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Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

Clean energy state program guide

Prepared by
Clean Energy Group and SmartPower
Many people have been helpful in the development of this report, including Lew Milford
and Maria Blais of Clean Energy Group; Warren Leon, formerly of the Massachusetts Re-
newable Energy Trust; Roger Clark from Pennsylvania’s TRF Sustainable Development Fund;
Adele Ferranti, Dave Friello and Judy Jarnefeld of NYSERDA; Lizzie Guiles Rubado and Betsy
Kauffman of Energy Trust of Oregon; Eran Mahrer and Rex Stepp of Arizona Public Service;
Molly Sterkel of California CPUC; Sandy Miller and Amy Morgan of the California New Solar
Homes Partnership; Ryan Helton and Jane Tabor of New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natu-
ral Resources Department; Tom Plant and Jeff Lyng from Colorado’s Governor’s Energy Of-
fice; Ann Marie McShea and Scott Hunter from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities; Sam
Nutter of Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Solar Initiative; and Lise Dondy and Dale Hedman
of the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund.

The opinions presented in this report are those of Clean Energy Group and SmartPower
and are not intended to represent the position of Clean Energy States Alliance or any of
its individual members, or the U.S. Department of Energy.

Financial Support
Support for this report was generously provided by Clean Energy States Alliance and the
Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Program.

Clean Energy Group and SmartPower do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the
accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process
that is referred to in this report. References in this report to any specific commercial prod-
uct, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not
constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring neither by the United States
Government or any agency thereof nor of the individual members of the Clean Energy States
Alliance. The views and opinions expressed in this web site do not necessarily state or re-
flect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof, or the individual mem-
bers of the Clean Energy States Alliance.
Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

Prepared by
Clean Energy Group and SmartPower

   Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Introduction and Background 4

Marketing and the 4 P’s 5

Building a Marketing Plan 7

Marketing Strategy #1: Improving the Value Equation for Solar 8

Marketing Strategy #2: Reinforcing the Reliability of Solar Technology 12

Marketing Strategy #3: Reducing the Complexity of Solar 17

Marketing Strategy #4: Overcoming Customer Inertia 20

Marketing Strategy #5: Finding the Right Message 22

Marketing Strategy #6: Reaching New Customer Markets 25

Developing a Marketing Plan: How to Begin 26

Conclusion 27
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    Executive Summary

This report showcases smart marketing strategies from clean energy programs and solar
marketers from across the country that address how to overcome the barriers faced by
solar technology markets and serves as a guide for states in pursuing their own market
planning process.

While there has been a major increase in solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in recent
years, the total amount of solar power installed nonetheless represents less than 0.1% of
U.S. energy production. In order for solar energy to make a sizeable contribution to jobs, a
green economy, and greenhouse gas reductions, more solar technology deployment will be
required. However, installing solar technologies is no simple task. The reality is that in order
to drive more solar power installations, solar programs must address the key barriers to its
market growth.

Although state solar programs report limited marketing initiatives of their own, this per-
spective reflects a narrow definition of marketing – one that primarily focuses on communi-
cations-centered initiatives, such as website strategies, public relations activities, and educa-
tion of stakeholders. These marketing resources are important. However, marketing in the
broader sense should play an important role to expand the growth of solar, and state solar
programs play a critical role in creating and supporting effective marketing initiatives that
can address the major market barriers. The American Marketing Association defines mar-
keting as “the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and or-
ganizational objectives.” Effective marketing guides how, when, and where product infor-
mation is presented to consumers, with the ultimate goal of persuading consumers to pur-
chase a particular brand or product. Therefore, state solar program managers must see
themselves as a critical part of the solar sales process.

For marketing to be successful, it must create a desire for a product. A marketer, therefore,
needs to understand: a) current consumer perceptions of the product and what must be
overcome to improve those perceptions, b) what price/value equation will have the most
appeal, c) who do consumers believe to be credible sources of product information, and d)
where to place this key information in the form of promotion, advertising, etc., so that it
will reach the right consumer target. When all of these elements are successfully integrat-
ed, marketing connects with the consumer and builds desire for the product, resulting in
a sale.

Clean Energy Group l  l Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

Consumers consistently report a preference for energy produced from renewable energy
sources but invariably fail to purchase renewable energy in sizeable numbers. Research con-
ducted by SmartPower and detailed in this report was designed to identify the barriers to
solar purchases, address consumer concerns, and provide state solar programs with guide-
lines that should be integrated into their overall marketing approach. SmartPower’s findings
concluded that there are four primary barriers to solar market growth, and ALL four must
be addressed to expand the market. Those barriers include:

1. Cost. Consumers report high up-front and out-of-pocket costs and long payback periods
deter them from installing solar energy technology.

2. Reliability. The absence of solar technologies in the public’s eye and confusion about
its performance and capabilities create concerns about the reliability of solar technology;
it is not perceived as up to the task of powering our energy needs.

3. Complexity. The time consuming and complex nature of purchasing and installing solar
energy systems discourages potential customers.

4. Inertia. The lengthy decision-making process and financial complexity of the solar sale
often result in consumer inertia.

SmartPower also learned from over seven years of message research in the area of renew-
able energy and energy efficiency that the “environmental” message is not the answer to
motivate consumers to purchase renewable energy technologies. Consumers already under-
stand the environmental benefits of solar power, but those benefits have not been persua-
sive enough to broaden market adoption. Therefore, in addition to addressing these barriers,
solar programs also must create a connection with customers through marketing messages
that are likely to enhance interest and lead to further inquiry. Messages that connect on a
financial or value level are most likely to succeed.

The need to understand consumer attitudes and develop programs and communication
approaches that address those barriers ultimately means that state solar programs must
THINK and ACT LIKE RETAILERS. A retailer knows how essential it is to:

• let the public know what it offers

• create pricing that appeals to the public
• demonstrate and stand by the quality of the product
• make it as easy as possible to make the purchase
• create a buzz about the product that generates interest and action

Clean Energy Group l  l Clean Energy State Program Guide

For retailers, success is easy to measure: it’s the ringing of the cash register. A state solar
program’s marketing activities, to be effective, also must lead to an action: an application
for a solar program’s financial incentive to purchase and install a solar energy system. While
state solar programs are not directly “selling solar installations” to customers, nevertheless,
they measure success in the form of megawatts of solar installed. Therefore, the state mar-
keting approaches and activities must lead the customer to the solar sale. By starting with
that end in mind, state programs can focus their limited marketing resources to address the
major marketing barriers, overcome consumer resistance and broaden the market.

To achieve state solar megawatt goals, a solar marketing plan must address the technology’s
value proposition, its perception of unreliability, the complexity of purchasing solar and
consumer inertia.

This guide cites many marketing initiatives that are contributing to the growth and interest
in solar across the country. However, the guide is not meant to be a clearinghouse of all solar
marketing programs, nor an endorsement of any one particular approach. Instead, it is of-
fered to provide solar programs and stakeholders with examples of innovative strategies
that can make a difference in solar marketing.

Mark Sinclair, Clean Energy Group

Lyn Rosoff, SmartPower
August 2009

Clean Energy Group l  l Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

In April 2008, Clean Energy Group (CEG) released Background
a report on state strategies for building a strong The marketplace for solar is exploding as more
solar marketplace entitled Clean Energy State states increase investment in solar incentive pro-
Program Guide: Mainstreaming Solar Electricity: grams. The 2008 solar market was five times the
Strategies for States to Build Local Markets. The size of the 2007 market, which grew 57% over
report identified critical state policies and pro- 2006 levels. However, solar installations totaled
grams necessary to build a successful solar pro- only 80,000 in the United States in 2007 and most
gram. The report highlighted best practices from were concentrated in a few states, with 69% of
states with robust solar programs, addressing all installations in California alone.
such issues as state renewable portfolio standards,
equipment ratings, long-term financing, building Now is an important time for states to use focused
codes, installation standards, training, and mar- solar marketing efforts to attract new customers
keting and education. (See http://www.cleane- to solar and bring this renewable energy technol- ogy into the mainstream. As natural gas and oil
Electricity_Apr2008.pdf) prices remain volatile, commercial and residential
consumers are beginning to appreciate the price
This report is designed to complement the find- stability that solar power offers.
ings from CEG’s Mainstreaming Solar Electricity
Program Guide and to provide a similarly helpful Many customers with a financial focus are now
tool that focuses on how marketing initiatives motivated beyond environmental attributes to
can help achieve state solar program goals. By look at solar power for the first time. However,
identifying and addressing consumer barriers, with an uncertain economy and financial resources
state incentive programs can increase the de- stretched for both commercial and residential
mand for solar power and achieve megawatt customers, the need to market solar effectively
goals. This report showcases examples from clean is more critical than ever.
energy programs and solar marketers from across
the country that have addressed these barriers,
and serves as a guide for states in pursuing their
own market planning process.

Clean Energy Group l  l Clean Energy State Program Guide

Marketing and the 4 P’s
We live in a society that bombards consumers power in their region. Each plays an important part
with messages, from pop-ups on computers, to in marketing solar. However, state incentive pro-
on-line chat room links, to e-newsletters and e- grams define the 4 P’s in a slightly different way
blasts, to advertising in traditional media, all de- than do solar suppliers.
signed to build a “share of mind” for a product,
service or social cause. Marketing is at the heart For marketing purposes, state programs can evalu-
of every successful brand, business, organization, ate the Product from the perspective of consum-
and cause. Marketing is not merely communica- ers’ rational and emotional attitudes towards solar
tions. It is the sum presentation to the customer technology. These attitudes affect the desire to
of a value equation that results in a sale or action. purchase. Consumer reaction to solar technology
Marketing is the process of identifying what the (e.g., price, reliability, quality issues) informs mar-
consumer needs, how the product or service can keting and communications approaches by identi-
address that need, how to communicate that value fying both the opportunities – the strengths and
in a compelling way, and how to deliver that mes- positive attributes that should be marshaled – and
sage in the most efficient and effective manner. the barriers – the concerns and “issues” that pre-
When state solar incentive program managers vent sales.
think like marketers, they will sharpen the focus
of outreach efforts and improve the effectiveness Price is one of the single biggest barriers to grow-
of their solar program offerings. ing the solar marketplace; many states are ad-
dressing the financing of solar to help overcome
The classic elements of marketing – the 4 P’s: consumer price concerns. Today, financing mecha-
Product, Price, Place, Promotion – offer a useful nisms are broadening access to solar power and
matrix to assess state solar programs. Solar pro- making it available to new customer groups. How-
gram initiatives should address each of the 4 P’s. ever, states must ensure that prospective custom-
For example, a consumer will not buy a poorly ers are aware of these new financing strategies
manufactured product or one with a questionable and aggressively promote the financial “value” of
reputation merely because the price is good. Simi- solar products to consumer targets.
larly, the best quality product must be affordable
to ensure market share. While state solar pro- The Place, or channels through which solar is sold,
grams do not produce solar panels, price them, or also is an area where solar programs have an im-
control the quality of technology or installation, portant role through their work with installers,
their program success is integrally linked to the developers, and suppliers. Building a strong sup-
success of solar suppliers. Both share the same plier network is critical in keeping up with rising
goal: building a strong customer base for solar demand; ensuring that customers can easily find

Clean Energy Group l  l Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

an installer is part of this task. States also should product, purchase an existing product, visit a web-
look at how complex the solar sales process can site, make a donation to a nonprofit organization,
be for consumers and how solar programs can or inquire about a solar incentive program, the
minimize and ease the transaction process. process is the same. In essence, marketing matches
the right customer to the right product, resulting
Lastly, Promotion of solar should be a primary in a sale. As states apply marketing approaches to
focus as state programs seek to increase the visibil- their solar initiatives, they will become more cus-
ity of solar installations and broaden the appeal of tomer-focused, rather than program-focused, and,
their solar incentive programs. Using communica- as a result, become more effective in achieving
tions and promotional strategies to favorably solar goals.
present solar in the marketplace and ensuring that
the right messages are presented to the public will If one “starts with the end in mind,” a solar mar-
help build a stronger market for solar technologies. keting plan identifies how a state program will
achieve installed megawatt goals through acquisi-
As solar incentive programs examine their pro- tion of residential, commercial and institutional
gram offerings through the lens of Product, Price, customers. The 4P’s ensure that all aspects of the
Place and Promotion, they may conclude that they “sale” are covered. Improving the process of pur-
need to better understand their customer through chasing solar will not alone make a difference in
market research, focus their efforts on specific tar- overall sales if the price/value equation has not
get customer bases (customer segmentation), and been addressed. If consumers are not confident
address key messages to reach those audiences about the reliability of solar, improved pricing
effectively and efficiently (communications). This alone will not matter. All elements must work to-
evaluation process informs the elements of a solar gether to motivate the target customer to take ac-
marketing plan. Whether a marketer’s goal is to tion. Therefore, the development of a solar mar-
persuade a customer to visit a store, sample a new keting plan must start with the consumer in mind.

Clean Energy Group l  l Clean Energy State Program Guide

Building a Marketing Plan
The low market penetration of green energy pric- how best to overcome market barriers, address
ing products and solar technology suggests that consumer needs and increase solar customers.
customers, whether they are residential or com-
mercial, have concerns about solar power that are The Oregon and Arizona studies looked at both

barriers to market growth. Understanding what residential solar customers and solar prospects

consumers believe both rationally and emotionally (SmartPower refers to prospective customers as

about solar technology will help shape the direc- “Inerts” – those who express interest in solar by

tion of a solar marketing plan. attending a seminar or requesting information,

but have not yet become buyers). Conducting
In 2007, SmartPower embarked on consumer re- both quantitative and qualitative studies of these
search studies in two very diverse states: Arizona customer segments provided valuable insights to
and Oregon. Arizona Public Service (APS), the help shape the development of smart marketing
state’s largest utility, was interested in improving initiatives. While there is much to learn from these
its existing solar incentive program. The Energy studies, the key findings point to several essential
Trust of Oregon (ETO) (manager of the State of elements for an effective solar marketing plan.
Oregon’s solar incentive program) could not ex-
plain why a growing interest in solar, as seen Based on these studies, the remainder of this
through rising attendance at monthly educational report will 1) identify major market barriers, 2)
seminars, was not translating into increased ap- detail smart marketing strategies to address each
plication for its program’s solar incentives. In barrier, and 3) recommend action steps to imple-
both cases the goal was to better understand ment a successful marketing plan.

Clean Energy Group l  l Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

M ark etin g st rateg y #1
Improvin g the value E q uat i o n o f so la r

SmartPower’s studies showed that cost is the shock. Similarly, when solar incentive programs
single biggest barrier to purchasing solar among provide a website calculator that informs the pro-
those customers who attended solar seminars. spective customer of the total cost of installing
The value equation (the relationship between solar, the message often serves as a deal stopper.
the consumer’s expectations of the product’s By “calculating” the cost of solar installation at
benefits to the costs) for solar is not strong and $20,000 or more, the homeowner may hit a mental
high up-front costs are limiting market growth. “delete” signal. Full cost information may be hin-
The Oregon study found that less than 5% of dering the advancement of a solar sale.
Energy Trust of Oregon’s solar customers used
Therefore, while many states are putting financ-
home equity loans or other financing to pay for
ing programs in place to overcome the high cost
their solar installation. This indicates that the small
of solar, they also must ensure that consumers are
number of consumers who are able to afford solar
aware of those financial offerings. Often these
is a major factor in what has kept the market
programs are available in small pilot programs,
growth for solar technologies so low; most Inerts
or promoted through press releases and on the
were clear that the high out-of-pocket costs made
program website only. This approach may at-
solar energy system purchases prohibitive.
tract the well-informed, already-interested solar
There are important lessons for solar marketing prospect waiting to take advantage of these of-
from the automobile industry. Car dealers have ferings. However, the car dealer does not pro-
long understood the value of promoting their mote its low monthly pricing options only to its
product by highlighting affordable monthly in- existing customers. It can only succeed if it is
stallments (whether through leasing arrangements able to attract new customers. Likewise, changing
or purchase) rather than through full price sticker the public’s perception about the affordability

Oregon, 160 Respondents

Clean Energy Group l  l Clean Energy State Program Guide

of solar power will ultimately make the most to expanding solar adoption, the value message
difference in building consumer demand. about how to afford solar should be the most
prominent message delivered.
A primary marketing challenge for states to ad-
dress is to ensure that the marketplace hears the An example of how to use these new financing
positive message about the value equation for solar. offerings to create a strong value message can be
The recent proliferation of creative solar financing found on SMUD’s website. SMUD promotes its
strategies provides the tools to address the Price/ SolarSmart homes program with a value-oriented,
Value barrier. While many of these initiatives are investment-focused message:
relatively new, they reflect the need to give con-
Make a SolarSmart choice today and
sumers more financing options and reduce the
enjoy a new home that is more affordable,
out-of-pocket cost of solar installations to a man-
comfortable, and environmentally friendly.
ageable monthly expense that is more comparable
Buy a SolarSmart HomeSM and reduce your annual
to their electric bill.
electric bill by as much as 60 percent. SolarSmart
Homes combine the most cost effective energy ef-
As one example, the City of Berkeley, California
ficient features and roof top solar electric genera-
created a pilot city tax program that allowed home
tion in a package that makes homeowners money
owners to apply solar installation costs to their
every month.
property taxes. It was sold out within nine min-
SolarSmart Homes are a wise investment
utes, demonstrating the consumer demand for af-
that make doing the right thing easy.
fordable payment approaches. In addition, low
interest loans, 3rd party leasing and innovative
programs like SMUD’s SolarShare are making solar
available to new customer groups. However, while Highlighting the specific monthly cost of a solar
many programs are providing innovative financing lease or loan has a much stronger effect than
schemes, they are not always as innovative or ag- simply promoting “low interest loans.” Recent
gressive at promoting the offerings to consumers. focus groups conducted by SmartPower with home
In fact, SmartPower research in Oregon and Arizona energy audit customers confirmed this. Customers
found that most solar customers today already knew about the availability of 0% interest loans,
held a long-standing interest in solar with the in- and yet when a $15,000 / 7 year loan was pre-
centive program functioning as more of an en- sented to customers as $125/month payments, the
abler than a true incentive and promotion that program had substantially more appeal. As one
brings new customers to the program. customer reported, “I knew about the loan offer,
but the actual dollar amount makes me take a
Therefore, it is important to realize that these second look.”
new solar financing mechanisms are tools that can
tell new customers that solar is affordable. To that A similar effective “value” message is being deliv-
end, states should prominently feature this mes- ered by SolarCity, a California-based installer that is
sage of affordability on their solar program web- offering solar leases to residential customers with a
sites. Because the affordability of solar is so central very strong affordability promotion on their website:

Clean Energy Group l  l Smart Solar Marketing Strategies

SolarLease Example for Typical 3- and the internet to promote these affordable
Bedroom Home options to the public.
For a home with a monthly electricity bill of
$200, we would recommend installing a 16 The affordability of solar is not just an issue for
panel solar system. residential and commercial customers. Institutional
customers, such as state, municipal and county
This system will generate enough electricity buildings, are also an important source of future
to offset what you are currently paying to solar customers. Realizing this, the Massachusetts’
the utility company from $200 down to Commonwealth Solar program created solar work-
$75 per month. Your monthly SolarLease shops specifically targeted to municipal leaders to
payment would be $100, so you could ac- educate them on Power Purchase Agreements to
tually save $25 per month from day one. expand solar on public buildings. Every Board of Selectman, Superintendent of Schools and Mayor
lease.aspx was invited to attend a workshop to learn about
solar energy’s value proposition. The workshops
For a homeowner looking to reduce utility bills, were sold out with over 100 people attending in
this SolarCity solar leasing approach offers imme- Boston and 130 people in central Massachusetts,
diate financial relief and guarantees, maintenance well above expectations. Today, municipal leaders
and other program offerings that create a great are actively seeking strategies to reduce energy
value for the consumer. The environmental bene- costs and environmental impact. Solar has more
fits are important, but savings are of greater value interest for cities and towns than ever before and
to the homeowner. high attendance at these workshops is proof of
that demand.
Currently, most solar customers learn about incen-
tives from their installer, suggesting that they al- In sum, creating and promoting innovative fi-
ready had an interest in solar before they knew nancing mechanisms for customers to install solar
what incentives were available. Promoting the val- are critical to expanding the market. Just as with
ue story through new messages, outreach activi- financing the purchase of a home, an automobile,
ties, and forums will expand the solar marketplace or a college education, financing options for solar
by reaching new customers and creating broader purchases are necessary to overcome high up-
interest in solar power. Incentive programs may front costs. Paying cash for a new car is not possible
want to consider using advertising opportunities for most consumers, and neither is paying out-of-
such as National Public Radio, cable television, pocket for a new solar energy system.

Clean Energy Group l 10 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

Marketing Plan Action Step #1:
1. Identify the range of financial options currently available to customers
within your market.
- Are lease arrangements, PPA’s and other monthly financing strategies available?
- What new approaches, if any, should you offer?

2. Evaluate how you currently promote financial options to prospective

- Are you reaching a broad audience with these options and bringing new
customer groups to solar?
- Can you leverage the resources of strategic partners (such as lending
organizations) to create broader awareness?

3. Develop an outreach plan.

- Prominently promote the affordability message in collateral material, public
relations and advertising that go beyond the website.

4. Create a strong “affordability” message.

- Use the website to show monthly payment options for solar technology
purchases or leases.

5. Work with installers.

- Ensure that they are promoting the financing options that are available to
their potential customers.

6. Focus on “how to pay for solar.”

- Ensure that workshops and other solar seminars highlight financing as a key
component, remembering that this is the biggest barrier to broader adoption.

7. Host special solar financing events/workshops.

- Identify target groups such as business associations, municipal and institutional
customers, and developers.

8. Educate homeowners and commercial customers.

- Work with local utilities to promote the value of combining solar with energy
efficiency for optimum financial effectiveness.

Clean Energy Group l 11 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

Ma rket ing st rateg y #2
Re in f orcin g the reli ab i l it y o f so la r tech n o l og y
Concern about the reliability of solar is a barrier to For most people, solar technology remains an
market growth; consumers believe they will be abstract concept or a niche product rather than a
“buying” into a simpler lifestyle with solar that they mainstream energy source. As a result, most
are not ready for. Solar energy systems are not people do not think of solar power as a reliable
often visible in our every day lives, in our neigh- source of energy for their home. This perception
borhoods or on our public buildings. We rarely see is often reinforced by misleading stories such as
solar installations as we travel or on TV. The those appearing out of Troy, Michigan, where, in
invisibility of solar technologies contributes to a the winter of 2009, a model solar home, built at
sense that solar energy is not up to the task of the cost of $900,000, sat empty due to storm
powering our modern world. damage. The headline “Celebrated Solar House
Left in the Dark” contributes to the concern
This was confirmed by SmartPower’s qualitative about solar as not up to the task of meeting the
research when consumers were asked to draw energy demands of homeowners. The house was
pictures of their vision of a solar world. The not “in the dark” due to the solar system’s lack of
images that emerged from this assignment were performance but due to a heater malfunctioning
best represented by one solar customer who drew that caused pipes to burst.
a simple cottage in the country and entitled it,
“Quiet Simplicity.” Consumer marketers must counter these
perceptions with strategies to bolster solar’s
Reliability questions also abound, sometimes even attribute of reliability. There are many examples
among those who have installed a solar product. from the annals of consumer marketing that
Questions about billing issues, confusing terms illustrate effective strategies for establishing a
such as net metering, “what happens on a rainy product’s quality. For example, when Nike™
day or in a snow storm?” and even how much wanted to demonstrate the high performance
power solar customers will save, demonstrate the of its basketball shoes, it partnered with Michael
concerns about reliability and also contribute to a Jordan. And a Timex™ watch was dropped from
belief that solar power is not a realistic consumer a high rooftop and it kept on ticking.
Consumer marketers have used a number of

However, solar programs can begin to address effective tactics to address consumer concerns

the issue of reliability by ensuring that solar is as and reinforce the strength and reliability of their

visible as possible in their markets and is presented products, services, or goods, such as:

as a powerful source of energy, one that will help • “Sampling” the product so that prospective
fuel and build a stronger economy. customers are exposed to its quality and

Clean Energy Group l 12 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

• Celebrity endorsement – “If a celebrity uses visibility to the public by not only creating a
the product, it must be good.” public relations opportunity, but on-going vis-
• Testimonials by customers – “It worked for ibility to a wide range of constituencies that
me, it will work for you.” are not typically introduced to solar, such as
• Awareness building, using high traffic locations sports fans and business travelers. For exam-
and advertising – “If I see it, I’m thinking about it.” ple, Denver, CO installed a large solar array of
9,800 panels, covering seven acres, at the Den-
In addition, educational seminars, press conferences, ver Airport that was visible to delegates com-
and informational materials are all part of build- ing to the Democratic National Convention in
ing the reliability story. Many states are employing the summer of 2008.
“quality” messages to support their solar programs. cal/denver.convention.delegates.2.798582.html
While these strategies may not have been de-
ployed specifically to address the reliability issue, • Installing solar in highly visible locations and

they nevertheless do build a strong case about the using the attendant public relations opportu-

ability of solar to power our world. nities helps build support for solar power. For
example, APS teamed up with Habitat for

• California’s solar program administrators be- Humanity and with a local radio show whose

lieve that much of their success is due to the weekly feature focused on home improve-

strong political backing and high visibility of ments. The sponsorship allowed APS to high-

their Governor in supporting solar. When light the benefits of installing a solar water

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger launched heater while also promoting its charitable

his Million Solar Roofs campaign in 2004, he role.

essentially became the state’s celebrity ryArchive/StoryArchive_51.html

endorser for solar power.

• An effective way to educate consumers about

• Arizona Public Service has found its celebrity solar products is by using media to promote its

partner in Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns. benefits. For example, California’s New Solar

Nash is the most popular and likeable sports Homes Partnership (NSHP) combined a number

star in Arizona, and his reputation is unassail- of promotional elements to help educate con-

able. APS uses Nash in radio advertising and sumers about the value of solar while capturing

on their website, and extended their partner- names of prospects. In 2008, NSHP teamed up

ship by installing solar on the Phoenix Suns’ with Clear Channel Radio to increase awareness

stadium. Inside the arena, solar signage com- of solar during Solar Energy Awareness Month

pletes this campaign tie-in. http://www.aps. in June. Clear Channel created a 30 second ra-

com/main/news/releases/release_443.html dio spot that directed consumers to a website

where they could watch a short video, answer
• Installing solar in high visibility locations, such questions, and have a chance to win a hybrid
as airports, Governor’s mansions and sports vehicle. The solar quiz and sweepstakes were
stadiums, are excellent ways to address the re- part of kiosks displayed at state fairs and other
liability issue. These installations increase solar high traffic venues across California. http://

Clean Energy Group l 13 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies • The 2008 City Tour for Solar, sponsored by
ing_resources/index.html SunEdison and three solar manufacturers, has
created an interactive educational exhibit con-
The NSHP also addresses reliability through its tained in two bio-diesel trucks, which traveled
theme line, “Solar Is Working, Solar Is Smart, to 50 cities in the western part of the United
Solar Is Now.” This delivers a strong solar mes- States, including Washington, Oregon, Califor-
sage to both developers and consumers that nia, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Min-
solar is a smart choice. Over 17,000 people par- nesota, and Colorado. The tour staged exhibits
ticipated in the 2008 contest and it has been at both the 2008 Democratic National Conven-
repeated in 2009 with “Win a Green Home tion and the Republican National Convention
Makeover” contest where consumers are in- to increase support among candidates and leg-
structed to watch a video, take a quiz about islators for solar incentives and federal tax
the reliability and features of solar, and are en- credits. It provided a way for political and
tered into the sweepstakes. The promotion not business leaders to sample the power of solar
only educates customers about the value of in well-organized events.
solar and the way in which it reduces energy
costs, but also, by gathering entries, NSHP cre-
ates a database of prospects that can be used • The most well known of the solar “sampling”
to drive visits to new solar homes and solar programs is the American Solar Energy Society’s
events. National Solar Tour – the largest grassroots solar
event in the country. Now in its 13th year, the
• “Sampling” is a tried and true way that allows Tour, which kicks off on the first Saturday in
customers to try a new product. The Connecti- October – National Energy Awareness Month –
cut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF) has found a way attracts 150,000 people across 48 states, visit-
to allow people to ‘sample’ solar through its ing 5,000 solar homes. The Tour gives custom-
educational display at the Connecticut Science ers the opportunity to see solar in action, talk
Center. By sharing expenses, the state’s energy to home owners, and because of the sheer size
efficiency fund and CCEF have contributed $1 of the Tour, recognize that solar has gone
million towards “Energy Smart” in which solar mainstream. It also creates great opportunities
panels are part of an exhibition that focuses for state solar programs to support the Tour.
on efficiency and renewables. The Science
Center works in conjunction with the Hartford tent&view=article&id=549&Itemid=94
Public School system and has brought more
than 13,000 students to see the exhibit. The • The PG&E Solar Schools Program in California
high visibility display combined with curricu- includes installation of photovoltaic systems in
lum support for school children create a strong public schools, a solar-based curriculum-train-
face for solar. ing package, workshops for teachers, and
its/energy-city/default.aspx “Bright Ideas” grants. Since its inception in

Clean Energy Group l 14 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

2004, PG&E’s Solar Schools Program has in- • Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA), recog-
stalled solar on more than 125 schools, trained nizing the growing importance of utility com-
more than 3,000 teachers, and benefited al- panies in solar growth, hosted executives from
most 200,000 students. 23 U.S.-based energy organizations to attend a
solarschools/ fact-finding trip to Germany in 2008. Execu-
tives had the opportunity to speak with their
• An increasingly important customer segment European counterparts regarding utility-fo-
in advancing solar sales is the real estate in- cused concerns, including solar grid reliability.
dustry. Education is the key. Realtors are criti- This was an excellent hands-on educational
cal to the success of selling solar in new home opportunity for U.S. utility executives, who
purchases. A realtor who cannot effectively came away with a much stronger appreciation
talk about the value of solar on a home may for solar power and the role it plays as an im-
re-direct a prospective buyer to a less expen- portant energy source. In 2009, SEPA hosted a
sive home, focusing solely on purchase price, similar trip to Spain and has now instituted a
rather than factoring in energy costs. Many Utility Peer Match program that allows utilities
state solar programs, including those in Cali- to be matched with similar utilities to share
fornia and Oregon, are now working with best practices. State clean energy programs
realty organizations to provide solar informa- can host similar educational “fact finding”
tion seminars that help realtors speak more trips within their states for key solar stake-
comfortably about the quality and value of holders.
solar power. peer/index.php
tors_appraisers and

Clean Energy Group l 15 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

Marketing Plan Action Step #2:

1. Evaluate customer concerns about solar reliability in your market.

2. Find opportunities to increase visibility of solar installations in high

traffic locations.

3. Identify strategic partnerships with sports teams, local celebrities
and media to create positive solar images and increase presence of
solar installations in the public eye and in the marketplace.

4. Offer educational seminars for specific targeted segments (chambers

of commerce, solar seminars for homeowners, workshops for
municipalities) to build confidence in solar technologies.

5. Create campaigns built around positive testimonials from corporations,

businesses, and institutions who have installed solar power.

6. Participate in or increase awareness of annual solar home tours to

broaden attendance. Create special VIP tours for target groups.

7. Create a speakers’ bureau of homeowners and business leaders

who will speak about the effectiveness of solar power to meet
their energy and financial needs.

Clean Energy Group l 16 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

M ark etin g strateg y #3
Red uc in g the c omp lex ity o f so la r
The decision-making process for installing solar can site visit to their home, creating a Catch-22 situa-
be more lengthy and complex than expected, and tion. Without an estimate, the customer can not
consumers often feel overwhelmed by the process. proceed with decision-making and becomes in-
Solar technology is not viewed as a product that is creasingly frustrated.
easy for consumers to purchase and install. There
aren’t currently any iconic brands for solar prod- Research also indicates that solar customers are
ucts, leaving consumers to rely on installers for much more comfortable with technology than
much of the information that they receive. This is “Inerts” – those simply thinking about solar. As
much like asking a customer to buy an unknown early adopters, existing solar customers are more
brand of automobile, while relying on the car at ease researching manufacturer and installer
dealer as the sole source of information about options than those who are more conservative
the product’s performance, reliability and price. about new technology.

SmartPower research participants reported that The solar purchase process is often complex and
they often encountered difficulty getting estimates more time consuming than most people expect.
from solar installers as part of their decision-mak- SmartPower’s research in both Arizona and
ing process. If they were not ready to install a sys- Oregon found that, for most people who had
tem, then installers were not ready to invest in a installed solar PV, the decision-making process


Oregon, 223 respondents

Clean Energy Group l 17 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

took more than one year, often more than two • From focus groups, Energy Trust of Oregon
years. This lengthy decision-making process provided heard that customers were frustrated by the
the answer to Oregon’s question regarding why difficulty of getting installers to make a site
those attending solar seminars had not yet installed visit in order to provide an estimate of the cost
a system. SmartPower’s survey showed that in many of installation. ETO responded by offering
cases these customers simply had not installed YET. those who attend solar seminars and signed
up on the spot, a free on-site estimate. This
Inerts reported how complex the process is. They program, which was launched as a pilot, was
often felt lost in the process of researching all the extremely well received by participants. ETO
options available. Their lack of confidence with utilized home energy auditors from the State
technology contributed to a feeling of being over- Energy Efficiency Department to provide the
whelmed at times. As one focus group panelist said estimates. These energy professionals offered
about installing solar, “It feels like a full time job.” the added benefit of serving as a trusted advi-
sor – someone who offered advice to custom-
However, solar programs have the opportunity to ers without any “sell.” Consumers reported
take on the important role of trusted advisor and that they then felt more comfortable moving
to guide prospective customers through the long forward with their solar installation. http://
process of installation. There are many ways that
state programs can help make the solar installa- Now.pdf
tion process less onerous for consumers. Examples
from programs across the country include:

Oregon, 63 respondents

Clean Energy Group l 18 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

• Madison, Wisconsin, a Solar America Cities assess solar potential for any roof in the city.
designee, created an Energy Advocate pro- This resource helps identify the best solar en-
gram that allows interested solar prospects ac- ergy options and provides information on
cess to an unbiased, credible source of infor- project planning, permitting and financing op-
mation to help them navigate the complexity tions.
of energy solutions customized for their home. play.aspx?id=38064
The Energy Advocate performs a high quality
home energy audit, in conjunction with a solar • Oregon’s Solar Ambassador Program matches
estimate, that helps reduce the decision-mak- existing solar customers, who have gone
ing time and gives the homeowner more con- through the process of installation, with pros-
fidence about moving forward. http://www. pects who are thinking about solar. Pairing ex- perienced solar advocates with those going
aspx?City=Madison through the process provides the uninitiated
with free advice and counsel and gives new
• Berkeley, California is using its Solar America customers the confidence to move forward
Cities designation to create SmartSolar, a pro- with their decision to install.
gram to provide technical assistance and an
online mapping tool (Berkeley Solar Map) to program

Marketing Plan Action Step #3:

1. Work with installers to reduce time delays in the process of providing
estimates to solar prospects.

2. Evaluate opportunities to create a solar ambassador program that

connects existing solar customers with prospective customers to
provide information during the complex decision-making process.

3. Consider offering free estimates and/or an energy advisor program

to guide prospects through the solar incentive application process.

Clean Energy Group l 19 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

M ark etin g strateg y #4
Ove r comin g Custome r i n e rt i a
A complex product like solar technology, with a It is important to realize that state solar programs
two-year decision-making cycle that requires re- have an important role in the retail process and,
search, financing, permitting, and lengthy appli- as such, must deal with consumer inertia. One of
cation forms, will inevitably lead to consumer the most significant strategies to prompt action is
inertia and fall out. All marketers compete not the use of a declining incentive program. Each
only with other products within the same category, year the solar incentive program provides fewer
but also with competition for free time. With dollars to the customers to reflect a corresponding
today’s fast-paced, overbooked lifestyle, consumers drop in the costs of installation. In doing so, the
often are hard-pressed to find the time to make program encourages early installations to maxi-
solar product choices, which can compete with mize the incentive’s contribution to total costs.
time spent at work, with family, or at play. It often Examples of other “retail” approaches being
is easier to do nothing and place decisions on the used by states today include the following:
perpetual “back burner.” Therefore, state solar
incentive programs should encourage prospective • Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) addressed cus-
customers to continue to move forward and reduce tomer inertia through an aggressive market-
the lengthy decision-making process. ing communications approach. Focus groups
revealed that many solar seminar attendees
While solar incentive programs are not specifically felt that, as one participant claimed, “attend-
selling solar, they are a significant part of the sales ing a workshop is not doing nothing.” The
process. Employing the retail mindset will help social pressure to engage in the solar process
solar programs address what all retailers compete was satisfied by just researching and attend-
with – share of mind and share of action. ing seminars, not necessarily installing solar.
To encourage forward momentum, there-
The over-burdened consumer is the retailer’s enemy. fore, ETO changed its communications strat-
Therefore, marketers use promotional techniques egy. Now, immediately following participa-
to motivate consumers to 1) learn about a product, tion in a seminar, attendees receive a letter,
2) sample a product, 3) make a visit to a store, and signed by the Governor, with the directive,
4) make a purchase. Techniques such as the “Buy “Time to Take the Next Step.” This “retail”
One, Get One Free” coupon are simply a device to approach, with a strong call to action, is an
motivate a store visit. The “no interest for one year” excellent example of how to integrate con-
promotion is designed to promote value and en- sumer insights into an effective strategic di-
courage a purchase NOW. Even surveys on the rection designed to build incremental solar
Internet are crafted to deliver users to websites. sales.
State clean energy programs and solar marketers
should use a variety of similar innovative sales pro- • Free Solar on New Home. In marketing, noth-

motions to encourage consumers to overcome this ing is more important than “FREE” and no

inertia and move towards a solar “sale.” position is better than “first to market.”

Clean Energy Group l 20 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

Shea Homes, national developer of new homes, ing the promotional period, solar is offered on
utilized its higher-end Trilogy Green Homes to be Trilogy Homes as an upgrade feature.
the first builder to roll out a national solar offer-
• The Energy Advisor and Solar Ambassador pro-
ing. Trilogy Homes offered a free 3 kW solar sys-
grams (referred to in the previous section) also
tem on homes sold in Arizona, California, Florida
are excellent strategies for overcoming inertia.
and Washington during the month of August,
These programs connect trusted advisors with
2008. Shea received great publicity for creating
solar prospects and serve to give consumers the
the offer, which allowed them to showcase the
confidence to move forward in their decision-
features of their high-end homes. The short-term
making and shorten the installation process.
promotion was designed to drive traffic. Follow-

Marketing Plan Action Step #4:

1. Create a database of interested solar prospects and develop a
communications strategy that continues to engage these prospective
customers during the long decision-making process.

2. Use promotional incentives and prospect mailings to encourage

forward progress and sales.

3. Raise the level of visibility of solar in the marketplace to keep

solar in mind.

4. Consider implementing a declining incentive program that

encourages customers to act now.

Clean Energy Group l 21 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

M ark etin g st rateg y #5
Fin d in g the ri ght message

Solar programs that address the first four barriers: solar power could be part of the solution to
Cost, Reliability, Complexity, and Inertia with manage increasing costs.
customer-focused initiatives will find that they are
building a stronger demand for solar across their At the same time, in markets where there is a
market. However, programs also must try to change strong environmental movement, like Oregon,
long-held perceptions about solar power. Consumers there is a predisposition to consider solar for
need a fresh and powerful message that will put environmental reasons. That is, motivations may
solar on their radar screens and bring new customers differ in different regions of the country, and
to the technology. This requires rethinking how every market must determine for itself what
solar programs talk about and promote solar power. factors influence its customers.
SmartPower’s research has found that the environ-
mental message does not always resonate with Solar Marketing Research Findings.
prospective solar customers. SmartPower’s solar marketing research over the
past seven years in markets across the country has
Many people who install solar on their homes and generally found that the environmental message
businesses are motivated by the environmental is not the most compelling to the broad public.
benefits that solar offers, but it may not be the The public understands that renewable energy is
only or primary benefit for most customers. It cer- good for the environment, and to date, that
tainly may not be the most compelling message knowledge alone has not led to a market surge.
to which prospective customers respond. In develop- Finding the right message is an important com-
ing a branding campaign for clean energy in 2003, ponent of success in marketing solar energy.
SmartPower showed focus groups across the country SmartPower tested five positioning statements
over 25 images that ranged from strong environ- with over 75 focus group participants in Oregon
mental images to the American flag, to images of and Arizona to determine the most compelling
solar and wind power installations. Not one of the solar message, and asked each participant to select
focus group members responded to the environ- the one that they found most motivating.
mental images as what they associated with their
The selections included:
vision of a solar world.
a. Solar Makes Energy Sense.
b. Solar is a Good Investment.
SmartPower research in 2007 and 2008 found that
c. Solar is Good for the Health of Future
in markets such as Arizona, where a large surge in
population growth had created an unprecedented
d. Solar is Good for the Environment.
need for energy, the primary motivation for interest
e. Solar Creates Energy Independence.
in solar was financial stability over time. These
customers understood that the price of energy None of the participants from the focus groups
was likely to increase in the future and believed selected “Good for the Environment.” The

Clean Energy Group l 22 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

environmental benefits of solar are known to these words and phrases that reinforced the economic
consumers but are not as motivating as other aspects of installing solar were well received.
reasons to purchase. By a significant margin, respon- Some solar customers viewed installation of solar
dents preferred “Solar Makes Sense,” followed by much like investing in a Certificate of Deposit
“Solar is a Good Investment.” where it increased in value over time.

The key elements of these positioning statements Marketing Implications of the Research.
that consumers highlighted as important are: The solar program’s website is a key source of
information for solar prospects. Solar customers
a. Solar technology helps stabilize energy
are usually web savvy and do their research on the
costs over time.
Internet. Therefore, solar programs should eval-
b. Solar helps lower monthly utility bills.
uate their websites from the perspective of the
c. Solar technology has come a long way in
new prospect who is investigating solar power for
20 years.
the first time to ensure the site offers consumer
d. Solar energy is non-polluting and
friendly information while communicating the
renewable; we should tap into the
strong value message that “solar makes sense.”
power of the sun.
e. Incentives and rebates can reduce the
There are a number of solar program websites that
cost of installing solar by half.
offer good branding, useful features and easy access
to information. However, most websites can do a
Participants were particularly critical of any phrases
stronger job of communicating the economic
that they judged “preachy” and expressed wari-
value of solar. Here are a few noteworthy solar
ness at sentences that sounded political in nature.
For example, references to global warming were
negatively construed as “sounding like Al Gore • The “Go Solar California” site encourages
and An Inconvenient Truth.“ In contrast, those consumers to purchase solar, starting with

Clean Energy Group l 23 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

its website’s URL. The site is friendly and • NYSERDA’s website offers a tool that helps
easy to navigate for all users. The easy FAQ consumers to locate loan and installer re-
section makes finding information about sources. Consumers merely click on their
solar easy. See county and all the banks and installers in
csi/faqs.html. that territory are listed regionally. http://

• Energy Trust of Oregon took the important da/pickbanke4.asp.

step of creating one centralized go-to web-

site by partnering with the City of Portland A state solar program website is an essential mar-

and a local NGO. All three organizations keting tool to help guide prospective customers

support “Solar Now Oregon.” The website through the solar purchasing process. Thinking like

embodies the “solar makes sense” messages a retailer will help solar programs to assess whether

and highlights free solar seminars. www. their website is user friendly, a helpful tool, and effectively supporting the value equation of solar.

Marketing Plan Action Step #5

1. Identify the “right” message for the marketplace and ensure that
it is clear, consistent and addressing the value strategy.

2. Perform a communications audit on solar marketing materials to

assess the effectiveness and consistency of the message.

3. Identify what additional materials and outreach strategies are

required to communicate the solar value story.

4. Review the solar program’s website for its consumer-friendly

focus and message.

Clean Energy Group l 24 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

M ark etin g strateg y #6
Reac hin g new c ustome r mar kets

It is critical to broaden the customer base and • The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and TRF’s
open new markets for solar power. Each state and Sustainable Development Fund in Pennsylva-
solar program has a prospective customer base nia have implemented a Clean Communities
that has not yet reached its potential to become Program that promotes clean energy purchas-
new solar customers. es (green choice offerings) by a municipality
and its residents and offers a 1 kW solar panel
Identifying creative ways to reach these new cus- as an incentive. SmartPower managed this
tomers is not just the job of solar installers and sup- program for both organizations and utilized
pliers. State clean energy programs also are an im- friendly competitions between municipalities
portant part of this outreach effort. Leveraging to encourage sign-ups. The winning munici-
marketing resources at these target segments will palities install their solar panels in prominent
yield results. municipal locations, and generate support, vis-
ibility and great public relations for solar power.
Many solar programs across the country are Over 80 communities across Connecticut and
providing just such outreach. Examples include: 20 communities in eastern Pennsylvania have
met this challenge and earned the designation
• San Francisco created “The Mayor’s Solar of Clean Energy Community.
Founder’s Circle” with a goal of encouraging
solar on top of the city’s largest buildings. The • One important target customer group for
program targeted installations on 1,500 roof growing solar markets is solar installers. Arizona
tops in the city and offered financial incentives Public Service determined that additional in-
for those companies who install solar. Mailings stallers would be needed to keep up with the
from the city along with site visits and techni- growing demand being generated in the
cal assistance also are part of this program. Phoenix area. APS developed a specific mes-
sage to target installers by creating “Solar
• Energy Trust of Oregon reached out to compa- Makes Sense for Installers” and collateral
nies who have already installed solar to enlist material that was distributed at the APS’
their employees as new solar customers. A cor- booth at a national solar conference.
porate challenge provides on-site seminars for
employees and encourages the companies to
offer additional incentives.

Clean Energy Group l 25 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

Developing a Marketing Plan - How to Begin
Marketing is a problem-solving activity. Identifying Step Three: Establish Marketing Objectives
and understanding what problems require solving What will the marketing plan accomplish? What
is the first and most important step in constructing are the goals? A marketing objective might include
an effective marketing plan. Thinking like a retailer a percentage increase or megawatt goal for specific
is the key because it will ensure that programs and customer segments, such as commercial and indus-
initiatives, as well as communications and promo- trial, residential, or institutional solar installations.
tions, are designed to create a call to action and
Step Four: Marketing Strategies
move customers towards the sales process.
How will the solar program reach its objectives?
A marketing plan is a living, breathing document This report suggests that Cost, Reliability, Complexity,
that guides activities over a period of usually no Inertia and Message all must be addressed in an
more than one to two years and is focused on effective marketing plan. There may be other
achieving quantifiable and measurable goals, such strategies relevant to your specific market that
as megawatts of installed solar. Activities within the should be included or receive priority. A marketing
plan must address core customer segments that are strategy that addresses value, for example, might
important to the solar program, such as low-income include offering financial tools that reduce the high
housing, schools and institutions, large commercial out-of-pocket costs for solar installations. A market-
customers, and installers. The process of developing ing strategy to address reliability may include raising
an effective plan includes the following steps. visibility of solar in the marketplace.

Step One: Market Analysis Step Five: Tactics/Implementation

Begin by assessing past successes and failures. Tactics are the specific programs and initiatives
Identify what has worked and what has not. Which that address the marketing strategy. The examples
customer bases are responding and which are under- cited in this report from solar stakeholders across
delivering? Are there geographic issues to be the country are examples of marketing tactics.
addressed within your plan?
The rest of the marketing plan includes a budget
Step Two: Customer Research and timeline, as well as an approach to evaluate
If there are questions about the motivations and the success of specific tactics. There may be other
attitudes that core customer groups have about resource needs required by the solar program. All
solar power, a customer research project and mar- key stakeholders across the organization should
ket analysis will identify the opportunities and review the marketing plan while in development
barriers that must be addressed in the marketing to ensure that it is addressing the right issues and
plan. Solar programs may want to rely on an to ensure buy-in. It is also critical that implemen-
outside resource such as an advertising agency tation challenges be coordinated with appropriate
or marketing consulting group to help with this personnel to ensure that adequate resources and
aspect of the plan. timeframes are accounted for.

Clean Energy Group l 26 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

Smart Solar Marketing Strategies
C o nc l u s i o n

Effective marketing guides how, when, and where • How are new customers learning about solar?
product information is presented to consumers, Should we do more to help? Where are our
with the ultimate goal of persuading consumers to best opportunities?
purchase solar energy systems. Therefore, state solar
• Are we providing consumers with value-
program managers must view themselves as a criti-
oriented financial offerings that make solar
cal part of the solar sales process. Understanding
more affordable?
what problems need solving and how best to ad-
dress them is at the heart of the Solar Marketing • Are consumers aware of the new financial

Plan. Messages that connect on a financial or approaches that we offer? Are we adequately

value level are most likely to succeed. promoting the value and affordability of solar?
Is it prominently displayed on our website?

There are examples of effective solar marketing • Are we targeting the right audiences in our
activities all over the country to draw upon. An market to achieve our objectives? Have we
important source of new programs and initia- left any core audiences untouched?
tives comes from the Department of Energy’s
• Do we understand the consumer barriers to
Solar America Cities program where 25 cities
purchasing solar that are specific to our mar-
have become incubators for new solar marketing
ket? Should we initiate research to advance
ideas. Through grants from the DOE, these cit-
our understanding and the effectiveness of
ies are engaged in active partnerships with solar
our activities?
companies; municipal, county and state agencies;
utilities; NGO’s and universities to identify and • Have we done an inventory of communica-
remove market barriers and encourage solar sales tions materials to ensure that we are speaking
to residential and commercial customers. Their with one voice, promoting one brand, and
approaches may be a useful source of problem- hitting the right messages?
solving initiatives for cities and states looking at • Are there NGO’s and other stakeholders in our
their own solar marketing challenges. www.solara- market that we should be aligning with to ad- vance our goals and leverage our investment?

• How do we overcome inertia and help push

As solar programs begin to think like marketers,
interested customers to act?
they can assess “how they’re doing” by asking a
series of questions to determine whether solar • How do we create more visibility for solar in
marketing efforts are on the right track, including: our market? Are there high visibility locations,

Clean Energy Group l 27 l S m a r t Solar Marketing Strategies

personalities or opportunities that will in- • Are we cross promoting energy efficiency and
crease penetration? solar energy to maximize interest in both?

• Do we have a sufficient group of installers in • Are we creating a database of consumers and

place? Will we need more? How can we are we using that database effectively?
attract them?
As states increasingly compete with each other for
• Do realtors understand the value of solar and
green jobs and clean economies, being savvy solar
know how to speak about it effectively?
marketers becomes more important than ever.
• Is there a role for traditional and new media By asking these questions, and by creating a plan
in our marketing mix to build awareness? that provides a comprehensive approach to solar
• Are there innovative ways to utilize earned marketing, solar programs will maximize their
media beyond press releases and ribbon cut- investment in solar incentives, and expand the
tings to increase interest in solar? customer base for solar energy throughout their
• Are there other solar partners (utilities, trades,
chambers, cities and towns, sports venues, etc)
that we should be working with to increase
interest in solar power?

Clean Energy Group l 28 l C l e a n Energy State Program Guide

a b o ut th e au th o r s

Lyn Rosoff, SmartPower

Principal Author
Lyn Rosoff is Deputy Director for SmartPower and has served as Director of Marketing
for the past two years, leading SmartPower’s consumer research efforts. Lyn has over 25
years of marketing and advertising experience including 18 years at Arnold Worldwide.
For 12 years Lyn was President of Second Wind Enterprises, a marketing consultancy
practice focusing on nonprofit organizations. Clients included: SmartPower, The John
Merck Fund, Catch Neighborhood Housing, The Pew Charitable Trusts, United Way of
Mass Bay, Star Island Corporation and World TEAM Sports.

Lyn currently serves as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the United Way of
the Greater Seacoast and is past Chair of the Board of The Greater Boston Food Bank.

Mark Sinclair, Clean Energy Group

Contributing Author and Editor
Mark Sinclair is Vice President of the Clean Energy Group and has been working on
energy and environmental issues in the public interest for two decades. Clean Energy
Group (CEG) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the use of clean energy
technologies in the U.S. and abroad through creative financing, business partnerships,
public policy and advocacy. Mark also is Executive Director of the Clean Energy States
Alliance (CESA), a multi-state coalition of state-based renewable energy programs
working together to advance clean energy markets. Prior to CEG, Mark was senior
attorney and vice president with the Conservation Law Foundation of New England.
He also has served as general counsel to the State of Vermont’s environmental agency.

Mark serves on the Board of the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, the
Investment Committee of the Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund, the Board
of the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative, and the Board of the U.S. Offshore
Wind Collaborative. He also serves on the Waitsfield Development Review Board.
SmartPower is a national, nonprofit marketing organization that promotes clean,
renewable energy and energy efficiency. SmartPower’s award-winning marketing
campaigns have created unprecedented demand for wind, solar and hydropower.
In 2001, a group of forward-thinking, private foundations and the Connecticut
Clean Energy Fund founded SmartPower. These groups believed that renewable
energy needed the same consumer marketing techniques that traditional consumer
brands use. SmartPower has recently expanded its focus to include energy
efficiency and conservation. In addition to helping consumers choose clean
renewable energy sources, SmartPower wants to educate consumers about ways
they can conserve energy in their day-to-day lives.

SmartPower’s goal is for the nation to produce more clean energy while using less
energy. SmartPower works on three key fronts to advance this mission.

SmartPower conducts research to identify why consumers do not make choices
towards a clean energy and an energy efficient lifestyle. This research is especially
important when 80% of consumers say they believe renewable energy is better
than energy produced from fossil fuels and they are willing to spend more to have
it, but less than 3% actually purchase clean, renewable energy.

SmartPower uses its research to construct targeted marketing campaigns to
convince consumers to make the switch to clean energy and energy-efficient
habits. SmartPower spreads its message through marketing, advertising,
promotion, public relations, blogging and social networking.

Community Organizing
SmartPower builds partnerships with utility companies, state agencies,
municipalities, clean energy funds and community groups to promote clean energy
to consumers at a grassroots level. SmartPower also provides marketing tools to
local organizations so they can market clean energy in their communities

Lyn Rosoff, Deputy Director
1120 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 1040
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-775-2040
Clean Energy Group (CEG) is a nonprofit
organization established in 1998 to increase the
use of clean energy technologies in the U.S. and
internationally through innovative financing,
business partnerships, public policy and advocacy.

CEG works with state and nonprofit officials from

across the U.S. that are responsible for over $6
billion in clean energy funds. CEG manages the
Clean Energy States Alliance, a nonprofit assisting
its member clean energy funds and programs in
research, information sharing and multi-state
strategies to deploy clean energy technologies.
CEG also works with public officials in Europe
interested in trans-Atlantic efforts to build clean
energy markets.

CEG, including its work through CESA, is supported

by the state clean energy funds, and by major
foundations including the Annenberg Foundation,
The John Merck Fund, New York Community Trust,
Jane’s Trust, and others.

We invite you to learn more about CEG and its

projects at the following websites:

Printed on recycled paper. © 2009 Clean Energy Group

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