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IESL College of Engineering

Syllabus for IESLCE Engineering Course

Module EC 5001 Module Embedded Systems

Code Title
Credits 4.0 Total Hours Lectures 55hrs Pre-
GPA/NGPA GPA Lab/Assignt 10hrs Requisites
 To introduce and explore the basic principles essential to the implementation of real-
time, reactive, embedded systems.
 To provide the students with an understanding of the practical engineering issues
that occur in designing and implementing real-time embedded systems.
 To prepare the students for the future trends on this fast growing discipline

Learning Outcomes:
 Understanding some of the basic principles and techniques of the discipline of
embedded computing
 A good foundation on the archetypes and principles that are commonly used in
embedded system software
 Understanding on how hardware work and the interactions that various components
within the systems have with each other
 Ability to use the knowledge gathered to contribute/solve problems in real world

1. Introduction to Embedded Systems

Definition, Historical milestones, Application Areas in industry
Categories of Embedded Systems, Architecture of Embedded Systems, Specialties of Embedded Systems,
Recent Trends in Embedded Systems

2. Embedded Computing
Complex Systems and Microprocessors
The Embedded System Design Process
Formalisms for System Design

3. Embedded Processors and Instruction Sets

Programming Input and Output
Supervisor Mode, Exceptions, and Traps
Digital signal processors, Integrated Processors, RISC processors, Co-Processors
CPU Performance and Power Consumption
4. Memory Systems
Mechanisms, technologies and organization
Parity, Error detecting and correcting memory
Logical versus physical caches, Unified versus Harvard caches, Cache coherency
Memory overlays, Shadowing

5. Basic peripherals
Parallel ports, Timer/counters, Timer processors, Real-time clocks, Serial ports
Serial peripheral interface
Asynchronous flow control
DMA controllers

6. Interfacing to the analogue world

Analogue to digital conversion techniques
Sample rates and size
Power control

7. Interrupts and exceptions

What is an interrupt?
Interrupt sources
Recognizing an interrupt
The interrupt mechanism

8. Bus-Based Computer Systems

The CPU Bus
I/O devices
Component Interfacing
Designing with Microprocessors
Development and Debugging
System-Level Performance Analysis

9. Program Design and Analysis

Components for Embedded Programs and program models
Assembling, Linking, and Loading
Compilation Techniques
Program Optimization
Program-Level Performance Analysis
Analysis and Optimization of Program Size
Program Validation and Testing

10. Buffering and other data structures

What is a buffer?
Linear buffers, Directional buffers
Double buffering, Buffer exchange
Linked lists, FIFOs, Circular buffers
Buffer underrun and overrun
Allocating buffer memory
Memory leakage

11. Processes and Operating Systems

Multiple tasks threads and processes
Operating system internals, Real-Time Operating Systems
Scheduler algorithms, Priority-Based Scheduling
Inter-process Communication Mechanisms
Evaluating Operating System Performance
Power Management and Optimization for Processes

12. Multiprocessors
CPUs and Accelerators
Multiprocessor Performance Analysis
Consumer Electronics Architecture

13. Networks
Distributed Embedded Architectures
Networks for Embedded Systems
Network-Based Design, Internet-Enabled Systems
Vehicles as Networks, Sensor Networks

14. System Design Techniques

Design Methodologies
Requirements Analysis
System Analysis and Architecture Design
Quality Assurance


Continuous Assessment: (30%)

Labs, Assignments, Case studies, field visits etc.

Final examination: (70%)

 Embedded Systems Design by Steve Heath – 2nd Edition
 Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software by Elecia White
 Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design by Wayne Wolf – 3 rd
 Better Embedded System Software by Philip Koopman
 Programming Embedded Systems With C and GNU Development Tools, 2 nd Edition By Michael Barr,
Anthony Massa

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