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This process seeks to establish the approach of the Premium Porc group of companies
to the induction of new employees and to indicate how an appropriate induction can be achieved. The
appropriate implementation of this process has the main benefits of faster integration and retention of
valuable employees at work (new employees feel welcome, cherished and confident in their position, which
is basically the basis for them to adapt more quickly and to perform their tasks effectively by bringing their
contribution to the team, the department, the farm) and ensuring in a relatively short time that the new
employee is the right person for that position.
Steps Responsible
1.1 Pre-induction stage (before starting work)
1 Provides information about the documents to be completed HR Assistant

2 Concludes the contract for a fixed period of 1 month HR Assistant

3 Provides information about the company and the group of companies HR Assistant
(short presentation + printed document)
4 Provides information on security rules and SOPs (short presentation + HR Assistant
printed document)
5 Informs the farm manager and department manager about the date HR Assistant
the start of the new employee's activity
6 Informs the experienced colleague about the arrival of the new Farm Manager
1.2 Stage 1. First day of work
1 New employee
It shows up at work

On the first day of work, according to the timetable sent to employment

2 Enters into the farm, following the rules of biosecurity New employee
3 After showering and taking the work equipment for entering into the farm, Head of Department
the head of department will submit once again the rules of biosecurity to
the new employee (Why? How? What happens if not?)
4 Shows to the new employee the whole team and the main tasks of Head of Department
5 Presents and assigns the new employee to an experienced colleague Head of Department
from within department
6 Shows to the new employee the department where he will work and Experienced colleague
the entire farm
7 Performs daily SOP tasks so the new employee understands what to do. Experienced colleague
It is very important for him to be explained so much
the method of work but also the consequences of the non-delivery of SOP
8 He shows, explains and closely watches the new colleague while he is Experienced colleague
performs the same tasks
9 Performs daily activities according to SOP instructions and and the New employee
indication from the experienced colleague
10 Asks the experienced employee clarification questions New employee
11 Answer the questions and provides support Experienced colleague
12 Participate to an evaluation meeting on the first day of work of the new Experienced
employee (feedback is provided and received, answers to possible colleague Sef
questions) departament New
At the end of the first day of work Farm Manager
1.3 Stage 2. The first month of work
1 Performs daily activities following SOP instructions New employee
2 Ask questions for clarification if necessary New employee
3 Answer the questions and provides feedback Experienced colleague
4 Checks the new employee's activity, offers realistic and constructive Head of Department
feedback. Clarify expectations and consequences
5 Attending to an appointment for evaluation of the activity of the new HR Assistant
employee New employee
Head of Department or
Every 2 weeks, in the first month of activity of the new Farm Manager

6 Attending to an appointment for evaluation of the activity of the new HR Assistant

employee New employee
Head of Department or
Farm Manager
At the end of the first month of activity
7 Decides to terminate or continue the collaboration Head of Department
8 Terminate or extend the contract for another 2 months, in accordance HR Assistant
with the decision taken Nu cred ca mai este de actualitate intrucat
contractele de munca se fac pe perioada nedeterminata(in productie),
asadar nu este cazul de prelungirea lor
1.4 Stage 3. The first 3 months of work
1 Performs daily activities without needing guidance or supervision New employee
2 Provides new employee support required to carry out activities Head of Department
(constructive feedback, instructions in a timely manner, encourages new
employee to talk about mistakes and ask for help)
3 Evaluates the activity of the new employee HR Assistant
Head of Department or
Farm Manager
At the end of the first 3 months of activity

4 Tests the new employee's knowledge of the SOP Head of Department

At the end of the first 3 months of activity

5 Decide whether the new employee will continue to work within the firm Farm Manager
6 Terminate or prolongs the work contract for an indefinite period Din HR Assistant
nou...Nu mai este de actualitate intrucat contractele de munca se fac
pe perioada nedeterminata (in productie), asadar nu este cazul de
prelungirea lor
- The end of the induction process -

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