementioned articles as evidence in the
Assailed in this petition for certiorari prohibition aforementioned case until final resolution of the
and mandamus with preliminary mandatory legality of the seizure of the aforementioned
and prohibitory injunction is the validity of two articles. ..." 2 With this manifestation, the prayer
[2] search warrants issued on December 7, for preliminary prohibitory injunction was
1982 by respondent Judge Ernani Cruz-Pano, rendered moot and academic.
Executive Judge of the then Court of First
Instance of Rizal [Quezon City], under which Respondents would have this Court dismiss
the premises known as No. 19, Road 3, Project the petition on the ground that petitioners had
6, Quezon City, and 784 Units C & D, RMS come to this Court without having previously
Building, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, sought the quashal of the search warrants
business addresses of the "Metropolitan Mail" before respondent judge. Indeed, petitioners,
and "We Forum" newspapers, respectively, before impugning the validity of the warrants
were searched, and office and printing before this Court, should have filed a motion to
machines, equipment, paraphernalia, motor quash said warrants in the court that issued
vehicles and other articles used in the printing, them. 3 But this procedural flaw
publication and distribution of the said notwithstanding, we take cognizance of this
newspapers, as well as numerous papers, petition in view of the seriousness and urgency
documents, books and other written literature of the constitutional issues raised not to
alleged to be in the possession and control of mention the public interest generated by the
petitioner Jose Burgos, Jr. publisher-editor of search of the "We Forum" offices, which was
the "We Forum" newspaper, were seized. televised in Channel 7 and widely publicized in
all metropolitan dailies. The existence of this
Petitioners further pray that a writ of special circumstance justifies this Court to
preliminary mandatory and prohibitory exercise its inherent power to suspend its
injunction be issued for the return of the seized rules. In the words of the revered Mr. Justice
articles, and that respondents, "particularly the Abad Santos in the case of C. Vda. de

Ordoveza v. Raymundo, 4 "it is always in the Hence, as soon as they could,

power of the court [Supreme Court] to suspend petitioners, upon suggestion of
its rules or to except a particular case from its persons close to the President,
operation, whenever the purposes of justice like Fiscal Flaminiano, sent a
require it...". letter to President Marcos,
through counsel Antonio Coronet
Respondents likewise urge dismissal of the asking the return at least of the
petition on ground of laches. Considerable printing equipment and vehicles.
stress is laid on the fact that while said search And after such a letter had been
warrants were issued on December 7, 1982, sent, through Col. Balbino V.
the instant petition impugning the same was Diego, Chief Intelligence and
filed only on June 16, 1983 or after the lapse of Legal Officer of the Presidential
a period of more than six [6] months. Security Command, they were
further encouraged to hope that
Laches is failure or negligence for an the latter would yield the desired
unreasonable and unexplained length of time results.
to do that which, by exercising due diligence,
could or should have been done earlier. It is After waiting in vain for five [5]
negligence or omission to assert a right within months, petitioners finally
a reasonable time, warranting a presumption decided to come to Court. [pp.
that the party entitled to assert it either has 123-124, Rollo]
abandoned it or declined to assert it. 5
Although the reason given by petitioners may
Petitioners, in their Consolidated Reply, not be flattering to our judicial system, We find
explained the reason for the delay in the filing no ground to punish or chastise them for an
of the petition thus: error in judgment. On the contrary, the
extrajudicial efforts exerted by petitioners quite
Respondents should not find evidently negate the presumption that they had
fault, as they now do [p. 1, abandoned their right to the possession of the
Answer, p. 3, Manifestation] with seized property, thereby refuting the charge of
the fact that the Petition was filed laches against them.
on June 16, 1983, more than half
a year after the petitioners' Respondents also submit the theory that since
premises had been raided. petitioner Jose Burgos, Jr. had used and
marked as evidence some of the seized
The climate of the times has documents in Criminal Case No. Q- 022872,
given petitioners no other choice. he is now estopped from challenging the
If they had waited this long to validity of the search warrants. We do not
bring their case to court, it was follow the logic of respondents. These
because they tried at first to documents lawfully belong to petitioner Jose
exhaust other remedies. The Burgos, Jr. and he can do whatever he pleases
events of the past eleven fill with them, within legal bounds. The fact that he
years had taught them that has used them as evidence does not and
everything in this country, from cannot in any way affect the validity or
release of public funds to release invalidity of the search warrants assailed in this
of detained persons from petition.
custody, has become a matter of
executive benevolence or Several and diverse reasons have been
largesse advanced by petitioners to nullify the search
warrants in question.

1. Petitioners fault respondent judge for his typographical error is more apparent than real.
alleged failure to conduct an examination The fact is that the place for which Search
under oath or affirmation of the applicant and Warrant No. 20- 82[b] was applied for was 728
his witnesses, as mandated by the above- Units C & D, RMS Building, Quezon Avenue,
quoted constitutional provision as wen as Sec. Quezon City, which address appeared in the
4, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court .6 This opening paragraph of the said
objection, however, may properly be warrant. 7 Obviously this is the same place that
considered moot and academic, as petitioners respondent judge had in mind when he issued
themselves conceded during the hearing on Warrant No. 20-82 [b].
August 9, 1983, that an examination had
indeed been conducted by respondent judge of In the determination of whether a search
Col. Abadilla and his witnesses. warrant describes the premises to be searched
with sufficient particularity, it has been held
2. Search Warrants No. 20-82[a] and No. 20- "that the executing officer's prior knowledge as
82[b] were used to search two distinct places: to the place intended in the warrant is relevant.
No. 19, Road 3, Project 6, Quezon City and This would seem to be especially true where
784 Units C & D, RMS Building, Quezon the executing officer is the affiant on whose
Avenue, Quezon City, respectively. Objection affidavit the warrant had issued, and when he
is interposed to the execution of Search knows that the judge who issued the warrant
Warrant No. 20-82[b] at the latter address on intended the building described in the affidavit,
the ground that the two search warrants And it has also been said that the executing
pinpointed only one place where petitioner officer may look to the affidavit in the official
Jose Burgos, Jr. was allegedly keeping and court file to resolve an ambiguity in the warrant
concealing the articles listed therein, i.e., No. as to the place to be searched." 8
19, Road 3, Project 6, Quezon City. This
assertion is based on that portion of Search 3. Another ground relied upon to annul the
Warrant No. 20- 82[b] which states: search warrants is the fact that although the
warrants were directed against Jose Burgos,
Which have been used, and are Jr. alone, articles b belonging to his co-
being used as instruments and petitioners Jose Burgos, Sr., Bayani Soriano
means of committing the crime of and the J. Burgos Media Services, Inc. were
subversion penalized under P.D. seized.
885 as amended and he is
keeping and concealing the same Section 2, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court,
at 19 Road 3, Project 6, Quezon enumerates the personal properties that may
City. be seized under a search warrant, to wit:

The defect pointed out is obviously a Sec. 2. Personal Property to be

typographical error. Precisely, two search seized. — A search warrant may
warrants were applied for and issued because be issued for the search and
the purpose and intent were to search two seizure of the following personal
distinct premises. It would be quite absurd and property:
illogical for respondent judge to have issued
two warrants intended for one and the same [a] Property subject
place. Besides, the addresses of the places of the offense;
sought to be searched were specifically set
forth in the application, and since it was Col. [b] Property stolen
Abadilla himself who headed the team which or embezzled and
executed the search warrants, the ambiguity other proceeds or
that might have arisen by reason of the

fruits of the offense; the case, the machineries in question, while in

and fact bolted to the ground remain movable
property susceptible to seizure under a search
[c] Property used or warrant.
intended to be used
as the means of 5. The questioned search warrants were
committing an issued by respondent judge upon application of
offense. Col. Rolando N. Abadilla Intelligence Officer of
the P.C. Metrocom.10 The application was
The above rule does not require that the accompanied by the Joint Affidavit of Alejandro
property to be seized should be owned by the M. Gutierrez and Pedro U. Tango, 11 members
person against whom the search warrant is of the Metrocom Intelligence and Security
directed. It may or may not be owned by him. Group under Col. Abadilla which conducted a
In fact, under subsection [b] of the above- surveillance of the premises prior to the filing of
quoted Section 2, one of the properties that the application for the search warrants on
may be seized is stolen property. Necessarily, December 7, 1982.
stolen property must be owned by one other
than the person in whose possession it may be It is contended by petitioners, however, that the
at the time of the search and seizure. abovementioned documents could not have
Ownership, therefore, is of no consequence, provided sufficient basis for the finding of a
and it is sufficient that the person against probable cause upon which a warrant may
whom the warrant is directed has control or validly issue in accordance with Section 3,
possession of the property sought to be seized, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution which
as petitioner Jose Burgos, Jr. was alleged to provides:
have in relation to the articles and property
seized under the warrants. SEC. 3. ... and no search warrant
or warrant of arrest shall issue
4. Neither is there merit in petitioners' assertion except upon probable cause to
that real properties were seized under the be determined by the judge, or
disputed warrants. Under Article 415[5] of the such other responsible officer as
Civil Code of the Philippines, "machinery, may be authorized by law, after
receptables, instruments or implements examination under oath or
intended by the owner of the tenement for an affirmation of the complainant
industry or works which may be carried on in a and the witnesses he may
building or on a piece of land and which tend produce, and particularly
directly to meet the needs of the said industry describing the place to be
or works" are considered immovable property. searched and the persons or
In Davao Sawmill Co. v. Castillo9 where this things to be seized.
legal provision was invoked, this Court ruled
that machinery which is movable by nature We find petitioners' thesis impressed with
becomes immobilized when placed by the merit. Probable cause for a search is defined
owner of the tenement, property or plant, but as such facts and circumstances which would
not so when placed by a tenant, usufructuary, lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to
or any other person having only a temporary believe that an offense has been committed
right, unless such person acted as the agent of and that the objects sought in connection with
the owner. the offense are in the place sought to be
searched. And when the search warrant
In the case at bar, petitioners do not claim to applied for is directed against a newspaper
be the owners of the land and/or building on publisher or editor in connection with the
which the machineries were placed. This being publication of subversive materials, as in the

case at bar, the application and/or its the individual making the affidavit and seeking
supporting affidavits must contain a the issuance of the warrant, of the existence of
specification, stating with particularity the probable cause." As couched, the quoted
alleged subversive material he has published averment in said joint affidavit filed before
or is intending to publish. Mere generalization respondent judge hardly meets the test of
will not suffice. Thus, the broad statement in sufficiency established by this Court in Alvarez
Col. Abadilla's application that petitioner "is in case.
possession or has in his control printing
equipment and other paraphernalia, news Another factor which makes the search
publications and other documents which were warrants under consideration constitutionally
used and are all continuously being used as a objectionable is that they are in the nature of
means of committing the offense of subversion general warrants. The search warrants
punishable under Presidential Decree 885, as describe the articles sought to be seized in this
amended ..." 12 is a mere conclusion of law wise:
and does not satisfy the requirements of
probable cause. Bereft of such particulars as 1] All printing equipment,
would justify a finding of the existence of paraphernalia, paper, ink, photo
probable cause, said allegation cannot serve (equipment, typewriters, cabinets,
as basis for the issuance of a search warrant tables, communications/recording
and it was a grave error for respondent judge equipment, tape recorders,
to have done so. dictaphone and the like used
and/or connected in the printing
Equally insufficient as basis for the of the "WE FORUM" newspaper
determination of probable cause is the and any and all documents
statement contained in the joint affidavit of communication, letters and
Alejandro M. Gutierrez and Pedro U. Tango, facsimile of prints related to the
"that the evidence gathered and collated by our "WE FORUM" newspaper.
unit clearly shows that the premises above-
mentioned and the articles and things above- 2] Subversive documents,
described were used and are continuously pamphlets, leaflets, books, and
being used for subversive activities in other publication to promote the
conspiracy with, and to promote the objective objectives and piurposes of the
of, illegal organizations such as the Light-a-Fire subversive organization known
Movement, Movement for Free Philippines, as Movement for Free
and April 6 Movement." 13 Philippines, Light-a-Fire
Movement and April 6 Movement;
In mandating that "no warrant shall issue and,
except upon probable cause to be determined
by the judge, ... after examination under oath 3] Motor vehicles used in the
or affirmation of the complainant and the distribution/circulation of the "WE
witnesses he may produce; 14 the Constitution FORUM" and other subversive
requires no less than personal knowledge by materials and propaganda, more
the complainant or his witnesses of the facts particularly,
upon which the issuance of a search warrant
may be justified. In Alvarez v. Court of First 1] Toyota-Corolla,
Instance, 15 this Court ruled that "the oath colored yellow with
required must refer to the truth of the facts Plate No. NKA 892;
within the personal knowledge of the petitioner
or his witnesses, because the purpose thereof
is to convince the committing magistrate, not

2] DATSUN pick-up government to suppress any newspaper or

colored white with publication that speaks with "the voice of non-
Plate No. NKV 969 conformity" but poses no clear and imminent
danger to state security.
3] A delivery truck
with Plate No. NBS As heretofore stated, the premises searched
524; were the business and printing offices of the
"Metropolitan Mail" and the "We Forum
4] TOYOTA- newspapers. As a consequence of the search
TAMARAW, colored and seizure, these premises were padlocked
white with Plate No. and sealed, with the further result that the
PBP 665; and, printing and publication of said newspapers
were discontinued.
5] TOYOTA Hi-Lux,
pick-up truck with Such closure is in the nature of previous
Plate No. NGV 427 restraint or censorship abhorrent to the
with marking freedom of the press guaranteed under the
"Bagong Silang." fundamental law, 18 and constitutes a virtual
denial of petitioners' freedom to express
In Stanford v. State of Texas 16 the search themselves in print. This state of being is
warrant which authorized the search for patently anathematic to a democratic
"books, records, pamphlets, cards, receipts, framework where a free, alert and even militant
lists, memoranda, pictures, recordings and press is essential for the political enlightenment
other written instruments concerning the and growth of the citizenry.
Communist Party in Texas," was declared void
by the U.S. Supreme Court for being too Respondents would justify the continued
general. In like manner, directions to "seize any sealing of the printing machines on the ground
evidence in connectionwith the violation of that they have been sequestered under
SDC 13-3703 or otherwise" have been held too Section 8 of Presidential Decree No. 885, as
general, and that portion of a search warrant amended, which authorizes "the sequestration
which authorized the seizure of any of the property of any person, natural or
"paraphernalia which could be used to violate artificial, engaged in subversive activities
Sec. 54-197 of the Connecticut General against the government and its duly constituted
Statutes [the statute dealing with the crime of authorities ... in accordance with implementing
conspiracy]" was held to be a general warrant, rules and regulations as may be issued by the
and therefore invalid. 17 The description of the Secretary of National Defense." It is doubtful
articles sought to be seized under the search however, if sequestration could validly be
warrants in question cannot be characterized effected in view of the absence of any
differently. implementing rules and regulations
promulgated by the Minister of National
In the Stanford case, the U.S. Supreme Courts Defense.
calls to mind a notable chapter in English
history: the era of disaccord between the Tudor Besides, in the December 10, 1982 issue of
Government and the English Press, when the Daily Express, it was reported that no less
"Officers of the Crown were given roving than President Marcos himself denied the
commissions to search where they pleased in request of the military authorities to sequester
order to suppress and destroy the literature of the property seized from petitioners on
dissent both Catholic and Puritan Reference December 7, 1982. Thus:
herein to such historical episode would not be
relevant for it is not the policy of our

The President denied a request Art. 131. Prohibition, interruption and

flied by government prosecutors dissolution of peaceful meetings. — The
for sequestration of the WE penalty of prision correccional in its minimum
FORUM newspaper and its period shall be imposed upon any public officer
printing presses, according to or employee who, without legal ground, shall
Information Minister Gregorio S. prohibit or interrupt the holding of a peaceful
Cendana. meeting, or shall dissolve the same.

On the basis of court orders, The same penalty shall be imposed upon a
government agents went to the public officer or employee who shall hinder any
We Forum offices in Quezon City person from joining any lawful association or
and took a detailed inventory of from attending any of its meetings.chanrobles
the equipment and all materials in virtual law library
the premises.
The same penalty shall be imposed upon any
Cendaña said that because of the public officer or employee who shall prohibit or
denial the newspaper and its hinder any person from addressing, either
equipment remain at the disposal alone or together with others, any petition to
of the owners, subject to the the authorities for the correction of abuses or
discretion of the court. 19 redress of grievances.chanrobles virtu

That the property seized on December 7, 1982 CONSTI ART IIII SECTION 4. No law shall be
had not been sequestered is further confirmed passed abridging the freedom of speech, of
by the reply of then Foreign Minister Carlos P. expression, or of the press, or the right of the
Romulo to the letter dated February 10, 1983 people peaceably to assemble and petition the
of U.S. Congressman Tony P. Hall addressed government for redress of grievances.
to President Marcos, expressing alarm over the
"WE FORUM " case. 20 In this reply dated SECTION 5. No law shall be made respecting
February 11, 1983, Minister Romulo stated: an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof. The free exercise and
2. Contrary to reports, President enjoyment of religious profession and worship,
Marcos turned down the without discrimination or preference, shall
recommendation of our forever be allowed. No religious test shall be
authorities to close the paper's required for the exercise of civil or political
printing facilities and confiscate rights.
the equipment and materials it
uses. 21 SECTION 6. The liberty of abode and of
changing the same within the limits prescribed
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, Search by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful
Warrants Nos. 20-82[a] and 20-82[b] issued by order of the court. Neither shall the right to
respondent judge on December 7, 1982 are travel be impaired except in the interest of
hereby declared null and void and are national security, public safety, or public health,
accordingly set aside. The prayer for a writ of as may be provided by law.
mandatory injunction for the return of the
seized articles is hereby granted and all SECTION 7. The right of the people to
articles seized thereunder are hereby ordered information on matters of public concern shall
released to petitioners. No costs. be recognized. Access to official records, and
to documents, and papers pertaining to official
SO ORDERED. acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to
government research data used as basis for

policy development, shall be afforded the PEOPLE VS. MANDORIAO, JR.

citizen, subject to such limitations as may be
provided by law. C.A., 51 O.G. 4619

SECTION 8. The right of the people, including FACTS: The Iglesiani Cristo held a religious
those employed in the public and private rally at a public place in Baguio. About 200
sectors, to form unions, associations, or people attended the meeting, about 50 of
societies for purposes not contrary to law shall whom were members of the Iglesiani Cristo but
not be abridged. the rest were outsiders and curious listeners.
While Salvio, a minister of Iglesiani Cristo, was
expounding on his topic to the effect that Christ
is not God, but only man, the crowd became
Art. 132. Interruption of religious worship.
— The penalty of prision correccional in its unruly. Some people urged Mandoriao to go up
minimum period shall be imposed upon any the stage and have a debate with Salvio.
public officer or employee who shall prevent or Mandoriao however, was not able to speak
disturb the ceremonies or manifestations of before the microphone because the wire
any religion. connecting it was abruptly disconnected.

If the crime shall have been committed with ISSUE: Whether or not the meeting was a
violence or threats, the penalty shall be prision religious ceremony.
correccional in its medium and maximum HELD: The meeting here was not a religious
periods. ceremony. A religious meeting is an
“assemblage of people meeting for the purpose
CONSTI ART III SECTION 5. No law shall be
of performing acts of adoration to the Supreme
made respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The Being, or to perform religious services in
free exercise and enjoyment of religious recognition of God as an object of worship…”
profession and worship, without discrimination The meeting here was not limited to the
or preference, shall forever be allowed. No members of the Iglesiani Cristo. The supposed
religious test shall be required for the exercise prayers and singing of hymns were merely
of civil or political rights. incidental because the principal object of the
rally was to persuade new converts to their
OFFENDING THE RELIGIOUS FEELINGS religion. Assuming that the rally was a religious
ceremony, the appellant cannot be said to
Art. 133. Offending the religious feelings. — have performed acts or uttered words offensive
The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum to the feelings of the faithful. The act
period to prision correccional in its minimum
complained of must be directed against a
period shall be imposed upon anyone who, in a
dogma or ritual, or upon an object of
place devoted to religious worship or during the
celebration of any religious ceremony shall veneration. There was no object of veneration
perform acts notoriously offensive to the at the meeting.
feelings of the faithful.

Reyes Book II, page 80:

When the application of the Iglesiani Cristo
was to hold the meeting at a public place and
the permit expressly stated that the purpose
was to hold a religious rally, what was held on

that occasion was not a religious ceremony, Lumban, Province of Laguna,

even if a minister was then preaching (“that Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
Jesus Christ was not God but only a man”). this court, the aforesaid accused, while
The rally was attended by persons who are not holding the funeral of one who in life
members of the sect. was called Antonio Macabigtas, in
accordance with the rites of religious
Reyes Book II, page 81: sect known as the "Church of Christ",
willfully, unlawfully, and criminally
Remarks that those who believed that Christ is caused the funeral to pass, as it in fact
God are anti-Christ, that all the members of the passed, through the chruchyard fronting
Roman Catholic Church are marked by the the Roman Catholic Church, which
demon, and that the Pope is the Commander churchyard belongs to the said Church,
of Satan are notoriously offensive to the which churchyard belongs to the said
feelings of the faithful. Church and is devoted to the religious
worship thereof, against the opposition
of the undersigned complainant who,
through force and threats of physical
G.R. No. L-46000 May 25, 1939 violence by the accused, was compelled
to allow the funeral to pass through the
THE PEOPLE OF THE said churchyard. An act committed in
PHILIPPINES, appellee, grave profanation of the place, in open
vs. disregard of the religious feelings of the
JOSE M. BAES, appellant. Catholics of this municipality, and in
violation of article 133 of the Revised
Crispin Oben for appellant. Penal Code.
Guillermo B. Guevarra for defendants-
appellees. (Sgd.) JOSE M.A. BAES
No appearance for plaintiff-appellee. Parish Priest
(Here follow the affidavit and the list of
This appeal was given due course by the Court witnesses.)
of First Instance of Laguna by virtue of a writ
of mandamus issued by this court in G.R. No. The accused pleaded not guilty and waived the
45780. The facts are the following: In the preliminary investigation. Before the case was
justice of the peace court of the municipality of remanded to the Court of First Instance of
Lumban, Province of Laguna, a complaint was Laguna, the complainant filed a sworn
filed of the following tenor: statement regarding other points so that the
provincial fiscal may have full knowledge of the
The undersigned Parish Priest of the facts and of the witnesses who could testify
Roman Catholic Church in the parish thereon. Upon the remand of the case to the
and municipality of Lumban, Province of court, the fiscal, instead of filing the
Laguna, upon being duly sworn, corresponding information, put in the following
charges Enrique Villaroca, Alejandro motion for dismissal:
Lacbay and Bernardo del Rosario with
an offense against religion committed as The complainant is the parish priest of
follows: the Roman Catholic Church of Lumban,
Laguna. The said priest charges the
That on April 14, 1937, at about 9 accused with having caused, through
o'clock a.m., in this municipality of force, intimidation and threats, the

funeral of one belonging to the Church the church, and is devoted to the religious
of Christ to pass through the churchyard services of said church, and it is through this
of the Church. Apparently, the offense churchyard that the accused, over the
consists in that the corpse was that of objection of the parish priest and through force
one who belonged to the Church of and intimidation, caused to pass the funeral of
Christ. one under the rites of the religious sect known
as the Church of Christ. Had the fiscal not
The undersigned is of the opinion that omitted this essential part, he would not have
the fact act imputed to the accused does come to the conclusion that the acts
not constitute the offense complained of complained of do not constitute the crime
considering the spirit of article 133 of the defined and penalized by article 133 of the
Revised Penal Code. At most they might Revised Penal Code.
be chargeable with having threatened
the parish priest, or with having passed Moreover, the fiscal, in his aforesaid motion,
through a private property without the denies that the unlawful act committed by the
consent of the owner. Justice Albert, accused had offended the religious feelings of
commenting on the article, has this to the Catholics of the municipality in which the
say: "An act is said to be notoriously act complained of took place. We believe that
offensive to the religious feelings of the such ground of the motion is indefensible. As
faithful when a person ridicules or the fiscal was discussing the sufficiency of the
makes light of anything constituting a facts alleged in the complaint, he cannot deny
religious dogma; works or scoffs at any of them, but must admit them, although
anything devoted to religious hypothetically, as they are alleged. The motion
ceremonies; plays with or damages or raises a question of law, not one of fact. In the
destroys any object of veneration by the second place, whether or of the act complained
faithful." The mere act of causing the of is offensive to the religious feelings of the
passage through the churchyard Catholics, is a question of fact which must be
belonging to the Church, of the funeral judged only according to the feelings of the
of one who in life belonged to the Catholics and not those of other faithful ones,
Church of Christ, neither offends nor for it is possible that certain acts may offend
ridicules the religious feelings of those the feelings of those who profess a certain
who belong to the Roman Catholic religion, while not otherwise offensive to the
Church. feelings of those professing another faith. We,
therefore, take the view that the facts alleged in
Sustaining the foregoing motion, the court by the complaint constitute the offense defined
an order of August 31, 1937, dismissed the and penalized in article 133 of the Revised
case, reserving, however, to the fiscal the right Penal Code, and should the fiscal file an
to file another information for the crime found information alleging the said facts and a trial be
to have been committed by the accused. thereafter held at which the said facts should
be conclusively established, the court may find
From this order, the plaintiff appealed, which the accused guilty of the offense complained
appeal was denied but thereafter given due of, or that of coercion, or that of trespass under
course by the court by virtue of an order of this article 281 of the Revised Penal Code, as may
court. be proper, pursuant to section 29 of General
Orders, No. 58.
The appealed order is based upon the motion
to dismiss filed by the fiscal. This officer The appealed order is reversed and the fiscal
questions the sufficiency of the facts alleged in is ordered to comply with his duty under the
the complaint, but omits an essential part law, without pronouncement as to the costs.
thereof, to wit, that the churchyard belongs to

People of the Philippines vs. Epifanio of Php50 with subsidiary imprisonment

Nanoy, alias Nanie (02-24-1972) in the case of insolvency.
GR No. 10365-CR  Accused appealed, arguing that the
Ponente: Santiago B. Buslon, J. offense, if any is unjust vexation.
Action: APPEAL from a judgment of the MTC
of Jetafe, Bohol ISSUE/S
1. WON the TC erred in convicting Nanoy
SHORT STORY: Nanoy, who was allegedly of disturbance or interruption of a
drunk, entered into the chapel of the religious ceremony.
congregation of the Assembly of God while it  WON the offense was unjust
was having its afternoon services and vexation.
attempted to grab the song leader. As a result,
everyone ran out of the church and the RULES
religious services were discontinued. He was  Art. 133. Offending the religious
charged with the crime of offending religious
feelings. The penalty of arresto mayor
feelings. After appeal, the court held that he
in its maximum period to
was only guilty of unjust vexation
prisioncorreccional in its minimum
FACTS: period shall be imposed upon anyone
 While the congregation of the Assembly who, in a place devoted to religious
of God was having its afternoon worship or during the celebration of any
services in its chapel, accused religious ceremony, shall perform acts
EpifanioNanoy, who was drunk, entered notoriously offensive to the feelings of
with uplifted hands, approached the faithful.
LevitaLapura, the song leader, and  There must be deliberate intent to hurt
attempted to grab her. the feelings of the faithful.
 LevitaLepura ran away from Nanoy.
Romeo Zafra, also a member of said ANALYSIS
congregation, held the accused and led 1. YES. The appellant did NOT perform
him outside the church. acts notoriously offensive to the feelings
 The other members of the sect also ran of the faithful. Neither did he cause such
out of the church and the religious a serious disturbance as to interrupt or
services were discontinued. disturb the services of the said
 Accused was charged with the crime of congregation. That he had no intention
offending religious feelings penalized of interrupting the services was
under Art. 133 of the RPC. The shown by the fact that appellant allowed
complaint alleged that he had the himself to be led outside the church by
intention of stopping the said rite in an ZomeoZafra.
unholy manner.
 Trial court found Nanoy guilty of CONCLUSION/HELD/DISPOSITIVE:
disturbance or interruption of a religious Decision MODIFIED. Accused-appellant guilty
ceremony, penalized under A153 of the of only unjust vexation and sentenced to pay
RPC and sentenced him to 10 months a fine of Php100 with subsidiary imprisonment
and 21 days of imprisonment, plus a fine in case of insolvency.

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