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Main Data Structure (Global settings)

Byte Parameter Range/Description

0 Active Preset 00-99 (factory presets), followed by 100-199 (user presets)
1 Active Drumbeat 00-99
2 Guit/Drm Bal 0 (G50) to 50 (EQU) to 100 (D50), plus 101 (SEP)
3 Footswitch 1 asn Foot switch 1 assignment. Legal codes are:
33: Increment Drumbeat
34: Decrement Drumbeat
36: Increment Preset
40: Decrement Preset
48: Tap Tempo
80: Start/Stop
35:View Drumbeat
76: Tuner
193: Amp On/Off
194: FX On/Off
196: Delay On/Off
200: Reverb On/Off
4 Footswitch 2 asn Foot switch 2 assignment. Same as for foot switch 1.
5 FX Sync source 0 – internal MIDI clock, external clock ignored
1 – external MIDI clock (internal if no external clock present) (power-up default)
6 FX Input Source Controls the hardware audio signal routing (power-up default = 0)

Mode Normal Mode Processor In Diag Mode Left/Right Out Left/Right Analog Out

0 Guitar Guitar/Mic Mic

1 Mic Guitar/Mic Guitar

2 N/A USB L/R None

3 N/A Guitar/Mic None

4 N/A 0/0 Note

5 N/A USB L/R Mic+Guitar

Note 1: All modes pass the USB input to the L/R analog outputs.
Note 2: The Input/Playback knob determines the mix of digital and analog output.
7 Gate 0 (off) or On1 - On9 (9 gate thresholds)
8 Send MIDI Clock
0 - do not send (power-up default)
1 - send out MIDI System Realtime messages,
9 Link Drumbeat 1 – ON: when new preset is selected, set Active Drumbeat to preset’s Link Drumbeat
0 – OFF: don’t
10 Tempo Source 0 – PRESET: when new preset is selected, copy preset’s tempo over global tempo
1 – DRUMBEAT: when new drumbeat is selected, copy drumbeat’s tempo over global tempo
2 – GLOBAL: no tempo change on preset or drumbeat load
11 Global Tempo This is the tempo setting that is always used to determine the current playing tempo. If Tempo Source is set to Preset, then when a
new preset is selected, its Preset Tempo is copied over Global Tempo. If Tempo Source is set to Drumbeat, then when a new preset
is selected, its Drumbeat Tempo is copied over Global Tempo.
12 MIDI channel 0 (receive on all channels) or 1-16 (receive on single channel). Note: always set to 0 to receive on all channels; Midi input channel
filter exists on PC “control panel” application. (power-up default = 0)
13-15 Reserved

User Guide ♦ 54

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