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Nonpartisan Group Files Anti-Corruption Amendment

North Dakotans for Public Integrity to Ellen, bcc: me 10:11 AM

Wanted to give you a heads up that North Dakotans for Public Integrity filed two additional versions of the North Dakota Anti-Corruption
Amendment with the Secretary of State today.

Based on public input, two additional versions of the Anti-Corruption Amendment were created and will be explored to get more
feedback from North Dakotans. We will decide soon on just one version of the Anti-Corruption Amendment to pursue based on the
preferences of North Dakotans.

All three versions of the Anti-Corruption Amendment include the same six common sense accountability reforms:

1. Increasing transparency: Requires that all significant amounts of money raised or spent to influence elections be fully
disclosed and placed online for the public to see.
2. Preventing personal use of campaign money: Protects the ban on personal use of campaign contributions for personal
expenses by enshrining it in the constitution.
3. Banning lobbyist gifts: Restricts lobbyist gifts to public officials.
4. Banning foreign money from elections: Prohibits campaign contributions and election spending by foreign countries,
foreign corporations, and foreign nationals.
5. Closing the revolving door: Bans elected public officials from also serving as lobbyists, and makes it illegal for public
officials to take jobs as lobbyists for two years after leaving office.
6. Rooting out conflicts of interest: Strengthens conflict-of-interest rules for members of state agencies.

The differences between the three versions are about how best to enforce those rules. The first version filed on January 31 includes an
ethics commission with a specific budget and dedicated funding source for ethics law enforcement. The second version filed today
includes an ethics commission with a requirement that the legislature adequately fund ethics law enforcement. The third version does
not include an ethics commission or any funding requirements.

Our press release from Jan. 31 is below and we continue to stand by that message.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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