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' The mobile phone is one of the great inventions in 20* century.

We cannot imagine our life without the mobile

phone. It is obviously a truth that using mobile phones can give us a lot of benefits in all aspects but it can
also cause some trouble in a specific situation. This essay will explain about the advantages and
dísadvantages of using mobile phones with some examples.
Using a mobile phone can contribute our communication to make easier than before, 30 years ago people
should take a landline phone or go to a public telephone box to make a call. In addition to that, 50 years ago, we
should post a mail or visit someone to communicate. However, in recent times, we can contact with people who
live abroad in seconds. It is not only a mobile phone but also a to calculator, a MP3 player, a Computer because
people can use it to call to other, calculate, listen to music, arrange the schedule, surf on the internet, check e-mail
and so on. The advantages of mobile phones will increase day by day in the future.
However people should know that something that can broadcast electro-magnetic wave it might really have
some bad influence to our health, including the mobile phone. The scientists must show that people using a
mobile phone frequently could have more risk to get ears and fingers diseases. In addition electro-magnetic wave
from a mobile phone can cause more diseases like epilepsy and especially brain cancer. We can also see some
rude people who speak loudly in pubic places, in particular in libraries, trains and theaters.
20 In conclusion we must consider the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone. We can use it in a right way

to protect ourselves. There is nothing too bad, just the way we use it make it worse.

A. UNDERSTANDING A TEXT. Read the text and do the foiiowing activities.

a. Befbre readíng the text, answer these questions.

^^ ^
1. What can you do with a mobüe phone? ^€Q^^*
2. What peopie shouidnT do with a mobüe phone?
3. What wiii happen in the future with technoiogy?

The mobüe phone is one of the great inventions in 20* century. We cannot imagine our iife without
the mobüe phone. It is obviousiy a truth that using mobüe phones can give us a iot of benefits in ail
aspects but it can ¿fsb cause some troubie ín a specific situation. This essay wiü expiain about the
advantages and disadvantages of using mobüe phones with some exampies.
Using a mobüe phone can con tribute our communication to make easier than befbre, 30 years ago
peopie shouid take a iandiine phone or go to a pubiic tetephone box to make a caü. In addition to that,
50 years ago, we shouid post a maí! or visit someone to communicate. However in recent times, we
can contact with peopie who iive abroad in seconds. It is not oniy a mobüe phone but aiso a
to caicuiator, a MP3 piayer, a Computer because peopie can use it to caü to other, caicuiate, iisten to
music, arrange the scheduie, surf on the internet, check e-maii and so on. The advantages of mobite
phones wüi increase day by day in the future.
However peopie shouid know that something that can broadcast eiectro-magnetic wave it might reaiiy
15 have some bad infiucnce to our heaith, inciuding the mobüe phone. The scientists must show that
peopie using a mobüe phone &equentiy couid have more risk to get ears and fingers diseases. In
addition eiectro-magnetic wave from a mobiie phone can cause more diseases iike epiiepsy and
especiaüy brain cáncer. We can aiso see some rude peopie who speak ioudiy in pubiic piaces, in
particuiar in übraries, trains and theaters.
In conciusion we must consider the advantages and disadvantages of mobiie phone. We can use it in a
right way to protect ourseives. There is nothing too bad, just the way we use it make it worse.

b. Find the equivaient English words in the text for the Spanish wcrds beiow. The numbers in brackets
indícate the line where you wil! find the words.

verdad (i.2) .............. iiamar(i.lO) .................... ...................... oídos (i.Í6)...^.$!X^. ..............

probiema(i.3) ...... organizar(i.H) y. ...... dedos(.Í6)
además (1.7) ...... sin embargo (i.i4)...^/^^... onda(i.i7) ............................ ...................
correspondencia(i.8) ......... ........................... cmitir(i.!4) cerebrofi.)8) ___ ...................
en eiextranjero(!.9) ........... ......................... cníermedades(i.i6) ____ b. -7?- peor(i.2I) .......


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