Turkish Invasion

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Q1. What happened to the Abbasid Caliphate by the 9th century CE?
The once mighty Abbasid Empire disintegrated in to a number of independent
states ruled by the Turks who had earlier served in the armies of the Caliphs.
Two important states established by the Turks were Ghazni and Ghor.

Q2. Name the author of the great epic Shahnama.

The Persian poet Firdausi is the author of the great epic Shahnama.

Q3. Give any one example to show that Mahmud was a patron of learning.
Mahmud was a patron of art and learning and enjoyed the company of learned
scholars and poets. The Persian poet Firdausi, author of Shahnama and great
historian and mathematician Al Beruni were among the eminent scholar
patronized by Mahmud.

Q4. Name the famous Rajput ruler of Delhi and Ajmer.

Prithviraj Chauhan was the famous ruler of Delhi and Ajmer who inflicted a
crushing defeat on Ghori in the First Battle of Tarain.

Q5. Mention one important reason for the victory of Muhammad Ghori in the
second battle of Tarain.
Prithviraj organized a confederacy of Rajput chiefs to meet the challenge.
Unfortunately, the most powerful Rajput ruler, Raja Jaichandra of Kanauj,
refused to help him. Because of this Muhammad Ghori won the Battle.

Q6. What is the significance of the defeat of Prithviraj in the Second Battle of
The defeat of Prithviraj marked the end of Rajput rule in North India. The
kingdom of Delhi passed into the hands of Muhammad Ghori. The throne of
Delhi was occupied by Muslim rulers from then till 1858.

Q7. Who did Muhammad Ghori appoint as his viceroy?

Muhammad Ghori appointed Qutbuddin Aibak as his viceroy before returning to

Q8. For how many years did the sultans of Delhi rule the country?
The sultans of Delhi ruled the country for 300 years.

Q9. Name the founder of the Turkish Kingdom in India.

Muhammad Ghori was the founder of the Turkish kingdom in India.

Q10. Mention one important reason for the decline of Buddhism in India after the
Turkish invasion.
Many Buddhist monasteries and libraries were wantonly destroyed by the
invaders. This invasion dealt a death blow to Buddhism in India. A few monks
managed to escape to Tibet with their manuscripts.

Q11. Write briefly about Al Beruni?

Abu Rayhan Beruni or Alberonius (Latin) was a Persian Scholar and polymath of
the 11th century. He accompanied Mahmud in his conquests to South Asia. Al
Beruni was the First Muslim Scholar to study India and its Brahmanical tradition.
He wrote on contemporary culture, traditions and customs. His book Kitab-ul-
Hind (“al-Bīrūnī’s India”) is also called “Indica” and is a work related to Indian
Philosophy and religion.

Q12. Write briefly about Mahmud’s war against Jaipal?

Mahmud first defeated Jaipal, the Hindu ruler of the Punjab, whose territory
extended from the Punjab to modern Afghanistan, Jaipal was forced to pay
tribute. Unable to bear the humiliation of the defeat, Jaipal burnt himself to

Q13. Write briefly about the attack of Somnath Temple?

The attack on the Somnath temple in Kathiawar was Mahmud’s most ambitious
and profitable expedition. The Indians put up a stubborn resistance to save the
magnificent temple, which was the richest and the most sacred temple of
Hindus. After 3 days of fierce fighting, the entire defence force of 50,000
soldiers lay dead. The victorious Mahmud returned to his capital with immense
treasures including valuable works of art.

Q14. What happened after Mahmud’s death?

The empire of Ghazni disintegrated rapidly after Mahmud’s death. For about
150 years after that, North India was free from foreign attacks.

Q15. Which were the five major Rajput Kingdoms during Muhammad Ghori’s
The five major Rajput kingdoms in North India-
i) The Rathors of Kanauj
ii) The Chauhans of Delhi & Ajmer
iii) The Solankis of Gujurat
iv) The Paramaras of Malwa
v) The Chandellas of Bundelkhand

Q16. Who was Muhammad Ghori?

Towards the end of the 12th century CE, a new kingdom based in Ghor arose in
north-western Afghanistan (near Ghazni). The founder was Giyasuddin Ghori.
His famous brother Muizuddin Muhammad, is commonly referred to as
Muhammad Ghori. He decided to conquer India and enrich his kingdom with
India’s wealth. He was the founder of the Turkish Kingdom in India.

Q17. Why did Mahmud Ghazni invade India so many times?

Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was a powerful and ambitious ruler. He invaded India
17 times in the course of 25 years (1001-25 CE ). He wanted to build a large and
well equipped army to expand his kingdom and also protect it from his enemies
in central Asia. To fulfil his aims, he needed money. The fabulous riches of the
temples of North India attracted him. At that time, North India was divided and
there was no unity. Mahmud of Ghazni attacked India and plundered its riches.

Q18. Who overthrew Sena dynasty in Bengal?

Muhammad bin Bakhtiar Khilji , a great general of Ghori, swept across Bihar
with his army and overthrew the Sena dynasty of Bengal.

Q19. What did Anandapal, the ruler of the Punjab, and his subjects do to meet the
challenge of the foreign invasion?
Anandpal, Jaipal’s son and successor, formed an alliance with the rulers of some
of the important states of western and central India. They made elaborate
arrangements to repulse Ghazni and protect their states and culture. The grave
threats, melted their gold ornaments and sent their contributions from distant
of a foreign invasion inspired the people to rise to the defence of their land. It is
said that even the women sold their jewels, melted their gold ornaments and
sent their contributions from distant places to help in the war effort.

Q20. How did Sultan Mahmud transform his capital, Ghazni? How do we know he
was patron of art and learning?
Sultan Mahmud returned to his capital with immense treasures including
valuable works of art. He drained away India’s vast treasures and used them to
transform Ghazni in to a magnificent capital city. Ghazni was adorned with
splendid mosques, libraries and a museum. The court glittered with sparkling
pearls, rubies and diamonds.
Mahmud was a patron of art and learning and enjoyed the company of learned
scholars and poets. The Persian poet Firdausi , author of Shahnama and great
Persian historian and mathematician Al Beruni were among the eminent
scholars patronized by Mahmud.

Q21. Discuss the first battle at Tarain and Second Battles of Tarain.

The first battle at Tarain (1191):

Prithviraj was the ruler of Delhi and Ajmer when Ghori was marching towards
Delhi after conquering several parts of Punjab. Prithviraj was able to unite some
Rajput states to present a united front against the common enemy. However Jai
Chand, the ruler of Kanauj did not join the confederation of some Rajput states
headed by Prithviraj, on account of his personal animosity. A fierce battle
between Ghori and Prithviraj took place at Tarain. Ghori was wounded and
defeated. He was carried away from the battle-field by a Khalji soldier. His army

fled. True to Indian traditions, the Rajputs did not follow the fleeing enemy—a
blunder which India had to repent for centuries

The second battle of Tarain (1192)

Muhammad Ghori was determined to establish his authority over India. He was
not disheartened over his defeat. He wanted to avenge his humiliation. He
reorganised and strengthened his army. With a large cavalry of unrivalled
marks-men, he again descended the plains of Tarain in 1192. Prithviraj Chauhan
blocked the passage of Mohammed Ghori in the field of Tarain. Skanda, the
veteran general of Prithviraj and the hero of the first battle of Tarain was
engaged in warfare elsewhere and failed to lend support to his master. In the
battle that followed, Mohammed entirely routed the Hindu army by his superior
generalship and tactics. Prithviraj Chauhan was imprisoned and executed.

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