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MJ Smith

COMM 235
Obama 2004 Keynote Speech Arrangement
“His father, my grandfather was a domestic servant, a cook for the British”- Obama uses ethos
here to paint a picture of a humble background
“They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessing. Believing that in a tolerant America,
your name is no barrier to success” – This establishes him as an outsider and also hints at some
of the struggles he may have had to face being an African American in the society that we live in
“Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation”- Barack is establishing the idea that
the legitimacy of our great nation is at risk at that it is the job of everyone right now to defend
the name of that great nation
“And fellow Americans, I say we have more work to do”- This quote just demonstrates Barack
telling the audience that in fact the nation is far from currently being seen as great. So basically,
establishing that the current status quo needs to change.
“John Carey believes in an America where all Americans can afford the same health coverage”
– This is a quiet jab by Barack at one of many differing opinions between the democratic way of
thinking and the republican campaigns
“He knows that it is not enough for just some of us to prosper”- this just another one of the times
that Barack highlights the different basic values between the candidate he is supporting, John
Carey, and the other side, George W. Bush.
“There is a believe that we are all connected as one people”- This is where Obama begins to
introduce the argument that the only way to better the nation is by doing it together, no two sides
or various groups.
“It is that fundamental believe; I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper, that makes
this country work”- Barack blatantly lays his argument out there that the only way the country
will work is if everyone works together, which is what he has stated is his candidates goal, and
not the opposing sides.
“Even as we speak there are those who are preparing to divide us, spin masters, the negative ad
peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes”- this is a direct call out to the republican
party. He breaks down their “idea” of politics and paints them as almost immature little children
who actually know nothing about how to redeem the country.
“Well I say to them tonight there is not a liberal America, and a conservative America, there is a
United States of America” – He places his political party on the side of the “true” America and
takes the sense of division that the other side seems to have created and turns it against them.

“Do we partake in the politics of cynicism, or do we partake in the politics of hope”- Here
Obama returns to the idea of hope being a powerful thing that he introduced at the beginning of
his speech.
“It’s the hope of slaves sitting around the fire singing freedom songs”- This is Barack tying up
the thread weaved throughout his speech of how he is an African American man, an underdog,
and descended from people who did truly hope, and hoped so hard that he is able to stand there
on that stage.

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