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SOC SCI 104 – Basic Economics d. ALL of the above are correct.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (2 pts each) 6. A government fulfills a protective function when it

1. Your roommate leaves trash in your room. The trash doesn’t bother her, a. taxes some citizens in order to provide income transfers to others.
but you would be willing to pay P400 to live in a clean room. Your b. provides funds for flood control projects and builds highways.
opportunity cost of cleaning the trash would be P500, but hers would be c. prevents illegal seizure of private property.
only P300. Which would be economically efficient? d. established and enforces minimum wage laws.
a. You leave a dead mouse in her bed as punishment for her behavior.
b. You offer to pay her P300 to clean up the trash.
c. You clean up the trash yourself. 7. Which of the following is the best example of a public good?
d. You do nothing and live with the trash. a. an amusement park like Disney World
b. a civic center owned and operated by the government
2. Which of the following does NOT affect a consumer's demand curve for c. a state university
cotton shirts? d. a regional flood control project
a. the consumer’s income
b. expectations about future clothing prices 8. The political structure that is most consistent with economic growth and
c. current fashion progress is
d. manufacturing costs a. rule by the majority.
b. a dictatorship.
3. A perfectly competitive market is efficient, partly because c. limited government, protection of individuals from aggression by
a. those with the lowest costs sell the goods. others, and decentralized political decision-making.
b. those willing to pay the most obtain the goods. d. centralization of power in the hands of an elected legislature and a
c. goods are produced if and only if the value to president or prime minister.
the consumer exceeds the cost of production.
d. ALL of the above II. ESSAY – (Please write legibly. Answer that cannot be read properly will not
be graded.)
4. From the point of view of most economists, which of the following cost 1. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of economic growth. (10 pts)
types should be included in the price of gasoline? 2. A consumer wants to buy a television set. She is deciding between a
a. the cost of congestion on public streets and roads standard model with a 19” screen or a more expensive deluxe model with a
b. the cost of pollution bigger screen and a built-in DVD player. How can she use cost-and-benefit
c. the cost of maintenance for public streets and roads analysis to help her choose? (8 pts)
d. ALL of the above 3. The government of Country A does not subsidize haircuts for its citizens
but it does subsidize public education. From an economic standpoint, explain
5. Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. Then the more elastic is why this is a reasonable position for the government. (6 pts)
the supply of the good,
a. the larger is the tax burden on sellers relative to BONUS: Name, draw, and describe your favorite mythical creature. (3 pts)
the tax burden on buyers.
b. the smaller is the response of quantity supplied
to the tax.
c. the larger is the deadweight loss of the tax.

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