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A bill of material

can define products

as they are
(Engineering Bill of
Material), as they
are ordered…. Master Data
Bill of Materials

Version: 1.0
SAP Training Participants Guide

Master Data
Bill of Material
This document describes for Bway the future standard planning processes and
their related SAP requirements for the manufacturing and assembling entities (=
plants and affiliates with an assembly activity) as well as eventual deviations from
the global template.

The production master data consists of work centers, routings, Bill of Material and
production versions. The Bill of Material data specific to production and planning
will be described in the bills of material process definition document. In this
document the process of creating and changing a manufacturing Bill of Material is

This document serves as the basis for the set up of a pilot in the development

 Bills Of Materials

Bill of materials (BOM) is the term used to describe the "parts list" of components
needed to complete a saleable end-item.

BOMs are hierarchical in nature with the top level representing the sub-assembly
or end-item. For example the end-item BOM for a Personal computer would list
the computer at the top level, its major sub-assemblies (board, chassis, modem,
keyboard, display, etc.) as well as additional materials needed for a complete
saleable product –(shipping box, user manual, packaging, packaging labels, etc)
on the level below.

The BOMs that describe the sub-assemblies are referred to as Modular BOMs. A
bill of material can define products as they are designed (Engineering Bill of
Material), as they are ordered (Sales BOM), as they are built (Manufacturing
BOMl), or as they are maintained (Service BOM). The different types of Bills of
Materials are dependent upon the business need and use for which they are

A Bill of Material can be displayed in following formats:

 the single-level bill of material,

 indented bill of material,

 modular (planning) bill of material

SAP Training Participants Guide

Objectives Introduction - continued

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to understand:

1. How the Bill of material is created in SAP (CS01)

2. How the Bill of Material Change the BOM (CS02)
3. How the Bill of Material Display the BOM (CS03)
4. How the Multi Level BOM is displayed (CS12)
1. How Multiple BOM are displayed (CS14)
2. How to display a particular component. (CS15)
5. How a Mass BOM is Changed (CS20)


The following scenario-specific master data is required for this scenario:

 Finished Goods/sub assembly material Number to be manufactured
 Plant at which finished good material /sub assembly is to be manufactured
 Material Numbers of components to be added or changed in a Bill of
 Quantity of usage of each component (base qty. of 1000)
 Unit of Measure of each component (alternate unit of measures)
 Back flushing determination for components
Review pages
List the page numbers here.
 Beginner users
 Project team members
 Project leaders
 Support personnel
 Super users
 End users

SAP Training Participants Guide
Understanding the Master Data/Bills of Material Process – continued

The step numbers in the Process Overview Table and the Process Flow Diagram sections refer
to the steps in the Business Process Procedure document for this scenario.

Process Overview Table

Step Step Name External Business Role Transaction Expected

Process Condition Code Results

1 Bill of Material to Customer New product or Engineering n/a

be Created or Engineering change to
changed request request existing product

2 Bill of Material n/a Creating or Master Data CS01 Bill of

Created or changing : New management material is
changed product or CS02 created/
change to changed in
existing product SAP

3 Bill of material n/a Creating or All required CS03 Display bill

display changing : New business of material
product or areas
change to
existing product

4 Bill of material n/a Display multi All required CS12 Multi level
display multi level bill of business bill of
level explosion material areas material is

5 Bill of material n/a Comparison of All required CS14 Multiple

comparison different bills of business bills of
materials areas materials

6 Bill of material n/a Display of All required CS15 Where

where used list where used for business used for a
a particular areas particular
components of component
which bills of is
materials displayed
contain the

SAP Training Participants Guide
Understanding the Master Data/Bills of Material Process - continued

Process Overview Table

Step Step Name External Business Role Transaction Expected

Process Condition Code Results

7 Mass BOM Changing All required CS20 Mass BOM

change BOMS business Change

Process Flow Diagram

SAP Training Participants Guide

Understanding the Master Data/Bills of Material Process - continued

Organization Structure
Creating the basic views of the Material Master will be centralized. Plant
specific fields will maintained by individual plants.
Bills of materials will be plant specific. The Bills of Materials will be
created and maintained at the plant levels.
The current organizational roles will fit within the processes described here:
 Engineering
 Customer Service
 Master Data management

The Master Data –

Bills of Material
Process ….

SAP Training Participants Guide

Create BOM by
defining the
components and the
quantity of the
Creating the Bill
of Material
Process (BOM)

SAP Training Participants Guide

Creating the Bill of Material Process (BOM)

This work instruction is used to create BOM by defining the components and the quantity of the

A BOM can be defined as a formally structured list of the components that make up a product or
assembly. The list contains the object number of each component, together with the quantity
and unit of measure.
BOMs are used in their different forms in various situations where a finished product is
assembled from several component parts or materials. Depending on the industry sector, they
can also be called recipes or lists of ingredients and so on.
They contain important basic data for numerous areas of a company, for example:
 Material provisions for production
 Product costing
 Plant maintenance

Input - Required Field Value / Comments

Key Date Date on which the BOM is edited or displayed

Group Counter This key and the BOM Group uniquely identify a BOM

Plant Plant to where BOM is valid

Use BOM usage – specifies the areas in which the BOM can be used (e.g. in
production or plant maintenance)

Field Value / Comments

Output – Results
Internal BOM

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with Creating the Bill of

Material Process (BOM).

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS01

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated
with the menu paths can be performed using icons, key strokes or using the mouse.
This duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or
styles of the user. Some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some get
used to icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or ‘double’

SAP Training Participants Guide

Creating the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Results: The SAP Easy Access panel displays.

Work Steps
Transaction Code – CS01

Step 1 Click SAP menu.

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Material.
Step 6 Click Bill of Material.
Step 7 Click Material BOM.
Step 8 Double Click Create.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Creating the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Results: The Create material BOM: Initial Screen panel displays.

Step 1 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.

Note: Update the Create Material BOM: General item Overview panel
using the required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default
(D) fields displayed in the table below.

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Action and
Material Code identifying the material R
being produced with this BOM.
Plant The plant code of the plant R
where the material will be
BOM usage Enter ‘1’ to indicate that this is a R
BOM for use in production.
Alternative BOM A material can have multiple O
production BOMs. The BOM
alternative identifies the
individual BOMs for
manufacturing the product.
Valid From: Start date of the validity of the D

Step 2 Click the Enter icon. The first click saves the data you have just entered. Click the
Enter icon again to access the next screen that allows more changes to be made.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Creating the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Result: The Create material BOM: General Item Overview panel displays.

Step 3 Click the Header icon

Creating the Bill of Material Process (BOM) – continued

SAP Training Participants Guide

Step 4 Enter the Base quantity for the BOM. (= 1000 for all metal BOM’s)
Step 5 Click the Item icon.

Results: The Create Material BOM: General item Overview panel displays.

Step 6 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.
Note: Update the Create Material BOM: General item Overview panel

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Action Comments

and Values
Item Item number for the component R
Automatically assigned by the
Item Category Code identifying the item R
(ItCa) category.
Select the appropriate one from
the drop-down list.
L – Stock Item
N – Non Stock Item
Component Material Number R
Enter the component material
using the required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default
(D) fields displayed in the table below.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Creating the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Action Comments

and Values
Component Component material description D
Defaults from the material
Quantity of the material R
required to make the base
quantity of the parent material.
Unit of measure
Unit of measure in which stock D
of the material is managed.
Generally defaults from the
material master.

Result: The Create material BOM: General Item Overview panel displays.

Step 6 To review each individual line item, highlight the row from the far left box.
Step 7 Click the display icon for details.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Results: The Create material BOM: Item: All data panel displays.

Step 8 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.

Note: Update the Create Material BOM: General item Overview panel
using the required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default
(D) fields displayed in the table below.

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Action Comments

and Values
Component Percentage of scrap that O
Scrap in % occurs during production
of the material if the
material is a component.
Enter if desired.

Step 6 Click Save icon to save the BOM.

Results: The BOM for material displays that it has been changed.

End of Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM).

SAP Training Participants Guide

This process will

change the structure
list of components.


Changing the Bill

of Material

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM)

This work instruction is used to change the BOM by redefining the components and the
quantity of the components.
Whether it’s a component description, quantity, unit of measure or etc it is important to know
how to make the correct changes needed.

Making the necessary changes will affect important data for various areas of a company, for
 Material provisions for production
 Product costing
 Plant maintenance
Input - Required Field Value / Comments
Key Date Date on which the BOM is edited or displayed
Group Counter This key and the BOM Group uniquely identify a BOM
Plant Plant to where BOM is valid
Use BOM usage – specifies the areas in which the BOM can be used
(e.g. in production or plant maintenance)
Output – Results Comments
Internal BOM created

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with Changing the Bill of

Material Process (BOM).

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS02

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated
with the menu paths can be performed from icons, key strokes or using the mouse. This
duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or styles of
users. Some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some get use to
icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or ‘double’ clicks.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Results: The SAP Easy Access panel displays.

Work Steps
Transaction Code – CS02

Step 1 Click SAP menu.

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Material.
Step 6 Click Bill of Material.
Step 7 Click Material BOM.
Step 8 Double Click Change.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Result: The Change material BOM: Initial Screen displays.

Step 1 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.

Note: Update the Create Material BOM: General item Overview panel using the required (R),
optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields displayed in the table below.

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Action and
Material Code identifying the material R
being produced with this BOM.
Plant The plant code of the plant R
where the material will be
BOM usage Enter ‘1’ to indicate that this is a R
BOM for use in production.
Alternative BOM A material can have multiple O
production BOMs. The BOM
alternative identifies the
individual BOMs for
manufacturing the product.
Valid From: Start date of the validity of the D

Step 2 Click the Enter icon. The first click saves the data you have just entered. Click the
Enter icon again to access the next screen that allows more changes to be made.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Result: The Change Material BOM: General Item Overview panel displays.

Step 3 Click the Item icon. This screen only appears if an alternate BOM already exist.
Result: The Change Material BOM: Alternative Overview panel displays. This is a test
example with no real data in it.

Step 4 Highlight each individual line item per row by selecting that row from the far left.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Result: The Change material BOM: General Item Overview is displayed with the
line item highlighted.

Step 5 Click the Display icon for details

Result: The Change material BOM: Initial panel displays.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Step 6 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.

Note: Update the Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) panel using the required (R),
optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields displayed in the table below

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Action and Comments

Item Number Item number for the component R
Automatically assigned by the
Component Material Number R
Enter the component material
Item Code identifying the item R
Category category.
(ItCa) Select the appropriate one from
the drop-down list.
L – Stock Item
N – Non Stock Item
Component Component material description D
Description Defaults from the material
Quantity Quantity of the material R
required to make the base
quantity of the parent material.
Unit of Unit of measure in which stock D
measure of the material is managed.
Generally defaults from the
material master.
Component Percentage of scrap that occurs O
Scrap in % during production of the
material if the material is a
Enter if desired.

Step 7 Click the Save icon.

Note: Make sure to save all information.
Result: The Bill of Material displays the change.

End of Changing the Bill of Material (BOM) Process.

SAP Training Participants Guide

This process will

display the structure
list of components.

Display the Bill of
Material Process

SAP Training Participants Guide

SAP Training Participants Guide

Display the Bill of Material Process (BOM)

This work instruction is used to display the BOM the components and the quantity of the
Once the correction has been changes, you will then want to display the change.

Making the necessary changes will affect important data for various areas of a company, for
 Material provisions for production
 Product costing
 Plant maintenance

Input - Required Field Value / Comments

Key Date Date on which the BOM is edited or displayed
Group Counter This key and the BOM Group uniquely identify a BOM
Plant Plant to where BOM is valid
Use BOM usage – specifies the areas in which the BOM can be used
(e.g. in production or plant maintenance)
Output - Results Comments
Internal BOM created

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with Displaying the Bill of

Material Process (BOM).

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS03

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated
with the menu paths can be performed using icons, key strokes or using the mouse.
This duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or
styles of the user. Some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some get
used to icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or ‘double’

SAP Training Participants Guide

Displaying the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Result: The SAP Easy Access panel displays.

Work Steps
Transaction Code – CS03

Step 1 Click SAP menu.

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Material.
Step 6 Click Bill of Material.
Step 7 Click Material BOM.
Step 8 Double Click Display.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Displaying the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Results: The Display material BOM: Initial Screen panel displays.

Step 1 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.

Note: Update the Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) panel using the required (R),
optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields displayed in the table below.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Action Comments

and Values
Material Code identifying the material being R
produced with this BOM.
Plant The plant code of the plant where R
the material will be produced.
BOM usage Enter ‘1’ to indicate that this is a R
BOM for use in production.
Alternative A material can have multiple O
BOM production BOMs. The BOM
alternative identifies the individual
BOMs for manufacturing the
Valid Date: Start date of the validity of the BOM D

SAP Training Participants Guide

Displaying the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

Results: Required fields have been filled.

Step 2 Click the Return icon.

Result: The Display material BOM: General Item Overview displays.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Displaying the Bill of Material Process (BOM) – continued

Step 3 Enter required BOM materials. Use the information from the table below.

Note: Update the Changing the Bill of Material Process (BOM) panel using the required (R),
optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields displayed in the table below.

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Item Item number for the component R
Automatically assigned by the system.
Item Code identifying the item category. R
Category Select the appropriate one from the drop-
(ItCa) down list. L – Stock Item, N – Non Stock Item
Component Material Number R
Enter the component material number.
Component Component material description D
Description Defaults from the material master.
Quantity Quantity of the material required to make the R
base quantity of the parent material.

Unit of Unit of measure in which stock of the material D

measure is managed.
Generally defaults from the material master.

Step 4 Click the Item icon to display the Display Material BOM: General Item Overview

SAP Training Participants Guide

Displaying the Bill of Material Process (BOM) – continued

Step 5 Click the Header icon for top level overview

Results: The Display material BOM: Header Overview panel displays.

Step 6 Click on the Item icon to return to the Display Material BOM: General Item
Overview screen.

Step 7 Highlight the row from the far left box.

Step 8 Click the Display icon for details to view for each individual line item.

End of Displaying Bill of Material.

SAP Training Participants Guide

This process will

display the bill of
material explosion.
Bill of Material

SAP Training Participants Guide

BOM Explosion Multilevel

This work instruction displays the bill of material explosion.
The material BOM explosion function determines all components (assemblies and individual
parts) in a product and displays them in their structural context for production.


Input - Required Field Value / Comments

Material Material number of the BOM to be expanded
Plant Plant the material BOM is assigned to

Output - Results Comments

BOM Explosion A list of component materials that are assigned in the material BOM.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with BOM Explosion


Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS14

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated
with the menu paths can be performed from icons, key strokes or using the mouse. This
duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or styles of
the users. Some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some get used to
icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or ‘double’ clicks.

SAP Training Participants Guide

BOM Explosion Multilevel - continued

Results: The SAP Easy Access panel displays.

Work Steps
Transaction Code – CS14

Step 1 Click SAP menu.

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Material.
Step 6 Click Reporting.
Step 7 Click BOM Explosion.
Step 8 Click Material BOM.
Step 9 Double Click Multilevel BOM.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Displaying the Bill of Material Process (BOM) - continued

BOM Explosion Multilevel – continued

Results: The Explode BOM: Multi-Level BOM: Initial Screen panel displays.

Step 1 Update the Explode BOM: Multi-Level BOM: Initial Screen using the information in the
table below.
Note: Update the following required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields, as
needed on the Explode BOM : Multi-Level BOM: Initial Screen.

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Material Item number for the component R
Automatically assigned by the system.
Plant Code identifying the material being R
produced with this BOM.
Alternative The plant code of the plant where the O
BOM material will be produced.

BOM A material can have multiple production R

Application BOMs. The BOM alternative identifies the
individual BOMs for manufacturing the
Selection Tab This key represents a process for automatic
determination of alternatives in the different
organizational areas within a company.
Valid From Selection fields if ECM is active R

SAP Training Participants Guide

BOM Explosion Multilevel - continued

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Change Enter if ECM active C Cannot Find
Number This

Revision Enter Rev level if desired. O Cannot Find

Level This

Required qty If the BOM is a multiple BOM, you see the O

alternative for the lot-size range that
corresponds to the required quantity. If you
do not enter a required quantity, the base
quantity is automatically the required

Step 2 Click on Execute (F8): BOM components are directly displayed with respect to their
levels in the BOM.

Step 3 Click on View (F5) for optional view. . Fields on this screen are
for optional views.


SAP Training Participants Guide

BOM Explosion Multilevel - continued

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Alternative When a multiple BOM is exploded, the BOM O Cannot find
priority found is determined by the alternative you relevant
enter. screen

Scrap This indicator shows that, when the O Cannot find

component quantity is calculated, scrap is relevant
taken into account. screen

Limited This indicator controls the display of O Cannot find

explosion assemblies. relevant
Engineering Use this indicator to specify that the system O Cannot find
only displays BOM items that are defined in relevant
the BOM as engineering-relevant. screen

Production Use this indicator to specify that the system O Cannot find
only displays BOM items that are defined in relevant
the BOM as production-relevant screen

Plant Use this indicator to specify that the system O Cannot find
maintenance only displays BOM items that are defined in relevant
the BOM as relevant to plant maintenance. screen

Bulk Material Use this indicator to display only BOM items O Cannot find
that are bulk materials. relevant
PM assembly Use this indicator to display PM assemblies. O Cannot find
Item The system only displays items with the item O Cannot find
Category category you enter. relevant
Costing The system only displays items that are O Cannot find
Relevancy relevant (or not relevant) to costing. relevant
Sales The system only displays items that are O Cannot find
relevant (or not relevant) to sales and relevant
distribution. screen

Spare part ID The system only displays items that are O Cannot find
allocated to a spare part group and that relevant
have a specific spare part indicator. screen
Spare part Items that have any spare part indicator. O Cannot find
selection relevant

SAP Training Participants Guide

BOM Explosion Multilevel - continued

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Material Items that have any material provision O Cannot find
provision indicator relevant
selection screen

Assembly If you enter an assembly, the display is O Cannot find

filtered so that you only see the data of the relevant
assembly. screen
Explosion Maximum number of levels that you can O Cannot find
Level explode to. Items with a higher level are relevant
ignored. screen
Variable list Select if desired O Cannot find
Display Display Profile that controls the format of the O Cannot find
list on screen. relevant
Print Profile used for formatting print lists. O Cannot find
Disp. Long If you set this indicator, you see the O Cannot find
text complete long text for each item. relevant
Disp. If an item has sub-items, the system O Cannot find
Subitems displays the sub-items with the item. relevant
Objects from If you want the reporting list to show all O Cannot find
classes objects allocated to a class item, set this relevant
indicator. You see the objects allocated to screen
the class directly after the class item display

SAP Training Participants Guide

BOM Explosion Multilevel - continued

Step 3 Click on Execute (F8): BOM components are directly displayed with
respect to their levels in BOM.


Results: The BOM is exploded and components are displayed level wise.

End of BOM Explosion Multilevel.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Bill of Material
compares the bill of
material explosion.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Bill of Material Comparison

This work instruction compares the bill of material explosion.
The material BOM explosion function determines all components (assemblies and individual
parts) in a product and displays them in their structural context for production.


Input - Required Field Value / Comments

Material Material number of the BOM to be expanded
Plant Plant the material BOM is assigned to

Output - Results Comments

BOM Explosion A list of component materials that are assigned in the material BOM.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with Bill of Material


Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS14

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated
with the menu paths can be performed from icons, key strokes or using the mouse. This
duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or styles of
users. For example, some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some
get used to icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or
‘double’ clicks.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Bill of Material Comparison - continued

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS012

Step 1 Click SAP menu

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Materials.
Step 6 Click Reporting.
Step 7 Double Click BOM Comparison

SAP Training Participants Guide

Bill of Material Comparison - continued

Step 1 Update the following required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields, as
needed on the Explode BOM : Multi-Level BOM: Initial Screen .
Field Description R/O/C/D User Comments
Name Action
Material Code identifying the material being produced R
with this BOM.
Plant The plant code of the plant where the material R
will be produced.
Alternative A material can have multiple production O
BOMs. The BOM alternative identifies the
individual BOMs for manufacturing the
BOM This key represents a process for automatic R DO NOT
Application determination of alternatives in the different SEE THIS
organizational areas within a company.
Selection Selection fields if ECM is active DO NOT

Valid From Enter effective date. Overridden by Change R

number date (if ECM active). Defaults to
current date.
Change Enter if ECM active C
Revision Enter Rev level if desired. O
Required If the BOM is a multiple BOM, you see the O
qty alternative for the lot-size range that
corresponds to the required quantity. If you do
not enter a required quantity, the base quantity
is automatically the required quantity.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Bill of Material Comparison - continued

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Alternative When a multiple BOM is exploded, the BOM O DO NOT
priority found is determined by the alternative you SEE THIS

Scrap This indicator shows that, when the O DO NOT

component quantity is calculated, scrap is SEE THIS
taken into account.
Limited This indicator controls the display of O DO NOT
explosion assemblies. SEE THIS

Engineering Use this indicator to specify that the system O DO NOT

only displays BOM items that are defined in SEE THIS
the BOM as engineering-relevant.
Production The system only displays items that are O DO NOT
relevant (or not relevant) to costing. SEE THIS

Plant The system only displays items that are O DO NOT

maintenance relevant (or not relevant) to sales and SEE THIS
Bulk Material The system only displays items that are O DO NOT
allocated to a spare part group and that SEE THIS
have a specific spare part indicator.
PM assembly Items that have any spare part indicator. O DO NOT
Item Items that have a specific material provision O DO NOT
Category indicator. SEE THIS

Variable list Select if desired O DO NOT

Display Display Profile that controls the format of the O DO NOT
list on screen. SEE THIS
Print Profile used for formatting print lists. O DO NOT
Disp. Long If you set this indicator, you see the O DO NOT
text complete long text for each item. SEE THIS

Disp. If an item has sub-items, the system O DO NOT

Subitems displays the sub-items with the item. SEE THIS

Objects from If you want the reporting list to show all O DO NOT
classes objects allocated to a class item, set this SEE THIS
indicator. You see the objects allocated to
the class directly after the class item display

SAP Training Participants Guide

Bill of Material Comparison - continued

Step 2 Click on View (F5) if desired or the Fields icon.


Step 3 Click on Summarized Comparison: BOM components are displayed with respect to the
other BOM.

Result: The BOM is exploded and compared.

Step 3 Update the following required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields, as
needed on the Explode BOM : Multi-Level BOM : Initial Screen

Step 4 Click on Summarized Comparison: BOM components are displayed with respect to the
other BOM.

Results: The BOM is exploded and compared.

End of Bill of Material Comparison.

SAP Training Participants Guide

The Where Used

List answers
Single Level:
specific questions
when prompted.
Where Used List

SAP Training Participants Guide

Single Level: Where Used List

This work instruction displays a Where-Used list.
A Where-Used list answers the question: Where is an object (for example: a material) used and
in what quantity. You will see a list of all BOM’s in which material is used in accordance with the
selection criteria you have entered.


Input - Required Field Value / Comments

Material Material number of the BOM to be expanded
Plant Plant the material BOM is assigned to

Output - Results Comments

BOM Explosion A list of component materials that are assigned in the material BOM.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with Single Level: Where

Used List.

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS15

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated to
the menu paths can be performed from icons, key strokes or using the mouse. This
duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or styles of
the user. Some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some get use to
icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or ‘double’ click.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Single Level: Where Used List - continued

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS015

Step 1 Click SAP menu

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Materials.
Step 6 Click Reporting.
Step 7 Click Where-Used List
Step 8 Double Click Material

SAP Training Participants Guide

Single Level: Where Used List – continued

Results: The Where-Used List: Material: Initial Screen panel displays.

Step 1 Update the following required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields, as
needed on Single Level: Where Used List - continued

Field Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Name Action
Material The number of the material whose usage in R Section
bills of material (finished product or Heading
assembly) has to be determined.

Type of Indicator used to determine which BOM's R Section

where-used contain the object as a BOM item (directly) Heading
list or as a Class (Indirectly).

Used in The type of BOM in which the material is R Section

used. Heading

Selection Specifies the start date and end date for the O Section
validity period for the object. Heading

Define view Quantity of the individual component or the O Section

resulting qty of the assembly or finished Heading

SAP Training Participants Guide

Single Level: Where Used List – continued

Field Description R/O/C/D User Comments

Name Action
Restrict Restrict the view of the material by entering R Section
view plant item category or usage . Heading

Output Select variable list if you want to display the O Section

output in the profiles that have been defined. Heading

Disp. Long If variable list in output is checked, then C Section

text display long text appears. Select display Heading
long text if you want to display all the item
long text in full.

Multi Select multi-level if you want to display the O Under the

full multi level BOM structure of the above
assembly or finished product. Section

Step 2 Enter the material.

Step 3 Go to Type of Where-Used List tab and select Direct or Using Classes.

Step 4 Go to Used in tab and select the type of BOM in which the system will look into.

Step 5 Click the Next Screen icon. THIS SYMBOL IS NOT ON MY SCREEN ABOVE.
Single Level: Where Used List – continued

SAP Training Participants Guide

Result: The Where – Used List: Material: View panel displays.

Step 6 Enter the Requested qty.

Step 7 Enter the Plant.

Step 8 Click the Execute icon or F8.

Single Level: Where Used List – continued

SAP Training Participants Guide

Result: The Material Where-Used List panel displays.

End of Single Level: Where Used List.

SAP Training Participants Guide

The Where Used

List answers
Mass Change
Initial Screen
specific questions
when prompted.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Mass Change Initial Screen

This work instruction changes more than one components or item category in a BOM is single
This is to change more than one components or item category in a BOM is single step


Input - Required Field Value / Comments

Material Material number of the BOM needs to be changed
Plant Plant the material BOM is assigned to

Output - Results Comments

Change of BOM BOM components or item categories will change

SAP Training Participants Guide

Let’s Get Started with Mass Change Initial


Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS14

Step 1 Enter the Client number given to you by your administrator.

Step 2 Enter User code.
Step 3 Enter Password.
Step 4 Click Enter.
Note: When logging into SAP instead of this simulation, you will need to use your SAP user
name and password supplied by your company SAP Admin. If your company utilizes
‘Single Sign On’ then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto SAP and
only need to choose the desired system from the list. Many of the actions associated to
the menu paths can be performed from icons, key strokes or using the mouse. This
duplication or redundancy is built into the system to meet the varying needs or styles of
the user. Some individuals enjoy using the mouse and menu paths, some get use to
icons easily, some desire keystrokes while others prefer ‘right’ click or ‘double’ click.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Mass Change Initial Screen - continued

Work Step
Via Transaction Code – CS015

Step 1 Click SAP menu

Step 2 Click Logistics.
Step 3 Click Production.
Step 4 Click Master Data.
Step 5 Click Bills of Materials.
Step 6 Click Extras.
Step 7 Click Mass Changes.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Mass Change Initial Screen – continued

Results: The Mass Changes: Material Selection panel displays.

Step 1 Update the following required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) and default (D) fields, as
needed on the Explode BOM : Multi-Level BOM: Initial Screen

Field Name Description R/O/C/D User Action and Comments

Material Material which will be R
replaced in BOM

Plant Plant R

BOM BOM Categories – R

Categories Choose Relevant

Item Changes Change to be R


Mass Change Initial Screen – continued

SAP Training Participants Guide

Step 2 Click the Execute icon or F8.

Result: The Mass Changes: Material Selection panel displays.

Note: The Mass Changes : Material Selection shows the level of components for the materials
which will be replaced by components.
The blue rows indicates the new components which will be included in the BOM.

Step 3 Click the Check Box of your choice to select the components
Step 4 Click the Change Item Data icon.

SAP Training Participants Guide

Mass Change Initial Screen – continued

Result: The Mass Changes: Material Selection panel displays the confirmation.

Step 5 Click Yes to make the mass changes.

Result: The Mass Changes: Change log panel displays mass changes.

End of Mass Change Initial Screen.


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