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A Guide to Reading & Writing JAPANESE A Comprehensive Guide to 1d g(r) Ye] al XNA Ae ae AIC 08 Compiled by Florence Sakade Rees a Cusine Curie) Rena rce) rao & Henk de Groot Tuttle Language Library A Guide to Reading & Writing JAPANESE Third Edition A Comprehensive Guide to the Japanese Writing System first edition compiled by Florence Sakade third edition revised by Kenneth Henshall, Christopher Seeley & Henk de Groot TUTTLE PUBLISHING Boston * Rutland, Vermont * Tokyo Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., with editorial offices at 153 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02109 and 130 Joo Seng Road, #06-01/03 Singapore 368357. Original edition © 1959 by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc. Third edition © 2003 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without pror written permission from the publisher. LCC Card No. 59-10412 ISBN 0-8048-3365-6 Distributed by: Japan Tuttle Publishing Yaekari Building, 3rd Floor 5-4-12 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku ‘Tokyo 141-0032 Tel: (03) £437 0171; Fax: (03) 5437 0755 Email: North America, Latin America & Europe Tuttle Publishing 364 Innovation Drive North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436 Tel: (802) 773 8930; Fax: (802) 773 6993 Email: Asia Pacific Berkeley Books Pte. Ltd. 130 Joo Seng Road, #06-01/03 Singapore 368357 Tel: (65) 6280 1330; Fax: (65) 6280 6290 Email: 08 07 06 05 04 recut aces Printed in Singapore CONTENTS v-xii Introduction 1 Aim v 2. This Book and the Modern Japanese Writing System v 2.1 About the Characters Selected v 2.2 How Characters are Read in Japanese vi 2.3. Writing Characters vii 2.4 Romanisation ix 2.5 Kana Signs and Combination x Layout Details x Final Notes xi 5 Select Bibliography of Main Works consulted for this Edition xi RY Acknowledgements .... Section 1: The 1,006 Essential Characters .... Grade One: — Characters 1-80.. Grade Two: — Characters 81-240... Grade Three: Characters 241-440 Grade Four: — Characters 441-640 Grade Five: Characters 641-825 Grade Six: Characters 826-1,006 166-202 Section 2: The 1,945 General Use Characters .. . 203-294 Katakana and Hiragana Syllabaries . Index of Readings... INTRODUCTION 1 Aim This newly revised edition is designed for students and others who have at least an elementary knowledge of spoken Japanese and are wanting to acquaint themselves with the Japanese writing system. To this end, this book sets out the 1,945 Chinese characters contained in the officially approved character list—the Joyo kanji (General Use Characters) List—which in 1981 replaced the earlier list approved in 1946. 2 This Book and the Modern Japanese Writing System 2.1 About the Characters Selected While the Joyo kanji List (hereafter abbreviated to JK List) does not represent an exhaustive list of Chinese characters which the student will encounter in modern Japanese texts, in combination with the two syllabaries (hiragana and katakana) it does nevertheless provide a very sound basis for reading and writing modern Japanese. In Japanese schools, 1,006 of the more commonly used JK List characters are taught in the six years of elementary school, the balance of 939 characters being spread out over the intermediate and high school curriculum. The JK List characters also form the basis of character usage in modern newspapers, though sometimes the Japan Newspaper Association chooses to deviate from the List in some ways. At the end of 2001 the following 39 characters in addition to those in the JK List were adopted by the Association for active use in newspapers: fil #4 4 Et #3 bt BE Tbh SAD aes 2S PE Tabi HY A a FG a RPE AE WA BE 4 GK IK HF. . We simply list these here for readers’ possible future reference, and do not go into readings or meanings. For writing the names of their children, Japanese today can choose from a corpus of characters consisting of the JK List together with a supplementary list of characters for use in given names. The first such name character list, approved in 1951, consisted of 92 characters, but that has been expanded on repeated occasions (and not without some controversy) to 285. We do not list these here. This book is divided into two main sections. Section One presents the 1,006 characters designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education to be taught during INTRODUCTION the six years of elementary school—termed here ‘Essential Characters’. The choice of these characters is the result of extensive research and deliberation by the Ministry. For these characters, the editors of this volume have endeavored to give illustrative character compounds that are in common use. Section Two of this book sets out the 1,945 characters designated for general everyday use (including the 1,006 characters taught at elementary school). In 1946 the Japanese writing system underwent fairly radical reform in the direction of simplification, but the 1970s onwards saw some movement away from what some saw as an over-simplification, and the trend towards use of a bigger range of Chinese characters has been encouraged by the development and popularity from the mid-1980s of word-processors and computers that can handle conventional Japanese text. Despite this trend, the major impact of the orthographic reforms of the late 1940s has meant that the Japanese writing system of today still remains much simpler than it was before 1946. 2.2 How Characters are Read in Japanese Typically, each Chinese character has two types of readings—on-yomi and kun-yomi. The on-yomi (on reading, i.e. Sino-Japanese reading) is a reading originally based on the Chinese pronunciation associated with each character, and reflects the fact that the Chinese script was adopted from China the best part of 2,000 years ago, when the Japanese themselves did not have a writing system. Contrasting with the on-yomi is the kun-yomi (kun reading, i.e. native Japanese reading). In some cases, a given Chinese character has several on readings, reflecting different forms of underlying Chinese pronunciation. A given character may also have more than one associated kun reading. Context and the use or absence of accompanying kana (okurigana) are the pointers as to which reading is appropriate in a given case. In this book, the majority of the readings set out in the JK List as it appeared in the Kanpo (Official Gazette) of 1 October 1981 have been included, but some readings have been excluded, bearing in mind the aim of this book, because they are archaic, obsolescent, or not common (e.g. nagomu [to soften] for fil). Also excluded from among the formal readings listed in this book are the sort of common minor—or relatively minor—variations in character readings which are found only in certain environments in compounds. For instance, the character “# has the on reading GAKU, which is truncated to GAK- in the compound “# gakké [school, college], the kun reading ame [rain] of J changes to ama- as the first element in compounds such as iJ amado [rain-shutters], and the character & GO is read GAT- in the compound 47% gatten [understanding, consent]. It was considered best for readers of this book to learn such changes gradually as they progress. INTRODUCTION In modern Japanese usage there are quite a number of characters which lack either an on reading or a kun reading. For instance, nowadays the character Hf [sugar] is employed only for its on reading TO, while the character #fi [box] is used only for its kun reading hako. 2.3 Writing Characters Firstly, the student should make every effort to practice so as to keep the characters of uniform size in relation to one another. Thus, the 2-stroke character J) katana should be written within the equal-sized imaginary square or circle as the 15-stroke iii RON [argument, opinion], and by the same token the element & should be written larger when used as an independent character (read GEN, GON, [speech, word]) than when used as a radical / component in a more complex character such as iti RON above. Secondly, bear in mind that Chinese characters sometimes consist of just a few strokes, sometimes many, but the characters are always written according to a set stroke order. Listed below are some principles that will be of assistance with regard to priority in the order of strokes. 1. Top to bottom: 2—+-[|- |= |e 4#— Plt ae | [eR 2. Left to right: | — ) In yy AY — 4 AT yA we dA tls 5 x ose KF FIR While the above may all seem rather complicated, the student might find solace in the fact that, as noted above, the writing system has been simplified to a considerable extent compared with the past, and has been mastered by many thousands of students having neither native speaker competence in Japanese nor prior background knowledge of the Chinese script. 2.4 Romanisation There are several different systems of representing Japanese using the Roman alphabet. This book employs a slightly modified form of the Hepburn system, this being a system which is widely used and which is based on conventions associated with the spelling of English. The minor modification involves using the letter n rather than m to represent the syllabic nasal /v when the latter occurs immediately before the consonants m, b or p (thus, for instance, shinbun [newspaper], not shimbun, and kenpé [constitution], not Kempo). Other points to note are: 1. use of a macron to indicate vowel lengthening for o and u, e.g. gakk6 [school], renshii [practice]; INTRODUCTION 2. use of a hyphen in cases where it is considered that this might facilitate understanding of boundaries between constituent elements in a Japanese word, e.g. sara-arai [dishwashing], rather than saraarai; and 3. use of the apostrophe ’ instead of a hyphen after a syllabic nasal /u, such as tan’i [unit] (a word of three short syllables, which in kana would be written /v\)) as opposed to tani [valley] (a word of two short syllables, written 712 in kana). 2.5 Kana Signs and Combinations The two main sections of this book are followed by a section setting out individual symbols in the hiragana and katakana syllabaries, and illustrations of stroke order for each of those symbols. Each of the two syllabaries evolved and became established over a period of many centuries, thereby becoming cemented as integral components in the modern writing system. Katakana, which are more angular in appearance than hiragana, are today used first and foremost to represent loanwords of European origin, e.g. /\ > pan [bread] and E—Jb biiru [beer]. Hiragana are used widely and variously elsewhere to represent such elements as grammatical particles, inflectional endings of verbs, and frequently to represent in writing words which would otherwise need to be written with intricate or uncommon characters such as those for 6mu [parrot] (#8i§) or for the ken of sekken [soap] (ill). For the convenience of users of this book, the final part consists of an alphabetical index of readings for the 1,945 JK List characters. 3 Layout Details The 1,006 most essential characters are set out in Section One in accordance with the Education Ministry’s division into six grades. These are in running sequence, but note that the grade divisions are: 1-80 = Grade One 81-240 = Grade Two 241-440 Grade Three 441-640 Grade Four 641-825 = Grade Five 826-1,006 = Grade Six Characters within each grade are set out in the traditional ‘50 sounds’ (gojtion) order which is commonly used for reference-type works in Japanese, except that the characters in Grade One alone are ordered on the basis of semantic groupings. Each character is typically accompanied by the on reading, then the kun reading and English meaning(s). The context is the best guide as to which reading is appropriate in a given case. INTRODUCTION Also included for each of the 1,006 characters is information regarding the total number of strokes (the stroke count) and the set order to be followed in writing individual strokes. In most cases, three examples of character compounds are provided for each of these Essential characters. Section Two, which presents the total 1,945 General Use characters, gives them with their on and/or kun readings, and English meanings, but without illustrative compounds. In many cases, however, compounds containing characters which are among the 939 ‘non-essential’ characters may be found among the compounds given for each of the 1,006 characters in Section One. The order adopted for listing the corpus of 1,945 characters is that of stroke count (and, within a given stroke count, by radical). So as to avoid undue repetition, each of the 1,006 Essential characters appearing in Section Two is given with the corresponding reference to Section One, to which the reader can refer for details. With regard to the typographical conventions employed in giving readings and meanings for characters, these are explained by means of the example below. Ja KEN'; mi(ru/, to see, look* ' On reading in upper case. * Kun reading in lower case italics. Parentheses used to indicate end-syllable(s) to be written in kana (thus, mi(ru), since this word is conventionally written 5d, 4). ) English meaning(s) given in regular lower case. Also note the use of a comma after a single on-reading to indicate that it can be used as a stand-alone word, e.g. “ZA, seat...” (ie. ‘za’ exists as a word meaning “seat’), as opposed to “U canopy...” (i.e. ‘u’ does not exist as an independent word). 4 Final Notes Good luck with your study. For aspects of the modern Japanese language such as grammar, vocabulary, or style, you should refer to other appropriate textbooks and reference works, a variety of which are now available from Tuttle Publishing. 5 Select Bibliography of Main Works Consulted for this Edition Note: All the books in Japanese listed below have been published in Tokyo. Haig, J.H. et al. (ed.), The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary. Charles E. Tuttle, Tokyo, 1997. Henshall, K. G., A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters. Charles E. Tuttle, Tokyo, 1988. xi INTRODUCTION Masuda, K., et al. (ed.), Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary, Kenkyusha, 4th ed., 1974, Morohashi T., Dai kanwa jiten. 13 vols. Taishukan, 1955-60. Sanseido henshiisho (ed.), Atarashii kokugo hyOki handobukku. Sanseido, 1991. Sato K. (ed.), Kanji hyakka daijiten, Meiji shoin, 1996. Seeley, C. A History of Writing in Japan. Paperback edition: University of Hawaii Press, 2000. Shirakawa S., Jitd. Heibonsha, 2nd ed., 1992. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The editors of the Newly Revised Edition respectfully acknowledge the work of the earlier editions carried out by Florence Sakade and her editorial team, work which has been of assistance to generations of students (including the present editors). Grateful acknowledgement is also due to Flavia Hodges, Tan Mike Tze, Nancy Goh, Nathan Burrows, Neil Chandler, Bruce Penno, Paul Eagle, Shozo Tsuji, Yasuko Tsuji, and Kazuko Seeley. The 1,006 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ICHI, ITSU, hito-, hito(tsu), one Fl ichigatsu, January -% ichiban, first, best —-lff} issatsu, one (book, magazine) 1 I stroke NI, futa(tsu), two —HA_ nigatsu, February 2A nikagetsu, two months =I] nikai, twice # 2 strokes SAN, mi-, mit(tsu), three =A sangatsu, March =A. sannin, three people =H mikka, three days, the third day 3 strokes SHI, yon, yo-, yot(tsu), yo(tsu), four WIFI shigatsu, April PUL yokka, four days, the fourth day D+ shija, yonja, forty 4 5 strokes. 5-9 © ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 5 4 strokes a 7N 4 strokes +e 7 2 strokes JN 8 2 strokes 9 2 strokes GO, itsu(tsu), five TiAl gogatsu, May EA gonin, five people Fit gojii, fifty ROKU, mut(tsu), mu(tsu), six 7A rokugatsu, June 7\AAL rokkagetsu, six months 7+ rokujti, sixty SHICHI, nana(tsu), nana, seven +A shichigatsu, July “£2 nanakagetsu, seven months +64 shichijii, nanajii, seventy HACHI, yat(tsu) ya(tsu), eight 7\A— hachigatsu, August J\2.A_ hachikagetsu, eight months J\4- hachijii, eighty KYU, KU, kokono(tsu), nine LAL kugatsu, September I++ kujéi, kyajia, ninety JUNE kuji, nine o'clock ai 10 2 strokes. a i 6 strokes. am 12 3 strokes A 13 4 strokes A 14 4 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 10-14 JU, t0, ten ++] jiigatsu, October +H téka, ten days, the tenth day lel jikkai, ten times HYAKU, hundred nihyaku, two hundred E sanbyaku, three hundred Fif€hti hyakkaten, department store SEN, chi, thousand FFA sen’en, a thousand yen = sanzen, three thousand Tit gosen, five thousand NICHI, JITSU; hi, day, sun; ~ka, suffix for counting days FIWE EL nichiyobi, Sunday MEET sakujitsu, yesterday $7 asahi, morning sun GETSU, GATSU; tsuki, month, moon HIMEEL getsuyabi, Monday 34€A — raigetsu, next month =HA mikazuki, new moon 15-19 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 4 strokes 16 4 strokes 7K 7 4 strokes & 18 8 strokes oa 19 3 strokes. KA; hi, fire KWEEL kay6bi, Tuesday (£6 hibachi, charcoal brazier 4 kaji, fire, conflagration SUI; mizu, water KK 6-mizu, flood, inundation IKI] suiryoku, water power IKE suihei, sailor BOKU, MOKU,; ki, tree, wood ARIZA mokuyobi, Thursday MAR zaimoku, lumber AC mokusei, made of wood KIN, gold; KON gold; kane, money 41 kin’yobi, Friday 454 o-kane, money ef —_kingyo, goldfish DO, TO; tsuchi, earth, soil LEE doydbi, Saturday tt tochi, ground, plot of land tA dojin, native 20 6 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 20-24 NEN; toshi, year E+: rokunensei, sixth-grade pupil §1) toshiyori, old person seinen, youth 21 5 strokes 7a py 5 strokes E 23 3 strokes “RB 24 3 strokes SA; hidari, left 423 — saha, leftist (political), left wing {| sasoku, hidarigawa, left side 42¥ hidarite, left hand U, YU; migi, right 7e45 saya, left and right Ai ua, right wing (political) Aitll usoku, migigawa, right side JO; ue, top, above, on; kami, upper; nobo(ru), to go up, to go toward Tokyo; a(geru), to raise; a(garu), to rise Edit joryd, upstream, upper class iff — kaijo, on the sea, maritime JILL: kawakami, upstream KA, GE; shita, bottom, under, beneath; moto, base; shimo, lower; kuda(ru), to go down, to go away from Tokyo; sa(geru), to hang (v.t.), to lower; sa(garu), to hang down; kuda(saru), to bestow JIT kawashimo, downstream “Fuh gehin, vulgar, coarse tft FR% chikatetsu, subway 25-29 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS DAI, TAI; 6(kii), big, large, great A — daigaku, university, college KE taihen, tremendous, serious KIKI] 6-hiroma, grand hall 25 3 strokes 26 4 strokes 7\\ 27 3 strokes 28 2 strokes 29 5 strokes CHU; naka, middle, within, inside HA“¢# chuigakko, middle school HL. chiishin, center, heart (of a city, etc.) 4" shicha, concentration SHO; ko, o-, chii(sai), small, minor shdgakk6, primary school koya, hut shdsetsu, novel (fiction) NYU; iri, entering, attendance; i(reru), to put in; hai(ru), to enter A nyagaku, entering school A yunya, importation AM iriguchi, entrance SHUTSU, SUI; de(ru), to come out, to go out; da(su), to put out, to take out, to bring out, to draw out Hi3€ — shuppatsu, setting out, departure, starting {Hi — shuppan, publishing HHI deguchi, exit A 30 5 strokes Bi 31 7 strokes Ff ee 6 strokes SE a 33 9 strokes 34 3 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 30-34 MOKU, BOKU; me, eye; also used as an ordinal suffix 4 yokome, side glance Af) mokuteki, purpose ARR mokuhyé, mark, target KEN; mi(ru), to see, to look; mi(eru), to be visible, to be able to see; mi(seru), to show, to display KL migoto, splendid 5% —_kenbutsu, sightseeing SLA mihon, sample JI; mimi, ear BE hayamimi, keen of hearing Bg 0 miminari, ringing in the ears EAL. mimi ga toi, deaf ON, IN; ne, ofo, sound GR ongaku, music 3€#% hatsuon, pronunciation EEE boin, vowel KO, KU; kuchi, mouth F1ONF kuchihige, mostache AT iriguchi, entrance Lili koron, dispute 35-39 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS. = 35 4 strokes ve 36 7 strokes XL 37 5 strokes A 38 5 strokes A 39 2 strokes SHU; te, hand #2 akushu, handshake #4 _tebukuro, gloves FAL tegami, letter SOKU,; ashi, foot, leg; ta(riru), to be sufficient; fa(su), to add, to supplement JB — ashi-ato, footprint iH manzoku, satisfaction AxfE _ fusoku, insufficiency RITSU, RYU; ta(tsu), (v.i.), to stand; ta(teru) (v.t.), to erect, to set up iN dokuritsu, independence X90 _ yakudatsu, useful YE tachiba, standpoint RYOKU, RIKI; chikara, strength, power if — chikaramochi, strong person {ii ky6ryoku, co-operation $$) doryoku, endeavor JIN, NIN; hito, person Si jinrui, human race Af#l ningen, human being AFL jinké, population T+ 40 3 strokes tp 41 3 strokes 7; 2 7 strokes 7 43 6 strokes oe 44 5S strokes ENTIAL CHARACTERS * 40-44, SHI, SU; ko, child FEB kodomo, child, children IR genshi, atom 4 _yosu, the state of things, appearance JO, NYO; me, female; onna, woman, girl a jochi, maid ‘D4 shojo, maiden KE jod, queen DAN, NAN; otoko, man, male SAVE dansei, male sex, male 34 danshi, male, boy 28 chdnan, eldest son SEN; saki, previous, ahead Je4E sensei, teacher 3€A — senjitsu, the other day {TZ IE yukisaki, destination SEI, SHO birth, life; u(mareru), to be born; u(mu), to give birth; i(kiru), to live; ki, pure, genuine; nama, raw; ha(eru), to grow, to spring up Ee issho, one’s (whole) life ie seikatsu, livelihood KEE daigakusei, college student 45-49 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SS GAKU, learning, science; mana(bu), to learn —j- “#86 gakko, school [&°¢ —igaku, medicine FF kagaku, science 45 8 strokes KO school; to correct, to investigate, to compare, to think #EIE__kosei, proofreading E42 kasha, school building 10 strokes RK kya, alumnus Osama, king ji, prince okoku, kingdom, monarchy 47 4 strokes GYOKU; tama, jewel, round object JK3E mizutama, drop of water HE medama, eyeball 48 5 strokes kai, sea shell Fi kaigara, shell EUR kaihiroi, shell gathering HEKA_ shinjugai, pearl oyster 49 7 strokes FY 50 4 strokes Ar oo 7 strokes a 52 8 strokes a 53 5 strokes x 54 3 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 50-54 EN, circle, yen (Japanese monetary unit); maru(i), round Fis enman, perfection, satisfaction F FUEL sen’ensatsu, thousand-yen bill FAA enban, disc SEKI, SHAKU; aka, aka(), red; aka(rameru) (v.t.), to colour up, to add blush; aka(ramu), to turn red, to blush Hk © Ay akachan, baby, infant TVT —_ sekijaji, Red Cross ro) shakud6, alloy of copper and gold SEI, SHO; ao, ao(i), blue, green, inexperienced WF4F seinen, youth HIV aojiroi, pale #2 aozora, blue sky HAKU, BYAKU; shiro, shiro(i), white hakujin, Caucasian hakuj6, confession hakuchd, swan KI; yd, evening yagata, evening ‘yahan, supper yaikaze, evening breeze 55-59 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MEI, MYO name, fame; na, name %& A namae, name Z 4% yiimei, famous, well-known %). meijin, an expert a) 6 strokes SO; haya, haya(i) early, fast ‘C1 haya-guchi, quick speaking Bo 44% sOshun, early spring FLU tebayai, quick, nimble 56 6 strokes ; kusa, grass, vegetation SiG kusahara (kusawara), grassy = plain % —— s6an, draft (of a manuscript) 40 kusatori, weeding fe : i 57 9 strokes SAN; yama, mountain Whitt sand@, yamamichi, mountain path \Ufi —sanmyaku, mountain range £111 tozan, mountain climbing 58 3 strokes SEN; kawa, river #)I|_— tanigawa, mountain stream N] JINAZ -kawabata, riverside JIT. kawaguchi, mouth of a river 59 3 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 60-64 DEN; ta, rice field HABA den’en, fields and gardens, rural districts FFif — inada, rice field Ft taue, rice planting 60 5 strokes CHO; machi, town HY 9421 machihazure, outskirts of a town BTA) chénai, the neighborhood HTS chdchd, mayor of a town 61 7 strokes SON; mura, village HES sonmin, villager HEE sonché, village mayor IAT ndson, a farm village 62 7 strokes. SHA; kuruma, wheel, vehicle E1GH4i jiddsha, automobile H#R41 jitensha, bicycle 3E#i—hassha, departure of a vehicle 63 7 strokes RIN; hayashi, woods #6 — shokurin, reforestation ‘KK mitsurin, thick forest FSR nérin, agriculture and forestry 64 8 strokes 65-69 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS zy SHIN; mori, forest, grove BRAK shinrin, forest AN a PRs shinkan, silent shingen, solemn, awe-inspiring 65 12 strokes we KU, sora, sky; a(ku), to become empty; a(keru), to vacate; kara, emptiness x 22 aozora, blue sky SA kaki, air ZeHE kako, airport 66 8 strokes TEN, ame, sky, heaven KS tenki, weather RH RF tenjd, ceiling tensai, genius 67 4 strokes KI, spirit, energy, mind; KE KR tenki, weather TES —_genki, good spirits, health JS. byOki, sickness U; ame, rain 6-ame, heavy rain amado, rain door, shutter #819] baiu, rainy season of early summer 69 8 strokes - AG ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 70-74 KA; hana, flower 7E —_ hanaya, flower shop, florist 4EUA kabin, vase 4&K —_ hanabi, fireworks 70 7 strokes CHIKU; take, bamboo 4P3S_ takeyabu, bamboo grove ‘11 takezaiku, bamboo ware 'i2>Z takekago, bamboo basket 1 6 strokes SEKI, KOKU, SHAKU; ishi, stone “)\4_ ko-ishi, pebble Gik sekitan, coal REG jishaku, magnet 2 5 strokes KEN; inu, dog XK ko-inu, puppy XA banken, watchdog SEAM kyOkenbyo, rabies 73 4 strokes CHU; mushi, insect, bug, worm G44 gaichii, harmful insect 464 — mushiba, decayed tooth £25 koncha, insect, bug 74 6 strokes 75-79 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHI; ito, thread 4% keito, woolen yarn 400 itoguchi, clue 3% _ itomaki, spool for thread HON, book, suffix for counting long, slender objects; moto, basis, essence, (tree) root. AX ippon, one (bottle, rod, etc.) Asi honbako, bookcase 76 5 strokes HA. Nihon, Nippon, Japan BUN, writings, a sentence; MON, old unit of money; fumi, letter, book Sate, Me SCBA BA bunka, culture bungaku, literature Monbudaijin, Minister of 7 4 strokes Education JI, letter, mark; aza, section (of a village) “F51 jibiki, dictionary ME AF ‘moji, monji, letter, character, ideograph siji, number, numeral 6 strokes SEI, SHO; tada(shii), correct, rig! tada(su), to correct, to rectify; masa(ni), surely, truly iE( —_shdjiki, honesty IEAVHE seihokei, square (geometrical 79 5 strokes figure) IFAL — shogatsu, New Year's ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 80-84 KYU; yasu(mi), rest, vacation; yasu(mu), to rest tK#E kyakei, rest, intermission 4KAl kyéjitsu, holiday 4K _ kyay6, relaxation, recreation 80 6 strokes 5 | IN; hiki, pulling; hi(ku), to pull, to draw #851% —— fukubiki, lottery VA in’yé, quotation, citation 51230 _ hikitate, favor, patronage 81 4 strokes U; hane, ha, feather, plumage; -wa, counter for birds 2142 umd, feathers, plumage “2 ichiwa, one (bird) 2H haori, haori coat 6 strokes UN; kumo, cloud loudlike, nebulous Ki8# nytiddgumo, gigantic clouds seiun, nebula 12 strokes EN; sono, garden 46] ken, public park {EE —_hanazono, flower garden Hyp dobutsu-en, 200 84 13 strokes 85-89 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 85 13 strokes 86 7 strokes 87 9 strokes R 88 10 strokes Z 89 10 strokes EN, ON; t6(i), far, distant cea i kit ensoku, excursion, long walk enpé, long distance eien, eternity KA; nani, what, how many (interrogative prefix) fa]. nannin, how many people? {aj} nanjikan, how much time? {at —-nanji, what time? KA, course, branch gakka, a school subject #AE kyokasho, textbook Ae Kagaku, science KA; natsu, summer 32(KA natsuyasumi, summer vacation 0) — shoka, early summer 4 manatsu, midsummer KA, KE; ie, ya, house RE FR IRR yanushi, owner of a house, landlord kazoku, family ndka, farmhouse mA ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 90-94 KA; uta, song; uta(u), to sing [lk kokka, national anthem HU] Kageki, opera SRF kashu, singer 90, 14 strokes GA a picture; KAKU, stroke of a Japanese character FAB zuga, a drawing RII ejga, moving picture at] keikaku, plan KAI, a turn; mawa(su), to turn (v.t.);, mawa(ru), to turn (v.i.) {it[=] _nankai, how many times? [218% kaiten, revolution, rotation [51% kaisii, number of times, 92 6 strokes frequency KAI, meeting; a(u), to meet; E kaijé, place of meeting, site kaich6, president (of a society), chairman (of a committee) kaiwa, conversation 6 strokes KAT; umi, sea, ocean ifgf# —_kaigan, seacoast, seaside G7Ki8 kaisuiyoku, sea bathing W9+ ——_ kaigai, overseas, abroad 9 strokes 95-99 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KAI, E, picture FUL ukiyoe, Japanese print #2588 ehagaki, picture postcard sashie, illustration HHL 12 strokes GAI, GE outside, foreign; hoka, other; soto, outside ah MEL gaikoku, foreign country SHELA gaikokujin, foreigner WEL geka, surgery 96 5 strokes KAKU, angle; tsuno, horn of an animal; kado, corner =f sankaku, triangle pus shikaku, square $4} —kakudo, angle 97 7 strokes oe GAKU, music; RAKU, comfort, ease; tano(shii), pleasant AN 38ULA tanoshimi, pleasure #42 ongakukai, concert, musicale RE —_ kiraku, ease, comfort 98 13 strokes KATSU energy “ENE seikatsu, life i 189) katsudo, activity 18°F katsuji, printer’s type 99 9 strokes 20 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 100-104 KAN, KEN; aida, interval, space; ma, interval, room, time KF] jikan, time _= IRF nijikan, two hours ARI hiruma, daytime 100 12 strokes GAN; maru(i), round (adj.); -maru, suffix in ship names; maru(meru), to make (something) round FL gan'yaku, pill HOt hinomaru, Rising Sun flag 101 3 strokes Ly 7a FLA — manuta, log (of timber) GAN; iwa, rock, crag {EX 5H kakégan, granite ao ganseki, rock ae iwaya, cavern 102 8 strokes A aN GAN; kao, face ili ganmen, face 'f8, kao-iro, complexion BAM kaotsuki, face, look, countenance 103 18 strokes ve J KI steam, vapor YUE kisha, steam-driven train Ati kiteki, steam whistle U8) _ kisen, steamship, steamboat 104 7 strokes ey 105-109 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KI chronicle; shiru(su), to write down Ad nikki, diary ae Vv & _ kinen, remembrance, souvenir ac¢#% — kisha, journalist 105 10 strokes KI; kae(ru), to return, to leave i 038 kaerimichi, (on) one’s way back WHA. kikajin, naturalized person WHE] kikoku, return to one’s native country 106 10 strokes KYU; yumi, bow, archery =338 — kyad6, archery FX yumizuru, bowstring AR kyajé, arch, bow shape 107 3 strokes GYU; ushi, cow, bull 4 ko-ushi, calf “E3L— gyinyé, milk 4-1. gydniku, beef 108 4 strokes GYO; uo, fish; sakana, fish Sf kingyo, goldfish 4VYN #41485 uo-ichiba, fish market {20 uotsuri, fishing 109 11 strokes 22 Th ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 110-114 KYO, capital, KEI FOX Tokyo, capital of Japan 3B —Kyéto, ancient capital of Japan EEE jdkyé, going to Tokyo 10 8 strokes KYO, GO; tsuyo(i), strong; tsuyo(meru) (v.t.), to reinforce, to emphasize; shi(ite), by force $058 —benkyd, study #855 kyOjaku, strength and weakness lil 11 strokes 381 ojo, obstinacy KYO; oshi(eru), to teach #{%_—_ kydshitsu, classroom CH kydiku, education BZ kyokai, church 112 11 strokes KIN; chika(i), near i438 — chikamichi, shortcut ii kinjo, neighborhood B31 saikin, recently KEI, KYO; ani, older brother 5238 kyddai, brothers (and sisters) Qh fukei, guardians (of pupils) 14 5 strokes 23 115-119 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KEI, GYO; katachi, ~gata, shape, form AH ningyo, doll 2 He EA7H% chohdkei, rectangle AFUE han’enkei, semicircle 115 7 strokes KEI; haka(ru), to measure; haka(rau), to. arrange, to discuss at Gat — gokei, sum, total SWREt kandankei, weather thermometer 116 9 strokes fiiiat taionkei, clinical thermometer GEN, GAN; moto, beginning, foundation #150 kongen, root, origin, source 7 FLA —ganrai, originally, primarily FEE ganjitsu, New Year's 7 4 strokes GEN, GON, speech, statement; koto, word, speech, expression; i(u), to say hogen, dialect mugon, silence, muteness kotoba, word, language 118 7 strokes GEN original; hara, field, meadow JE) gen’in, cause PI’ ik kOgen, plateau iff kusawara, grassy plain 119 10 strokes 24 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS © 120-124 KO; to, door — ~ F9 — kogai, outdoors AK kido, gate, door iLF Edo, old name for Tokyo 120 4 strokes KO; furu(i), old, ancient Hf kodai, ancient times ti — kokon, past and present ii! kokogaku, archeology 121 5 strokes GO noon “FR gozen, morning, AM. 64% gogo, afternoon, P.M. iE’F shégo, noon 122 4 strokes 2 GO, KO; ushi(ro), behind; nochi, after; ato, the rear, after, the remainder 4 £4 — shokugo, after a meal Hut& — saigo, last fii#% — zengo, before and after, context 123 9 strokes GO, word, speech; katari, narration; Fi. kata(ru), to tell, to speak = vu SHEL gaikokugo, foreign language = HEH eigo, English language ‘Ma — monogatari, tale 124 14 strokes 125-129 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KO, KU worker, construction TX k6fu, workman, laborer -3F"H kOjichi, under construction “E% —_kégaku, engineering 125 3 strokes KO; dyake, public ae EMS. shujinkd, hero, heroine ) y kéen, public park 43% kéten, revolution, turning 126 4 strokes KO; hiro(i), wide; hiro(geru) to spread (v.t.); hiro(garu), to spread (v.i.); ) hiro(maru), to be spread 1K38 hiroba, open space, plaza Ji kOkoku, advertisement IKK kédai, vast 127 5 strokes KO; ma(jiru), to be mixed; maji(waru), to associate with; ka(wasu), to exchange 2 ys Om 80K _kOsai, intercourse, association 36% — kOban, police box 2G: kétsd, traffic 128 6 strokes KO; hikari, light, ray; hika(ru), to shine y}2 JE4F — kénen, light-year BE Koha, light wave #54 kanké, sightseeing 129 6 strokes 26 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 130-134 KO; kanga(e), thought, idea, opinion; kanga(eru), to think BE sank6, reference #%% — koan, idea, plan, scheme #%% _ késa, examination 130 6 strokes AT KO, GYO, AN; i(ku), yu(ku), to go; oko(nau), to hold, to conduct {Fl gydretsu, procession, queue AT kyo, express SRIF gink6, bank 131 6 strokes. a a DQ KO; taka(i), high, costly; taka(manu), to tise, to be elevated; taka(meru), to lift, to boost "FRE kotdgakko, high school ie saiké, highest a 10 strokes AN me takadai, elevated land KO, O; ki, yellow Bf —_ki-iro, yellow B® — dgon, gold BAU Onetsubyo, yellow fever 133 II strokes GO; a(u), to be together, to fit; a(waseru), to join, to combine @EI aizu, signal, sign *S4 — tsugé, circumstances, convenience #14 kumiai, union 27 135-139 ¢ ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, KOKU; tani, valley 4H tanima, valley IK tanizoko, bottom of a ravine 135 7 strokes KOKU; kuni, country [#1 kokugo, national language (Japanese) kokkai, the National Diet zenkoku, national Hs 2&2 136 8 strokes KOKU; kuro, kuro(i), black kokujin, negro 7\N ‘ kokuban, blackboard ankoku, darkness, blackness 137 11 strokes AX KON, KIN; ima, now, the present 4A kongetsu, this month 7 4riE_ kondo, next time 21% kon’ya, tonight 138 4 strokes SAI, talent, suffix for counting age FSA jiiroku-sai, sixteen years old KF tensai, genius Fig sand, talent 139 3 strokes 28 sp ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 140-144 SAI; hoso(i), slender, narrow; koma(kai), minute, fine, detailed M134 hosomichi, narrow road ‘1.L saiku, work, craftsmanship ‘M4 saikin, bacillus, germ 140 11 strokes SAKU, SA; tsuku(ru), to make {SC sakubun, (literary) composition 44 — meisaku, masterpiece {fit sakkyoku, musical composition 141 7 strokes SAN reckoning Si — sansa, arithmetic, calculation at3% — keisan, computation, figuring FEE yosan, budget 14 strokes SHI; to(maru), to stop (v.i.); to(meru), to bring to a stop; tome, stop chishi, discontinuation Kinshi, prohibition Jif Ik tsiikddome, suspension of traffic 143 4 strokes SHI, city; ichi, market ‘H(A shiyakusho, city office i734 ichiba, shijo, market Bill toshi, cities 5 strokes 29 145-149 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, SHI; ya, arrow JRE yajirashi, arrow(-sign) FR yumiya, bow and arrow —% _ isshi, retort, shot in return 145 5 strokes SHI; ane, elder sister hilt — shimai, ane-iméto, sisters sa {iti anemusume, elder daughter iit} anemuko, elder sister’s husband 146 8 strokes SHI; omo(u), to think, to recall shis6, thought, idea w INS fushigi, strange omoide, remembrance, recollection 147 9 strokes SHI; kami, paper >R—JVAE borugami, cardboard 7\\ RL hy@shi, cover, binding M&< TS kamikuzu, wastepaper 148 10 strokes JI; tera, temple 4B j-in, Buddhist temple 1% yamadera, mountain temple 149 6 strokes 30 Bi ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 150-154 JI, SHI; mizuka(ra), self, in person fei jiyd, freedom 150 6 strokes Be JI; toki, time 1% — tokidoki, fyat tokei, watch, clock REX jidai, period, epoch 151 10 strokes SHITSU, room; muro, storeroom, cave #3 kydshitsu, classroom 320 shitsunai, indoors 1% onshitsu, hothouse, greenhouse SHA, a company; yashiro, ShintO shrine #42 shakai, society, the world, the community tt kaisha, (business) company HHL jinja, shrine 153 7 strokes JAKU; yowa(i), weak; yowa(ru), to grow weak, to be perplexed; yowa(mer) (v.t.), to weaken 3954 —yowamushi, weakling 457 —yowane, complaints 10 strokes #439 _hinjaku, scantiness, meagerness 31 155-159 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHU; kubi, neck f%% —kubiwa, collar (dog) FH tekubi, wrist Ff — shufu, capital 155 9 strokes SHU; aki, fall, autumn #)FK — shoshi, early autumn «7 4K) akikaze, autumn breeze #5} — shbun, autumnal equinox 156 9 strokes raishd, next week onshi, this week 11 strokes SHUN; haru, spring 4$/8lharukaze, spring breeze #48 _ seishun, springtime of life 4% banshun, late spring 158 9 strokes SHO; ka(ku), to write i¢# _jisho, dictionary 47 shomotsu, book, volume SUN kyokasho, textbook 10 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 160-164 SHO; suko(shi), suku(nai), few, little, scarce “D4E — shonen, boy, lad 4’) tash6, more or less, somewhat “> shsa, major (army), lieutenant commander (navy) JO; ba, place 4} k6j6, koba, factory 385 basho, place {£3848 shigotoba, place of work 12 strokes SHOKU, SHIKI; iro, color kao-iro, complexion RK tennenshoku, natural color, technicolor {4% — shikisai, color, hue 162 6 strokes x» xX SHOKU, food; ta(beru), to eat; ku(u), to eat £4 — shokumotsu, food, edibles ft — shokud6, dining hall #248 shokuji, a meal 163 9 strokes SHIN; kokoro, spirit, heart, mind “M5 kokoromochi, mood, feeling, sensation magokoro, sincerity, devotion isshin, whole-heartedness 4 strokes 33 165-169 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS. SHIN; atara(shii), new; ara(tani), newly, afresh; nii-, first, new Wil shinbun, newspaper Hit shinnen, the New Year EN shingakki, new school term 165 13 strokes SHIN; oya, parent; shita(shimu), to make friends with, to take kindly to; shita(shii), intimate, familiar §H]%8 —_ryOshin, parents $19) _ shinsetsu, kindness 166 16 strokes $i shinrui, relative, relation ZU, drawing, plan; TO; haka(ru), to devise Fi zuga, drawing, a picture SHE] chizu, map [488 toshokan, library 167 7 strokes SU; kazu, number; kazo(eru), to count RE siji, figure, numeral BE AB ségaku, mathematics ninzi, the number of people 168 13 strokes SEI, SAT; nishi, west PAVE seiyd, the West, the Occident KE coi) Taiseiy6, Atlantic Ocean tozai, east and west, Orient and Occident 169 6 strokes 34 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 170-174 SEI, SHO; koe, voice DL&F5 nakigoe, crying voice 24 78°F onseigaku, phonetics F845 seitai, the vocal cords SEI, JO; hoshi, star 32 — seiza, constellation KS kasei, Mars YEE mydjo, Venus 9 strokes SEI; ha(re), fine weather; ha(reru), to clear (weather), to be dispelled; ha(rasu), to clear away, to dispel (doubts) #21 akibare, clear autumn weather 12 strokes WtUA%haregi, one’s best clothes WK seiten, fine weather SETSU, SAI; ki(ru), to cut; ki(reru), to be sharp, to snap, to break, to run out, to expire -W)41_ hitokire, one slice $19) shinsetsu, kindness 173 4 strokes. 4) issai, all, everything SETSU; yuki, snow 2 yukidaruma, snowman “HART ——_-yukidoke, thaw Aa sekisetsu, snowdrift 11 strokes 35 175-179 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, SEN; fune, funa, boat, ship BELA watashi-bune, ferry Hie fi sen’in, sailor ld kisen, steamboat, steamship 175 11 strokes SEN, line, track, wire, string SHR chiheisen, horizon (on land) Wy IC#% —_késen, light, beam, ray TA —chokusen, straight line 176 15 strokes ZEN; mae, before, in front of, previous "FA gozen, morning, AM A ae LAR zengo, before and after, context izen, ago, since, before 177 9 strokes SO; kumi, class, group, set; ku(mu), to join, to unite me MALT — kumitate, construction, structure al hitokumi, one set, one class 178 11 strokes al bangumi, program SO; hashi(ru), to run hae ky6s6, race, running match #20 8X _ hashirigaki, hasty writing #204 _ hashirisaru, to run away 179 7 strokes 36 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 180-184 TA; 6(i), many, much, abundant 4% €k _ tasii, large number 45} tabun, perhaps 44% — tary6, great quantity TAI, TA; futo(i), big, deep (voice), bold (lines), shameless; futo(ru), to grow fat AG taiyd, sun FLA maruta, log ACHTE Taiheiy6, Pacific Ocean 181 4 strokes TAI, TEI body; karada, the body, health (Kf tai-iku, physical education FAM dantai,a group 48(K — shatai, body of a vehicle 182 7 strokes DAL, TAI; a stand I taifi, typhoon FEC? butai, stage HE todai, lighthouse $ CHI, JI, earth, ground Hh chijo, on the ground HF chika, underground Sthifi jimen, surface of the earth 184 6 strokes 37 185-189 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS CHI; ike, pond, lake it denchi, electric cell, battery iH HWE — chihan, side of a pond, around a pond JAKitl ydsuichi, reservoir 185 6 strokes CHI; shi(ru), to know; shi(raseru), to inform U RUA FEAL chishiki, knowledge chijin, an acquaintance shochi, assent, agreement 186 8 strokes CHA, tea, tea plant, SA 24 cha-iro, light brown ab a 2D cha-no-yu, tea ceremony 28D AL chawan, teacup, rice bowl 187 9 strokes CHU; hiru, noon, daytime JK[H] hiruma, daytime JX — JR chilya, day and night 484% — chishoku, noon meal, lunch 188 9 strokes CHO; head of an institution or organization; naga(i), long MIEE() hosonagai, long and narrow 42D nagagutsu, boots BER kOchd, pri 189 8 strokes 38 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 190-194 CHO; tori, bird F381 chomui, birds (as a species) aN kotori, small bird dN HE 0. wataridori, migratory bird 190 11 strokes chokan, moming paper chdshoku, breakfast mai-asa, every morning 191 12 strokes CHOKU, upright, honest, cheap; JIKI, direct; tada(chini), immediately; nao(su), to repair, to put right, to | convert; nao(ru), to be repaired, to change for the better 44 chokkaku, right angle 192 iEi — shdjiki, honesty 8 strokes il sunao, gentle, obedient TSU; 16(ru), to go along, to pass; (6(su), to let pass, to continue; kayo(u), to go. back and forth, to commute Ki 0 6-dori, main street i8i{3 —_tsiishin, correspondence, 193 communication 10 strokes iHaR ——_tsdyaku, interpreter TEI, DAL; of6to, younger brother X 523 kyédai, brothers 384k —teimai, younger brothers and sisters 194 7 strokes 195-199 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS TEN; mise, store N&# — miseban, tending a store Pan FEN shéten, store (shop) baiten, stand, stall TEN, point, marks, dot AL fensu, merit marks AV tenji, braille points UBER kesshdten, goal DEN lightning, electricity GR denki, electricity iG denwa, telephone EH denpo, telegram 13 strokes TO; katana, sword WJ] kogatana, pocketknife KJ) daité, long sword J) gunto, sabre 198 2 strokes TO; fuyu, winter Atk fuyuyasumi, winter vacation AA min, hibernation ANN) (Oki, winter season 199 5 strokes 40 201 8 strokes 12 strokes a 203 16 strokes a 204 6 strokes 41 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 200-204 TO; a(taru), to hit, to be equal to, to win i(teru), to hit, to apply, to guess kent0, guess teate, treatment, allowance t6zen, justly, naturally TO; higashi, east HLM] higashigawa, east side HLF tdyé, the East, the Orient ACHE hokuté, northeast TO; kota(e), answer; kota(eru), to answer 29% tOan, examination paper F412 mond6, questions and answers WW — kaitd, answer, solution TO, ZU; atama, head, top, brain; kashira, head, top, leader JES sento, leader, head #5 kyoto, head teacher S894 © zutsti, headache DO; ona(ji), same FIR — d6ji, the same time lelt#f dojo, sympathy -[A]__ichid6, all (of us, them), all the persons concerned 205-209 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, DO; michi, road, path 7kKiti — suid6, waterworks 3B ce ie d6gu, tool tetsudo, railroad 205 12 strokes DOKU, TOKU; yo(mu), to read dokusha, reader (person) dokusho, reading #AIET —yomikaesu, to reread 14 strokes NAI, DAL; uchi, inside, home, within, during, among, between A. annai, guidance, invitation Wiff uchiumi, naikai, inland sea % _ naiyé, contents 207 4 strokes NAN; minami, south FH" nanbu, southern part iH’ =~ Nankyoku, South Pole PGK seinan, southwest 208 9 strokes NIKU, meat, flesh 467 gyiiniku, beef A W541 kinniku, muscles FIFE nikuya, butcher, butcher shop 209 6 strokes 42 dvs ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 210-214 BA; uma, horse BH basha, carriage $8554) keibajo, race track 10 strokes IU BAI, u(ri), sale; u(ru), to sell ZEN UL uridashi, opening sale, bargain sale Rae shobai, business I hatsubai, sale 211 7 strokes BAI; ka(u), to buy, to purchase 3c baibai, purchase and sale, buying and selling \.% kaimono, shopping Wit kaite, buyer 12 strokes BAKU; mugi, barley, wheat #5 mugiwara, (barley) straw #HI 0 mugikari, mowing barley s%— komugi, wheat 213 7 strokes HAN; naka(ba), half 5) hanbun, half —li _ichiji-han, one-thirty, half-past one “£5 — hantd, peninsula 214 5S strokes 43 215-219 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS BAN, number, guard, order, (one’s) turn #1 bangumi, program & 38% — kOban, police-box ME — junban, order, one’s tum rake) 12 strokes 2?wN FU; chichi, father WZ fukeikai, parents’ association A 4152 sofu, grandfather SQKE fubo, parents 216 4 strokes FU; kaze, wind HU fakei, scenery R BBL taifii, typhoon (46 minamikaze, south wind 217 9 strokes 2™ BUN, BU, part, share; FUN, a minute; wa(keru) (v.t.), to divide; wa(kareru), to 7) be separated, to branch off; wa(karu), to know, to understand 44} jibun, self 218 4 strokes <4} nifun, two minutes 14} jippun, ten minutes BUN; ki(ku), to hear, to listen to, to ask, to obey; ki(koeru), to be heard F. #iB —shinbun, newspaper #ib#L shinbunsha, newspaper office SLB Kenbun, information, experience 219 14 strokes 44 HR ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 220-224 BEI America, rice; MAI rice; kome, rice KG] Beikoku, America, the United States 2K(E — beisaku, rice-growing (crop) FK — hakumai, polished rice 220 6 strokes H HO, BU; ayu(mu), aru(ku), to walk, to step 38 —% dai-ippo, the first step (£4 shinpo, progress #4 sanpo, a walk, a stroll 221 8 strokes 4 BO; haha, mother FEO Haha-no-hi, Mother's Day #6] bokoku, mother country #81 haha-oya, mother 222 5 strokes + HO, direction, side; kata [gata], side, way of ~ing, person fi] 77 ——_rydhd, both sides {£0 47 tsukurikata, way of making SH yiigata, evening 223 4 strokes ae HOKU; kita, north ACH Hokkyoku, North Pole Fi4t nanboku, north and south AKL kitakaze, north wind 224 5 strokes 45 225-229 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MAT every (prefix) 4£4 mainichi, every day & 4689 mai-asa, every morning #§:i — maisha, every week 225 6 strokes MAI, imoto, younger sister Bahk eimai, younger brothers and aR. sisters shimai, sisters Aah bk 226 8 strokes MAN, ten thousand; BAN. Fa*F4E mannenhitsu, fountain pen 7D Fi man’ichi, if by any chance 7A] bankoku, all countries 227 3 strokes MEI, MYO bright; aka(rui), light, bright; aki(raka), bright; a(keru), to dawn, to H break (day); a(Kasu), to disclose (a secret), to pass the night ‘BAIT yoake, dawn 228 8 strokes @tH — setsumei, explanation 3€8]——_hatsumei, invention MET; na(ku), to sing (birds), to cry (animals), to how! (animals), to chirp vy wy (insects); na(ru) (v.i.), to ring, to sound; na(rasu) (v.t.), to ring (a bell), to sound (a drum), to complain, to be famous 229 14 strokes "8 275 nakigoe, cry (of animals) AE imei, scream, cry of distress 48) meid6, rumbling 46 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 230-234 MO; Ke, hair % _ keito, woolen thread, yarn EH kemushi, caterpillar Ei —méfu, blanket 230 4 strokes - MON, gate; kado, gate #&F] komon, school gate BEF} senmon, specialty F4 kadoguchi, door, entrance 231 8 strokes BR YA; yo, yoru, evening, night 724! —-yonaka, midnight +H1% jagoya, night of the full moon 4% —_‘kon'ya, tonight 232 8 strokes Ey YA; no, field, plain EFI nohara, field BFER —yakyd, baseball |F9- — yagai, outdoors 233 11 strokes YU; tomo, friend KLE tomodachi, friend KA yajin, friend Bi yao, friendship 234 4 strokes 47 235-239 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS YO, business; mochi(iru), to use JAXE yi, preparation FAL» yojin, heed, care, caution JH yoji, business 235 5 strokes YO term used for days of the week AAWEHL mokuyobi, Thursday Hee EMEAL doyébi, Saturday 7KMEH suiyobi, Wednesday 236 18 strokes RAI; ku(ru), to come; kita(ru), to arrive, next; Kita(su), to cause, to induce 346 rainen, next year DX irai, since, from that time 4% — shorai, the future 237 7 strokes RI, Japanese linear unit (2.44 miles); sato village, country, one’s native home (usually as viewed by a woman married into another family) 48! kyori, one’s native place, home 238 7 strokes AYE murazato, village ff ichiri, one ri RI, reason, logic EB rikai, understanding 455 seiri, arrangement, adjustment #158 ryori, cooking 239 11 strokes 48 3 a ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 240-244 WA; hanashi, story; hana(su), to speak tta& — sewa, aid a8 denwa, telephone @a8 — kaiwa, conversation 240 13 strokes WS AKU, badness, evil; waru(i), bad, evil 380 warukuchi, evil talk, gossip #2. akunin, bad man, villain HE akuro, bad road 241 11 strokes — Lr AN; yasu(i), cheap, inexpensive ‘Hal» anshin, peace of mind 2 anzen, safe A fuan, uneasiness 242 6 strokes a) AN; kura(i), dark 3m makkura, pitch dark Hi ~—_angé, code, cryptograph anki, memorization 243 13 strokes. R Ito heal, to cure [E# isha, physician, doctor [& — igaku, medical science [EB i-in, medical practitioner’ s office 244 7 strokes, 49 245-249 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS I to entrust with a. 4A i-in, committee, delegate ES 7 i-inché, chairman of a committee AE i-nin, charge, trust, commission 245, 8 strokes I, mind, heart, attention, care TE TERE chai, care, attention re HL iken, opinion, admonition we %% imi, meaning 246 13 strokes IKU; soda(teru), to bring up, to educate, Zz se; soda(tsu), to grow up kyoiku, education tai-iku, physical education #2 ikuji, upbringing of a child 247 8 strokes i#i— man‘in, no vacancy, full house -F{ ichi-in, (one) member > J — shokuin, staff, personnel 248 10 strokes IN member, official, personnel IN temple, academy, board, suffix for re > “institution” y I WBE — bydin, hospital . SAE biydin, beauty shop “FBe —_ka-in, House of Representatives, 249 Lower House 10 strokes 50 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 250-254 IN; no(mu), to drink BR fick. inryosui drinking water fkAK nomimizu, drinking water £24 nomimono, drinks 250 12 strokes UN, luck; hako(bu), to carry, to ~ transport HK <_un’yoku, luckily 38) —_und6, exercise, motion iffy —_unmei, fate 251 12 strokes EI; oyo(gu), to swim hira-oyogi, breast stroke IKIKKE suiei taikai, swimming meet 252 8 strokes EKI, station ERG ekimae, in front of the station wy RES _ ekichd, station master 5REL_ eki-in, station employee 253 14 strokes O center, middle FUR chii6, center “fe Chad-sen, the Chid Line (electric railway in Toky6) #228 shin’6, the epicenter, the center 254 of an earthquake 5 strokes Sl 255-259 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ©; yoko, the side, the width BiH yokogaki, writing from left to “ right ddan, crossing, intersection yokogao, side view of a BET BA 255 15 strokes person’s face, profile OKU; ya, shop FBR vane, roof ig ff tokeiya, watch shop okujé, housetop, roof Bt 256 9 strokes ON; warm; atata(kai), warm (to the touch); atata(maru), to warm oneself; atata(meru), to heat aE nie condo, temperature onsen, hot spring 12 strokes fii taion, body temperature KA, KE; ba(keru), to take the form of; ba(kasu), to bewitch 1E Blt fc# henka, change, variation, alteration Kagaku, chemistry 258 4 strokes {cht keshd, make-up KA; ni, a load, burden 47%) nimotsu, baggage fiifit} —_nibune, freighter #(E 0 nizukuri, packing 10 strokes a ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 260-264 KAI world HLS sekai, world HESR—_ sekai-ichi, best in the world BH —_genkai, boundary, limits 260 9 strokes FF. KAJ; hira(ku), to open (v.t. & i.); a(keru) (v.t.), to open; hira(keru), to be civilized, to open; a(ku) (v.i.) to be open BAZ kaikai, opening a meeting HDA mankai, full bloom 261 12 strokes be BA%€é —kaihatsu, development, exploitation KAI, story of a building, floor, grade BEE — kaidan, stairs, stairway B® — kaikya, class, caste = sangai, 3rd floor 262 12 strokes FR —~ KAN, the coldest season of the year; samu(i), cold #IZE —_gokkan, bitter cold EHH kanchii, cold season kanrya, cold current 263 12 strokes wp ww KAN, feeling, thought ‘ACK _kans6, thoughts, impressions kanshin, admiration HE kankaku, sensation 264 13 strokes 53 265-269 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KAN China; ~kan, suffix for “man” EF kanji, Chinese character R #50 _ kanbun, Chinese composition 38% akkan, villain, crook 265 13 strokes KAN building, hall BQ#8% toshokan, library BE ARGEIER eigakan, movie theater A€8% =~ ryokan, inn, hotel 266 16 strokes GAN; kishi, bank, shore kaigan, seashore eet Nise ganpeki, quay, wharf kawagishi, riverbank KI; o(kiru), to rise, to get up; o(kosu), to raise, to awaken (v.t.); o(koru), to occur, to develop 2 hayaoki, early rising 2 kigen, origin 268 10 strokes |?) [pe Se | 2 HEHE kijaki, crane, derrick KI, GO period, term “£99 gakki, school term we | 7™ SO kitai, expectation Ae] jiki, the times, season 269 12 strokes xy & 54 be ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 270-274 KYAKU, guest; KAKU BES A o-kyaku-san, guest 0 ——_kyakusha, railroad passenger car em kyakusen, passenger boat 270 9 strokes we Tu KYU study; kiwa(meru), to study thoroughly WEF kenkya, research HHA kenkyakai, research society BRAK kenkyikka, researcher 271 7 strokes Z iw KYU; iso(gu), to hurry 4295 —_kyabyé, sudden illness Wr} Jr 447 kydk6, express KAZ 6-isogi, great haste ee 9 strokes. Ay 4 é KYU, rank, grade “#8 gakkya, school class EL —_jokydi, high class [FI@4E dokyassei, classmate vse 9 strokes \ seeps KYU, GU, KU; miya, shrine, prince (of the blood) Oy ‘BRL kyiiden, palace ‘+E jingd, Shintd shrine ‘ER miya-sama, royal prince 10 strokes 55 275-279 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, KYU, sphere, globe; tama, ball BFER yakya, baseball WER chikya, the earth, the globe ER denkya, electric light bulb ae 11 strokes KYO, KO past; sa(nu), to leave, to depart 4 kyonen, last year B i425 kako, the past, past tense 276 5 strokes KYO; hashi, bridge 48H8 sanbashi, pier 4 48 dobashi, earthen bridge BKK tekkyo, iron bridge 277 16 strokes GYO, occupation, business, industry, studies; GO, karma; waza, act, deed ES shokugyé, occupation, profession sangy6, industry kogy6, industry, manufacturing 278 13 strokes industry KYOKU, melody; ma(garu), to bend, to twist, to turn, (v.i.); ma(geru), to bend, to HH twist, to turn (v.t.) HR tenth kyokusen, curved line sakkyoku, musical 279 6 strokes composition magarimichi, crooked road, winding lane HAS 0 5 56 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 280-284 KYOKU, bureau, board, office, department vy ®GEI}hdsdkyoku, broadcasting station ifi4&.Je)_henshikyoku, editorial department 280 (8) yabinkyoku, post office 7 strokes GIN, silver 42{7 ginko, bank VP? 384 gin'iro, silver color $44 _ ginka, silver coin 281 14 strokes KU, ward, section Exh! kubetsu, distinction, classification SUK chiku, area [Xfi kukaku, boundary, block, division 282 4 strokes 283 8 strokes 2 —_—__ a 284 8 strokes KU, pain, anxiety; kuru(shii), painful; niga(i), bitter 95 kurd, troubles, toil i> _kushin, pains, hard work #18 kusen, hard fighting GU, tool, utensil; ingredients — dogu, tool, utensil, instrument 14 guai, condition, state FLOR) gutaiteki, concrete, definite \ 4 im) | 3] os] He] t s7 285-289 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, KUN Mister, Master; kimi, you (familiar form) (EHR Satd-kun, Mr. Satd A kikun, you (lit., masc.) 382 shokun, gentlemen, ladies and ae 7 strokes gentlemen, you KEI; kakari, charge, duty, in charge (of); kaka(ru), to affect, to concern ZN A BIR kakari-in, clerk in charge kankei, relation, connection, Participation, implication 286 9 strokes a¢£R(% kirokugakari, person in charge of records, recorder KEI; karu, karu(i), light (in weight), slight, easy; Karo(yaka), airy, light TE 4828 —__keisotsu, rashness, hastiness TAK kei-ongaku, light music 4 —— kigaru, light-hearted 287 12 strokes KETSU; chi, blood imi —ketsueki, blood im itil shukketsu, bleeding, hemorrhage if —kekkan, blood vessel 288 6 strokes KETSU; ki(maru), to be decided; ki(meru), to decide x ‘ 4 Bet) kesshin, making up one’s mind BUE Ketel, decision ARIK kaiketsu, solution 289 7 strokes 58 ha ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 290-294 KEN study; to(gu), to sharpen, to wash (rice) WE —_kenkya, study, research HARE kenkyashitsu, laboratory DRA kenkyajo, research institute 290 9 strokes A PIN KEN, prefecture kendo, prefectural road prefectural office LIGE kenchiji, prefectural governor at 9 strokes KO warehouse #/ —— shoko, library iii soko, warehouse YAIBUIL reizOko, icebox, refrigerator Pay) 10 strokes iH KO; mizu-umi, lake ilk — kosui, lake il Kogan, shore of a lake THE Kohan, border of a lake nae 12 strokes KO; mu(ku), to turn toward, to be suited for; mu(kau), to face, to head for; mu(k6), the opposite side, beyond 125 muko, opposite [JZ 56M mukogawa, opposite side Fite AKO, direction, course - 295-299 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS aa 8 strokes 12 strokes 5 strokes 298 10 strokes BIR TK 299 11 strokes ‘aiwa(i), blessings, good luck, happiness, fortune; sachi, happiness, luck; shiawa(se), happiness, good fortune R42 fuk6, unhappiness, misfortune 324% kofuku, happiness 3] — kun, good fortune KO; minato, harbor #58] minatomachi, port town AE nya, entry into port ZEYE kiko, airport GO, number, issue (of a magazine) 2&5 bango, number at's kigd, symbol {8% — shingé, signal, code KON, root (math.), perseverance; ne, root #2&— konki, patience, perseverance KH daikon, giant white radish 4RAS _konpon, basis SAI; matsu(ri), festival; matsu(ru), to deify, to worship as a god, to offer prayers for the sake of #980 muramatsuri, village festival $11 saijitsu, national holiday SC{E8% bunkasai, cultural festival SUL 300 5 strokes 301 5 strokes G 302 6 strokes 303 8 strokes 61 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 300-304 sara, plate, dish, bowl Mev» —_sara-arai, dishwashing OLYE\ #4 sara-araiki, dishwasher PRA haizara, ashtray SHI, JI work; tsuka(eru), to serve {t3# shigoto, work #itt — kydji, office boy, waiter {£77 shikata, way of doing SHI, death; shi(nu), to die FEV shitai, corpse JEAS# shishosha, dead and injured, casualties 256 hiisshi, certain death, desperation SHI; tsuka(u), to use ft) tsukai, errand, messenger (iti shimei, mission, errand {JH shiy6, use SHI; haji(maru), to begin (v.i.); haji(meru), to begin (v.t.) Bai kaishi, commencement, start ‘GAR shimatsu, circumstances, the particulars; management UG3% — shigyd, beginning of work or class 305-309 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, & SHI; yubi, finger; sa(su), to point at, to indicate B BUH oyayubi, thumb 1848 yubiwa, ring 4818 | shikisha, conductor, commander 305 9 strokes JE. SHI, ha, tooth 400% mushiba, decayed tooth E HHEE# ha-isha, dentist tHe =—-haguruma, gear, cogwheel 12 strokes SHI, poetry, poem #% A shijin, poet i§4% shisha, anthology of poetry ALB jojishi, epic poem JI, SHI; tsugi, next; tsu(gu), to rank next to 238 shidai, order, reason, as soon as XE jikan, vice-minister &-& mokuji, table of contents 308 6 strokes JI; Koto, thing, action, affair, fact tee shigoto, work Aaa KE ‘6ji, business daiji, great matter, serious affair, importance 309 8 strokes 62 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 310-314 JI; mo(chi), durability; mo(tsu), to have, to hold S&4# kimochi, feeling fF jisan, bringing StF shiji, support 310 9 strokes. SHIKI, ceremony, form, model; ~shiki, ~-style (suffix for “style”, “type”) U% —— shikijo, ceremonial hall ATL sotsugyd-shiki, graduation ceremony, commencement 3 6 strokes Ist kyashiki, old-style JITSU, reality; mi, nut, fruit; mino(ru), to bear fruit 32% _jissai, actual state, reality HX shinjitsu, truth RI kajitsu, fruit a 8 strokes nm SHA; utsu(su), to copy, to imitate, to take (a photograph) shashin, photograph shasei, sketch, drawing from nature aie 5S strokes eisha, projection SHA; mono, person 48% — wakamono, young man FE# isha, doctor °€% — gakusha, scholar 314 8 strokes 63 315-319 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, SHU, SU; nushi, master, owner; omo, main, foremost A EA shujin, master §R3E3E38 _minshushugi, democracy fee mochinushi, owner ae 5 strokes SHU, SU; mamo(ru), to protect, to guard, to defend, to obey (the law), to keep (a ce promise); mori, nursemaid, baby-sitter 33°F 0 o-mamori, amulet, charm w rusu, absence 316 6 strokes {RSF hoshu, conservatism SHU; to(ru), to take mows toridasu, to take out be eet Rukvs shuzai, choice of subject toriatsukai, treatment, handling ees 8 strokes SHU; sake, rice wine, liquor Wi bud6shu, wine & ye WAKA we sakenomi, drinker sakaya, liquor shop 318 10 strokes JU; u(keru), to receive; u(karu), to pass (an exam) ae a $% ukemochi, charge, matter in hand uketsuke, receptionist, sett 319 8 strokes information desk “2364 juwaki, telephone receiver 64 i ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 320-324 SHU, province, state (U.S.A.); su, shallows, a sandbank AJ] Honshii (main island of Japan) JUN Kyishii Japan's third largest island) 320 6 strokes LYM Yuta-shi, State of Utah LN a SHU; JU, ten (used in legal documents); hiro(u), to pick up 481%) hiroimono, something picked up, windfall, bargain 321 9 strokes ). #94809 inochibiroi, narrow escape (from death) $82RF] jani-en, 12 yen SHU; o(wari), end; o(waru), to come to an end; o(eru), to finish #18 shiisen, end of a war #% — shigy6, end of work HA saishi, the last 322 1] strokes a U; nara(u), to learn, to study renshil, practice ji, penmanship shikan, habit, custom 323 11 strokes SHU; atsu(meru), to collect (v.t.); atsu(maru), to gather together (v.i.); tsudo(u), to meet, to gather #48 _henshi, editing 34% shishii, anthology of poems 324 12 strokes SC bunshi, literary anthology 65 325-329 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS £ BPA 7 strokes 326 9 strokes 328 8 strokes 329 12 strokes JU dwelling; su(mu), to dwell, to live; su(mai), dwelling CERT KET jidsho, address i-shoku-ja, necessities of life (clothing, food, shelter) {£5 —_jataku, dwelling, living quarters JU, CHO; omo(i), heavy; kasa(neru), to pile (things) up; kasa(naru), to be piled up; ~e, ~fold ei =e taiji, weight (of the body) genjd, strictness futae, niji, duplicate, double, twofold SHUKU; yado, inn; yado(ru), to lodge at; yado(su), to provide shelter 5B yadoya, inn 782i shukudai, homework Fifi geshuku, boardinghouse SHO; tokoro, place THA daidokoro, kitchen 385 — basho, place SEAR kinjo, neighborhood SHO; atsu(i), hot eR EZ zansho, lingering summer heat hisho, summering, going to a summer resort shochii, midsummer Bip B ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 330-334 JO; tasu(karu), to be aided, to be rescued; tasu(keru), to aid, to rescue; ~suke, suffix for masculine names BY joshu, assistant #8B) ojo, assistance 330 7 strokes. B47 joryoku, help, aid SHO bright BAA Showa, Emperor Hirohito or his reign (1926-1989) 331 9 strokes v SHO; ki(eru), to vanish, to go out, to melt away; ke(su), to extinguish, to switch off, to put out (a light) WULAL keshigomu, eraser YB shObG, fire fighting 332 10 strokes ae shédoku, disinfection SHO; akina(u), to sell, to deal in #9] A. shdnin, merchant iE — shObai, business, trade, transaction 3% shdgyd, commerce, trade 333 11 strokes SHO, chapter CHE bunshd, sentence aE kishd, medal, badge #288 — kunshd, decoration, order (for honors) 334 11 strokes 67 335-339 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHO; ka(tsu), to win; masa(ru), to excel 144 shdbu, victory or defeat, match IR shohai, the outcome (of a battle) WF katte, selfish, willful 12 strokes JO; no(ru), to ride; no(seru), to give a ride to, to place upon iN 3€0 9 norimono, vehicle 3% jokyaku, passenger 3H3R 0 t6nori, a long ride 336 9 strokes SHOKU; u(eru), to plant, to set up (type) Hi) — shokubutsu, plant, vetegation iA #BERHH shokuminchi, colony FARIA taue, rice planting 337 12 strokes SHIN; mé(su), to say #HLAd — moshikomi, application, a proposal shinkoku, report, filing a retum 338 5 strokes HL Gott méshiawase, arrangement SHIN; mi, body Sy shintai, body H 472 _ shinchd, height (of the body) £45} mibun, social position 339 7 strokes 68 F ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS » 340-344 SHIN, JIN; kami, god HE shinkeishitsu, nervous temperament Hi8H—seishin, soul, spirit #8 kamisama, god 340 9 strokes BY SHIN; ma, truth, reality Z-SCHR shashinki, camera UZ manatsu, midsummer 341 10 strokes IIE JN SHIN; fuka(i), deep, profound, thick (fog), close (connection); fuka(sa), depth, profundity; fuka(meru) (v.t.), to make deeper, to intensify YEH shin’ya, midnight 342 11 strokes xe YEN shinkokya, deep breath YEA shinkoku, serious, significant SHIN; susu(mu), to advance, to proceed; susu(meru) (v.t.), to move forward, to stimulate i£47 — shink6, progress, advance £4 — shinkya, promotion 343 11 strokes {THE kdshin, march, parade SEI, SE; yo, world, age, reign HHI sekai, the world ttl seiki, century {HT] seken, the world, society, life 344 5 strokes 69 345-349 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SEI; totono(eru), to put in order, to get ready; forono(u), to be ready 4838 - seiri, adjustment, arrangement, reorganization 31H seibi, adjustment, complete 345, 16 strokes Ht equipment, consolidation SEKI, SHAKU; mukashi, in the past, olden times BA ahs aaa oe KE mukashibanashi, old tale, folklore Konjaku, past and present omukashi, high antiquity, in the 346 8 strokes remote past ZEN whole; matta(ku), entirely 4/6 —zentai, the whole & 4:40 zenbu, all, the whole 57€%— kanzen, perfect 347 6 strokes SO, appearance, aspect, phase; SHO minister of state; ai-, each other, mutual AHR HWE arti s6dan, consultation, talk aite, companion, the other party shusho, prime minister 348, 9 strokes SO; oku(ru), to send GE _hds6, broadcast iH — yusd, transportation 3&4 Sokin, sending money 9 strokes wa ma ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 350-354 SO, idea, thought 484% 8626, imagination FEAL isd, ideal FAH yosd, expectation 350 13 strokes a. SOKU, son; iki, breath 7 tameiki, sigh kytisoku, rest shdsoku, news, letter, circumstances 351 10 strokes oR SOKU; haya(i), speedy, quick; haya(meru) (v.t.), to hasten, to accelerate; sumi(yaka), speedy, prompt sokudo, speed sokki, stenography, shorthand. 352 10 strokes sokutatsu, express mail, special delivery ZOKU, family, tribe, clan 3H —_kazoku, family, household EH minzoku, race, people, nation 7K HEEB suizokukan, aquarium 11 strokes TA, other {ti takoku, other countries {ti .tanin, other people, stranger Ot sonota, the others, the rest; and so forth 354 5 strokes 7 355-359 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS DA; u(tsu), to strike, to beat 415 shita-uchi, smacking one’s lips, click of the tongue 47 dasha, batter, hitter =4847 sanrui-da, three-base hit 355 5 strokes TAL, opposite, against; TSUI, pair, set Xt —_hantai, opposition, opposite, DA ‘objection, reverse tH taimen, interview, confrontation =xt—_ ni-tai-ichi, (score of) 2 to 1 356 7 strokes TAL; ma(tsu), to wait for 3k 4 {88% machiaishitsu, waiting room N BAH settai, reception 484% —— shotai, invitation 357 9 strokes DAI, generation, price; ka(eru), to substitute, to use instead; ka(waru), to take the place of, to relieve; yo, generation, era, reign TK jidai, period, era, age Bi{& gendai, the present age {&#— daihy6, representative 358 5 strokes DAI grade, prefix for ordinal numbers SB—lsl_ dai-ikkai, the first time 25 kyiidai, passing an examination %58 —rakudai, failure (in an examination), rejection 359 11 strokes 72 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 360-364 DAI, subject, topic, theme, title (of book, story, etc.) [2] — mondai, question, problem iiiX8 — wadai, topic of conversation {81 shukudai, homework 18 strokes wW fas | 7 so TAN; sumi, charcoal RH tank6, coal mine GK sekitan, coal Rive mokutan, charcoal 361 9 strokes FZ E, AE] & v' \y TAN shortness, defect; mijika(i), short, brief tanki, quick temper saitan, shortest chotan, long and short, merits 362 12 strokes = < aK ye and demerits DAN, talk 48% dan, consultation danwa, conversation, talk aki kandan, pleasant chat 363 15 strokes CHAKU,; ki(ru), to wear; tsu(ku), to reach, to arrive; ki(seru), to dress, to plate a4) kimono, Japanese robe —3% _itchaku, first arrival, a suit (of clothes) 364 12 strokes Ea uwagi, coat 73 365-369 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS CHU; soso(gu), to pour, to concentrate on > en ne 4 5 x YEE — chiii, attention, care, warning, J. advice 1EH — chimoku, attention, observation YES chiimon, order, request, demand 365 8 strokes CHU; hashira, post, pillar WEE hobashira, mast FEWFat hashiradokei, wall clock &kE —_denchii, telegraph (electric) pole 366 9 strokes CHO Japanese linear unit (120 yds.), division of a ward or town, leaf of a book; TEI “D” grade BET yokoché, side street, alleyway TIE chddo, exactly, just | % teinei, politeness 367 2 strokes CHO curtain, register Wiki ch6men, notebook, account x book i tech, memo book, notebook Hadi nikkichd, diary 368 11 strokes CHO; shira(be), melody, inspection; shira(beru), to investigate, to examine, to inspect aN chdshi, tune, key, rhythm, tone, way, condition 369 = iE chdsa, investigation, examination 15 strokes aE chdsetsu, adjustment 74 iB ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 370-374 TSUI, o(u), to run after, to drive away ee ®__ oikakeru, to chase tsuikyd, pursuit tsuihd, banishment, exile, purge 370 9 strokes mE TEI, JO; sada(meru), to fix, to decide, to establish; sada(ka), certain 32 tei-in, regular staff, full number of personnel 430) teiki, fixed period or term, 371 8 strokes BE regularity; prefix for “regular” Fi yotei, previous arrangement, gram, schedule TEI; niwa, garden Ke teien, garden KEKE kotei, school playground RE katei, home 372 10 strokes Pepr EH TEKI; fue, flute, whistle 24) keiteki, alarm whistle, warning horn Visi kiteki, steam whistle, siren Ni kuchibue, whistling 373 11 strokes. TETSU, iron, steel SiH tetsudd, railroad SUT 8% chikatetsu, subway 9K] tekky6, iron bridge, railway bridge 13 strokes 75 375-379 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS TEN to turn round, to change, to fall, to tumble; koro(geru), to roll over; koro(bu), to tumble, to fall down 4B tenké, change of schools ({E tennin, change of post 375 11 strokes 34% unten, driving, working, operation TO, TSU; miyako, capital, metropolis Be tokai, city ae BS shuto, capital tsug6, circumstances, conditions 376 11 strokes DO, TO, TAKU degree, time, times; tabi, occasion, counter for number of times A “BE et ichido, once sokudo, speed teido, degree, level, extent 377 9 strokes TO; na(geru), to throw, to give up Hz2 tohyo, voting 4x tet ee tOshi, investment t6sho, contribution (to a magazine, newspaper, etc) 378 7 strokes TO, ZU; mame, peas, beans; mame-, baby/miniature SJB tofu, bean-curd © daizu, soy beans LA mamehon, miniature book 379 7 strokes 76 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS » 380-384 TO; shima, island “4h hanto, peninsula BEE} gunto, group of islands SSE] shimaguni, island country 380 10 strokes +a ZB TO; yu, hot water WR yuge, steam 38) yubune, bathtub #415 netto, boiling water 381 12 strokes pa asa TO, TO; nobo(ri), climbing (n.); nobo(ru), to climb %£1 — tozan, mountain climbing %£8% —t6K6, attending school AE ki-nobori, tree climbing 382 12 strokes Page N TO, class, quality; hito(shii), like, equal Le {j0t6, high-class, very good, superior ito, first class, most, best 383 12 strokes kotdgakk6, senior high school DO; ugo(ku), to move H — débutsu, animal FAABH jiddsha, automobile 39) —_und6, motion, physical exercise, athletic sports 384, 11 strokes ao 385-389 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS DO child Yai jid6, child, boys and girls = W36 — dowa, nursery tale Hak — doyé, nursery song 385 12 strokes YE NO, farming #35 ndjo, farm FR FBX ndgy6, agriculture $83 ndka, farmhouse 386 13 strokes We) e| F| ak} i HA; nami, wave Kik — 6-nami, big wave BUH bohatei, breakwater iv — denpa, electric wave 387 8 strokes HAI; kuba(ru), to distribute, to deliver Aci haikyé, ration, distribution (of food or goods) Adi —haitatsu, delivery Ast shinpai, worry 388, 10 strokes BAI, two times, double; suffix denoting “times” 38H sibai, several times {®1{f nanbai, how many times? 7% bairitsu, magnifying power 10 strokes 78 #8 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 390-394 hako, box, case FSk#i getabako, shoe cabinet SR (EFi yabinbako, mailbox, postbox #8 ——_ hakoniwa, miniature garden 390 15 strokes KEW hata, hatake, field, farm, cultivated field FOAM tahata, fields ASH mugibatake, wheat (barley) field 4EHH hanabatake, flower garden coal 9 strokes FS HATSU to expose, to open, to shoot, to happen 38% — hatsuon, pronounciation 3EX happy, announcement i438 —shuppatsu, departure 392 9 strokes RR HAN, antithesis, anti-; TAN, unit of measure (for land and cloth); so(ru) (v.i.), to curve; so(rasu) (v.t.), to bend (something) JZXt — hantai, opposition, contrast 393 4 strokes ‘<4 _ hansei, self-examination JS hansha, reflection HAN; saka, slope, hill S88 sakamichi, sloping road -E.0 3% noborizaka, ascent, uphill road 43K kyahan, steep slope 394 7 strokes 79 395-399 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, HAN; ita, board (of wood) 4ROIB ita-no-ma, wooden floor 48an 4K keijiban, notice-board 4K —_kanban, poster, signboard, shingle 395 8 strokes HI, kawa, skin, leather EA kegawa, fur FRA hiniku, irony S28 hifu, skin 396 5 strokes HI; kana(shii), sad A0N8_higeki, tragedy, tragic event AF IS #EtL — hisd, pathetic 3296 jihi, mercy 397 12 strokes BI, beauty; utsuku(shii), beautiful Siti bijutsu, fine arts A. __ bijin, a beauty, pretty girl, beautiful woman SLT8E bijutsukan, art museum 398 9 strokes B BI; hana, nose RB hanasaki, tip of one’s nose, under Fr one’s very nose hanagami, paper handkerchief hanaji, nosebleed Fah Af 399 14 strokes, 80 Pope ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 400-404 HITSU; fude, writing brush Fi%E4€ mannenhitsu, fountain pen 322% — enpitsu, pencil Se hissha, writer 400 12 strokes ~ 7 HYO; kori, ice KT korisuberi, ice skating FKL hyézan, iceberg HEKAG —_saihyosen, icebreaker 401 S strokes XN HY6, list, table, schedule; omote, the outside, surface; ara(wasu), to show, to indicate, to expose, to express, to represent Hk —_hydshi, cover of a book 402 8 strokes 4 Hifi hyOmen, surface WRI jikanhyo, schedule, timetable BYO, second (unit of time) $+ bydshin, second hand —f _ ichiby6, one second EY sabyo, several seconds 403 9 strokes A BYO; yamai, illness; ya(mu), to fall ill J85%._ byoki, illness, sickness WibE —bydin, hospital $8 A. byonin, sick person 404 10 strokes 81 405-409 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS wy HIN, elegance, dignity; shina, goods ant shinamono, article, goods on Fim fei tejina, jugglery, sleight of hand sakuhin, work, works 405 9 strokes FU; o(u), to bear, to owe; ma(keru), to be defeated, to reduce a price; ma(kasu), to a AN defeat 154 shbu, victory or defeat, game $4(% — fushd, wound 406 9 strokes #§445 _ se-ou, to carry on one’s back BU, department, copy, part 4:88 —zenbu, all, whole up HB tObu, eastern part ih) bubun, part 407 11 strokes FUKU, dress, European clothes YEN yofuku, European clothes AR LAR reifuku, full dress ‘il seifuku, uniform 408 8 strokes FUKU, good fortune 324% = -kofuku, happiness #iD# fuku-no-kami, God of Wealth #43 shukufuku, blessing 13 strokes 82 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 410-414 BUTSU, MOTSU; mono, thing, article, object ££) tabemono, food #1) —— meibutsu, noted product, special product 410 8 strokes VV $84 — kamotsu, freight HEI, BYO; tai(ra), evenness, flatness; hira(tai), even, level, simple ‘F-# heiwa, peace 7 heiki, calmness, indifference E% —byddo, equality 411 5 strokes Rh HEN; kae(su), to return, to give back i henji, answer 03K — kurikaesu, to repeat BiKL —_ongaeshi, repayment of a favor, returning a favor 412 7 strokes si) BEN to exert oneself, to make efforts $038 — benkyéd, study i) —_kinben, diligence $0383 benkydka, studious person 413 10 strokes wR HO; hana(su), to let go, to release; hana(tsu), to set free, to send forth, to shoot WGE —_hésd, broadcasting DGE4% hokago, after school 414 8 strokes BAK —_-kaiho, freedom, opening 415-419 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MI; aji, taste, relish, experience; aji(wau), to savor, to appreciate U #20% —mumi, tastelessness 1%) mikata, friend, ally HK kydmi, interest, ejoyment 415 8 strokes MEI, order, command; MYO; inochi, life “i047 meirei, order, command ny HBr 466i shimei, mission seimei, life, soul 416 8 strokes MEN, side, phase, mask; omote, face, outside, front, surface; omo (lit), face, surface; tsura, face #iHihydmen, surface IEiEi shomen, the front 417 9 strokes SHIH] bamen, scene MON; fo(u), to ask, to question, to care, to accuse Dv FIRE mondai, problem, issue, trouble “41 gakumon, learning EFI gimon, doubt, question 418 11 strokes YAKU, office, duty, role, use, service; EKI (lit.), war 1 45 —yakusho, public office {A yakunin, government official {84% —yakusha, actor, actress 419 7 strokes 84 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 420-424 YAKU,; kusuri, medicine, chemicals 384 —yakugaku, pharmacy (study) 3 kayaku, gunpowder yakkyoku, pharmacy, pharmacist’s office 16 strokes YU, YU; yoshi, a reason, significance Hai jiyd, liberty, freedom ASHLEH fujiyd, inconvenience, discom- fort 421 5 strokes ‘ v Fh riya, reason YU; abura, oil wR abura-e, oil painting fit sekiyu, petroleum iF yuden, oil field 422 8 strokes. YU, U; a(ru), to exist, to have, to measure, to have experience, to happen, to consist of 41%, _yimei, fame, well-known 4% yileki, benefit, profit 423 6 strokes LF Ax — yashi, volunteer YU; aso(bu), to play, to be idle it# —ydisei, planet i yagi, game, sports, children’s play i#@& —yaran, excursion, sightseeing 424 12 strokes 85 425-429 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Ss YO previous $i yobs, prevention J FE yotei, previous arrangement, schedule F48 — yos6, anticipation 425 4 strokes YO; hitsuji, sheep, ram, ewe *% yomé, wool °K yohi, sheepskin FF kohitsuji, a lamb 426 6 strokes YO, ocean PAPE — seiy6, the West, the Occident ‘ YEE] yoma, Western-style room LFAR yofuku, Western-style clothes 427 9 strokes YO; ha, leaves, foliage SEER yoryokuso, chlorophyll % 5% ochiba, fallen leaves 32% = hamaki, cigar 428 12 strokes YO positive, male principle in nature AW taiyé, sun zB AW taiyokei, solar system [35a —_yOki, season, weather, cheerfulness 429 12 strokes 86 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 430-434 YO, way, style, manner; sama, Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc. (polite suffix for personal names); state, way, form, condition #16 —kamisama, god +&F _ yosu, appearance, manner, state 14 strokes we / & RAKU; o(chiru), to fall (v.i.), to be omitted, to be inferior to; o(tosu), to omit, to make worse, to let drop, to lose 58 rakudai, failure (in an examination), rejection 431 12 strokes ¥pk _rakusei, completion (building, etc.) RYU, RU; naga(re), stream, current, flow; naga(reru), to flow (v.i.); naga(su), to set afloat, to wash away, to pour (v.t.) iit nagareboshi, shooting star WEF —_ryak6, fashion, vogue 10 strokes Wifi denrya, electric current RYO; tabi, travel, journey HA. tabibito, traveler Hi{T — ryok6, trip, travel WER ryokan, inn, hotel 433 10 strokes RYO, old Japanese monetary unit; two, both fj ryote, both hands lj 77 ry6h6, both, both sides iij#1 — rydshin, parents, father and 434 6 strokes mother 87 435-439 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS RYOKU, ROKU; midori, green #i#k — shinryoku, fresh verdure ‘ut ryokuchi, green tract of land #4 midori-iro, green (color) “|= _ | REI salutation, courtesy, bow. thanks ALM reigi, courtesy, manners, etiquette £4L _ burei, impoliteness, discourtesy 4EFL — shitsurei, discourtesy, rudeness 5 strokes RETSU, row, line {Fl gyoretsu, row, procession N#i—ressha, train #85| _ seiretsu, standing ina row 437 6 strokes REN; ne(ru), to polish (one’s style), to discipline (one’s mind), to parade, to AW knead (a dough) 4 renshii, practice ii jukuren, skill, dexterity 438 14 strokes Ii “kunren, drill, training RO road, route, path; ~ji, suffix denoting ‘way’ = ios Re ALES doro, road senro, railway track koro, sea route 439 13 strokes 88 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 440-444 WA, harmony, peace, Japan; yawa(ragu), to soften, to calm down (v.i.); nago(yaka), calm, harmonious SPH heiwa, peace #UBK wafuku, Japanese clothes, kimono aA chowa, harmony Al, love; ai(suru), to love ZE4ii aij, love, affection 220... aikokushin, patriotism EY2 —_aiji, one’s beloved child 441 13 strokes AN, plan, idea; an(iru), to be anxious about, to be concerned about $+ angai, unexpectedly PA) annai, guide, guidance %,% — meian, good idea, good plan 10 strokes I with, through, on account of JAF ij6, above, more than LIS igai, besides, outside of LAfill zen, before, formerly 443 5 strokes I; koromo, clothes, garment, priest’s robe 2 irui, clothing REE i-shoku-ja, clothing, food and shelter 2A koromogae, change of dress 444 6 strokes 89 445-449 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS I; kurai, rank, position, grade; about L (approximately) ) ] : 34% chi-i, rank, social standing (1% ichi, location, situation “PN gaku-i, academic degree 445 7 strokes I; kako(mu), to surround, to enclose, to besiege FE AEH kydi, girth of the chest, chest measurement f]BH shai, circumference, surroundings 446 iH han’i, extent, sphere, limits 7 strokes I, stomach ==) 48 ibukuro, stomach 99% ibyd, stomach trouble li i-ché, stomach and intestines 447 9 strokes IN, seal, stamp; shirushi, sign, symbol, trace J FIR insatsu, printing REN] yajirushi, arrow sign HEN mejirushi, mark 448 6 strokes t Citi eigo, English language BeHE —eiyd, hero FS Nichi-Ei, Japan and England 449 8 strokes EI England, excellent 90 \\ AR ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 450-454 EI, honor; saka(e), prosperity; saka(eru), to prosper; ha(eru), to excel, to shine EA koei, honor §45% _ han’ei, prosperity AK eiyo, nutrition 450 9 strokes Sih EN; shio, salt Hi7k — shiomizu, salt water MiG enden, salt bed fii shokuen, table salt 451 13 strokes OKU, one hundred million HEE nijioku-nen, two billion years EP] sdoku-en, several hundred million yen KA; kuwa(eru), to add, to join, to increase (v.t); kuwa(waru), to join, to enter (v.i.) BN sanka, participation MMA kanyéi, entrance, joining Sh z6ka, increase 453 5 strokes KA fruit, result; hate, end, result; hata(su), to carry out, to realize, to fulfill; ha(teru), to end, to die iA kekka, result, effect BDH koka, effect 454 8 strokes SRF kajitsu, fruit 91 455-459 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, KA treasure, goods E4215 hyakkaten, department store ‘et AN $8 — ginka, silver coin ME =~ zakka, miscellaneous goods, sundries 455 11 strokes KA, section, lesson UY kagai, extra-curricular ak ®UE kadai, theme, homework “43% gakka, lesson 456 15 strokes GA; me, bud, sprout, shoot ADH ki-no-me, leaf bud H $13# ——_shinme, sprout, bud, shoot 36(LA__mebae, bud, sprout 457 8 strokes KAI; arata(meru), to change, to reform, to revise; arata(maru), to be reformed c YH —_kairy6, improvement @ _ kaishin, conversion, reform ®ALO kaisatsuguchi, ticket gate 458 7 strokes KAI shackles HERR Kikai, machine +H @3t& — kikai, instrument, apparatus 459 11 strokes se yp ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 460-464 GAI, harm calamity #42 gaichd, harmful insect 4A songai, loss, damage (2% shdgai, obstacle, hindrance 460 10 strokes GAI, KAI, machi, street, town, quarters RAKE shotengai, shopping centre ifi##f —_shigai, the streets; city, town iii —_kaidd, highway, route 461 12 strokes KAKU; ono-ono, each, every #4 kakuchi, every place %#% A. kakujin, each person &%5R kaku-eki, each station 6 strokes VVZ. eso KAKU; obo(eru), to remember, to understand; sa(masu), to awake (v.t.); sa(meru), to wake up (v.i.) 3EAH oboegaki, memorandum note RYE —_kankaku, sensation, sense, 463 12 strokes me Ju feeling jikaku, consciousness, self- consciousness KAN end, completion kanzen, perfection kansei, completion kanketsu, completion, finish, termination 464 7 strokes 93 465-469 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, re KAN, government, government position ‘EIT kanché, government office B HLEITE saibankan, judge %& 1% —_keikan, policeman, police officer 465 8 strokes KAN to control, to administer; Kuda, tube, Pipe Ef mn a tekkan, iron pipe (tube) kekkan, blood vessel kanri, administration, control, 466 14 strokes charge KAN; seki, barrier; kan(suru), to relate to BL) kanshin, concern, interest SBA genkan, entrance hall, entrance HRBYHE kikansha, engine, locomotive 14 strokes KAN to look at carefully, to show #294 _kanké, sightseeing #822% — kansatsu, observation #31] kansoku, observation, survey 468 18 strokes GAN; nega(i), wish, petition, request; nega(u), to ask, to request, to wish, to beg 7\\ N ae aA gansho, written application shigan, volunteering, desire, application 469 19 strokes 94 Rr ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 470-474 KI rare; desire 4% ~~ kibo, hope, desire #BH kibdsha, aspirant, applicant #%% ——_ kihaku, thin, weak, sparse 470 7 strokes: z KI, season 4 fifi kisetsu, season 4% shiki, the four seasons uki, rainy season 471 8 strokes aC KI history, chronicle {thd seiki, century, period —+1t#d — nijisseiki, twentieth century #e7C kigen, era, epoch 472 9 strokes z= = KI; yoroko(bi), joy, happy event, congratulation; yoroko(bu), to rejoice, to be glad KU 6-yorokobi, great joy, great delight 473 12 strokes ZN 3B —_kigeki, comedy {KS kanki, joy, ecstasy KI; hata, flag [RIM —_kokki, national flag BEE —_kOki, school flag SEEM seijGki, the Stars and Stripes 14 strokes 95 475-479 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KI, utsuwa, vessel, utensil, capacity, caliber fea shokki, tableware biga8 —t6ki, pottery, ceramics BEIGE senmenki, wash basin 475 15 strokes KI; hata, loom {8th Kikai, machine, mechanism B&Z _ kikai, opportunity, chance fi — kiki, crisis, emergency GI discussion ih kaigi, conference giron, argument, discussion 2 gikai, Diet ea ie KYU; moto(me), request, demand; moto(meru), to request, to search for, to buy, to wish for RA aR kyaijin, offer of a job seikyii, demand 478 7 strokes 2H kydshoku, seeking employment KYU; na(ku), to cry, weep, sob ALE nakigoe, crying, sobbing iL 4k nakimushi, crybaby kankya, weeping with emotion 479 8 strokes 96 ~ N|7 vy ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 480-484 KYU; suku(i), rescue, help; suku(u), to rescue, to help BUA kydsai, relief BH kydijo, rescue BALA kyakyas 480 11 strokes ha KYU to supply #G#t kydryé, pay, salary (ii kydkyd, supply Att gekkyd, monthly salary 481 12 strokes as KYO to conduct, to perform; a(geru), to raise, to hold (a function) 3% — senkyo, election 2447 kyoko, performance 4 kyoshu, raising one’s hand, a 482 10 strokes 7 ~ VN show of hands GYO; RYO, fishing if gyosen, fishing boat gyogy6, fishing industry fifi rydshi, fisherman 483 14 strokes KYO; tomo, both, as well as, together Ski kyotsii, commonness 3€AIEE] kyOwakoku, republic Sk#E%E kydsanto, Communist Party 6 strokes et 485-489 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, — KYO to be in harmony #41 kyéryoku, cooperation 4 WI st wy {2 kyOkai, society, association {hid —kyOgi, conference, consultation 485 8 strokes = KYO; kagami, mirror ff? kyddai, dressing table, mirror stand sdgankyé, binoculars kenbikyé, microscope PRALLE BABS, e/a) 19 strokes wy. KYO, KEI; kiso(u), to rival, to compete; se(ru), to bid, to compete for We wa ed ky6s6, competition kyogi, match, tournament, sporting events ¥ \4 a & 20 strokes i453 keiba, horse race KYOKU, terrestrial poles, magnetic poles, zenith; GOKU very, extremely; kiwa(maru) (v.i.), to reach an end, an extreme; kiwa(mi), apex ‘isi kyokutan, extremity 12 strokes AUCH hokkyoku, North Pole 35H shigoku, very, quite KUN, precept, Japanese rendering of a Chinese character (i.e., “kun” reading) Fall $ill_kyOkun, teachings, lesson aill# —kunren, training, drill IRE kunji, address of instructions 489 10 strokes 98 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 490-494 GUN, army, military authorities ‘iG fii gunbi, armaments ‘EBX —guntai, troops, army "EE gunkan, warship 490 9 strokes GUN, county, district #686 —gunbu, rural district, counties BBE gunchd, head of a county 491 10 strokes ES cE KEI; path, course, direct CEES keiro, course, path ae chokkei, diameter WANE 17 chokujokeiko, impulsiveness 492 8 strokes. KEI; kata, type, model, mold, conventionality #24 mokei, model 1) kogata, small size a==i ATs KA! d-gata, large size KEI, KE view, scene BURL fakei, scenery, view ARS fukeiki, bad times, depression EH — kdkei, spectacle, scene 494 12 strokes 99 495-499 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS GEI, arts, accomplishments geijutsu, art at a mingei, folk art geisha, Japanese singing and dancing girl 495 7 strokes KETSU lack, absence; ka(keru), to be broken off, to lack (v.i.); ka(ku), to lack, R to want (v.t.) Rik ketten, fault IRI kesseki, absence 496 4 strokes RZ ketsubé, shortage KETSU; musu(bi), end, knot; musu(bu), to tie, to bind, to conclude, to link; yu(u), A) oe to dress (the hair); yu(waeru), to fasten, to bind op kekka, result 497 12 strokes i co kekkon, marriage renketsu, coupling, connection, linking KEN, KON; ta(feru), to build, to establish; fa(tsu), to be built; ~date, ~-storied building ee) EE tatemono, a building kenchiku, construction, 498 9 strokes architecture, building _/RFE nikaidate, two-storied building KEN; suko(yaka), healthy, sound aan kyoken, robust ete fee hoken, (preservation of) health kenzen, healthy, sound 499 11 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 500-504 KEN effect; to examine HR jikken, experiment €—% _keiken, experience 48% shiken, examination, experiment 500 18 strokes KO; kata(meru), to harden, to make hard (v.t.); kata(maru), to become hard; kata(i), hard, firm fl koyd, peculiar, one’s own FEK — kotai, a solid (body) 501 8 strokes Z 5816] _kyOko, firmness, solidity, stability KO, merits, effect, service; KU KIA seik6, success Dyk késeki, meritorious deed THI kr, service 502 5 strokes KO; kono(mu), to like, love; su(ki), fond of, like AF Ki, goodwill, kindness Af SEL. sukikirai, likes and dislikes 4fZkfts — sukikonomu, like, prefer 503 6 strokes KO, season, sign; to inquire after SUG kik, climate, weather Al tenk6, weather {4} kOho, candidacy, candidate 504 10 strokes 101 505-509 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KO to sail on the water fii kOkai, voyage, navigation TU AEA koro, sea route, air route §it2E — kOki, aviation, air voyage 505 10 strokes KO to enjoy AEE —_kenk6, health, good health Tre i ABE HE. fukenko, bad health 506 11 strokes KOKU; tsu(geru), to tell, to inform fi hOkoku, report PE i Ia cata kokoku, advertisement chikoku, advice 507 7 strokes SA, difference, remainder (math.); sa(su), to thrust, to insert 7 72H! sabetsu, distinction, discrimination Az taisa, great difference 508 10 strokes wet ZELH A. sashidashinin, sender, addresser SAI; na, greens, rape (vegetable) BFE —_yasai, vegetables Vy7 Re SRE na-no-hana, rape blossoms S32 saien, vegetable garden 509 11 strokes 102 Se AR ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 510-514 SAI prefix for forming superlatives; motto(mo), most 48:4) _ saisho, the first, beginning REE saigo, the last 583% saizen, the best 510 12 strokes ZAI, material (for work), timber, ability, talent AH mokuzai, lumber, wood HE} zairy6, raw material, ingredients AMA jinzai, capable man evuE 7 strokes A SAKU yesterday, ancient times MEA sakujitsu, yesterday WEE sakunen, last year PEt — sakuya, last night 512 9 strokes *L SATSU, paper money; fuda, label, namecard, tag, placard; bid FLAAL satsu-ire, wallet %*L — nafuda, nameplate, name-tag AAL _ nydisatsu, bid, bidding 513 5 strokes SATSU; su(ru), to print; ~zuri, suffix for “printing” Efi) insatsu, printing BRIE —_késeizuri, proofs (printing) FHM tOshaban-zuri, 514 8 strokes mimeographed copy 103 515-519 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Pak RK SIS 10 strokes ms> eX aR 516 14 strokes EE a. 517 8 strokes FE 518 11 strokes aX 519 12 strokes SATSU, SAI, SETSU; koro(su), to kill BLA. satsujin, homicide, murder BUG sappikei, tasteless, dreary AR —_jisatsu, suicide SATSU; sas(suru), to guess, to perceive, to sympathize with ee HR ansatsu, observation shisatsu, inspection keisatsu, police SAN, three (used in legal papers); mai(ru), to go, to come, to surrender, to be nonplussed, to visit for worship. BSN sanka, participation BW sankan, visit BEE sanksho, reference book SAN, childbearing, product, fortune: u(mu), to give birth to, to produce; u(marenu), to be born EMD Ped sanbutsu, products sanchi, place of production sangy6, industry SAN; chi(ru), to fall (leaves), to be scattered (v.i.); chi(rasu), to scatter, to disperse (v.t.); chi(rakaru), to be in order; chi(rakasu), to scatter iia ARI i sanpo, walk, stroll Kaisan, breakup, dissolution isan, medical powder for the stomach 104 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 520-524 ZAN; noko(ri), remainder; noko(ru), to be left over, to remain; noko(su), to leave, to save J8<% —_zannen, regret, disappointment 984 zankin, balance, money left over 520 10 strokes 3% 7 nokorimono, remains, left-overs SHI man, figure GRE bushi, samurai # shinshi, gentleman He yiishi, brave man, hero 521 3 strokes K SHI Mister (used as suffix); uji, family name, lineage Re shimei, full name FRWRHE — shizoku-seido, the clan or the family system 522 4 strokes R aH ER shoshi, Messts., gentlemen SHI annals, history, chronicles MEE rekishi, history 22 joshi, Madame, Mrs., Miss 3.5 ‘shijo, in history, in the annals 523 5 strokes SHI to rule, to manage ®J2A_ shikaisha, master of ceremonies, moderator, chairman 14? shirei, order, command Tif shireibu, headquarters 105 525-529 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS za, | 13 strokes 7 strokes 528 13 strokes 529 5 strokes SHI; kokoro(mi), trial, test; Kokoro(miru), to try; fame(su), to try, to test AR iken, examination wGHEER shi-unten, test driving, trial run iG shiai, match, contest JI, NI infant, child Yee Jjid6, child, boys and girls, juvenile koji, orphan shoni-mahiy, infantile paralysis AUG MAEO JI, CHI; osa(meru), to rule over; ‘osa(maru), to be peaceful; nao(ru) (v.i.), to heal; nao(su) (Vv.t.), to cure HE seiji, politics, administration E34 jichi, self-government 89% — chiry6, medical treatment JI, word, speech; ji(suru), to resign, to take one’s leave, to decline; ya(meru), to retire, to quit E¢® jisho, dictionary #¢HK jishoku, resignation ‘LAE shukuji, congratulatory address SHITSU; ushina(u), to lose, to miss FAL KL Re shitsurei, impoliteness shippai, failure shitsub6, despair, disappointment tei ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 530-534 SHAKU,; ka(ri), borrowing, debt; ka(riru), to borrow, to rent, to substitute temporarily, to obtain (help) {tite shakin, debt, loan {#0 karimono, borrowed thing 530 10 strokes #48 haishaku, loan, borrowing SHU kind, sort; tane, seed ffi % tanemaki, sowing seed FE shurui, sort, kind Affi jinshu, human race S31 14 strokes rp SHU circumference; to go round: mawa(i), border, periphery J4G4 shui, circumference, surroundings Ji shithen, outskirts Reps 8 strokes F | isshii, one round SHUKU; iwa(i), celebration; iwa(u), to celebrate #8 shukuga, celebration $iti — shukufuku, blessing SLE] shukujitsu, festival day EE 9 strokes. NA JUN, order, turn NEFF — junjo, order, procedure, method NE junban, order, turn JIE] junchd, normal condition, smooth progress 534 12 strokes 107 535-539 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHO; hatsu, first; haji(me), beginning; -someru, to begin- #] #18 — shoshii, early autumn #3 _ hatsuyuki, first snow of the year #3 shoki, first stage 535 7 strokes Ww SHO, matsu, pine EASE —_matsuba, pine needles 2 HSK ~——matsubayashi, pine forest FAT THE shdchikubai, pine-bamboo-plum decorations 536 8 strokes _ SHO; wara(u), to laugh, smile; e(mu), to smile, beam KRW Swarai, loud laughter 3% kushd, forced laugh (XX —_ bishd/hohoemi, smile 537 10 strokes SHO; tona(eru), to chant, to recite, to say $8 dokushd, vocal solo | =) 8 gasshd, chorus Na — shdka, song, singing 538 11 strokes SHO, ya(ku), to bum, to bake, to grill, to toast (v.t.), to bur with jealousy; ya(keru), to be burned, to be roasted, to be jealous of A NElt ydyake, evening glow, sunset 539 12 strokes colors. shdshitsu, destruction by fire BER ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 540-544 SHO image; ZO, elephant K&R taishd, object FS insho, impression SIF z6ge, ivory 540 12 strokes Ae 4\NN SHO; te(rasu), to shine on, to compare with, to shed light on; fe(ru), to shine; te(reru), to be shy, to be embarrassed FAK hideri, drought ABA shOmei, illumination S41 13 strokes rie JA SAA taishé, contrast SHO, prize uh shohin, prize (thing) {& _ shokin, prize (money) 8&4 kansho, appreciation 542 15 strokes Fe SHIN, JIN retainer, subject KES daijin, cabinet minister :8E8— chashin, loyal retainer 543 7 strokes = _—— = = Da SHIN, sincerity, trust, faith; shin(jiru), to believe, to trust, to believe in {aA shin’y6, trust, confidence, belief, credit {25 shingo, signal 544 9 strokes 3H tsdshin, communication 545-549 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SEI, JO; na(ru), to become, to be completed, to consist of, to come to, to succeed; to come, to go (honorific); na(su), to do, to perform WER seichd, growth 545 6 strokes PY» FEp% _kansei, completion #45 — sansei, agreement, approval SEI to look; habu(ku), to omit, to cut down; kaeri(miru), to reflect upon (oneself); SHO suffix for “government department” 448% shoryaku, omission 546 9 strokes S54 Gaimushé, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan) KG __hansei, self-examination SEI; kiyo(i), kiyo(raka), pure, clear; kiyo(meru) (v.t.), to cleanse, purge, to TE A exorcize Wi _ seiketsu, cleanliness YH seisho, fair copy 547 11 strokes iL kessei, (blood) serum SEI, JO; shizu(ka), quiet, silent, peaceful; shizu(maru), to become quiet; at shizu(meru), to make calm, to soothe fk by seishi, stillness, standstill seibutsu, still life 548 14 strokes ‘diff ansei, complete rest SEKI, seat, place LHI — shusseki, attendance, presence Ke IRI kesseki, absence WERE zaseki, seat 549 10 strokes AN ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 550-554 SEKI, product (math.); tsumo(ri), intention; tsu(mu), to pile up, to load, to accumulate (v.t.); tsumo(ru), to be piled up Tiffi —_ menseki, area 550 16 strokes HANGIN) sekkyokuteki, positive, active, progressive iti tsumini, cargo, a load SETSU; o(ru), to break, to fold, to bend iit —_-kyokusetsu, winding, complications if oriai, mutual relations, compromise 551 7 strokes 40 A orime, crease SETSU, paragraph, season, time; fushi, joint, knot, tune ffi) setsuyaku, economy, frugality Mf chdsetsu, regulation, control fifi shisetsu, delegate, envoy 13 strokes N? wu SETSU, opinion, theory; ZEI; to(ku), to explain, to persuade, to preach HH] setsumei, explanation {ABE densetsu, legend ¢hali shasetsu, editorial 553 14 strokes SEN; asa(i), shallow i854 senken, superficial view i844 senpaku, superficial Z8i® — tOasa, shoaling beach, shallowness extending far from 554 9 strokes shore 555-559 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, SEN; tataka(i), fight, war, struggle; takaka(u), to fight, to make war, to struggle, to compete in games ed senso, war shdsen, end of a war 555 13 strokes » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 600-604 FU dis-, in-, un-, mal-, ill- ASEH fujiyd, inconvenience, want AR fuhei, discontent, complaint 7R#—_ fuk6, misfortune, unhappiness, death 600 4 strokes FU, FU; otto, husband IK kéfu, laborer, coolie hit fiifu, husband and wife KA _ fajin, married lady, Mrs. 601 4 strokes FU; tsu(ku), to adhere, to stick (v.i.); tsu(keru), to attach, to stick (v.t.) {iE — fukin, neighborhood 2ift — kifu, contribution 224 _uketsuke, acceptance, 602 S strokes ft information office FU, urban prefecture, center BUM seifu, government Hit shufu, capital IPE fuken, prefectures 603 8 strokes FUKU vice-, sub-, secondary filai] —_ fukushi, adverb BIZ fukukaichd, vice-president (of a society) HZ fukugyé, side job 11 strokes pal 605-609 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS FUN; kona, ko, powder KO} hi-no-ko, spark 2 \\%} komugiko, wheat flour 408} seifun, milling (flour) 605, 10 strokes HEI, soldier; HYO SEBR heitai, soldier ZN FARE heiki, arms S&L heishi, soldier 606 7 strokes BETSU, distinction, exception; different, particular; waka(reru), to part (from) Bl $5!) tokubetsu, special BIPARH betsumondai, another question Bilt. wakare, parting, separation 607 7 strokes HEN, side, neighborhood; atari, vicinity Ji teihen, the base (geom.) Ji shithen, outskirts 330 kinpen, neighborhood HEN, odd; disturbance, accident, change; ka(waru), to change, to be uncommon, to move (v.i.); ka(eru), to change, to reform Z(t henka, change, variety, conjugation 9 strokes KE taihen, serious, great, terrible sad ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 610-614 BEN, convenience, bodily waste; BIN, mail; tayo(ri), tidings, communication, aletter {GF il benri, convenience {GFF benjo, toilet 610 9 strokes el WiZE(8 kOkabin, air mail HO; tsutsu(mu), to wrap, to cover \V@l_—_ kozutsumi, postal package 1AM tsutsumigami, wrapping paper ‘QEH —hdi, encirclement 611 5 strokes 7B HO, law, doctrine, reason, method Fitk& —hohd, way, method RAE horitsu, law 3G bunpd, grammar 612 8 strokes. & Eo BO, MO; nozo(mi), desire, wish; nozo(mu), to desire, to expect, to see A - shitsubé, disappointment 44 kibd, hope, wish 613 11 strokes #34 zetsubd, despair BOKU; maki, pasture 435 — bokuj0, makiba, stock farm Gi bokusd, grass HOS hdboku, grazing 614 8 strokes 123 615-619 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MATSU; sue, end, future, youngest child, wifle OF suekko, youngest child AX getsumatsu, end of the month (#98 shiatsu, management, 615 5 strokes circumstances MAN fullness; mi(chiru), to rise (tide), to wax (moon); mi(tasu), to fill, to meet rity (a requirement) man’in, filled to capacity mangetsu, full moon Wi ii Al 616 12 strokes i ome man-shichisai, full seven years old MI yet, never, till now, un- AK — mirai, future ABBA mikai, uncivilized, uncultivated ARK michi, unknown, strange 617 5 strokes MYAKU, pulse, hope, range LH —sanmyaku, mountain range Ah ifsllie jomyaku, (blood) vein SiH komyaku, vein of ore 618 10 strokes MIN; tami, people, subjects THES shimin, townsman IER kokumin, nation RH minzoku, race 619 5S strokes 124 7\NN ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 620-624 MU, BU; na(shi) (lit.), na(i), to be non- existent, not to have, to be missing, to lack, to be deceased #€52 muri, unreasonable, compulsory, impossible, excessive 620 12 strokes }\\ 462 musen, wireless (radio) EI — buji, safe, peaceful, well YAKU, promise, abridgment; approximately, about (prefix) WK yakusoku, promise, appointment, regulations $8) yoyaku, subscription, pre- 621 9 strokes engagement 404-5} yaku-yonjippun, about forty minutes YU; isa(mashii), brave BS yuki, courage 35+ yashi, brave man ile yakan, bravery 622 9 strokes. YO, the main point, necessity; yo(suru), to require, to need; i(ru), to need, to be required X82 — hitsuyd, necessity, need 623 9 strokes 322K yOkya, request, demand #32 jayo, important YO; yashina(u), to bring up, to support, to recuperate, to cultivate ¥GE kydyo, culture €pk _ yosei, training OH yOshoku, raising, culture 624 15 strokes 625-629 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ‘2aN YOKU; a(biru), to bathe oneself in (water, the sun); a(biseru), to pour (liquid) cos ‘on, to shower with (abuse) Ki U mizu-abi, bathing Ai nyayoku, taking a bath 625 10 strokes FAtI8 nikko-yoku, sun bath RI, advantage, profit, interest (on money); ki(ku), to function well “il FIA riyé, utilization File rieki, gains, benefit HEF) kenri, a right, a claim 626 7 strokes RIKU, land Al tairiku, continent ae LB joriku, landing 0% chakuriku, landing (of an airplane) 627 11 strokes RYO; yo(i), good, well, fine, right, satisfactory Xx 2&2 kairy6, improvement ELL) ryashin, conscience HEEL sairya, the best, the ideal 628 7 strokes RYO, charge, materials i genry6, raw material LEE ryori, cooking +4 ryokin, charge 10 strokes er es ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 630-634 RYO, quantity, measure; haka(ru), to weigh, to measure AGH ury6, rainfall Hat juryo, weight S}%% — bunry6, quantity 630 12 strokes RIN; wa, ring, circle, wheel = 4H sanrinsha, tricycle, three- wheeled vehicle 46 sharin, wheel #44 — kubiwa, collar (for a dog) * RUI, a kind, a variety #81 shurui, kind, sort WE $US shinrui, a relative 3} 81 bunrui, classification E th REI proclamation, law, order BS aT gorei, (word of) command A cl meirei, command, order 4847 shirei, order, instructions fi REI; tsume(tai), cold; hi(eru), to grow cold, feel chilly; hi(yasu), to cool (v.t.); sa(meru) (v.i.), to cool off; sa(masu) (v.t.), to let cool v7 reisui, cold water WR reiki, cold air Yr reizd, cold storage, refrigeration 127 635-639 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS REI, example; tato(eru), to liken to; ] tato(eba), for example BIIk —reigai, exception 326i) _jitsurei, (concrete) example (iJ reinen, ordinary year, every year 635 8 strokes REKI to pass, to travel about pe a. MEL rekishi, history #€E —_ keireki, background (of a ae person), career J8HEX _rirekisho, personal history 636 14 strokes REN, a ream (of paper), a group; ~ren, suffix for “group”; tsu(reru), to take along; tsu(ranaru), to range; ~zure, suffix ii renraku, connection, communication, contact WH renmei, league 637 10 strokes RO, old age; o(i), old age, the aged; (iru), to grow old; fu(keru), to grow old A rojin, old man 42% roboku, aged tree Eb _yordin, asylum for the aged 638 6 strokes RO, labor, service, trouble \\ = ~ 95 kur, toil, care 895 —_kinro, labor FA roddsha, laborer 639 7 strokes 128 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 640-644 ROKU to copy, to write down G2E% —_kiroku, record #taCHK shinkiroku, new record $24 —_rokuon, (sound) recording, transcription 16 strokes ATSU pressure SUE kiatsu, atmospheric pressure FEA. atsuryoku, pressure WE den’atsu, voltage 641 5 strokes y I, utsu(ru), to move (to a place, into a house), to change (v.i.), to sink into, to be infectious; utsu(su), to remove (v.t.), to infect BR imin, immigration 642 11 strokes (emigration), immigrant #0 BD utsurikawaru, to change, to shift IN, cause; yo(ru), to be due to, to be based on JE gen’in, cause (AE inga, cause and effect, fate [HE inshd, long-established custom 643 6 strokes 7K El long, eternal, perpetual; naga(i), everlasting AG eien, eternity JKER eimin, death IKE eija, permanent residence 644 5 strokes 129 645-649 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS EI; itona(mi), occupation; itona(mu), to run (a hotel), to perform (a religious service) Keiei, management, operation 2% _ eigyo, business, trade, operation EI to protect, to defend ee eisei, hygiene Batti SF béei, defense shuei, guard, watchman 16 strokes EKI, divination; I easy BB yoi, easy A boeki, trade 3% ekisha, fortuneteller 647 8 strokes EKI, benefit, profit; eki(suru), to benefit Filt& —_rieki, gain, benefit 41%£ _ yieki, instructive, profitable 24 ekichi, useful insect 10 strokes EKI, liquid, fluid, juice We ekitai, liquid WK iii —ketsueki, blood HHH shddoku-eki, antiseptic solution 649 11 strokes je 7N ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 650-654 EN; en(jiru), to act, to perform a play, to create (a comic scene), to commit (a blunder) Rit enzetsu, speech WEE engi, acting 650 14 strokes Vv WS 1H enso, (musical) performance O, d(jiru), to answer, to comply with, to apply for, to accept WS Gen, aid, cheering JSF Sy6, practical application IS421H] Osetsuma, parlor 651 7 strokes fE. O to go; ancient times TEX Srai, (street) traffic, going and coming, street 744 Ofuku, going and returning, round trip 652 8 strokes VW.AEHE tachi-6j6, standstill O; sakura, cherry tree, cherry blossom, pink Reqé oka, cherry blossoms (lit.) Bx] sakuraniku, horsemeat Wk — yamazakura, wild cherry 653 10 strokes IND) ON, favor, kindness BLA. onjin, benefactor #4 shaon, expression of gratitude GEL ongaeshi, requital of another’s favor 654 10 strokes 131 655-659 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KA, good, approval v AJ? —_kaketsu, approval ASAE —_Kand, possibility ARI FE fukand, impossibility 655 5S strokes KA, KE; kari, temporary, false (iE katei, supposition WE kasd, disguise {i kebyO, pretended illness 656 6 strokes KA; atai, price, value +E fifi teika, fixed price fifi kachi, value ili bukka, prices of commodities 657 8 strokes KA; kawa, river ~ . vy #1 kaké, mouth of a river QV SEI ginga, Milky Way y i] unga, canal 658 8 strokes KA; su(giru), to elapse, to pass, to exceed; su(gosu), to pass (a day), to go to excess; 4 ayama(chi), error, mishap JHi8 — tstika, passage #818 keika, progress, lapse 659 ifi2% kako, past, past tense 12 strokes 132 Fw A ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 660-664 GA congratulations 4% nenga, New Year's greetings 4EBIK nengajd, New Year's card # — shukuga, celebration, congratulation 660 12 strokes d ‘ KAI; kokoroyo(i), pleasant, refreshing {RH kaisei, fine weather ‘mit ~—_yukai, pleasant ‘RH kaikatsu, cheerful 661 7 strokes Jd KAI, explanation; to(ku), to untie, to solve; to(keru) (v.i.), to relent, become loose; hodo(ku), to untie 348% rikai, understanding #818 kaisan, breaking up, dissolution 662 13 strokes. ES 434% — bunkai, analysis, decomposition KAKU, status, case (in grammar) +£#% _ seikaku, personality, character A jinkaku, character {iti —kakaku, price 663 10 strokes ha KAKU; tashi(ka), sure, accurate, reliable; tashi(kameru), to ascertain, to confirm IEE — seikaku, correctness ESE kakujitsu, certainty HEGE — kakutei, decision 664 15 strokes 665-669 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS GAKU, framed picture, amount (of money); hitai, forehead % 481 kingaku, amount of money #81 sogaku, sum total 2 tagaku, large sum 665 18 strokes KAN publication, edition F{T — kank6, publication Tl 38 shakan, weekly publication FI shinkan, new publication 666 5 strokes KAN; miki, trunk of a tree oR kanbu, the executive, leading BF members Konkan, basis, root kansen, trunk line ARE TR 667 13 strokes KAN; na(reru), to get accustomed (to), to become inured (to) = la Bia 1A shiikan, habit, custom kan'yé, common use, practice 668 14 strokes FETS — minareru, to get used to seeing, to be familiar (with) GAN; manako, eye PSI —_nikugan, naked eye AR iH =—_kingan, near-sightedness SHESE sdgankyo, binoculars 669 11 strokes 134 a ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 670-674 KI; motoi, foundation, basis; moto(zuku), to be based on 3£A. kihon, foundation, basis, standard JES kichi, (air, etc.) base 3&HE — kiso, foundation, basis 670 11 strokes = KI; yo(ru), to approach, to drop in, to gather (v.i.); yo(seru), to draw up (a chair), to push (a desk) aside @i#E kiko, call at a port @tt _kifu, contribution 671 11 strokes 24. kiyo, contribution, service KI compass HUE kiritsu, order, discipline BUBE Kibo, scale, scope SLNE — kijun, standard 672 11 strokes Gl art, skill $20 gishi, engineer BEX — kyOgi, sporting events, contest 4X1 gijutsu, art, technique 673 7 strokes GI, justice, morality, loyalty, relationship; prefix for “in-law,” “artificial” 38 — shugi, principle, ~ism ogi, lecture #250 gikei, elder brother-in-law 674 13 strokes 135 675-679 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, GYAKU, inverse, reverse; gyaku(ni), inversely, reversely; saka(rau), to oppose, to go against 8% gyakuten, reversal, going backward 48% gyakky6, adversity Ja! hangyaku, treason KYU, KU; hisa(shii), long (time), lasting; hisa(shiku), for a long time IA eikyd, permanence, etemity ALS _ hisashiburi, after a long time US kuon, eternity 676 3 strokes KYU, old IHX kydshiki, old-style IHBk — kydseki, place of historic interest IHRE kydreki, lunar calendar 677 5S strokes KYO dwelling place; i(ru), to be, to be present, to dwell {EI Sea O ialal jakyo, dwelling inemuri, napping, dozing (n.) ima, living room 678 8 strokes KYO; yuru(shi), permission, pardon, approval; yuru(su), to permit, to forgive, i to approve @#F A kyoka, permission, license, admission, approval 679 11 strokes Sear Seat tokkyo, patent, concession menkyo, license, certificate 136 Ie, ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 680-684 KYO, KEI; sakai, border, boundary, border line SHB kydgd, circumstances, surroundings kokky6, frontier 680 14 strokes Ke keidai, precincts KIN level, equality 3444 heikin, average, balance 45% — kint6, equality, identity 681 7 strokes 7K FT KIN; kin~, prefix for “forbidden” or “prohibited”; kin(jiru), to forbid, to abstain from $#1k kinshi, prohibition, ban kin’en, “No Smoking” 682 13 strokes y S431 kinshu, abstinence from alcoholic beverages KU, clause, phrase, verse, line XC) monku, words, objection i) goku, words and phrases 4a}#E8% Kkutdten, punctuation marks 683 5 strokes GUN; mu(re), group, flock, herd; mu(reru), mura(garu), to throng (v.i.) RF gyogun, school of fish E48) —gunto, group of islands BEER gunsha, crowd (of people) 684 13 strokes 685-689 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KEI, circles of longitude; KYO, the sutras, (law, reason, way, ordinary course of things); he(ru), to pass, to pass through #2 keihi, expenditure #1 _keiyu, by way of, through #86 — shinkei, nerve KETSU; isagiyo(i), manly, brave, pure iHBA — seiketsu, clean 4 __ keppaku, innocent, pure, upright ffi2% — kanketsu, concise 15 strokes KEN, matter HF jiken, event, matter JHU ydken, business 4t't joken, condition, terms 687 6 strokes KEN, bond, ticket 32S teikiken, commutation ticket W# —— ryoken, passport A383 nydjd-ken, admission ticket, platform ticket 688 8 strokes KEN; kewa(shii), steep, fierce fe kiken, danger {80% —hoken, insurance ‘SIR boken, adventure 11 strokes 138, R ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 690-694 KEN to examine £R8R — tanken, exploration RY Kenshin, medical examination ‘RE kentei, official approval 690 12 strokes PR GEN; kagi(ri), limit, end, as far as possible; kagi(ru), to limit, to restrict fil seigen, limitation HABE kigen, term 46 mugen, infinity 691 9 strokes £ GEN present, now; ara(wareru), to show oneself, to come into sight, to be found (out); ara(wasu), to manifest, to expose, to express ‘EEL jitsugen, realization 692 11 strokes. ~~ ~ Vea 22 hydgen, expression SUK gendai, present age GEN; he(ru), to decrease (v.i.), to wear out; he(rasu), to decrease (v.t.) Jn —-kagen, state of health, degree, adjustment, influence, addition and subtraction 693 12 strokes WUD — gensho, diminution, decrease WOK — gentai, decline, failing KO old, former times; reason; yue reason, cause 48K jiko, accident, hindrance #8 “Kokyé, one’s native place ib koshd, mishap, trouble, accident, 694 9 strokes hindrance Ve 695-699 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KO individual, suffix for enumeration A Kojin, individual fate lal Kosei, individual character, personality siiko, several 695 10 strokes GO to protect, to defend {R# ~—_hogo, protection ah Fiieht kangofu, trained nurse FPHEE bengoshi, lawyer 696 20 strokes KO, efficacy, effect; ki(ku), to be effective a 3HHL koka, effect, efficacy, result, sound effects $i) koryoku, effect, efficacy 697 8 strokes 479) yaké, valid, effective, efficacious KO; atsu(i), thick, cordial J#M€ atsugami, thick paper, cardboard ea —j- k6i, kindness kosei, public welfare JAE JAA 698 9 strokes KO; tagaya(su), to till Bit Kochi, arable (cultivated) land SHE — kosaku, cultivation B&H nOko, farm labor 699 10 strokes DW), ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 700-704 KO ore BK k6zan, mine 31.9 kobutsu, mineral 8KGK tekké, iron ore 700 13 strokes KO; kama(e), structure, posture; kama(eru), to put oneself in a posture, to build Hébk —_kdsei, composition 434 —-k6z6, structure, construction 701 14 strokes sii A kokorogamae, mental attitude, preparation KO, KYO; interest; oko(ru), to prosper; oko(su), to restore HABE —_kyOmi, interest, appeal GLH kOfun, excitement (250 — fukk6, revival, reconstruction 16 strokes oH KO investigation, lecture; to think out, to study, to explain i#R — kOen, lecture iB%E — kOd6, auditorium iM késhi, short training course 703 17 strokes =| JPG KON; ma(zeru), to mix, to mingle; ma(jiru), to be mixed, to be mingled; ma(zara) (= majira) AL konran, confusion iE konzatsu, congestion, confusion 704 11 strokes 4 — kongé, mixture 141 705-709 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SA to examine, to investigate #72 kensa, inspection, examination & iM junsa, policeman GER shinsa, screening 705 9 strokes SAI re- (prefix); fatata(bi), again FE saiken, reconstruction i Ha FRE saikai, meeting again saisan, again and again 706 6 strokes SAI; wazawa(i), disaster, misfortune saigai, disaster, calamity Se KK sainan, misfortune, calamity Kasai, fire, conflagration 707 7 strokes SAI, my wife; tsuma, wife KB fusai, husband and wife #F 2B saishi, wife and children saikun, wife 708 8 strokes SAT; to(ru), to gather (fruit, etc.), to employ (a person), to adopt (a measure) iRE PRA ER saishi, collection saiyd, employment, adoption saikutsu, mining 11 strokes IR i ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ¢ 710-714 SAI, occasion; kiwa, verge, occasion ZR _ jissai, actual state, truth, reality FIG —kokusai, international Z€BR% — kosai, intercourse, acquaintance, association 710 14 strokes or ZAI, country, suburbs, to exist; a(ru), to be, to exist 7#4%E _ sonzai, existence, being #ETE taizai, sojourn SITE — genzai, present time, present 7 6 strokes N tense ZAI treasure SME zaisan, property, fortune ABC zaisei, finance(s) #A8 — shizai, private property ao 10 strokes Fe ZAI, tsumi, crime, sin 4U5E— hanzai, crime 3E3E zaiaku, sin, crime iNJE shazai, apology 713 13 strokes IF ZATSU, rough; ZO miscellaneous, rough #2ME —_ fukuzatsu, complexity, complication EGE —_zasshi, magazine MEAL zokin, floorcloth, mopping cloth 714 14 strokes 715-719 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Fe SAN, acid; su(ppai), sour EH — sanso, oxygen SME ensan, hydrochloric acid H(t sanka, oxidization 7S 14 strokes KR SAN to praise, to assist, to agree 45% — sansei, approval, support se) 448) sanjo, support, help 483 —_kyOsan, cooperation 716 15 strokes SHI branch; to branch off, to support; sasa(eru), to support, to hold Sad SHLD See shihai, rule, management shiharau, to pay shiten, a branch (store, office) 717 4 strokes SHI; kokorozashi, will intention, ambition, aim, kindness; kokoroza(su), to intend, to aim at Ba aA ishi, will shibo, desire 718 7 strckes [Al ddshi, comrade SHI; eda, branch, twig ZPR _ shitai, detachment (troops) #£3E —__shiyo, minor details, side issues YUE kare-eda, dead branch 719 8 strokes 144 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 720-724 SHI, teacher, expert; army cifi bokushi, pastor #46 kydshi, teacher filiEH shidan, division (army) 720 10 strokes PD BR SHI wealth, help, nature shigen, resource #48 shikaku, capacity, qualification 4% busshi, goods, materials 721 13 strokes Bo SHI; ka(u), to raise/keep/feed (animals) fal} shiryd, fodder, animal-feed fil V\=E kainushi, animal owner fil7F —shi-iku, breeding, rearing 722 13 strokes oh JI, SHI, shime(su), to show, to point out 7" shisa, suggestion Hom ke 8% shiji, instructions, indication 723 5 strokes bA JI; ni(ru), to resemble X41 ruiji, similarity WBA nigao, portrait, likeness AME funiai, unbecoming 724 7 strokes 145 725-729 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHIKI to know, to write down, to distinguish 4% — chishiki, knowledge ait hydshiki, mark YG jOshiki, common sense 19 strokes SHITSU, quality, substance; to inquire; i“ simple and honest; SHICHI, pawn 4/4) shitsumon, question >) 3% soshitsu, makings, quality "QE shichiya, pawnshop 726 15 strokes SHA house, lodging ’2 — késha, school building 4-4 gyiisha, cowshed %8@ — shukusha, lodging 8 strokes SHA; sha(suru), to apologize, to thank; ayama(ru), to apologize kansha, thanks ii shazetsu, refusal #44 sharei, remuneration, thanks 17 strokes JU; sazu(keru), to grant, to instruct; sazu(karu), to be blessed with #23€ —jugyd, lesson(s), teaching #U% —_kyOju, teaching, professor ZH jushd, awarding a prize 729 11 strokes 146 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 730-734 SHU, SHU; osa(meru), to study, to finish, to practice; osa(maru), to behave well {88 shari, repair 24 —kaishi, improvement, repair 4 iE shiisei, amendment JUTSU; no(beru), to speak, to express, to state # ik —chojutsu, writing (of books), one’s writings Fixk — kojutsu, oral statement 731 8 strokes yh# jutsugo, predicate (gram.) JUTSU, art, artifice, means, magic Fil shujutsu, surgical operation $41 gijutsu, technique 324K bijutsu, art JUN, water level; rule; to imitate; prefix denoting “semi-,” “associate” #E2E hyojun, standard JEM kijun, standard HES. junkyd, semi-express 733 13 strokes JO, preface MEU junjo, order, method BF chitsujo, public order, discipline FES jobun, preface 734 7 strokes 147 735-739 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHO; mane(ku), to invite, to beckon 484% — shdtai, invitation Td io 4H FFIK shotaijo, invitation card 735 8 strokes SHO; uketamawa(ru), to hear 3K shdchi, consent, knowledge TH 738 shonin, approval TIK rydshd, acknowledgment 736 8 strokes SHO evidence, testimony 8A sh6mei, proof, certification BIE a aE A shénin, witness (law), surety {RiiE —hoshd, guarantee, security 737 12 strokes JO clause in a law or treaty, logic, stripe %&tt —_joken, terms, conditions R 4:45) —_joyaku, treaty S2e(2 mujoken, unconditional 738 7 strokes JO state, condition, letter ARKE jotai, state (of things), condition BAK genjo, existing state of affairs, nt condition letter of thanks 739 7 strokes 148 ps A ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 740-744 JO; tsune, usual, ordinary; toko-, everlasting hijo-ni, very (much) seij6, normal nichijo, everyday 740 11 strokes |e A JO, feeling, sympathy; nasa(ke), feeling, sympathy, love, mercy Ba aijo, affection {HIE nasakebukai, compassionate as ‘josei, state of things 741 11 strokes a SHOKU, SHIKI; ori, textile; o(ru), to weave #4 — orimono, textile fabric 8@— shokki, weaving machine 1% soshiki, organization 742 18 strokes H SHOKU, employment, duties HK — shokugy6, occupation, business AJ naishoku, side job 3838 — shokuba, place of work 743 18 strokes SEI law, rule; sei(suru), to restrain, to control ‘fil — seido, system, institution ‘19K seifuku, uniform ‘fib seigen, restriction 744 8 strokes 149 745-749 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SEI, sex, nature; SHO, nature, temperament IN, ‘ TE seishitsu, nature, property BYE shiisei, habit Ste kisho, temper 745 8 strokes SEI, SHO; matsurigoto, government BUA seifu, government BGE seiji, administration, politics BUR seisaku, policy 746 9 strokes SEI; ikio(i), force, vigor, power, influence 85) _ seiryoku, power, influence ASK taisei, general trend; dzei, large number of people E38 gunzei, number of soldiers, troops 747 13 strokes SEI, spirit, vitality, essence; SHO iff seishin, spirit, mind, soul 4807 seik6, exquisite (workmanship) WHE shdjin, diligence 14 strokes SEI to manufacture, suffix for “make” or q “manufacture” Se ih _seihin, manufactured goods S841 ginsei, made of silver KEEIEL Beikokusei, of American make 749 14 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 750-754 ZEI, tax Bise zeikin, tax #4Bi ndzei, tax payment #iBA zeikan, custom house 750 12 strokes SEKI; se(meru), to blame, to urge, to torture HAE sekinin, responsibility HEH sekininsha, person responsible S€(E musekinin, irresponsibility 751 11 strokes SEKI to spin; meritorious deed AKA seiseki, result, record Th#i—_kOseki, meritorious deeds #i#i — bdseki, spinning 17 strokes SETSU; ses(suru), to come in contact with, to receive, to adjoin; tsu(gu), to join together, to splice, to set (a broken bone) iH 4% chokusetsu, directly 4244 settai, reception 753 11 strokes Su aX 2% — setsuzoku, junction SETSU; mé(keru), to establish 228i setsubi, equipment aya iit sekkei, plan, design (for construction) kensetsu, construction 754 11 strokes 151 755-759 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 755 6 strokes JIN 756 12 strokes VW 757 14 strokes Fi 758 9 strokes ZAIN 759 10 strokes ZETSU; shita, tongue #475 shita-uchi, click of the tongue, smacking one’s lips Bk shita-tsuzumi, smacking of the lips ZETSU; ta(eru), to cease, to become extinct; ta(tsu), to sever, to discontinue it zettai, absoluteness #&JA — zetchd, peak, zenith, summit &H#s kizetsu, fainting SEN, former unit of money (a hundredth part of a yen); zeni, money PH kinsen, money TOA EE kozukaisen, pocket money SO, ancestor, founder #1 FLEE Feta sokoku, fatherland sobo, grandmother senzo, ancestor SO, SU white, origin, source kb soboku, simple 329% _ yoso, element, important factor 381 sugao, unpainted face ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 760-764 SO whole, general 7,™- #832XEA sori-daijin, prime minister ®A PW a sin, entire staff, all hands, full force (88248 ——_ sdsenkyo, general election =a . s 760 14 strokes io 761 10 strokes Or ZO; tsuku(ri), structure, build (n.); tsuku(ru), to make, to create, to build; ~zuku(ri), made of ~ (suffix denoting type of structure) ul Ai mokuz6, made of wood AG& —_jinzé, artificial i8) ishizukuri, built of stone (ake ZO, image, figure SLR —d6z6, bronze statue 4% butsuzé, image of Buddha SHR —genzd, development (of a film) 762 14 strokes \> ZO; ma(su), to increase (v.i. & v.t.); Ea fu(eru) (v.i.), to increase, to proliferate; fu(yasu) (v.t.), to increase, to add (to) B SN zdka, increase 3858 — zoky6, reinforcement 763 Sf zdshin, promotion 14 strokes, SOKU law; to act on ] 358 hdsoku, law BAHU kisoku, rule ‘N JEW gensoku, principle 764 9 strokes 765-769 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SOKU,; haka(ru), to fathom, to measure ~H #23! kansoku, observation WE sokury6, surveying iA 3 BIE sokuie, measurement 765 12 strokes ZOKU, genus (biol.); zoku(suru), to belong to elk kinzoku, metal FR shozoku, one’s position 4t/B Wb — fuzoku-bydin, attached hospital 766 12 strokes SOTSU; hiki(iru), to lead, to command; Be RITSU, rate = AE —_ndritsu, efficiency tH shussekiritsu, percentage of attendance 2 — Wsotsu, command, leadership 767 11 strokes SON, loss, disadvantage: son(suru), to suffer a loss; soko(nau), soko(neru), to hurt, to damage N HE songai, loss, damage 485 sonshitsu, loss (WE hason, damage, breakdown 768 13 strokes. TAL; shirizo(ku), to retreat, to withdraw, to retire (v.i.); shirizo(keru), to drive back, to keep away, to refuse (v.t.) EYE taijo, leaving, walk-out, exit V8 taiji, stamping out, subjugation (38 kétai, retreat 9 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 770-774 TAI; ka(shi), loan; ka(su), to lend, to loan, to hire out RR kashiya, house for rent $845— bh _ kashibéto, boat for hire te taishaku, borrowing and 12 strokes B & ISS lending TAI appearance, state of affairs WEEE taido, attitude §& © jotai, state (of things) condition SHE yodai, condition (of a patient) cee 14 strokes DAN, group, party FAK dantai, party, organization 381 gakudan, band (musical) Gl danketsu, unity DAN; kotowa(ru), to decline, to refuse, to give notice, to ask leave; ta(tsu), to sever, to give up (drinking), to exterminate Witt danjiki, a fast al yudan, negligence, carelessness, 11 strokes unpreparedness {HII5 handan, judgment CHIKU; kizu(ku), to build WE kenchiku, building $88 —chikuz6, construction 3% shinchiku, new building 16 strokes 775-179 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 7715 11 strokes a ne 716 12 strokes a] E 777 12 strokes sia] 718 14 strokes 719 15 strokes CHO; ha(ri), tension, expansion; ha(ru), to stretch, to spread, to cover 55% mihari, lookout 312484 _ hipparu, to pull ER shuch6, insistence, opinion TEI sa(geru), to carry in one’s hand fet teishutsu, presentation (of a thesis), filing (of an application) teiky6, offer, tender (law) teian, suggestion, proposition fete tek TEI degree, rule; hodo, extent, limit FEE teido, degree, standard, limit FifZ _nittei, day's program, schedule FFE kotei, distance TEKI; teki(suru), to be fit for 384 tekitd, suitable, moderate iHi{£ tekinin, fitness ‘PGE Kaiteki, agreeable TEKI, kataki, enemy, opponent 589% kyoteki, formidable enemy CX teki-i, hostile feeling fi] tekikoku, enemy country |’ ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 780-784 TO; su(beru), to control ®t tke, statistics KW daitoryd, president (of a country) {E95 denté, tradition 780 12 strokes 3H DO, copper WS seidé, bronze SAX ddsen, copper wire SILL dézan, copper mine 781 14 strokes 24 a DO; michibi(ki), guidance; michibi(ku), to guide, to lead 84 shid6, guidance Hi44 shiddsha, leader HH —hod6, guidance 782 15 strokes 1% TOKU, virtue, power of commanding love and respect 388 — dotoku, morality #8% — tokubé, moral influence Af — jintoku, natural virtue 783 14 strokes DOKU; hito(ri), one person; Germany $7 — dokuritsu, independence ‘fh — dokutoku, peculiar, unique RHA dokushd, vocal solo 784 9 strokes 785-789 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS £ 785 6 strokes PDA dN 786 16 strokes 4[=[= Av, AG 787 10 strokes S | Dy | ap | > hy 788 10 strokes 4 789 5 strokes NIN, duty; maka(seru), to entrust, to leave (vt) HUE te 5 sekinin, responsibility tennin, change of post ninmu, duty NEN; mo(eru), to burn (v.i.); mo(yasu), to burn (v.t.) nentyé, fuel ‘8 nenshd, combustion HAVE funensei, incombustible NO, ability, the Noh He Ft Hee néryoku, ability, capacity, faculty saind, talent noritsu, efficiency HA; yabu(re), a tear (rent); yabu(ru), to tear, to break (a promise) {4H hason, breakdown RPE hasan, bankruptey #€5% — nanpa, shipwreck HAN; oka(su), to commit, to violate, to rape 4U5E — hanzai, crime 4LA._ hannin, criminal B54L — bohan, crime prevention 158 ¥| ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 790-794 HAN to decide; seal for stamping; BAN, size ‘HI handan, judgment, divinatiion 7X4) saiban, justice, trial, judgment Ki d-ban, large size (paper, book) 790 7 strokes HAN, plate, printing, edition {HH hanga, woodblock print WSHE -hanken, copyright Hifi shuppan, publication 791 8 strokes Li HI, ratio, comparison; kura(beru), to compare Et hikaku, comparison Lt hiritsu, ratio Lt] _hirei, proportion ign 4 strokes E HI; ko(eru), to grow fat; ko(yasu), to fertilize, to fatten, to enrich (oneself) AEE} hiry6, manure, fertilizer ZEWARE taihi, compost eee 8 strokes FF HI, fault, wrong; non-, un- JEM hijo-ni, very JERSC1 hijdguchi, emergency door 9ERE —hinan, censure 794 8 strokes 159 795-799 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 795, 12 strokes xX 796 10 strokes 12 strokes ~“ 798 11 strokes 799 5 strokes BI; sona(e), preparation(s); sona(en), to furnish, to prepare; sona(waru), to be possessed of, to be furnished with 2 fii Titi junbi, preparation(s) shubi, defense yobi, reserve O; tawara, straw bag dohy6, sandbag; sum6 (wrestling) ring ippy6, one straw bag sumidawara, charcoal sack HYO, criticism; hy6(suru), to criticize, to comment a¥ +] hydban, reputation, popularity, rumor hyoka, appraisal, appreciation hihyé, criticism a HIN, poverty; BIN; mazu(shii), poor #55 hinjaku, meager, poor HZ binbo, poverty #14) _ hinkon, poverty, lack FU; nuno, cloth Ei mofu, blanket fic4i haifu, distribution ‘847 menpu, cotton cloth he ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 800-804 FU woman, wife bit A. fujin, woman 3H} shufu, housewife hi fiifu, husband and wife 800 11 strokes = ==) FU, FU; tomi, riches; to(mu), to be rich, to abound (in) “28 hofu, abundance ‘SEX fuki, faki, fukki, rich and noble WH fuyé, riches, wealth 801 12 strokes BU, MU, military iE busd, arms, weapons aX83 — buki, weapon tA buryoku, military power 802 8 strokes FUKU re-, again, repeat [B18 kaifuku, recovery {£54 — fukké, revival, reconstruction #38 — fukkatsu, revival, resurrection 12 strokes FUKU to repeat; prefix for “double” #2 fukuzatsu, complication, complexity {21 fukusei, reproduction Ef chofuku, jofuku, duplication, 14 strokes repetition 161 805-809 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS BUTSU; hotoke, Buddha; France HAL, daibutsu, colossal statue of L Buddha {M& — butsuz6, image of Buddha {L# bukky6, Buddhism 805 4 strokes HEN; a(mu), to knit, to edit i482 —_henshii, editing it fiS6-% henshiisha, editor ifib& —_-hensei, formation 806 15 strokes BEN, speech Fami —_ benron, debate $P#_ bengonin, counsel bent6, lunch 807 5 strokes HO; tamo(tsu), to keep, to maintain {R#G —hogo, protection {R4% —hozon, preservation ER _hoken, insurance 9 strokes BO; haka, grave SMH bochi, graveyard 4241 _ boseki, haka-ishi, gravestone #8 _ bosan, visit to a grave 809 13 strokes 162 X ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 810-814 HO, report; muku(i), retribution; muku(iru), to reward, to return (a favor) WF -hOkoku, report RR jihd, announcement of time GH denpo, telegram 810 12 strokes HO; yuta(ka), abundance ‘4F —honen, year of abundance 48(E hdsaku, good harvest 81 13 strokes BO; fuse(gu), to defend, to keep off, to prevent 1) —_yobd, prevention i4B5 — shobo, fire fighting W5PE bohatei, breakwater 812 7 strokes ay A BO to purchase, to exchange SUH boekisho, trader BART _ boekigaisha, wading firm S118, boekifli, trade wind 813 12 strokes ae aS ab) BO, BAKU violent; to disclose; aba(ku), to divulge; aba(reru), to behave violently 48) boryoku, violence, force @L4% _ranbé, violence, unreasonableness 38H bakuro, disclosure 814 1S strokes 815-819 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MU; tsuto(memu), to discharge one's duties, to enact (a role) ESAT jimusho, office 975 — kinmu, service, duty #285 — gimu, duty 815 11 strokes MU; yume, dream, vision Ee akumu, nightmare as 7" op BY) mutchi, unconsciousness; ecstasy, rapture mugen, dreams, visions 816 13 strokes MEI; mayo(u), to be puzzled, to lose one’s way, to go astray, to be tempted by; mayo(wasu), to lead astray, to puzzle, to tempt 3K( — meishin, superstition 817 9 strokes 2E&% — meiwaku, trouble, annoyance MEN; wata, cotton #18 — wataya, cotton shop (dealer) 2\\ ‘14% menmitsu, minute, careful 818 14 strokes YU to send fat yushutsu, export A in “Yyuketsu, blood transfusion 38 — yusd, transportation 819 16 strokes 164 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 820-824 YO, more (than), above; ama(ri), the remainder, the balance; ~ama(ri), more a than, over; ama(nu), to remain, to be 2AN beyond (one’s power); ama(su), to leave over AD yobun, surplus 820 3 : 7 strokes ANE yoka, spare time om Fit. yochi, room, scope YO; azu(karu), to keep, to take charge of, to refrain from, to receive: azu(keru), to deposit, to put into the charge of N Fide yokin, money on deposit #0 azukarimono, item left in 221 someone's charge FAD dE azukarishd, deposit receipt 13 strokes YO figure; to admit or X WA] keiydshi, adjective ay } FAS _ naiy6, content, substance ‘FH yoseki, capacity, cubic measure ‘y \ } y 822 10 strokes RYAKU, abbreviation, omission, outline; ryaku(suru), to omit at keiryaku, stratagem, plan, plot I shoryaku, omission BAEK ryakush6, abbreviation RYU, RU; to(memy), to fasten, to stop (v.t.) (2487 teiryajo, streetcar (bus) stop %# ——_ryugaku, studying abroad AF usu, absence B/S} *|ge| SR] 10 strokes 165 825-829 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS RYO chief point; to control ¥EfH — yoryo, the point, knack 2H fH ryddo, territory {HF ry6ji, consul 825 14 strokes I; koto(naru), to be different, to be unusual RE Rie Bat 0, unusual iron, different opinion, objection iyo, strange, odd, extraordinary 826 11 strokes ~~ I, YUI to leave behind, to bequeath izoku, bereaved family oH ide ja eS iseki, remains, relics yuigon, will, testament 827 15 strokes IKI, region, limits Stt8 chi iki, region, area Ja [X3st_kuiki, domain, zone, limits ‘UK _ryOiki, territory, sphere 828 11 strokes U canopy of heaven, space, eaves iH chi, universe, cosmos - 449K uchiifuku, space suit 425 do-u, hall, temple, edifice 829 6 strokes 166 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 830-834 EI; utsu(ru), to be reflected, match, come out (of photos); utsu(su), to project, reflect; ha(eru), to shine (v.i.) RIE] eiga, film, movie LR joei, screening 830 9 strokes JZ han’ei, reflection, influence EN; no(biru), to be postponed, to be extended; no(basu), to postpone, to extend; no(be), total 4ES ench6, prolongation, extension 3£%% — enchaku, late arrival 831 8 strokes HEH enki, postponement EN; so(u), to run along, lie along Yee engan, coast, shore ii endo, roadside JIWGV kawazoi, riverside 8 strokes GA; ware, self, oneself, I FRX — ware-ware, we 43% muga, selflessness, ecstasy fit garydi, one’s own way, self-taught method 833 7 strokes KAI; hai, ash, ashes AR sekkai, lime JR hai-iro, grey YK kazanbai, volcanic ash 6 strokes 167 835-839 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KAKU to extend, to unfold, to spread HX kakudai, magnification Ls 4K3R —_kakuchd, extension, expansion 47844 kakuseiki, loud-speaker 835 8 strokes KAKU leather; to reform ith —kakumei, revolution “8 kakushin, innovation, reform UGE kaikaku, reform 836 9 strokes KAKU tower, pavilion, the Cabinet PRY naikaku, the Cabinet Vv REM kakury6, Cabinet member RAF kakka, Your Excellency 837 14 strokes KATSU; wa(ru), to split, divide, separate (v.t.); wa(reru), to break, split (v.i.); wa(ri) proportion, rate; sa(ku), to cut, spare sl ae bunkatsu, division, partition wariai, rate, ratio 838 12 strokes #131 waribiki, discount, rebate kabu, shares, stocks, speculation in shares; stub otk maa kirikabu, stump kabushiki-kaisha, joint-stock corporation 839 10 strokes HR kabuken, share certificate

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