Article Regarding Fedeli Apology

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SHAPE OF THE Peter Howell’s take on

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Party activist
TRUMP STOKES who exposed
gets apology
Jim Karahalios lost membership,
U.S. president announces plan to slap tariffs faced lawsuit after challenging
on steel and aluminum. Canada calls the move Brown over nominations, policy
‘absolutely unacceptable’ and promises ROBERT BENZIE

to retaliate if it does not get an exemption Progressive Conservative interim leader

Vic Fedeli has formally apologized to a
party activist who was targeted for his
opposition to discredited former chief
Patrick Brown.
Jim Karahalios, head of the “Axe the
“People have no idea Carbon Tax” and “Take Back Our PC
how badly our country Party” campaigns, led the grassroots
charge against Brown’s leadership.
has been treated by Karahalios was in-
other countries, by strumental in expos-
ing problems at Tory
people representing us candidate nomina-
that didn’t have a clue. tion elections, as well
as the policy-making
Or if they did, then they process and other
should be ashamed of abuses of the party
constitution. Jim Karahalios,
themselves because In response, the To- head of the
they’ve destroyed the ries filed an expensive “Axe the
legal action against Carbon Tax”
steel industry, they’ve him that a judge ruled and “Take Back
destroyed the aluminum was a SLAPP, a “stra- Our PC Party.”
tegic lawsuit against
industry . . .” public participation” to stifle dissent.
LUCAS OLENIUK/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO Yet under Brown, the party planned to
Donald Trump Bob Bratina, the Liberal MP for Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, said tariffs could have a major impact appeal that decision.
on his region, where ArcelorMittal Dofasco, above, and Stelco have facilities. Things changed after he was forced to
resign on Jan. 25 amid allegations of sex-
said it would propose “countermeasures”
this week.
“People have no idea how badly our
country has been treated by other coun-
25% ual impropriety.
Fedeli, who has vowed to clean up the
WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump’s move fulfils the protectionist tries, by people representing us that proposed tariff Brown-era “rot” in the party, said Kara-
Trump said Thursday that he is going to trade rhetoric of his campaign, and it may didn’t have a clue. Or if they did, then they on steel. halios had been unfairly treated and
put tariffs on steel and aluminum from prove popular in Rust Belt states key to should be ashamed of themselves be- praised him for his “hard work to ensure
every other country, an act that could his victory. cause they’ve destroyed the steel indus- 85% that our party constitution is upheld.”
cause significant harm to Canadian pro- But it is opposed by most business try, they’ve destroyed the aluminum in- Percentage “No PC party activist conducting grass-
ducers, raise prices for U.S. consumers groups, senior Republican legislators, dustry, and other industries, frankly,” he of Canadian roots campaigns in accordance with our
and prompt an escalating round of in- and many of his own top advisers. said at the White House. steel exports, party’s constitution should ever have to
ternational retaliation. Trump said the steel tariff will be 25 per U.S. steel and aluminum producers ap- worth about go through what Mr. Karahalios went
The retaliation threats began immedi- cent, the aluminum tariff 10 per cent. He plauded. But companies that rely on steel $6 billion through: barring him from our party’s
ately. Calling the tariffs “absolutely unac- said he will impose the tariffs “next and aluminum, which employ many annually, convention; revoking his membership;
ceptable,” Foreign Affairs Minister week,” that they will last “for a long peri- more people than the producers, warned that go to and forcing him to defend against a frivo-
Chrystia Freeland promised “responsive od of time,” and that they will bring back of price increases and job losses. the U.S. lous and vexatious lawsuit.
measures” if Canada does not get a last- jobs stolen by countries that have acted
minute exemption. The European Union unfairly. TRUMP continued on A10 TORY APOLOGY continued on A4

Patriotism in bulk: Feds call for Halton Catholic board under fire
3.5 million more Maple Leaf pins for charity ban over religious values
Heritage department has ordered them up and lose them in junk drawers Thousands have signed petition charities that support abortion, we are
for many years to come. making sure the Catholic schools are
almost 15 million since 2013 Natalie Huneault, spokesperson for the to repeal controversial motion walking the talk,” Karabela said in a state-
heritage department, said in an ment to the Star. “The church teaches
ALEX BALLINGALL email that the government TAMAR HARRIS AND VJOSA ISAI that abortion is the killing of an unborn
spent $792,940 to buy 11.1 human being.”
OTTAWA— How many Canadi- million lapel pins from 2013 An Ontario Catholic school board’s ban The list of organizations that receive fi-
an flag lapel pins could the to 2017. on donations to charities that aren’t in nancial donations from schools “is cur-
government possibly need? The cost of the latest line with its values has outraged some rently under review to ensure compliance
Try 14.6 million. batch will depend on who “It is always parents and students, with more than with the motion,” a Halton school board
That, according to the De- gets the supply contract, the right time 12,000 signing a petition to repeal it. spokesperson told the Star in an email.
partment of Canadian Heri- she said. A tender notice to do the The Halton Catholic District School David Harvey, a father of three, said he
tage, is how many little Maple published Thursday states the govern- Board won’t provide or facilitate any fi- felt the board acted “as a matter of princi-
Leaf clasps the government will have pur- ment will give the latest lapel pin contract right thing.” nancial donations to organizations that ple” rather than looking at which chari-
chased since 2013, after it fulfils its most to the lowest bidder. HELENA “publicly support, either directly or in- ties would be affected.
recent order for another 3.5 million brass Huneault explained that the pins are KARABELA directly,” abortion, contraception, steril-
and polystyrene pins. used for “notable celebrations” like Na- HALTON ization, euthanasia or embryonic stem HALTON continued on A3
Such a quantity could supply four in 10 tional Flag Day every Feb. 15, as well as TRUSTEE WHO cell research.
Canadians with their own special flag pin. other events like Canada Day. They are INTRODUCED The controversial motion was first in-
Each member of the federal public ser- also distributed to parliamentarians, she MOTION troduced in January and moved by Oak- áFULL INDEX FOR
vice — numbering 263,000 last year — said. ville trustee Helena Karabela. The mo- FRIDAY, A2
could wear 55 of them at the same time. tion was upheld at a meeting last week. ON0
And visiting dignitaries could snatch PINS continued on A3 “With this motion to ban donations to

Trademark owned by VIA Rail Canada Inc. THE TRAIN?


RCAF Brown blasted for

makes abusing his power

“Our focus should be on unity and

winning elections, not hopeless law-

suits against loyal conservatives,”
Fedeli added.
“When hardworking Ontario fami-
lies donate to the PC party, their sup-
port is intended to help us win elec-
Six-seater inflatable raft tion campaigns, not fight lawsuits.
“This is why, after becoming inter-
falls from rescue helicopter im leader, I asked for a review of
through roof of Florida home party spending, which included lim-
iting our party’s future legal expens-
AND HOWARD COHEN Fedeli blasted “the previous leader”
MIAMI HERALD for continuing the court fight. Interim Ontario PC Leader Vic
MIAMI—Luce Rameau was lying in “It is regrettable that the PC party Fedeli called for the party to focus
bed and talking to a friend on her even commenced this lawsuit; it on “unity and winning elections.”
cellphone when she heard what she should not have been pursued in the
thought was a bomb. first place,” he said. scathing written decision.
Then she was covered in wood and Karahalios, who had been seeking “The application is precisely the
dust from her roof. more than $140,000 in damages and kind of application for which the an-
“I kept screaming, ‘What hap- legal costs from the party, thanked ti-SLAPP provisions were intro-
pened? What happened?”’ she said. Fedeli “for his work in leading our duced to counter,” wrote Perell, re-
“I was shocked.” party out of this dark period in its ferring to a 2015 Ontario law de-
Turns out what sounded like a history.” signed to stop such nuisance law-
bomb was actually a 36-kilogram in- Terms of any settlement were not suits and lambasting the
flatable raft crashing through the disclosed. Conservatives for questionable “le-
roof of her home in Miami’s Ives Es- “During their tenure leading the gal theory.”
tates neighbourhood. Ontario PC party, reports have sug- “Its articulation of the basis of its
And where did the raft come from? gested that Patrick Brown and (for- claims against Mr. Karahalios is
Police say the yellow raft fell from a mer president) Rick Dykstra abused fuzzy,” the judge ruled.
Royal Canadian Air Force search- their power to collude and allow PC Karahalios, a Cambridge corporate
and-rescue helicopter on its way candidates to be selected through il- lawyer, has emerged as a conscience
back to Miami-Opa Locka Executive legitimate and undemocratic of the PC party. His crusade against
Airport. means,” Karahalios said. Brown’s embrace of a carbon tax has
The Canadian Air Force had been “The Brown-Dykstra era was a dis- been embraced by all the leadership
conducting an offshore training ex- grace to our party, and shall serve as a hopefuls in the March 10 PC leader-
ercise and somehow the raft “sep- PEDRO PORTAL PHOTOS/TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE black mark on the PC party’s histo- ship contest.
arated from the helicopter,” a police A raft dropped from an RCAF helicopter caused extensive damage to a ry.” Former MPP Christine Elliott, for-
spokesperson said. home in Florida after crashing through the roof. Homeowner Luce Rameau Dykstra resigned as party president mer Toronto city councillor Doug
David Lavallee, a Royal Canadian escaped from the incident unhurt, but says she remains “shaken up.” Jan. 28 after being accused of sexual Ford, rookie PC candidate Caroline
Air Force spokesperson, said assault. Mulroney and social conservative
Wednesday night that crews were in accommodations and other sup- ocean and a U.S. Coast Guard station. Both he and Brown have denied any activist Tanya Granic Allen all op-
South Florida for a few weeks “taking port.” Cowart said police were able to wrongdoing. pose the measure.
advantage of the warm weather” to According to Miami-Dade Fire, make immediate contact with the “The numerous individuals who In their suit that was thrown out,
train for water search-and-rescue crews responded to a call that some- Canadian Air Force officials, whom were robbed of PC nominations, ei- the Tories claimed Karahalios broke
missions. thing fell through the roof. When he described as being “really up front ther by being disqualified without the law by supposedly using the par-
The military’s director of flight safe- they arrived, they found the unin- with us” and having sent someone to due process, as a result of voting ir- ty’s membership list to contact peo-
ty is now investigating how and why flated six-seat raft, less than one me- the scene. regularities, or as a result of some ple for his grassroots campaigns.
the raft detached from the CH-146 tre by one metre in size, in the bed- While the Federal Aviation Admin- other deceit, suffered a gross injus- At the November PC convention in
Griffon helicopter, which is normally room of the home. istration, which is responsible for tice that should never be permitted Toronto, Karahalios had his party
based at Canadian Forces Base Tren- Miami-Dade Police spokesperson flight safety in the U.S., was aware of in our democracy,” said Karahalios. membership revoked and he was
ton. Det. Lee Cowart said the area where the incident, a spokesperson In December, Superior Court Jus- banned from entering the one-day
Lavallee added that the Air Force the incident took place is located on a couldn’t immediately say whether it tice Paul Perell tossed the case the conference at the Toronto Congress
intends to help “the resident with common flight path between the would launch its own investigation. Tories filed against Karahalios with a Centre.

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