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Experiment 1: Simple Harmonic Motion

Laboratory Report
Chelsea Leigh Tan, Kyle Gabriel Tanchuling, Ma. Agatha Beatrice Uson, Angelica Uy, Louise
Erika Vargas

Department of Math and Physics

College of Science, University of Santo Tomas
España, Manila Philippines

Abstract several types of motions. Examples of these

motions would be the oscillation of a spring,
There were three activities done in the the motion of a pendulum and molecular
experiment namely, force constant of a vibration. The simple harmonic motion can be
spring, period of vibration, and energy in considered an accurate model for a pendulum
simple harmonic motion. Two activities were if the net force on the object at the end of the
done using a pan, a spring and some slotted pendulum is proportional to the displacement.
weights. The third activity was done using the Through the techniques of Fourier analysis,
Logger Pro and motion detector. Results this type of motion is considered a basis for
showed that the average force constant of the the characterization of more complicated
spring is 879.412 dynes/cm and the average motions.
period is 1.0086 seconds.
The SHM is the motion of a particle
I. Introduction moving towards a fixed point in a straight line
with an acceleration, and whose magnitude is
Simple harmonic motion, or SHM, is directly proportional to the distance from the
about the motion of a mass on a spring when fixed point. The classic example of SHM is a
it is subjected to the force given by Hooke's mass on a spring. The more the mass stretches
Law, the linear elastic restoring force. A single the spring, the more it is tugged back towards
resonant frequency is demonstrated by the the middle. Gravity is involved when a mass
motion sinusoidal in time. The restoring force is on a spring vertically. Pulling a mass on a
of a simple harmonic motion is directly spring and letting it go will cause it to bounce
proportional to the displacement, and the shift back and forth until it creates an equilibrium
of the motion goes opposite to that of its position in the middle.
In SHM, velocity will be greatest in the
Simple harmonic motion is a type of middle and the restoring force will be greatest
periodic or oscillation motion, and this type of at the outside edges. A pendulum can only be
motion can serve as a mathematical model for

1|GROUP 10
considered an example of SHM if it swings at The object will generally experience a
small angles. restoring force that depends linearly on the
displacement x from equilibrium:
Another example of SHM is the guitar
string. When a guitar is strummed, sound Hooke’s Law: Fs = - kx
waves are created from the vibration of the
strings. In the form of sound, the vibrational This states that the equilibrium position is
energy of the string will be dissipated while chosen to have the x-coordinate x=0 and k is
the strings are being plucked. This results to a constant that depends on the system in
the amplitude of the vibration, or the distance concern
the string moves, to gradually decrease. The When a mass hangs from a (massless)
volume of the sound will fade and the string spring and oscillates vertically, its period is
will eventually fall silent.
In this experiment, students are expected T  2
to k

❖ Determine the force constant of a

where m = mass hanging from spring

❖ Determine the period of vibration of k = spring constant (k = force/elongation)

spring executing SHM Squaring both sides,
❖ Verify conservation of energy for m
SHM T 2  4 2

II. Theory If the spring’s mass is not negligible this

becomes (for a uniform spring)
This is a type of periodic or oscillation
motion of an object moving in a straight line m  13 mspring
T  4
2 2
with speed which is going a fixed point on the k
line where the force that gives rise to an
equilibrium in a system is directly which can be written as
proportional to the overall change in position .
of the object, and acts in the direction
m  1 mspring 
opposite of the displacement. This also states T 2  4 2  4 2  3 
k  k
that objects that are initially displaced  
slightly from a stable equilibrium point will
For a particular spring, this relation of
swing back and forth about its equilibrium
period squared to mass can be written as a
linear equation

y  Cx  D

2|GROUP 10
where y  T 2 and x = mass. Activity 2: Period of Vibration

So, a graph of T2 versus mass should be a Five grams on the pan was placed. The
straight line with pan was pulled down by 3.0cm and released.
The time it took on the spring was determined
4 2 in 20 complete vibrations. The experimental
Slope = C 
k period of vibration was computed.

4 2 Two more trials were made and the

Intercept = D 
 1
mspring  average period was computed as well as the
theoretical value of period.
III. Methodology Where K is the average force constant, m
is the mass placed on the pan, and M is the
Materials used in this experiment were
mass of the spring. One third of the mass of
jolly balance, timer, slotted weights, Logger
the spring was executed SHM. Also, the %
pro and motion detector. These materials
difference was computed. The activity was
would help to determine the following
repeated for 10g, 15g, 20g, and 25g. The
objectives to verify the Simple Harmonic
graphs were described, plot period (p) versus
mass (m).
Activity 1: Force Constant of a Spring
Activity 3: Energy in Simple Harmonic
The spring was suspended from the Jolly Motion
Balance with one end passing through the
The motion detector was connected to the
glass tube. A light pan was attached to the
DIG/SONIC 1 channel of the logger pro
end. The initial position of the pan was also
interface. The file “17a Energy in SHM” was
marked. A 5 g pan was placed and noted the
opened. The motion detector at about 50 cm
new position of the pan. This difference in
was placed directly beneath a 50.0 g mass
position gives the elongation of the spring
attached to a spring.
due to the added 5.0 g, this elongation was
recorded. The force constant (K) was The mass into vertical motion was set by
computed of the spring in dynes/cm. lifting it 10cm and then released it at the same
time. Collect icon was clicked to start the
Another 5 g was added on the pan. The
recording position and velocity data. The
elongation was determined and noted that the
elastic potential energy, kinetic energy and
elongation of the spring must always be
the sum of these two energies was
referred to its initial position. The force
determined. Elastic potential energy versus
constant was computed for the spring. It is
time, kinetic energy versus time as well as the
repeated until the total mass was added on the
sum of elastic potential energy and kinetic
pan is 25g. The average constant of the spring
energy versus time was plotted.
was gotten.

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IV. Results and Discussion
𝑚 + 𝑀/3
𝑃 = 2𝜋√
In activity 1, the force constant of the 𝐾
spring was computed and values were
obtained as seen in table 1. Upon using theses formulas for the
computation, such values were obtained as
Table 1. Force constant of a spring
seen in table 2.
Elongation Force Constant
Mass Table 2. Period of vibration
5.0 g 5.58 cm 878.14 dynes/cm Total %
Pth Pexp
Mass Difference
10.0 g 11.18 cm 876.56 dynes/cm
15.0 g 16.51 cm 890.37 dynes/cm 5.0 g 0.757 s 0.682 s 10.21%

20.0 g 22.61 cm 866.87 dynes/cm 10.0 g 0.866 s 0.874 s 0.92%

25.0 g 27.68 cm 885.12 dynes/cm 0.986 s 1.03 s 4.31%
15.0 g
Average K 879.41 dynes/cm
20.0 g 1.092 s 1.17 s 6.64%
The force constant (K) was computed by 1.17 s 1.29 s 9.67%
25.0 g
using the formula

𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 As observed, the experimental and

𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 theoretical periods are increasing as the mass
of the pan increases. This only shows that it
We observed that as more mass is added
takes more time for the glider to complete one
to the pan, the elongation increases. This only
harmonic oscillation as the mass is
verifies the Hooke’s law wherein the stress is
increasing. Comparing the experimental and
proportional to strain. The Force constants of
the theoretical periods, the group has
the different masses must somehow be
obtained satisfiable results which then gave a
almost the same and thus constant, and upon
low value of error or % difference upon
getting the average, a value of 879.41
dynes/cm was obtained.
Some of the common errors in these
For the next activity, the period of
activities may be caused by parallax, which is
vibration was both obtained experimentally
why it is advisable to have at least three trials
and theoretically. For the Pexp (experimental
to reduce this random error. By having more
period) this formula was used
trials, a more consistent and accurate result
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟 20 𝑣𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 may be obtained.
20 𝑣𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
For the last activity, activity 3 (Energy in
And for the Pth (theoretical period) this simple harmonic motion), the experiment
formula was used was done with the computer. And the graph

4|GROUP 10
of position versus time and velocity vs time 2. A tractor seat is mounted on springs.
was obtained. When a 70kg adults sits, the
characteristic frequency is 7Hz. What
is the characteristic frequency when a
25kg child sits? Neglect the mass of
the seat.

ω = √[k/m]

f0*√ [70/25] = 7*√ [70/25] = 11.7 Hz

3. As you walk, describe the movement

of your arms and legs as in phase or
out of phase oscillations.
- The body and arms and legs have the
pendulum fashion every time we
V. Conclusion walk.

This experiment shows that the References

physical variables are dependent on the
spring’s diameter. The spring’s diameter is [1]
inversely proportional to the elastic constant ple-harmonic-motion.html (Retrieved on
(k), angular frequency, and damping factor. September 16, 2017)
How the spring was affected was also tested
in this experiment. Results shows that the
ools/waves/shm.php (Retrieved on
time along with the spring constant increased
September 16, 2017)
whenever the amplitude, mass, and period
were all increased together [3]
se/shm.html (Retrieved on September 16,
VI. Applications 2017)

1. Give some examples of SHM: [4]

- Ticking of the clock (pendulum) e/shm (Retrieved on September 16, 2017)
- Bungee-jumping
- Hearing

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