A. What Have You Contributed To The Group Report?

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A. What have you contributed to the group report?

I helped to calculate the values for the report, tidy a little of the referencing page, help to collate and
upload the income statement and balance sheets.

B. How did you research for information?

I googled the company, and went to the official website to download the annual report. I read
through the report three times throughout the duration of the project to find specific details
needed. I referred to online accounting pages and lecture slides to guide me through the different
formulas for different equations.

C. What have you learnt from doing this group project?

I have learnt that communication is key. There was earlier misunderstanding within my group due to
not only poor communication on my part but everybody’s part. There was a need to clarify things as
soon as possible, least it affect the progress of the group project. Also learnt that it is important to
keep tabs on the progress of the group project, so that it is easier to keep things up to date or
correct mistakes on time. It is also essential for me to be more willing to work things out rather than
giving up on my group. I was kept away from working on the report by my group members for
unknown reasons, I gave up after a few attempt to get myself involved. Instead of giving up, I should
have approached them again to make sure things worked out. I am thankful that the group project
did eventually worked out in the end. If I could do this project all over again, I would make sure I
don’t make the same mistake that I did.

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