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Title: A Meeting in the Dark

Author: Ngugi wa Thiong`o

Setting: Kenia, in Limuru, Makeno Village

John (son): polite, educated, intelligent (wants to go to Makerere University), a favourite, a
model of humility and moral perfection, would never betray the tribe. Is feared of his father.
He has sinned!
Stanley (father): Strict clergyman (preacher) + strict father.(because of his sin!)
Old, frail but energetic. Always has his dirty back made out of strong calico
with a Bible, a hymn-book and a notebook.
Stopped mother from telling stories.
Susanna (mother): strong, protects her son.
Wamuhu: Kikuyu Culture, lives in the village
Circumcised (tradition)
Is pregnant of John
Wamuhus mother: likes the idea of the relationship between her daughter and John.
Wamuhus father: Is against the relation. Doesen´t like the white man, because they broke the
tribes code of behaviour. “They make unmarried girls their wives and then
left them with fatherless children” (p. 88. l. 30-32)

Brief summary: John has sinned, he slept with Wamuhu and made her pregnant. Now he is
afraid of his strict father. He, Stanley himself has sinned, too in his youth by sleeping with
Susanna who became pregnant with John. That’s why he wants to protect his son of this sin.
John can´t marry Wamuhu, because that would destroy his chances of going to University,
further more she´s circumcised. He offers her money that she tells someone else is the father.
Wamuhu of course doesn´t want to do so, so John is so excited, desperate and furios that he
puts his arms around Wamuhu´s neck and strangles her till she´s death.

Main themes: cross cultural experiences

The white man destroy the culture of the village, their religion
and traditions.
John has sinned like his father did, that´s why he can´t talk to him and ask for
help. He is afraid of his father. His sin destroys his plans for life, to prevent
this, he doesn´t stand by Wamuhu and does not want to take responsibility for
the pregnancy.
Circumcision out of tradition: John can´t marry Wamuhu.

Comments: the globalisation (white man and their religion; Christianity) destroy the village
and their traditions, they don´t accept their tradition and way of living (e.g.

Links to other stories: Dead Men´s Path

A Horse and Two Goats

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