Locating and Defining The Bio in Biofict

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Locating and Defining the Bio in Biofiction

For the longest time, scholars have suggested that biofiction is an innovative form of biography,
so the bio in biofiction has been considered an accurate representation of the biographical subject. In
this essay, I demonstrate that authors of biofiction do not believe that they are accurately representing
the biographical subject. Rather, they flagrantly admit that they are merely using the biographical
subject in order to project their own vision of life and the world. This significantly changes the way we
should understand and assess biofiction.
This essay was the introduction to a cluster of academic essays and process pieces about
biofiction that I edited for the journal a/b: Auto/Biography Studies. Routledge has made this essay open
access. Here is a link to the special issue: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/raut20/31/1
Here is a link to my essay: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/08989575.2016.1095583

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