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NAMA : Liya aisyah

Suriati Anggina lubis
Mulia Hasibuan
Prodi : English Department
Semester : VII-A



Table Of Contents ........................................................................................ i

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................. 1
A. Background ............................................................................... 1
B. Purpose of Television Program................................................. 2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION....................................................................... 3
A. Television Program ................................................................... 3
B. Delivery Strategy ...................................................................... 5
C. Marketing Program ................................................................... 6
D. Time Served .............................................................................. 7
CHAPTER III CONCLUTION ................................................................. 8


A. Background
Television as part of the cultural audio - visual media is the most
influential in shaping the attitude and personality of the community at large. This
is caused by the satellite and the rapid development of the public television
network that reaches up into the remote region. Cultures were taken television by
itself began to grow in the community. Moreover, the true essential of these
cultures essentially been known since long before writing or in print culture
shifted. Elements essential of cultural television such as the use of verbal language
and visual, as well as in order to convey something like messages, information,
teaching, science, and entertainment.
Serving in the audiovisual language easier to remember than what is
written and read. The use of electronic media has the ability to harden, expand and
sharpen the material presented. Its range is multiplied when used in satellites. The
possibility of using electronic media and the magic tricks generate tremendous
appeal, so the reality is usually lost convincing than the fact the temple - the
temple that appear in media other televisi.Karakter which are hallmarks of the
television is a television capable members effectively emphasis on the message or
the intended purpose a way to close-up object or member centralization of view.
Televisions members many possibilities of visual illustrations, motion-rich layout,
color scheme and various beeping noise.
Not surprisingly, the television has a tremendous appeal if the grain can
customize the program by the television characters and people who have been
affected by television. Man becomes like to hear and see a wider, more variety
and faster. Thus, television programs also customize the characters the audience.
In general understanding of television programs, in addition to the background of
the thought process of the creation of the program, it will also concern the
Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for the production process efficient. How is
the process of preparing a television program, detailed in a program format.

B. Purpose of Television Program
The purpose and objective of the television program are:
1. Getting the audience / viewers / audience as much as possible.
2. Getting more specific audience in accordance with the television program
that aired.
3. explores programs that can enhance the prestige / prestige television
station itself.
4. Getting the appreciation in the form of awards from various parties in
order to improve the status.
5. Serve program in the public interest.


A. Television Program
Nothing is more important than the event or program as the factor most
important pen and decisive in supporting financial keberhasuilan a television
station. Is a program that brings the audience to know a broadcasting station. If a
station has gained a large number of audience and if it has the characteristics of
the audience sought by advertisers, the station in question will be very attractive
to advertisers. Thus, revenue and profit strongly influenced by the broadcasting
station program. Program responsibilities entrusted to departmental programs.
The word 'program' comes from the English program or program1 which
means events or plans. Indonesian broadcasting laws do not use the program for
the event but uses the term "broadcasting" is defined as a message or series of
messages are presented in various forms. But the word "program" is more often
used in the world of broadcasting in Indonesia rather than the word "broadcast" to
refer to the understanding of the event. Program is everything that is displayed
broadcasting station to meet the needs of their audience. Thus, the program has a
very broad sense.
The television program every day presents various types of programs are
huge numbers and types are very diverse. Basically anything can be used as a
program for television viewing during the program interesting and likeable
audience, and as long as not contrary to morality, laws and regulations.
Broadcasting station managers are required to have the widest possible creativity
to produce a variety of interesting programs.
Various types of programs that can be grouped into two major parts by type,
a) Program Information
Program information of all kinds of broadcasts which aim to provide
additional knowledge (information) to the public audience. The appeal of this
program is information, and information that is sold to the audience. Thus, the
program is not just merely get news program in which the presenter or

announcer reading the news but all forms of presentation of information as
well as talk show (talks) like an interview with the artist, famous people, or
anyone. Program information can be divided into two parts, namely:
1) news (hard news)
All the information is important and / or interesting that must be
broadcast by the broadcast media should be because it is coming to be
known as soon as possible an audience audience. Hard news is presented in
a news program that lasted from a few minutes (such as breaking news)
news program that lasted up to 30 minutes, even an hour. Hard news can be
shared in some form of news: gay news, features and infotainment.
2) soft news (soft news)
Are all important and interesting information presented in depth but
should not be coming. News in this category is shown in a separate program
outside the news programs that fall into the category of soft news is: current
affairs, magazine, documentary and talk show.
b) Entertainment Program
The entertainment program is any form of broadcasting that aims to
entertain the audience in the form of music, songs, stories, and games.
Programs included in this category are:
1) Drama
Is a show (show) that presents the story of the life or character of a
person or persons (leaders) played by the player (artist) involving conflicts
and emotions. Thus, the drama program usually features a number of
players who played a number of players who played a certain figure. A
drama will follow the life or adventures of the characters. Television
programs included in the program are the electronic cinema drama (soap
operas) and movies.
2) Games
Game or game show is a form of program that involves a number of
people either as individuals or groups competing to get something. The
game is one of the television show production of the most easy to make,

usually requires a relatively low production costs but can become a very
popular television show.
3) Music
Program music can be displayed in two formats, namely video clips or
concerts. In the form of concert music program can be done in the field
(outdoor) or in the studio (indoor).
4) Performance
Is a program that displays the ability of a person or persons at a
location either in the studio or outside the studio. If they show is the
musicians, the show was a musical performance or if the display is the
cook, then show it to be a cooking show.

B. Delivery Strategy
Head -Sterling (1982) stated that the television station has a number of
strategies in an effort to attract audience entrance to the station itself and
withstand the existing audience not to move the channel or prevent not
happen audience flow out, namely:
1. Head to Head
An interesting program the same audience as the audience who owned
one or several rival television station. In this case, the television station tried
to pull the audience were watching a television program to move to a rival
television station itself by presenting the same program with a rival station.
2. Program Counter
Is a strategy to win the audience who were at the station to move to
rival his own station with how to schedule a program that has a different
appeal to attract the audience unmet needs.
3. Blocking Program
Is where the audience is maintained not to move the channel to present
a similar event during a certain time of the broadcast. For example
presenting soap operas or comedy throughout the night.
4. Introduction Strong
Strategies to get as much audience by presenting a strong program at
the start time of the broadcast segment, for example, presents a local news

program or criminality strong at the start time of the broadcast day time
(around 10:00 or 11:00) as a prelude to a national news program.
5. Strategy Cradle
It's a strategy to build an audience in a new event, or increase the
number of the audience on a program which began to decline in popularity.
The trick is to put the event in question in the middle of the two flagship
6. Blockage
By way of changes to the program schedule quickly. For example,
presenting a new film series which has a long duration.
7. Other Strategies
Is to maintain programs that succeed in his current position. Television
station that will broadcast featured programs should choose airtime when
provided many audiences example during prime time.

C. Marketing Program
Part marketing plays an important role in promoting progress and the
broadcast media is crucial in the survival of the broadcast media. Success or
failure of the marketing department will determine whether the broadcaster will
sink or air. Broadcast media are advertising media. Realtionship marketing of
broadcast time is the main income. The marketing department is responsible to
sell airtime to advertisers. Part of marketing is to raise money while the other part
served to spend money. Target work every broadcaster is able to pay bills and
earn a profit. However, the ability of this section to sell broadcast time is
dependent on the program's success in attracting audiences.
Good program will attract audiences and attract advertisers and provide
revenue for broadcast media. The greater the income, the greater funds available
to produce better programs. According to Pringle Star McCavit (1991) marketing
department has the responsibility, among others:
a. Selling of airtime to advertisers.
b. Provide a means by which advertisers can reach your target audience at a
competitive cost.
c. Insert the revenue that the broadcaster operates on a competitive basis.

d. Generate a profit for the station owner.
TV stations run by both benefit between 50 to 60 percent of income and
capital. Television business is a business debts. That is, the program providers
lend first program on television stations and television stations in debt to the
program provider and find advertisers to pay for programs broadcast. In general,
the television business will experience a break event point or return of capital over
a period of 5-10 years.

D. Time Served
A very important factor in determining the tariff broadcast advertising is
associated with a time of an advertisement to be broadcast, ie at how an ad was
served every day. Broadcast time is 24 hours a day and a night is riven in some
segments of the broadcast (day parts) and each segment has a number of different
audiences. The number of spectators television audience occurs during prime time
or prime time, which began at 19:00 to 23:00 on prime time television stations
usually charge a tariff advertisement is most expensive premium). In general, the
distribution of broadcast segment in addition to the main time, is the time of
broadcast in the morning, afternoon, evening, and as the main time, midnight and
early morning. When was the beginning and end of a segment are not always the
same between television stations, as well as in terms of the timing of the primary.
Each broadcasting station has provisions regarding the distribution of broadcast
time which is not always exactly the same.


Program is everything that is displayed broadcasting station to meet the

needs of their audience. Thus, the program has a very broad sense.
The television program every day presents various types of programs are
huge numbers and types are very diverse. Basically anything can be used as a
program for television viewing during the program interesting and like able
audience, and as long as not contrary to morality, laws and regulations.


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