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Consumer attitude and the usage and adoption of

home-based banking in the United Kingdom

Barry Howcroft
Loughborough University Banking Centre, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, UK
Robert Hamilton
Business School, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Paul Hewer
University of Stirling, Stirling, UK

Keywords 1996). A MORI (1998) study for First Direct

Consumer attitudes, Banks, Introduction found that 2 million people in the UK, i.e.
Delivery, Strategy
This paper explores consumers' existing 6 per cent of the population, claimed that they
Abstract financial services behaviour and assesses now did ``all'' of their banking by telephone.
This paper seeks to develop our their attitudes towards home-based services Moreover, the MORI study claimed that 20
understanding of consumer per cent of the population believed that
i.e. telephone and Internet banking. The
attitudes towards bank delivery
importance of research into consumer within ten years they would be doing all of
channels. Accordingly, a
questionnaire was designed to attitudes stems from the possibility that it their banking by telephone. Similarly
obtain information about which plays an important role in purchasing Barclays, the largest Internet bank in the UK,
delivery channels consumers had reported that it had 2.7 million customers in
decisions. Although some studies have
used when acquiring four types of
shown discrepancies between attitudes and June 2001, an increase of 780,000 since the
financial service. This information
was then contrasted with data on behaviour (Kerlinger, 1979; Runyon and beginning of the year (Financial Times, 2001).
how these consumers would Stewart, 1987), there is a body of literature To understand the factors affecting
acquire the same services if they
which demonstrates that there is a causal consumer acceptance of home-based banking,
had to purchase them again at the paper reviews the academic literature on
some time in the future. The link between beliefs, attitudes and behaviour
questionnaire also obtained (Fishbein and Steiner, 1965; Fishbein and consumer attitudes towards new and
information about the factors Ajzen, 1975). The latter school of thought recently emerged bank delivery channels. On
which consumers believed to be
holds the view that attitudes are concerned the basis of this literature review and a
important in encouraging and number of focus discussion groups, a
discouraging the adoption of with the predisposition of individuals to
home-based banking. In respond either favourably or unfavourably to questionnaire was designed. The overall
concluding, the paper discusses particular objects. Moreover, the literature objective of this questionnaire was to obtain
and assesses some of the
suggests that predispositions are learned a better understanding of consumer attitudes
strategic implications of the towards home-based banking. Specifically,
study's findings for financial over time either by individuals using an
service providers. object and gaining experience or by them the questionnaire examines:
receiving information about the object.
. consumer's actual and preferred delivery
Research into consumer attitudes is, channel usage when purchasing a range of
therefore, important because it forms the selected financial services; and
basis for not only understanding consumer
. the factors which consumers consider
important in encouraging and
behaviour but also predicting and
The authors gratefully discouraging the adoption of telephone
influencing it.
acknowledge the financial and Internet banking.
The focus on home-based banking
assistance provided by
NCR's Knowledge emanates from the fact that the appeal of During the course of the discussion, an
Laboratory in conducting such services appears to be incontestable, analysis of the socio-demographic
this research. with reports from the UK suggesting that characteristics of the respondents provides
telephone banking is attracting 125,000 greater insight into consumer attitudes
customers per day (Weever, 1996). First towards home-based banking.
Direct, for example, increased its customer The paper is divided into four sections: the
base from 650,000 customers in 1996 to 800,000 first section comprises a literature review
by 1998 (Weever, 1996; Lake and Woolfson, and analyses the contribution of previous
1998) and Barclaycall, launched in October research in this area. The second section
1994, had 280,000 customers within one year outlines the research methodology adopted in
International Journal of Bank
of its start, with a reported 20,000 new the research and the third presents the
Marketing customers joining each month (Weever, research results which are analysed in
20/3 [2002] 111±121
# MCB UP Limited The research register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[ISSN 0265-2323]
[DOI 10.1108/02652320210424205]

[ 111 ]
Barry Howcroft, relation to the central research questions of A useful starting point in attempting to
Robert Hamilton and the study. Finally, the conclusion assesses resolve strategic problems of this nature is to
Paul Hewer obtain information on consumer attitudes
Consumer attitude and the some of the strategic implications of the
usage and adoption of home- study's findings for financial services towards new and emerging technology-based
based banking in the providers. delivery channels. A significant body of
United Kingdom
research has identified the factors affecting
International Journal of Bank consumers' attitudes and acceptance of new
20/3 [2002] 111±121 Literature review technology in the financial services industry
and the sort of consumers most likely to use
O'Shaughnessy (1988) defined a distribution it (Zeithaml and Gilly, 1987; Lafferty Business
system as: ``the network of people, Research, 1987; Marshall and Heslop, 1988;
institutions or agencies involved in the Kwan, 1991; Barczak et al., 1997; Lockett and
flow of a product to the customer, together Littler, 1997; Daniel, 1998; Frambach et al.,
with the informational, financial, 1998; Mols, 1998). Initially, the research
promotional and other services associated focused on consumers' attitudes to the use of
with making the product convenient and automated teller machines (ATMs) (Zeithaml
attractive to buy and rebuy''. This definition and Gilly, 1987; Lafferty Business Research,
raises a number of important considerations. 1987; Marshall and Heslop, 1988; Kwan, 1991).
For example, in the financial services sector, A more recent body of literature, however,
there is clearly a wide range of networks has sought to analyse the implications for
and services which would fit comfortably consumers and financial providers of the
within O'Shaughnessy's definition, development of telephone banking (Barczak
including branch networks, direct mail, et al., 1997; Lockett and Littler, 1997), PC/
intermediaries, direct sales forces, etc. computer banking (Daniel, 1998; Frambach
(Ennew et al., 1989; Easingwood and Storey, et al., 1998; Mols, 1998) and internet banking
1996). Moreover, this array of channels has (Sathye, 1999).
increased with the introduction of telephone The early research on technology in
and Internet banking and this trend appears financial services, which focused on the
set to continue with the introduction of adoption of ATMs, revealed that a significant
digital television and people-to-people (P2P) factor for non-use, especially amongst older
services. In order to ensure that research consumers, was the preference for
into bank delivery channels is manageable it conducting financial affairs through a
is, therefore, not unusual to limit the range of human teller (Zeithaml and Gilly, 1987;
channels under examination. This paper, Kwan, 1991). Likewise, Lafferty Business
accordingly, concentrates primarily on Research (1987) studied comparisons between
home-based banking, i.e. telephone and ATM usage in different European countries
Internet banking. Insights will, however, be and found that the main concern of users
provided on consumer usage and attitudes included fears over its security, the
towards ATMs, branch networks, home visits possibility of machine breakdown and
by direct sales forces and direct mail. running out of money.
O'Shaughnessy's definition also makes it Marshall and Heslop (1988) found
clear that in addition to having a marketing consumers' motives for the use of technology
and an initial delivery role, delivery and their responses to such technology useful
channels within the financial services sector for predicting subsequent usage. They
also have a long term continuing revealed that an orientation towards
maintenance role, which is fairly unique to convenience shopping was positively
the sector. correlated with ATM usage, whereas more
This consideration raises a number of socially-oriented shoppers were less likely to
important strategic questions. use ATMs. In addition, positive attitudes and
For example, will effective management of familiarity with technology in general were
this relationship necessitate relying on one also related to usage. Marshall and Heslop
dominant delivery channel or a (1988) also attempted to explore the
complimentary mix of channels? Moreover, if demographic variables which could explain
a mix of delivery channels is required, what ATM usage. They found that higher
is the optimum mix (Moriarty and Moran, educational levels and employment status
1990) and can it be accommodated within were positively related and that age was
realistic cost structures? Alternatively, will negatively related to ATM usage. Leblanc
consumers have to be encouraged and (1990) found that the main consumer
re-educated to use the least expensive and motivation for using ATMs was related to
most appropriate delivery channels for their accessibility benefits. He also found that
particular needs? (Gandy and users tended to be more highly educated and
Chapman, 1996). believed that such technology improved
[ 112 ]
Barry Howcroft, service quality, presented no security risk Moutinho and Meidan (1989) analysed
Robert Hamilton and and was compatible with their need for consumers' perceptions of new banking
Paul Hewer
Consumer attitude and the simple and fast transactions. However, as technologies and distinguished four types of
usage and adoption of home- with earlier studies, Leblanc found that non- banking consumer: first, ``on the move''
based banking in the users preferred interacting with human customers, for whom convenience is a
United Kingdom
tellers, and perceived using the ATM as too priority and who tended to be heavy users of
International Journal of Bank
Marketing complex and too risky. Likewise, Rugimbana ATMs; second, ``hi-tech value/cost-
20/3 [2002] 111±121 (1995) revealed that the most significant orientated'' consumers, who placed most
variables determining customer usage of importance upon the development of new
ATM technology were those of convenience, banking technology; third, consumers who
ease of use and compatibility with people's wanted to see improvements in the existing
lifestyles. range of services, that is ``better of the same'';
A subsequent study by Lewis (1991) found and finally, ``price-sensitive'' consumers, who
that the main use of ATMs related to the placed most priority upon the interest rates
withdrawal of cash and obtaining account charged by the banks.
balances. The study also found that a Barczak et al. (1997) similarly developed a
significant minority of the sample, 42 per typology of consumer motives for the
cent of respondents, identified negative adoption of technology-based banking
aspects of ATM usage. These included services which included four consumer
concerns over personal safety, lack of motivational clusters: ``security conscious'',
privacy and operational problems, such as ``maximisers'', ``instant gratification'' and
machines being regularly out of cash or out ``hassle avoiders''. In particular, their study
of order and cards not being returned. In revealed that the main benefits of using
addition, Lewis identified a number of ``gaps'' technology-based services, especially for
between consumers' perceptions of service ``hassle avoiders'', were those of convenience,
delivery in branches compared with ATMs. time-savings and ease of access to their
These included the slow speed of service in money.
branches, inconvenient branch opening
hours and the small number of branch staff
available to serve customers. Marr and Research methodology
Prendergast (1993) similarly found that the From the literature review it was possible to
main factors affecting the adoption of self identify the following factors which influence
service technology in financial services were consumer attitudes towards technology-
those of time and place utility; whereas the based bank delivery channels: improved
main factor discouraging adoption was the service quality, i.e. an error free service,
consumers' preference for dealing with convenience and accessibility to delivery
human beings. channels (Rogers, 1983; Moutinho and
In the search to understand consumers' Meidan, 1989; Leblanc, 1990; Rugimbana,
adoption of technology, many studies have 1995; Lewis, 1991; Lockett and Littler, 1997);
typically employed Rogers' (1983) diffusion social interaction, which is concerned with
model. Lockett and Littler (1997), for human interface and the importance of face-
example, analysed consumers' attitudes to-face contact (Leblanc, 1990; Kwan, 1991;
towards direct banking and found that its Marr and Prendergast, 1993); the
availability 24 hours per day was the main comparative costs of alternative delivery
advantage. The main disadvantages channels (Rogers, 1983; Lockett and Littler,
associated with direct banking, however, 1997); perceived risk, which focuses upon the
included its complexity and the security importance of trust and the security of
risks involved in using it. The study also different delivery channels (Sathye, 1999;
revealed that adopters of new technology Lockett and Littler, 1997); and, finally, the
generally earned higher incomes, worked personal characteristics of the consumers
longer hours, moved house more frequently (Marshall and Heslop, 1988; Lockett and
and also possessed more favourable attitudes Littler, 1997).
towards change than non-adopters. Daniel A questionnaire was developed partly on
(1998) analysed the adoption of computer the basis of these factors and partly from a
banking through in-depth interviews with number of focus discussion groups (Beckett
the bank personnel responsible for its et al., 2000). It was then piloted through a
implementation and development. The main convenience sample of university personnel
factors influencing adoption included the and a number of revisions were made. The
convenience aspects of the service, ease of questionnaire was fairly comprehensive,
use and its compatibility with consumers' consisting of 44 questions, covering a wide
existing lifestyles. range of issues relating to consumer attitudes
[ 113 ]
Barry Howcroft, towards financial services and delivery representativeness of the sample, the socio-
Robert Hamilton and channels. However, in order to provide this economic descriptors of the sample
Paul Hewer paper with focus only part of this
Consumer attitude and the population were compared with recent
usage and adoption of home- questionnaire has been used. Accordingly, figures for the UK (The Stationery Office,
based banking in the the paper has two primary objectives. The 1999; Advertising Association, 1998). Table I
United Kingdom
first was to obtain information about the presents a comparison of the sample of
International Journal of Bank respondents changing attitudes towards
Marketing respondents with national averages for the
20/3 [2002] 111±121 bank delivery channels. This was UK. From this comparison, we can conclude
accomplished by obtaining data on the types that the sample was over-representative of
of delivery channel ``actually used'' by the middle age groups (between 35-54 years) and
respondents in the acquisition of four generic under-representative of younger groups
groups of financial service. These groups (between 18-24 years). The sample was also
were broadly based on Storbaka's (1994) biased towards higher income groups and
typology and consisted of ``primary'' current those with an extensive range of financial
accounts, i.e. for those consumers who have services. This bias can be partly attributed to
more than one current account, the one they the fact that older age groups are generally
use most often; insurance-based services, more affluent and typically have more
such as house contents, buildings and motor experience and a greater interest in financial
insurance; credit-based services, such as affairs than their younger counterparts. In
personal loans and mortgages; and finally, terms of ownership of the financial services
investment-based services, such as PEPS, under consideration (see Table I), the
TESSAs, Stocks and Shares and Pensions. respondents also had higher possession rates
This information was compared with the than the national average. Higher than
respondents ``preferred'' delivery channel by average national rates were similarly
asking them which channels they would use exhibited for access to information
if they had to make the same purchases of technology products such as computers, the
financial services again. The research also Internet, mobile phones and cable television
provided an opportunity to examine whether (see Table I).
the choice of delivery channel was influenced The questionnaire was analysed using
by the generic nature of the service being frequencies, cross-tabulations and chi-
purchased. squares tests of statistical significance. The
The second objective was to ascertain the next section outlines the main research
important factors in encouraging and findings of the study, prior to a discussion of
discouraging respondents' use of telephone their strategic implications in the
and Internet banking. In order to do this, the conclusion. The findings are presented under
questionnaire focused on the following two main headings:
considerations: the respondents' access to the 1 changing consumer attitudes towards
channels, the comparative costs of home traditional and new delivery channels;
banking; the perceived quality of the service and
and closely related to this, the potential for 2 factors most important in encouraging
errors and savings in time associated with and discouraging the adoption of home-
each of the channels. Other factors included based banking.
the respondents security concerns; the
importance of having no face-to-face contact;
difficulties associated with using the
Analysis of research findings
technology; and the convenience of having a
24 hour home banking service. Changing consumer attitudes towards
The questionnaire was sent to a cross traditional and new delivery channels
section of 4,000 UK consumers aged 18 years Consumer attitudes towards traditional and
and above. This resulted in 351 responses of new delivery channels were examined by
which 286 were usable, i.e. a usable response analysing how they had ``actually'' acquired
rate of 7.5 per cent. The low response rate was four distinct categories of financial service:
attributable to a number of factors, inter alia, current accounts, insurance-based services,
the length, subject matter and personal credit-based services and investment-based
nature of the questionnaire and perhaps, just services (see Table II). This acquisitional
as important, the financial constraints on the data was then compared with information on
project which did not allow a follow-up in the how consumers would have ``preferred to
form of either a telephone call or a have acquired'' these services (see Table III).
subsequent reminder. Table II reveals that 54.7 per cent of
The small size of the study sample, does, respondents used the branch network in the
however, raise the issue of non-respondent acquisition of all four financial services,
bias. To address the issue of the making it the overall dominant delivery
[ 114 ]
Barry Howcroft, channel. However, the most commonly used However, when withdrawing cash or
Robert Hamilton and channel in the acquisition of insurance-based obtaining balances on their accounts,
Paul Hewer consumers expressed a preference for using
Consumer attitude and the services was the telephone with a usage rate
usage and adoption of home- of 54.2 per cent (see Table III). Although not automated teller machines (ATMs).
based banking in the shown in Table II, the branch network was Analysis of the consumers' acquisition
United Kingdom
also the most commonly used channel for behaviour in relation to the use of Internet
International Journal of Bank banking indicates that it was not a
Marketing transaction banking, i.e. paying either
20/3 [2002] 111±121 cheques or cash into a current account. significant channel. At the time of the survey
(October 1998), five financial providers
offered an Internet banking service
Table I (Barclays, First Direct, Nationwide, the
Profile of respondents compared with national average for the UK Royal Bank of Scotland and the Co-operative
Socio-economic UK national Bank). Only one respondent had, however,
and demographic Respondents average used the Internet and this was to purchase an
characteristics frequency % % investment based service. This result is even
Gender more significant because although 39.5 per
Male 142 49.5 49.1 cent of the sample population had direct
Female 144 50.5 50.9 access to the Internet, only 6.2 per cent
Total 286 100 100 expressed a preference for acquiring
Age (years) financial services over the Internet (see
Under 16a - - 21.0 Table III). It would be unwise, however, to
18-24 14 4.9 11.0 dismiss Internet banking simply because a
25-34 89 31.1 16.00 high proportion of respondents with access to
35-44 72 25.1 14.0 the Internet did not use it or express a strong
45-54 67 23.4 13.00 preference for it. Nevertheless, it is
55-64 30 10.5 10.0
interesting to note that Internet banking has
Over 65 14 4.9 15.0
Total 286 100 100 had little or no discernable affect on bank
profit margins to date (Financial Times,
Annual household income (£)
Less than 9,999 31 10.7 D-E 28.6 2001).
10,000-19,999 41 14.3 C2 22.4 With regard to telephone banking, at the
20,000-29,999 77 27.1 C1 27.8 time of the survey, eight major players
30,000-49,999 92 32.3 B 18.1 offered a telephone banking service (Natwest,
Over 50,000 45 15.6 A 3.1 Lloyds TSB, Midland, Barclays, First Direct,
Level of education Alliance and Leicester, the Royal Bank of
Professional qual. 106 36.9 Scotland and the Co-operative Bank). Table II
Postgraduate 30 10.6 reveals that the telephone and also a
First degree 38 13.2 combination of the telephone and post were
A-levels 40 13.9 the second most popular delivery channels.
O-levels 55 19.4 In acquiring insurance based services,
No qualifications 17 6.0
however, it was the most commonly used
Total 286 100
channel, accounting for 66.8 per cent of
Ownership of selected financial products insurance purchases. In terms of ``managing
Current accounts 280 98.0 77
the relationship'' with the financial service
Insurance based provider and this is not shown in Table II, the
Buildings insurance 221 77.1 23 telephone was also dominant, accounting for
Household contents insurance 237 82.7 36
62.3 per cent of enquiries and just over 50 per
Motor insurance 227 79.4 55
cent of complaints.
Credit based The consumers' preference profile, as
Mortgage 175 61.1 46
shown in Table III, is broadly in line with
Personal loan 60 20.9 11
their actual behaviour. Overall the branch
Investment based
network remains the most important
TESSA/ISA 114 39.9 10
Unit trust 45 15.9 2 channel with 58.8 per cent of respondents
Stocks and shares 78 27.2 13 expressing a future preference for it.
Personal pensions 119 41.5 9 However, a significant 33.3 per cent of
respondents, i.e. an increase of 11.2 per cent
Ownership of selected IT products
compared with their actual behaviour,
Computer 196 68.4 30.1
Internet 113 39.5 16.0 would prefer to purchase all four financial
Mobile phone 152 53.2 43 services over the telephone. The only
Cable television 95 33.2 n/a exception in this respect were insurance-
based services which are already dominated
Note: a The questionnaire was sent out to adults aged 18 years old upwards.
by telephone banking. The results indicate
Sources: The Stationery Office (1999), Advertising Association (1998, 2000)
that telephone banking might well peak at
[ 115 ]
Barry Howcroft, 54-55 per cent of the insurance market, with visits and the post when purchasing financial
Robert Hamilton and almost 39 per cent preferring the branch services. What remains to be seen, however,
Paul Hewer network and just over 7 per cent preferring is whether a single delivery channel, such as
Consumer attitude and the
usage and adoption of home- the Internet. The data, nevertheless, the telephone, will emerge as the most
based banking in the indicate an increasing consumer dominant channel in the future. Certainly,
United Kingdom
willingness to purchase financial services the evidence in Table III suggests that
International Journal of Bank
Marketing through an ``arms length'' channel, consumers have a preference for continuing
20/3 [2002] 111±121 especially, the telephone, if given the option. to use a mix of delivery channels when
The overall results for the Internet acquiring financial services.
indicate that 6.2 per cent of respondents, i.e. Consumers' channel preferences were also
an increase of 6.1 per cent compared with analysed in relation to a number of key socio-
their actual behaviour, would have a economic and demographic factors. With
preference for using it when purchasing all regard to gender, a number of interesting
four financial services. This is interesting differences were apparent, for example males
because Internet banking has, to date, been expressed a higher preference for acquiring
primarily concerned with transaction current accounts and investment-based
banking, rather than with the purchase of a services over the Internet than females. With
wide range of financial services (see for credit-based services, however, the opposite
example, Mattila, 2001). The evidence in was the case, with females expressing a
Table III, however, suggests that Internet higher preference for the telephone and
banking might well be conducive to males expressing a higher preference for the
retailing a comprehensive range of financial branch. These results could be indicating
services to a significant minority of that females feel less confident than males
customers. when dealing with financial services. The
In general, therefore, the evidence on ``arms length'' nature of the telephone might,
consumer's preferred acquisition channels therefore, be preferred by females when
indicates that branch networks will remain negotiating credit because it is perceived as
the most important delivery channel for the less confrontational.
immediate future. However, the branch A number of differences were also
networks' future dominance appears to be apparent in relation to age and the
less obvious as consumers place acquisition of current accounts. For example,
proportionately greater emphasis on the lowest preference for branch usage was
telephone and, to some extent, Internet amongst those consumers aged 26-35 years
banking. Table III also reveals that old, who expressed the highest preference for
consumers have no preference for home using the telephone. In contrast, consumers

Table II
Consumers' acquisitions of financial services by type of delivery channel
Current account Insurance based Credit based Investment based Total
Type of delivery channel Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
Branch/office 202 85.6 53 21.7 124 70.0 83 43.9 462 54.7
Home visit 5 2.1 28 11.5 13 7.3 44 23.3 90 10.6
Telephone 17 7.2 134 54.9 23 13.0 13 6.9 187 22.1
Internet 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 1 0.1
Post 12 5.1 29 11.9 17 9.7 48 25.4 106 12.5
Responses 236 100 244 100 177 100 189 100 846 100

Table III
Consumers' preferred acquisition channel
Current account Insurance based Credit based Investment based Total
Type of delivery channel Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
Branch/office 204 68.2 107 38.6 164 62.8 171 65.2 646 58.8
ATM 16 5.3 0 0 3 1.1 0 0 19 17
Telephone 64 21.4 150 54.2 79 30.3 73 27.9 366 33.3
Internet 15 5.1 20 7.2 15 5.8 18 6.9 68 6.2
Responses 299 100 277 100 261 100 262 100 1099 100
Chi-square = 112.135; Df. = 9; Assymp. Sig. (two-sided) = 0.000; No. of valid responses = 1,099

[ 116 ]
Barry Howcroft, aged 56-65 years old expressed the least These same considerations were equally
Robert Hamilton and preference for telephone usage. Age was also applicable to the adoption of an Internet
Paul Hewer a significant factor with regard to the banking service. That is to say, lower fees
Consumer attitude and the
usage and adoption of home- Internet, with consumers aged 18-25 and improved levels of service etc. were the
based banking in the expressing the highest preference for this most important factors; and a
United Kingdom
channel. This suggests that delivery channel recommendation by either friends and family
International Journal of Bank or from a newspaper was the least important.
Marketing usage is to some extent generation driven.
20/3 [2002] 111±121 This does not necessarily mean that branch An analysis of the factors most important
networks will eventually move into terminal in discouraging the adoption of telephone
decline, but once again, it might be and Internet banking services revealed
indicating that Internet banking has a concerns over security and fears over the
definite future. likelihood of errors (see Table V). This was,
The most significant finding in relation to especially, the case for the Internet with
income was that high income consumers (i.e. almost 50 per cent of respondents citing
those earning in excess of £50,000) expressed security and 41 per cent errors, as being
far less preference than low income ``extremely important'' in discouraging
consumers (i.e. those earning less than adoption. As expected, access to equipment
£9,999) for branch networks in the and the complexity of the service were
acquisition of current accounts and perceived as more significant for Internet
insurance-based services, and a far greater than telephone banking. The lack of face-to-
preference for telephone banking. In face contact was, however, perceived as ``not
contrast, however, high income consumers important'' in the adoption of both Internet
expressed a greater preference for branch and telephone banking for over 40 per cent of
networks in the acquisition of investment- respondents. This is potentially significant
based services compared with the low income considering the strong suggestion in focus
group. To some extent, the profile might be discussion groups that it is important to talk
reflecting the greater sophistication of high to somebody face-to-face when selecting
income consumers or it might be indicative financial products.
of the greater time pressures which this Closer scrutiny of the importance of face-
group experience. Certainly with regard to to-face contact revealed some interesting
investment-based services, their greater facts. For example, wealthier and older
experience of this sort of service compared respondents placed particular emphasis on
with less affluent groups suggests that face- face-to-face contact. Similarly, older
to-face contact and possibly having a consumers were also less inclined to use the
relationship with a financial provider are telephone or Internet banking, and wealthy
important when making investment consumers preferred to conduct their
decisions which ceteris paribus are more investment-based business at branch
complicated than current account and networks. The lack of emphasis on the
insurance-based services. importance of face-to-face contact with
respect to telephone and Internet banking
Factors most important in encouraging and might, therefore, be suggesting that these
discouraging adoption of telephone and delivery channels are more likely to be
Internet banking adopted by younger consumers and that they
Understanding consumers' attitudes to are perceived as being more conducive to
alternative delivery channels was analysed transaction banking, i.e. those banking
further by examining those factors which activities relating to current accounts.
respondents perceived as important in In terms of analysing the important socio-
encouraging and discouraging them from demographic factors for encouraging and
using either a telephone or an Internet discouraging the adoption of telephone and
banking service (see Tables IV and V). Internet banking, a number of significant
The most important factors in encouraging differences were identified in terms of the
the use of a telephone banking service (see gender of respondents. For telephone
Table IV) were lower fees and improved banking, it appeared that females were more
levels of service, i.e. an error free service, concerned than males with improvements in
whereas the least significant factor was peer the level of service and access to a 24 hour
pressure either as a recommendation from service. For Internet banking, females
friends and family or from a newspaper. valued the convenience of this channel,
Significant numbers also suggested that time whereas males appeared to place greater
savings and the ability to bank at any time of emphasis on peer pressure, either as
the day (24 hours) were important in recommendations from friends and family
encouraging the adoption of a telephone or from a newspaper. An analysis of the
banking service. factors discouraging the adoption of Internet
[ 117 ]
Barry Howcroft, banking also revealed that males regarded banking, as with telephone banking, younger
Robert Hamilton and the loss of face-to-face contact as more consumers appeared less concerned than
Paul Hewer
Consumer attitude and the significant than females. older respondents with the lack of face-to-face
usage and adoption of home- A number of potentially interesting age- contact.
based banking in the related differences were also revealed, but The educational levels of respondents did
United Kingdom
due to the size of the sample these were not not seem particularly important in
International Journal of Bank
Marketing statistically significant. For example, encouraging or discouraging the use of
20/3 [2002] 111±121 younger consumers appeared to value the telephone or Internet banking. However,
convenience or time-saving potential of those with fewer educational qualifications
telephone banking more than older considered access to the necessary
consumers. Similarly, younger consumers equipment more important than those with
regarded the lack of face-to-face contact as degrees. The data do not provide sufficient
less important than older consumers. With insight as to why this should be the case, but
Internet banking, younger consumers were possibly consumers with lower educational
attracted more than older respondents by the qualifications have less opportunity to access
possibility of improved levels of service, the the telephone and the Internet at work.
ability to bank whenever they choose (24 Certainly the results in Table V show that
hour service), the enhanced convenience and accessibility, especially for Internet banking,
the possibility of lower fees. In terms of is important in discouraging usage.
factors discouraging the adoption of Internet Similarly, the use of technology at work

Table IV
Factors important in encouraging adoption of telephone/Internet banking
important Very important Important Fairly important Not important Do not know
Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
Telephone banking
Lower fees 92 32.2 72 25.2 61 21.3 27 9.6 24 8.3 10 3.4
Improved service quality 83 28.9 74 25.9 66 22.9 29 10.3 23 8.0 11 4.0
Save time 77 26.9 94 32.9 61 21.3 27 9.6 19 6.6 8 2.7
24 hr service 70 24.3 67 23.3 62 21.6 33 11.6 45 15.9 9 3.3
Recommend by family/friends 16 5.6 21 7.3 68 23.6 73 25.6 99 34.6 9 3.3
Recommend by newspaper, etc. 8 2.7 9 3.0 34 12.0 70 24.6 154 53.8 11 3.9
Internet banking
Lower fees 85 29.6 44 15.3 49 17.3 29 10.0 53 18.6 26 9.2
Improved service quality 86 29.9 49 17.3 49 17.3 26 9.0 51 17.9 25 8.6
Save time 71 24.6 51 17.9 56 19.6 30 10.6 52 18.3 26 9.0
24 hr service 68 23.9 44 15.3 52 18.3 24 8.3 72 25.2 26 9.0
Recommend by family/friends 19 6.6 17 6.0 49 17.3 51 17.9 122 42.5 28 9.7
Recommend by newspaper, etc. 14 5.0 9 3.3 32 11.0 48 16.6 156 54.5 27 9.6

Table V
Factors important in discouraging adoption of telephone/Internet banking
important Very important Important Fairly important Not Important Do not know
Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
Telephone banking
Security 98 34.2 61 21.3 57 19.9 34 12.0 29 10.3 7 2.3
Errors 92 32.2 70 24.6 57 19.9 33 11.6 25 8.6 9 3.1
Complicated 35 12.3 36 12.6 67 23.3 45 15.6 91 31.9 12 4.3
Access to delivery channel 36 12.6 42 14.6 64 22.3 39 13.6 94 32.9 11 4.0
Lack of face-to-face contact 36 12.6 27 9.6 46 15.9 50 17.6 121 42.2 6 2.1
Internet banking
Security 142 49.5 48 16.9 35 12.3 15 5.3 23 8.0 23 8.0
Errors 119 41.5 58 20.3 37 13.0 24 8.3 26 9.0 22 7.9
Complicated 72 25.2 43 15.0 55 19.3 31 11.0 61 21.3 24 8.2
Access to delivery channel 86 30.2 49 17.3 46 15.9 24 8.3 60 20.9 21 7.4
Lack of face-to-face contact 55 19.3 26 9.0 40 14.0 25 8.6 118 41.2 22 7.9

[ 118 ]
Barry Howcroft, might also increase consumer confidence and Financial providers must, therefore, aim to
Robert Hamilton and the ability to use it. provide consumers with a cost effective mix
Paul Hewer
Consumer attitude and the of different delivery channels which combine
usage and adoption of home- the advantages of home banking with some of
based banking in the Conclusions the more human, social and relational
United Kingdom
aspects of branch networks. Respondents
International Journal of Bank Although telephone banking is the
Marketing predominant delivery channel in the also expressed concerns about security and
20/3 [2002] 111±121 the basic safety of new technology, especially
insurance market, the research results
indicate that the branch network is still the Internet banking. This is an important
most popular delivery channel in the consideration not least because trust is a
acquisition of current accounts, credit-based fundamental prerequisite of any banking
and investment-based services. Moreover, activity and unless consumers can trust new
consumer preferences reveal that they are technology, they will be reluctant to use it.
not generally predisposed to change their Widespread acceptance of Internet banking,
behaviour radically and adopt widespread therefore, is equally dependent on bank
usage of telephone and Internet banking. strategies aimed at alleviating these fears
Changes in the use of delivery channels will and increasing the predisposition of
occur naturally as the population matures individual customers to use the Internet and
and computer usage ``seeps up'' into the older other forms of home banking.
age groups, but this process will undoubtedly In the final analysis, financial providers
take time. There is nothing, therefore, in the cannot assume that consumers are
results to suggest that either telephone or homogeneous in terms of their attitudes
Internet banking will necessarily replace the towards home banking. The additional
branch network as the dominant delivery insights, which the paper provides on the
channel. In fact the results indicate that socio-economic and demographic factors
consumers have a preference for a mix of indicates that consumer attitudes differ
delivery channels rather than exclusive according to age, gender, income, education,
reliance upon any one single channel. In etc. Consequently, research into these factors
addition to the choice of delivery channel is extremely important in enabling financial
being influenced by a range of socio-
service providers to target specific segments
economic factors, there is also a possibility
of the customer base with messages aimed at
that it might be influenced by the generic
changing consumer attitudes and ultimately
nature of the financial services being
their behaviour.
purchased. Moreover, the evidence indicates
that the purchase and subsequent
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services can involve individual consumers
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