Energy in Architecture 1

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Assignment - 2


A Research Paper

Presented to Arch. MICHELLE PERNIA, Faculty of the Graduate School

Mapua University

Intramuros, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

ARSA 221: Energy in Architecture




March 5, 2018
Energy use in the Philippines vs developed countries and

other similar economies

Based on the results of the 2011 Household Energy Consumption Survey

(HECS), electricity remains as the most common source of energy used by households
in the Philippines.The energy supplied to this electricity came mostly from wind and
solar power plkants The other sources used by a significant proportion of households
include fuelwood, charcoal, LPG and kerosene with at least one-third of the total
households. The same is true with US, but only fossil fuels provided about 81% of
the energy used, including the energy to generate most of their electricity

Based on the results of the survey, there was a shift in the household's preference on
the source of energy from non-conventional to conventional types of fuel. Specifically,
the proportion of households using fuelwood reduced from 63.5 percent to 55.3
percent; the proportion of households using charcoal from 38.5 percent to 34.2
percent; and those using biomass residues had the biggest decrease from 29.2 percent
to 18.9 percent. It reflected the more accessibility of supply of petroleum products
such as LPG under oil deregulated condition.

Among the types of fuel, electricity registered the greatest proportion of household
users, ranging from 90 percent to 98 percent, across the income class except in the
lowest range of less than P5,000 average family income (Table 2). Approximately 80
percent of the households whose average family monthly income was less than P5,000
used kerosene and/or fuelwood.

Next to electricity, LPG was recorded as the next fuel used by most of the households
in the higher income groups of P10,000 to P14,999 (73.1%), P15,000 to P24,999
(85.2%) and P25,000 and over (89.7%).

The charcoal was used by more than one-fourth but less than one-half of the
households across the income class.

The proportion of households using gasoline and diesel went up in proportion with the
family income. The number of gasoline users more than doubled compared to diesel
users for all income class.

As the household income class increased, the level of kerosene, fuelwood and biomass
residues users declined.

Electricity provided lighting to 92.1 percent of the 14.6 million households who
reported to be users of electricity (Table 3). Eighty percent of the electricity users used
fluorescent lamps with an average annual consumption of 132 KWh; 53.4 percent
used incandescent lamps, an average of 79 KWh; and 36.9 percent used compact
fluorescent lamps, an average of 63 KWh (Table 4). Sixteen percent of the households
used other lamps such as Christmas lights, tiffany and neon lights, which consumed
around 2.8 KWh per month or 34 KWh for the whole year.

The second major use of electricity was for household recreation as reported by 85.4
percent of the total household electricity users. Among the electric appliances for
household recreation, colored television recorded the biggest usage at 80.4 percent.
The use of VHS, betamax, laser disc, DVD or CD ranked second with 24.7 percent of
household electricity users. Only a few (4.0 percent) used black and white TV for
viewing. In terms of average annual consumption, each household consumed about
210 KWh for colored TV; 92 KWh for black and white TV; and 55 KWh for VHS,
betamax, laser disc, DVD or CD.

Role of the Building Sector in Improving the Energy Efficiency of the

The Philippine energy sector is evolving towards a liberalized and private-sector led
market structure as reflected in the updated Philippine Energy Plan for 2000-2009
(PEP 2000). Under the PEP, the Government’s role is increasingly being confined to
implementation of strategic activities such as rural electrification, energy efficiency
and sustainable energy policies to address climate change. Furthermore, the country
is once again hit by increasing oil prices thus the Philippine Government is
strengthening its programs on indigenous and renewable energy resource
development, energy efficiency and conservation not only to reduce its dependence
on imported fuels for its energy need but also for sustainable development.

Indigenous and renewable energy resources are expected to account for about 49.4%
of the country’s energy mix by year 2004 up from 42.2% in 2000. The energy
efficiency program likewise is foreseen to reduce about 88.2 million barrels of fuel oil
equivalent (MMBFOE) of the total energy demand which is equivalent to about 613
megawatts of avoided generating capacity during the ten-year planning period. This
paper therefore presents an overview of the Philippine energy efficiency and other
clean energy related programs.(

Apec members, the world’s biggest producers and consumers of energy, have been
urged to discuss the government interventions needed to lessen the effects of climate
change through energy efficiency. The Philippines is not far behind in this regard: The
Department of Energy has already come up with an Energy Efficiency Roadmap and
a corresponding action plan that will be undertaken in 2016-2020. This roadmap is
envisioned to be the master plan in achieving energy efficiency and in bringing
conservation programs and activities to higher levels. It also defines the government’s
role in coming up with a range of measures—mainly legislative orders and decrees
targeting energy-saving programs—to improve energy efficiency. The action plan sets
its sights on energy-intensive sectors such as transportation, industry, and commercial
and residential sectors.

The Philippines has been quite aggressive in the field of renewable energy. In fact, it
was already the second biggest geothermal producer in the world with 1,868
megawatts of installed capacity as of 2013, equivalent to 10.78 percent of its total
installed power capacity. The Philippines is also aiming to more than double the
renewable-energy-installed capacity to 15,300 mega-watts by 2030 from 5,542 MW in

Energy efficiency and savings are not new to the Philippines. It enacted the Energy
Conservation Law in 1980 following the world oil crisis and embargo in 1973-1978;
the Electric Power Crisis Act of 1993 and adoption of independent power producers
(IPPs) in 1994 following the shortage of power supply starting 1991; and the Electric
Power Industry Reform Act in 2001 and the Government Energy Management Program
in 2004 to address the high cost of electricity starting 2000 and the high oil prices in
2003. It also filed the energy efficiency and conservation bill in 2013 to address the
anticipated power supply shortage this year.

In 2004, Administrative Order No. 110 institutionalized a government energy

management program that sought to reduce the government’s monthly consumption
of electricity (in kilowatt-hours) and petroleum products (in liters) by at least 10
percent. Savings from September 2005 to March 2013 amounted to P2 billion (P1.7
billion on electricity and P274 million on fuel). A follow-up Administrative Order No.
183 in 2007 directed the use of energy-efficient lighting system in government

Earlier, the DOE issued a circular requiring all power-hungry establishments in the
industrial, commercial and transport sectors to submit quarterly energy consumption
reports and an annual energy conservation program report. The government also has
an annual energy efficiency award, a recognition given to companies with significant
energy savings achieved through the implementation of energy-efficient technologies
and measures. In 2013, the program generated savings of 56 million LOE (liters of oil
equivalent) and monetary savings of P2.4 billion and more than 90 million kilos of
avoided carbon dioxide from 58 commercial and industrial establishments.
Passive Design Systems That Can Be Applied To Improve

Energy Efficiency of the Philippines

Published by the Tukod Foundation, the Mañosa and Company’s corporate social
responsibility arm, the book focuses on design elements inspired by traditional Filipino
houses that make these homes sustainable and environment-friendly, such as passive
cooling through natural ventilation, natural lighting and the use of indigenous materials.

Many of the homes featured also make use of green technology, such as solar panels,
energy-efficient lighting, and high-tech glass that actually repels solar rays. As a result,
despite being high-end luxury living spaces, these houses consume much less energy
and water than typical homes in the same price range.

I. Passive cooling:

A. Use light colors for your home’s exterior.

“One of the biggest mistakes a person can make in a country like ours is to use
dark colors for external walls,” says Gelo. Dark colors absorb the sun’s energy and
retain heat for much longer. Stick to light colors, which reflect the heat from the sun
and keep it away from your home.

Photo courtesy of Tagô by Mañosa Properties

B. Insulate your building envelope.

The building envelope is the physical separator between the interior and the
exterior environments of a structure. “A well-insulated building envelope gives
you less heat gain, so your home cools faster and your appliances don’t have
to work as hard,” Gelo points out.

Insulating an already existing structure can be costly, depending on the

method you choose – but it’s well worth the investment in the long run. “If
you’re looking for a quick and relatively economical fix to an existing roof,
look into a polyurethane foam spray for your roof,” he suggests. Aside from
waterproofing, it also helps to insulate your home from the sun’s heat.”

C. Allow for cross ventilation.

Cross ventilation is a natural form of wind ventilation that drives air from openings at
one side of a structure through to the other. Its success depends on the tightness of
the building envelope, the position and size of your openings (windows, doors,
vents) as well as the path in between the two sides of the house.

Photo courtesy of Tagô by Mañosa Properties

“Naturally, you need to know beforehand the direction in which the wind blows. And
of course, it goes without saying that cross ventilation is only effective if you actually
keep your openings OPEN,” Gelo says.

D. Play with squeeze points.

When wind enters through a smaller opening and exits through a bigger opening,
that’s a ‘squeeze point.’ This creates a natural vacuum which increases wind velocity.
“We usually incorporate squeeze points into our designs, but in an existing home, you
can actually create the same effect by opening the window or door receiving the
breeze a little less than the one on the opposite wall.” One just needs to understand
where the wind comes from at different times of the year, as the wind changes
depending on the month.
Photo courtesy of Tagô by Mañosa Properties

E. Let the prevailing wind enter at an oblique angle.

You get better air circulation when the wind enters the opening of your structure at
an oblique angle of about 45-50 degrees. When wind passes through an oblique
angle, it causes interior air to be more turbulent, allowing air to hit the corners of
the structure.

Photo courtesy of Tagô by Mañosa Properties

F. Create a stack effect.
A stack effect is when warmer, lighter indoor air is displaced by cooler and denser
outdoor air. If you create an opening high in the building and another low in the
building, this causes a natural flow. If the air inside your structure is hotter than the
air outside, the stack effect will make it float out the top opening, to be replaced
with cooler air from outside.

Take advantage of the “stack effect”: Warm air rises as cooler air comes in. Placing
vents along the ceiling allows warm air to escape, resulting in cooler interiors.

Photo courtesy of Tagô by Mañosa Properties

G. Landscape.

Let air pass through shaded areas to keep the air cool. Trees, if properly placed, can
be used to cool incoming air. Vegetation can also be used to funnel wind and free air
movement maintained around the structure.

Plants and grass also greatly reduce ground temperature, compared to hard surfaces
like concrete which have more heat gain.
Water installations, such as koi ponds can lower the ambient temperature by as much
as one full degree through evaporative cooling. Situate them so they cool the air as it
enters the house.

Photo courtesy of Tagô by Mañosa Properties

II. Natural lighting:

Situate windows and doors to make full use of natural sunlight and minimize the need
for artificial light.

Solar tubes and skylights are a low-cost solution for interior parts of the house without
accessible windows.

When you do use artificial light, use energy-efficient LED or compact fluorescent bulbs.

III. Water management:

One way to conserve precious drinking water is to install a “grey” water system, which
is basically a tank or cistern for collecting rainwater and used water from drains. Grey
water can be used for irrigating plants, flushing toilets and washing cars.

Pool water can also be recycled if you use salt instead of chlorine as a disinfectant.

Select plants that require minimal irrigation.

IV. Carbon footprint:

Be mindful of the environmental impact your home creates during its construction.
Local indigenous materials have a much smaller carbon footprint than imported

Use recycled or repurposed material whenever feasible, such as adobe from the
foundation work, or planking from previous structures.Set aside as much of the land
area as you can for greenery. Use low volatile organic compound (VOC) paint; it’s better
for the environment.

V. Passive cooling techniques through reflective and radiative roofs in

tropical houses

Geetha and Velraj (2012) developed a very clear framework for the strategies of
passive cooling, which generally fall into three categories: (i) heat
prevention/reduction, (decreasing heat gains), (ii) thermal moderation (modifying
heat gains), and (iii) heat dissipation (removing internal heat).
Emerging technology in Active Space Cooling

We can apply in the Philippines

I. Heat Pumps vs Conventional Air Conditioning

A. How They Differ

Both of the systems are considered a type of heat pump as they transfer (or
pump) heat from inside the structure to the outside to cool inside temperatures.
The major difference between the two is that a heat pump can reverse its
direction and transfer heat from the outside to raise indoor temperatures by
utilizing a reversing valve built into the compressor. A conventional air
conditioning system must rely on electric resistant heat strips within the air
handler or utilize furnace heat to produce/distribute warm air.

B. How They Work

While heat pumps and conventional air conditioners differ, they rely on the same
principals to condition inside air temperatures. Both systems utilize a compressor
to compress refrigerant contained within the system. Inside the compressor, gas
is compressed, causing its temperature to rise significantly. The gas then flows
through the condensing coil where it cools to ambient temperature. As the gas
enters the evaporator coil—located inside the house—it expands, causing its
temperature to rapidly drop and cool the evaporator coil.
C. Choosing the Best Option

Choosing between a conventional central ac system and a heat pump depends

on several factors with the most notable being your climate. Areas of the country
subjected to temperatures 40-degrees and lower for extended periods are not
ideal for heat pump installation. The reason being is as the temperature drops,
heat pumps work harder to maintain desired comfort levels. This results in more
energy use, driving up your utility bill.

D. Energy Efficiency

Since heat pump HVAC systems are more energy efficient than conventional air
conditioners, purchasing one of these systems may qualify you for a tax incentive
or rebate from the federal government, state, or local utility company, which will
reduce the overall cost of the system.

Since the cooling capacities of both a heat pump and conventional air conditioner
are about the same, the heating capacity should carry the most weight when
choosing one system over the other. Conventional air conditioners are less
expensive to purchase, maintain, and operate, while heat pumps provide
conditioned air more efficiently which reduces monthly energy costs. The coldest
regions of the country—those with extended periods below 40-degrees—are
better suited with conventional air conditioning supplemented with an alternative
heating source. Regions of the country with milder winters are ideal locations for
heat pump installation.

E. Heat Pump and Conventional AC System Costs

While most heat pump systems are only about 5-percent higher than the base
cost of conventional air conditioners, you can expect to pay slightly more for heat
pump installation. Since heat pumps handle both cooling and heating, they run
year round—which shortens their lifespan significantly when compared to a
conventional air conditioner which could also lead to higher prices for service
contracts through your HVAC contractor and affect the overall warranty due to
the wear and tear on the system.

II. Inverter AC vs Non-Inverter AC

A. Eco friendly

The biggest difference between inverter and non-inverter AC is the fact that the motor
of the inverter compressor has a variable speed. The speed of the non-invertor
compressor is fixed. This means that it operates either at full or minimum speed. A
censor in the invertor adjusts the power according to the temperature in the room,
lowering the electrical consumption and saving energy.

B. Saving money
Due to the sophisticated operational method of the invertor, its compressor does not
work at its full capacity all the time. When the speed is lower, the needed energy is
lower too and you pay less money for electricity.

C. More quite sound

As the compressor motor of the inverter air conditioner does not turn on and off all
the time, but keeps working at low power, the operation is more quite.

D. Longer life

The technology of the inverters not only makes cooling and heating more efficient,
but it also makes the AC’s life longer.

E.Faster Cooling/Heating
Last but not least, the inverter AC is able to cool or heat your room faster than the
non-inverter. This is due to the fact that in the beginning of the process, the inverter
uses more power than the non-inverter and diminish the power when it gets close to
the desired temperature.

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