Present Perfect 現在完成式 文法 答案

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V1, V2, V3, V-ing

I work every day. S+V1.

I worked yesterday. S+V2
I have worked. S + have+V3
Did you eat dinner?
Have you eaten breakfast yet?
Yes, I have already eaten breakfast.
No, I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.

I have lived in Japan for two years.

How long have you been awake?
I have been awake since 10 a.m.
I have lived in Taipei since I was born.
I have been married for twenty years.
It has rained for a week.

V1: S+V1, to+V1

V2: S+V2
V3: S+have+V3, S+be+V3 My cake was eaten., She is excited.

A. 現在完成式 Present Perfect

1. 現在完成式可以用來表達在過去發生的事情,這個事情或狀態從過去開始一
直延續到現在,在未來也可能繼續持續下去。表達這種情形時,多跟 since
或 for 連用。
He has been a pro-gamer for three years.
She has worked at HTC since 2010.
I have lived in Taipei since I was born.
They have become successful since they have been in Taiwan.

for + 一段時間 (for twenty minutes, for three hours, for two weeks,
for three months, for years, for a long time) 表示這個事件持續了多久
since + 一個過去時間點 (since 7:00, since Monday, since 1998, since
two days ago, since this morning) 表示這個事件開始的時間
since + S + V2 (since I was a child) 表示在 since 帶領的時間副詞子句中
since + S + have + V3 (since I have worked at IBM) 表示在 since 帶領

a. Fill in the blanks with for or since 空格中填入 for 或 since

1. She has been married _______ ten years.
2. They have worked at the factory ________ they were 18 years old.
3. We have lived in Japan _______ 2010.
4. He hasn’t played basketball _______ over two years.
5. I have known Tom _________ high school.
6. They have won every game _______ they have played.

b. Answer the questions 回答下列問題

1. How long have you studied at this school?
2. How long have you known your best friend?
3. How long have your parents been married?
4. How long have your current hairstyle? (現在的髮型維持多久了?)
5. How long have you had your cell phone?
6. How long have you been up today? (今天醒來多久了?)
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.2
A. 現在完成式 Present Perfect 一、現在完成式的使用時機
2. 現在完成式常用來表達在過去某個不特定時間發生的事情,發生的時間不確
I have seen this movie before. I don’t want to see it again now.
He has left the company. He doesn’t work here now.

現在完成是用來當表示剛剛最近不久前發生的事情時,常與 just, recently,

lately 連用。
We’ve just gotten back from Tokyo.
I’ve recently singed a contract to write a book.
He hasn’t had time lately.
(美式英語常用過去簡單式來表示: We just got back from Tokyo.)
(在這個用法中不會有過去時間: We’ve just got back from Tokyo yesterday.)

現在完成式用來表達過去的經驗時常與 ever(in your life time)曾經(從你這

輩子出生到現在),never(=at no time) 從不(從來沒有)連用。注意 ever 在
這個句型多放在疑問句,不用在肯定句。never 用在否定句就不能再有 not。
She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.
I have not visited Hokk…
Have you ever met a famous person?

Yes, I have met a famous person. /Yes, I have ever met a famous person.
No, I have not met a famous person. / No, I have never met a famous person.
No, I have not never met a famous person.

現在完成式強調已發生的事或發生的比預期早的時,常與 already 連用。

already 的位置多放在 have/has 與 V3 間,也可放句尾。
Do you want something to eat? No, thanks. I’ve already eaten.
Are you going to see that movie? No. I’ve already seen it.

現在完成式常用 not yet 來表達還沒有發生的事,但我們認為未來會發生。

yet 的位置多放在句尾,也可以放在 haven’t 跟 V3 間。
I haven’t finished this work yet. (but I will finish it.)
They haven’t replied to my letter yet. (but they will reply.)

現在完成式用 yet 在問句中表達我們預期會發生的事情是否已經發生。

有時後我們用 already 在問句中,這通常表示訝異某事比預期還早的發生。
Have you paid the bill yet?
Have you found a job yet?
Has he already gotten his flu shot? The flu season hasn’t begun yet.
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.3
A. 現在完成式 Present Perfect 一、現在完成式的使用時機
2. a. Make sentences using the Present Perfect with already or yet.
根據提示,用 already 或 yet 造句
(I/not/read/today’s newspaper) yet.
I haven’t read today’s newspaper yet.
1. (you/decide/which one to buy) yet?
2. (I/explain/this to you three times) already.
I have already explained this to you three times.
3. (Their baby son/start/talking) already.
4. (you/phone/Jane) yet?
Have you phoned your mom yet?
5. (The game/not/finish) yet.
6. (I/have/lunch) already.
7. (He/spend/all his money) already.

b. Complete the sentences using the Preset Perfect form of the verbs
words in brackets ( ). 根據括號裡的動詞提示,用現在完成式完成句子
Don’t take my plate away. I haven’t finished (not/finish) my meal.
1. A: What’s that book about? B: I don’t know. I _________ (not/read)
2. I __________ (lose) my pen. Can I borrow yours, please?
3. A: I __________ (book) a room here for tonight. B: Yes, madam,
what’s your name, please?
4. I’m not sure what the problem with the car is. It
_______(not/happen) before.
5. A: ____________ (you/reply) to that letter from the bank? B: No, I
haven’t, but I’ll do it soon.
6. A: What’s happening in this program? B: I don’t know.
_____________. (It/just/start)
7. A: How’s Lucy? B: She’s very happy. ________________
(She/just/finish) her exams.
8. Could I have a copy of Next Magazine, please? B: Sorry.
__________________ (I/just/sell) the last copy.
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.4
I went to New York last year.
I have been to New York.
I have gone to New York. (X)
He has gone to New York.
He has been to New York.
A. 現在完成式 Present Perfect 一、現在完成式的使用時機
容易弄混淆或誤用的 gone and been
S + has/have been to + place. 現在完成式用這個句型表達去過某個地方,
S + has/have gone to + place. 現在完成式用這個句型表人去了某個地方,
He’s been to Paris. (He is now at home again.) 他去過巴黎(現在回來了)
He’s gone to Paris. (He is in Paris now.) 他去了巴黎(人現在在巴黎)
I’ve been to Paris. (I am now at home again.) 我去過巴黎(現在回來了)
I’ve gone to Paris. 我人去了巴黎(錯誤的句子,因為說話時人在說話處)

3. 現在完成式也用來表達過去到現在一段時間內重複的活動,實際發生的時間
並不重要,強調的是次數。常與次數(times), since, so far…等副詞連用。後
面可以加時間,但是時間一定要是到目前為止 today, this morning, this
month, this year,不能是過去時間。
I have had three cups of coffee this morning.
I had three cups of coffee yesterday.
I had three cups of coffee this morning.
I have seen five movies this month.
We have had three tests so far this semester.
We have done quite a lot of work today.
He hasn’t had a holiday this year.
I have had five cups of coffee today.
I have had five cups of coffee yesterday.
a. Answer the questions
How many times have you shopped this week?
I’ve shopped twice this week. / I haven’t shopped at all this week.
1. How many times have you been to a KTV this year?
2. How many cups of coffee have you had today?
3. How many phone calls have you made today?
4. How many times have you eaten Japanese food this month?
5. How many times have you done laundry this week?
6. How many times have you cleaned the house this month?
I have done boxing ten times this month.
This is the eleventh time I have done boxing.
4. 現在完成式常跟第一次,第二次,最高級等連用。
This is the first time I’ve been so Canada, so it’s all new to me.
He loves this movie. This is the fifth time he’s seen it.
Paris is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.
Tokyo Skytree is the most interesting place I’ve ever been.
Hacksaw Ridge is the best movie I’ve ever seen.
This is the best book I’ve ever read.
(ever 在這樣的句型可以放在肯定句,表這輩子到目前為止)

基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.5

A. 現在完成式 Present Perfect
1. 肯定句句型為 S + have/has + V3 (V3 指的是動詞的第三態,過去分詞)
S + have/has + V3
I have been to Australia.
They have eaten dinner.
She has earned millions of dollars since 1995.

2. 否定句在助動詞 have/has 後面加 not

S + haven’t/hasn’t + V3
We haven’t seen the movie.
You haven’t traveled in Taiwan.
He hasn’t made much money in his life.
3. Yes/No 問句把助動詞 have/has 放在主詞前面造問句
Have/Has + S + V3
Have you cooked Thai food?
Have they arrived?
Has she finished the report?
4.WH 問句則將疑問詞放在最前面再依序放助動詞 have/has、主詞、動詞
WH have/has + S + V3
Where have you been?
What have they done?
How long has May studied English?
How have you been?
How are you?
How was work?
What have you been up to?
How long have you waited?

三、現在完成式的副詞如:never, ever, already, yet, lately, recently, just,

this week, today, 也常跟介系詞 for 與 since 連用…等。
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.6
A. 規則動詞的過去分詞拼字變化與過去簡單式的動詞過去式變化相同如下:
1. 大多數的動詞在過去式時只要在字尾加 ed。
work-worked, help-helped, call-called, wash-washed
2. 動詞字尾已經有 e 時,只要加 d 即可。
live-lived, die-died, dance-danced, smile-smiled
3. 動詞字尾為子音加 y 時,必須去 y 加 ied。
study-studied, cry-cried, worry-worried, copy-copied.
4. 只有一個音節的動詞字尾發音為短母音加子音時,重複字尾再加 ed。
shop-shopped, plan-planned, tap-tapped, hop-hopped
5. 兩個音節以上且重音在最後一個音節的動詞,字尾發音為短母音加子音時,
也需重複字尾加 ed。
admit-admitted, prefer-preferred, omit-omitted, occur-occurred

B. 規則動詞的過去分詞發音的變化也與過去簡單式的過去變化相同如下:
1. 動詞字尾是無聲子音時,加 ed 後讀/ t /。無聲子音指的是除了/ t /之外的
/ k /, / f /, / s /, / ʃ/, / tʃ/, /θ / 等。
cook-cooked, laugh-laughed, kiss-kissed, wash-washed, watch-watched
2. 動詞字尾是有聲子音或母音時,加 ed 後讀/d/。有聲子音指的是除了/ d /之
外的/ b /, / g /, / r /, / l /, / m /, / n /, / v / 等。
call-called, rain-rained, love-loved, play-played, try-tried
3. 動詞字尾的發音是/ t /, / d /的發音時,加 ed 後讀/ɪd /。
want-wanted, need-needed, visit-visited, wait-waited

無聲子音(voiceless consonants):/p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /ʃ/, / tʃ/, / θ /,

有聲子音(voiced consonants):/b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /z/, / ʒ /, / dʒ /, / ð/,
/l/, /m/, /n/, /r/, /w/, /j/, / ŋ/
母音:/ æ /, / ɛ /, / ɪ /, / a /, / ʌ /, / e /, / i /, / aɪ/, / o /, / u /, / ʊ /, / ɔ /, / ɔɪ/,
/ aʊ /, / ɝ /, / ɚ/, /ə /
把下列動詞改成過去式,並放入正確的字尾 ed 發音的欄位。
1. clean 打掃 2. cook 做菜 3. want 想要 4. invite 邀請 5. listen 聽
6. need 需要 7. relax 放鬆 8. shop 購物 9. study 用功 10. talk 說話
11. visit 拜訪 12. wait 等待 13. play 玩 14. watch 看 15. cry 哭泣

基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.7
原型 V1 過去式 V2 過去分詞 V3 現在分詞 V-ing
1. be 是 was/were been being
2. buy 買 bought bought buying
3. come 來 came come coming
4. do 做 did done doing
5. drink 喝 drank drunk drinking
6. drive 開車 drove driven driving
7. eat 吃 ate eaten eating
8. find 找 found found finding
9. fly 飛 flew flown flying
10. forget 忘記 forgot forgotten forgetting
11. get 拿 got gotten getting
12. give 給 gave given giving
13. go 去 went gone going
14. have 有 had had having
15. know 知道 knew known knowing
16. leave 離開 left left leaving
17. lose 輸,遺失 lost lost losing
18. make 做 made made making
19. meet 碰面 met met meeting
20. quit 戒,辭職 quit quit quitting
21. read 閱讀 read read reading
22. ride 騎 rode ridden riding
23. run 跑 ran run running
24. see 看 saw seen seeing
25. sell 賣 sold sold selling
26. sing 唱歌 sang sung singing
27. sit 坐 sat sat sitting
28. sleep 睡 slept slept sleeping
29. speak 說 spoke spoken speaking
30. spend 花費 spent spent spending
31. swim 游泳swam swum swimming
32. take 拿 took taken taking
33. think 想thought thought thinking
34. wear 穿 wore worn wearing
35. win 贏 won won winning
36. write 寫wrote written writing
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.8
B. 現在完成式與過去簡單式的不同
a. 比較
現在完成式 Present Perfect 過去簡單式 Simple Past
1. 用來表達過去某個時間開始的事情,1. 用來表達過去發生的某件事情,在
持續到現在,可能持續到未來。 過去已經結束了。
I have lived in Taipei for 20 I lived in Sydney for 2 years.
2. 用來表達發生在過去不特定時間發 2. 用來表達過去特定時間發生的事情。
生的事情。強調與現在之間的關係。 強調過去的時間。
They have decided to get They decided to get married
married. last night.
He has been to Japan twice. He was in Japan last year.
3. 用來表達事情發生在一段期間內, 3. 用來表達事情發生在一段期間內,
而這期間還沒有結束。 而這期間已經結束。
I have read two books today. I read two books last night.

b . 使用
I have been to Japan three times.
I went to Japan last year.

A: Have you been to Japan?
B: Yes, I’ve been to Japan twice.
A: Really. When was the last time you went to Japan?
B: I went there last May. I went to Hokkaido.
A: How did you like it?
B: I loved it. It was beautiful and people were very friendly.

現在完成 過去簡單
Have you been to Kobe?
Yes, I have.
How long were you there?
I was there for five days.

基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.9

C. 現在完成式與過去簡單式的不同
b. 根據括號內提示的動詞,用現在完成式或過去簡單式完成句子
A: _______ you ever _________ anyone famous? (meet)
B: Yes, I ______, actually. When I ______ in Mexico on vacation. (be)
A: Really? Who _____ you ______ ? (meet)
B: Michael Jackson. He _____ in the same restaurant as me. (be)

A: ____Have____ you ever __written______ a diary? (write)
B: Yes, I __have_____. I __wrote_____ one when I was a teenager.
A: _Did_______ you __write______ it every day? (write)
B: No, I __didn’t_______. Only when I __was____ on holiday. (be)

A: ________ you ever _______ to France? (go)
B: Yes, I _______. I _______ there six years ago. (go)
A: Where ______ you _______ ? (stay)
B: I _______ an apartment near Bordeaux. (rent)

A: __Has____ your mother ever _been____ to a rock concert? (go)
B: Yes, she _has____. She __went_____to one or two when she was
young. (go)
A: Who _did____ she __see_____? (see)
B: Well, I know she __saw___ David Bowie before he
_become_____famous. (see,
before, after, if, until, since
A: ______ you ever _____ to play an instrument? (learn)
B: No, I ________. What about you?
A: Well, I _____ to learn the piano at school. (try)
B: ______ you any good? (be)
A: No, I ______ no idea what I was doing! (have)

基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.10

D. 現在完成進行式
1. 我們用現在完成進行式來表達某件事情或某個動作在過去開始,持續了一段
I have been waiting here for thirty minutes.
They have been sitting in class since 8 o’clock.
2. 我們用現在完成進行事來表達某件事情或動作剛剛結束,現在沒有發生,但
The kids have been playing here. Their toys are all over the room.
It’s been raining. The streets are still wet.

1. 肯定句 S + have/has + been + V-ing
S + have/has + been + V-ing
I have been living here since I was born.
They have been swimming.
She has been working all day.
3. 否定句在助動詞 have/has 後面加 not
S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + V-ing
I haven’t been studying.
You haven’t been making any progress.
He hasn’t been waiting.
3. Yes/No 問句把助動詞 have/has 放在主詞前面造問句
Have/Has + S + been + V-ing
Have you been running?
Have they been touring the U.S.?
Has he been writing his essay?

4.WH 問句則將疑問詞放在最前面再依序放助動詞 have/has、主詞、動詞

WH have/has + S + been + V-ing
How long have you been waiting?
Who has she been talking to?
How many people have been standing in line?

三、現在完成進行式的副詞如:all day, all morning, today 等。也常跟介系詞

for 與 since 連用…等。

基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.11

E. 現在完成式與現在完成進行式的不同
現在完成式 現在完成進行式
Present Perfect Present Perfect Progressive
1. 用來表達過去不特定期間發生的事情, 1. 用來表達過去發生的事情,這動作還
動作已經結束,但是結果跟現在有關。 沒有結束,可能持續到未來。強調的
強調結果。 是動作的持續。
I’ve read a book. I’ve been reading a book.
(I finished the book.) (I’m still reading it.)
She’s written an article. She’s been writing an article.
(She finished the article.) (She’s still writing it.)
2. 用來表達完成了多少 how much,做 2. 用來表達某件事情發生了多久
過多少次 how many times,做了多 I’ve been reading books on pandas
少事情 how many things。 for two months.
I’ve read a lot about it.
I’ve been to Africa twice.
She’s written three articles.
3. 某些動詞用現在完成式與現在完成進 3. 某些動詞用現在完成式與現在完成進
行式表達的意義基本上是相同的。這 行式表達的意義基本上是相同的。這
些動詞是用來表達常態性,習慣性的 些動詞是用來表達常態性,習慣性的
活動,如:live, work, teach, study, 活動,如:live, work, teach, study,
smoke, play, wear glasses, read 等 smoke, play, wear glasses, read 等
等。 等。
She’s studied pandas for two She’s been studying pandas for
years. two years.
I have lived here for ten years. I’ve been living here for ten years.
Complete the conversations. 用現在完成式或現在完成進行式來完成句子
A: What are you doing, Trevor? (1) ___________ (you/be) in here for ages.
You’re making an awful mess.
B: (2) _________________ (I/clean) out this cupboard most of the afternoon.
There’s a lot of old stuff in here. (3) ______________ (I/find) these, look.
A: (4) ________________ (you/sit) there staring at those old boots for the
last five minutes. (5) _____________ (I/watch) you. (6) _____________
(you/be) in a dream.
A: They’re football boots. (7) _____________ (I/have) them since I was about
sixteen. (8) ________________ (they/be) in here for years.
A: Well, throw them away. And what about that tennis racket? Is that yours?
B: No, it must be yours. (9) ________________ (I/never/have) a tennis
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.12
F. 過去完成式
1. 過去完成式用來表達跟過去另外一個事件間的關係。用來表達某件事情發生
By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies had become independent.

2. 描述過去的兩件事情,先發生的用過去完成式,後發生的用過去簡單式。
By the time I got there, the flight had left.
I went to the box office at lunch-time, but they had already sold al the

3. 當兩件事情間的關係很清楚的時候,比方說用 before, after, as soon as 連

The bus had left before he got there.
The bus left before he got there.
二、過去完成式的句型為:主詞+had+過去分詞 (S + had + V3)
1. 肯定句句型:S + had + V3
When they turned on the TV, the game had finished.
2. 否定句句型:S + had + not + V3
They hadn’t gone home until late.
3. Yes/No 問句句型:Had + S + V3?
Had he enjoyed the party?
4. WH 問句句型: WH + had + S + V3?
Where had he put his wallet?
G. 時態比較
1. When John arrived, they had diner. 當約翰抵達後,他們吃晚餐。
(First John arrived. Then they had dinner.) 約翰先抵達,然後他們再吃晚餐。
2. When John arrived, they were having dinner.當約翰抵達時,他們正在吃晚餐。
(When John arrived, they were in the middle of dinner.)
3. When John arrived, they had had dinner. 當約翰抵達時,他們已經吃完晚餐。
(They had dinner before John arrived.) 在約翰抵達前,他們已經吃完晚餐。
4. When I switched the TV on, the program started. I was just in time.
5. When I switched the TV on, the program had started. I miss the beginning.
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.13
G. Add a sentence with the Past Perfect using the notes.
Claire looked very suntanned when I saw her last week.
She had just been on holiday. (just/be on holiday)
1. We rushed to the station, but we were too late.
______________________________ (the train/just/go)
2. I didn’t have an umbrella, but that didn’t matter.
______________________________ (the rain/stop)
3. When I got to the concert hall, they wouldn’t let me in.
______________________________ (forget/my ticket)
4. Someone got the number of the car the raiders used.
______________________________ (steal/it/a week before)
5. I was really pleased to see Rachel again yesterday.
______________________________ (not see/her/for ages)
6. Luckily the flat didn’t look too bad when my parents called in.
______________________________ (just/clean/it)
7. The boss invited me to lunch yesterday, but I had to refuse the invitation.
______________________________ (already/eat/my sandwiches)

H. 把括號裡面的動詞用正確的時態完成句子。
1. I _________ (wait) to play tennis yesterday when my partner ________ (call) me
to say that he couldn’t come because his car ___________ (break down).
2. Chicago _________ (beat) Boston yesterday. Boston _________ (win) 44-39 in the
first half but Chicago _________ (score) 46 points in the second half to Boston’s
3. We were late. When we ___________ (arrive) everyone ______________ their
lunch and they _______________ (sit) in the living room having coffee.
4. I _________ (run) to the station but the six o’clock train _____________
(already/leave). The train station ________ empty except for three people who
_____________ (wait) for the next train.
5. It __________ (start) raining when he _____________ (walk) to work. He
_________ (stop) a taxi because he ____________ (not wear) a coat and he
______________ (not have) an umbrella.
6. They _____________ (drive) to the airport when they suddenly ___________
(remember) that they _____________ (not turn off) the lights.
7. I _____________ (not recognize) many people at my old school reunion because
everyone ________________ a lot in 20 years.
8. The game _______________ (already/start) when we __________ (turn on) the
TV. Costa Rica ____________ (lose) 1:0 and they ___________ (play) very badly.
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.14
Answer Key
A. 一、
1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. since
1. I have studied at this school for three months.
2. I have know my best friend since college.
3. They have been married for over 30 years.
4. I have had my current hairstyle since this spring.
5. I have had my cell phone since last September.
6. I have been up for 12 hours.

1. Have you decided which one to buy yet?
2. I have already explained this to you three times.
3. Their baby son has already started talking.
4. Have you phoned Jane yet?
5. The game has not finished yet.
6. I have already had lunch.
7. He has already spent all his money.

1. haven’t read
2. have lost
3. have booked
4. has not happened
5. Have you replied
6. It has just started
7. She has just finished
8. I have just sold

/t/ cooked, relaxed, shopped, talked, watched
/d/ cleaned, listened, studied, played, cried
wanted, invited, needed, visited, waited
基礎文法 L3 現在完成式與過去完成式 Jessie Lin P.15
1. Have, met, have, was, did, meet, was
2. Have, written, have, wrote, Did, write, didn’t, was
3. Have, been, have, went, did, stay, rented
4. Has, gone, has, went, did, see, saw, became
5. Have, learned, haven’t, tried, Were, had

(1) You have been
(2) I have been cleaning
(3) I have found
(4) You have been sitting
(5) I have been watching
(6) You have been
(7) I have had
(8) They have been
(9) I have never had

1. The train had just gone.
2. The rain had stopped.
3. I had forgotten my ticket.
4. They had stolen it a week before.
5. I hadn’t seen her in ages.
6. I had just cleaned it.
7. I had already eaten my sandwiches.

1. called, had broken down
2. beat, was winning, scored
3. arrived, had finished, were sitting
4. ran, had already left, was, were waiting
5. started, was walking, stopped, wasn’t wearing, didn’t have
6. were driving, remembered, hadn’t turned off
7. didn’t recognize, had changed
8. had already started, turned on, was losing, were playing

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