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Bil Tajuk/ Year Pengkaji/ Teori Methodology Results/ Dapatan

1 Circuit Training for Netball Jae Allen Circuit training, a kind of physical workout in which you cycle between different
exercises or activities, is a good way to improve general fitness and also work on
2017 (Artikle) specific techniques that are useful in a netball game.
2 Effect of Circuit Training on Dr. Halil Taşkin Experimental Paired t-tests detected significant differences in pre- and posttests for sprint-agility
the Sprint-Agility and and anaerobic endurance (p < 0.05).
Anaerobic Endurance Fox, EL, Bowers, RW, and Foss, ML.

The Journal of Strength & A different kind of training program that may be effective in improving strength and
Conditioning Research in preparing athletes for competition is circuit training.

3 Using the Circuit Training Mahmoud Al- experimental Using the circuit training method has its effectiveness in increasing and promoting
Method to Promote the Haliq physical fitness components
Physical Fitness Arazi & Asadi (2012), Thomas et al. (2009), and Al-Rashidi (2006)
Components of the
Hashemite University The circuit training method in the physical education lesson has an effective
Students impact on the development and improvement of the physical fitness components,
and creating a functional adaptation in their respiratory and circulatory systems.
2015 Alam et al. (2012), Taskin (2009), Jood Allah (2009), Hamoudat (2008), and Al-
Wadayan (2001)
4 Pengaruh Latihan Power M. Fransazeli experimental Adanya peningkatan pengaruh latihan power otot lengan terhadap kemampuan
Otot Lengan Terhadap Makorohim Chest pass bola basket siswa ekstrakurikuler putra SMP Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru
Kemampuan Chest Pass sebesar 35.09%
Bola Basket Smp Tri Bhakti
Pekanbaru Pendidikan jasmani merupakan rangkaian aktivitas bermain dan berolahraga
untuk membangun peserta didik yang sehat dan kuat sehingga menghasilkan
Journal of Physical prestasi akademik yang tinggi.
Education, Sport, Health and

5 Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Joni Indarto Tindakan Hasil belajar chest pass dari keadaan siswa pada pra siklus 39, 53% mengalami
Chest Pass Bola Basket peningkatan menjadi 60, 46% pada siklus I dan pada siklus II kembali meningkat
Melalui Penerapan Model menjadi 83, 72%.
Pembelajaran Student
Teams-Achievement Menurut Oliver (2007:35) “chest pass atau umpan dada adalah mengumpan bola
Divisions Pada Siswa Kelas dengan tangan didepan dada dan 6 mendorong kedepan setelah tangan
Vi Sd Muhammadiyah 3 benarbenar terjulur lecutkan bola sedikit demi sedikit hingga bola lepas dari jari-
Kecamatan Banjarsari Kota jari”.
Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran
2012/2013 Menurut Wissel (2000:71) menyatakan bahawa cara melakukan passing chest
pass adalah:
• Siku ditekuk disamping badan posisi bola didepan dada
• Salah satu kaki maju di depan / sejajar
• Lutut ditekuk berat badan di antara dua kaki
• Badan condong ke depan posisi rilex untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan
• Lemparan diawali dengan sedikit menarik bola ke arah dada untuk mendapatkan
awalan lemparan, setelah melakukan lemparan diakhiri dengan lecutan
pergelangan tangan dengan telapak tangan menghadap keluar
• Arah lemparan setinggi dada, berat badan condong diikuti gerakan kaki.
6 Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Mohammad Tindakan Pembelajaran chest pass bola basket melalui media audiovisual dapat
Belajar Chest Pass Bola Kamal Fauzi meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII F SMP Negeri 3 Kudus tahun pelajaran
Basket Melalui Media 2014/ 2015 pada pokok bahasan Permainan Bola Besar (Bola Basket)
Data awal nilai rata-rata siswa sebesar 70,07, pada siklus I nilai rata-rata tes siswa
2015 mencapai 71,15 pada siklus II mencapai 87,5. Ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus I
sebesar 61,5% dan pada siklus II sebesar 92,30%.
7 Somatotaip Dan Tahap Syahrul Permainan ini juga memerlukan tahap kemahiran sukan yang spesifik seperti
Ketangkasan Mengikut Ridhwan berlari, meghantar dan menangkap bola seterusnya membuat jaringan untuk
Kumpulan Posisi Atlet Bola Morazuki & memperolehi mata (Allison, 1978).
Jaring Peringkat Universiti Rusedawatty
Binti Osman Daripada dapatan kajian ini dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa tidak terdapat
perbezaan kategori somatotaip di antara kumpulan posisi pemain penyerang,
tengah dan pertahanan. Walaubagaimanapun, hasil kajian ini berbeza dengan
dapatan kajian yang dilakukan oleh Withers et al. (1987), Bale dan Hunt (1986)
dan Elliot dan Smith (1983) di mana hasil kajian mereka ke atas atlet elit bola
jaring menunjukkan bahawa atlet tersebut berada dalam kumpulan somatotaip
endomorphic predominance.
8 Perbandingan Intensiti Syahrul Allison (1978) dan Otago (1983) di dalam penyelidikannya telah menyenaraikan
Perlawanan Mengikut Ridhwan ciri-ciri asas yang terdapat di dalam pemainan bola jaring iaitu pergerakan badan
Kumpulan Posisi Atlet Bola Morazuki1 & yang tipikal, mempunyai jangkamasa kerja dan nisbah kerja masa rehat.
Jaring Peringkat Universiti Ida Haryati
9 Makalah Pendidikan Jasmani Drs. Bernard Pendidikan Jasmani pada dasarnya merupakan bagian integral dari sistem
dan Rekreasi (PLS UNESA) Djawa, M.Pd pendidikan secara keseluruhan, bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aspek
kesehatan, kebugaran jasmani, keterampilan berfikir kritis, stabilitas emosional,

2014(Artikle) keterampilan sosial, penalaran dan tindakan moral melalui aktivitas jasmani dan
10 Effect of circuit training Vikesh Kumar experimental Physical education is all about skill acquisition as most of the “education through
program on selected motor physical” takes place by means of specialized skills of games and sports, athlete,
abilities among university gymnastics, dance etc.

International Journal of The statistical analysis of the study stated that the Circuit Training had significantly

Physical Education, Sports improved the speed, leg power, arm power and agility of subjects.

and Health

11 Daniel experimental The results of the present study show that it is possible to develop both muscular
Effects of a Circuit Training
Mayorga-Vega, and cardiovascular endurance by means of an eight-week circuit training program
Program on Muscular and
Jesús Viciana, in the PE setting. Previous studies in which children performed an extra-curricular
Cardiovascular Endurance
and Armando circuit training program confirmed a significant improvement on both muscular and
and their Maintenance in
Cocca cardiorespiratory fitness ( Annesi et al., 2005 ; Ignico and Mahon, 1995 ; Wong et
al., 2008 ).

12 How Many Weeks or Months Heather Circuit training is a high-intensity aerobic and anaerobic workout that involves
Will It Take to Notice the Hitchcock circuiting through a series of different strength-training exercises with little or no
Benefits of Circuit Training? rest in between sets. There are no rules on what exercises to include in the
workout, making it an effective option for people exercising at home or in the gym,
no matter their fitness level.


13 Passing Success Kemal GÖRAL In the study of Bradley, Lago-Penas, Rey and Diaz (2013) it was found that
Percentages and Ball passing success percentage of the teams which had the high percentage of
Possession Rates of possession of ball in English Premier League was 80.8±10.3% and stated that this
Successful Teams in 2014 percentage was much higher than the teams that had the low percent possession
FIFA World Cup of the ball.

International Journal of
Science Culture and Sport
14 Taghread experimental It was found that fatigue had an adverse effect on passing accuracy in basketball
The Effect of Upper Extremity
Ahmed and this effect was more prominent in novice players when compared to elite ones
Fatigue on Grip Strength and
( Lyons et al., 2006 ). Ivoilov et al. (1981) found that basketball-shooting accuracy
Passing Accuracy in Junior
deteriorated significantly following a fatigue protocol.
Basketball Players

Journal Of Human Kinetics

Upaya Peningkatan
Hasilbelajar Chest Pass Bola
Basket Melalui Variasi
Pembelajaran Pada Siswa
Kelas Viii Smp Swasta
Dharma Bakti Kecamatan
Selesai Kabupaten Langkat
Tahunajaran 2015/2016

Emg Signal Analysis Of
Selected Muscles During
Shots And Passes In

Upper-Body Strength And
Power Assessment In
Women Using A Chest Pass
The Impact Of Moderate And
High Intensity Total Body
Fatigue On Passing
Accuracy In Expert And
Novice Basketball Players

The relationship between
physical fitness and shooting
accuracy of professional
basketball players

Visual And Skill Effects On
Soccer Passing
Performance, Kinematics,
And Outcome Estimations

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