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1. Explain in what form ferro can be analysed using phenanthroline method and how can ferro
become that form!
= The method depends upon the fact that 1,10-phenanthroline combines with Fe2+ to form a
complex ion that is orange-red in color(sawyer, 2003). This is done by treating a portion of
the sample with hydrochloric acid to dissolve the ferric hydroxide :
Fe(OH)3 + 3H+ → Fe3+ + 3H2O
Since the reagent 1,10-phenanthroline is specific for measuring Fe(II), all iron in the form of
Fe(III) must be reduced to the ferrous condition. This is most readily accomplished by using
hydroxylamine as the reducing agent. The reaction involved may be represented as follows:
4Fe(III) + 2NH2OH → 4Fe(II) + N2O + H2O + 4H+
Three molecules of 1,10-phenanthroline are required to sequester or form a complex ion
with each Fe2+. The reaction may be represented as shown in the equation:

(Sawyer, 2003)
2. Explain the influence of ferro existence in the water!
= Iron gives water colour that can stain linen and sanitary appliances. Iron, when not
eliminated, could be progressively oxidized in the distribution network giving water colour,
taste, smell, turbidity and favouring the development of microorganisms with serious
consequences for users.

1. Explain the function of persulfate in manganese analysis!
= Persulfate in manganese analysis is used to oxidize Mn into Potassium permanganate
2. Explain the function of the addition of Ag+ in manganese analysis!
= Ag addition in manganese analysis is to precipitate Cl- in water that can react with ZnO
and lower manganese level that can disturb the experiment.
3. Explain the influence of manganese existence in the drinking water!
= Manganese is one of the most common contaminants found inboth surface and
groundwater, but predominantly in the latter.When present even at low concentrations, it
can be linked to thefollowing problems: discoloration, turbidity, odor and taste prob-
lems, or form slime manganese dioxide accumulations in pipes. Thus, high level of
manganese in drinking water are con-sidered undesirable, because when water is exposed
to air, Mn(II)is oxidized to Mn(IV), this Mn(IV) precipitate can stain householdutensils
and clothes, also it may impart a metallic, bitter, astringent or medicinal taste to the
water. In spite of this, it causessevere economic losses through discoloration of products,
specksin finished paper, textile, food and beverage products, and reduc-tion of pipeline
carrying capacities. Besides, the metals promotethe growth of certain types of chlorine
tolerant micro-organisms inwater distribution systems. This biota can provide protected
sitesfor noxious organisms and consequently, vastly increase the costsof cleaning and
sterilizing systems that contain organisms danger-ous to human health ( Kouzoura etc,

1. What is the influence of high concentration of chloride in the drinking water?
= In large amount in water, chloride will give salty taste, corrotion on pipe and create
taste and odor problems.
2. Is chloride analysis using Mohr method will result higher value/lower/equal with the true
value, If there is over addition of indicator into the water sampel? Explain it!
= The result of more indicator use will be the same because K2Cr2O4 will flocculate the
same amount of Ag+ despite more amount of Ag+ .

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