Strength of Material Basics

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——— By- Amit Sinn TawwnR - When an external force acts on a body » the Dery ends fo undeygo__Aome_ deformation Due +s cohssion —blw the cnolecles, —*h body Aecists dofeamatin- This resistance by piace body opposes the defurnatin — Known __stAengh of material: = Stress | belinitn oe Stress i defined othe intensity Crpoiitude ) of _intenal _ _2asistiny force _dleeloped _Cinduced) at a point _ogainst__ the _defasation caused due te __foads sig ae he member. —amtibe ——— - _f C x Pee — | Tafa! eke takin place bo Right ductor TRE a bint b mall € Oosc-setton owe: fined end a oe —— ~ Rigid—mamber— Fo 5a eee vate ‘i 2 — = —_ aa et oo of pois veloped or ~ ~ =StE 7 aml 3 [ Stress CIRE) always act in the Same plane but —oppesity r in disection Fy fy)? Fa IRF developed ab aynlin polls. the ue SC ‘ E> Total IRF doveloped Jottend My She — lia — as n- Sle ___* FD Fithit — th i a Fo ph [ehithes fo) Ee n i cam ; Nona ‘Noinal I aa er “T PP Tolal TRF evel at iZ - AA Fhe Sle” . Leptin ~ Ly Basing —» Mopoitde of ede force oped a point - _ point a + Lint is there — eT TT > Hw is Sts > alisys a. yainble depends on the exdene ~~ foice__ applied _ —— § = 5 hy ~ Sudden def okec place LA ft od - | we Fractine Occurs. | Unt of _ Staus: = - a oo (aPa, Kf lem? 7 i Oe 1, = 109 ob 6m? _o& 1M yn? atl - i _—aaaiai — ind = 100 Mo = 100 108 Nlm? - Jus = loo NI mm? Ss + toMy ods 0M a mn eo Eg = 200 6nP, = 200 X 10% Mm? . tL = 200 X10 Vimm? or Mfa —_ 1 LgF fom = ova mf] Cit = ow) ————} 7 tt - — Ps 2. L . “Secs a Pressure. eg Mog of IRF developed Ly Mop of _cxttemnal applied [| ato point fore _agpplied ata _poinfs k i — — — be Stars acts. anil lel “b “Aunys ads patmal to the. l || +> the sustace Surface ——— _ : | bs Mag. oof Stress at be Mag. of _pacssue at a_point point in_diffemnt is inal the dinections — remains _ |—tnegua Ame fe — So pee ib Dae__to stress, pressure bo Due _to_prersuie, hres tui) be | ku: si not be devebped developed te meng dite, Bie fae be mcasured by (Strain con _be_meaowtd) __meanwring —devites- [ty 9h isa demmot_guankly a ka Scakn -puatily | Dae shan bases ane divepel || = +t will set lys_be_ stn by “Tapas foints = : —_—_—— by Stnesses ane developed when __4he strain / deformation _ic _______nestpicted either complete 08 pectiaily — — the awe. ef__ Shem: a a Hence Strain__is _ bs Win the ivi / i permitted faery. the Shes pa inducted nthe members __geto. because there__is_no __Aesisting force against the defeat | stati Leadig Condition _ - _ ae Siig: —_CFailue _ St8tss)__undes densi test . ji 9 “is sind os. the et value of hess that a ——mmateaial__con__wwithgtond__withowd any foilwse_ of _-fractinbt- _ 7 Fox a material © : - | Su = Yo = 200MPa > St fain abate wilh J | a a [@imorunt desman Sat = US. = 200m > d can_withgiand __this__emount a Pc — ot __Stpons Sess | on, 2 —_— } 4 We pind = 200M Che Sy) > Mo Yielding /to pormantnt df” Sind & 300M: Cie. Se) > py facture Ho oa pete, —Endurcinte Limit : _| ae 4 Fatgus Loading Conditan + Py AA tS el [— “| Vector Quantity tah: end detection CFAst onder Tertot) : - a rt - —_ oe a po? Welt Gis” disection) ———— me AA, vectas Cis ictal oo + a _ | Bpswssions for su _@ 8G on a — obligue — Plane Under | Chet _Styss__is__a__Tersos__ quantity) ee | i, ——| a 7 - : _ a" ~— bhigue plane OO on / eat = oe | To [bh A> Ana of Pant of x-S¢ a Aste. “of the phn of _obligut plant [ty © is the coplloade by olga ple C—O) ith oe plane of *-S/e _(0-C) - —4 as reser on plant. ot * 8 | he? = 0 As Core a } (Svs = «= hh . P —@ A A (G), = t= & = 0 —6 A Stoo acting on _oblipue plant fr = heave | = Ploy (4o-€) = PSind ay q warty - BD Pagnd N9 S08 is rat | { Wha = Te fe 2 Saino. roll ood di a Alon a tae et Z - Tye 6 Sino lay x2 2% = Sin? —o. 2 — By __usting the ais two _epuations W) 8) we can __ determine normal” Statss Shean slatss. on ony oblige. plane passing —_4hsaygh point _wuhith tS under __uni- anal Sate of stress -_ 9 noxmil__sties. cocking on the lone oof X= $i Known . os From (8 tm we con __ceoncudt that shots 8 ase | -onder _ Tendo. © Determine nvm 3 shew stress devblp on a pla hich —_8_Imdined__ a _n angle ot go" to the nui of on erly _looded._encmaben es L So} = ee sr ee pt = ase = Be Cowes) | _| _ Gee Sin (ans0) = Be = ae i > Ley) 7 ——— {> tert sre rs = nd ara teoe ~ — a = 7)? +(G) | Oo ¥ a ll = S, fa. {G+ (Be) a | | on Ss > Tenor Guay T i s ota Paint: Shs. > Vectot_Gunatly + fo_a given plano - a ee | Sy scien TaMlain Ja, a Sixes isa vector uk ste 08 quanttly wet given. bie poly a 0p peep ey ‘ ———- “Staess. Teva - ant te “abi the Side ef Stress en i dat bs plans__ posing through that et pit rare nh __ani onal Stade “of SNE Att aire ee: D9 ee eo fa ob dist afl He “Ned Tee —Seguistd two alpine? becqure stécns “iS a tere a a — quantiiy | L Dctin of the lood- a (ee - — = 7 viet Eee } — * dae H = _ —— = eae on 4371 ie Types__of __Stesses.— | I —— Vinechon of — Stress 7 pT Stresces i ai | dato 4-Ve L v Nel to wy iad | i Nowwal Stress Coy 2vy 62) _ Shem SHS (Tyg Ges ie pi : a 49,240 1 parte Ss _| | Anil ( Stagssts A ths ‘ Suse Direct Shear _ToAsianall Sheo Stresses SHS : we SSS — To TSL ‘é. rs E GE ee : {—___t___ re ies Gone Kay? | iar 2 {————— Tensile bes —_Comprssi Wd Ec Tsk | __ | Gi y= tr R Ave —_ T — = ca Toxvien Fay. «Sheesh - 7 “Cut, SDs oo oor Iagl ! Conventional . it ie _ | 4 ; 7 by Using —tnctantantows, & by using ofipinal - _.. dinwcine dimension ; | 7 ceisimind enpinent a - —— rally: See pee te ny said ie. bein —uthen thet > positon of te__pois i aget— ditto leads aa aching onthe mambo? - - Sian - : —_—_*# ite Cae inn di Abin So ns Shean Shin Gar east in | 5 W a i, yy 4 Myo) Fb = lest 4] =e ot Lys 22 ies ' 4} i “Longitudinal — a iad oe otamelc Vig a at ___—_pl i rr a su - ae. +b StAgin “i + le “ai sbi . eran gives stacin in & din’ aa is th the Comprivl Strcun Every longitudinal faci 1s associated sith —+u0_Celonl 1 Strain Hence undin tai cou] Leading total 4 Strain. ae inthe __member cca RS — fectornll —St1ain 2 yo 1 Lng A Lalu! sat chys cpp i trhue — _ a a +f ‘4 Supeaticial Sia: 7) in “ae ee: [ - fora a Hae P swe - _ [ do do OO Ceara - SO _ Volumetatc Stain. lev d = Fn Says SY = (p= Hydiestalie yy rn Bilt ed fo Find — velba Wl LLY cot be debonined thansiteally cd a -M_ bth te Mis —Gn_be determined by datio. Wainy Young's modulus TO | Rectangtn body ‘= nn |e be =O 7 ae SHE) + SbUat SHU) OE ab Should be & lo 7s oe Shald. bebe _ ! i = 8/db) a a a pes — a oe Shean strip >) _— —_ jt ge i dehind as the cha “in _inial “at angle ‘blo two line elements _ushich —— do _& RK Y-onis ae Ld Sheen ng _ PP ae liad tn at. | Known theo = _ inf = E> Goon't d i L Sf O is small fap = S ie - $e $n be delormined — te ipl? shen it _&). = ————- ——____-_____- eek —_————- | tC _ ope Elastic Constants ‘= - eee d Jo Ae ured to detoaian shai deol : “Dae ued 4o_obfain _rtlationshjp ho Stars & stagin. _ | Fa “4 homepttous A. isetapc ata the nos of Mastic constants ah : sett Oo Mapp { YEG aK) : 6 Modulus of Rigidity a oe Ke Bak Hodes __M > Pokson ator Can dso be “Fon a. hemnge nous 8 lenopic_—_mafenil fat of indent _ __tlste — conetand one? ee - = La dif > dolaminad by Tension dele, - 4 Poissen’s ti, - a ERA gti bed ediniad _t ; & Depend lke const ————-Homogencus Material: a : Ss z eer The matenal i sad to be homogenous ulhan it + -tahibits— Some elastic__propestics ot any peint ofthe _mratenid jin given _dinechion _Civee Phoparts ort Indapendent af — point) ey —— — —=2 Hemogenows material ___ ¥v * la —toatenial is said do be beth hamopenaus % sataepre wh a eats Some antic ptop: at ny faint A at ary de pC Elastic a ane. ‘np of das” 8 pot) ___ Eta geno ~ lbs ntid wil bo be rrr vig ins bak ‘nui ~oht both homogenous 8. _isetplee “te eo iobupi ch it —eabibie dit astic _prnpottiec at agin print Cisee praporkis are 7 fim distchinn 40 dlaechion. ato giv peidt-) gh sgt /magit akin _—_Lin_athospace applica:tin! sd a © liao — “7 Winall pon. bie —_— — it exhibits if dleastic payouts in Hon at a given points 43.512 Tndopendent canttont) ( Rina Gy distetion I [E=20c+) | o- ah | E = 3K ¢1-20)] | E= SoU, ig J | gs ko __| 3) aM [are T Hine one opp ia nating. | ODE 7 LE t_| eve [owe [ez Kz en 2 Fa mebls ony pe is uted odo termine Longs strain ~Ace_ te Hoo’ lw yup Bopanna Limit | Nesta Staves Ox pormal or longitudinal Sti. ae | Normal Sts = £ Chiml al Aoplinal Statin) fe —Nowmal Sion ] {Leip ston [ine Stas - Stain Cami Linear « fL> cone Stok Low is Cu EL > Stan upto patil WE up eleasti Elastic _Regihn- = a“ = Jock Selig it will Aagasin its CEng Sta Og Pome Sint_wndiation by PLIEL i Wey pry Smal! Uk Hoole Low ts valid fod valid fon old limit |e Coad of tgiiy Stan edu) is sed to P detenminn upto PL: a i - TrV¥ T =ay Se ll Shes Stains — ie _ Fa -a__given shes sess, God ext.t Kuk Modulus) = - fe Bulk medudus is ia de dt 5 il — shai nd Iydnastatic stow Condition. Lhe SR = Ge ese) (abo Keown as spherical shel — | of stay) . we. Ipto Pbsy — wee = “Idbestaht Stun ™ by se (uw) - ke) Ly No change m_ shape ole dss — Ks oo, é= = Jv=0 Wp tn cot of Fluids — aes > Volume_is % (Poisson Ratio) :- Bh + As tsed tr determine —_labesal Stains (Upto E-L-) Lateral stun < Long. sta as i ee a | 2] hte tani | - _ | [tong stein FO | > Oppo tatu | _ - 1 I | tt SL Gn_be det hit Ms | Me Sd antl fe det L |" Sn Crea = Ee =ily = HE bag Etainet = C= Ey ao) a = a Datction X dia” Lda sey ~x Sve fui = a [Ay | tie = rE “Use | Leki id" Latin ¥ diy | ed fee als +) Sa Z rly a » Whee a pastide pip Ge mek) # | ten. ue [Wes oem ja Boaeae] — - | Vz ey lt th coe af Ms. Tas taba te Ly Tn cont of pie oral wn Meh [ee ee) wheliar iF 1S yrdeeoia) whip: u=d “bi -aniel of tara a SS re bat eh - rs the prisons _ Aatie a _matewal — is oS He me | vblumetic___ Stain on change in__volume is 3440 under State of st condoms | te aba oh change nal —is pul __to__gatu = _undin _bi~awlal tie amial she of Stow 3 the sumo the —ywimall_ Suu is epual to 0 (its HPS +o2)=0 ‘a some fen rer i Bana Jn Senion a,_fanalal = .—— i Ccompound Bas & Compasite Rana.) - ee fo} Asp — peg Py See 1 Arial load —shalld be same + { A CAE oanaghast fhe tbr Bisa Ban Onthan 9) 8 ade ah P Sexe __ynattial Cokal Sens thm “Be wnembeh - v AL is const I I of _Dome_mati if! Ly Wegbedting self wieght a Gi ore [* oe t ui A « ] = fe fe Ly = —]-O-t% -— “Baal fd lat po fy otk Non pricmohe tad of diff malglill). } [Aad Goad £ Gont - i | ens oe fess df. dang ease if te hed + the otigina) ___ dimension — ig Mos on — SH Gnin€ = Chay in dintnsion “Oniginel — “dimension —_— —~ ¢ z Darsioaal igh nen - a 4 - —— Diskine AD — iG. = Later Stonin ace itidinad Strain, | - = am Sb Sd aye i P= Avis! Lad acting onthe bead, - Ls = Length of Section@ B= (noss-Atctonal rea of Sechan@ Hak aay —oal cata shea el Se _bgia siete ett Section = Young's dda ia to Thon__stavy for _sechn | Sj _= Load - ?P Aree of Felton) Ay Sinilaaly _stttave fo My _setion @ and Secon Q) ore given y+ a: ond #,: P Ar As ct Sa in_iin_section O =. hp Had aha Leth of SechanD ok pection rrr ath | ore obktind ay. —_____} Charge ia Dwath af Acctoy 2, Sle = ep dig = flo - Rae es ALE Le | fla | | dl Ase - me J 4 —Tatel_change inthe Singh ofthe boar, {| oo db dt tds Ply Pty Pl \ Rie ALE AE dl = tf ala ats “Ar | Af the —young’s __ fehl, al _deffound aectionn is diffeud- —— thr tata ange in top. af the han is given | of Supesflin, wil be he “alba dum of Shan ——_ comstl by individual Poody | while using hic “pug an which ts gublected do a numberof disec# Chena pln Lak —difsot section along — ta Loy he diy Fiat Then po 2 : total defetmadin of the deed will _be than —Qyyall da Hs clefor matt th individual Seethions+ A ber, “seal ap 0 E ovo. 0h net Be pate boa of qual _Lingths uta “difst —ebias 2d, —— — find wit, toch than ond] aad jon th_campsnin—in_tieh i yual_= Wena tidy | ph tmt Qengdh ie bain in _ench__bar is equa The del pen — Cad on econ bow is 2yua to He pum of Sind ested by each — dlebfetent madouicd a on he gompily to tk pad de do a a OF nash ~ section thn! ach wm he hop -_a pe a. Ye des thes Pa Ye aad fhe hat one api commas lL Gach bor esi! __ i L Also Yh Qung th — if the _falio of chango ing “tothe _ohipinal [ t (re- Stain) will be fame fon occh bar. | i | | But shaain in bore = Star in_bor = Young's woluln of bar E Sila, ie few E, | poe fuk cltuin tn 1 = Bruin inden = 2 | - & y ts Se a ia Fr From Ogu: Gd) ond O , the stay 1 and o> ron —___| be detormint — by _Subsitduting tHe vals of ©) and i __| in Ogu. ad BD 1 the load carried bay dé Hmank mebtrials may be computed Modular Rudi’? The Aalto of €1 is called the rnoduly i futio of the fist ynedvipll deo thy Strond

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