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An Experimental Analysis of the Food Location Behavior of Frugivorous Bats

Author(s): Theodore H. Fleming, E. Raymond Heithaus and William B. Sawyer

Source: Ecology, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Late Spring, 1977), pp. 619-627
Published by: Ecological Society of America
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Ecology (1977) 58: pp. 619-627



Department of Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri 63121 USA

Department of Biological Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201 USA
Department of Anthropology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 USA

Abstract. Models of optimal foraging often separate the time and energy expended in getting to a
feeding area (commuting costs) from the time and energy expended in searching for food (search costs)
in animals that are "pure searchers." We predict that under certain circumstances (e.g., a relatively
uniform resource distribution) searching and commuting behavior will be synchronous, whereas under
other circumstances (e.g., a relatively patchy resource distribution) these two behaviors will be
temporally separated. We have tested these predictions by studying the foraging and food location
behavior of several species of Costa Rican frugivorous bats using mist-netting programs, radio-
telemetry, and fruit relocation experiments. Concurrent observations were made on the phenology and
distribution patterns of the six fruit species used in the relocation experiments. The mist-netting
program allowed us to determine the food habits of the common frugivorous bats in our study area and
to identify the major chiropteran dispersal agents of the six fruit species. The radio-tracking program
provided detailed information on the foraging behavior of one of the most important seed dispersal
agents, Carollia perspicillata, whose individuals commute up to 2.7 km from a central day roost before
beginning to feed.
Results of the fruit relocation experiments, in which ripe fruits of the six species were individually
placed on "fruit poles" located either close to or at a considerable distance (>0.5 km) away from con-
specific plants in areas known to be used by bats, indicated the following: (1) fruits of two species of
Piper, which are highly preferred by Carollia and which occur in low nightly densities for extended
periods of time, had as high (-.90) a probability of being found away from nonspecific plants as when
they were near conspecifics; (2) fruits of two species of Ficus and Muntingia calabura, which are very
patchily distributed in time and/or space, had a significantly higher probability (.30-.50 vs. .02-.12) of
being found near rather than away from conspecifics; and (3) when placed on poles with Piper fruits,
fruits of Ficus ovalis, Chlorophora tinctoria, and Muntingia calabura had a significantly higher proba-
bility (.40-.60 vs. .08-.13) of being found than when placed in similar areas without Piper fruits. These
results indicate that certain bats (e.g., Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina) are constantly
"on the alert" for ripe Piper fruits while commuting, whereas bats that eat Ficus, Chlorophora, or
Muntingia fruits (e.g., G. soricina orArtibeusjamaicensis) are not constantly "on the alert" for these
fruits while commuting. Bats feeding on Piper probably search and commute simultaneously, whereas
those feeding on Ficus or Muntingia separate commuting and searching behavior. The food location
behavior of frugivorous bats appears to be highly responsive to differences in the spatiotemporal
distribution patterns of their food resources.
Key words: Optimal foraging; frugivorous bats; Costa Rica.

INTRODUCTION costs and benefits (see Hamilton and Watt 1970,

Schoener 1971), then the spatial and temporal distribu-
The research described in this paper is directed at
tion of food should influence food location behavior.
the general problem of how frugivorous bats search for
When food is distributed in relatively uncommon, iso-
and locate their food. We specifically asked the ques-
lated patches there should be little "return" for
tion: How sensitive is the food location behavior of
searching for food between known patches. Therefore,
frugivorous bats to the spatiotemporal distributions of
a forager should first commute and then search only
their food resources? Since many frugivorous bats
after arriving at a feeding area. When food is distrib-
commute between a day roost in which they rest and
uted more evenly, the added potential gain from
sleep and their nocturnal feeding areas, the question
searching should eventually promote combined com-
arises as to whether they actively search for food while
muting and searching. If these predictions are not sup-
they commute or whether they temporally separate
ported, then additional factors, such as social interac-
food location and commuting behaviors.
tions, must be included in explanations of patterns of
If foraging is responsive to a balance of energetic
1 Manuscriptreceived 26 April 1976;accepted 4 February Some background information on fruit-eating bats is
1977. necessary before we indicate how we tested these pre-

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620 THEODORE H. FLEMING ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 58, No. 3

dictions. Several characteristics of this group are im- SE. Mist-netting during July and August 1974 and 1975
portant to studies of foraging. First, using Schoener's resulted in the capture of 21 species of bats, including
(1969) terminology, frugivorous bats are "pure search- 13 frugivorous species of the family Phyllostomatidae.
ers." Once food is located, it need not be pursued or At least 11 fruit resources are available in July and
subdued. This reduces both magnitude of the "food August, including four produced by shrubs (Piper
handling" costs and variation in handling costs for dif- amalago, Piper pseudofuligineum, Piper jacquemon-
ferent food types and leaves site location and commut- tianum, and Solanum hazeni) and seven produced by
ing and searching costs as the primary energetic con- trees (Cecropia peltata, Chlorophora tinctoria, Ficus
siderations for foraging in frugivorous bats. Second, cotinifolia, Ficus ovalis, Ficus obtusifolia, Ficus sp.,
they feed on noncryptic, particulate foods (fruits) and Muntingia calabura); an additional four species of
whose density and dispersion can be measured. Third, unidentified seeds have been found in bat fecal sam-
the food habits of these animals can be assessed using ples. One flower resource, Crescentia alata, is avail-
nondestructive techniques (Heithaus et al. 1975). Fi- able in July and August.
nally, many species are relatively sedentary and long- Mist-netting and radio-tracking programs were con-
lived (Fleming et al. 1972, Wilson and Tyson 1970), so ducted simultaneously with the fruit relocation exper-
their foraging behavior should reflect conditions in an iments that form the core of this study. Ten 6- or 12-m
area small enough to study thoroughly. Japanese mist nets were set at ground level in several
Information concerning the following four param- of the experimental areas to determine the composi-
eters is necessary to test our predictions about the com- tion of the bat population in each area and the food
bination of commuting and searching behavior: (1) the habits of the frugivorous bats. Bats were examined
identity of the preferred fruits of the bat species in one and many were banded before being released. Fecal
area; (2) the density and dispersion patterns of these samples containing seeds were collected and placed in
fruits; (3) whether or not bat species in the study area numbered glassine envelopes for later identification.
commute to regular feeding areas; and (4) whether or We captured 1,599 bats and collected 537 fecal sam-
not any bat species commute and search simulta- ples. Radio-tracking techniques will be reported
neously. Determination of the first two parameters is elsewhere.
straightforward. Our approach to studying parameter Fruit detection away from resource patches was
(3) is to follow bat foraging by means of radio- tested by placing fruits on "fruit poles" in or away
telemetry. Using this technique we see whether bats from conspecific resource patches. Fruits were placed
repeatedly use the same resource patch, a behavior on 1-cm, upward pointing wire spikes spaced at 5- to
that requires "commuting." To see whether bats 10-cm intervals along a small branch (1 cm in diame-
search while commuting (parameter 4), we move fruits ter x 30 cm long) attached to the top of 148-cm-long
away from fruiting plants and measure their probabil- poles. Experiments typically utilized six poles bearing
ity of being located and eaten by bats. We predict that a total of 18 or 36 fruits and placed at 5- to 6-m inter-
relocated fruits that normally are distributed in low, vals along mist net lanes, narrow roads, or in natural
rather uniform densities should be found more readily clearings. Fruits were usually collected in the after-
than relocated fruits that usually occur in isolated noon of the experiment. Most experiments utilized
clumps. ripe fruits, which were kept in plastic bags until being
placed on the poles. In the case of Chlorophora, fresh
STUDY AREA AND METHODS fruits were sometimes taken from the ground where
This study was conducted at Parque Nacional Santa they had been dropped by monkeys, other arboreal
Rosa, 28 km NW of Liberia, Guanacaste Province, mammals, or birds. The poles were usually set up
Costa Rica, in the Premontane Moist Forest zone of 15-45 min before sunset. On several occasions the
Holdridge (1967). Rainfall at Santa Rosa, which aver- poles were checked at various times during the night.
ages 2,200 mm annually, is seasonal with a severe The presence or absence of fruits was recorded within
6-mo dry season occurring between mid-November 1 h after sunrise the next morning. Since it is highly
and mid-May. Parque Nacional Santa Rosa consists of unlikely that mammals such as opossums (Didelphis
a mosaic of habitats, including various seral stages of virginiana) or frugivorous birds such as trogons or par-
dry forest, evergreen forest in moist ravines, fire- rots could have removed fruits from the poles without
maintained savannas, and abandoned pastures. Since knocking the poles down, we feel confident that the
Santa Rosa was an important cattle ranch for 300 yr disappearance of fruits from upright poles was caused
before becoming a national park in 1971, habitat dis- by bats. Fruits on fallen poles were not counted as
turbance is of long-standing occurrence (G. Canessa, being "exposed" to bats.
personal communication). Two variations on the basic experimental scheme
Santa Rosa contains many of the same species of were employed with fruits of Ficus and Chlorophora.
bats and their fruit and flower resources as Finca La For Ficus cotinifolia and F. ovalis, we placed poles in
Pacificia, our previous bat-plant study site (Fleming et two or four transects, 10 poles spaced at 5-m intervals
al. 1972, Heithaus et al. 1975) which is located 70 km per transect, running 30-50 m from the base of a fruit-

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area under the canopy of a fruiting Ficus tree. Flyways

were obvious clearings such as trails and narrow roads
along which bats were observed to fly; in these areas
care was taken not to place fruit poles near (within 50
m) a potential bat resource. Nonresource areas or
patches refer to either (1) natural forest clearings away
from bat resources or (2) forest clearings that contain
nonconspecific bat resources. For example, Ficus
fruits placed on poles in or near a Piper patch consti-
tuted an experiment utilizing a "nonresource" patch
A from the viewpoint of Ficus. On any given night poles
containing a single fruit species were placed in two
different areas, a control area (=resource patch) and
an experimental area (=flyway or nonresource patch).
Whenever possible, experiments were replicated at
least twice (see Table 6).
The phenology and density and dispersion patterns
of the six species of fruit used in the relocation exper-
>01 tK_*e* n
iments were studied in detail. Numbers of flowers
and/or ripe fruits on labeled census trees were
counted or estimated at weekly or biweekly intervals.
H.A Densities of both Piper species in areas B and C were
estimated using the point-quarter method (Cottam et
al. 1953). Actual densities and dispersion patterns of
.-Fol each of the species were obtained by mapping the loca-
tions of trees and shrubs on an 800- x 100-m area (8
ha) gridded at 20-m intervals (Fig. 1). This area, which
represents one third of a 24-ha grid constructed by Dr.
FIG. 1. Location of the fruit pole experiments. A Carollia
Stephen Hubbell and several University of Iowa stu-
perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina roost is designated R. dents, includes relatively mature dry tropical forest as
Forested areas are stippled. The dashed lines indicate loca- well as younger forest.
tion of the 8-ha grid.

Relative abundance and species composition

ing tree. One 20-pole experiment was run under a F.
ovals tree and three 40-pole experiments were run of bats in the experimental areas
under a F. cotinifolia tree. For Chlorophora tinctoria, We have used the rate of capture of bats, expressed
several experiments were run using a vertical transect as number of bats captured per net-hour, as an index
in which three 1.2-m samplings each containing 10 of the relative abundance in several of the areas where
wire spikes placed at 7.5-cm intervals were firmly at- we placed fruit poles (Table 1). There were differences
tached to a rope line thrown over a fruiting branch 6 to between areas regarding rates of capture: rates were
8 m above the ground. The horizontal bars were higher under two isolated Ficus trees. Our overall
spaced at 1.5-m intervals along the rope below the conclusion from these results is that there is increased
branch. Fruits were placed on the bars and raised into bat activity around fruiting fig trees, but similar num-
position just before sunset and were scored just after bers of bats were flying along or in the flyways and
sunrise to avoid possible loss of fruits to monkeys. Piper resource patches.
In addition to single species experiments, several The species composition of frugivorous bats differed
mixed species experiments were run. In these two significantly among areas. The two most commonly-
fruits of each of three species (e.g., Piper netted bats in most areas were Carollia perspicillata
pseudofuligineum, Chlorophora tinctoria, and Mun- (most common in areas A, B, and C) and Artibeus
tingia calabura) were placed alternately on the same jamaicensis (most common in area D and at Ficus
pole. cotinifolia); Glossophaga soricina was the most com-
Experiments were conducted in a total of 14 differ- mon bat at F. ovalis (Table 2). Chi-square analysis in-
ent locations, including resource patches, resource- dicated no difference in species composition for 2 yr in
free bat flyways, and "nonresource" patches (see Fig. areas A and C. Artibeus jamaicensis was significantly
1 for locations of these areas). Resource patches refer less common in area B in 1975 than in 1974
to areas where ripe conspecific fruits were available. (.025 > P > .01). Bat composition in the two Piper
For example, a Piper resource patch contained many areas (B and C) differed significantly in both years,
fruiting Piper plants; a Ficus resource patch was the with area B containing a higher proportion of "other"

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622 THEODORE H. FLEMING ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 58, No. 3

TABLE 1. Rate of capture of bats at Santa Rosa in July and August of 1974-75

No. of bats per net-hour

No. of times Total no. of
Netting area Type of netting site sampled net-hoursa x SD
A Flyway and roost 7 289 1.74 1.07
B Piper resource patch 6 210 1.01 0.48
C Piper resource patch 5 183 1.35 0.56
D Flyway 2 80 1.41
Ficus ovalis Resource patch 2 20 3.65
Ficus cotinifolia Resource patch 2 31 2.47
a One net-hour = one mist net opened for 1 h.

species and a lower proportion of G. soricina. Two primarily by Glossophaga soricina. Species other than
relatively close netting sites, C (a Piper patch) and D Piper are also dispersed by a variety of other verte-
(a flyway) (Fig. 1), were dominated by different species brates.
(Table 2). If these results accurately reflect the com-
Plant density, dispersion, phenology, and
position of bats passing through and utilizing the dif-
fruit characteristics
ferent areas, then fruits placed on poles in these areas
were being exposed to different combinations of bat Six species of fruit were placed on fruit poles. As
species in different relative proportions. detailed below, these species differed considerably re-
garding their density, dispersion, phenology, and fruit
Food habits of the bats characteristics. Because of these differences, we ini-
Body weights and food habits, as determined by the tially predicted that the bats would use different com-
analysis of their fecal samples, of the six most binations of searching and commuting behaviors to lo-
commonly-netted frugivorous bats are presented in cate these fruits.
Table 3. Four of the six species are relatively small Piper amalgo L.-This 1- to 3-m shrub attains its
(<20 g); two species are medium- to large-sized greatest density in moist portions of deciduous forest.
compared to other phyllostomatid bats. Of these Representative densities in areas B and C, respec-
species, Carollia perspicillata has the most diverse tively, were 398 and 222 plants per ha (also see Table
diet but tends to concentrate on Piper fruits. Glos- 5). It also occurs at lower densities along forest trails,
sophaga soricina and Sturnira lilium also eat Piper in clearings, and in evergreen forest. Its dispersion
fruits and have relatively broad diets. Species of Ar- pattern was significantly clumped on the 8-ha grid (Ta-
tibeus have narrower diets and tend to concentrate on ble 5). Phenological observations indicate that plants
fruits of the Moraceae (Ficus, Chlorophora, and Ce- flower and fruit cyclically during the wet season. Ripe
cropia). fruits first appear =1 mo after the beginning of heavy
In addition to knowing the food habits of the bats, it rains (mid-May to early June), and the first fruit cycle
is also important to know the major dispersal agents of lasts =1 mo, ending in early August in 1974 but lasting
the fruits we were studying (Table 4). The two Piper until late August in 1975. On any given night during
species are dispersed by only three or four species this cycle, only =z5% of the fruits are ripe. The mean
with Carollia perspicillata being the major dispersal number of ripe fruits (actually, infructescenses) on 100
agent. Three species, Ficus cotinifolia, F. ovalis randomly-sampled plants in area C on 17 July 1974 was
(whose seeds are indistinguishable), and Chlorophora 0.27 (SD = 0.67); upon extrapolation the density is
tinctoria, are more evenly represented in the diets of 60.1 ripe fruits per ha- night. The probability that all of
several species of bats. Muntingia calabura is dispersed these fruits will be located and removed by bats on the

TABLE 2. Bat species composition in the netting areas in July and August 1974-75. Species abbreviations as in Table 3.
Number of other species in parentheses

No. of Proportion of total bats, by species

Netting area times Total no.
and year sampled of bats CP GS SL AJ Others
A, 1974-75 7 363 .570 .127 .022 .135 .146 (6)
B, 1974 4 151 .431 .126 0 .278 .165 (5)
B, 1975 2 54 .630 .130 .019 .093 .128 (2)
C, 1974-75 5 212 .401 .198 .066 .236 .099 (5)
D, 1974 2 110 .200 .082 .046 .464 .208 (5)
Ficus ovalis, 1974 1 14 0 1.000 0 0 0
F. ovalis, 1975 1 61 .115 .426 .082 .066 .310 (4)
F. cotinifolia, 1974 2 76 .026 .066 .026 .605 .277 (6)

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TABLE 3. Weight and food habits of six species of frugivorous Costa Rican bats. Data are from July and August 1974-75.
See Table 5 for plant names. H', the Shannon-Wiener information-theoretic index, is calculated as H' = -E pi In pi

Proportion of fecal samples containing seeds of: Food

Aver- Fecal niche
age samples FO + breadth
Species wt (g) (n) PA PP pja FC FSppb CT CPC MC SHd H'
Carollia perspicillata
(Cp)e 19 269 .320 .279 .033 0 .004 .112 .138 .026 .089 1.683
Glossophaga soricina
(GS) 11 85 .212 .224 0 .141 0 0 .212 .212 0 1.597
Sturnira lilium
(SL) 15 56 .054 .054 .179 0 0 .125 .357 0 .232 1.588
Artibeus jamaicensis
(AJ) 46 97 0 0 0 .072 .216 .289 .423 0 0 1.244
A. lituratus (AL) 60 19 0 .053 0 0 .053 .474 .421 0 0 1.028
A. phaeotis (AP) 12 9 0 0 0 .333 0 .333 .333 0 0 1.099
a Piper jacquemontianum.
Large-seeded Ficus spp.
c Cecropia peltata.
d Solanum hazeni.
e Abbreviations used in other tables.

first night they are ripe is nearly 1.0 (T. H. Fleming ripe fruits (infructescenses) are available later in the
and E. R. Heithaus, personal observation). There season than those of P. amalago. These two species
are at least two fruit cycles in the reproductive season have temporally displaced fruit (and flower) cycles. In
of this species. Infructescences of P. amalgo weigh 1974 the mean number of ripe fruits per plant night in
1.6 g, are about 48 mm long and 4 mm wide, and are area C was 2.46, which extrapolates to a density of
exerted vertically away from the foliage of the shrubs. 123.2 ripe fruits per ha night. Most of these fruits will
They detach easily from branches only when ripe, at also disappear on the first night they are ripe; bats
which time they are soft to the touch and differ from appear to be their sole dispersal agents. Infructes-
unripe fruits in color (dark green vs. lighter green) and cences of P. pseudofuligineum weigh 2.3 g, are -70
probably odor. Bats can remove ripe fruits while in mm long and 3 mm wide, and are similarly oriented
flight rather than after first landing on a branch. and share other attachment characteristics with their
Piper pseudofuligineum C. DC.-This 1- to 3-m congener. When ripe, fruits are soft and differ from
shrub is found in a variety of successional and edaphic unripe fruit in color (mustard yellow vs. drab tan) and
habitats but never is as abundant as other Piper probably odor.
species in the same habitats. It cooccurs with Piper Ficus cotinifolia H. B. K. and F. ovalis (Liebm.)
marginatum in early successional forest or large forest Miq.-Because they are difficult to distinguish vegeta-
clearings, with P. amalago in moist deciduous forest, tively and have similar-sized fruits and similar seed
and with P. jacquemontianum in evergreen forest at morphologies, we have combined these species under
Santa Rosa. Its density in areas B and C was about 19 a single account. These large trees occur at low densi-
and 50 plants per ha, respectively, and its dispersion ties (<1 per ha) in forest and as scattered trees in
was significantly clumped on the grid (Table 5). Like pastures and around human habitations; they were
P. amalago, P. pseudofuligineum flowers and fruits randomly distributed on the grid (52 X; Table 5). Both
cyclically in the wet season. In any given habitat, its species probably fruit asynchronously throughout the

TABLE 4. Bat dispersal agents of six species of Costa Rican fruits. Data are from July and August 1974-75

Fecal Proportion of fecal samples from: niche
Plant samples breadth
species (n) CP GS SL AJ AL AP CVa H'
PA 107 .804 .168 .028 0 0 0 0 0.576
PP 98 .765 .194 .031 0 .010 0 0 0.676
FO + FC 25 0 .480 0 .280 0 .120 .120 1.218
CT 77 .481 0 .091 .364 .117 .039 0 1.330
MC 25 .280 .720 0 0 0 0 0 0.593
a Chiroderma villosum.

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624 THEODORE H. FLEMING ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 58, No. 3

TABLE 5. Density and dispersion patterns of several species of bat-dispersed plants. Data are from an 8-ha grid staked
at 20-m intervals. Number of quadrats analyzed = 205

Density/quadrat Morisita's
Species and family x Density/ha I~a F-value P
Piper amalago
(PA)b (Piperaceae) 7.3 184.8 181.8 4.5 25.9 <.005
Piper pseudofuligineum
(PP) (Piperaceae) 0.7 2.0 19.9 3.5 2.9 <.005
Ficus cotinifolia and
F. ovalis (FC, FO)
(Moraceae) 0.03 0.02 0.6 ---- ---- ----
Chlorophora tinctoria
(CT) (Moraceae) 0.4 0.6 9.5 2.6 1.6 <.005
(sexes combined)
Muntingia calabura
(MC) (Elaeocarpaceae) 0.08 0.2 1.9 24.8 2.7 <.005
a Is = 1.0 for a random distribution. Values significantly greater or less than 1.0 indicate clumped or uniform distribu-
tions, respectively.
b Abbreviations used in other tables.

year, further lowering their "economic" densities; in- agents is unknown, are relatively small (1.4 g), ovoid
dividuals fruit more than once a year. Fruit crops can (greatest width = 10 mm), red in color and sweet-
be enormous in size (up to an estimated 20,000 per tree smelling when ripe, and hang below the foliage from
in a fully isolated situation) and the crop is removed 25-mm flexible stems from which they are plucked by
relatively rapidly (in less than 3 wk) by birds, bats, and flying bats.
arboreal mammals. The fruits (actually, infructes- In summary these six plant species fall into three
censes) of these species are small ("" 1 g), oval (diame- classes regarding their density, dispersion and phenol-
ter = 11 mm), red in color when ripe, and are tightly ogy. Species in the first class, which includes both
attached to branches (F. ovalis) or slightly stalked (F. Piper species, usually occur in patches of several to
cotinifola) amid foliage. Fruits detach easily only many individuals in a variety of different habitats.
when ripe. Bats probably have to land on a branch or Patch density can be quite high under suitable edaphic
foliage before removing a fruit. conditions, but many plants are found outside these
Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaud.-This dioecious patches. Their phenology includes the production of
tree species occurs at moderate densities (several in- low numbers of ripe fruits each night for several
dividuals [sexes combined] per ha) in forest and as a weeks. From the viewpoint of a frugivorous bat, there-
planted species around human habitations; its disper- fore, nightly fruit density in these species tends to be
sion pattern was clumped on the grid (Table 5). Its low and moderately patchy in distribution. We predict
reproductive season is restricted to the wet season that bats will search for these species while commut-
(Heithaus et al. 1975). Ripe fruits (infructescenses) ing. Species in the second class, which includes both
first appear in middle to late July. Individuals can have Ficus species and Chlorophora tinctoria, occur as
up to several thousand fruits in a single crop that lasts widely-spaced individuals bearing large but short-lived
2-4 wk. Fruits are eaten by a variety of birds, bats, and fruit crops. We predict that bats will not search for
arboreal mammals. They are green and berry-like (di- these fruits while commuting. The third class includes
ameter = 13 mm), weigh 3.2 g, exude a milky latex Muntingia calabura, a species with a highly-clumped
when ripe, and resemble Ficus fruits in method of at- distribution but a low, relatively constant availability
tachment to branches. Bats probably have to land on of fruit year-round. We predict that bats will not
branches or foliage to remove fruits. search for these fruits while commuting.
Muntingia calabura L.-This small tree grows in
clumps of several individuals, usually in disturbed Commuting behavior of bats
areas. Unlike Ficus and Chlorophora it is not a mature Using radiotelemetry we have determined the
forest species. It occurred in low density and was foraging paths of 24 individuals of Carollia perspicil-
strongly clumped on the grid (Table 5). The phenology lata for periods as long as 3 wk (E. R. Heithaus and T.
of M. calabura more closely resembles that of Piper H. Fleming, personal observation). Each individual
than either Ficus or Chlorophora in that individual consistently commuted from a day roost to the same
trees produce relatively few (up to 20) ripe fruits per set of foraging areas on successive nights. The average
day for extended periods of time. At La Pacificia, this distance from day roost to feeding areas was 1.0 km
species fruits and flowers year-round (Heithaus et al. and the longest commuting distance was 2.7 km. The
1975). The fruits, whose complete list of dispersal average flight speeds from roost to foraging area var-

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TABLE 6. Summary of the fruit pole experiments. Unless indicated, all experiments utilized ripe fruits

Experi- No. of fruits

Fruit ments Removed
species Location or condition Sites utilized (n) Exposed Removed (%)
PA 1) Resource areas B, C 6 111 73 65.8
2) Flyways A, D, E, J 10 148 142 95.9
3) Other areas F, G, H 3 54 45 83.3
4) Area B vs. 3 56 24 43.6
Area C 55 49 87.5
5) Ripe vs. B, C 2 76 47 61.8
Unripe 35 1 2.9
6) Single vs. B, C 2 19 11 57.9
Multiple 18 7 38.9
PP 1) Single vs. B, C 2 21 20 95.4
Multiple 18 17 94.4
2) Resource areas B, C 4 59 55 93.2
3) Flyways or other areas A, I 2 20 19 95.0
FO & FC 1) Resource areas FOI, F02 8 216 87 40.3
2) Flyways or other areas A, B, C, I, J 14 194 19 9.8
3) Under fruiting tree vs. FOI, FC 4 144 33 22.9
away from tree in transect 266 32 12.0
4) In presence of Piper A, J 2 15 6 40.0
5) In presence of Piper A, J 2 36 1 2.8
CT 1) Resource areas C, I 7 190 6 3.2
2) Flyways or other areas A, B, C 5 30 4 13.3
3) In presence of Piper A, B, C, 1 4 40 24 60.0
MC 1) Resource area L, K 3 42 13 31.0
2) Flyway A 2 32 2 6.3
3) In presence of Piper A, C, 1 4 40 19 47.5

ied, even for the same bat on different nights, so it cent ripe fruits removed in the two Piper patches,
appears commuting flights for Carollia perspicillata areas B (44%) and C (88%), in both 1974 and 1975,
are not necessarily direct and rapid. Observations perhaps because Glossophaga soricina, the second
made by Morrison (1975) and our data (personal ob- most important dispersal agent of P. amalago, was
servation) suggest that Artibeus jamaicensis does not less common in B than in C (Table 2). The relatively
roost in its feeding tree(s) but flies some distance, usu-
low removal percentage in area B makes the resource
ally greater than 0.5 km, to a feeding area. No radio- patch vs. flyway-nonresource patch x2 compari-
tracking data are available for other species, but Glos- son significant (P < .01); dropping area B from this
sophaga soricina roosts colonially and hence is a ref- comparison makes the differences nonsignificant
uging species that must also commute to its feeding (P > .25). A significant difference also existed in re-
areas. It is likely that most, if not all, of the frugivo-
moval percentages between flyways and "other
rous species in our area must commute between day areas" ( = nonresource patches) (.025 > P > .01).
roosts and feeding areas. These differences likely result from a higher density of
bats in the flyways than in the nonresource areas.
Results of the fruit relocation experiments
We performed additional experiments to see
Results of the fruit pole experiments are sum- whether bats could distinguish between ripe and un-
marized in Table 6. Below we discuss the results for ripe fruits and whether three fruits on a pole stood a
each species separately. better chance of being found than single fruits. Results
Piper amalago.-The major hypothesis being tested of the two experiments in which three unripe fruits
in these experiments was that P. amalago fruits on were alternated with three ripe fruits on each of six
poles away from resource patches had as high a prob- poles (Table 6) indicated that bats readily discriminate
ability of being located as those on poles in the between ripe and unripe fruits: only 3% of the unripe
resource patches. Results of 19 experiments are con- (in our judgment) fruits were taken compared to 62%
sistent with this hypothesis (Table 6). There was a sig- of the ripe fruits. A higher proportion of the single
nificant difference (X2 = 21.8, P < .005) in the per- fruits were taken (58% vs. 39%o)but the difference was

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626 THEODORE H. FLEMING ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 58, No. 3

not significant when tested by chi-square. A single percentage of C. tinctoria fruits was taken. The bat
fruit on a pole has as high a probability of being located most likely to produce this result is Carollia perspicil-
and removed as do several fruits on a pole. Tagging lata (Table 4). We do not know why this species and
solitary vs. several ripe fruits on shrubs yields the Artibeus jamaicensis, the two major bat dispersers of
same results: bats locate both kinds of fruits with this fruit, did not remove the control fruits.
equally high probability. Muntingia calabura.-Results of the relocation ex-
P. pseudofuligineum.-As with P. amalago we periments were similar to those of Ficus: a signifi-
wanted to know whether single fruits had the same cantly higher percentage of the "resource area" fruits
probability of being found as several fruits on a pole; was taken than the "nonresource area" fruits
they do (Table 6). Results of the resource patch vs. (.025 > P > .01). Away from Muntingia trees in the
flyway and other area comparison again support the presence of Piper pseudofuligineum (and Chlorophora
major hypothesis. As least 93% of the fruits placed in tinctoria), the removal percentage also increased mark-
either kind of area were taken by bats. To judge from edly (Table 6). Since it consumes fruits of all three
the bats' food habits (Table 3), Carollia perspicillata species, Carollia perspicillata is the most likely re-
and Glossophaga soricina are responsible for remov- moval agent in these experiments.
ing the fruits of P. pseudofuligineum, as well as those
of P. amalago.
Ficus ovalis and F. cotinifolia.-The bulk of our Results of these experiments indicate that bats differ
data come from F. ovalis. Results of the transect ex- in their sensitivity to fruits that have been moved away
periments were similar in both species and are herein from nonspecific plants. Bats found relocated fruits of
combined. We predicted that fruit of these species two Piper species much more readily than they did
placed on poles under fruiting trees would have a higher relocated fruits of two species of Ficus and Muntingia
probability of being taken than those placed on poles calabura. The probability that fruits of Ficus ovalis,
in flyways or other nonresource areas. Results of 22 Chlorophora tinctoria, and M. calabura would be lo-
experiments (Table 6) are consistent with this expecta- cated by bats was significantly increased by being in
tion: 40% of "resource area" fruits were taken com- the presence of Piper pseudofuligineum fruit. These
pared to only 10% of the "nonresource area" fruits; findings are consistent with the hypothesis that certain
this difference is statistically significant (P < .005). bats (especially Carollia perspicillata and Glos-
Also significant (P < .01) was the difference between sophaga soricina) are constantly "on the alert" for
removal percentages of fruits located under the tree ripe Piper fruits whereas bats that eat Ficus fruits
(23%) or away from the canopy in transects (12%). (e.g., Glossophaga soricina andArtibeusjamaicensis)
Bats appear to be most "sensitive" to Ficus fruits only are not constantly "on the alert" for these fruits. Bats
in the immediate vicinity of the fruiting tree. Results of that eat Piper fruits must occasionally search for these
two experiments in which Piper pseudofuligineum and fruits while commuting whereas those feeding on
Muntingia calabura fruits were alternated with fruits Ficus or Muntingia apparently do not search for these
of F. ovalis (in nonresource areas) suggest that bat fruits while commuting.
"sensitivity" to Ficus can be increased by the pres- These results appear to correlate with the density
ence of Piper (or Muntingia). Removal percentages and dispersion patterns and phenology of the various
(40%) in the mixed species experiments were as high species of Piper and Ficus and Muntingia calabura at
as when fruits were placed under the fruiting tree and Santa Rosa. Ripe Piper fruits occur at low nightly den-
were significantly higher (P < .01) than control fruits sities on scattered individuals or in patches containing
placed in nonresource areas in the absence of Piper a few to many individuals located in a variety of
(Table 6). In the presence of just Piper amalago, how- edaphic and successional areas. Owing to the cyclical
ever, only one of 36 fruits was taken. The combination pattern of fruit production within Piper species and
of P. pseudofuligineum and Muntingia was apparently displaced fruiting cycles between species, these fruits,
more attractive to bats than P. amalago alone. We which appear to be highly preferred by Carollia
postulate that Glossophaga soricina is the bat primar- perspicillata, are available throughout the wet season
ily responsible for removing fruits from the poles since and, judging from our observations at La Pacifica
it is a major dispersal agent of these species and also (Heithaus et al. 1975), during parts of the dry season.
consumes fruits of Piper (Table 4). To maximize its searching efficiency for these fruits,
Chlorophora tinctoria.-For unknown reasons, the which are clearly a limited resource because bats re-
control (= fruits under or in a vertical transect in a move nearly all ripe fruits the first night they are avail-
fruiting tree) did not work in this species' experiments. able, C. perspicillata, as well as Glossophaga soricina
A significantly higher (P < .05) percentage of fruits and perhaps other species, has apparently developed
placed in nonresource areas was taken than the control sensitive olfactory/visual search images for Piper
fruits (Table 6). We cannot explain these results. In the fruits. In addition to being of obvious selective advan-
presence of Piper pseudofuligineum (and also Muntin- tage to the bats, this sensitivity is advantageous to
gia calabura) in nonresource areas, a much higher species of Piper because it means that the fruits of

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most plants, whether they occur as members of large that is restricted to productive but ephemeral patches
patches or as scattered individuals, will be found and and consequently does not search and commute simul-
their seeds dispersed by bats. taneously. Secondly, the strategy used depends more
The density, dispersion, and phenology of species of on the food used at a particular time then on the bat
Ficus differ markedly from that of Piper in that large species in question. Bats may "switch" from simul-
numbers of fruits are produced asynchronously by taneous commuting and searching to temporally
widely-scattered individuals over relatively short separating these behaviors when different resources
periods of time. Ficus fruits are thus much more patch- are being eaten. For example, Glossophaga soricina
ily distributed in space and time than Piper fruits, appears to use a "mixed" strategy when feeding on
which is why we initially predicted that bats would Piper, but a "separate" strategy when feeding on
commute directly to areas containing these fruits. This Ficus ovalis. Our overall conclusion is that the food
prediction was upheld by the results of our experi- location behavior of frugivorous bats appears to be
ments, which implies that as bats such as Glossophaga highly responsive to differences in the spatiotemporal
soricina, Artibeus jamaicensis, and perhaps others fly distribution patterns of their food resources.
through a habitat they are not constantly sensitive to
Ficus fruits. Instead, they first fly to known trees be-
fore searching for ripe fruits. Since individuals of both We thank the directorsof the Costa Rican National Park
Service (Ings. MarioBoza and AlvaroUgalde)for permission
species of Ficus fruit asynchronously, it is likely that to conduct our research at Santa Rosa. Sr. Guillermo
bats feeding on these species must spend considerable Canessa,biologicaldirectorat the park,extendedmanycour-
time and energy scouting out the locations of ripening tesies and muchhospitalityduringour work there. We thank
fruit crops. Morrison's (1975) observations of the Bob Rauscherand Ed Stashkofor theirassistancein the field.
foraging behavior of Artibeus jamaicensis on Barro We also thankAl Covich, Brock Fenton, Bob Jamieson,and
Bob Sussmanfor discussion and commentson draftsof this
Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone, where most of paper. The research was supported by summer research
its diet is based on fruits of several species of Ficus, grantsfrom the University of Missouri-St.Louis and North-
indicate that scouting behavior is indeed an important western University and by NSF grantDEB 75-23450.
component of its foraging strategy.
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