Test 1

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1. Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

Terry couldn’t understand why his printer was not _________ properly.
The politician said that the government was currently __________ on a new policy to combat crime
in the inner city.
Tania had the job of ________ through a large pile of documents that needed checking before
forwarded to another department.

The latest ______ of the magazine contains a feature about guitar making.
The most serious ______ that the two sides in the case had to resolve involved an alleged breach of
The main _______ for the family to decide was not whether to buy that new car, but whether to pay
cash for it or not.

The clear blue sky promised _______ weather for the rest of the day.
The twins’ hair couldn’t have been more different: Jane’s was dark and Sue’s was ______.
Ronald didn’t think it was _______ of his parents to let his older brother go out while he had to stay
at home.

Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn’t _______ that you’ll be one, too.
To get to the campsite, ________ the road round to the left and then turn right opposite the
Millions of viewers _________ the fortunes of the characters in the soap opera every week.

Although her students saw the funny side of their teacher’s story, the accident was no laughing
We’d been trying to solve the problem all afternoon, but Sylvia managed to find a solution within a
_______ of minutes.
Everyone looked upset, but nobody would tell me what the ______ was.
2. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits into the space next to it!

There is an _______________________ (ARGUE) that _______________________ (RECYCLE)

may have some unforeseen negative effects. Of course, it would be a major
_______________________ (ACHIEVE) if we were able to increase _______________________
(AWARE) to the threat of the environment caused by _______________________ (POLLUTE) and
the _______________________ (BURN) of fossil fuels. However, if the public’s only
_______________________ (INVOLVE) in ecological issues is taking their newspapers and bottles
to a recycling point, we may only be creating the _______________________ (APPEAR) of
_______________________ (IMPROVE).
If they have to drive any _______________________ (DISTANT) to the recycling point, for
example, it might mean the _______________________ (CONSUME) of more energy than is saved.
In addition, if people feel that they are making their _______________________ (CONTRIBUTE)
to the environment, they might not put so much _______________________ (PRESS) on large
_______________________ (ORGANISE) to encourage the _______________________
(DEVELOP) of safer, less damaging forms of _______________________ (PRODUCE).

It seems that when _________ (ENTHUSE) go to see a waterfall, they expect to see a serious amount
of water. And Niagara is _______________(DISPUTABLE) the biggest waterfall in North America
in terms of volume, and this perhaps explains its appeal. Tourists who appreciate waterfalls for their
shear __________________(BREATH) beauty, however, know that Niagara’s continental neighbor,
Iguacu Falls, on the border between Brazil and Argentina, is by far the most
_____________(SPECTACLE). Visitors are rewarded not only by an ____________ (AWE) display
of raw water power, but also by the ____________(ROUND) rainforest.
3. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. “Come quickly!”
She ______________________________________________________________
2. “Did you arrive before seven?”
She ______________________________________________________________
3. “How was your holiday?”
She ______________________________________________________________
4. “I would have visited the hospital, if I had known you were sick”
She ______________________________________________________________
5. “Don't touch!”
She ______________________________________________________________
6. “Do you usually cook at home?”
She ______________________________________________________________
7. “They had never been to Scotland until last year”
She ______________________________________________________________
8. “Make sure you arrive early!”
She ______________________________________________________________
9. “I should have studied harder for the exam”
She ______________________________________________________________
10. “Would you mind telling me how to get to the art gallery, please?”
She ______________________________________________________________
11. “Please don’t forget my book”
She ______________________________________________________________
12. “Make sure you arrive at six!”
She ______________________________________________________________
13. “Remember to study hard!”
She ______________________________________________________________
14. “Where do you want to eat tonight?”
She ______________________________________________________________
15. “I usually drink coffee in the mornings”
She ______________________________________________________________
16. “Do you like studying English?”
She ______________________________________________________________
17. “I’ll come and help you on Saturday”
She ______________________________________________________________
18. “Please buy some bread on your way home”
She ______________________________________________________________
19. “Please give this to John”
She ______________________________________________________________
20. “Could you give me the glass on the table, please?”
She ____________________________________________________________

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