Photochemistry and Pericy-Clic Reactions

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Photochemistry and Pericy- The subject of photochemistry and pericyclic

clic Reactions reactions is an integral part of the chemistry
curriculum of all the Indian universities at
the MSc level, and some elementary
G Nagendrappa
information on these topics is included in the
BSc syllabus as well.

Although advanced textbooks of organic

Phofochemisry and Pericyclic Reactions
Jagadamba Singh and Jaya Singh chemistry invariably devote a fair amount of
New Age International Publisher space to these topics, simple and exclusive
New Delhi, 2003. books at affordable cost that cater to the needs
of our BSc and MSc students are not many.
Books published by foreign publishers are
beyond the reach of our students and as such,
This book is actually a composite of two
the courses dealing with specialised topics
books - one dealing with photochemistry and
like photochemistry and pericyclic reactions
the other with pericyclic reactions. (It should,
suffer due to unavailability of source material.
at least, have been in two parts, because all
The book under review fills a gap concerning
photochemical reactions are not pericyclic,
these two topics and helps students and
nor are all pericyclic reactions driven by light
teachers alike.
radiation). Pericyclic reactions are discussed
in the first five chapters and the subsequent A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of
eight chapters deal with photochemical a separate chapter (Chapter 13) on Photo-
reactions. The fourteenth and final chapter chemistry in Nature and Applied Photo-
contains problems and their solutions chemistry, which gives an idea of the relevance
covering both photochemistry and pericyclic of photochemical processes in our daily life.
reactions. The solved problems in Chapter 14 are helpful
in understanding and mastering the principles
The authors have discussed the basic and theory of photochemistry and pericyclic
principles of the important aspects of both
pericyclic reactions and photochemistry with
adequate number of illustrative examples. Having said this in favour of the book, it must
This is done in a manner that is fairly easily bepointedoutthat it suffers from poor editing.
understandable by the students whom it is There are innumerable (in fact, itis impossible
addressed to, namely those of advanced BSc to keep count) errors and lapses in drawing
and MSc degree in chemistry, as the authors structures, writing equations, mechanistic
have indicated. pathways and even concepts, not to mention


spelling and grammatical errors. There is not Another noticeable lapse is that there are no
a single page that is completely free from any references or suggestions for further reading,
error. Even the tetracyclic structure on the anywhere in the book.
cover is not properly drawn (it looks
With good editing and addition of references,
unnaturally twisted). The authors seem to
the book would become. more valuable.
have not cared to avoid such mistakes; it is
Despite all the drawbacks, it is still useful for
sheer neglect or indifference on their part. It
a course in photochemistry and pericyclic
is impossible to record all of them, as the
reactions, if the reader is watchful and takes
exercise itself would produce another book.
note of the mistakes.
Therefore, I do not venture to take up this
enormous task though I started to do it. I shall
G Nagendrappa, Department of Chemistry, Bangalore
leave it to the reader as an exercise and to use
University, Bangalore, India.
the book with great caution.

J Heyrovsky with his coworkers

Courtesy: M HeyrovslcY


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