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Process Dynamics and Control, 2nd Edition By

Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F. Edgar, and Duncan A.

Article in AIChE Journal · November 2008

DOI: 10.1002/aic.11628


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1 author:

Mikhail Skliar
University of Utah


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Process Dynamics and Control, 2nd methods for obtaining dynamic models from designed, single-loop controllers. The strategies
Edition process response data, including graphical and for reducing interactions between multiple sin-
regression techniques. An introduction to sys- gle-loop controllers are also considered. Real-
By Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F. Edgar, and tem identification methods, not covered in the time optimization of multivariable processes is
Duncan A. Mellichamp, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, first edition, has been added. discussed in Chapter 19, while the model pre-
2003, 736 pp., $138.95. Analysis and design of feedback and feed dictive control of multivariable processes is the
forward controllers is the subject of the third subject of Chapter 20.
part of the book. Chapters 8, 9 and Appendix A Part Four concludes with several new topics,
The second edition of this leading textbook introduce fixed-structure (PID and on-off) con- including an introduction to statistical process
on process control has now been in use for sev- trollers and the associated control instrumenta- control and process monitoring (Chapter 21),
eral academic years, enough time for its thor- tion. In Chapter 10, a procedure for selecting control of batch processes (Chapter 22), and
ough evaluation and classroom testing. Signifi- the controlled, manipulated and measured varia- design of plant-wide control systems (Chapters
cant revision of the original text reflects chang- bles, and the discussion of consequences of pro- 23–24, and Appendix E).
ing process control practice, and recognition of cess design decisions (such as heat integration The revised text is primarily intended for use
an increased importance of improved process and material recycle) on the operation of con- in teaching undergraduate process control. Dur-
control at all levels—from regulatory to plant- trol systems has been added since the first ing a 15-week course an instructor can cover
wide, thus, placing a premium on process engi- edition. most of the material from the first three parts of
neers capable of understanding, maintaining and Dynamic behavior and stability of the the text, plus selected topics from Part 4. End-
designing the traditional and advanced process closed-loop systems is the subject of Chapter of-chapter problems are very good, and now
control systems. 11. In Chapter 12 design, tuning, and trouble- include a substantial number of Matlab/Simu-
The revised textbook consists of 24 chapters shooting of PID control loops have been sub- link exercises. A useful tool in teaching from
organized into four parts, plus five appendices. stantially revised, and organized into a single the textbook is an access-controlled instructor’s
The presentation style is clear and concise chapter. companion Web site, which contains the solu-
which, according to students’ feedback, resulted The frequency response methods in analysis tion manual, PowerPoint presentations for all
in a very readable textbook. The introductory and design of control systems are considered in chapters, and a gallery of figures and images
part discusses the need for process control, Chapters 13, 14 and Appendix D. In this new appearing in the text.
introduces key terminology, and gives illustra- edition, the introductory concepts of robust con- The second edition preserves the attributes that
tive examples, some of which are revisited in trol have been added, while frequency-domain made the original textbook a success—the bal-
the subsequent chapters to introduce alternative identification of empirical models has been anced and concise presentation with clarity and
and increasingly complex control solutions. eliminated. pedagogical skill—and incorporates significant
Examples of both continuous and batch proc- In all chapters, the presentation is richly revisions that reflect the changing process control
esses are included. The discussion of the hierar- illustrated with examples. The exercise prob- practice, maturation of several theoretical direc-
chy of control problems, and the roadmap to lems encourage students to use computer simu- tions, and an evolution of the chemical engineer-
the design of control systems conclude the first lations to further investigate theoretical con- ing curriculum in response to technological and
chapter. cepts. An introduction to Matlab and Simulink economic changes. Despite the introduction of
Chapter 2 and Appendix B summarize the has been added (Appendix C). several new topics and expanded coverage of
methodology of obtaining theoretical models of Several specialized and advanced topics are others, the authors maintained approximately the
dynamic systems. Specific emphasis is on ther- collected in Part Four of the book. The same page count by eliminating less important
mal, fluid, reaction and separation processes; enhancements of single-loop controllers, such and outdated material. The presentation is read-
numerous examples are used to illustrate the as cascade control and time delay compensa- able and amply illustrated with examples. One of
derivation of dynamic models based on theoret- tion, are the subject of Chapter 16, which also the best features of the textbook is a large number
ical considerations. includes the introduction to selective, adaptive of well-designed exercises, ranging in difficulty
The dynamic behavior of linear systems and nonlinear control systems. Design and tun- from simple to challenging. In some cases, the
(Chapters 3 to 7) is the subject of the second ing of digital control systems is discussed in exercises resemble troubleshooting situations
part of the book. The topics include lineariza- Chapter 17. Overall, z-transform methods when only symptoms of the problem are apparent,
tion of nonlinear models, Laplace transform and receive less attention than in the first edition, and the students must find a way to apply their
transfer functions, dynamic behavior of simple while the emphasis on time-domain methods is theoretical knowledge to diagnose and resolve the
processes, the effect of poles and zeros on the increased throughout the text. problem.
system response, multivariable systems, and Control of multivariable processes is dis- Overall, the revised book is one of the best text-
systems with time delays. Compared to the first cussed in Chapters 18–20. First, the authors book choices for teaching process control. It is also
edition, a greater emphasis is placed on state- introduce relative gain and singular value analy- suitable for a self-study of the subject, or as a refer-
space models and the relationship between sis as methods for systematic pairing of input ence for practicing process control engineers.
models of different types. Part Two is con- and output variables in order to minimize inter-
cluded with a concise summary of several actions between multiple, independently-
Mikhail Skliar
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
AiChE Journal, Vol. 54, 3026 (2008) University of Utah
Ó 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers 50 S. Central Campus Dr.
DOI 10.1002/aic.11628 Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Published online September 24, 2008 in Wiley InterScience ( E-mail:

3026 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE November 2008 Vol. 54, No. 11 AIChE Journal

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