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Agenda : Open-discussion

Meeting date : 15/09/2017

 Children’s day and deepavali celebration will be celebrated together

 Age 3 please practice dance outside
 Deepavali board in charge T.Alvienna and all the teachers please help together. Board
should be completed before 4th October 2017
 Update deepavali and children’s day celebration activity ideas to T. Deviga before 29th
September and T.Deviga should update sir by 30th September
 Parents teachers meeting on 23rd September, 8am. Teachers please wear formal attire
(office wear).
 Pack all term 3 books by Wednesday, 20th September. Keep it in claas and sir will collect
 Monday, 18th September onwards T.Shamini and aunty must shower daycare children’s
and T.Deviga will take care of food for daycare children’s at age 4 classroom.
 Teachers should have your own books during every meeting
 Lesson plan should be at office everyday and should be prepared by every Friday.
T.Deviga will check the submission of lesson plan books.
 Do not give too much of homeworks to children’s, plan your lesson plan accordingly.
 Every Monday should do readers after assembly
 Please collect new readers books if finish, do not wait until principal checks reading
 Please send the mc before 7.30am, after 7.30am mc is not accepted
 All the teachers must clean their own classroom by 12pm.
 Please re-check term 3 books, if any mistakes found from marking , penalty of RM5 will
be charged from each teachers salary according to class.
Meeting Attended by, Prepared by :…………….


Names & sign of teachers (1) : (Asst.Principal)

(2) :

(3) : Approved by : ……………...

(4) : Mr.Siva

(5) : (Management)

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