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Lokesh Krishna Sagi

1.How do you check whether your graph data is correct?

A)Drag columns in analytics these will generate query in session management .Use these query
and execute in db and then check both outputs.

2.How do you disable drill for a particular column?

A)In analytics go to column properties ->intersection and in that keep drilling none.

3.While I try to view data for a particular table in rpd for a table error:sql statement preparation

A)you need to check the columns names is rpd and compare it with columns in sql database both
should be equal . you may have situations like "column" in sql and in rpd column with no quotes.

4.How to make a dump file from a schema like student where you created tables in sql

A)Go to cmd and type the following:> exp student/student@orcl file=C:\student.dmp

exp stands for export

To import that file

imp user/password file="path" full=Y;

5.How to start a particular service if it's down?

A) opmnctl startproc ias-component=service name

6.While you start services you get TNS listener not working ,what to do?

A)First stop the services and go to control panel->administration tools->services and restart both
the services.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

7.What to do if you find only one user in /console ?

A)Go to console and in that my realm->customize these table in criteria field clear the values
in that if any, then all the users will be visible.

8.How to join one fact with all dimensions in rpd, without any common keys ?

A)In BMM layer in joins you can find cardinality where you can join all dimensions with one
fact. You can specify the cardinality to N.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
9.Preferred drill path what is the use ?

suppose you have an hierarchy like these and you want to skip the duration in middle and you
use preferred drill path.

double click on coursename and select preferred drillpath , and last select fee . Then in analytics
you can check that while drilling it goes from coursename to fee skipping duration.

10.We should create hierarchy for each dimension and for each fact in the rpd we should
mention detail and total levels. While you create hierarchy just create and leave it.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

for each you should mention in detail level and diff between detail and total is that for detail it
will drill to detail level and for total only up to starting level only.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
*If fact table is joined with dim table then keep it in detail level or else keep in total level

11.How to keep logo ?

A) Firstly go to following path


Edit the following

12.How to change column name in UI level ?

Go to column ->Edit Formula Here we can change our column name.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

13.what is path for nqquery and nqserver log files?


14.what to do if is down?

A)Firstly check if sql server is working is not.

firstly restart the services in services.msc .

Remove the logs.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

check if sql is up or not if not remove prefetch,temp files in cmd. then restart the system.

15.How would you compare two tables rows with 7000 and 6000 rows and find out diff rows in
two tables?

A)select inittab from table1 minus select initab from table2

these will result in non common rows.

16.If dashboard prompt doesn't get effected by report what to do?

A)Firstly check if the report is kept isprompted column and then also not prompted remove the
filter and keep it again and check once.

17.What to do to merge two rpds? suppose you have developed student and sample rpd how will
you merge them?

A)It's so simple ,firstly keep both in offline and copy sample rpd and paste it in physical layer of
student rpd ,then copy BMM layer and paste likewise. Some time you may get hierarchy issues.

security will not be implemented correctly you need to assign once again.

18.suppose i have the following ?How can you keep Batch id in single row?

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

A)Go to column properties, in that column format tab

click on column heading .in that Edit format change the width of the column. result is

19.How will you disable cache in UI and RPD?

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

for table only we can do


Lokesh Krishna Sagi

20.where do you find log files?(nqserver,nqquery)


21.Where is config file(instanceconfig)?


22.How will keeping paging for a table


21.How do you create views?

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
Views are essentially logical table-like structures populated on the fly by a given query. The results
of a view query are not stored anywhere on disk and the view is recreated every time the query is
executed. Materialized views are actual structures stored within the database and written to disk.
They are updated based on the parameters defined when they are created.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
23.what is global filter?

global filters are also called saved filters, It can apply to multiple reports.

step 1 :Go criteria in answers create a filter by using add filter option in any column.
step 2: save the filter in any shared folders. we can apply this filter to any report which contain
this particular column. we can select saved filter from left pane filter option.

If a report contains multiple blocks like chart and table, you can apply a filter that filters data
from both chart and table. It is not only for two blocks. You can apply a filter to n number of
blocks. That filter is called global filter. Local filter is a normal filter that can be applied usually
on one block.

Create a filter and save it in shared folder as below

24.All meta data files are stored in?


25.How to create materialized views?

A)firstly create a view by double clicking on the table.Dont forget to save the changes. Right
click and deploy the view. It saves in database.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

26.How to keep logging levels?


Lokesh Krishna Sagi

if you keep 7 then detail level sql query will be given which will effect reports.

27.What is the use of sort order column and descriptor id column?

passing id column values to sql query will improve performance. From obiee 11g onwards we
can ass

if you set the values like these and create a dash board prompt on products then you can absorb
query that whenever you select product name in query level it passes product number bcz

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
query becomes big if you pass name in query.

here we can absorb product=8 is assigned instead of product name

if you enable below then you can absorb

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

one more issue in it the values in the prompt not getting loaded since its xml (samplelite) so I
choose only few columns as options

28.what will happen before and after deploying rpd ?

before clicking apply inside the repository folder

After clicking apply

also same in repository folder

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
T_NAME/catalog/test bmm

test bmm catalog is not yet created.

instance config file of bipresentationserver

NQSconfig file of biserver (same rpd before deployed no change)

After clicking activate changes:

only these instance config file of bipresentation server has changed its catalog path

After clicking on apply changes it will create a copy of the rpd (version)

inside repository folder

after clicking

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
NQSconfig of biserver changes the repo name:

test bmm catalog folder will be created in catalog folder

29.What is the use of catalog manager?

A)Suppose you have 80 reports and you need to know from which subject area it belogs to in
short time then we use catalog manager.

30.How to use combine request in UI?

A)we can use it by using measures'.

click on student and add columns at last add dummy column .these column is used for sorting.

similarly for bisample

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

Then click on Result columns

rename the columns with column properties

At last exclude batchid column

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

Analytics Folder path:


32.Column selector how will do it?

Enables users dynamically to change the columns that appear in the results

Column selector is used mainly when we have a product and we want that product to get details
according to lob /year/ or some other columns which we have not taken in criteria.

select column selector

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

double click on the column to get the column you want ,don't drag and drop.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

33.How to change the name to initcap without changing in rpd ?

use db function

you will get error that evaluate level is not set in NQSconfig file then go and change

Level based measures:

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
when i drill to lower levels the amount sold values is splitted .amount sold should not be splitted
down even i drill these ,this is called level based measures.

SH schema ,products and sales table

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

in sales table

double click on amount sold

specify to which level you want to fix

in hirearchy you can obserb that

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

amount sold is fixed to product catory now we drill also amount sold will not be splitted

the value amount sold will not be splited.

Combine Request:
In rpd make a copy of sh

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

Add the subject area by clicking on + symbol

Then click on combine request and keep the filter as follows

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

for sh sales also keep the filter as follows

click on results ,now you can absorb that both one set to show results and another set results are
combined .

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

selection steps:
These are allowing you to interact with the members directly(cubical database).

selection steps can be used for each and every members

suppose you want only home audio, cameras only to display then

click on edit

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

select the members you want to display first

suppose you want to group items into one group

select new group

group the members.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

you want some calculations on the members you can do like these, select new calculated item

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

Condition on Dashboard Section

create a dashboard page and keep reports.

on the sections goto condition.

Lokesh Krishna Sagi
click on browse

create a condition and test it ,if it's true then only the section will display results.You can save
the condition

Lokesh Krishna Sagi

Now create a false condition below section will not be displayed


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