Cia Test-I: Iii: At6301 - Automotive Engines

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Time: 1 hr 40 mins. Maximum Marks: 60

Date: 23.08.2017
Answer All Questions

PART A (6X2=12)

1. What are the assumptions made on air standard efficiency?

2. Define mean effective pressure.
3. Define firing order.
4. List out the combustion chamber design parameters to control SI engine knock.
5. Define the term ‘SQUISH’.
6. What is meant by auto ignition?

PART B (3X16=48)

7. Explain the working principle of four stroke diesel engine with suitable sketches.(16)
8. Explain the various types of combustion chambers used in CI engines with suitable
sketches. Also write its merits and demerits. (16)
9. a) Compare SI engines and CI engines. (8)
b) Derive the expression for air standard efficiency of otto cycle. (8)


Time: 1 hr 40 mins. Maximum Marks: 60

Date: 23.08.2017
Answer All Questions

PART A (6X2=12)

1. What are the types of combustion chamber in SI engines?

2. Define the term ‘SWIRL’.
3. List out the combustion chamber design parameters to control SI engine knock.
4. State the effects of knocking.
5. Write the differences between otto cycle and diesel cycle.
6. Mention four thermodynamic processes involved in diesel cycle.

PART B (3X16=48)

7. Explain the working principle of two stroke petrol engine with suitable sketches.(16)
8. Explain the various stages of combustion in CI engines with the help of pressure crank
angle diagram. (16)
9. a) Compare two stroke cycle engines and four stroke cycle engines. (8)
b) Explain M.A.N combustion chamber with neat sketches. (8)

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