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Quick tips:

Tips for solving Analogies

• The only way to become better at verbal analogies is
through practice. Our verbal analogy tests are developed by
professionals and provide you with full explanations.
• Try to determine the relationship between the first pair of
• Turn the analogies into sentences. Read the analogy
problems as sentences, even if they aren’t actually written
that way.
• Go through tough problems systematically.
• Read all of the answer choices first before making a
decision. This might sound obvious, but candidates
commonly stop reading the answer choices once they’ve
found what seems like a strong match.
• Eliminate any pairs in the answers that do not have a similar
type of relationship.
• If the meaning of a word is unknown, then try to recollect the
context in which you have come across the word.
• Also, consider alternative meanings of words.
• Take another look at the relationship possibilities as
described above and try to look for them when trying to solve
• If all else fails, eliminate the unlikely answers and make an
educated guess.

• Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings.

• Synonyms: words that have similar meanings, such as Buy –
• Descriptive: in which one word describes the other word,
such as Blue – Ocean.
• Part to Whole: in which one word is a part or piece of the
other, such as Head – Body.
• Steps in a Process: such as Cooking – Serving.
• Cause and Effect: such as Fire – Scorch and Blizzard –
• Things and Their Functions: such as Scissors – Cut.
• Item to Category: in which one word names something that
falls into the group named by the other, such as Lemonade –
• Implied Relationships: such as Clouds – Sun.
• Symbol and What it Represents: such as Heart – Love

Inductive Reasoning-Figure Series

How to answer questions like these.

1. MOVEMENT-Always remember that these are in a series meaning that there
are steps. My technique here is imagine the figure moving. eg. for the example
above, the first figure moved clockwise to the next figure and so on.
2. QUANTITY- always look for something that has been added or subtracted in
each figures elements.

The steps are:

1. Look for the movement- you now have a general idea that the dissected
diamond should be vertical and the shaded portion should be at the left. Imagine
it as a lazy susan table.
2. Now cross out all of the other choices that does not exhibit the initial answer
3. Then look for elements that have been added or subtracted.

3. Another factor would be SIZE- in some questions there is the gradual growth
or shrinkage of objects in the series. Take note of this because its easy not to
see the difference in size if the figure has too much details


Figure Grouping

How to answer these type of questions.

Answer: CORRELATION- Practice your eagle eye in looking for the difference as
much as possible.
1. MOVEMENT.- turn it 360 degress if you have to. If you dont see any
FLIPPING move to the next category.
2. MODIFICATION- in this image we see a static image and only one image has
a difference which is letter C in which the checkered rectangle is placed wrong.

3. LENGTH/SIZE. Although this is the hardest to spot. always look for it if you
can't find anymore clues.

Hidden figures

Basicaly the most annoying part of the exam.

The trick to this is :
1.MEASUREMENT- use the END OF YOUR PENCIL to measure a part of the
image to be found.Then just look for the closest image in each choices and
measure. Usually it is the one with the same measurements.

2. ANGLE- always check if its too sharp or too extended

3. DELETE THE LINES- some images may have lines crossing them in the
choices making it harder to see the hidden figure. Try to look for the general form
rather than looking for the exact shapes in the choices.

Perceptual Acuity- mirror image

This portion is pretty hard. This test will surely give you an eye strain. It is also
the most time consuming part.
1. do the GRID - try to look at one portion at a time and cancel those pictures that
immediately are different.

Be methodological. A common mistake would be trying to soak up the initial

image and trying to look for the difference in each choice. This will make you
return to the original image again and again.

However if you use the grid method, only one part of the image being
concentrated at and it would be easier to spot the difference because you would
be looking for it in a smaller area.

Identical Information
Another type of test that will make your eye strain.

1, Exploit the FLAW - The flaw in this exam is that in every choice there is
ALWAYS only ONE word that makes it the wrong choice.
So how do we exploit this you ask? Well, by having the knowledge that there is
only one flaw in each choice. you can just compare 2 choices between each
other rather than comparing them at the statement above. It is easier to compare
the choices because their indention is similar and also the spacing. so it
would be easier to compare word by word just by glancing..

I suggest in doing the exploitation trick you should only compare two of the
choices with each other. It may confuse you if you try three or more.

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